tcoJC?Sfc4N-s SV ,J -4.- A-,. y-"'v - -rr 1 t.5t - - mmw tk p& Ml F"iai&soisrj&uj . Fino Stationery at Norton's. , TJio echoouer Joseph Ituss arrivod Monday morning. Tlio AUInuco brought, n full CArgo of Chinamen foi too calnion canuoiy Thareday. Deputp United States Marsha) Jacob JProbstel catno.down on tbo Allianco on official business. Peter.Clauson or shoes. . , Mrs. Phil Wilbur and Miss Magglo Anderson returned Thursday from an Eastern trip, and report a pleasant time R. J. Coke, who has charge o! H. Songstackcn'a storo iu Kmpire, came up Sunday to see bis family. , Her. Mulkey, Pastor of the Christian .church at Coqnillo was in town Monday on his way out to Eugene after his fam- j Best lino of School ekoeB at Peter Clausen's. . Hugh McLain has gono to Empire to accept agood position In tbo construc tion work on tlio Belt Lino railroad, r Tho P. S. T. it T. Co. bavo Just receiv ed tho new directory of their patrons and. will be distributed soon. . "Wo promise that chould you ueo PUT NAM FADELESS DYL'S and bo disatls Scd from any causa whatever, to refund Qi. for overy package. Mo'BOKDnca Co., Unionville, Mo Sold by John Preuss. ; J. McXamara, representing Floieh ner, Meyer & Co., of Portland, and J. C. Yalo, representing Levi, Straus & Co., of San Francisco were arrivals on tho Mllauoo, i The Telephono Co. is removing about a mile of pole between Coquillo City and Myrtlo Point so the county author ities can straighten out the road. The rifle which was raffled off Sunday by Emit Volkman at the Owl Billiard Parlors wa? won by W.A. Wooliever and t'. X. llofer, they bavin;; joint owner ship in tho lucky number G7. Yva. Ward has his engine placed in readiness for hauling logs on Isaac Wil son's place on Daniel's creek, whore he frill deliver abont COO to the Simpson Lumber Co'e. railroad. The . best physic Charaberlain'a fltomach and Liver Tablet. . Easy to ke. Pleasant in effect. For ealo by 3 no Press:. Harry Backoneto writes to the Mail Vom Portland thr.t he is at work for llarech & Georgo in one of tho best ap pointed ba'rber shops in tho North West, and that Mrs. Backentto is much pleased with Portland. John Sparks of Reno, 2ev., will not dhow at the California State Fair this yaar, preferring to uhow at tho Oregon fetato Fair insload, He has one of tho finest herds o! Hereford cattle in tho United States and will exhibit 20 head at thefair this fall. ' A. J. Cottingham went to Washington County, Ark., to boo his sister and vvbllo there was taken with flux (dyeentorr) and wna very bad off. He decided to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was much pleated Tho steamer Areata left San Francisco Thursday with ICO tons of freight for tho Standard Oil Co'a dock. F. P. Norton told his property on corner of 0. and Broadway to W. 0. Williams of South Dakota for $2000. Henry Scnstacken mado tho real es tate transaction Henry Eougstackon bought tho Snoddon acreage ou Pony slough Thursday the prico paid was (1000. U. Q. Ploegcr is gradually improving and was up and dressed Friday for the first timo. ThoNcodlo workers' club will meet next Thnrfday at tho homo of Mr. J. T. Hall, in West MarshfleldK Georgo Wolff brought in n fino large halibut Thursday, weighing nearly 200 pounds. Henry Songstackon cutortainod some Spokano friends Sunday by a trip to tho Mazo and other points oi interest, taking lu Rocky Point, North Bond tho Jetty, Life-Saving Station aud other points of intorest. Schooner Orient was towed up to the railroad wharf Friday morning. Mr. are Mrs. Georgo Smith who hovo been camping at Rocky Point returned yesterday. Who over has J. W. Tibbett'a soda water glass hoidor, plea to return it at onco. Mr. Tibbett'a will richly rcwaul ita return. T. A.Sacchi expects to start for Port land this morning na a dolegate to the State Grand Lodge Fraternal Union of America. A. B. Campboll expects n largo con signment of ptachos from Koseburg. Thoy will arrive 8unday afternoon ir Monday, via team. Wm. Nasburg, Dr. Straw and Chap. McKnfgbt went down to tho stavo mill Friday afternoon a bagged 1200 snipo Thero was moro than a gunny sack ful. JohuW. Flanagan, has just installed a fine new hardwood roll-top desk in his ofUce at tho dock warehouse. J. S. Kaufman Ex-mayor of Spo k'ario, Wash., an active real estato man oi that place, together with other fne.ids aro looking over tho resources of Coos Bay and the county in general nnd aro very favorably impressed aud it is oafo to say that wo will see moro Spokano capitalists hero in tho near future. Archio Krueo and John W. Flanagan killed 700 snipe, A snipe a apiece for tho town. LAkB & COOS iAY TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. . Trl-Weokly trips between Lnko nnd Jarvis Landing. Connecting with steam launch Now Era and tbo beautiful Ton mllo Lake. Leaving Lako, Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Leaving .larvls Tuewlaya, Thursday aud Saturday, Faro l.'W. Tliu steam launch Now Era isbiibstan tinl, comfortablo and well fitted nnd Is ready for hlro to oxcursion prl!o at nl times. 8-21-tf, TIMBER LAND ACT. JUNE a. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Laud Olllco, Rosoburu , Or. Aug 8. 11)02. Nottco is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of tho net of Congress of JimoU, 1878, outltled "An net for tho ealo of timber lands In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Turrltorv." as extended to all tho Public Land States by act of August I. 1MK, CHARLES L. CONGER, of Mcintosh, county of Polk, titato of Minn., has thU day filed in this otllcu his Hrorri statement No. UIGI for the THE LATEST NOVELTIES ForLadies', Gents' andChil d ren's Wear : George Tibbitts I. O. O. K. Building MARSHFIELD, OREGON mrchaso of tho NE1-1 of Section No. '.'3 10 West nnd will offer proof to show that mi In Township No. 20 South ol Range No. tho land toticht is more vulnnblo lor its timber or stOnn than (ornitriuultural pur poses, and to estublith his claim to said land boforo tho Register and Receiver o( this oilico at Rotoburg, Oregon, ou Mon day tho 22 day of December, 1002. Ho names as witnesses: Charlcu Thorn, of Rofeburg, Oregon, John Thorn, John Long, John decker, of Cleveland, Oregon. Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the abovo described lands are rwiuestod to file their claims in this office on or before said tttUr of December, 1002. S 23 J. T. Biiwokh, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Office at Department of the Interior, 1-nnd KOKburg, Oregon, Aug i6, 190a, Notice it hereby given that the following natncil settler tut filed notice of his Intention to uuVe final proof In support of his claim, and tint nirt proof will be nude Ixrforc V, U, Douglas U. S. Comniitsioncr at M.irhficld, Orecon, on September s;, 1903, vir: IESSBA. SMITH, on H. li. No. xcMti, for ths Wi-a of SK, Nli it of SliJ Sec o. 'I p 0 S., R . 1 1 West. He names the following witnesses to pr vc his continuous residence upon and cultiviilon of said lind, vit Kd Wuci, .1. D. Cutlfp. James L'nderwootl, V. It, Morgan, all of afarslifkld. Oregon. 8-33 I. T. flkirxiKS, Keghter. Sumner Hems Mrs. J. W. Cafcing is expected homo from Canyonviilo Saturday. Fred Wilson Mowed himself Fri day for a new Studebaker wagon. Ho bought it of tho MarshUeld ngout Mr. E. A Anderson. It is a .lin axle,' Cali fornia bed, low wheeled, wide tiro, farm wagon and Fred is now hookod up with wheeled rigs -galore, wheels that can haul BnythiocJijsm a hnystack to p. rock pile -if it ikn't too far. Capt. Harris brought down a boat load of shitttim bark from W. O. Matthews rilh tlm.nrnmnt Aiir n.1ilrli If ffVnl that ho wrote tlio manufacturers a letter 1 o Fflirvluw. Uonry Sengstacken bought in praise of their medicine. Mr. Cot- ingham resides at Lockland, Ark. This Itemedyis for sale by John Preues. Tho Epworth Lcagub of tho M. E. church gavo a farewell' party Wednesday evening in honor of Mis's Maude Brown, who l6lt on the Allianco for Armona, C'al., for a visit with friends. The nnrtv was at fho Hall homo' -at Centervilio, Uiore-was a large attendance aud a pleas Ktit timo is reportod. it. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beyora returned Friday from Baudon boacli, where thoy have boon outing for a woek. Archie Boono will return to Flko'e camp on the lowor Coquiile in a ew days. Hia hand is aboui will, Tho Sumner ecWl which oponexl last Monday, Is being well "attended, with Miss Gertrude James ac teacher. VflMBBHMBBHMBEI (Good fOi f pm tm S 1 'a KJ& w&. ii ktA mm rk a Rt'JA JHSib MJ& k mm M l tjuift mZm gzM i kmWLmmk r ' a enough 'SRVlJOdV! All Havana Filler I NEW JAPANESE SILKS GIBSON CUSHION COVERS KMII'D'Y. TWIST FILO SILK ENGLISH POINT AND HATENBERG BRAIDS DRESS GOODS WOOL HOODS FACINATORS. SILK AND WOOE SHAWLS HANDKER. CHIEFS BUTTONS SILK TIES NOTIONS SPECIAL PURCHASE NEW STOCK OE C'liOTHINO-, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GENTS' FUKNismisros, NECKTNTSSAR SOCKS Suspenders, underwear, G'LOVES' ALL FOR GENTS' WEAK LET US SHOW ,YOU OUR GOODS KID GLOVES MITTENS LACES EMBROIDERY HOSIERY RIBBONS SUMMER AND FALL HOSIERY LADIES WAISTS UNDER- WEAR FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN LADIES DRESS SKIRTS MUSLIN UNDER WEAR AND CORSETS GLOVES SILKS VELVETS-, FkORODORA? DANDS an of same value as Iqgs from ,' STAR," " HORSB SHOE," 'SPBAPHSAD,""STANPARD NA H." " OLD PEACH & HqWK 'SAvioar hold vargmyi' Ljr"MA5TtK WORKMAN" Tobacco. ?ssr 'c3S: JL A CHARMING SELECTION ECONOMICAL PRICES VERY LATEST STYLES GEORGE & TIBBITTS if v: 1 s M 1 I O. O. F, Building MARSHtfI3;U, OREGON