"W3W3Pf PROCEEDINGS Ar PIONEER'S REUNION Tho Coon uni! Curry County Plonoor end lllatorlcal Hooloty mot In tho 12th niinunl rounlon at tho Odd lMllowa Hull In Mnrsliilolti on Attic 15th 1DOJ. ' Tho first fonturo of thu occaalon wan tho partaking o( n lunch jirnimrod by Homo of tho plonoor ladluu of Mareliflold and vicinity. At 'J o'clock 1 M. PrcBldont H. I). Catlicart callml tho nieotln'ji to onlur. Tho minutes of tho last rounlon wero toad by tho lucrotnry, Mrs, Ada Dun gan, mid adoptud. It waamovwl and carrlml that tho next rotiiilon bn hold at Myrtlo l'olut unit fit J.' Krod tfalirooJur'a pkco mi tho thBiidlDof Auk. 11011, tho tnouihiK on tho 15th ut J. I. Hcliroodor's to l social. Tho fullowlnif olllcon woro thon oloot ad (or tlio oiiftiiliiK year 'J. Honry Hchrocdor. President. K. It Catlicart, lit Vlco IWilont. I. IHckor, 'Jrul Vlco Prealdont. IJ. V. linrinann, HecroUry. II. F. Roan, Treasurer. Mr i. Ada Dununn, Ulatorlan. hn (.Mitt, Marshal. it waa moved and carried that n war rant bo d mufti on tho troMiiror to pay hall rout and other Incidental expenses of this reunion. Tbrt ni'iotltiit thon a Mourned to muot again at H o'clock In thu rvonlnir. At H ::W o'clock I. M. Presldmit Callt cart called tho ineotlnK to onlur. Mm. Ada Daiuati bolnir unavoidably abiont, J,. Henry Bchrowlor una opontcd tec re tar v, prq,tom. llirf following program waa thoroupon rondcrtdt Hnir of tho Old Folks. Glioma. I.idlea Qunrlnlto, Kcrtucky Bans: Mlstos Aiiuio Flanagan, Huaio Hick worth, Edna Hear, and Evelyn Auilvr eon. Address: Dr. W. L. Holt, ol Portland. Tonor eolo, Hrarta: Mr. W. Hinltli. Comic nolo, I Don't Llko to (Jot Up uinr initio uorntnic jacic Flanagan. Address; Itov. Mr. Htraunu. Chorus, Halloo Hello. holo. Tho Whispered Vow; Mr. L. Nichola. Comic Trio, Thrro Old Bporti; Will Duncan, CUarlco Btauff and 'Vluco Pratt. Holo, Annlo Laurlo; Mrs. (.'. W. Tower. Playolit. MIstHualo Kick worth. On motion tho (ollowlni( commit' tee of cotidolonco on tho death of Mixr ahall Nay, Mrs. Harah Holland and Mlsi Holla KckhofJ, wna appointed and re an o tod to roK)rf.to tho eocrotfry to iituirow: Mm Mary Huiith, Mrq. Dora Catlicart and I HacW. Tho Following resolution was there upon adopted; Itoiolvod that wo extend our heart felt thnnka to M,rs U. W. Tower, plates Annlo Flanagan, Huilo KlckworthKdna litar, ami Kvolyn Anderson,. Mossra. W. Hinlth, Jack Flanagan, L. Nichola. Will DunRan, Charlea KtouiT, Vlnco Pratt, W. L, Holt and Itov. Mr. Btrungo for tho Interesting and Instructive program rendered for our uuturtalnmoiit. Tho ineutluit thon adjourned. ENGAGED. Marriairr in very largely nn accidaot. In few cases do men or women set up n standard of inniily or woniinly excellence nuil choose by It. In mot cntea people ttprnnif riif.iiicil n.1 tilt! rCMlIt Of 1)10- jilnnuity r.itlaer than because of any deep rooteil preference, And to it often Jinppcnn that the wile enter upon the oI)1IkiUoiih of maternity just ns thoughtlessly nn nhe entered on the marriage relation, because no one lias warned her of the duugcrs ehc faces. Thouundii of women become invalids for Inck ef knowledge of themselves. It is to this lurtfc liody of women that Dr. Pierce's Favorlto P r c h c r i i) 1 1 o n conies ns n priceless boou, because cures woinnnlv ilia. " Favorite Prescription " establishes i "julnrity, dries weakening clr.ilus, heals i ilammatlou and ulceration and cures ft male wcakitcaa. It innkes weak women itroug, nick women well. "AUtr nw firm chlltl was bom "writes Mrs, torJuii ritoftt. ori'awccllRAii, I'rctiericii'co, orJuii ritoilt. of l'awcctlRAi, 1'rcilerlcWCo., Vs.. inv health was scry lioor for n loni: lime, unit lnt winter 1 wnobail with jkiIii ilown in buck I could hardly move without rrcnt KiineritiR. My hutbaiul cot me u Ixjttlc of l)r. IMcicc'k l'n vorllc l'rcNCrf(tioii ami a vial of 111 ' I'lcannnt relicts,1 which I uirtt aidlrcctctl. In four day 1 was greatly relieved, and now, after iislnir the medicine three mouth. I ecm to be entirely vi-'ll, I can't vec- why It In Hint there lire m maiiv i'i!(Ttrliin women when there In such au ciivwny to lc cured. I know your mcillclucn ave'thc bent In lite world." Dr. Pierce's, Pleasant Pellets the fa vorite familv laxative. One ''Pellet ' a lixaUvci two '.rcJUta a caUwtic UoscJ aKMMMfMWIWBiVWMMSI it was man compared with formor mttntnni Tlioie attondlntr from the Cooullle . woro j I Hacker, Judge I). J. Ixjwe, Jorry Ilalnei, 3. Fred Bchrocdor and wlfo, A. H. Bchroetlor and wife, and J. Honry Bchromiernnd'wlfo. Following woro tho resolutions adopt ed by tho Committee of L'ondofonco: WhoaraH, the all wlio Itulor of the Unlvorno hns removed from our Associa tion Marshal Nny and Whereas In tho death of MarHhal Key this Anoclotlon hasloata truoand valu ed mombor. Whllo wo bow with humblo eubmlaalon, wo do not the loss mourn for our boloved and vunorabla Bieoclato, who has boen removed from our tnldat. Thoroforo bo it ' ItKBOLvat) That tho heartfelt sympa thy of tlilal association bo extendikl to his family In tholr aflUctlon. and a cony of the resolution bo spread upon the mlnlitoa of thla ainoclation and publish ed with tho proceedings of this meeting. Tho Ansel of Doath has agslri entered oni Association and, removed from, our midst Isabella Kchoff and Whereas by death thla association has loat a true and valued member, and. her family a loving dangler, thorcforo bo It uolvkd i liat wn extend to hor (ami ly our heartfelt antipathy and that a copy of thoao resolutions be apread upon the minutes of this Assoclwtion and a copy published Vfltu. tho ptocecdlnjrB of thla nicotinic. Itoiolutlons of condolenco ou tho death of Harah IJollsnd who was a pio neer of thla countr. Wo extentl to her family our heartfelt sympathy, alio waa not a mombor of our Association but wo havo none but tho kindest word of sorrow for any old plonoor who has withstood tho hardships of an early pioneer lifo. Therefore bolt IUspurcu this oxpeaelon of condo lenco bn incorporated in tho minutes of our association and published with tho proceedings of this meeting CommltteoJ P,0U0?,"CCA" " Miih. M. It. Bmiih OA3TOIIIA. vuiU, ) TU Klfrd YM rUw Alwiji Bflfl fUHf Ban Francleco, Aug. 6 The Pyllihy? aupremo tribunal today is considering tho establishment of a bk sanitarium at Hot Springs. No decision has been reached as yet. iney win prouaoiy aajourn wednes- day night. Tl .'ho itathbono Btstars installed their omcora and adjourned today. The visitors are enjoy (or excursous on the llay and other places of iutorcst. Paris, Aug. IS Franco declares that alio rctectcu uussia's propostlion for a iresii augar conierenco. ference. Royalists deny that thoy religtoua agitation. Tho French aro back of the .Memuora oi uio religious oruors ex pelled 'roni Franco havo applied to tho Vatican for pormlrslon to settle in tho Umtod Btatea. Bau, Francisco, Calif. Aug. 18 Pre lliniuary action in tho estate of tho lato Clma 1'iiir was culled by iudgo Cook to day aud will bo continued tomorrow. Wllkosbarre Aug. 18-Presldont Mit chell, according to a story current hero this morning, is to leavo hero Immedi ately ou his roluru from tho West, for Now York whoro ho will boo Morgan and solicit his aid in bringing about a settle ment of tho anthracite strike. This move on Mitchell's part will ex haust overy poseiblo tffort on his part to aucure a eottlumout by .arbitration and conciliation. Duryoa, Aug, 18 No attempt was mado this morning to roaumo work in Warnek wosbory. Nothing will prob ably bo douo in that direction ponding the result of tho hearing in Wilkosbarro in tho caso of tbo coal und Iron police men and armed workman who engaged in last weeks riot. Ilia roportid this morning that n numbor of Llthuanlaus und tiluva lnto formod a plot to dynamito tho breakera when work is roBumed. BORN THOMPSON-At tho Llfo-Savlng Sta tlon, at CupoArago, Aug, 201002 to Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Thompson a eon. Androw Sodoratrom who recently cut his foot, whllu working lu tho shipyard ha) moved hla family to Empire. Bonio counterfeit sllvor dollars are in circulation in Mjirabileld, Look. but for them, Tho attendance at thla reunion C&ym&Z t '. - TIMUKR LAND ACT, JUNK 3, 1878- NOTIOK fOIl PUliLIOATION. , United Slates Land Oflico. Hoteburcr, Oi, , , Aur7,1iu2. Notice is hereby tclvon. that in com pliance with tho provision of the act nl Pniln.n.. nl li.rfA'l IQ7U .... 1 1 1 1..I l 1 - 'Act fOJ-lh.b ealo bf Timber' Lands in the Btates oi California, Oreeon, Nevada. ana wnsninuion i urritory." as cxicnuoi to all tho Public Lands Btatea by act of AUUUS14, IbUZ, HKItMAN B. HEPIANBON, nf loin, county of Waupaca, State of Wis., has this day filed in this oflico his sworn statement No. 3174 for 'the ptirchatn of tho MVI-lof Section No, 2,0, In Township No. 2 South of JRano No. 10 W., and will offer proof to ejiow that tho laud aotiKht is mora valuable for Its limber or stono than for atrirulturr' purposes, and to establish his claim U. said land before tho Iteglatcr and Rc ceivor of this olDco at Itoaeburir, Oregon, on Saturday tho SO day of December, 11)02. Ho names as witnoacest Of car 0. Olson, John F. Bwenaon, Pcder A. Qui llkaon, of lola, Wisconsin, U. P. Thomas, of Hoeeburir. Oreuon. Any and all persons claiming; adverse ly tho abovo dercribed lands aio re quested to fllo their claims in this office on or pt'ioro rata w day oi vec, iw. 8 23 J. T. UtuiKiKS, Ireglstcr. TI.MUKU LAND. ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION, it United States Land Office, Roaeburg, Or, T Auk. 1W2. Nolle? is hereby glvon that in compll ancb with the provision of tho act of Cousrces of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act ibr tho nalo of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," bd extend ed to all tho Public Land States by act o( August 4, 1802, LILLIK ti. FRIEDDERG. of Marshfleld, county of Coos, atato of Oregon, has this day filed in this olfico hor sworn statement No. 3118, for the purchase of tho NE1-4, of 6ec. No. 23 In Township No. 20 B IlangeNo. 11 W. ami will oner Drool-to snow tuat mo lanu sought la moro valuablo for its timber or stono than foraaricultural purposes, and to establtsn tier claim to said una Doiore 7 ...... ".. I ' ' . W. U. Doua as. U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon at Marshfield. Oregon, on Satur day, the 20th day of Nov, 1002 Bbe namea as witnesses: F. M. Fried berit. J. W. Tibbetts, Jas. M.Hutchcson, J. J. Kronholm, Jr., of Marshfield, Ore. Any anil all persona claiming adverse ly tho abovc-deecribod lands are request ed to fllo their claims lu this oflico on or before aald 20 day of Nov, 1002. . 8-0 J. T. Bridokb, Register. TIMBER UND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878 NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or, Aug 7, 1002. Notico is hereby given, thot in com pllanco with the provisions of tho act of Concreeaof Juno 3. 18"H. entitled "An Act for tho aalo of Timber Iinda in the Btates of California. Orecon, .Neva u,,5aahlngton Territory,1' aa extern B'l l pub,ic IjMlU tatcfl bv c States of California. Oregon, .Nevada, aa extended act of Aucust4. 1802. JOHN 1 SWENSON, of tola, county of Waupaca, State of WIb., bns thls'day filed in tide oflko his sworn statement No. 3105 for the purchase of tho NW1-4 of Section No. 1'8, in Townehlp No. 20 South of, Range No. 10 W, aud will offer proof lo bIiow that tho land sought Is moro valuablo for Its timber or oton than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish hie claim to Bald land bofnro tho Reglslet and Recolvor of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday the 20 day of Dec ccmber, 1002. He nameB as witnesses: Oscar G. Olson, Herman S. llertimuson, Pedor A. Gulllkson.of Iola. Wisconsin, H. F. Thomas, of Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all poreonsclrdming adverse ly tho abovo described landB are., re quested to file their claims in thlsMlco on or loloro said 20 day of December, 8 23 J. T, BniDdiM, Reglartor. Bright's Disease Tho largest aum over payed for a pre scription, changod bands at San Fran cleco, Aug. 30, 1001. Tho tranafor In volved in coin and Block f 1 12,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a Bpecltlofor-Urlgia'a Dieoaeo and Dla betos, hlthorto incurablo dieeaeoa. Thoy commenced tho Rorloua invcstl cation of tho specUlc Nov. 15, 11KX) They Interviews Ecoroa ot tho cured and tried it out on its Uiorita by putting pvor threo dozen cobob on tho treatment aud watching them. They alao Rot pbyslcl aiiB (or judges. Up to August 24, eighty Boven por cent of the teat cubos woro either wen or progressing favorably, There bolng only thiiteon per cent of failures, tho parties woro BUtleflod and closed tho transaction. Tho proceedings of, tho inveatlgating committee and tho clinical reports of tho teat cases wero publlohod and will bo mailed free on application. Addresa John J. Fulton Oomnanv. 420 Montgomery' St., San ltyttulictpi(tyj, ' ' 4 g. P. N ft ft TON NKWS DEALER AND AOfiN'f l'EWS DEALER AND AOfiN'f v LatoHt 8.aii KranciHco nnd Portland fdnllileB. ,A11 the loading MagftzlnoB. O U T T L EYArD P L A V 1 N U U A It U & B s B u b h c r 1 p 1 p n p e r h mill lliio, cjgnrn nnd tobacco. Athletics For Women A serlca of unusual articles on phyel cal development has been running in The Delineator for aovoral months, and in the September Issue appears one of striking interest, on golf, by Francea C. Orlecom, ho formor national cham pion. Mies Oritcom ia naturally an enthusiast on her themo and offers in numerable uugxcalions that will bo ap preciated by the expert and that will prove of Immense service to the novice. A large number of Illustrations from life ore given, ahowing tho correct and Incorrect grips, owinga, etc., that come into use at various qtages o!. tho game P. Peterson's launch, of Haynos Slough took down about 40 peoplo on his launch lost evening, mostly people who bad been attending the funeral of Henry Frnnklin Sanlord, CENTRAL HOTEL Comer ef Front aadA"at recto, MARSHFIELD,'. OREGON, JONH S.NVDER, : : : : : :Proprict mHlS WELL-KNOWN ANDHAVOK11K X HOTKL lias lust been entirely rcfittcil and ruiuxnhhcd tiirougnout and is again open to the public for patronage. 1 New beds and spring mattresses have beei placed in almost every sleeping room ol this iioase and neither trouble nor cxprnvi has been (urcd to put everything In fint-cUu order. TERMS. Board and Lodging, per week $s.co iJoard, per week 4.00 S.nle Meals .. . 35 ARCATA. Jf. O. yjSLnOX, Jfaslet. Wall 2MhUc nodular 'A'riiin BETWEEN COOS BAY -AND- SAN FRANCISCO -OARRYING- PA8SENGEP.S AND FREIGHT UAT -LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Propriotoss. F.S.DOW, Agent, Marehflold, Oregon 8,0. CO. Agent, Emplro City, Oregon visit DR. JORDAN'S oMcarl MUSEUM OF ANATOMY ioiiimETt.,imaiicisw,cu. 1 .Tk Utiiii Am(ndI4 Uhmiib la Ut . nMia. nuuiiHI W M coattttltd 1 dixit. Pltllraar4l7lhlo!dwl pUllIMthCM(l IuLMiuii. OR. JORDAN-DISEAlESOr MEN I VPBU.1W thwootklr titdkittdi 1 , "." ,01 ""; quUk d I ttdlcal cut (t, VlWt. Vtitiir ttd Tfau.l Itl.d b u Biix.l M Jl. !., vj ut, jenua iptcui Mla Itll IHlttdl, CeiuulUtloa fitt tud ttriilridtli Tttttmtti nu. , lutdmatn witu rwikMk.PHit.iiei(V r! Itnlllv br Itlltr. A Pmttttv Cur Ia av.ii ?. S ' ".... MlkB IU, f A ttlUMt Bt6k I LMtBr, .til . w ML IMDAN (At IMI MksnBK sJt, . ft W - - unak flBBB r v. 2 f g o 1 o ii for all a. p o r i o d 1 c a 1 n . ;' Stntloncry, Juwclry, nojona m m Flanagan & Bennett BANK, DIRECTORS: T. R.8hori clon.J. W. Bennett; PREa.: and .11. Flanagan. VICE PRES.; R. F. Williams, CASHIER. Capital, $5a000. HAKSllFIEKiD - OREGO.X GEE FEE. DEALER IN GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS, VEGETA BLE8 PROVISIONS, VLOUR FEED, KTC, OF THE BEST . Q UALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. : : : A Street, Marshfield, Ore We pro.-ptlr obtain O. S. and TortJgn Bend raodel, sketch or pboto oiUireeUoB Ser irecrepon oa llow to Secure patenUblUtT. For free TRADF-MIRKS Mutr. For rree beek. write ntentsand so Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON a C. If YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS AMYWMWUB AT ANYTUU Call em er Writ E. C. DEE'S AD VERT1SIIUQDWT 64 6g McubU Efsna san niANCtsce. cal. BO VEARB EXPERIENCE" TruDc Marks Designs CopVRiaHTS Ac llT tnt fraa. uldut tuenOT for tecurl nfMUnU. k Co, recti 1'tteaU taken throuita Mann 1 MMtial nolle, without cbtrgo, la the reoslTO Sckaiiiic jnntrka. A htndiomtlr Uluitratcd ireoklr. I-rtt elf ..I.iUh B alanllBA itnrattl nmvnm all ll Vtawtdtajarm. ; !0llirar.r,BWJOrjf. I jreri rourraont t HIIUH 9 P "Xvy4. vf 'i,.iiM'w -T wv j-" -! a A xbtkWS