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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1902)
I . . '-, Jt i T 1 !4W: r .rr Ttw-ynv,."rnr-.p, HEKmB Vegetable Preparation for As - slmilatlng thcFoodandRcdula ting ihc Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DigeslionXhecrfur ncssandRcst.Contains ncltlcr Opium.forpliinc nor"MinraL Not 'Narc otic . JOyr cfOU&r&WVXLPncmR jtmte&vtt Knr Apcrfccl Remedy forQonsUfxi lion, Sour Stonvtth, Din rrhocn Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh ness nndLosOF Sleep. TafiS ututej STsmture or SgvvNEWJYDHK, bTTtTiTBM XACT ccpv or wrappcr. cali '4-v Coast Hail. MARSHFIELD OREGON Additional Looal -1 va r-i. ,..,. u;w a-m wifiiM 4a wvbu nut uu utsuvn , house in Mtrsbfleld Heights, i. t, : i Blsh. H. L. Barkley returned to Rose i burg Tuesday via Coos Bay wagon road after spending a week in Coos and Cqrry County. t. f J. 6. Kaufman purchased of A. E. .Seaman the "Clinkenbeard" lot in West Marshfield consideration $950. I MaHazer Robertaod resorts tlio nhone ..' xth 9 1 1 'ii Henry Hanson's plaoe 20 miles south. i - Julius Larsen took a deep sea fishing . party ont Tuesday. The party was un able to return owing to rough weather and he was obliged to put into Big Creek. The Schooner Jessie Minor arrived Monday afternoon v and' docked at thb i.Staudard Oil whaf with a largalot of Sour and feed for the Standard Oil Co, Capl Whitney has his eon's wife as a guest, this trip. i i u . UentyL. 8baltuckof Shellsburg, towa, was cured, of stomach trouble with which jho bad been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Cbatnborla'o'i Stomach and Liver Tablets. He had,.previously tried ..many qther remedies and a number of physicians without relief. For sate by Jno Froues, - ' Bandon Recorder: A. TV', 'Btradtir met with a misfortuno last Saturday )n ' theloBsofan eye. He fell from a ltfg .,jbn to another one striking on a Bifeg f Which entered his left eye cutting (t 7ory badly and desiroylng the 'eyeball, .line .temporarily disabled by. fire nerr,bsck t0 eolUo herr' W1I2!SIL- CASTORIA For Infants and Childron, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TXt COrTAUK (tMMVlCW VO CTTT. C A. Moore Is Qtttng up the "Old Cor ner" at Empire and will open up a saloon therein. Coqullle P.ulletln: Faae & Smith, the Bandon white cedar sawmill men, have contracted 00,000 feet of whito cedar i' ....... . . . . .wiwi mo xiarcor commission ot Sin Francisco, to bo shipped on the next Mandalay. Any one missing his paper will confer a favor by reporting the fact to this of flee. There is a screw loose eomewbero and we would like to find outwherd it is. John Bernatb,,late of Look Brairio, Mfna,, who has boon on tbo bay about a month and a half, has gone to Portland to meet his family and will bring them Building operations in Marsafield are going forward steadily and several houses are in court of construction al .the time'. Just n'sw West and South' Marebflcld and the Rallrdad aUdltioti are the centers ol activity. Miss Florence Hayes, of Astoria, wlid has been at Roguo river about three months, came upon the Areata ahdtook pasea'ge on the Alliance for her hornet . k i The schooner Marcbni at North Bend fhasher hold partly flllwl with lumber, "but her rigging is not ybl completed. She .will load for South Africa, and Cap tain Lawecln intends to got to sea ja time to beat the Alumna Fridays to nor destination. '. AvtsUldtVe livestock exhibit at tho State Fair will be worth many times tho price of admission. No state in the Union will havo a better livestock show, and every farmer should makeran effort to see tho biggest show ever held this pot the Rocky Mountain?, x nw r I V I Jv MLMTar til Mr X Thero is a rumor onrrant o! tho snoot, tryi of eomp ouo at, h picnic at or near 'Coqulllo. It has boon itnpotslblo to And any authentic information as to rr ho and by whom the shooting waa done. Jt is reported however, that It was n caio of tho gun not being loadod. An will appear in tomorrows Mail. K. K. llungorford, of tho Title Giur nntcoV; Trust Company, has returned from n trip to the Coos Bay country and a vory ontlttitlnstlo over tho prospects of n bit; jump In tho v.xltio of land in thnt region. It Is undontood Hint Mr. Uungorford will movo his family to the town of Bangor in a short time nnd mnku that his pormnnntit rosldouce. Portland Journal. Was Nol'a Case cf Leprosy Dr. K. Mingus, city physician, reports on tho caio of tho Chinaman who was reported to bo sick with leprosy, Mr. Mingus mado a thorough examination Tuesday morning, and found tho report to be false. Tho man being simply old decrip and badily run down. Tbore aro no cigns of of leprocy. Work Resumed Wilketbarre, Pa., Aug. 20 Duyrea waaliery and Wahke Bros, resumed operations this morning without moles, tatlon. The striker aro gathered in large uumbero oronnd the place but no trouble is expected Armed guards aro stationed within the barbed wire barra cade. Camping at Rocky Point A party of eight young ladles are camping at Rocky Point. They will make a stay of one week. Tho party consists of tho Mlea Kdna and Stella O'Connelle, AHco Butlor, Bird Short, Agues Hutcheion. Kva Anderson and AH'co Aiken. Mrs. Minot and Mrs But ler will act as chaperons to tho party. They will retnrn next Wednesday. Accidental Shooting. But meager particulars havobcen ab tainablo in regard to tho shooting acci dent mentioned In yesterday's paper. It has been luarned howevr, that tho accident occurred at Myrtle Point Sun day, and that tho young man Injured was WIUIo Arnold and the young lady who did tho shooting was Mies Mary Clroy. Of course it was a case of "didn't know It was loaded, and the young man's jaw waststruck by the bullet from a 22-callbro pls'.ol. He was not seriously injured, and is getting along allrlght. B Scared Ine Bears. Our Tcnmile correspondent says of one of the camping parties from bore; Nu merous hunting and fishing expeditions wero indulged in and the ladies appeared to be as expert in the art of fishing as any of the classical sports, having cautght no less than 170 troutt (Evidently that many tonei) Two doer" wero Killed, four legged ones at that, and ono day a largo bear came down from his homo in a nearby canyon to interview tho distin guished via.tora and, was so warm y. welcomed that ho never returned to l.ln habitude in tho forest and tho party from Marshfield carried away the meiii( dries ofVfsucccsafut berfr'hund'lftttt'rill b3 told end retold to future generations MU Mr. tt, H, ,Wal has fiiadd.ArrAjUgo. taenia loontabllah n mows pUud nt I'm plroClty npd will handle all tho dallies and magazines. Tom Holland has boon romodoling tho rear room of the Browory saloon, for tho accomodation of their largo growing family patronage. A largo reading room la being fitted up Also for tho benefit of their patrons. Japanese Ten Tho Japanoto Tea, given by tho ladlur of the Eiatum Star, t tho residence of Mrs. Clin. Dungan, Saturday evening, was a brlllant sticcois, and a vory cn joyablo affair for all who attended. Tho house was decorated In Japancio style,. and the ladles wore tricked out In Jap anese costume. Refreshments of all kinds were served, from hot to. males to Ice cream and a noat sum was realised for tho treasury of tho lodge. The ladles did not forget the printer, and tho delicious lunch which found its way to this olllco along toward midnight! was highly appreciated and was putj right whero it would do tho most good. Pffh Ice Cream and Printers. Tibbetta hain't sent us up any ice cream for a week, and we infer that his numerous customors eat It all up before closing time, I.atcr-WIII take it all back. Tib. re membered the printers again before the, above Item got into tho forms, but he had to appropriate tho cream out of a new frcexer-full, before the thirsty pub lie had a chance to buy it all. I Funeral of II. F Sanford The funeral service of Henry Frank lin Sanford took placo today at tho Bap tist church. Rev. Irvine conducting the service, which was vory impressivr. After services at the church thcremains were taken in charge by tbo Wcodmen of tho World, of which order ho was a tnember, belonging to Coos Bay Camp No. ion, .. Mr, Sanford carried a policy in favor of his mother for 2 003 whloh will be turned oyer to her in the near futsro. About 75 Woodmen went to tho cerhs .tery to perform tho last rites to ihe de parted brother. N MARRIED ,. . 8WANTON-ABERNETUY-A' i tho reo idence of the brldu's parents,' at Dora, Coos county, Oregon, Monday August 18, 1002. Bennett Bwanton and Miss Violet Abornethy, " The groom and brlile are tweof Cooo couhtiesmoat promising young poople. T10 ceremony was performed by Bishop" Wlls, in an Impressive manner, accord ing to the rites oft theEpiicopal church. Tho bride was given away by her father, Wn. Abernethy and Miss Daisy S, 1 Abornethy acting aa brldoamjildo and J' W. Bonndtt acting as groomsman J The wedding Was a quiet family affair,; none but relatViee being preHottt, Tho bridal couplo will epond somo timo'on tho beach at Bandon. "When they will returq to Marshfield and Will romain at tho J. W. Bennett'home until Mr. Swanton can install his iurnlt'uro in ihe Otoorge 'Ayro residence in South Marshlicll), wfioro the- 'lapy'cotfpio wil) roslde. LnV sXlV LAfJn MEN 'IN OHEOOf, Quietly Observing Soutl&rn Oregon Railway Operations Midi Gos sip Afloat, (Tuh'itrAiu) Sonntor Olntl, In In I.oa Angolus, ami has given It out that thu delay In work on hia Salt-I.aku I.oh Anuilon lino is dio to tho Innhlllty togt'ttho matcrUlfor rnnstructlon delivered In tlinu. Thuro Is growing fiiullng In tho railroad world that tho Clnik plants muriily to goln Lllnofroin l.qn Anguls to ono of Mr Clark's Houttiorn California mines, aittl thoro construction will cease. Oporatlons In tho Coos lUy country seem to bo Htlrrlng matters up In that direction. Justat prevent, , (hero aro many Salt l.nku financiers and men of Infiusncn dropping into Portland to look ovor tho ground of thu Oreat Cuntral Railroad's plana and attcortaln, among other thinge, frnu which direction tha Oregon reaport lino will approach the Mormon City. Land speculators from tho inter mountain stalo aro arriving In Portland daily, and some o( them aro kopt busy, denying any special object of their trip hero coincident with Jhc plans of tho Great Central, at tho head of which is a former Salt I.ako man of con slderablo prominence, L.I). Kinnoy. It is understood there liavclxeuhsnvy purchases of land mado In Southern Ore gon within a recent Jllmo. The finan ciers of the iutorniountaln state have evidently become greatly interested in Coos bay and its railroad prospects.j. It Is believed that tho Ls Angeles rosd Is boing headed off by tho plans of a com bination to reach tIJewater in Sou I herd Oregon. Much interesting gossip is flying around concerning the,i backing of the Oreat Central. Tho Missouri Pacific Road is frequently conjectured as being tho probablo backer of the far Western enterprise That enormous system needs a Western outlet, and along with It thcM aro other great Middle Western lines that might bo a In combination to open tho Salt Lako gateway, Tho situation as regards sovcral Eastern lines at Den ver Is unsatisfactory, and It might bo that tho Oreat Central is plannlg to get to tho Pacific Coast for the accomodation of a system or a combination which now roaches Denver and Salt Lake. Tho Rock Island Road Is stated to be an in) portant factor in tho situation at Donyor, Inasmuch as its traffic arrangements are not tho most completo, and the Rook Island, pcoplo would see- much to their future interest in boing a party to tho Groat Central combination. Whatovar infiuonco io back of tho Mreat Central's mysterious "busying" about Coos Bay will soon co it io to light, it Is thought. Physical Culture Class. A. Tuckor, formerly of San Fraucinco, but now locatod iu Marshfield will open a Physical Culturo rohool in tho old Y. M. C. A, rooms. Mr. Tucker Is gradu ate of Prof, Van Court now Instructor in tho Olympin Club of San: Francisco. Mr, Tucker cxpocta to glvo baths of all kinds, also glvo Masnago treatment to thoso wishing. A claos is being golttm up und will bo taught, In nil kinds Of gymnastic oxorclsoe. Mr. Tuckor cornea highly rocommoml ed by having been successful in tho business in Los Antfoleu, Reddjng and Anderson Gal. and hco over 8 yecre experience. "w J mKS