.'41 .AJSTID LOCAL . --.' Fine Stationery at Norton's. Peter Olausen (or shoes. Cjptnln and Mrs. Scoro of tho Capo Arajm lighthouse camo up Tuesday and stayed in town over night. Jas. Hulcbeson la aealn In hie place .u Magncs & Matson'e, having had hla .acatlon cut short by Mr. Matson'e ill noes. A scowload ol lumber vra received Jtiesday for the crossings on II street u South Marehfleld. Mrs. J. D. Sunderland and Mrs. Utile j.ewis returned Tuesday from a woek'o risit at Bandon'. Kred Wilson was down from Sumner A'ednosday, apparentiv none tho worse for the runaway ia which ho :le,urd the Jnv bfore. 'est lino of School shoes r.t Peter lauaen's. ;:. G. FJanagan is haying ropalrs made Ja the roof of tho Pioneer market. ( larcnce Woodward arrived from Port rford Tuesday, after an absence of ibout three years. It is said that the Empire hotels are crowded and it la difficult to secure sleeping accommodations there. A scowload of about 150 hogs was re ceived at the Coos Bay creamery Wed- f pesday, from tho Coqujlle. C. W. Ilcddep, of ScotUburc tho old pioneer and hero of the early Indian ware, returned to his home Wednesday after a short visit to Coos. Mr. J. T. Hall is vjsirtng her parrants at Arago. A telegram from Toraas Hirst to Mil ton HirEt, received Wednesday, says that be.and Mrs. Hirst would soil from Fan Francisco for Australia at Yl o'clock Tiiureday. They go via Honolulu and Vokohama, ' and about 28 dayu will be consumed on the trip. Archie Boon, of Sumner who has been employed In Prlco'e logging camp on tho ( oqullle, was in town Wednesday on his way home, having sustained a severe cut of hie left hand by an axe falling on it. Tto Epworth League held ite usual monthly business meeting Wednesday evening and afterward had a jolly bon fire party on the hill, with quite a num ber of invited friends. John F. Hall and J. "W. Kruso aud fainiliB returned Wednesday fiom out ing at Tenmile. They caught an abund unco of fine fish, Ohac, Eckhoff, of North Bend, ivas ieithig Marehfleld Wednesday. F. S. Dow went up on tho Alert Wed nesday to visit his family, who are camp ing at Allegany. tt o promise that nbould you uso PUT IAM FADELESS DYES aud be dieatid lied from any causo whatever, to refund Ids. for every package. Monuok Ditoo Co., Union villo, Mo. :Bold by -John Preusa, - - Another Fake? A woman has been working tho town for several days with n hardluck story, 8he has been trying to raleo money to go to her husband, ami has been roluc- I tantly parting with kcopsakes and heir looms brought from her old homo in Scotland, For 6lx dollars sho eold to otio lady a set ot silver teaspooiiB and tablo spoons, a wedding present from her dear old fathor, and worth f 25. It is said that she has made several other sales, but those who bought arc reluct nnt to display tho arliclor, einco they came to think tho thiug over. Bishop Wells of tho dioceeo of Spo katio. -vlio wai hero In place of Blhop Morris, of Portland, held services at Em piroand Marehtleld Sunday. At .Marsh tlcltl he confirmed tho following : Kath lren Ik'nnett, Elizabeth F. Tnombly, Itattiod-Vrrcy nud Mary Mlnot. Tlio Bishop will leave thin mornim: for tho Coiinillc and visit Bandon this week and pieach at Coqulllc City next Sun day and expects next Monday to pro ceed to Itpseburg. R. .1. Coko went to Km pirn City Tnost dav with u Stock of izoods for tho etor which II. Seugsta ken is opening there, of which Mr. Coke will have charye for the present. Is. I.ando has accepted a position in the morchandisedepartmentof II. Seng starken'e store. Bishop II. L. lUrkley, of the U. B. chnrch was In Marshficld Tuesday coin In overland via tho old Coos Bay wagon load. Mr. Barkley made tho Coast Mm, oflico a pleasant call. It is a pleasuru to meet n whole-souled, con fclentiouH gentleman, "ftr. Barhloy is visiting Coos and Curry counties' in tho interest of his church, this being part of the territory over which ho presides, ahich includes tho throe Pacific states, and Idaho and Montana. IIt went up Coos river Tuesday to take part In! the camp meeting at Mosher ("Impel. Bishop Barkhvr is a forclblo and elo quent speaker and ia woll worth going a long distance to hear. A. J. Cottingham went to Washington County, Ark., to sen his sister and wbilo thuro was taken with (lux (dysentery) and was vety bad off. Ho decided to try Chamberlain's Colic; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was much nleased with thu prompt cure which It effected, inai no wroto me manu aciurcrs a ottor in praiso of their mediclno. Mr. Cot inghatn resides at Ixckland, Ark. This Remedy ia for eale by John Preuss. C. S. Whitcomb. of'tho Great Ontrnl Land Co. arrived Monday from Portland , to take a position in tho otllro of tho company at Empire rity, assistini; Pretl- lint J. w. Look, with whom ho was formerly associated in Los Angeles. Thera rnav bo otherB but bo safe side and tnko CAST L E V 0 0 D. on -CAST L E W 0 0 D- Mr. and Mrs. P.. C. AmEteln intend to go to San Francisco on the Alliance, ' where Mr. Ametein will visit his Bisters, Mr8. Henry Smith and Mrs. Bud Smith ( while Mrs. Arnstlen will visit relatives iu Southern California. Tho best phyeic Cliamborlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant In effect. For pale by J no Preuss. J. B. McKee's Business College and School of Correspondence is In its 23d year. Every teacher it an expert m hisspeciaT course. O-ii special courses cover the entire range of businofis operations. com oi' uch couksu. coMi'Mrrc lliieinesa t'onree, 'lime unlimited Civil Service " " vlx months Shorthand " English " Sulect StmllpH ii i. ii ii n ii ii These courses nro especially desi'-tj ed for those who cannot spuro the time nor tho means to take n course in collego, and for those who havo been deprived of u commou school education. Great care is given each atudent personally, Diplomas award ed. btatu which course you want mid link for riHrtifiilni-a J, B. MoKku, Anerback Bld'g l'xlncipai. Salt Lake City, ManykBtrangorB nro arriving by.QVQry, at and etiigo to take a loot; tit' this see boat lion. Tho atono foundation of f, V. I'cn nott' now residence on the corner of A and Broadway la nearly completed, P. Clauaon Is working at his trado as a carpenter ou J. W. Bounott'snow ea idvnce, while P. Cliaucu Is attondiug Mr. Clausen's storo. Steven Johnson, of Tenmllo, camo in I Thursday (o attend tho Pioneers' meet ing, having been ou the bay aluco 1S02. SY. K. Balnea naa nmong tho arrivals by Btsse Thursday. t V. A. Saccul has had a bay window addd to hto residence and h further transforming Its nppearnuce with nhlto paint. The Artinlc Nedlo Worker's Club ward tfutertaineil by Mrs. Mary Mc Knight nt the home of Mrs. II. S. II nx .ird. A vury pleasant time is reported. The club nirctu next Tiiursdny with Mrs. Mlnot. All momlera are expected to b there because something unusual will take place. J. I,, Bounds received word yost onlay of the slckneis of his mother at Rose burg. Mru Bounds has been stricken with paralysis. Parly at North Bend. A delightful party was given by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson at North Bend Tuesday evening. A largo numbor went down from hero on tho Flyer and many were present from Empire. A clam bake and r. dance at tho pavilion on thu picnic groundd were features of the even ing, and tho affair was a rare treat to all who participated. J" FLORODORA " BANDS am of samt valut as tags from , " STAR," " HORSB SHOB," 'SPEARHEAD,""STAtWARD UA W " OLD PEACH & iOrEY." '"SAW LOG," "OLE VARGltfY" pr" MASTER WORKMAN" Tolccco. for anybody! I 1 Lt Havana Filler I tlio 1 M m m I 3 A5 Pr Pvm B J km m em j ? flM k Fzzxk B I wm MkA H Wmmm&mm m DVAY''y ft wrjrtsssM xni r e mwmtmmm ; m viv. --v inr.x' j- m c mzfsssisAS , . p us&ti .' jLtmmtt ' mmm& WMmm i2-i,i V6mmwmjmz?a . m WwMWm ' ?i"' I Wm y&z&i w?m I k I IMMWV KrSrflSir UtTVBV U KB j' Jv& I'l ' Mill I I THE LATEST NOVELTIE For Ladies', Gents' andChilcf'. rein's Weai1 George I. 0. O. K. Building NEW KID JAPANKSI5 .DLOVKS S1UCS " SPECIAL MITTKNS oibson pcgacHASE CUSHION covbrs K,5W STOCK ' ,,ACKS hMH'D'. KJ.V DKRY TWIST CLOTHING, 10SIERY I'lLO silk SHOES, ' RIHHONS HATS, CAPS, ENGLISH ' SUMMHR POI N T . . . . AND AND GENTS' KALL BATKNHKRG HOSIERY BRAIDS FURNISHINGS, LA I) IKS gggl NECKWEAR -WAISTS SOCKS wkak1- WOOL poK hoods SUSPENDERS, kfeD,KS CHILDREN EACINATORS UNDERWEAR, LADIES sioc GLOVER $ AND MUSLIN w00r- AT,Ti UNDER. SHAWIvS -tL.iJ.lJ WEAR AND FOR GENTS' IHTTI- HANDKER- J' VJJO. .1. o COA-'I'S CHIEFS 'WEAR CORSICTS BUTTONS JjET -gg gHQW GLOVES SILK YOU OUR TIhS . SILKS GOODS NOTIONS ". VELVETS A CHARMING ECONOMICAL PRICES GEOME & 1, O. O. F; Building - . V 4 , Tlbbetts MARSH FIELD, ORKGON SELECTION VERY LATEST ,-STYLES TIBBITTS lh019.Pi ' 1 'i ;v wm"T-w-',