i fx If i irr " i,.'. w ; f 1 sleep well enough at night, And the hlamedest appetite liver mortal man possessed," Tn....t- f...... i. h. ., ii... t -' nt-In mWed li. vc Vct'ln the ciijAy" "c Mnclnlnu'. Child ; Miss Holonn incut of perfect hcnlth. A good npjW"! (etiln. tile, 5001 llcillon nitJ round slecti, nre Nolo" For You" Mini A. K. Moddoekf. f ?,vl.Vm..,i!i w?,lcc',-,'A W tJonvorPBtloii by Tulo .-LS Life In muiUiIhciI idioiio''; Mlsa Mttry Qolcr. . mtffM by food, when it ii irojx-rly dliiestcd ami uMimilutcd. When diger-Uoii UU, thcie ln low of nutrition v.liicli WWII hi lOW ilM'll in physical weak- f) ueiw, ncrvouwipM, ) nlcciiloMtidWi etc, Cf Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery curco iIIm-mmm of the totiinvli and other org-iim of digestion iiutl nutrition. It utrcttgtlirits the lody In the only way n-ilblc,--by enabling the nil shiillnlioii of the nutrition extracted froia food, U . J. l "I ' " Urtllrl 'j ) i'i ol I ir ! f.mi " WV " lilt llriwul llllf ti ll rai avrolnl tlH.', ami hsvi huil iwitnrtiMewilh linl(fti(.rti m.r vtllU-a lr V T lhutiiiaM if T"HHinl. Ili.toitiraUt l i tilitmia "Winja fall to Ull hi' i'.-iifia I m rur the rriuf.m i had mii- fi rrtl m Mi mil t. It Mfmnl ! the lotti wndt ! ni ic i.l I Kl Wmn Im MCiRlit lo in (iwitiMl ' wil IM Mr lu wutl. at all vt I wKh iwsiiy i-mlnlrart liuatlay'a nii im tin- Unti I Jiavc irnimmtnilnl r immIi rlfK to Mrvrtal mil HU atway hav a guol vwit lu My fur IH lttH ami Id WedKlnra." The Common 9ue Medical Ailviwr, icAR jmixvb. in jwjivr covcm, it wilt fitt mi receit of it onereiit kUiiim to m ninnw of itiAilittK only. Addrcu til, 11. V. llcrce, UulTalu, N. Y. teachers Iiisiiiuie COOS COUNTY EDUCA- L TORS I.N SESSION About nitfify of llic'Sclwolmarms snd .Masters Held a Profitable Session at .Myrtle Point Tlionmmnl Toaolmro' InntUntnof Coon county oonvetiod nl Myrtlu Point Amr. -I, I80ii, nt one o'clock P. M.. ll'i Hi It. P. Itolmntioii of .Mtiltnoiiinli county Mid Prof. I. A. Uroutof Portlnnd M In etruutom. nulntiii ocrniibloiuilly hy a'V t-nd leiilnrou from our worthy Btutu fiupt. .V. H. Aakoimmi nntl n tnll. by Prof. V.. 1). l(iai'lor, former trnchcr of tho filrtto t'nlvorMty, but now Prooi.lpiit ol thu Ktalu Nuriniil School nt Moti mdulli. Tho lurturoiKlvtirt on thu v.irl our mibjccta woro highly npprculntcil by tlm tonabero nnd Bmit Intcroat wns ninn IffBlftl throughout tho ontlro tceloiiH. ui'.d n uaiinl, our County Kupt. V. II. Hunch, with bin pleninnt Biiiitunml con runil inniiiior, ml back cnjoyjnj: It niotl Imnrllly. ipi'clully when Supt. Aokurmiui mul 1 rof. (irout nr-oko of tlm IV inout dolihtful rido on thu nnw from TtogoburK to Myrtlu Point, nud how forry tboy wuro hIioii tho Jjun oy yav otiiicd, Tho Co. Pupt, iippointcil Fovorftl com mUtk'B onuvaniiiKvnlurtnliiiiiontB. Tho proijrnm for Ttiwilny uvi-uIdk whs up follow e : Vocnl duct ''Ship Ahoy" j Dr. Btrrtujjo ' nud Mr. Tnwor. lice "TIiuiiih my Rontlmonta Tow"; "MIrb Mnttln llowlhiK Drill plxteor. ltttln Irle. lire, "Tho Color Guard'': Knrnh llofo. Vocnl Solo "I'd llko to henrthut Honi? ni;al:i"; Mr. Trnvcr. ' I.cUurc "lho ltosourcen of tho Cultur ed mind oru PlcitngaluBtUommorclnl- !biu mid IllKlior 1-lfo"; Pre. 15. I. Ucssulur. Tho ovdnlnK'H ontcrtnlnmont wns Krcatly onjoyod, nnd tho pointa Inoupht out by Proa. llcsBolcr itro well wortl'l ro- moinboriiiR. After Etlio ontortnlnmunt tno tonchqra woro conducted to Adnm'a '- 1 1 nil, Whbrou Bu'uj)UuQhB k-'aimat'wnB eqVf.b'y. tJJu hoepltablo toncllbrb of Myrtlo l'olnt. 1 1 v All T 1 ') r L k I in 1 1 .. i wt. rr- I'roKrnm Vddnoeday evening. Hoiig-''Coaio to tho Greenwood"! Tunchonr, Mitnl A !.. .. Ml..r!,.ll.. "'" "" t "'; olo "I'llichl of Ages"; Mlts Lutein-. Lecture "HcliM9l of Oregon nnd Btnto Conrto"; Hlute Hupt. .1. II. Acknnniui. fonK--"'Jhorii,d n I)uoly t'ollrso by tho dcnrldu"; Tcncliorv, Tho proKinm wit very n!cul rendor cd, nnd thu lecture by Kupt. Ackormnn will, no doubt, lon bu rumi'inbcrcd by ull tlmt uero prcient. lie clearly rolnt cd out tho benefits of public cchoo! II- tirnrli'B, tho ndvnnlnttuB of tho Ktntu Courte of Study nnd various other Inter cutliiK tliluK perlniiilriK to lilghur edu cnt'oii. Program Thursdny evening. . . Hone "Merry HIiikb tho Lurk" ; Tcnch- t-rn. KonK-"(Jully nud IJrl(hlty"; Tuaohorfl. Hec."Tlie Little Hero"; Mle Hurnll- tou. Holo "Dilftlnt;, DrlfliiiK with the Tide"; Mlw A. L. I)nn. Hce."Tho Yarn of tho Nnncy Hell"; Mr. L, 1-. Ilroun. Li-eturo "Tllo Public School or Klornou tory School"; Prof. I). A. Grout. 8otiK--"OrPK'" Tencherfl. Itec "A Crndle Sour" j.MIbi Todd. l.eoture-"Thii Joy of the World Ik In -xpriHbtblo"; Supt. It. I. Ilobeiicon. Hon;; America' ; 'IVscherB. ltam-dlctlon; Knv. White. Tho lectures by Prof. Urontnnd 8ipt. ' Itoblnton wero very IntorcBtitiK nn well J lis ItiHtructtve, explalnloi; tho mlislon of tho public school nud thu IhmuIIcs of nnturo m underttood by tho educntcd ImlnJ. Aa upon tho provloiiH evening I thu cntortnlnment wnn contiden-ii c i jjn'al succcm, nnd nt tho cloeo tho teach- ers wero Invited to partnko of rofreeh- UH-ntsnt thoduorin Hotel, served by the younr, Kcntlciin-n of Myrtlo Point. . Vnrlous Knmva wero plnyed, nud nt n 'lnlo hour tho imuicnl voices of thu I tenohero wero hrnrd teremdluK tho jioo I pie, n n token of thtlr blub regard for , tho kind nnd hoepltablo people of Myr tlo Point. 'Hie Institute wnan decidoil nicci-Ha i nnd will long be remembered by tho tnni'horfl R ono of tho moat cnjoynulo events of their lives. Donr pooplo wo mutt lenvo you, With torrow nnd rricret, Uut yotir klndnpBB to hj, W'orbflll r.o'er forKut. Hack to our rchooln wo wander, Wtb hnppltr nnd IlKhter boarl", And o't times wo will ponder On thu joys you did Impart. Thero wero r.bout SO tenchcra present. A voto wiib taken to decide wherotho next Annunl Teachers' InHituto wns to bo held nnd Hnmlon received 4 votes moruthnn a mojorlty of nil votcB enst. ItMUKIt I.AND, ACT JUNK , 1878- NOTIok FOR PUllLt CATION. United KtnteH Lund Olllco, Rosoburg, Or, Aug. 1, 1U02. Notice is hereby given tlmt In com nil ttuco with tho provisions of tho net of Conitiess of Jtinu , 187H. entitled "An net for tho sain of timber lands In tho StntnH of Cnliforiiin, Oregon, Neviuln, und Washington Territory," ns extend ed to nil tho Public Land btutoa by act of August i, 1811'.'. U ALUKRTA.MATSON of Miuetillold. county of Cop?, Statu of Oregon, lina Ibis dny tiled in thin ollli-o his sworn utnteinent No.-lOOO.for thopurj; ehiiflu of tho N I 2 of S15M Boo. No. 1 in Township .No. 2d B, Kniwo No. II . nnd will tffer nrooftoshow that tho hind sought la moro valuablo for ita timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, nnd lo establish his claim to snld land ho fore W. U. Douglas, l' S. Commissioner for Oregon ttt Mnrshllohl, Oreiron, on Saturday, tho 0 day of Dao,, lu02. Hu iiumoana.wltnfBSi'n: 1. U. Tay lor, of Falrvlew, Oregon W. II. Mnrirnn, Josho Smith, Luster Smith, of Mnrsli tleld, Oregon. Any iind ull poreonB clalmltiR ndvofso ly tho ttbovo-described lnndn are request ed to lllo their ululnjH in thiH olllco on or beforo Bald 0 day of Deo., ll'QJ. , .. 8 10 J. T.11RIDGKS, Register. otrapot'oapiac..-' W1 , th0 ji lho Kind You HwAhwp M joatw-o t U&Z7& TIMIIBU i..lli, ACT JUNK fi, JH7H. NOTK'K l-'Olt PlJllLK'ATION. United State LnndOlliu', Kovjtmrjr, Orrcon, April 'aOth, ui. .Votlcr If hereby irlvcn .thsit In complin nee with lho provided of tlm net of Connie" " lunc j, iB7tJ, entltlwl "Ail ilrt for the wle of IlinU-r Imnili In theStntritof CnJ.futtil.-i, Ore gon. Nrvrtil.-i, nnd Wntlifneton 'IVirliory," m cxtcnllrd tonll the Public f Jtid Sutut Uy net ol AtiRtHt , yi, JOHNS. TMfAJK, of lif't, county of Wnttmcn, tile of Wit toii1i.' h.ii thin dny filed In thin elJio hit nuorn tliteminl No. aWj, for the plirMi.m- of ihe NtjtllipnM iimrtrr of Svolloti No. so. Town--llip 35 South, of Kango lo Wel, nnd "III offer pt of to hotv tli.lt the kind tougM Ij n.ore enl tinlile fur IH tlmU-r or atone Hiftn for ii;ilciilliir nl purort, nnd to I'ltalillsli li! cl.lia to Mid land More the KrglMcr nnd 'Receiver of this office at Itojeliurg, Oregon", on 'J tioarUy, the 4th dy of November, iijoi. lie imiiicj n vtltnKi&s: I) . Mnrtln, lownh Wenilii-rby. of Koscburi;, Orecon. Mar- tin A N'onle, Cuibivui K llelgewin, A lol.i, Wlitoiuin. rttiy nnil nil oru)ti cunning ninciri)r ie nhove-dewnlwl land are reiurtcil lo file their cImIiiii In ihlk ollichn or before wld tli liny of Novemlxrr, uoa) 7 is . T. IlKllKSiys, ftegUter. TIMI1KU LAND.AOT JUNK 8. 1H78, NOTIC'K rOtt i'UHLICATION Unltol hlntcs Iind OlTice, Kowlnirg, Oregon. June, 17, looj. Notice It licirby given Ihnt In compliance with the provhlon of the net of (ongrcit of June 3. U7IJ, entitled "An nit for the wle ol tlmlwr Mmli In HieSinie of ('Alifomki, On-gon, Nitvnd.1, .mil Wellington IiTrltoty, ns ex tended to nil the Public Line Slate by art of liucji'.Nii.i Wood. of CletiUnd, county of DouUt, Sinte of Ore t'oo, hai thU d.iy tiled In thii oirtcr hit tuoni statement No. it, for iIm (Hirctiaie of the SICK, ol Section No. 8 la 'loHiitlilri No a6South, KaniteNo to WeM, ami Mill offer proof to khow that the land tougl.t it more nluabVr for ttt limber or ttono tlwn fur ngrkul tur.il purrKH, nnd lo Mtablim h.t cl.iim to Mild land lfore the Kecittcr nnd Pecelier of thu bflice nl loebiirg, Oregon, on WednctiLiy, tlie rjilidayof Ocioler, loot He imiiipt nt HltneMoi: Koial 1". Ctiinpiion, llir.un A.Mieklon. Wilbur V. ll.Heli, of t levt Und, Otrgon, Clinilus I'hom, of Kotehurg, Oregon. Any nnd all rK-rtons elilmlng ndicrtel the ntjovc-detctlbed bnilt are roneitel to file tli Ir clnlmt in thit office on or l-forenid 15th dny I of O.t.. loot. . T. lUiOiiCS, Uegiiter. 6-a- TIMIM'.lt LAND. ACT JUNK :J, ls;s. )0TICK 1-OH PUBLICATION. United SWUM Und Office, Hotyliurg, Oregon. July 3. 9" Notice U henliy glcn lltnt in compltanee with the provtflnni of tVc net of Cwign-it of June -x. 1898. ertltlcil "An net for the ml of limlirr land in the StRte of California, Oreon. Nevada, ami Watlilngion Territory," s oxtend inI to all tlie Public l-and State by net of Ait tint 4, 1393, MARTIN A. NOUOE, of lola, cotlnty of Waupaca, Mite of Wi comin, l.nt thH day fltd m th.t ofltce 1 1 wom ktUenient No s8s. for Ilie imichaie cf tl e NWi j of Sec. No so In 'lovmtlitji N'a 35 S lUnge No loWett, and vil oiler pool to tltovt- that the Uuri toughl it moru aluaqi for itt timber or ttone limn for nfir.culttir.il ' pur pom. and to ettnbluh hit i Mini to Mid land Ik fore iIm Kegltier nnd Kecciter of thit ortice nt I'fltelnirg, Oregon, on J ucid.iy, the mil day of NbicmU-r, 1003. He iiriiiirtut viitn'ttet: D L Mnrlin, osrph W'entheiby, of Roteliurg, Oregon, John h 'I a lor, (jiiiuwit K Helgiton, ol lolx, Wltronun. tiy nnd all x-rtont il.iimlng ndverti-ly the nlrove-detcrlLrd l.itultnte ririuetted 10 file their claitni in thit office on or before &.1I1I -tlh day of Noicinber, ioo. j.1, llt.IIH.lts, Ketlkter 7-i2 T1MHKR LAND ACT, JUNK .'1, 1870- NOTIOK fOR PU11L10ATI0N. United States Lnnd OillCo, Roseburg, Oi. Jutiot) 1002 Notice is hereby glvtfn, that in com plianco with tho provision of tho net of Congress of Juno a. 1878, entitled "An Act (or tho sale of Timber Lauds iu tho States of California, Oreiron, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," us cxtor.dod to all tlm Public Lauda States by net of August -I, 1BUJ, PHARLKS W. GUSTAVSON of Duluth, county of St Louis, Stnto of Minn., has this day filed in thia olllce I, Ik fcwurn Htutemont No. 20'8 for tho purcbam of tho NUJ-lof Section Nj. !I4, in Township 'No 2d South of Ranfe No. 10 V unci will off-jr prool to show tlmt thu land sought id utoro valuablo for llH timber or ntotto tlitin for ngrh-ultun ' purposes, ami to cstuuimi 111s cinim u said land beforo the llegistor and Rt ceherof this olllco at Ilosubnrg, Oregon, 011 Tuesday tho 30 day of September, 1002. Ho nrimoa ns witnesses: Qcor'go A. lluriis, Kdward K. Muriel, Mrs. Murv A. norland, 11 ml Margaret S, Ratbburn, till of Duluth, Minn. Any and all persons claiming ndvorec ly tho nbovo described latula nru re iU0Bted to tllo their claluta in, thia olllca on or beforo snld TO tiny of Sent., 1002. 0-1 1 J. T. UinnaKs, I?et?lster. I.ittlo Knevold, tho a year o'd eon ol Mr. und Mre, K. J. llntfson, Managed to get a'small black button up hia iioeo Tuesdoy ovonlng. Dr, 'BlcCormac ex ttaclbd tho button' after considerable vroVrbtoj tlo 11(116 follow dleplnyhin tho grsnOBt fortitude. .v. ' t VI Ii1. P- NO RTOFL - - ;. ii XBWB DKALKH AXB AOENT ' " ;' ii. a t 0 yt t H a 11 V r n c 1h c o a n tl P o r 1 1 ft 11 d g , & ((in 1 1 i 0 h; All the lending M ngitzlncn ." g CHJ 7J T L K It Y A HI) I' J j "A "Y I N"G C A U . g ,.' g ; ! 2 8 ti b 8 c r 1 p I J 0 ii h f 0 r n 1. 1 c; r J . ' " -;ij '' p it p e r 8 a 11 d i 0 r 1 0 d 1 c ft I h . ' Fine cigars 'and tobacco! ! Stationery; Jewelry, nolloiu- O r-1 7 f -- riMIlKU LAND, ACT JUNK i,M378 NOTICK VOli PUULICATIOK. United Statct I.and Office, Roicburg, Oregor?. June 9, 1902. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the jirovltlon of the act of Copgrcti of June 3. 1878, entitled ''An net for lhcra'! of timber undt In the hiatei! of Culifornla, tlregon, Ne vada, nnd Wnthlngton Territory," a extended to nil (he Public Land Stales by nit cf Auutt lB92 JKS. N'lARY. A. BORLAND of Dululh, County of St I-ouU, Slate of Minn, hat tint dty filed In thit olticc ltr tworn alatcment No. 3655. for the purch.itr of the hi: if of Section No. 2A ,n ''own thin No. 1 South, Range No 10 W'ett, nnd villi offer proof to thow that the Und sought It more valuable for lit limber or ttunc than for agricultural purpotct, nnd lo ciinbllth hit 'claim o Mid l.inducfoic ihe Register nnd Receirer of thitolficcnt Roteburg. Oregon, on Tueiday, the 30 dty of Sept.. 1003. She Mines nt v.ltncss?s: Margaret S. Rath lmn. lilu.ird IJ. lartel, George A. Rurni, CharhH W. Oustnvon, of Duluth, Minn. Anv and all ncrsont dalmine nilvcrselr the above-described landt nre requested to file their claims in lluv oince on or octore ftnu 30 uav of Sept, 1903. J. T. Huitx.o, Regitter. 6-i.rp Driglit's Disease Tho larucat aam over payed for n pre scription, changed hands t San Fran cieco, Anr. 30, 1001. Thq transfer in- vol ved in coin nntl stock- firj.oou.ivnnu wns paid by a party of buHincis tnon for I n specific for Jlrigiit'fl Dieensu anil Dia bele, hitherto incurnblo dlteatcs. They commenced thu aeriotib invpsti-, cation of tlto spcriac Nov. 15, 1SIO0 They Interviews Fcori-s of tho enrol and ( tried it out on its merits by putting ovor tbreo dozen cbhcs on tiie treatment nnd , wntching them. Tliey alio cot physic I- ana for judges. Up to August 2 1, clhtv Bovon por cent 01 me tost case wero either eJ or progrcini: favorably, Thero boitij; only tljiitcen per cunt of failures, tlm partlea wero eatlflted nnd closed tho transaction. The prorcedint;p of the Investigating committee nud tlto clinical reports of O'o test ensea wero published and will bo mulled fren on npplicntiou. Address John J. Fulton Company, 420 Montgomery St. , San Frnuchco, Cal. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner or Front andA'strcftH, MRSHFliCLD,' OREGON, JCiNHCNYDER. : : : ; : :Proprfetcr rnHlS WKLL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE J. HOTEL lias lust been entirely refitted and refurnished throughout and is again open to tl c public for patronage. New beils nnd spring mattresses have beet ptoced In almost every sjecping room of th's house and neither trouble nor expinfs h.c beci larea to put cverytmng in urst-ciiss oruer. TERMS. X , 1 Poatdnnd Lodging, pcrucck t3.r0 Hoard, per week ....... -.co' SngleMeals s$ THE STEAMER Jl. C XJSLhOX, Mastet . Will Itluke ISocuInr Triiii. -BETWEKN- COOS BAY AND SAN EBANGfSCO PASSENSERS ANS FREIGHT AT - LOWEST RATES. 1 Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., rroprietoss, F.S'.DONVJ Ageritrits'relitfolfd, Oregon 8.0. CO. Ageut, Einplro City, Oregon A" V Flanagan Benjiotfc BANK, DIItKCTOKS: T. K. Sheri dan, J. W. IJeniictt; I'itKS.: nntl'. H. Flnnnsiin. YJCE I'llES. : 11. F. Willinms, CASH J BR. Oapttai, $50,000. .h;ii:niifii:i.i oki:o. We promptly obtain U. 8. nnd Foreign I f I llsikll I - aaM V ml ' Ba SB BJ fHcuJ inoael.tkcteb or photo ol intention for : irtcroport on pnicntauuty. For frco IwaV, :KT.SrTRADE-HRKS "S" ifAVniiiiJ ii Upposito U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. !lF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE i IN NEWSPAPERS! Z ANYWHERB AT ANYTlMq 5 Call on or Write lE.C.ME'SADYERTISllC in gP.UWP 9 64 & 6s AlercfuinU' Exctutago. w ilAN I'KAntldbU. I.AU. , tiiivtvDmHttvivewsi r'tVi II visit DR. JORDAN'S chcatI 'MUSEUM OF AAT0P lt51IlBTST.,enFlKlSCc,ClL. I ThttairritAutomlnlMuKBiniAUii ; Wucld. YlkM M tay cvalltclid illltl.t x.lll.rl7 ardl J Ih. dlidt . btttciMlwl oik lh. CemL. H,L 4 VCAIL I - I OR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEHflL MTPUH.IK HloioujMr fdlcHil S rron.jriaUkHtittiucotMfCMr7, A TryuollilbruiliiiKit. K4l-l mH a Ia. Uh aImvl. A rfltlp bih,4 L' i.dlul curt lot I'll. n in 1 Lrlul. 17 111. JOJCiA I iKCUt put lu. niclLod CMi)utk ht tml tfikilrprivtt. Trrni p.r- ( on.ll h Ictltr A rMtn tvr. la trr o - tundeiuhca w,nt (t nock 1-nn.ORHPMV sr j I MkHIIIt.aE. MAILtO 1-l.EK. (A. vUuUttWvk G (arninL) Ctltcilu f- v , J OB. JORDAN & CO., 1061 MrTW5T..5. F. feO YEARS- EXPERIENCE Trade Mws pesicNtsi' ' PiinvninuTii fir.. ' Anrono sendtiiu n skotcli and description uiav, lirkir lucurtalu our opinion freo wuether an oultklr mcortnlii our oplniun. ireo invontlon In nrobablr natcntali." Uivcutlon t probably patcninuio. itiraniiiTiica-, tlomattlct ictiroonuuoiiu iu Oldest auonc Jliyoonuuouiiai. hwiulwiwmi tt lotii irco. l'ntonta takon throut;li Sluim & Co. receive nuoncy ior ocuruiif vmici. iptcUl notice, ultliout cliHruo, In tho Scientific jrlmcrkMit. handsomclr Illustrated weekly. lJnrct clr ilatlon of any aolentino Journal, 'i erm. IJ ar inri-Tour months. IU Boldbyall newdellart f " BrancU OffleereSi V Bt , WMhlnton, P. C. vft- ijTjnjra .pih H1111111111111111111111111111&