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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1902)
' life v -, t f 'P PHTHrt'i'?r'11fttlill'"fjfrrr ' ! i f f ( If i Ooeil enough ftrAl ll Havana Filler JtJft HH spHPiB IK.tv2l RJB K9K " PLORODORA " BANDS en cf saint valut as tags from "STAR." " HORSB SffOS," HSFEA,RWA&."3TANDARD HA Vf." tU0 mc; i HONEY." "SAW LOG," "OLD VARGINY" or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tolveeo. 1 JAMIWJBOWHI Railroad Notes Tint Great Central Und Co. iavo Just fold thri-n of tint ehlitei'ii lota which Ihnv secured In their purclinio ol land In Kmplri' City, all liiHiiMfii ImntiotiB. Tnontv four hone havu nrrlvril from ItoiKtiurjj for III" work on t ho Kelt lino rnllroml, boing driven In over tlio Coon Il:y wAKn nuil, nnd about 75 inoro nro roportfd on Ihu way. W rk on tint terminnl grounds of tlio Bull Lino ntllrnnil nt Kinplru It going ennrgrtirnlly forward. An toon ns tlio plleiulver i completed thu construction of tlio wharf will commence. Frorossional CarHs. E. H. Walter, D. D. S. DKNTAI.SUKGKO.V AND MK011AN- IGAL DKNTIST. Ofllco Nnfcburg Mdg. A. Bt., I'liono. 2(1 MAKSllFIKLD, : J OKKGON. A. G. Gross, M. D. 1'IIYSIOIAN AND SUKGKON. Ofllco, Nusburg Building. I'liono 12.1 MAKBI1FIKL. : : OKKGON E. E Straw, M. D. 1MIYSKMAN AND HUHOKON. blK'Clul MtteilllOll til lll.l'UHl'1 of tlio Kj'O Kur, Noho uml Tlinmt, (Hiimos fitted. Ollicc in Suugstnckcn & Smith IJuiltliutf. W. U. Douglas, A1TOHNKY AT LAW AND aO.MM.HH.ONKU. Fionl direct, Maulifield, Oiccon, U. fi. J. W. BoniiGtt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR A'l LAW. MAKSllFIKLD OKI'. Johu F Halli A'n'OKNKY AT LAW. Office In Ultlomilo hWek, front ilrccl 'ilaisliliol(l, Ori-uon. IJ, St,, MARSH II1SI;D, ORE , 0. F. MoKniglit. ATTOKNKY AT LAW s Office in' the Iicuc ;&iyW,uUcr. , ajuiuuiiy. SiWncr Items. Minn Nelllo Domont, of Myrtlo Point, In visiting Jo Beyers, ntul Mr. Boono'd family. Mr. J. P, Wilson, purchased n now "Itgy HumniiY In not ho slow. Aunt Dotty Koork, la spending n fow days In this vicinity. Mr. Knnloll, of Mnrshfiold wan travel ing our roods Sunday. Lulu Hoono, has been on tlio sick list tlnco last Friday. Tlio old Indies, of tlio neighborhood, incut at tlio residence of Mr. Boyots, Inst Sunday, nnd it lull n very favorablo Impression for tliey linvo It pin n tied to repeat tlio net mora ex to in My, nt Mr. Wilson's today. Tlio patty consists of Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Bcyors, Mrs. Bluck, Mrs. Koono, Mrs. Hhorrard, Aunt Kotsy Koork nnd Aunt Mary Brown. Mr, Jim Catching Is painting and re pairing his lioueu and Delmor seems to enjoy It. Mrs. Hattlo Catching, and brother' luft hero last week, for Iter old home, nt CanyonTlllo. Anothor bonfire is in tlio wind. Mrs. Slmcklcford kit hero yesterday morning for Eugene, where sho expects to moot hor husband who has a mail con tract there Miss Jo Beyers has roturncd homo from Myrtlo Point, whero she has bcon attending tho County institute. School begins noxt Monday, with Miss James, o! Fiihtrap as teacher. A very oxclting accident occurcd to .Sir. Fred Willson yesterday. While hauling posts, tho term becoming fright; ened ran nway upsetting tho wagon and demolishing things, in general, Fred In cluded, but ho Is ablo nt tho presctn writing to entertain, widows nnd old Choir proctico, nt the first Hop t let church on corner of Selandoraud Koono street every Wednesday night, nt night o'clock. a -r- T. T C3 ret jC JX. i i..r tho II M V'B lw Almn Boat!! ihatiKlY'BlhrtAhraTS Oljaataro Travel by Sea Arrivals by Areata Aug. 15: W At toy, L J Hnzen, Miss Loam, L I) Lay ton, J II McKnight, J L Gloasonf N Power, J Anderson, 0 Carlson, H V McLood, A Smith, J Hnlmon, JJThorsen, It Hnw sen, N Nileon, Miss Hnycs. Departures by Areata Aug IJJ: Miss WoRtior, Miss Nowmnn, Mrs Tnrpen, Mrs fiiinpeon, Isabcllo Girnrd, John ("ilrard.MrsGirord, CO U-o, 0 Dnlton, S Israol, J Wolf, Miss Taylor, JJ U Kuckor, Mrs Culln, Miss CUlin, .llts Ilnylon. Mrs. Aikon, It D Uumo, Mrs It D Humo, Mrb Knlihto, Mr Do Groot nnd wlfo, '-' BlcortiRv. iS-ruit; Canned, Dried, Honey AND ALL t r uinn unr in I Direct fr'jin Producer to Consumer. GENUINE ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE Father and Daughter Meet in Marsh field after Buing Separated a Quarter Century A f.onulnoiomnncoln ronl Hfo enmo to light In Marshfiold recently, and it line been tlio subject of so much inter ust, and so many oironcona versions liitvo been circulated tbat tlio cliiof act ors linvo consented to tlio publication of tlio facta by tlio Co art Mail. When tlio Quaker doctors woro in Mnrshflcld it few weeks ago, Mrs. K. J. Mastore, of thin place, recognized in Hal tho Healer (Dr. Curtis) her father, whom siio had not seen since she was ft baby. Put briefly tho story is this. On April 0, lo70, nt OrantCity, Mo., Miss Miry A. Dyo was married to Doctor Curtis, who was then traveling .h Ur Campbell. Tho marriago waB n happy ono nnd they lived together something over n year, Mre. Curtis traveling from placo topiaco with hor husband. Thon sho returned for a visit to tho homo of hor parents, where a daughter who was given tho namo of Maudo, was born. When tho child was about a year old, Mrs. Curtis was, pro. vailed upon by hor parents, who wero opposed to tho match, to refuse to live longer with her husband. After ox haueling all moons to persuodo l)or to join him again ho mado an atlomgt to get possession of tho child. Ho did, in fact, steal her away, Ibut was followed nnd at tho muzzlo of of a gun compelled him to glvo her up. Lator n dlvorsu was crantcd and about 18S0 Mrs. Curtis married John Dement und Is now living in Portland. In IH'42 Maudo Curtis camo with her grand parents, Mr. nud Mrs. W. S. Dye, to Coos county, whoro she was mnrrled to E. J. Masters. Sho is now conduct ing dressmaking parlors here. When alio taw Hal tho Healer, sho recognised him by an old tin typo in hor possession, as ho had changed but littlo in appearanco slnco a young man. Go? ing to him sho mado horsolf known, and ho recognised n badgo given by him w hen. sho was n baby. Papers in hor possesion also provo tho relationship, nnd tlicro la no ques tion but tho two nro tho long Eoparnted father and danglitor. That they wero gladjto moot again goes without saying, nnd tboy will not Ioeo trace of ono anothor ngnin. Dr. Curtis sidled on tho Mandalny from tho Co qulllo lnct Sunday, but will return latrr to vltit his daughtor again. Wrs th r0 llU K1'1!l Y'J Hlffl in'1 $100.BXJYS Anyone of either Hems bolow: so Ibi. U-Jt Cocoa Shell, si lbs. l'.ird Srcd, nilxwl oi ptoln. 30 11)3, liost Siro. j 1 His, b stTWeRlcc. 75 Inn. Ilouw tnmllc. 1 1 large lulcs choice Tomato Catsup. ao liars IYM Niiplha Soap. 8 p-gs. CSrnpo Nuts. 4 cIm, oval iloirl C'ntiV Soap, so lurs 1'iniik .SkUl.ilU Soap. 1 pail Anchovies in brine, 8 pkgs Shrwldcd Wheat Discuit. a pkg I.lon Koast ColTce. 10 tins To uato Sauce Sardines. 1 kit Salmon, Alaska. ioo Hi. s icl. ce Crt'aii' Salt. MITH tasF CASH STOR.E a7 NO. ZB MARRCT STncCT, 8. F. tn we piicc-iii.1 your Tnrnilc Item's Alex Carlson who was seriously HI at tho stnifo landing r fow dsya ago has re covered and is homo again. Ii'oblo Pros, of Marshfleld drove out a bnnd of fat beef cattle on Tuesday. Messrs Hall, Kruso dud party who aro outing on tho lake, paid a visit on Ben eon Creek Tuesday and expect to return hono today, Wednesday. W. F. Bowron and Wm. McCulloch nro having business on tbo bay. Mrs. J. W. Benson hns boon visiting at N'jtth Bend for a few days and la ex pected homo Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs J. IJ. Milnor of Marsh field, arrived at this popular summor resort Tuesday. Kobt. Tcmpleton of May is horo visit ing his old neighbors. Krnest Stauff, tho photographer, ex pects going to Marshfleld Wednesday, but will return in a few days to furnish music for the great ball nt tho Opera Houeo Saturday orcning Aug, 10. Stephen F. Johnson will bo in Marsh Odd Friday, Aug. o to attend tho Pio neer reunion. Jacob Tuestrom of North Lake shipped a largo consignment of chittim bark last Friday. ' Mrs. Sarah Wilson and her sons, of Marshfleld, who have bcon visiting at the homo ol W. F. Bowron returned Turis day. V. D. Adams had business 00 tho bay Tuesday. J. E. Peterson of May and E. E. ItlggBid North Bend returned Saturday after sovernl days hunting in the Twin Sitters country. Among otuer .game which tho nimrodfl brought backiwaB bear hide, it is supposed ttiat nt ono tlrno they have had a wholo bear. Mrs. B. Boborts of Templeton paid a visit to her neighbors on tho lower end of tho creek Tuesday. John Monson is carrying mall on tho Tomploton-Lnko route while D. 0. Kin yon, tho contractor is driving team on tho beach. Tho water in tho lako is receding owing to tho large amount ol trout taken therefrom. COUNTY TOTERANCE CONVENTION AT BANDON A county Convention and temporanco rally will bo held at Bandon Wednesday aud Thureday Aug. 20th aud 21st to which every man and woman boy nnd girl in tho county aro invited. A very interesting program is being arranged. Ono hour will bo occupied by promiuent clergyman of tho county in discussion of such topics relittivo to tomperanco as specially touch their work. One hour will bo devoted to n discussion of moth ers work, whilo n vory interesting recep tion will bo held on Thureday afternoon by that Well known character Madam Grundy, Somo of tho floist elcgere of tho county liavobeon Invited to alng and other Intel osting features aro bolng plan ned for tho program. Mrs. Unruh, National lecturer of tho W. 0. T. U., will attend all eosaionB 0! tho convention nnd deliver an nddroes on Thursday evou'lng. Mrs. Unrnh haj just roturued from California whoro ho lina been assisting in tho PnclfloGro-vo Congress ol reforms, Ilia oxpocted taat thij will bo one of tho moot intorosling and notable lomperrtncb Tallica lover hell Jn Coos County. i My. Christened Air. and Mrs. P. L. Phelan's Ircby, aged 20 days, was christened .last Sun. day at (ho Catb'oli&.cbprch alter morn ing mass, Father Uonhelly performing ibeceromony In tho presence of quito r. number of the friendo o( tho parents, Tbo namo given wasProston Lantr Phclan.- Thos. McGinnis acted as god father arid Mrs. R. Jr. Welder as god mother. tOS ANGELES SACRI.J. :. , s FICED FOR OREOON . , ,, . Salt Lakers Seem 1o be Eager 1o Get in Coos Bay. Deal Instead of Clark's Project (Oregonian) ' Evidences multiply that tho CIar' railway onternriso between Salt Lake ?c Los Angeles is being sacrificed for tts Coos Bay project. Senator Clark was in Lob Angeles yesterday on business connected with his railroa, which is not making tho progress that was ex pected of it. He sdvs tho difficulty of getting right of way in Southern Calif ornia is causing unexpected delay, nnd he admits that hie right of way is likclv not to bo cleared up for a year or more. Tbat means that construction of the line will proceed slowly at tho best. Taken in connection with the difilculty in get ting satisfactory traffic connections, it is interpreted bv railroad men to mean tbat tho Clark road to Los Angeles ie as good as hung up and that future opera tions will be directed to the task of lot ting it down easy. Certain moves by Senator Clark that are construed as at tempts to get in with, tbo Coqs Bay deal strengthen tho assumption that tbe Clark Los Angelea road is oj ready on tho sacrificial alter. Salt Lake influences appear to have been shifted almost entiroly from the Los Angeles route to the newer one pro jected across Oregon. Major Kinney, chief engineer of tbe Coos Bay line, was formerly a heavy operator in Salt Lake City, and slnco publicity has been gtven to the Coos Bay-Salt Lake schema Port land has been n popular resort for in fluential (salt Lake citizens, Every one of tliceo manifests an eager interest in tho Coqs. Bay country. Some of them aro cot content with tho information available at Portland, but Insist on going to Coos Bay to make a personal inspec tion of that couutry. It la not doubted that some of them linvo mado heavy in vestments in that region, having direct ly in.viuw tho eucceesof the Coos Bay Salt Lake Railroad. These men aro no dividing their interests between Los Angelea and -Coos JJay. Los Angoles holds nothing for them; Coos Bay is full of opportunities and they are long-head ml enough to eoo and seize tbem. Though tho transcontinental feature of this railroad, project waa not t6 bo de termined beforo August 15, certain moves in New York are believed to indl cato that the matter is already fettled nnd that tho road will bo built through to Salt Lnk.o City without unnecessary delay. Tho attitude of Senator Clark, the activity cf tho Salt Lake men hav ing inside eastern connections and the vory eloquent fact that a goodly sum of money has actually been advanced for paying preliminary expenses, all bear in this direction, though no official an nouncement has yet been made. Tn decd, it is said that the official an nouncement is llkoly to be deferred some time, aB a matter of eolf-preserva-tion for thoso who aro supporting the proiect. "If the Goulds nro roally bohind the Coos Bay enterprise." faid n man who has giveu some attention to railroad schooling, "they would bo foolish to lot it bo known' That momout thoy would invita tho special hostility of Eastern "interests that now Ret tho ben ellt of the Gould business for the Pacit'c Coast. Tho liarriman linos, for iu etance, nro not now bitter competitors of thu Gould lines in the East, because tho Harrlmnns get the haul anyway from Salt Luke westward. It It weru anuonnctd that tho Goulds wero prepar ing to open a lmeof their own to tho Pacific, tho liarriman people might ruuko it decidedly uncomlortnblo for the Gould lines in competitive territory east of tho KockieB, at tbe same time giviuc tho Goulds scant accomodations weBt of bait Lako. So I am prtpared to rend events rather than wait for formal of flclal BtatomontB." Mouoy Ja going Into the country on n scale that leaves no room to doubt that there is substantial Btipportlor tho oper ations now in progress, whether that support bo from Gould interests or froa somo plain hut rich Johu Doe. 1 Bnenandoah. Aug. 13Absolule quiet Teignahoro today- despite rumomthat tho soldiers wjll hotba taken away ur tl tho troublo 1b settled. MAKSHPIKLD, OUIiaON i