I , .. . v- .. ri .. .-wjMiJjJ(i A(MMlNuMi(MA'9Mff9WMMvV W.WW!f i w-t-.. -., ,. - -- v " - I , llilmivliiritl W- V () iiii tiff cturi MtttinrmM H will. i:.i(.l h.i.J' 5' liivlJll.H Hfti Oil lilt.- . .). not Weak. V NjV Noi .iijlinr. Mill i H n anjcwi. 'MitV, m J liaintM not Ap, H V v U mimaiii ViTrv V VVP- hw, Tm IJ-VJ J- Jd? I f B Wrara I , A) , Tk j&JS. life" i Ion Iiy ili Uu? ' mjP' y ) I mrofKurtli JJa j VyI ll.iimiOU. faJMTWaU X ttoid lj'lir In Jan. IIiIim, Hadat-y 3tintri) Oily j Company ATTIiMPfliDSgiCIDli OF HENRY I'LOEGER Henry 1'loogor, ol Marshfleld, was found Saturday afternoon nt nnn'r 'i o'clock In n pocarioiH comltliun. It ici'iim Mr. Ploegcr In n (It of mental du rangomnnt trlud to coininit Juloldo by ruvering It to u'rlut tttnl alio Ills throat, In tliu former ho out all tlio oonlrt ami nr torioi niul cut a gh noroii hii throat iiUiutl iniihes lorifc, severing It to tliu wind plpo. Mr. I'lneuar stated that lio malu the attempt nt I1I1 llfu Friday afturuoon nnd had w.itulnrod In tlio 1nuli nml lillli be twceii I'ormlrtlu nml Vet .Mitrshfiold nil night Join,'. IIo called some children to wlicro lie wai sltthu. on a lo. They woru fiftrh -cnod and nnlled Mm. Parsons who cumc and rnw the condition of tliu man. She gave tlio nnrm,nml H. II. Cathcatt and Olhera of tliu neighborhood enmo to lilt retain. IIu was stll) abln to lt up. Ho wan removed to n rhady place ml u con veyance secured to tnk him to town. He wai taken to Dr. Mut'ormnc'o olllco nnd tho wounds woru dreised and the man Hindu m comfortable at) pnetlblo. Ho staled to tho coroner Hint hu had commitud the net himself. IIu nleo Hold that tho Unlit homo wotji had madu him crazy. Tho doctor statu tnnt hu had lost a Lue ninoimt of blood nnd his chancu for recovery wnn very ilim. .Mr. riocKur Ifl a highly rewpectod eitl xtfti nnd hit friends Blncorely rerot thin mehnct. Ho in n Mnraii, n K. 1. and n Workman. IIo served as nwl.tnnt llsht lioti'u l;oppor for overil yenrr, hav ing but tucuntly rciljjntd this jioiltlon and moved to mnrahlleld w th his fami ly. It was found necessary to nmputntu liln hand and Ore. McCormno, Horcfall nnd Grosi performed tho oporatfon and )iu rcvivoJ tlow.'y. but h vury weak. Hu was romoved to Ida homu hut nlht about I) o'clock. Fine Trip. Thos. Illnluo, who roturnu.l Thursday, from a huntliiR trip with a party of flvo, reportH tho host tlmo ho ever hud on such a trip. They wont to tlio blij burn uoar Klka peak on tlio headwaters of tliu north fork of tho Coob rJvor, nboitt 2i ntllcB from Allegany. Thoy wont . about halt way by wajwii over tho Allo- Bany-Klkliorn rnad, and packed In tl-o rent of tho way, Jinvlnj; four liorsus. Thoy took a comploto outfit for cnmp liiK with nil tho provlBioiiH thoy could think of. and took nolld comfort in tholr c.trtip. Of tho 17 door thoy klUoil.7 woru InrKti n 7-point buck betm; tho Inmost .Tlmv lirouulit outll pair of largo horns, nml Mr. Hlnin willtnln onu pair of thoso back to Missouri, whon ho makes i his -contomplatoa trip to hii old homo thoro this fall. &KM? YpUNG"PlCNfKFR f ALLS f VERBOARD Clias. Woodward Attacked by Cramps Wlijfc Kcscniiijj Kirn Rcv- Iryhic Went to Rescue HAtutdny evening whito tliu Alert wbb comltiK down Coos river with tho picnic (ixcurelonKivon by thu Ilapllst church nt Piper's Krove, Clinrlcs Dcemoud, need nboitt 1 1 yearn, nccldontly (oil ovor board whliu ptnyiriK with romo ktys on a scow In tow of tho Alert. Tho stoam or wos belwoon tho creamery nnd .Mnrhh flold, nnd won runninu very iloiyly. Cliua. Woodijrard Jumped from the ettntner nftcr tho boy, nnd wns brlngliiK him to tho boat, was taken with cramps and wns In n critical condition, and ncttt down onca with tlio boy. A Ifu prosorver was thrown to him which hu Krnbbcd hold of thon n plittkwns thrown to him with which ho assisted tho boy, then Itev. Iivlno sprang into tho water to 'rclluve Mr. Woodward, who was about IorIvu out by being In tbe ter for so lotin a time, and helped save thoboy wlnlo thu btoinur was bolnx bnckud up to tho retcuers and they wero pulled aboard tho mow, Tho rcicuo was n heroic piece of work, and tho iuntlemuu showed cool doliborntion in n time when most men lou their heads. Later, After takiiiK thu boy homo It wns found that ho wan In a vory critical condition, but nftor working ovor him for nbout an hour, bo was brought around all tight. King Edward Crowned London, Aug. O-Klog Ivlwarl wn crowned today at 12:21, Three Strikers Shot ficrnnton, l'enn., Aug. -Thrco Btrlk ers woro shot alScrnntpn today. muBvassJuacKBamiaii i i A really healthy woman hns lit- tlo ));ilu or dUcoiufort nt liio j nien.strual period. No woman needs to hnvo any. "WJno of J Ciirdul will (julokly rollovo thoso i Miimrtlug menstrual pains nudi thu dragging head, back nml n!do nche.i canned by falling of tho womb nnd Irregular ;nonse.s. WBNECMDyi hn.s brought pcriunneut l-ullcf to 1,000,000 women who miffored Bo very month. It timkus tho men- Htrual organs strong mid healthy. It Is tho provision itmdo by Nn-1 turo to g;ivo women rollof froml thu ton! bio nolics ami pallid whluh bligJit so ninny liotuo.s. I OiutitNWOon. Ia., Oat. It, 1900. I liavo lioru vury itclc fur soino tltno. I wns taken with a Hovoro pnln tu my I stdaanil could not uot nny relief until I I tried nbotllo of VIno otOarilul. Do- roro l luil taken nil or It I wns ruUcvcd. ' I feci It tnv dutv to oav that vou havo n i wonderful mcdlcluo. , illU, M. A. YOUNT. I I'ariultlrAnnJIUfrftlur.nililrfti. alvltiu itmn. llciiia,'lheliiillr'Ailrliur)rlte)iarliiiciit,',flia Cliituiioocn Jlnllclno Co., ClaUanooga, Toon. RAILROAD NEWS The Gould's ave an Eye on Coos COOS BAY 185 MILES NEARER THAN OTHER POINTS Strong Argument Made in Railroad Circular Intended Not For Our Ears Portland, Ote. Aug. 0 A Circular issued by J. L. McLean, Hankers nnd Urokora nt' Urond St. Now York, eels fourth tho morltsnndndvnntagftsOould'B railroad. It f peaks of tlio connection of Gould with tho Great Central railroad project between Coos Uay nnd Salt Lake. It Ib accompanied by a rnnp, showing tho extent of tho Gould railroad lines nnd incidentally makes plain that pro jected line, Coos Hay is much the shortest route to tho Pacific, about 1ST mies shorter via Salt Liko than nny other route. Thu Circular in part is as follows: To thoso familiar with financial news it is apparent that tho aim with great rail road men of tho country is to connoc tho system of railroads which rvould go from ocean to ocean, reach the Canadian border nnd Gulf of Moxlco. Tlio circu lar recites 6tops through which Gould; railroad renchtho Atlantic Seaboard, th: Gulf nnd Canada. Jt covero tho largo producing sections of thu Mississippi valley, with a network of tracks, Tho only thing lacking to glvo tho system the balanco so long sought is a Pacific const line. On the mnttor tho circular epoko ns tollows: Tho Great Central, now building between CcosBay and Salt I.aki will be for tho purposo of supply ing tho .missing link to tlio Pacific coast for tho f,rcat Gould system. Although (t is denied tliu facte, mado bv people activuly In chargo of tho building opera tions but io tho general bollef through tho best posted financial channels tHat tho money is being furulehed for the building of this road by tho Goulds and their Associates. It Ib certain they can mako tho best posslblo tuo of tho rond through Coos Biy and a branch lino to Portland, nnd until substantial evidence to tho contrary is set forth Uio coming technical perfunctory denials not suffice and tho theory that thu GouUh are tho hackcra of tho Groat Central will bo ac eeptul as plausablo nnd worthy ot be lief. Tho circular w.ia intended for cir culation among forroign investors and it was nulto incidental tha.t n copy reached Portlond yesterday, Thcso who havo watched tho eiluntjou, however, eco tho ovldenco of the connection, of tho Goulds with tho Coos Uay project. '1 bo Clark Bchetno for n railroad bo tween Salt Lako and Loo Augolea la eaid to havo n promlso of n Gould connec tion at Salt Lako. That la why tho Ore gon Short Lino fought tho Clark onter prir.o so desporutely nud camo near de footing It nltogotber, when pcuco wns patched up topormlt the Clark construc lEE frmv7r: ThUn Who Wra OTSAWYER'S EXCiILSJOfl BRAND w ffiteil Sails ami Slickers Wurmnlfd WnUrptonu j(1"ioiiar tjint work nnd t7iif m..l. ff iiitir rlr-tlAT flfjnn'i v2tK i.villjin,iidfi'roiUUorua. f J3SrVtl ' U'lila.-I r.ll.l., ifHifl uifcHirmiii zXMwJJ i.x.Mti,u'N)x,iuianrMM trrTyy lanin(t" a. fcWi. tion to proceed tho Gould interests was not entirely pleaecd. It la said that Benator Clark's nr rangemont with Ilnrrlman was of euch a character that tho (ioulds could not command tho Salt Lake Los Angeles cutoffs in tholr own intcrett, if that in terest happen to bo opposed to that of Harrlmnn linca. Thercforo tho Gould's do not feel calloi upon to holp tho Clarke traffic Arrangements, and will encourago tho completion of tho road to Los Angeles. It is said to bo bottom Tact that much vigor seems left in tho railroad entor prise. Of courso Clark has money cnongh to build that or any other rail road ho may taku a fancy to, but ho ia not in tho habit of making investments for tho fun of it and it Ib not doubted that if tho trnfic arrangements fail the Olark road will bo mado n' local lino and sever somo Senators' mining property in that quartor of tho world and tho Goulds may look clsowhero for an out lot on tho Pacific. Tho McLean circular ia regarded as n pretty strong intimation that thcGould'd have already forsakon the Clarko line, and will got to tho Pacific seaboard nt Coos Iiny,over tho Great Central. Tho facta that the Coos 11 sy line is shorter than any other line, via Salt Lako by 16? miles which is an impoit ant matter to bo comidored and another important fact Is that tho tra-Jo routes tenda northward rather than southward on tho routo via Coos Bay, tho Orient nnd Siberia ia materially shorter and easier than that of either tho San Pedro or San Francisco. Then there Is a great trade iu Alaska, which will certainly be hotter tetved than from San Pedro. Coos Bay also has a much hotter har bor than bau Pedro. Although those considerations must weigh in aetermln? ing what Pacific port is to bo reached by as important a transportation ngency aa tho Gould linos. The ground is no now occupied at tho terminals nud will bo less exponslvo thau at ports wbero n brisk competition is already oatabllshod, - A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED At Panama, Colombia, by Chambor Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy Dr. Chus. II, Uttor, n promluout phy sielau, of Panama, Columbia, in n recent tottor states: "Last March I had as a pntiant a young lady sixteen years of ago. who had a vory bad attack of dysen- tary. Everything I prescribed for hor proved ineffectual nud ehs was growing worsu every hour. Her parents woro ure alio would dio. She had bo :omo so woak that alio could not turn over in bed, What to do at this critical momuut waa a study for mo. but I thoueht of Chamboi Iain's Colic, Oholora and Diarrhoea Remedy nud ns n last re fort prescribed it. Tho most wonderful result wes effected, Within eight hours elio waa fooling much better, insido of three days slut was upon her feet and at tho end of onu week was eutirely well." For Salo by Jno Pieues. J, . M n. w f K-l '1 h: ' GBE FEE B is i DEALER IN GIIOCKU1ES J'ltKSIJ 1'IIDITS, VEGETA' HLK6 PltOVISIONS, FLOUR 'FRED, ETC., 'OJ? DIE ' BEST ftA LIT V. 1'lllCES REASONABLE.' FK0J5EN OVSTEJtS EVEUYDY. : : " : It 2 If. w . Bt A Street, Marshfield, Ore I I IBIH7aVIBiaBUHaIBBBMWIBBBB . amaiM m am. The oia Reliable irm, E.B.Dean&(;q. C, II. MERClANT'4ggf. Js constantly adding to ita stocK of Cnneral Morchan ise, already Uio hrgest In 3Lm.hfield. When you buy at tho Mill Storo you knov tho goods aro first class nud the price is nil ribt. All kinds of lumber and building material, 4 feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. LiQIOF HEADQUARTERS FOR II I G II GRADE LIQUORS r CHOICE WINES AND PURE BR'ANDIES. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEE J-anjily Ordcr-5 Solicited. SQLE AGENT FOR THE CELE BRATED Ranier Beer, Family orders for Pop?, pints nnd quarts, dehvored by tlio cusp. Robert Marsden. Fast and Commodious Steamship ALLIANCE HARDW1CK, Master Maku rcgu'-ir trips twtv. --a i?.tn Kmnclsco and Portluid Ilumbolpt anil.Cooj Bay, cul n nt above ports jsach way. Tho ALTJAG ia a first, class paseiigQt- bout, ttnd h ti till tho modern convetiloncn nml ia ono of tho fust .'". Steamers of her class. y, x x. x v y. i x x vt x x. a j For Freight aud Passenger Rates or Sailiug Dates, Apply to . SENGSTACKEN, Agent, AlARSHFIEfcDj' pxegewi tw vr Coos m A l J iV iSj U W 'M If IV