-.j -- "?- JkK--v '-- X V --v oM ! f" Jr'U I Afrgclable PrcpnralionlbrAs slmilntlng ihcFoodamiKcgiila luihcStoiaachsojtfBowSlsoi Promotes Digcslion.Checrfur ness anclRcsl.Ccmlnins neither Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral. Not "Naiic otic . ? efOUiJCrSiKlZlFmZSn UJi Stat- Jt&ftJfW9t 1 lilOntmUSaU IKntSnJ- Ctaif4JA& liUtijruM rtanr. f Apcriccl Remedy forConsb'pa Ron, Sour Stomach.Diarrlwcn orms .Convulsions .Fcvensh ness nnd Loss OF Sleep. TacStmJtc Signature or NEW YOHIC. flpiaaaBiasqsiHi L XACT COPY OF WRAfrCR. t-1 Coast Hail. MARSHFIELD OREGON Additional Local Mrs. Chas. Hfikox has returned from a visit to relatives ou the Coquille. C. S. Benner who has been absent from tho bay for several years, returned on (be Alliance on a business trip, . Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Denning was quite badly burned Satur day by falling against the etovo wbilo ber mother was ironing. Mrs. J. J. Mahoney, and Eon Albert, of Son Francisco, camo up on tho Al liance, for a two months visit with her aister, Mrs. G. W. Woodward, of Soath Marsbfield. Andy Hartman, rrell known to all tho old timers on the Day, who has been at tho county infirmary for several years, was adjudged insane a few days ago and taken to Portland. 0 Henry L. Shattuck of Khellsburg, Iowa, was cured of Btomach trouble with which ho had be6n afflicted for years, by four boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. IJo had previously tried many other remedies and a number of physicians without relief. Tor ealo by Jno Preues. Pillip.Relcbort who came up from San Francleco about two weeks ago on a visit with his relatives, will leave on the next Areata. . Tho schooner Charles E. Palk, passed down tho bay Monday morning, lumber ladou, Tho rigging oi the new echoonorA'rgua ie going ahead rapidity. The four masts are in placo, her "bald-headed" rig giv ing her an oddjjppearanco. Dean & Co'a mill vbb closed down Monday to give the crow an opportunity tq attend tho funeral of tbo latii William' ycha,ds.who was 'employed therefor aenrly' ten years, . .-. S MWM Wi 1 1 Tor Infants and Ghildron. The Kind Yum Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of twc cmraun coumnt, mwyonn crrr. A. E. Seaman hai bought Mrs. Thoma' property on tho cocnir of I) and Uroadway. The price paid waa $1500. Tho brldgo leading to" West Marsh fleld is badly in newd of repairs, several planka being broken through. Jas. II. Flanagan fa acting as caihior in tho bank during K. F. Williams' ab sence on his vacation. The beat physic Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablot. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For title by Jno Preuss. C. E. Nicholson and It. F. Williams and their fami lies went up to tho Maze for three or four weeks' camping. Hobt. AJir, tho tinucr, returned Sun day from Coos river, where ho Iras been in tho lino of his bubinoes, and will now take in the upper bay. Frank Pago, late landlord of the IJlanco, has raturned to Eureka and is at work for Jaku Lowentha), wncro ho rvna form crly employed for years, giving good satisfaction. i. The new hoist at tho Libby -mine, ro placing tho one burned out eomo time ago, will bo started today. A complete now electric call system had been put in. Tho Radical United Erethron Church in Christ, will begin a camp meriting on Thuroday evening Aug. 1 Ufa, 1002, at Mojhicr Chapel on South Coos Kivcr, to continue over two Sundays. Hishop II. L. Barkley of Portland, Orezon, will ba in attendance. Every body are in vited to attend, and all who can to corao preparca to camp. Sent to Jail. Dbas, Wilson waa arraigned beforo Justice Hyde Monday aftornoon on n charge of petit larceny, tho complaining witness being Kdna Stiapp, who accused hinpf.Jtakinga skirt belonging to her. II o pleaded guilty and a fine of $10 was imposed, in dofault of wblehjie wa com netted to tho county Jail. It is said hat there was dome shooting mixed in will) the row which culminated in this caso. ft Jp to fupA Use va For Over Thirty Years Cpt, lhb Jones Is spending a short timo on tho Hay, nu d will return to Sun Francisco later, w bote a good poidtion nwnlts him. E. HonckondotlT, has had n now sldo walk laid in front of hit property In South Marehfleld. Capt. Uuinr, of tho Copper Queen, I says that he expects to Iinvu n U0 ton Steamer for the ltoguu river trailu In tho near future. The telt'phono lino to Wt'ddorburu has been disabled for a few days, but lu O IC again now. Mrs. J. vb. Holandton, of South Marill Gvld i visiting in Empire City (or a fov days. Tho Sumuor boat carried an unim number o( lady pastcngers Tuesday, among then bo inc.Mjs. A. P. Eoon nnd daughter Ethel, Mlrsoa Zoo Wilton and Litzlo Harris, Miss Mary Mack and her 4itsjt Miss Newman, of San Francisco, Q. W. Trlbbey returned Monday from attending tho Advontlst camp meeting at Myrtta Point, which ho reports to bo highly succcMfuI, theru being a largo nt tendance and inuchMiitcrott. The merrj'-go round has ccntod to ic volve, and lis whittle is Milled. The outfit will bo nhlppcd on the Alliance to Eureka, where Mr. Collins hopos to haroa good rua. ' II. Songitackon lias boiiithi n tvatn of four ) oko of nxen i.l n logging outfit of W. II. Nob!o and it. opening a pile camp nt Cllargotr, to put In piles for tho Great Central Uallroad Co. Jas. Forty will havo charge of tho camp. It. G. Smith, lato of Eureka, who pur chased the John Mctacrlo place on Catching slough, moved his family nnd household effects to the place Tuesday. Capt. Dan Kobcrti. who has been in, Pot thud lately, U.in town n low days boing a passengor on tho Copper Queen for Koguo rivet, whero ho will bo em ployed by Captain Hums. From tbo way that job wok is drop ping into thl) office, it rcoms that pooplo are determined that tho fighting editor must cut his vacation khortand the rutt of ua can't havo no vacation. Tho News hai at last found out, through the Orcgonian, that tho Great Central Land Co., has bought tome land of the FlanngAu cstab and C, II. Mer chant. Miss Edna Wilder was tho happy re ciplent.of tho iady'r) gold watch glvjn away by Mr. Collins nt tlrt incrry-o- round .Monday ivening. filio received '1Y1T, vote, tho next highest being Mies Pearl Iiebmor with 2270 votes. MjH3 Eva Wilson, who has been con ducing a drcGS-making shop in tho lion-nett-Wnlters brick with mm ked success, lias cloifil the same and returned to her home ut Sumner for n rest. The funeral n-rvicos pi tho lato Win. E. Itichards. on Mondaj, were conduct ed by Ilev. Soulus, one of tho ministers conducting tho Adveutlstcnmp mooting nt Myrtle Point, Itev. Ilurj; being unablo to come. Copper Queen Arrives. Tho Copper Queen arrived from Yn rjmna on her way to Itoguo river Men day evening and will take n cargo of assorted freight. The Queou eailod in ovor tho bar and came up thco bay under tow, having blown ont a gasket. Sho will lay hero n couplo of days (or minor ropairn to her machinery. Geo. itHna, wife and family aro pai Bengora, on their way to locate af Jtogue river. Take rily on . This pathetic nppuM comes In n loiter to n friend from n young hnbhotor of Com river, who, linn boon holding down tho ranch while his folks attend thoenmp mooting on .Catching slotti-ht "Tell ovory one you ceo, pnri (specially Tho Dally man that I am sadly in need of n houtekuepcr. Oh I .old! any body regnrdlcio of nge,tixe, nice, color or lre viout condition ol servitude, nchool inn'ama in) dreas-innkers oxuepled," Fine Christening Kobe t Ik r tti I . . i .. i . i inro. i . t . rnuinu nns compieici nu : unusunlly beautiful mid elaborate chrlsl eniug robo for their baby which will 1iu chrlttoued next Sunday, Tho rowing on tho robu bin Imhui done by band, nnd nn Idea of the painstaking work done can bo gleaned from tho fnct that there are 42 stitches to the inch and it In esti mated that 87,000 stitches wcio taken qn tho robo. OASTORXA., Travel by Sea Arrivals by Alliance Imm South Aug. 2: Miss L. Harrows, Mrs C Aitdursoii, Mrs E I.illalvc, Anna Frcdricknon, Fred Iillstrom, Mrs. J.J. Mahoney, Miss W T-):wr, G G Lowis. C Peterson, it G VVIlion, Mrs. It G Wllion, T Wihon, J P Jacobu-n, J F Sitiims, I) I) I'lorci', C S Dcniior, Mrs H Belmont, Etta Holtnout W F Kanson, P Martsncall, J Cotoi. Doparturos (or Portland by Alliance, Aug 3: Mrs W A Shone, M llackonsto and wife, JMeglannd wife, Mrs Mngulre, O Wilson, I) I) Meyers, G I) Self, A It Allen, I) Allen, T II Porkins, J W Per kins, Harry Unun, J A Ilutblno. F Itrast S Snyder, J Richmond and wife, A U Olrnrd. C A Campbell, O W Fostor, II Stennick, J Pcnbody. Eood enough foranbody! AlC Havana Filler " FLORODORA " BANDS m of samr vai'ue as tags from' ' STAR," ' HORSE SHOE," ;SPEARHEADr"STANDARD NA IT." " OLD PEACH & HONEY." "SAW LOG," "OLE VARCINY" , or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco. I 'EHBBaaOBrCB(iaKX3I9HHHBHBBBBBBW' ProfosRioiml Cards. .E. H. -Walter, D. D. S. UBSTALnUltUKON AND MKOIIAN- 10AM)ENTIHI'. Offico Nrtsbtug Illdg, A. ill., Phone. 2U MAHSI1 FIELD, : t ORKQONt A. G. Gross, ,M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SIMSUUO.V. . Qlllce, Xaaburg itulldliivt, Phono I'J.l .MA 11811 l-'lKfi. : i OltlJGON E. P.. Straw, M. D. PIIYHlClAiS AND MtUtfJEON. Spi'ditl iitteiithin to tlUoiMtM of thu Hyo I'.nr, .Mnio i.tiu i nrnai. uiiimuh ihioii. Of lice in SLMtstnekeu Smith lJtiildinj;. W. U. Douglas, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND U. COMMISSIONER. I'ronl Hurl, Manlificld, Oiron. J. W. Bonnott, .VTTOP.NEY ANii COUNSELOR AT LAW. MAIiStll'lULD OKX Johu F.Hall, ATrORNI'.Y AT LAW. OfVto) In Ithlofuilu Itloeti, Front u; AlarilificVi, Oregon. II. St., MAKSIlPIKI,r, ORiv O. F. MoKnight. A'H'OUNUY AT LAW O fiicc in ihu liuimC' Waller Ihiildin. MARSHFIELD. ORKOON UiSB8j3wn3UTrxr?xwaw3rwfcSKan " RYETAB " Whlskoy Iionns. Snmethltig nbiinlutoly ntw and with which no have extmrlmculcd for yearn. One benii tnaktu imh uln't Artlllcbl MiUkny (lty. or Ifnnrhoi)); tix r.nnn to tin pint. Jiibl thu thing for travelers, nnd convent ,nl fnrplcnicri, excurslnur, etc. Contains all thu viituuof tho lifft whlekirn without thu duli'turli)iiacff'i!t. Made from the puru vegetable mntter, nnd gunritnti'ed to contain no poltnuniihor nnr coticdrugs o( nuy dt'rcrlptlnn 1( a bevemgt' l not (Wir ed, u beau may hu liilien in the mouth wlttiotit wuter, and tho most oxllurating ef fect will bo experienced. Ilox o V2 licuriH HOc. Tho Peniii rnliill nt 10c each, nrd can be procured from any druigcl, fancy groour or llrt-cla Imr. For enliion dlnli'.gearr. One box feut post punl on receipt of GOrentM. s?a Giiisciii: llisiil.iiijr Co. DiHIil.LKItS OK Hvonnd llourbon WliUldon. rl 8T, LOUIS, : : : AtO. Nominated fdr Congress. Flomington, N. J,, Aug, 5 Hopubli cans of tho Fourth district mot in coif veiitlou horo today nnd notniiintod Judgu William M, Iinnlug, of Trenton, lor Congressman. North Dakota Druggists. Grand Forks, N, 1)., Aug,, G Drug gists from nil parts of tho stale nro at tending the annual meeting of the North Dakota Pharmaceutical association, which opened here today. Tho ecslon will continuo throe days during which Utao thoro will bo diauueaionB nnd pt pors covoVing a wide rai&a of topics 6f ' interest to tbo trade. f