J PRESENT SOURING ' ON COOS BAY BAR Twenty Five and Seyen Tenths Fccf Tlie Least Water Fount, at Low Tide Oipt. Jas. Moc.ee took n party of cou tletnen out ovur tho bar on tbo tug Col dmbia Saturday forenoon, and soundings wero made to ascertain tbo actual depth o! water ou tbo bay at this time. lu tbo party wero T. II. Diere, euRtn trer in charge, o( tbe Great Central Rail road, J. W. Ccok, president of the Great Control Land Co., T. It. Sherklnti, presi dent of tbo rirst National Hank of Rose hurg, and Dr. C, W. Tower, of this city Thcfo wero all interested in knowing tbo exact condition of tbo bar and paid clo:o attention to the Bounding?. The bar was very smooth, and all con ditiona favorable, aud tbo trip wasmado nt nearly dead low water, allowance ,beioj tnado to bring tho measurements to a low water batls. Sixty one soundings were made, goin cut and coming in, the courco coming t:i being laid some dltlanco from that allowed going out. The average ol the CI soundings way SI 5-10 feet. The shallowest place fonnd wa3 about 300 feet in extont, and four foundings made in thia distance showed -o 7-10 loot of water, that being tho minimum. Theso figures, about the correctness o .which there can bo no question, speak for themEelvcs, and chow that thn Cooa Bay bar, beildca being tbo shortest, haoa greater depth of water than than nny other bctweon S&n Francisco and Fugut Sound. Irude PETROLIUAJ FOR STREET SPRINKLING The experiment of ming crudo pe trollum to lay tho dost is being tried on front Etreel' on a small ecale, and if it jeorks ns well as expected will no doubt Is used quite extensively. F, S. Dow sprinkled a part of tho .liurntclay section of tho itrcet, using an ordinary sprinkler, with the holes en lirgod eomewhat. So far as pan be judged, tho effect la good and very little dust is ceen to rice uvea with a strong wind. J. Nekon, in front of whoso place the m.rinr.ni i ' was tried, intends to put on more oil and O.vc the eurfaco a thorough soaking, which will undoubtedly fix the dust to n flnidi. Mr. Dow also applied some oil to Mr. planked street in front of tho J.lanco, aaan experiment. Bomo fear is ex pressed that to sprinkle the planks will ; increase the dancer of fire. If this ba ' irue, it will cut little figure, for if Hie J xlirt streets are oiled it will bo an ui alter to keep tho plank clear; eo no duet will fly. easy that I Warm Fight For Congress Middlcsboro, Ky Aug. 4 The He publican primary beinc. held today to reUct n Congreejbnal candidate for the Kleventh district is one of the Hvcliut teen hereabout! iti many years. Con gressmen JJoroing nspirea to a renomi jinlion Acd expresses confidence in tic result. Tne opu-feini; candidate for tho nomination are Col. D. U. Colson, of Middlciboro, ar.d Captain KJviard Par ker, a well known politician of Lauren county. Tho district being ovurwhelm iuV'y Kepublican, a nomination ieujulv jtlciit ton'u election. "W An Exciting Bear Hunt Emrou Mail: Tho quiet cltlsjns' of this com munity wero neatly thrown in con vulsions ono day last week, by tho report that a Urtzo bear had bocu roon near by by Mr. llotor of tbo Coast Mall olllco, who is campion in thin mJuhbor hood, and who at tbo time was wilding barefootud in tbo river trying to catch minnows with his hands. Mr. Uofcr was at first taken for a wild man from . his actions, out, niter (rasping lor urentii a number of times he mauagod to tell tho exciting story of his discovery, aud steps wero at onco taken to organise c party ot boar hunters to go out and capture Mr. Ilruin. Mr, Ilofer was arm ed with a 22-caltbroiUo, a bowlo knife and a largo Colt's revolver, and kept tho party enlivened by his stories of ad venture in tho wilds of Iowa and North Dakota, and how ho had killed fierce mountain lion and gritily bears in the Rocky Mountains. On arriving at the I.1&CO whero tho benr was scou tbo dogs were unleashed and after many instruc tions from Mr. Ilofer tbo hunt waa ou. Tho dogs took tho scent nud Hr'ulu was soon on tho run. It was thon noticed that Mr. Ilofer kept a long ways In tbo rear of tho main party ; his f aco v as athy palo; and ho acted like a man with ague, when askod hat was tho tnattor, he complained of having n revere touch of cholera morbus and wanted to return to camp fornbottloof psicgoric. About that time a loud cracking of tho brtifch was heard neftr at baud, and some ono yelled for everyono to run, as tho bear was charging tho paaty. Of course, thoy all ran but Mr. Ilofer, and it wjh thought Ly all that be had made a stand And was going to add one more bear scalp to tho Inrga number he bed told tho hunters of. After all had found u safe rotreat, thotn were heard in the di rection where Mr, II. was last toen, and jufter waiting a considerable time tho bear hunters proccodol to tho spot. No , bear was seen, but Mr. II. was found lying on tho ground with his tru6ty 22 ' claused in his hnuds. It was at first snppofcd that ho had accidontly shot himK-ll but upon closer examination it w ns ecu that ho had only tainted. Two bullet boles wero (oun 1 in tho atmes phero near by, and it is supposed that I'.ruin had mado his appearance come 'whore in tnat direction, and that tho chotB were fired to Fcaro him off. Mr. H. was carriod back to camp, and line kon a pnmatnaa ft t ft In iil'Ar (IMPrt thouRh it is hoped h will coon recover and bo able to tell tho awful story of hi narrow eicapo. Old Geizzly. Alleghany, Aug. 1,1001. O J3 53 I 0 3n "X. JSl. m E ira tia t'1 Km. YW IbH AIA3TS Bc2ti Si.gsstara cf The rA wiu Reliable V Firm, ? E.B.Dean&Co. r s C. it. AlERCIIANT"flIgSZi Is coii-jtiintly nddinjj to J'h fctoou of Gnueral Mcrchati Ji?o, already tho largest in' Murehfiuld. When you buy ut tho Mill Storo you know the goods arc first ch;s mid the prion i'h all riptt . ill kinds of lumber ahel building material, feed and sup- ,,, , plies at wholesale and retail. ut . . WU - ','ViSs, tim null land, act junk 3, wb NOTIC1-: VOW rUHLlCATION. United Suit Irtiul utllcc, ItojclrtirR, Oregon, . J ime. 0. iqoj. Notice U lifrthy Riven llmt In compll.xiKC with tlio provision of die net ot tbngti-M of tine j, 187U, entlltett "'Aunel for tlm into ol tlinlivr .null lit the States of CdlfornU. Oregon, Ne ndi. mul Wrtihlngtoit Territory," n ixtemled to nil the Public 1-mJ Stutei oy net of August i, iBoa. KDWAKO K .tAUTKL ol Outtith, eountr of St l.oul, State of Minn, tm thli tiny nied in tlih oltktj hu otn statement No 9636, for the iHiiili.tM ol tins NIvt-4, or Sec, No. 34. Tp a6S. of It 111 est, nnd willolftr proof to ihoiv lh.it the Lxnd might ii more vatuxblc for Iti timUr or Mono thiinfor aertctiltitrnl purHe5. nnd towtabllih hi etaiiii to Mid tand la-foie llic lleijliter unit Receiver of thl ortlcn nt Koebur. Oreeon, on Tueitay, the 30 il.y of N(it, tjoa She n.mien witnwwi lieoice A IUirn, .IfH, Mitrv'A. Ilortanil, MnrcnretS. K.xlhUirn, Llurles V. I'.u.t.wwii. of Duiiuli. Minn. Any unit nil imo". clilmins mltctiety the nlovedaetibeil l.tndi nre triiicited in tile their cUlim In thUollico on or Iwfoie Mll 30 U.ty of Sept, t$o3. 6..-p .T. lllltDOns, Rej;lMrr. TIM11KU LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTICI. FOK I'UllLIt'ATION. UnltcdStitc. Ind Office, RoKburg, Op-j;on, uno 17th, 1901. Notice Is hereby ctven IhAt in loinplUnce w Ith the provisions of the Act of t'onj;ret ol June 3. t8;8, entitled, "An net for the ule of timber Until in the State, of (.'nlifornlii, Oirgon, Nevrtd.t .r.d Wvliln;ion Territory," ns cttend ed to nil the Public I. mil States l) act of Au yust 4, ifys. KOYAI. K. C'L'.tl'STtjN, of Cleveliml, County of DourIs, Stnte of Orfgon. lint this itay filet I In this ollice hi sttKr.i statement No. 3747 for the muclmn ofiho.NWK of Section , l'on.hlp :o South. Range 10 Vet Witlamrtte MuliUtn, nnd ' Mill o(Tcr proof to shou tlmt llw bnil ( Miight Ii more vnlu.iblv for its iimU-r or Mnnc than for flKiluillnr.il mirjvr 4iul to vtubli,h ; hit clnlm to tnkl bnd before tin' ReglMcr and Receiver of this utiice nt Rovcburi. Oiexon, 011 ! Wetrtesta the 15 !fly of Oclobcr, on. I lie nnmus as witne.es: llimni A. Sheldon,! Kuccne M. Wood. Wilbur F. Ilauh. of Cleve ' land, urcgon, tliaries lliom, ol Oreeon. Roscburg. Any anil all perrons chiming ndtcrscly the alvote (leicrilml Ltnds are triietc(l to fi'c their cUims in tbls oflice on or Ulorc salt 15 J.iy of October j tpt, 6-a3 , J, T, Iluitxwn, Recliler. TIMllKll LAND, At'V JUNK :t, 1878. NOIICK FOlt 1'UULICATION. United States 1-and Office, Kostburg Oregon, Apill 36th, 190a. Notice Is hereby chen 'bat in conplianco with the provisions of the act of Congres. of June 3. 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber l.im!s In the Slates of '..ilifornU. Oreeon. Nevada, and Washlneton Tenllory," ns c-l tended to all the I'ubl.c Uind Slates by net of Arcust 4. 1843. GUhTATUS Ii. IIKLGIJSON. of Iota, county of Wnurci. state of Wiscon sou, lias tins day died in tins ollice Ills sworn aw of the' f" iii lunrn statement No. aS6, for the purchase Southeast quarter of Section io. so, . Tonshlp 35 &OUIH, 01 lunge w., 10 v. .m nnn wn oner proof to sbow that tlie Jniul sought Is more hinted ol Lnlffornln, Oregon, Nevnila, valuable for Us limber or sion than for ngrlcul- nnd aslilngton Territory," an extended turalpurpo.es, nnd to estabh.h Ms clairh 10 said to all tho Pijhllc Land States by net tf land before the Re'iMcr ami Receiver of this uittlBt -I 181)' office nt Rouburg. Oregon, on Tuesday, the, B ili'iriYpnT rrnnco 4th day of November, km. . ... . ", VJJ 5hKI . LDI)hS. He nan.es as wilniWs. I) I. Martin, '" Marehflohl, county of Coon, Stain of Joseph Wentherby. of Roseburg. Oregon. Mar Oregon Iihh tliU dny llled In this clllro tin A Nordc, John S. '1 nylor, of lola. Wiicoii-i his Horn statement No. i!("i8 for Hut sm. Ipurcbaei) of the Nl--' KW1 I, hWl4 Any nnd nil persons elaiminc adversely th KW1 l. NWl .1 NK1-I nf K..,.il,,.. v 1. Ne-.....er,,ya.J,r.nK,.,.S..iegt,er.7..33 A FISHERMAN'S LUNCH. Ilovr lie True Antfler IlrolU Troot 1'or Ilia Noondnr Steal, In the deep ebadu of tbo tree tho hai l;tls arc laid, and now n lire In (darted nenrby, 0:10 of Vim Dyke's little "frlendHlilp flrr," which Hlinll hIko cook n fen front. "Gut two flat atones, fik'nd-tind they'll bo hard to llnd In this bowlder country, hut thoy uro somctlmei. worn r-ulto flut M'hlle I i;athcr koiiio niilllelent wood." Into tlio flro tho Htoues go, nud tho wood la hen pod about them. Soon tho Intense (,'low of live wood cmbcra Indicates tlmt the tlmo linn come. Tho trout, n nllver of Imcon 111 ench, nro placed ou one Htone, llrt well mu.t- fil of ItH nHhe, nnd the other tono in laid upon them. Now tbo hot ciiiucrn nro rul:c,l nbout nnd over the Htone.,, and .tho lunch la uprcad on tho big rocl: near tho uprJiM,'. O yo cplcurcH, who thlnl: iiothlnir . Itood unloift served by n Uul.noi.lcu ot ! TTSI.CVry, ;;o ye Into the motiiitnli.3, fol j low n brook for half 11 day, net wet nnd tlrotl nnd hungry, Hit down by nn Ico cold HprhiK oiid cat broolc trout coolcctl on the npot nnd delicious braid nud butter llbornlly spread with clover lion ey. Not till tlicn imvo yo (lined. "Tioui nnd Philosophy on a VormWit'stwnm"j&l 111 wining. 'I'ommy AUtlnw' I)ren. Tho IlrltlHli soldier lmH not ulwnyii worn n red uniform. Whlto waa th prcvallluK color under Henry VIII. and dark Krcen or russet: in .'tho ,tlmo ,of JSIIaabeUl. TIMHKK LAXI)A("P. JUNK a,4(q 878. NOTICE Milt I'UHI.ICATIUN. United States Iind Office, KoJchurg, Oreeon. June 17, i(u. Notice Is lir-eby clvcn ilt.tt In coiupll.inca lth the provisions nl Ihencl ofCongut of Jum 1, 187I), entitled "An net for tho sale of u'Mht l.tmu In the States of uulfornlii. (jreon, ,Nr it da, nnd Wnthlneton Irriliory. u eilended 10 nlllhohibllclndStateilirnctofAiiKUitJ, tOd. HIRAM A. Slll'.UXJN. of Clove) nut. county of Doueta, Slain of Oirpon, has thlsilny filed m this olllco his snrti statement No 9748, for the purchase ol tho l.ot 6 and 7, mid KtfofSWK of Jkxtiou No. 6, lnTonshli a6 South, ol Range ic West, nmt vlll otter tiroof to show that tho Itml sought Is innie v.tlunfile for its lluilier or stout thmi lor nK'Iculniml nurio'ct. and to cslnblltl his claim to snlil l.inil befom tho RcKister mm KeceUerofthls olhceat Rorbtirj;. Oieguu, on Wednesday, tho 151I1 d.y of OctoU-r, 1904. llenamosus Ytiinosies- Ront I. C'unlps ton, KuRene .1. Woo. I, Wilbur I. 1 latch, of (,'Ui child, ti.-ejjon, Ch.xtlsi Thorn, of K010 burc, Ihetson Any ami .ill persons cl.ilmlnfj ndrrtry the iibose-tleKrllicu lands nre rrnuestei! to file thrlr claims In this ollice on or lelore ktld 1 31I1 day of Octoler, 190a 608 J. T. DKltx-.ts. Resistor. TIMUKU LAND ACT, JUNKS, 1878 NOTICK FOK PU11LICATION Untied Btatea Land Olllco. Hoaebure, Or, Juno 0, 1102. Nolico is horcby olvon, that in coiu pllattco with thu provNIonn of tlio act of Conrrronof Juno3. IH7H, ontlllfd "An Act for the rata of Timber Lnndn lu the fitiitr ol California. Oreeon, Nevada, and Washington Trrritory," n extended to nit tho Public Land Statta by act of AuiitistJ, 18H2. UHOKQKA. IIURN'8, nf Diilulh, county of (St i-ouk Htatool Minn., hna this dny fllcsl in tliia olllco his nworn atntement bo. -IIS'J for the pttrchan of tho 8W 14 of Section No. 31, in Towmhlp No. '20 South of Uonjtu No. 10 W. and will offer proof in tdiow that thu land eotiitht In inoro valunhlo fur its limber or atoit- tliun for agricul tural ptirpotce, nud to cetablUh hie rttttni In waIi! Innil liitfAr,. lint I'iMttMli.r j nij Kecclvor of this olllco At Ihuoburir. Oregon, on Tueedfiy the 30 day of Sop lumber, ll. Ho nntneo an witueoses: Mr. Mary A. Harland, Murgnret H. Itnthbttrn, ChnrlcH V. (Inctiivgon, nud Kdvtud K. Martal, nil of Diilulh, Minn. Any nud nil pertonnchtliiilnndvuree ly tin) nbovu decribtd lands nro re queued to fllo their clnlme in this oflice on or beforu eaid 30 dny of Septotnbor, IW2. .,..,- 0-U- J. T. IlitiiKiKrt, Iteglsrtor. TIMIIKULAND ACT, JUNK 3, 1878- NOTICK KOIt PUI1LICATION. United Stntefl LandOfflcn, Kcrebtiru. Or. .May '29, lU.r2. Notico is hereby iIviti. tlmt m mm- . ... z- -- ------ .-- --. Plico with the proviflona of tbo net nf -onKreea ol Juno 3. 1878, piitillvd "An 1 'v ur wiu mm ui iiinuer i.nntis in tlio w X'fll itrlunhlo lol'lS ttmberor ntonn than fornirilcultiirnl pur. iKJseti, nnu 10 estuuiiitii ills riitlin to naltl land beforo tho Iti'Kistoranil ltwolverof thlHolHctint Koeohtirg, Oregon, on Satur duv thu 1!I dny of AugUHt, J002. Ho namcH na witncntei: Kbuu Hod ron, JprsIu Smith, Itobert Hnyton, f.d wird Doyhj all of MnrMilleld, Omhii. Anvnml nil iHira.nnncluiirilngndvfrnL'ly tho nbovu described laniU nrurricHted to fllo tliidr claims in thW olllco on or before (Aid 10 day of August, UKJ2. 0-14- J. T. UitiixiKH, ItuKibtor. l'lMIIKH LAND, ACT JUNK , 1878 NOTICK KOI. PU11LICATION. United States Ijtnd Oflice, Koscburg, Oregon. Junoo, 1903. VntlA I. I...r.l.u iiIuh .1.., I.. ,....ll W,, , he provision of the net o'fCongress of ..rH, 3. 187a, entitled "An net for tho bile of Umber I11;' '" bf Stales of California, Oregon, Ne. J" ,!f S'iVm h,.n,,0?I.vif ,,,?ry," ."" ,wl,,I,," J ".' lMk Uml b,a,n " w of A"" ,1RS. MARY. A. IIORLAND "J Dulinh, County of St I.011U, htnte of r"''1!; ',"',J',1I 'i,5"l ,n ,hl" "'llt0 ,1Br Z'U T TLA'? '7. 'T! shin No. s5 South, Rnngo No to West, uml '" v proof to sbow tlmt the land sought U moru v.iiimIjIu lor its Umber or none th.ui for ii,",riciiliiiral purpovs, ami 10 ustntilisli his vl.uiii o ud land before tbe Register nnd Receiver nf I his ollice nt Rosi-burg, Oregon, on Tiiesihv. Uiopodiyofiiept., iri, IC II IIIR'J Its willll'HI'' Moti.'ir..! I! 11,11. , ,, -.-. , -.,,,, . .... , ,. ...., ,.iti 1111 ..snynmi nu persons iMInilng ndvorw v the ai.ove-deicrilKd lands mo nrjiusled to lile thrlr claims in tills 01T1C0 on or before raid 30 day of Sept, 1 r,02. J. T. llumr.iis, Register. (Vi.i o .a. ca 9s? o -jiZL at jib. . tan tLo ) l W.IO 1CJ II1W WW EOOT a? 1 r w TIMUKU LAND, ACT JUNK. 'I, 1H7H. NOTICK l-'OU PUIlLIOATiON. United Stnlci I And Ollice, Itoseburi;, Oreeon, April uoili, n)j, Noltco I lierrby elteit tlmt In loiuplianco wltli the proliloirof Ihc net of Conjjiess o itne.l. 1O7H, riitlihd "An net for the s.tlu of IiiiUt Utnds In thn Sit Irs of Ciillftirnln, On--jjoti, Nevada, and U'usliliiuinn Tniltory," ns extended to nil the Public l.iud States by net ol AukiiiI 4, iooi. JOHNS. TWLOR, of IjU, county of WmiiMua, stile nf Wis. cousin, has this day filrd In this ulliru his sworn ststemeiit No Hll7, for tlw iiiirihnso rf the Noitheast ipi r Icrcf Section No. an, Town 'ship 115 South, of Rnnj'd to West, nnd will olfrr pr of to thow tlutl the latidsotiitht Is more val udile for llf timber or ilonn tlmn for njilctillur nt pinpose, nud to piaI)1IjIi his claim lu Mid l.i nd brfoiti the Register nud Receiver of this olhce nt Itosrbitrir, Urefion, 011 Tuesihy, the .th dny of November, iqoj Ho in hips ns wIiiiossm: U I, Martin, oscih Weitlhriby, of Rosebun;, (Jiron, Mur. tin A Norde, (;usttviis 15 llolceson, of lol.i, Wisconsin. Any ami nil i mu cl.tlmlni; niherMly the nbovedescnbel lands are icqucsitd to file thrlr claims lu this oflice on or before said .uli day of November, tow. 7-uJ .T. llRitnr.s, Rrchter. TLMIIKU LAND, ACT JU-NK a, 1878, NOTICK FOK POIILICATION United States ltnd Olfice, Itoscltsirs. Oregon. June, 17, if0. Notice Is Hereby I ven llmt in cnmplLince nub tlie provisions of the net of Congress of pine 3, 1P7H, entitled ".n net for the sain of timltcr lands in the Slatrs of l.ilifornl.i, Oirgon, Nevnd.1, nnil Washington "lerrlloiy," ns ex tended to nil the Public l-ind States by net of AtijUvi ., iOw, KUOKNIM WOOD. ofClerelsnil, rwinty ol Uoiii'las. Male of Ore con, tins this day fifed m this ollui his sworn sLstemeiit No. 9746, lor the purilmte of the SI U, of Section No, 6 In 'township Nn. to South, Rnnye No 10 West, nnd Will offer I loof to show that tin land sought is more valuahlo for Its timber or stone than for nerlcul tur.il Hirpoie, mul In cstablltn his claliu tif vsld land lelofe the Reitlrr and Krcelwr of this oflice at koxhuiK, Ureiiiii, on WcdnrLiy, the ijthdayof Oetolier. iouj. lie names ns witnesses' Roval I'. C'timptton, I I Irani A Sheldon, Wilbur I'. lUteb. of Clevifl' Uml, Ori-Ron, Chailrs Them, of Rosclur, OrrRon, Any nnd nil persons oUlmlnj ndverstly the alove-drscilteil lands nre iripicstiil to file ihtlr cliilms in this olllsc m or l-efntn said ijlh day ofO.t, nJJ. . I'. lUilxJiis, Kelster. 6i TIMUKU LANDVACT JUNK .1, 1878. . NOTIOK FOIM'UllLtOATioN. United Slates I.tnd Office, Houbnrij, Oregon. July 3, ivoj. Notlct Is lieicby plrn 1h.1t lit coruptlttnce with the tirovlslnlis of the net nf Coiiiieti cf June 3. 1873. eiiiiilrd "An net for the sale of timber lands In the Males of Cuhlornia, Oii-goti, Nevada, nnd WasIiIiikIoii Tenllory," ns eUni. ed to all the Public Ijind Stairs by net of Au i;ust A, 1H93, MARTIN A.NOItDK, of lola, count of WaiipxeA, slate of Wis ion, in. has this day filed In this olhce his sworn slitrment No. iM$, for the purchase of the NWi-iofS-'C No. win 'I own hip No. 93 S, Ranee No 10 West, nnd will olfer prool to show that tlie laud voiikIiI Is iiumo vnlunb'e for Its lluilirr or stone limn for iiRr ctilturul pur tov. nnd to rst ditlih his 1 lalm to fcvld land le lore the ItegiMur and Retwlvtr of this olllre nl I'.oteburi', Oniion, on ' ursday, the .tli day of NcemlKr, nyoi. lie n.iniMM wilssls, I) I. Martin, tvpli Weatlifrby, tf Roselmr;, Oiufon, John S 'I a lor, Oustavus V- Hi-l;eson, ol loin, Wl conln. Any nnd all wrons cUlnilnj; nd.ersrty the ubovo-doicrlbed lamls me reriurstrd to file their claims In ibis oihte ou or U-iic sold 41b day of November. iioj, .T, Hmimjiji, )c;islcr. 7ia TIMUKU LAND ACT, JUNK .1, IH70-' NOTICK IOU PUUI.ICATION. United Stntefl Land Ollice, Uomdiurir, Oi. .In ii.i II 1P02 Notice hertihy j:lven, thitt in com pllnni'ti with thu iipjvIhI.jii of thu nut of ConsMtMi of JiuiD.'l, 1878,1'ntltled "An Act for tho inli of Timber l.uiuls In tho Stotc'M of Calif rnj, Oreuoii, Nevndn, and Whlnittun Territory," us extvuded to all thn Piihllu Lauda States by net of AutftiHt 4, 1802. niiAin.i' v. fiiiKTA v-snv of Diilnth, county of St Louis, Stnln of .Minn., iius tins d.iy tiieii in tuts (.nii'ii hid hsvorn ntiitcnuinl. Js'u. 2(158 for thn ntlr.linBi, nf tin. rS!WI.J nf MPltiltt Vl. Ill, in Township No. '20 South of llango No. 10 W,, iin.l will nff'jr proof to show that the land eutiuht U mnro vahtnliUi far ttti Itmlmr or elnuo tlbin lor nuririilliirai iiitrnOKi'n iii.it In 11utfil1ll.l1 1 1 In f'lnlrii to .11I1I Inijil ln.r.irii tint KiirUli,i' nnil lti- eeivnrol thlf oftli'f ut Uosobiittr, Orison, on Tuesday thn DO day of September, l.'W-'. Hu iiamei i witiKtsies: Oeoruo A. Hiii-iiu. t.'iltvut-.l I.' Murlol. Mr. AlnrvA. Ilorliiml, nud Mar;tuut S, ILithburi), nil of D11I111I1. Minn. Any and nil purftonn clnirtiinu auvurec lv tim iiIwivh ili'sn'rlhod laiiiU itrti 10- (tii)8ti:d to lllo tbeir uhiinin in thin (lllcu on nr hufoiu e.il'l M) dny of Sept,, 1002. 0-1 1 J, T. Hiiidoim, KenUK-r, ll(:lrnlIr "P.iiw," snld llttlo Willy, "Is they nny niieli tblnr; au n critdlo of tho deepV' "Cerlalr.ly, 11011," replied paw. "Thoro ua i.'ot to 110 uomotliliiK to Hop uqunlji ."." t -.iiultlmqro lNowa,