r. , ;'v SUPERINTENDENT LEE ' GETS TRACY TELEGRAMS Washington Officials Work a Josh, M Get About as Good as Tlicy Send tiuportntondont J, I), Leo, ol tho Ore gon penitentiary, a few days ago rccolv cd tlio following telegrams: "Waililmton, I). C July 24, 1002- ,!.co, rJuperlnlcndcst Htnto I'onltontlary, Fnluin, Or. Trscy seen In Pennsylvania vontio tbla afternoon, Send deputation it onco. "J. I. HonXADAV,"1 Washington, U. 0., July 21, 1W2. tjKrt(xl hero thnt Mary McLane, now In Doston fa ongai(ul to nurry Tracy at Capitol, Washington, tomorrow morn lug. (ush Injunction. "Jkssii: W. Cajdiiciiail." "Washington, D. 0., July 21 1002. Tracy In riding up and down Pennsylva nia avenue on n bicycle, shooting holes in tlia nlr, Torriblo excitement. Ilcaeo enJ n pollcotnnn to tako lilm away. "E. e. Littio." "Washington D. 0., July 21, 1002, At t o'clock tliia afternoon Tracy wan rccn cllmhlng t ho Washington Monu ment. Hurry rricue part)'. "II, GltHOX GAMtlKIIR." "Washington. I). V July 21, 100?.- J tut saw Tracy itt Whlto Ilouec, Ho wants appointment n United UtntoB Manlial of Oriion district, and eaye, 'I'll meet U'oyot. "IllA K. BkINETT," Tlio nbuVo messagea c:mo "doadbcad" eo it la probablu tlio persons whoso namos nro signed to tho telegrams arc public ofllclals. Superintendent L?o wired tho follow ing reply: "Salem, Or., July 24. Ira K Bonnott, alias Carmlchnol, nllaa Hornadny, alias Little, alias Gardiner, alias Deadhead, "I wrote to Doctor Pierce, who sent me a very kind letter and advised me." Thousands of weak nnd nick women can trace the beginning or n new life of perfect health to thnt letter written to iJr. Pierce. Kick and tilling women nrc Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence held ns strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. 11. V. Pierce, liuifiilo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription cures weak nnd nching backs, headaches, ucrv- mess and other womanly ailments ly cutting the womanly clibcnsea which cause the i. "1 1 Hip iptliii: ol rooo I tieenme vcryilll," vrUit Mr. AJwiw-ScliuHi, of I.nle Wintliliijr. ton, l,cmicin Co, Minn, "my lwck n very wml: nml nclicil no tlmt I cmilil ilo no work ut nil, m I wn olillKfl to tnkc to my bed. I felt a rotiatnut ilcnlrc to nrlnnte nml tlic jmIiih In nlxlnmeii were nlmoiit uiilicnrnnle. I wrote to Dr. I'lrrcc, who sent me rt very kind letter, nml ntlvNeil me to lukr til ' I'iivorilo I'tcucrlptlou mnl Oolilcti Mcillcul Moanery. I took nix tiottlcs of cncli nml mil n well woinnii now. 1 cannot liny enough In favor or J)r, fierce' mi-tllclnc. '' t'I'nvorUe Preset jptlou ", makes wenk won -n strong, sick oiucn well, Accept no Bubstltute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. , Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable hikaAjvo. for delicate women ...... Washington D, C Your serio-comic (ii(Iruplo liutallmont messages betray your lack of Appreciation of famous visit ors. Tracy was a constant boarder at my hotel for more than threo yenre; famo has followed him since. Hoard at my hole! and you will bo famous, too. j Klogant rooms awaiting yon, Mary Mo Lano may bo his, but your choice would ho llelva Lookwood and score of others. Then you could scalu the Capitol dome, danco on the apex of the Washington Monument, sleep In tho nostrils of Bar tholdl's statute and drink tho Potomac In two. "J. D. Litis, "Proprietor Dlmond Proof Hotel," SOME WORK NEEDED TO ADVERTISE COOS Outside World Should be Informed of Of the Aduvanlagcs of This Section Tlioro is ono matter of considerable Importance that could well engage tho attention of Coos jlay business men just now, nnd especially of tho Chamber of Commerce. This la tho matter of adver tising Coos Hay, and bringing Its re sources nnd advantages boforo tho out sldo world, This has boon sadly noglcctcd of lato yearn, nnd In fact, nover has been prop erty followed up for Hny length of timo. If wo wish to too this section rccolva ita tbaro'ol the immigration thnt is flow ing towaid tho Pacific coast and of tho capital which is looking toward this side of tlio continent for Jfuvorablo openings for investment, wo must lot tho world know there Is such a phtco as Coos Bay, and let Uicni know what wo bavo hero. EVory few days tho MAit, receive in quiries from podplo in the East who wont to know something about this sec tion, and many rbIc for papers contain ing particulars ns to Its resources. These letters nro answered as best wo can, but It is impossible to cover tho ground. A small pamphlet could be compiled and printed that would answer oxcel lently In such casos, giving tho Informa tion nbout Coob Bay thnt intending im migrants would bo glad to rccoivo end that would attract tho right kind of peo plo to this placo. Tho tlmo never boforo was eo favorable for this work, Tho talk of a trans-continental railroad lino coming in horo for nn outlet has attracted tho nttentlon of people nil over tho country nnd thou snndi aro now wondering nbout Coos Bay who novor heard of tho placo before. Title, taken in connection with thu fact thnt tho tide of davelopmont is sotting so strongly townrd this coast, nud that tho prosperous times nro bo favorablo for tho otithv of capital nnd tho Inauguration ot new enterprises, mnko it incumbent up on ns to bestir oursolvc.B. Tlioro ia no doubt but uny advertising work undertaken by our pcoplo would bu gladly and i-ffcollvcly ecconded by no mo of tho railroads, notably tho Hnr rlmnn cyndlcatu, thnt nro earring on just uiich work touching other sections of tho const, which thoy aro doing ns n mattor of good business policy on their part, Thoco eugecationa nro in ado in tho hopo that thoy will help spread tho son tlmont already existing nmong tho most progrostlvo ol our people, thnt Bomothiug ought to bo done to bring our ahnro of the good things that aro coming hls way. ENJOYABLE FAREWELL , ' DANCING PARTY One of tho plcasYnUtt dancing; parties over given In Marsbflcld wan hold in I, O. O, V. Hall Monday evening, in honor of Mrs. J.Nelson Crawford, (form crly Miss Moltle Hall who Is about to dopt for ,, boh)0 Jn New York ft(lor a visit with hor mother and klndrod nnd old friends here. About 1.7) persons had been Invited, nearly all of whom attended. At mid night delicious refreshments of ico cream and cako were served, alter which danc ing was resumed for an hour or so. To say that all enjoyed Ihcmcelves to tbe utmost decs not half express it, It was in the nature of a reunion and a re vival of old times, when dancing was almost (ho solo amusemont in Marsh floldand hardly a week patscd without n danco. To look over tho bnll and see so many ol the "old guard" who used to gathor in Norman's hall, many of thorn then In tho first flush of youth, nnd to note how kindly timo has dealt with, them, was n plcaEnnt breath of old times Not that any of ns aro getting advanced In yoars, but timo has been flying just tho same, since tho .party of men and matrons who danced Monday night in honor ol their old frlond wcro youth; and maidens together. Anong those Invited wero Messrs nnd Meedamcs K A Anderson, Deubnor, Geo Doubner, W P Murphy, F P Norton, L M Noblo, W J Botlor, N Ramusecn, John Snyder, DrCW Tower, Dr J T McCormac, E U Flanagan. J II Flana gan, A POwcn, W U Douglas, FMFried berg, E 0 L Farrin, II II McPhcrson, B F Juckeon.e E O'Connell, E L Bessie, G A Bennett, J A Lugo, C A Motlln, II Itced, P C Lovar.P L Phelan.P Hennes sey, J F Hall, J F Hall, A M Crawford, L Smllh.O W V,orao,n, A R Ten Brook, J II Taylor, J II Milnor, J Uooke Moedamea: J N Crawford, Nellie Siglin, McKnight, Nollie Owon, 8 II Hazud, Annlo Ucdrfcks, Hattlo Nichols, Emma Nasburg; Mlisos L Howard, B How ard, E Bennutt, A Atkcn, 8 O'CounoP, A Butler, A Anderson, Eva Andorson, Bird Short, Maud Reed, Edna O'Connell, Julia Lnrson, Agnes Huchlnson, Suelo Elckworth, Graco McCormac, Alice Mc Cormac, May 'Willlump, Mamlo Mahon cy, Mary Hague, Cora Chapman, Carry Owen, Annlo Flanagan, Flora Kccne, MSheridan,G Biily, G Sheridan, Maud Brown, Nettlo Savage, Edna Bear, Ada Johnston; Gontlemnn J. W. Bennett, Dr E E Straw, Dr A G Gross, John Merchant, Frank Hajuo. James Huchl son, Dr. . U-. Walter, W E Dungan, Ohas Stauff, T T Golden, J Kronholm, J W Flanagan, AYm Lawlpr, Geo Lawler, SImpBon, Simpson, Emll Ogren, Loo Nichols, Billy Smith, AVill Elck worth, Alex Campbell, Wat Short, John Coko, Archlo Kruso. Coos Biy Circle, Woomcn of Woodcraft. Mnitcf it Oooii. fellow' mnkes mighty "Thnt good raonoy." 'Indccdl" "Juro; ho works In tho mint," Bal tlmoro Nows. Only 50 Cents to make your baby strong and I well. A fifty cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion will change a sickly baby to 1 a plump, romping child. Only one cent a day, think I of It. Its as nice as cream. Send (or n (r i " '5. nnd try it, noriTTV ti. HOWNH. Chemists. I 400-415 1'earl Gtreet, . . New York. JOG. ami f iiuu; uu uiugttuis. .v. T. P. WORTOW. 4 NEW8 DEALER AND AGENT . TTaTeTt Ban Krancinco anil Portland dallied All tho 1 u it il 1 n g M a g a z 1 n o bT nmnr t im u y 'LsnnniA vino oakd a a HtibHcrlptlnna for all pnpora and Kino cignrtf and tobacco. CHICAGO MESSENGERS . WINS THEIR POINT. Increased Wages and Pay for Over time. Postal Messenger Boys Now Out. Chicago, July 28 The striking West ern Union boys rctnrned to work thl morning, tho terms agreed upon at Sun day's conferenco having bcon ratified. By this settlement the boys receive Incrcawd wages, and extra pay for over tlmo. Tho Tostal Telegraph Co's mcttcngers struck Oils- afternoon, demanding the simo ecale granted tbe Western Union boys. A Surprise. A number of the ladios of Coos Bay Clrclo V. of W gave Mrs. W. D. L, F. Smith a surprise Monday evoning, by calling on bcr after lodgo. They brought a delicious lunch, and tho occasion was enjoyed by all, Those present were Mesdames Abbott, Lee Brown, L. H. Helsnor, Ed Cole, Chapman and 0. Hansen. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front andJ'A'Vtrccts, MARSHFIELD,: OREGON, JONH SrtYDER, : : : : : Proprietor mKIS WELL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE 1 HOTEL has ust been entirely refitted and refurnUherl throughout and is again open to the public tor patronage. New bedi and snrine mattresses have beer placed in almost every sleeping room of this house ana nenner trouuie nor expsns nas ocen (tared to put everythlns in first-cuss order. TERMS. Board and Lodging, per week.. Jj.co lioard, per week 4.00 single Meals . aj THE STEAMER ARCATA. jr. O. XELhOX, Mastct. 1 Will Slake ItcRuIar Trip BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FRANCISCO CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Proprietor. F.8.DOW, Agent, Marshflold, Oregon. 3.0, CO. Agent, Empire City, Oregon. .V. v e 2' ? 3 s periodicals. Stationery, Jewelry, notlonp 9 m i!t; Flanagan A Bennett BANK, , DIRECTORS : T. It. Sheri dan, J. W. Uonnott; rRE.; nnd . II. Flanagan. VICE '. PUES.: R. F. AVilliflms;' CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. . n.lK81IFIEXI - - OKEGO."1! We promptly obtain U. 8. asd Foreifa imm Bend model, sketch or pbcto ol InTecUoa for rre4 report oa ratentauuty. for free boo, TRADE-HARKS "T m. w Li iiisiii! Opposite U. S. Pattnt WASHINGTON D.C. JIFYOU WISH TO ADVERTISE ! J IN NEWSPAPERS! X ANVWHERQ AT ANYTtMB ' Cll oa or WriU E.C.DAE'S ADVERTISING iOBKCI j 1 64 6$ MercrunU' Exclwage SAN PRANC15CO. CAL. ) . 'vioit DR. JORDAN'S orcat( MUSEUM OF AKATQMY' lUUETST.,UirBUCUC,ClL Tilt LarrttlAuiOflJcBJkCinBla ffea , dpvuaitu n ua aa tji. )t jJt, M. JOfiDAH-DIEASES OF MEN I YraiLII tkoraviUr (rtdlmrd i (laTUUrUkulttkluIMMT. I TrmMSlilbrMRtprt. Ma4U) ! al mu M MitptaM, a quick ud ttdlcU oum fo Sll. VImmn ml In, ka. PHMIM. D UK. lOfUAAi lIMClAl tlii. Counlutioa (1.1 tad ,ltttlTlrl.l. Tmuunm teiir m kr Ittur. A Jwom cw u mn ct udiuk Triu lot Boa. raiLnerHV t.r s 11. im. u.uaa iu, ia tuuui Mk I ,Kiwt unoriiui ML. IMBAN ft CO,IMI KHnMR l. t. P. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks nraiRMS COPVRHaHTS Ac. Anions lending a tketch and docrlptlqn msr, quleklr ucertaln our opinion free whether an' liiTentlon lprobablrP'tetbia, Communlc. ttoniitrtctlyconUdeiitlml. Handbook ou I'ntent lantrea. UldMt asencr orecutlnpatnn. 1'aUnu taken toroush Muun 4 Co. reciTC tpttial fwllc,,wlthout cbante, tn tho Scientific Jlmericati. A handiomolr lllurtrated weekly. I-nrKMt elr eulatlon of any aetentlOo Journal. Tornn. W a yaart lour raoniua, u com 07 an neniaeaierav M&g$SG&3&; J!J!llM a v ; ,ii V ,'C.V-i'a.- ft 1 i tSMm-WtfA "3 tjfc..itjWW