The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, August 02, 1902, Image 6

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    K ,
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Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Alvmys
,ia uso for over 30 yenrs,
jwriJ2-,, Ronnl
r-6CCAA$' t Allow
'All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-ns-ffood" nro but
Experiments that trlflo with nnd cmlnncr tho health of
Infants and Children Expcrlenco ngnlnst Experiments
si t-
. Castoria is a hnrnilcss substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
.gorlc, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It Ls Pleasant. It
-.contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic
substance .Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
',ind nllnys Foverihhness. It cures Dinrrhoon and "Wind
Colic. Itrelloves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
hnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Soars tho
Uie KM You Have Always Bought
Inv Use For Over 30 Years.
Coast Hail.
Additional Local
Misses Olivo nnd Vera Peterson, who
t ..have been visiting on the Bay for a
j tmontb, will return to their home in San
Pedro next wcer.
TT. 0. Uhristenten returned Saturday
,irom his fruit ranch at Jefferson. He
was accompanied by Mr. Blackirell, a
; ell-to-do resident of Jefferson, who will
look over this section.
. ,. John Cowan, who has been located in
Portland (or some time, went out on
i Saturday's etago after a brief stay iu
if F. S, Dow eays the Coaht Mail is a
.hoodoo. Ever elnce wo mentioned his
,hen that was laying six eggs a day, the
baa been on a strike and hasn't deposit
ed an egg.
. Klder P. A. Black, of Clnckamae, Or.,
ii the United Bretbern church, will be
gin a camp mtoting at Mosier Chapel,
south Coos rhor, August 14.
Mrs. L. Oberiuder, of Portland, ar
''rived Saturday via Drain, on a vltit to
her daughter, Mrs. J. II. Rocbon.
r Tho Portland Journal haa changed
hands and ia now under control of 0. S.
Jackson, an old newspaper man, who
- .came to Portland from the Fast eoveral
years at;o. In his salutatory ho slates
v that "Portland capital largely it behind
tbcJournal, and tho fund id ample for all
urpotes." The Journal hua been forg'
ing steadily ahead from the start.
Ti th 9 Kind You Haw JUwajs Boa2t
f Jrottw 'r . ? '
Bought, nntl which lins bcca
has bonio tho Blprnntnro of
lins been inntlo under his pci
supervision slnco its infancy.
nr mm tn dornlvn vim 111 tills.
Signatmo of
Tho marine reporter uui loan.: his
level as a sportsman. Ho was spending
a good part ol his timo last evening kill
ing moths, attracted by the electric
lights. Even tho fighting editor was
not entirely proof ngalost tho tcdective
charms of tho chase.
E. C. Caio the contractor on the
Marshfleld-Gardiucr mall routo, started
for Salem Friday, after looking over his
route again. Ho haa not sub-let the
route, but haa Andrew Olsen employed
to carry tho mall.
Educate Vonr noweli With CaieaMtf.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation foreer
a.S3c. I( C.C C. till. druseUiarftuod money.
Myrtle Point Enterprise: Rapid pro
gress is being mado in tho work of plac
ing rock on Spruce street. Tho con
tractor are doing gcod work and uhon
the Job la completed Myrlle Point will
have the beet street of any town of itn
tir.e in southern Oregon.
Miss Ida Sutherland returned Monday
from a visit to hor parents on Catching
slough. .
W. II. Short and wifo are camping at
Elk Itock.
A rumor waa rife in town Monday
that L. J. Simpson had received in
structions to discontinue the night run,
but Mr. Simpson informs ;tho Mau,
that this iaa mistako and'ho expecteto
run night and day for several months
to come, at least.
J. W, Cook, wiio haa chargo of tho
Great Central railrood ietoreste here,
villi present headquarters nt Umpire,
waa up to tbwn dn business Monday, ac
companied by Mra. Cook.
L. J. Simpson and E.'p'Cb'rmell, with
(heir fnm'ilfeil viblted tho camporu at tho
Maze Sunday,
The front of tlWHlanoo liar" has re
ceived a coat of yellow paint.
v .
Mrs, Win. Shorrard and Mrs. Jus.
Stock, of Suinuqr, wore shopping In
town Tuesday,
Tho Blanco la having an overhauling
on tho Chrlstcnsea & Johnson ways.
Work will commonco next week tn tho
North Bend ship yard on tho steam
schooner for tho Coqnlllo trade, as men
tioned in the Mail some timo ago.
F. X. Holer and eon Fred wont to
Allegany Monday, to bo Joined later by
Mrs. Hofcr and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. lto
chon, for a week's outing,
Tho tchooner Alumna was towed dowu
from tho Bay City tntM Tuoeday evening
to North llend, whore alio will finish
her load for South Africa.
Quo of tho now schooners was launch
ed from tho Marehflold ship yard Tues
day evening about 7 o'clock. Tho vocul
was named Tho Argus being chthtoncd
by littlu Frelda Holm. Tho launching
passed off smoothly and was witnessed
by quite a crowd.
Tho seven-year old son of Mrs. Jen
kins, who lives on A street, fell from a
fence, Tuesday forf noon and sustained a
green stick fractcroof !oth bones of hi
right forearm. Ills injuries wcro at
tended lo by Dr. McCormac, and he will
soon bo alt right again.
BithopiWells,of Spokane, will bo here
August 10th, coming in place of Bishop
Morris, who ia advised by his phyalclans
not to venture tho tiip. Bishop Wells
will bold services in St Luke.a church In
Krapiro in tho forenoon of the 10th and
in Marahficd in tho evoning. He will
visit tho Coquille and Curry county.
Fred Lllienthit returned Monday
evening from bicycling n trip down tho
coast as far as Gold Beach. Walter
Pcnnock who left here with him went
an to Orcsent city. Mr, Lehinthal did
not find tho asblstoa ledgo whfco ho waa
looking for, but ho aaw several small
ones and wilt have another .try for the
big ono.
n tt
Impound Them
The Mail la requested to remind those
whom it may concorn that thoro Is a
cow ordinance in this town, it aecma
that tho ordinanco la falling into a state
of innocuous desuetude, and cowa and
calves arc- roaming the streets and ravag
ing gardens, not only in tho daytlmo,
but by night, which is tho worso. Some
of the people on Pino street aro com
plaining bittetly at tho annoynnco and
damng'o cauted them
Sumner Items
Lilborn Boono, who ia employed in
Pike'a logging camp on tho Ooqulllo, was
homeover Sunday.
K. II. Boyere hw finished haying.
Mrs. Iiatlie Catching has 01 quarts of
blackberries put up.
Wm. Kardel), of Marthfiold, visited
tho Boone ranch Sunday.
Tho Katfconjammora are champions at
F, i:. Wilton ia wearing a largo and
commodious emilo, ainco'n certain school
ma'am returned from tho valley.
There waa no' Sundajfachool
Ctjuntof oi'mpineetlng dewntho elougU
Ictt Sunday,
TI4.1UM Mb'i 1Vn
OEfad Suits
fans! SUckofB
Vi'urrnwlnl Vl,rprot
MAiWitnHMnl jirlVfOiU nd
tvlllVwill-f, Uk frHr.J
ik. If )imr italrr il'tu'l
ivtlrtii,'Ultif itlvii.
. . iiii riU(iih
ifl.i lr.iL.
Ica.otmrHtMiv.M. nin,,
I l.V,U,, Him.
St. Petersburg, July 2d: Tho Cisar
and Cxirlna aro nt prctont living quietly
at their favorito country palace, Tsarkoe
Solo, In anticipation of a happy ovonl,
Ilussla Is In eager anticipation nleo, for
tho oxrected event bat a deep political
tigniflcancn thnt cannot fall to Imvo a
direct bearing on tho omplru's futuru
policy. Should tho troked for heir ho a
son, ho will, should ho live, in courid of
tlir.o become emporor of Iluthla, and
will bo reared under tho political In
lltrcncaof tho prcsontCxar, thus prnctlu
ally Insuring a continuation j tho en
lightened, proressivo policy of
The Cxar haa four chlldrcd, all of them
daughtors. While tho government of
ltuuia is an nbsoluto horoditary mon
archy, and while tho will of tho Kmporor
In law, yot ho cannon transfer his throne
to his daughter. If Nicholas II. should
die beforo a sou la born to him, his nuc
cesior would bo his broMier, tho Grand
Duke Michael, born in 1878. Tho latter
ia entirely undor the influonco of his
mother, tho Dowagor Kmproia Mlrto
Dagmar, widow ol Hmperor Alexander
Jll., now in hor fifty-filth year. Thcso
for facts possess Important political sig
nificance, which may change tho future
history of Kuropo to a marked dogroo,
and as any radical chance in Itusslan
pol cy may vitally effact ovory great
European power, nil the iorld is natur
ally concerned.
This situation, almost Intolerable as
t is to tho present Czar, exfsta only bc
ca'ueo ho haa no male holr. Up to tho
prcsont timo his children aro all girls
and barred from tho thrown. All of his
hopes center In the coming event, which
he praya may add a son tohls houeohold
and givo toIlueela a direct hdlr to tho
throno. Four times ho has bean keenly
Should a eon be born to Nicholas If.
'J -.' rf ff -
c. jc jiw'
Z-i'V. .
n I
A LS '
Tl m 1 1
11 U n
.Uho powor of tho Dowagor Kmpresi will
bo reduced tonothitig innmomont. The
Cxk will bo n Ciar in fact flfl in name,
tipd the ministers who now openly defy
him, oppose his will, nnd rofuso to exo
culo hie policy, will ho nt his feet,
Various eonBatlonnl rumora nro cur
rent as to what will liappen if tho Czar
ina again( faila to civo birth to n male
ohlid; ono of them being that the C'.ar
will abdicate. Anothur ntory ia to tho
effect that tho Cxar hna'beeu coueultlng
Hnuaian law nothorlUos nnd haa coino to
(he conclusion thathsconld legally niter
Ihplawof BUccea8lon,of Paul'I., undor
vblch fcmalen aro excluded from tho
throno until ail malea in tho line of suc
cession fail. That tho Ctear would at
tempt anything of tho Kind, however, la
J I 'l' UI.I.I.. t .t.1n n. If
r-trillld nnrfnln'u vnanl'f In Hull war. '
"--y , r "
Striking Miners Riot
Take Possession of Town Sheriff
Helpless Troops likely lo
be Called.
Pottsvllli', Ponn., July 28-SJrloua
outbreak among the roil ttrlkeis and
lonunlon men In Sliunanducli occuind
early thjs morning.
Two men woro (hot nnd four badly
beaten by strike sjmpathUon. Kxclle
mont Is at fever lient.
Nonunion men wcro fired upon from
nmbuih and nun man fnlnlly hurt.
Additional guards hnvu boon sent Into
Wllkibarro. Pa,, July M-Ulota nro
existing at Longfcrd where strlku ym-
pathlrora have gathered in groat force.
The sheriff 't helpless mid an nppual
for troops is expected to be mado nt
hls inornir.g tho totvn was pr(cllwl-
ly lr tho hands of tho rioters, Ciu-ad-i
of them weto parading tho ilreets to
prevent nonunion men going to work,
in many instances lorerely boating (hum.
Cicnulno RtirnrUc,
Te-I told that old bimu of youri
thnt you were married.
Ji8-Dld you? Did ho cccm ur
prised? TmbYch, Jndecdl Ho anld, ,'Ho.,
on earth did that hoppcnV" Phlljidel
phla Press.
Ilelinknl. "-"
IIIgRlna-How Im It you nro nlwnya
Idlltitf nbout? I never imo you whi'ii
you hnvo nnytlilng to do.
Wiggins The fnct In, It tnkca m
much of my timo lookliu: nfter othr
folks' bunlueH.1 I liavo nono left for
looking nfter my own. Don't you llnd
aomcthliiK llko the snmu trouble your
self ? Boston Transcript.
j, Athem.Tenn., Jivn.37, ltOI.
'rcr!neothonrit npiionranco of mv
ibrmc they vitro vory Irregular nurt I
Ularcl with nrct lmlu In my lilpf,
ck, Rtomach and fpir, vrllh (orrliilo
tuurliiK ilonn pal ii In tlio nbiluincii,
During tho jiaul month I linn been
taking Wliio of Conlul nnd Tlnxlford'n
lllnck-DraiiKtit, nni I incv tlio month
ly txrlod without unlit lor the Aral thno
iu your. JUitum Uavih.
Wind Is life worth lo a woman suffer
ing llko Nrnnlo Davis suffered? Yot
llisro nro womon In thousands ol homo:
to-day who are boarlnn Ihoso lerrlblo
faenstmal pains In silence. II you nro
ono ol Ihoso wo want lo say that this
Vll brlnrj you pormnncnl relief. Con-
solo yourself with Iho knowlcilgo that
1,000,000 women liavo boon completely
I ;cured by Wlno ol Cardial. These worn.
i on suffered from loucorrhooa, irregular
mentos, headacho, bnokacho, and
bearing down palns. Wlno ol Cardul
will stop all llieto actios and pains
lor you. Purchaso a $1.00 bottle ol'
Wlno ol Cardul to-day and tako It I r
tho privacy ol your homo. (
(mm, "lliu liuira'
loiui. "Jiiu Ijiuirf Aiiviuiiy Jii'imniiii'ii;; ...
Ilia (.'liAlIniiooL-ii Midlcll.u Co . L'lutlimooim. If
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