The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, August 02, 1902, Image 3

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Great Central Land company Makes
Belt Line Railroad Buys Land in Empire
Talk is Not all Wind .-
Humora of a bin rcnl catntu dcnl in can speak from poreonal nciualnfanco.
connection with tlio Groat CVntrnl It. It. Mr. J. W. Cook, proeidontof tbo Great
project havo been rlfo for several dnye . Control Land Co., who is now bcro rep
In Marshllold, nnd It can now bo definite- resenting Hint ourporntloti, ii n solid
ly sintod that such n deal has been con- business mon, not a boomer. For n
summated, number of veins a rcsMont of Los An
Nearly 600 ncrva of In ml In ono body,
with n good water frontngo on tbo bay
bna been bought by tlio Grcut Central
Lnnd Co., tlio corporntlan thtough which
tbu Great Central It. It, Co, doos It I
land basilica.
Tho purclmro InclutloB .ono hundred ' P,ltlon uto' Uio liolo that it had got
and thirty acrea lying on tbu water , ,Hto' Disposing of hia Interests tboro,
front between tbo itnvo mill nnd thoho a lnc0 ""Med lu Portland, and bo
Porter mill, tnklng In tbo old slaughter j ls uow horM ni lll roprotonlnttvo of
liouio properly, and situated nbout n I I'wiMcnt Itosa, who In turn roprcecnta
tnllu from tlio business part of Marsh-
field belonging to tho Flanagan estate;
n string of ix forties lying just west ofn Pestilent 01 uui una uo ol mat
tills owned by 0. H, Merchant; and n branch of tbo Itallfoad CVa business
five hundiodtcro tract IviVlntc lho Mur-.Ju now ,lur,nK Major KInney'a ab-
- "- I
chant land on the west end extending
over to Pon slough, and belonging to
lho Flanagan cstnto. Tho price paid for
tbo Fin n Ron land la 18,000 and for tho
Merchant land I2.0W.
It can be stated positively that tills la
not n p. pcr-dcal nor an option proposU
tlon, but a bona fldo purchase, and Indi
cates hnt tlicro Is something quite dlt
foront from wind boh I rid this railroad
Another project, which Is not a vital
part of tho larger echomo, la tho Holt
l.lno railroad, to start at Kmplro City
and tklrt nearly tho oiitlie clrcumfcr
enco of tho bay. Tho llolt Lino Co. 1 us
purchased two blocks in Kmplro City,
taking in tbo old ntavo mill and Cam
mnn property, with tho water frontage,
mid will go ahead with tho construction
of n wharf there, This lino, as wo hnVu
enht , ia distinct from tho turgor railroad
project. If tho Inttor la carried out, tho
former will undoubtedly mnterinli:oi
though perhaps not In its entirety nt
It is undorstood that tho options
secured by Mr, Gnrrlgus on laud norma
tho bay hnvo not been tnkon by tbu
railroad people.
'lho Mail h'ns boon chary of dovoting
much epaco to thlu railroad tnlkj. It
hnd nnd hna no desiro to get in nnd
whoop up n paper boom) but, on tho
other blind, it is glad to chroniclo ruiy
Judications that tho big things in tho
nlr aru likely to mutcirinlieo.
Tho cxpeudituro of tho tidy cum .of
(02,000 for ono tract of land is cortahily
nn evidence that thoro ia eoiuo things in
this buslucRa. As to who ia behind tlio
proposition, it ia uscloea to inquire.
That la n mnttor which, for obviouH rcu
i .... . ...
Bono ia Kopt irom tno puuiio
Ofono thing the editor of thu. Mail
City Indications that Railroad
Coos Bay one of Hie
i . . . .
roIoo, ho waa chairman of tlio County
Board of Supervisors, and mr.du a
record for energy, economy and Integrity.
I.ntcr, butlncH interests In tbo Bohemia
mining district called for bit proionco
tIcro and bo pulled a largo mining pro-
lho " IntertB that aro behind the
Great Central It. K. Co. Ho has charge,
sonco, ho also represents that gentlemen,
giving him chargo of lho collro railroad
Intcreota hero.
It la difficult to write of this
matter without making tho article
read llko boom litorftturo, which it la
not. A cold statement of tho facto in
regard to this harbor tnako it plain that
there la nothing unreaionablo in the
Idea that ouo of tbo irrcat railroad com
panies has fixed upon Coos Day na tho
torminus of a trans-conlncntel railroad.
Tho almplo undeniable fact ia that thie
ia lho host harbor botwecriSan Francisco
nnd Puget sound. Coos Day bar baa
a grcutor depth of water today than that
of tho Columbia rivor, andtbotweon tho
bara othorwiio tlicro la no cotnpnrlton.
Any ono who has ovor crossed tho Col
umbia bar will rcmombor wlthtlrcad tho
inlicB of broken wator through which
tboy passed with ugly shoala and brenk
ors on evory hand, No amount of mon
ey can cvor mnko tho mouth of tho Col
umbia a good entrance.
On tho other hand, tho Ccoa Hay bar
ia a short straight shoot. From deep
water on tho outstdo to deep wntor and
safety on tho Intldo a vescol pVdscs in n
few minutes. Further, tho deepening
of tho channel to any reqnlrod 'depth la
nn easy mntter. Tho construct ion of
, the north Jotty baa glvoti and maintained
n depth of nbout 20 feet, Tho bidding
ol tho projected south jotty would doubt
less increaso this to forty feet,
lho hnrbor itieldo has amplo room and
good nnchorago. Tho few ehoal places
townrd tho uppor bay nro Bitnply "Uiogg
back," cnBily dredgod, Tho dredging
requirod ench year on tho Columbia
botween Portland and tho sea yould
i glvo hotter water m Coos Bay for twen
ty years. Thoro la no largo river empty-
lne its sediment Into tho bnv. Tho
dredging done by the government sovoral
Jl. ttnnA Inoklnn
hofMKiiilpnnrl'k. 57J
wont kliul faf n corn.
Harness OH'
not onlr mikn ilio linmfM nna i
liori link lirtlvr. but mukm
lixlbcr Mn nrul i.lUliU'.rHil" ll In
M.L.. ,,.M I.MM.i.fl AMj4 IA
MSB. a.ii'. ........ ..-,
Pllt II)Uf lilt 'I.
. anion io mm twice m
n l(.aa !
t It onllnarlly wouH. J
rM tritfUf u nM-tu
Horse a
Chance t
years ago haa been a permanent improve
Thin only touches the matter. Thcto
fnett oro familiar to all our people; ro
familiar that they form nn old alory,
nutl wo do not fully roallzo tho import
ance of it. Yet it ia a etory of vital sig
nificance in connection with thia rail
road matter.
Aa tho Mail remarked tho other day,
however, thceo peoplo hnvo askod bottl
ing from us. They have come, here
quietly nnd gono about their bucinoss
without asking any bonuses or other fa
vor. Theyhavo been spending somo
monoy bore, which ia certainly not a
dotrlment, nnd now tboy aro Inventing
in a way tbnt looks llko business. ,
Tho Mail will endeavor to glvo reliable
nowa aa fast na it ia available.
Panama, Colombia,
by Chamber
laln'a Colic, Cbolora and Diar
rhoea Homedy
Dr. Chae. II. Utter, a prominent phy
tielan, of Panama, Columbia, in recent
tetter states: "Last March I Lad oa a
patlont a young lady elrtten ytara of
ago, who had a very bad attack ol dysen
tery, Everything I prescribed for her
proVod ineffectual and sba was growing
woreo every hour. Her parents woro
suro alio would die. Sho bad be
:omo so weak that she could not turn
over la bed. What to do at thia 'critical
momont was a study for me, but I
thought of Cllambeilaln'a Colicj Cholera
and Dinnhoca Itctnedy and as a last re
tort prescribed it. The most wondorful
rosult wss effected. Within' eight hours
tho was fooling much better, insido of
three days alio wns upon her feet nnd at
tho end of ono week wns outlrely well."
For Salo by Jno Preuss.
A Hlroko of Illinium.
A writer who'vcis very lntlmato with
FrnnU It. Stockton nays that when tho
Stockton finally lived In I)ucI;b county.
l'n Frank nnd bin brother had n dog
which they trained solely to hunt cats.
Tbo lirotlicrrt were overhauled one day
by n farmer whoso cat they wero elms
Jnjj. To plncnto tho fnrmer tboy gave
him n dollar for a pig. which tboy took
home, lly driving away tliclr father's
! plgn nt feeding time they soon inado
their own tho fattest pig In tho pen and
sold him at n piollt of $7. Frank R.
Stockton nlways coiiBldercd tbo deal a
tribute to IiIh biiHiiiena acumen.
Illft Iiiitvyur'H rccu.
A London worUman. having had a
J mini of money left him by lliu death of
IiIh rutlier, went to ueo ins solicitor,
who had tho matter hi hand for a Until
ticttlcmcut .
Tho bill of, costs having been pre
scuted to him, tho man gin need over
the llgurea and, thinking the charges
wero excessively heavy, turned to hia
legal ndvlscr nnd exclaimed iu ustoy-
jBiimeni: i,, , ,
"Ma father left hlS, money to me, not
to yol" rearson'B Weekly. -
Mobs Threaten Foreign Consuls-Two
American Gunboati on Hie
Wnshlngton, July 29 Tho nayy do-
portmont today received the following
from Commander McCrea, of tho gun
boat Nashvillo nt Cape Haytlen:
("Affairanro vory disturbed nt Cape
Haytlen. An .unorganized mob is 1 1
tho city, lho foreign consuls havo been
threatened. I will glvo thoui protec
tiob on board, nnd will prevent bombard
ment without buo notice."
Tho navy department lias been advis
ed that the Mnchlas has arrived at Capo
New Pacific Steamship Service.
v- i- i i no nt i canon oi me speciuc iiov. to, iiw.
Now "i ork, July 28.-Tho American T,,ey Inteivjewa 'HCOreH oPtlio cured and
steamer Tremont, recently completed by ' led l.t 0,,t on ita raor,i,ta b PttInK ovel
' J llirco dozen cases on tiiotreaotncnt ami
tho Maryland Shipbuilding Company, i watching them. .They also gofc phyolcf-
ans f6r Judges. Up to August it, clghtt
loltNcw York today on hor maiden deep roven por cent of the tost cases wore
sea voyage, going through tho Straits of
Magellan in her Journey to tbo Pacific
coast. Tbo Tremont U tbo pioneer ship
of tho Boston Steamship Compnny a jd
is to begin n now eervlco botween San
Francisco and Honolulu and tho Philip
pines. Sho is a first clar.s vcseol in every
respect, 510 fcot in length and with a
cargo capacity of 12,&U0 tons,
Canadian Pacific's Good Year;
Ottawa, Ont., July 23-Figurca given
out by tho Canadian Pacific today show
that (ho traffic of tbo road for tho year
for tho year ended Juno 30 was far in
oxcoss of any previous yoar. Doth iu
tho psssongor ami fricght departments
tho road has dono a phenomenal hue!
ncsstiThe outlook la equally encourag
ing. To meet tho demands of tho groat
traffic to follow tlio abundant harvest
this year tho freight rolling stock is be
ing increased ns rapidly as posiblo,, and
by tho harvest season tho road expects
to have about 30,000 cars in commission,
Rcceivar for Oil Companies askedi ;
Shormnn, Texns, July 23. Tho nppli
oation for a receiver for tho oil compan
ies which havo their lands and wolls in
tho Veaeh Tonguo in tho Bonumnnt oil
field was called for hearing today boforo
Judgo Uryant in tho United States dis
trict court. Tbo applicants aro Annie
Trench mid Fredrick Tronoh of England.
Defy Authorities ana Stone Houses
of No n-unionists Some Shoot
ing but no Fatalities
Wilkeabarro, Pa., July 29 Serious
riots occurred ugain this morning at
LondsforJ, in tho Shcaudoah, whero
tho slrikors dotted the authorities. They
stoned tho houses of non-unionists.
;Many wero nrmcd,and flred many ehots
, ey'NAlfli: ioiffl
Vould Subslitiile Spanisli for wejicll
at Annapolis More Practice
Ships Waiiik
'.' ru f
Washington, July 29 Tho bcjlrd of
supervisors o; the Annapolis naval a'oad
n ii t -'
omy in tbolr report recommend the cur
riculum, aabstitutlng Spanish, Tho
maximum ago of admission Is set at
eighteen years. The report also urgee
that additional full rigged practice ships
bo provided.
Bright's. Disease
Tho largest turn ever payed for atpro "
rcrlptlon, changeu nanus at San fcran
; clrco, Aug. 30, iDOh The, transfer in
volved in coin and stock (112,600.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
n epocilic lor iirlgnt'a Uifeaso anu Ula
betes, hitherto incnrablo diseases.
Tbev commenced tbu serious invfcptl-
I -.-!' I. a." -V... Tf... . .n,J
i.ttltfiM ... . . MAf4n0! . Ia....m.IiIh
UliiitJi nv in ',U;iu"uiiik ntuiaiiijr, T
uuoro Doing only thirteen per cento;
failures, tho parties wero satisfied and
closed tbo transaction. The proceeding?
of tho investigating comrnitteto'and the
clinical reports of tbo teat cases wcr.c
published and will be mailed, fee on
application. 'Addess John J'. Fulton
Cotdpany, 42) Montgomery St., Ear.
Francisco, Cal.
" y. : .1
Coos Bay WMtam Lftmof
pofniW Orders rSolicHcc?.
Family orders' for Pops, pinla
quarts, delivered by tho case..
Robert MarsdeiVc
Fast nud
. Master .
Makes regular trips bctwe.T.
San Francisco and Portkind vir.
Ilumbolpt nmltoj)j Day, calling
at nbeve ports eacji way.
Tho ALLIANCE is a fliiJt
E&f class pabseuger boat, ami liaj:
nil tbo modem conveniences
and is ono of tlio fastest
Steamers of her class. -,
x V
V. VMWA y, XVt A X "A xxi?
Freight '
and Passenger f .
. Rates or Sailing Dates,
w t Agent ' r. At v
V -
Kanier Keen
4.' .$&w
vf r
-w "
m-j s.4"?