The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 26, 1902, Image 8

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Fino Stationery at Norton's.
Fiuo ap-to-data Ladles' Shoos just
received at Peter Clausen's.
, S. B. Cathcait returned Wednesday
via Ccquillo from Portland, where he
was in attendanco on tho grand lodge
A 0. U. W. as a delegate Mrs. Oath
cart stopped in Sajem to visit friends and
will also visit in Line county, expecting
to reach homo about tho 7th of August
. Sirs. Collison arrived overland Wed
nesday, via Drain routo for a visit with
her daughter, Mre. 0. E. Nlckalaou, of
Wc3t Marshflold for a short time.
Dr. Printia will bo out of town until
August 1st. wAd wAr.
' Mre. Masters
tailored cuita
makes a specialty of
at vory reasonable
Paget Sound Lumberman. To reRd
tho head line of tho daily press ono might
easily figure out that the .forest fires of
the past month had left bat little timber
Tor the fow remaining mills to cut up.
Tho facts aro that the loss of timber so
far this year has been very light, and no
lartffl losses from burning mill. It has
ooen again demonstrated that firo run
ning through green fir timber docs lit
tle damage.
Somo of tho unruly youngsters havo
been causing agood deal of annoyance
at the merty-go-round, not bnly to tho
proprietor of the machine, but to those
who would like to patronise it. With a
xood round license feo imposed it seems
as though tho town might give some
protection in such eases.
The M. E. Sunday school picnic to tho
life saving station Wednesday was large
ly attended and greatly enjoyed. All
speak highly of tho courtesy of Captain
kelson, of tiiu station.
Aa nearly as can bo estimated the en
tiro expenditure fbr advertising in tho
United states in a year reaches over 000,
0OO.CO0. This ie about twice as much as
he wheat crop, three times as much as
ti.e output of pig iron.
T. Micklewright, tho Jowelery at the
Red Cross Drug etore has put up a new
slt-'n in the form of a large golden eagle
not a $10 gold piece, but the American
bird. It is mounted on the lamp post Undo Sam's Meler hex. It isnt
.i.e piece of work end attracts much at
Dr. McGillicuddy, of San Francisco,
jedical inspector for tho Mutual Life
"ii3. Co. of New York, arrived in Marsh
'i4!d Wednesday morning on a tour of
inspection. He camo in over the Coos
tiy Stago lino and int.ndcd to start
back over the same route this morning.
Departures by Areata, July 22',' JMra
StovonB, Miea E Kraft,' lisa if llaea,
Ifra A Lee, Misa L CclEtrup, J. filck-
Kortb, F AHBlIma, It Fo3tbr, S DavlB,
V. Thomas. T Hirat, Mrs Hirst,' C A
iMtteraon, Mrs Barton, E McCornyic,
Mrs Morse, J Morgan, J Procter, Miea
LIco, Mra C A llogcre, u ,,
' -
The A. N. W. club met with Mre.
?cott Jacob. A dolightful afternoon
was 'eperit.''iW clliu will meet next
t'me with Mrs. Albert Mateon.
.' ' 1 '
hi i I mi I i iifTw
j'Cal Wright received the sad news
Thursday of tho death in Itotoburg of
fhis mother, who has been soriously ill
for somo weeks.
Noblo Eros, havo already found it nec
essary to enlarge tholr meat market.
Thoy havo accordingly taken out a par
tition and built anothor room on tho
back cud of their building.
Tho farmora aro making hay whilo the
sun shines and, but few of them are
seen iu town, these days.
Mre. C. H. Fry, matron ol tho county
infirmary, returned on tho Allianco from
a two months' visit in Portland with
her sister Mr?. Fairoll.
It. 0. Amatcln has disposed of a half
intorost in tho Ccoa Day Steam Luuudry
to J. B. Ilibbard, who will horealtor be
connected witho Mr. Amstoia in thif
prosporouB business.
Eugene Moss, of San Francisco, who
has bcou sponding an outing on the bay,
was the recipient of a farewell bonfire
party at the picnic grounds on tho hill
Wednesday evening, tho evo of his de
parture for his home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cook, of Port
land, came on tho Allianco and wll!
spend aoveral weeks on the bay, Mr.
Cook ia in the real estate business in
Portland and will look over this section
to see what we have here.
From Coquille Herald
As wo go to press C. If. Bunch in
forms us of a sad misfortuco happoning
to our friend, Ed Faby, on tho lower
rivor. It eecma that whilo hauling hay
he was driving down an incllno whon
tho brake refused to hold tho wngon
which rushed onto tho horses and die
lodging Ed from his seat, throwing him
from the ground and passing over ono
leg, smashing it badly.
R. J. Coko and family camo ovor on
yesterday's train on their way to
tho North Fck country for an
outing of ten dave. They woro mot by
Hiram Bettys, Mrs. Coke's father, who
took them out witli a riir. Dick brought
over a fine Berkshire pig that wai but
two months old which welshed 07 pounds
which he got from tho rancli of Judgo D.
L. Watson, at Coos City. The pig will
bo put on tho farms of Mr. Coko and
Capt. Wilcox'near McKinkey for breed-
ins: purposes.
Tho Coast Mill, ia reliably informed
that tho steamer Allianco eroesed tho
Columbia bar with much difficulty on
her last trip South from Portland,
striking "bottom dangerously hard saver
al time?,
Tho soundlnga woro about 10 feet, and
batHt"been anywtay rough there would
have been somo danger to tho vessel.
Captain Hardwick informed some of tho
passongera that ho would novor again
attempt to go ovor that bar at such a
stage'of water.
There has never been any difficulty in
the Allianco paasing over tiie, Coos Bay
bar iu all stages of water. '
It fieema that tho bar at the mguth of
tljo ''Father of the "Water" js .not
so deop as somo of the' "l3eort Hca lla'p
bor" advocates at Portland would lend
people to believe.
PHONE, I. 0. 0. F. Bld.
Tho success of a shoe
Department depends up
on wear of the goods.
Mens' Shoos comprises
all grades for the Farm,
tho Street, tho Ofilco, tho
just Rccolvod
Viei KM, French
Box Cuir. Dull
Kuiigur(H, Dane
lnir and Jloiwe
SI tpiierrf. AH
ki mis of useful
Children's Shoos
Infants' Bluoand Pat
ent Leather Shoos-
George , ,
fi O O. K. fiaildiug
Samples by rcqueflt.
IQS ? lS1 JI ST '
MA KBI1- Marshflold Or., July 25, 1002,
at 2 a, in. tlolh Aurora, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs.O. Marsh, nged (onr years,
four months Knd twenty-eight days.
Funoral services will bo held at tho
homo in West Marshflold at 2, p. in.,
today, Hor. F. Q. Strango officiating.
Baudon Recorder: L. E. Dolo was in
town Saturday night finishing up tho
organisation of tho mill men, and also,
tho longshoromon, each lodgo having re
celvod Its charter, Theio organisations
havo each about 40 members. Mr. Dolo
will organise tho loggers at Coqulle next
0. W, Patorion has a crow of meu
netting out another scowload of rock at
his quarry for tho foundation of II, Seng
stackens now rosldonco.
Thu Oregonlau and outstdo papers, as
well as individuals seem Inclined to as
sume an attltuda of pained burprlio bo
cauto tho peoplo of Coos Bay do not get
excited ovor thu talk of making this port
tho tormluus of a trans-continental rail
road. Thcro is no question but tho pcoplo
hero aro regarding with coolnoss, not to
ny indifference, dovcloperncnts that
would sot some communities wild with
So far ns tho Mail is informed, thora
sooma no substantial reason to doubt
that teo people behind the Groat Central
It. It. Co. mean business. Thoy aro cer
tainly spending n largo sum of money
In surveying work on tho bay, nnd it
takes quite a strutch of tho Imagination
to find a. reason for this, if thoy havo no
Idia of building a railroad. They aro
asking nothing of thu people hero, but
havo cent in their survoyors and gouo
to work as though thoy know what thoy
wanted to do nnd woro amply nblc to do
Tho money thoy nru sponding hero is
cortalnly no Inju ry to tho place. Neither
is tho advertising which Coos hy la get
ting through tho movement. Thousaud
who never heard of Cooa hoforo aro
learning that It Ia ono of tho richest sec
tlons on tho coast, and that tho bay is
ono of tho best harbors on tho coast and
that thoro la moro water on tho bar than
on that of tho groat Columbia.
Itahouhlnot bo inferred that tho At
titude, of tho peoplo hore la antagonistic
to tho proposed road, or that they aro
Indifferent to thu immciiEO ndyantagoa
which would come from tho construction
of tho road.
Tho fact Is that Coos Bay peoplo had
an object lesson a fow yeara ago of tho
results of losing their heads,' and thoy
do not want anothor cuch cxporiencc.
Thoy aro watching this railroad proposi
tion with tho livellost intorost and tho
most friondly fooling.
Gans and Turner lo Figlif.
San Francisco, Cal July 21 : Many
of tho aporta who aro hero from out
of town to witness tho
championship fight tomorrow night will
go to Oakland this ovoning to soo tho
20-round go between Joo Gnna, tho
Hghtwolght champion, nnd Itufo Turner,
Thougji Gnna ia a heavy favorite tho, ail
mlrera of Turnor,who has mado a credlt
able fighting record during tholaatyear,
fciprdsa confldonco In liiB'btlitv to' gtvb
tlio'Baitlmo'ro cotaed hoy a hard tusslo
.vj uuaiu .uoatu i
for the decision,
From the Search For Tracy--Search'
Has Dccn Abandoned By Sheriff
(Capital Journal) , ,,
Walter Lyon, private socrotaiy to Gov
ornor Gonr, who has boon with tho Cud
Ihco posso of inati'hunters, in Woshlngr
ton, slnco July roturnod Sunday, and
say Tracy was loft In tho vicinity of
Lako Sawyer, near Black Diamond, tho
most mountainous region of King coun
ty. Tho pursuit was abandoned upon
ahorlff Oudlhco failing to find Tracy ia
tho cabin, whoro thu stool-plgoon talked
with thorn two days beforo, and whoro
"Tattoo" Hod and Cummins, cx-con-vtcts,
were with Tracy, and aro still with
him. Thoy are a band of robborool thu
iiJt desperato character, and I f not cap
lured will carry on highway operations,
aud may visit Oregon occasionally.
Tracy is supposed to bo In tho vicinity,
rccuporatlng front n slight wound In tho
hip, received at Covington.
Tho stool pigeon reported that ho had
seen tho wound, which .had closed aud
festered, but Tracy's pat opened it with
a rczor, and it was vory oro for awhile.
Tracy's undershirt, with buckshot holes
iu it, was found. Ah to thu KailbllIty
of capturing Tracy, Captain Lyon has
llttlu doubt. Cudlhco will not lot him
rest so long aa ho Is in King county, and -will
reuow.a vigorous pursuit. Others
will got in with Tracy, just as young
Ward did, Tracy will not tuko as a pal
any potty criminal. Tho mon who aro
admitted to bin organization must bu
such as havo committed a capital crlnio
and who cannot afford to got into thu
clutches of tho law, nnd havu no Inter
oat In turning ugalnst Tracy. "Tattoo
Heel" is ono of the kind. Not 10 much .
is known about Cummins. It Is known
that tho charges of murdur hangs ovor
Bed in both King and Plorco county.
Hols believed to havo killed a saloon
keoper at Franklin, within n month.
Sheriff Cudlheu is being criticised in
King county, but ho hnn tho rherlff of
ovory county through which thoy havu
paatod. i-'ny what thoy will against
Cudihco,h(i is i conscientious oflkor, Tho
Tho character of tho pursuit from now
on vill necutsarlly bu difficult, slnco,
Tracy will now ehnngo his tactics, nftor
having talon iu two partners. It will
not bo necessary now for hi in to appear
every nltornutu day at como farm lioueo
for food. Ho can cccuro subslslonco
through hlu aidoa. With theso two paltr,
nnd thu sympathy Hint oxIbIii for him in
that roglon, food can bu obtained with
out dangor of exposure and taken Into
thu inountain Eolltudcs, whoro human
beluga Holdout vlnlt. This will tnaku hlu
capture moro difllsult. It in almost im
posslhlo to hunt men in such n country,
without dogs, Cnraon'a dogs wore young
and unusod to thu country. Whon Tracy
la surrounded it will bo found that doga
nro iiidisponBlblo. Tracy told thu etool
iilgoou on bin Inst visit that ho cared
ess for Oudlhoe tftan for tho man with
10 dnrs. Moro doga and oldor and bot
tor trained dona would bo more valuablo
In hunting down Tracy than moro mon,
niil Null. a. lilnAillinmiil nt T)iwr T.nilan.
fe j , . l obtained
should lie employed in trailing' Tracy.
A .