The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 26, 1902, Image 6

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jM'gctabte PrcpoMlionTor As
slmilating thcFoodnntlRcgiita
ttag thcStotnachs awlBovrcls of
Promotes Digc3lion.Checrrur
ncssawlRcsl.Conlnins neltlter
Omum.Morpltinc norMincriit.
& arouo-stxizLnroBn
mJ.m Seal'
tfvtrnwt -
Apafccl Remedy forConslipo
Ilon, Sour Slonvtth.Diarrhocn
Worms .Convulsions ,Fc veris h
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
TacStiw'lc Signature of
xact copy or wrapper.
Qi s-d
Coast Hail.
Additional Local
T. R. Sheridan, oPRoaeburg, arrived
y tho Monday morning stage, to join
,bfs family and spend a few weeks on tno
i 3Iurpby sent out two Deering mowers
.Saturday, one to Watson Bros, at Coos
.city, tho other to Wm Ward on Daniel?
.v Rev. Father Donnelly leaves for Ban
don and Coquille City this week whero
ho will hold services at the churches
'rtain the hand or epot tho kettle (ex
cept green and purple). Hold by John
J?reusa lOcts per package.
- Mrs. J. T. McCormac waB honored by
tho Grand Lodgo of Degrco ol Honor,
.which met in Portland last week, by be
ing elected to tho office' of Grand Usher.
L. J. Simpson informs tho Mail (hat
tho North Bend mill has not ehut down
.the night shift as reported but that a
.still larger force of men is wanted and
any ablebodlcd laborer can Eccure work
at once.
.Cut this out and take it to Red Crocs
T)rug Storo and net a box of Chamber
Iain's" Stomach &, Liver Tablets. Tho
'best physic. They also correct disorders
of tho stomach. Frico 25 cents.
' The Schooner Alumna was brought up
to tho Bay City mill Monday, whero sho
.-will load about 350,000 feot of lumber
about one-third of tho cargo elioa tak
ing for South Africa. Tho Western
Home was docked atMarehfleld'Momlfty
-with grocerlcs-and other freight, and the
ffjwttU-Miner went down the bay lumbar
Por Infants and Chil'drou.
The Kind Y'ou Have
Sways BoOgfa
Thirty Years
I Rev. F. II, 2W! and Rev. N. J. Craw
ford weroin town MonJay, from Catch
ing (dough, whero Rev. Crawford is cou-
' ducting a camp meeting ot tho U. 0.
church. Rev. Nrff Is Presiding F.lder
of tho Wilamotte District. Rev. Craw
ford is Conferenco Evangelist and pattor
of tho U. D. Miction in Salom.
I "Tho way to gaiu a good reputation
, Is to endeavor to bo what you desire to
' in which Chamberiain's Cough Rcmidy
has gained its reputation as n euro for
, coughs, colds, croup and whooping
, cough, Kvery bottle that has over been
put out by tuo manufacturers lias been
fully up tolho high standard of excel
lence ciaiacd for it. People huvo found
that it can always be depended upon for
the relief and cure of thc'o nlltnente and
that it is plcdtant and cafo to tako. For
ealo by John Prcuss.
P.uss Toworaud Sidney Smith, started
Mondoy on a hunting trip to Smith La
eln on the south fork of Coos river.
They took Levi Smith along to point out
the deer which ho has been telling thorn
about, and to help bring in tho saaio
after they are tlaughtored. Thoy Viont
fully cquippod for all emergencies, hot
forgetting a clean flour sack In which to
bring venison, and tho Smith and Tower
families are llhely to livo high on-floh
and game while tho boys aro out. .
P. S. Weaver, of South Marohfleld Is
Buffering from the effects of a disloca
tion of the shOuIdeJ, caused by tripping
on a projecting plank iu a sidewalk and
falling heavily.
Smiths to the Rescue
Lester and Chas. Smith performed
tho life-saving act; Sunday. It seems
that thrift sailers we're returning lo. their
ship down tho bay in a Email boat with
a 10 gal kcf of beer, besides what they
contained themselves, when they got
into an altercation. In tho course ''of
tho festivities tho boat was capsized.
Ono sailor Bwom ashore and the Smiths
put out in jy email boat and rescued tlid'
uiuur "'iwi'. ivo, iuu uvcr uicu riw
Bears the
Signature )m
fA Jft
(f Use
j For Over
Frank Roprs and Floyd Coffcll Meet
a rany who m-w5 uui ui
Their Way
Frcnk Itos;er8 mid Floyd Coffelt of the
south fork oi Coos rlvor ran Into n genu
ine ndvontnro whllJ out hunting-oil Sat
urday. Thoy left homo In tho afternoon
for n deer hunt intending to camp out
over night. Thoy wcro well buck In thu
timber, about threo miles from S. 0.
Rogers' place and It was about an hour
before sundown, when thoy, heard what
they supposed to bo n deer coming
throuch tho brush. Waiting quietly
they ioou saw, the crcatnro cotno Into
Uio opeir abpat 100 yards Away, and
then saw It rras a man,
Rogers ha'.Unl him, hut instead of
answering ho dodgid behind n ln'
They hntlcd him spaln, but all thu ans
wer ho would maku was to aik thorn
what they wanli-d.
Ho did not show hlmerlf again, so that
thoy could got a look nt him, and after
remaining in tho vicinity until near!)
dark they went away and madu c.unp
for thu night. In tho limited chatico
thoy had at conslderabto distance, they
could ontysqo that thu stranger was n
iniMlmm-iIic i, man of dark complexion
and wearing daik clothes.
It is a mattor of contidorabto specula
tion as to who tliCt stranger was. II lo
actions make It evident that ho Is proba
bly n fugitive from juslico, who ii living
back In the woods by aid of his rl tie, ami
poetibly receiving outsldo aftl:tance.
Any one who wants to Is welcomo to
gncti at who ho is,
"I am utlng a box ot Chamberlain's
Stomach & Liver Tablets and find them
tho Ix'it thing Tor my stomach I over
used." says T. W. Robinson, Justice ot
tho Peace, Loomta, .Mich. These Tnblntn
not only correct disorders of tho stom
ach but regulate thu liver and bowels.
'Ihey arn cisy to tako and pleacant in
effect. 1'tico J5 cents per box. For
rate by John Prcuss.
, One on Logle .,
Tho Pugot Sound Lumberman telle
this story on Geo. W. Logglo, formerly
manager for tho Southern Oregon, Co.:
To have a wido acquaintance In all
walks of lifo is deemed by Home to bu
just cauEO (or pride. It indicates a dem
ocratic and liberal spirit. Now, for in
stance, theru ii Ueorgo Logzlo, of What
com, "Wash. Iu tho Hwell social function
on I'ellingham Bay no other silk stock
ings are seen oltener than hienot that
ho shows' them wilfully, etill thoy aro
there but it Is not In tho upper set
alono that ho has friends or thinks ho
has to-wil: A few weeks ogo ho was
with a patty .of ladies snd gentlemen
returning from u little sojourn at thu
Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia.
Tho party stopped on thuir return for u
lunch. One of thu young lady waltors
in tho dlnlnu room had at ono tlmo boon
la the employ of a relative of Mr. Log
gio'a. He wanted to impress tho party
with tho international 'scopo of ilia ac
quaintance, so ho said: ''I know about
everybody along thu Coast. Now, do you
eoe that young lady wailing on tho other
table? Well, I know her. Watch mo."
Sohootupped across tho ro?m, touched
her arm and said : " Weill Magglo, how
are you?" Sho gave him a cold look,
and iu Arctic tonos (aid: "Excueo mo,
tir; if you with totif&ko my acquaintance
you can leavn ono 'of your cards.'"' P. 8,
Loggia 'paid tho lunch bfti for the
whole party, but the'Urlbo did not tako
ne tuombor peached.
Keep Out
tho Wot
Viibol wtttrriirnnrcMTnirnt') In Ui
tll. I1 t (ru ,i ,. , ,v iai,iU ol I.Hln.l.lH.I Ml.t. Alf.M.1
l.itiiu (iirltin irniln Morlt. If Knn1lr
i:o. irit t rj.ui, MriUiurrllu ti)
1. 1. Mtt Nillrr U, lite, r-n Irmlu.
tr ii. ji. t t ii At t u.ri:urra.
. 'ii..ri.fiii.ii.ii
i '
I'Ulir.AN At Woil Mnrihlleld, July -1,
W', to Mr. and Mrs. P. L. I'IicIlii
an eight pound ion.
SANFOKDTln South Marnhfleld, July
pi, ltK)2 to tho wlfo ot 0. K. Sanford,
i son.
"Little Uiops of Walcr, etc." .
Work has brtcun on tho n(,w addition to
tho Swedish church. Tho work will bo
douo by iiicmboia of tho congregation
at odd times. A great many of tho
inombora being mcchaulci, will devoto a
for hours to working on tho structure.
It v MI bt remembered that this church
was built in this wny.
Ihu lumber Is on tho ground anil eru
long tho people of Mnrshflcld will- iff
anothor exnmplo of ri'tults, by adJing
Uguther tho otherwise wasted timuol a
number of men; only a few minutes a
day from a largo number will Accompllth
much, if properly directed. ,'Lltlo
drops of water, etc." Tho example- of
these pcoplo Is ono which wo should all
apply moro to ourselvc;. The saving ol
lost time, if but a few minutes n day.
added together, would In tho aggregate
mako a prosperous community out of an
otherwifo poverty-stricken ono,
Moral add n few minutes of time,
saved each day, properly applcd to romu
object and nt tho end of ono year add
thu result.
The Same Old Story.
J, A, Kelly relates an cxporianco sim
ilar to that which has happened In al
most overy neluhhorhood in thu United
States and has been told nnd retold by
thousands of others. Ho say a: "I.tirsl
summer I had an Attack ot dyrentery
anil purchated ahottlonf Chaiubrrlalna'
Colic, Cholura and Diarium Remedy.
wnlult 1 need according todiructloiiH nun
with cntiru enticfuctory results. Thu
troublo was controlled much nuickur
than former attacks when 1 ucd other
remedies." Mr. Kelly in a well known
cltbeu of Hondorson, N. 0. For sulu by
John Prouts.
K. 0. Case, the' contractor on tho
Marehflold-Gardirrr mall route, return
ed Saturday from a trip over tho route,
having gono to Sampson Friday. He
has not yet taken chargo of tho route.
Jaa Laird, of Bruwstor Valloy mot
with quito a Hcrloua accident Friday,
whllo coming to Folrviow on horsohack.
Ho vaa Bitting Bldowlso on his horso and
lost his bahmco, falling backward and
otrlking on his head. Ho waa brought
to Folrviow wjioro ho' waa cared for, and
though severely ehalson up and bruleed
ho wan nblo to ha up.
For L' it'anta and Children.
rha Kind Von Slave Always Dought
Signature cf OS4AX
i XA&.Ii&tf-iw II & n Rri
Loyil Lonnon, wlh ..Milppnl on Iho
Aliinum when uho enilu.1 fur South A(
ilea last year, returned on ior as far as
I Hnti Frannlroo. Ihoro ho rhlpped on
tho foveiiwiinl Irani oil Wnrrcn for
Profojsor Crouch, of May, Is nt boon
nitnlti after a month'') visit to J-hm'Htt.
'Iho profustor itifferotl loveruly from mat
demur on hltt uayuptlm const but re
covered his rtitu fruld alter rrgaln
Ing turrn tlrniit.
O UX ti 'J? 0 ?T4. 2C jO. .
tiMta to ifi iljwWMgt-
Dr. Q. K. DavIi, one of San Fran
cfsco'o protiitiiuut physicians and hid
son, A. K. I'.iwir, n mining export arn
on tho Bay for a inonth'a outing. Thoy
wetit to tho Teumllo lakes lairi night,
AccompAiilcd by (I to. Cunimlnga.
o i. m xr o an. a: j. .
tail tU
H frt llin Umfl 2c:i1
S'mon Krlcluon, of Lnl-e, was in totrn
Saturday. Mr. Krtckton is a progtcf
live (armor and has this year addud n
onc-horru mower to bis oftilpmunt, tho
only mower iu tho Tttnmilo oouutrv,
And la much pleated with hiu lt.sott
IMuratnVuur Hnwelt Willi Cmcnroti.
Caoily nmlmrflc, euro tonllrullnn Inrntrr
itcs&c. 1 U.C. U.ull.ifru.'CliurfrupilmoiMr;.
The last low days aro tho kind tlm
make pooplu hunt for a cool drink.
And thoy know light whero to find it
now at Tlbbett'a lco Cream and Sciln
Wr.tcr joint. It Is thu cleanest, best
appolntoJ roiort over oiioued hero, nnd
Tlbbdtla' knows how to run It especial
ly when ho remomburA tho prlntum.
wiimiimiiinn iinm-rrnrr ' 1
f S tB
for anybody 1
yLL Havana Imllcr
i ;
PnnnooxA " I'ANDS or ' ft
of same value as mi's fvor. (
SA W LOG," " OLD V.RQM i.'
cr"MASTJ;R WORKMAN" Tcl3c:u, . '
? .. -j
iiBUtU." -tfr
SX . yTjL
I ' 'l