p, ,1 rt COAST i .l4lT$r t VOL, XXI MAKSHFIELD, OOOS COUNTY, OKEGON, JULY 19, 1902. JDTO2S v ' f 1? L XI. 1 XJ , V KCI. III lP M - ill! MttWI I II JMJiBJ WWII ! MWWIHIItl I IJI , II II iWU RIWQL1HI XJIliWHJIfcJA .Utt-mWW L3&AMWJffPirK t -v 1 Cream of the Pfiblisficd livery Day in V Reward Is Claimed MERRILL'S BODY TAKEN TO SALEM Mrs. Wajfgoncr Dcljvcrs it to Super intendent of Oregon Peni tentiary ' Hftlom, July 17-8horIff Dodder, ol Lewis county, Washington, accompani ed by .Mrs. Mary WojiKOnor, tliu wotnon who with her ton fountl tha hotly of Morrill near Cliolmllp, arrived nt Halem on thu 11 o'clock train this morning and delivered to fsiiporlntcntlont Leo tho body ol Merrill. Jam mat tint parly nl the depot. Af tur on Itilroiliiolion hnd bwii received tho superintendent nskod Sheriff Dcg gclcr: "Of whom do I receive thlr body?" Tho ehurirf replied: 'From Mm. Waggoner," and nl tho raino llmu ho hnndud Leo thu baggage, check for tho body. Mr. I-co thou ankod...Mt,..:W.ggonor r iam mmmmmr iwni . ... .Bib. j. . - II tha rwoulilVjclvo"wrtirKticttiiiiit""Jo body was that of tho outlaw Morrill. Sho replied in thu afllrmatlvo. Mr. I.oe stated in accepting tho body that hu would li;nou thd rewnrd entlro ly but ho would jmy reasonably for tho delivery of tho body. To this tho sup erintendent clalmod Mrs. Waggoner vented Innudibly, Whon won by a reportor this nftnr. noon Mrs. Waggoner raid : '! shall in ; mi .tmm. .sum - r.w...w.'.j- sist on being (mid tho full roward of M&OO offered by tho otnto of Oregon for Morrlll'u body. 1 think If anybody In .entitled to tho reward I certainly inn, NO SPECIAL OR DER ON PENSIONS Indian War Veterans' Claims Be Taken Up in Itcgii' lar Order Uill 1 Tho following from a lato WaohiitKton tllatiiiiRii. will bo of Interoat to miltu a number of Oeou county jiuupln, who nro iVidlun War veterans. It will bo prob ably hlx months before tho flrai poualou is granted under tlm Indian Wnr vol oraiiH1 bill recently pasfod, as claims of this chnroctvr will bo coneidored lit their ordor aloiiK with all othora that reach tho I'oiislon Ofllio, and cannot bo made special, nlthoiiBh tho Oteon dvloKatlon 'quostod that this bo done. In tfprnk it.( of tlieso claims, a nromlueiit otllelal nl -ho reiiHlon Olflco bald today: hx oi t In raro caoeH, tboro will bo no rea ki , wliy veterans cannot mako out and fl'.o tbolr own cihiiuh. rrouamy uio bust tiling for those vetoraim to do, alter they makootit tbulmpplications nccord Inu to our iiiHtruetlous, and h.wo their testimony sworn to, nnd tho proper nfll davlts attached, will bo to file their pa pers In tho Tension Olllco, throunh their Semvtorsor UepreeditativeH. Tbo mom; bora of tho delegation will bo nd vised iufct v bat ovjdonco Is rtMjuired, ami if any applications submitted to them aro found lacking tho nttuiiUuu of Jlio elaluian can at onco bo railed to tho fact nnd tbo Vompleto will thencomo to us foruotlon. sud will bo duly conetdorod. It may bi J Week's News. the Daily Coast Mail. nrccpMary to appoint n fow extra ox uttitticro to report upon claims from tho Indian Wnr Veterans benefited by tho now law, but theso appointments will only be temporary. 'In case any veteran finds hlmeolf un able to furnish tho evidence required, or does not understand what In aakod for. and cannot conveniently communicate with n Henator or Koproronlatlye. it might bo wull for him to file bin applica tion through an attorney, but I do not anticipate that thuro will bo much or any demand for this assistance. On tho whole uiih'M acaro involved oomo teach nlcality, I hollovfl tho employment of attorneyn will bn unncccesrary cxponso to tho veterans." SPANISH KING peels ins oats Gels Drunk nnd Threatens Throw the Qttccu Moth or Out to Madrid, July 12 Tho recent, occon trio behavior of King Alfoiiru la causing the royal houtehold considerable anxi ety. , , . lili tatlcs Imvn becomn depraved and Ida treatment of his motbuJ Is outrage oun. Recently wliou t-ho took him In tflfk for sttendlnga workbir mon'r; hall and coming homo Intoxicated ho order I'd her out of tho bouiu aud when rhu refund to go ho threatened to call thu guard und havo her thrown into tho streets. , Hit confessor succeeded In restoring pcaeo'but It la feared that his rolud Is doraircd, mrrv 7:ntjc wiir-or." " HIS FANCY DICTATES Manliuntcrs Manage to Keep Out of Jlis Way Willi Their Blood Hounds. Bcaltlo.July 12. Thn contor of tho Tracy pursuit has boon rnrnnvpd 7 milos from here. Tbo houuo's worked last nluht at tho edtto of n swamp whero it la bolievod tlm fuiitlVH slept. Tills tuornimr. tho jos)o commenced io work around tbo odijo of tho swamp with two bounds (ollowuu by -() oxper woodjinen. Tbo ec'ont was picked up at of a Dtnall noud. tho edgo This mornlnu FrankProtol notified tho oIllct'jH that Tracy camo to his house, two miles oast of Auburn, at 0 o'clock laot ovouiiii;, baviiiK doubled complete ly Imck tbrouuli tho poseo near Uiuter kv, n'iip. 1'rntol was made to ro Into tho houro. aud Tracy ordered cupper, Ho e,ot two davo provisions" and remained thoro three hours. Ho was torribly worn and was limping badly. Ho pulled up his rinbt troiifor leu, Blmwingn nwollen limb aud said ho had travoled 40 mllos and had rhoumatism. Whllo toitod at n window Tracy saw a posao, under doputy Hnrnor paes, llo drew a bond on Hornor and hold it un til hi had dleapponred up thu road, llo tried to compel I'rotol to (tit a horeo and dnvo him to ltuakloy, but tho old man bad now, and Tracy dis appeared In thu forest to tbo nortb- vv'ini, nnniiu TJn nosco 18 now liurry ni; tuo ii in that direction. Tracy tbrrilled I'rotol so that ho was afraid to toll until this morning. 1 An incident showing that Tracy 1st growing dospornto occurred at I'rolol's, It has liiBt boon learned that Imttor- worth nnd a companion, of beattlo saw tho dosparado enter tbo hnima but did not rccognlzo him. They were hunting birds and fired a eliotf in front of tho liouso. Tracy stuck his rillo niUKzlo against" Protol'a head and inado hhn stop to tho window and look out. Ho was not pacified until tho boys wont away, , v- c. rtr. , ov Aro Tour ttidney t Dr. Uobtn1 BpnruKm I'llli onVU ktitnor Hit. pin ti f t. Add, wtotiiu Uewodjr Ou.,vail'w 0 M. t Another Outbreak f PENITENTIARY OF- FICIALS NEtVAUS Two More Men Seen Looking Over The Walls of Oregon Stiff Prison f . 1 Booltlo, July 17 Sheriff Gudlbfeo nnd six deputies havo dlacovorod Trfcy In a ehack near Snwyor Iako whero the blood hounds lost tbo trail last Friday Two occompllcea nro with Tracy, who is badly wounded in the hip. Cudihco has a stool pigeon who has access to tho house. Tho ehr.ck iseur- rounded and it looks like a killing. 4i Surely Surrouiioed TRACY WOUNDED If BADLY IN IBB HIP Ina Shack Willi two Acconirtices- Cudihee lias Him Fill's Time I Salem, Or. July 17. Tuosd night two men wero seen looking 'tho 1 two men wcru eireu iuwiuj imi' persous connected with tho prison irwiv agement that owing to tho Oregon Na tional Cluard being lu encampment at Albanv. a uenoral delivery of tho 30U prltoncrs may bo attempted. Tho prison officials aro vory rcticlent about tbo wholo matter and refueo U oxprose nlarm In tho public press, but nro at tbo enmo'llmo taking extra ordi nary precaution3. They aro awakening to tho fact that Ihoro is groat dangor of n reenactment 'of tho Trocy-Merrill tradegy on a larger ccnlo. Bojttlo July 10th. The latest story of I tlio nppoiranco ol Tracy nt uarunor 0 ' Monday, has boon fully confirmed. I The outlaw appeared at tho tarmor'a hninn near Knumclaw. outorod tho liouso nnd forcod tho family to provide, him with a meal. Ha soemod in excel lent health and spirits and prutetdud to bo extremely careless. 1 Ho forced Gardner's boy to sbavo two j weeks board from his fnco, meanwhile' holding a gun on blm. Ho took n pair of Irontcra paying one dollar for them, j Tho cbaao continued today without re sults, Sheriff Cudihco is at ltavenedale. Tho inquest this morning at uiionana niakoa it almost positive, that tha body found Is that of Merrill, ami thoro io no qucation in tho olllcors' minds but this is tho case. Gholialls. Wnih., July 13,-A body, imilfttihteillv that of convict MOrrill Hoi behind a lou on tho back country ' road, four miles eouth east of CIioIiiuIb. i IV Will" iiiruvrii uvrr mu uis mm imuiu. m. 'elm iri1t. lititl m. tlm ntntlinu In t which Morrill was last soon, and there wkh i) bullet holo vleiblo in one wrist. Mrs. Mary Wagoner and eon Ueorco wore hunting berries and found it by tho smell. The boy saw n hand nud foot projecting from below tho log, Ho colled tbo Superintendent of tbo Ko form School, Woatetulorff. Deputy Sheriff Hrenkor and n nowepapor mau watched tho body nil night. Coroner Green baa gono to bring tho body into Ohuhttlis. C&A CIiIcbro, July 10 At n rncotlngof tho mornbers of tho Freight Handlers Union this morning It was voted to rslurn to work And mako tbo bedt terms 'pomdble with tho managers, providing tbo Fed eration of Labor refused to support tho strikers. Tbo Federation did not sanc tion the strlko and it is not likely to of fer support at this ptage. The strlko is virtually ended, with tbo defeat of the freight handlers. .. JJoforn tho vote' was takon several hundred strikers bad returned to worki In several ol tbo frelcbt bouses. Salt Lake, July 10 A terrific powder explosion occurred in Balywcst mine this morning and entombed a hundred minors, of whom thirty-three wero tak en out (load by eight o'clock. Many mora bodies aro in tbo mlno and it Is fearod that fow minors escaped. Tbo mines aro located near Park City. Noxious Gases penetrated thu Ontario mino and it Is feared that many hun dred men exploring thoro havo lost their lives. Threo bodies havo been taken out of that mino. Tbo explosion occurred In tbe 1200 foot level, two powder magazines con taining two cars of powder blowing up. Tho shock wad tremendous and was felt ton miles away. Tho force was so great that two horses a milo and a half away wero killed. As soon as tbo nqws of tho disaster reached Park City every physician and nurss in tho place rushed to tho scene. The relatives of tho miners flocked to tho mines long boforo daylight, and their greif was pitiable. Sovoral members of the relief party havo not boon heard from and it is feared that they havo perished. Many unconrcious miners havo been brought to surface Tho llaly west Mlno is a heavy silver producer. Another Solomon. A borso dealer In a Scotch' town having hired a borso to a solicitor, tho miter, citncr turougn uau usage or come other cnuse, killed tho horse, nfi it 1 -.1 , Tbo lawyer bad no objection to grant a bill, but said It must bo nt n long date. Tbo dealer told him to fix bU own time, when tho man of law drew a promissory note, making it payablo on tho day of judgment An action waB raised, when tho so licitor asked tho presiding Judgo to look at tbo bllL Having dono eo, tho Judgo replied: "Tbo bill is perfectly good, and as this is tho day of Judgment I decree that you pay tomorrow." FOJR THE SUMMER I SHOES I ' 1 ' 1 WILL BE NO STRIKE Pres. Mitchell's Plan Endorsed fi v- UlIUtllMHJS JHINEIS '-" w TO CONTINUE WORK. Will Contribute From Their Wages to'. Support Strikers In Anthra- ' cite Field Ihdianapolia July 18-Preaident Mit chell has won a marvelous endorsement from tho men. PIvcr tho anthrlcfto ' men eafd Mitchell'a plan pointed out tho right courdtt. Boforo tho National Convention of Miners was called to order this morn ing President Nichols of nnthraclto district No. 1 of Pennsylvania annonnc-' ed that ho waa opporcd to a gncral strike and made aeauranco that thcro would bo no strike. In a speech in tho convention Mitchell advised strongly against a strike. Ho nrged tho bituminnna miners to con tinue work am that n evrtem of assess ments upon membors of the order which bo outlined bo carried iato effect an the bett means to nllord holp to tho strik ing men of the cast. Ho outlined his policy as follows: "Appropriates foO.COO for rolief". Let tho unions approprieto as large a sum as they cau afford. Amusement of one dollar per week to be- levied en all memuera 01 unions, and officers of tho r nauonai uiaincia drawing a ?00 per month or over to ealary of contribute 10 n I iho cause of the u nor. Appeal to tho' American peoplo to bring pre:Buro to. bear to compel tho operators to submit to arbitration. 1 I I Chronic Constipation Cured. 1 The most important discovery -of , recent years is the positive remedy for constipation. Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never- ' old in bulk. Druggists, xoc ' A nA.fMlr.AM.nfv Utls .M k -E AX UtWliUWillg X iUXUlUll Ul Beautiful Shoes & j & CJ IIOE3 to suit every fancy. Shoos kJ to fit overy foot. Shoes to enit every purso are gathered together heroin our shoo eection. This shows what n determination will do to get togetber tho best tho country affords nt thu least cost to our customers. THE LADY, THE GENTLEMAN. THE JVHSS, THE BOY OR YOUTH wilt find ours tho best. Somothing hern to fit nnd suitable fornvnrv wnllr inlifo. : : : : : :l A Manufacturers Guarantee, backed by our poreonal vouch for satisfaction goes with every pair. : : TttAGNES & MATSON n "v rrH i 'I $?f tv I t Ml M 1 1 rtifAaaaBiW IuihIwSSSSS til . v I ! II