The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 12, 1902, Image 8

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    ' Fino Stationory nt Norton's.
Fine up-to-date Ladles'. Shoes just
received nt rotor Claftteu'e.
Father Donnelly returned Wednesday
from Curry county Bud will hold sorv
ices hero next Sunday at the usual
Tho tup Hunter camo down from tin
Utnpqua Wednesday brluRinglnspcctorf
"Edwards nnd Fuller, who will trtko s
look nt tho etentu boats on the buy.
F. M, Underwood of South Coos rivoi
is nbout to mnko a trip to Hustings, .Neb
to visit his mother.
J. L. Bowman aud wife, ol Portland
nrrived Tuesday, via Dr&in on a vWlt tt
Mrs. Bowrann'a parents Mr. and Mrs.
Anson Rogers.
Tho Copper Queen arrived from Ilcgut
river Tuesdny, bringing a shipment nt
linrdwcod lumber to go down on tin
Allinnco to tho Pacific Const Lumber nnd
i"umlturo Mfg Co. Tho Queen will go
to Yaquina Bar after n shipment of ilout
nnd other freight from Portland tr
Rogue river.
J. C. "Williams, organizer for th
"Woodmen of the World, nrrived Tues
day, via Gardiner, and will spend some
timo in this section in the interests of
Juia order.
Manager Robertson has a force of men
at work on A street, digging holes for
the new telephono poles, and is also
trimming the poles to nhd prepariyg to
put tho crow arms thereon.
Henry Holmes made a cattle-buyinc
trip to tho Tenmile country, tho first ol
the week.
E. W, Smith was Incky enough to
draw onn of the ladies' watches offered
by tho Examiner in tho lato drawing,
and it is a very neat little timepiece,
D. J. Mageo lias moved his fatnil
from Tcnmllo to Daniels creek, where
.Mrs. Magee'a father, W. II. Morgan, is
Chae, Griesen, tho piano and organ
man, went to Coqnille Tuesday to push
tho salo of musical instruments.
Mrs. S. A. Yoakam has just received
from the Studebaker Co., one o! their
low-wheeled farm wagons, for use on her
Coos river farm. Mrs. Yoakam has one
of tho best places on the river and is pur
ting it on an up-to-date basis.
The tog Katie Cook arrived from
Roguo river Tuesday and went over to
Iteed'a ship yard, where she will 1
hauled out and thoroughly overhauled
and repaired.
Cal "Wright leit Tuesday for Itoee
buro, called thence by the serious illness
of his mother.
Steamboat Inspectors, Edwards and
Fullor are on their way down the
A ecow load of lumber went up catch
ing slough Monday for Chas, Esterbeck
who isputtin g up a new building.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stemmermant
of Allegany returned home Wednesday
after epending a night in town.
The litt!o daughters of J. "W. Krus
and Geo. Woodward, who were each
accidentally burned Sunday, are getting
along fairly well.
Geo. Noah camo down from Allegany
Wtjdneaday, and will go to his mother's
home on the South Fork of Coos river
where he will do somo fencing and other
improvements on the place,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hirst, expect to
leave on the next Areata for a trip to
their old homo in Australia. It has been
forty years since they left that country
for this, and thoy anticipate much pleas
uro in revisiting the old pcenes. They
expect to be absent at least five months
and probably longer. Every one will
wish them a pleasant voyago and a safe
return. A. D. Walcott will remain in
tub store during Mr. Hirst's absence.
While some children were playing
with a kitten in one of tho upper rooms
of the Ganleld hotel, the kitten became
frightened and leaped through tho
open window. It was at least fifty feet
to tho ground, but the little cat lit on its
feet, stood dazed a moment, wobbled a
little and then walked off as good as
uood as new. This beats all the higu
divlng dogs, that jump into a net.
Robert Krttger is having his houso on
Fourth street raised and will build ou
bay window mid put new elite under
tho houso.
Tho atenmora Alort nndCoos River laid
over in town iuursiny mam, mho
Alma took tho Coos River's run and tho
little Florence wont up tho North Inrk
n placo of tho Alort. Whoa sho loft
hero some ono was sitting too far for
njhI on tho stnbbord rddo and sho wiu
Jown by tho head with n heavy list
toward East Marslifleld.
Georgo Duobnor ofOnkland, California,
trrlvml In Miirabileld via Alvrtlo Point
Wednesday, to visit with his wifo and'
children who havo been visiting at tho
Uttebiier home.Mr. Dnebner's visit camo
4s a surnrir-o to hia wife and children.
Mr. and Mrs, Buhner, Sr.know of hia
coming, but tho Burprlso was complete to
tils better half.
Tho Rlanco towed II. Sengstnckcn'n
teow SkirinisLer. which has recently
been repaired on ('hristonscii & J.ihn
toa'a ways, to North Hund Tliureduy
whero sho will load n cargo of lumber
for thu Alders.
Ccquillo Herald At n meeting of the
?. A. It. yesterday evening it was di
oided to held tho annual encampment
during tho second weak in September,
and an executivo committee was appoint
d to make nil tho necessary nrreugo
ments to have a good timo.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. J.
r. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. A R. Toubrook,
Mrs. J. N. Crawford nnd .Mrs. C. W.
I'nteraon and her two sous, v I II go up
Coos river today to camp ojit nt tho Mc
Knight crovo ou thn South fork, whero
they will be joined by Mr. Pnterson.
Frol Lillonthnl nnd Walter Pennock
ire nbout to start on a trip down the
coast. It ia said that tho former knows
whero there is an asbestos ledge and ths
latter has a lost gold mino located, and
they arc going after them.
Mrs. Masters makes a specialty ol
tailored sulta at very rcnsonablo
prices. tf.
Coquillo Herald D. G. Boalc, of
Marslifleld, is over with a view to inau
gurating operations in tho wny of clear
ing up a lot of his extensive bottomland
opiosito town.
Educate-Your Bottom Willi Coeort.
Candy Catbnrtle. euro constipation forever
tOcSe. It CGC.taU.druiElitirt'XapdffioacJ'.
At a meeting last evening, tho town
board passed an ordinance tixing license
fees for peddlers, Bhows etc., running
frdm $5 to 2U a day-
Chas. Rovcats, tho mechanic, liao
purchased ol Mrs. F. Mark, tho turning
"athu mortising mschino and jig saws
formerly used in the F. Mark furnituro
establishment, nnd will use them in his
Mrp. E. J. Coffclt, Mrs. Wyatt Coffelt
Mrs.-Frank Rodgerts, Miss Bronto Coffolt
wid lilts Leah Rogura, wore n party of
Coo? river ladies in town Thursday.
A party of pleasure neckerfl from
Granta PaES, who arrived hero a few
days ago, tool: a team from Hclsner's
table Thuisdny and went down to
Cnnrlostun to camp out a fow weeks and
enjoy u seashorn outing.
Dr. Prentis will bo out of town from
July 7th to Aug. 1st. Have your dental
work attended to beforo ho leaves.
John Morgan, Jr.. who has been a
Paso Roblce, Cal,, for tho past fifteen
mouths has come back to spend n
month's vacation with relatives and
frionda on tho Bay. Ho wont to Pntjo
Itobles for relief from tho rheumatism,
and found it at once, as well as employ
ment at good wages, aa engineer.
Tho Schooner Joseph Riibb, ldadcd
with lumber foe San Pedro, waa toved
down tho bay Wednesday,
Clifton Curtis Jr., who has been living
with hie undo, W. B. Curtis, loft on tho
Alliance for San Francisco, whero ho will
join hia father who ia captain of a vousol
running to tho Hawaiian Islands, and
will make a trip with him.
For L fonts and Children.
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
feignfttur of
.a j
PHONO, 436,1. O.O.F.BIdff.
Tho success of n shoo
Department depends up
on wear o! the goods.
Mens' Shors comprises
nil grades for tho Fnrni,
tho Street, tho Oillce, the
Just RccoivoU
ICEABLE. 'M Khl.Frriirli
Jlox Cnir, Dull
k 'id liotte
SI IpprH. All
M lids of lifCful
f oct wen r.
Gliildron's Shoes
n A. tJe1 A
Infants' Bluonnd Pat
cnt Leatlior Shoos-
George ,
' Tibbetts
I. Oi, 0 K. Building
.- Samples y recniest,
' Mr j. Goo. Iliinynn, nt Catching tbugh
wasvUlMng town yestorilny.
Tho Coos Rivor tnndo ti special trip
last evening brlnlug down two icov
lontle, over n hundred, hogo from tho
creamery for ihlpmont on tho Empire.
J. W. Cnttor'a llttlo hoy la' now down
with tho scarlet fever, front which his
sister has bcon suffering. Tho llttlo girl
tins noarly rccovorcd from tho fovor, but
hor throat ia giving her aomo trouble,
Both Marsh tho youngest daughter it
Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. Marsh has been qulto
ill tho past wcclff
L. H. Dole, district orgnniior of tho
A. F. of L., hna recently organUod four
unions on tho Coqttillo: Tho longehore-
mou and tho mlllttuui at Bnndon, tho
inlllmen and' painters r.t Coquillo City.
Mrs. John Flanagan, nnd Mrs. Dnvid
Morso, ot Empho took n rido tip to
town Friday.
Tho Mirsea Jennie Etckworth, Nelllo
Tower, Hazel Colstrup, and Martha
hVrultt, returned Friday from n rotiplo
al days very pleasantly spent vUltluc at
A. Wirth'a placo across tho bay.
Apportionment of School Fun (J Tor
1)1 ST. NO
1 Myrtle Bank
2 Herinnn
3 Arago
I I.ompt7 Creek
5 Brow
0 Emplro
7 Mi-Klnloy
8 Coquillo
U MarshUeld
10 Cunningham
11 Parkorsbtirg
VI Catchltu Slough
111 North Bend
II Ittvcrton
16 Bridge
10 Wlllanch Slough
17 Kentuck "
18 Flag Staff
10 Htrangs
20 FIshtrap
Ul Randolph
22 North Fork
'Si I.00
21 Rnckltn'a
t Fairview
'JO lluinu'a Slough
ti7 McKlnley
'JIH Gravelford
20 Two Milo
50 Sumner
51 Carolina
'.Vi Horn
ai! Bald Hill
III Catching Creek
50 Dnnlol'u
.'!0 B. 0. Roger
57 Sugar Loaf
58 Ten Milo
30 Cooi Rlvor
10 Libboy
il Myrtlo Point
12 Rock Creek
4',i Norway
41 Roy
45 Allegany
tfl Now Lako
47 Rolitnd Prairlo
18 Hhiloli
10 Eait Marthflold
!Q Itemotu
51 Utter
52 Bancroft
S.'l North Slough
54 Bandon
EG Beaver Slough
-.50 EartNheck
144 20
207 t0
ih:i 40
iu:i sii
2.12 40
Mil IK)
1222 20
127 Oo
180 (-5
100 25
IWt it)
.'103 15
100 40
107 50
159 HO
11(1 85
!()! i0
17S 70
140 10
10H 10
111 75
I2 00
III.') 80
141 70
101 52
114 80
ITS 00
KM) 40
Kit) 00
120 50
210 17
530 SO
030 40
212 SO
1US 70
207 IX)
124 00
80 '
100 40
205 20
100 40
117 25
141 75
721 05
131 05
57 South Slough
140 00
58 SiinnvSldo'fromdlfllll)
50 Hull". Creek 111 80
(10 Projpor 1 10 00
01 Beachviow 88
02 Bear Creek 102 05
63 Enchanted 122 15
Oi Four Milo 03
05 Sitkum 1)3
00 Hand Hill 08
07 Excelsior 00
08 Lnrpon'a Slough 127 35
GO Beaver Hill 171 05
70 Oak . 112 50
71 Buoll 100 40
72 Coaledo 100
73 Pleasant Viow 100 75
71 Pleasant Hill 14 80
Joint 2, North Lnko 83 10
W, II. Bunch,
Co, Supt.
Mrs. Lewie returned on tho Alliance
to her homo In San Francisco, after a
visit with .her parent. Mr, and Mrs.
Tb.oa. Howrd
Mnit Tiirunormnn ennio' ovor Friday,
(rom Pnrkorsburg, whom ho hna boon
noting na foreman ot Iho planking crow
on tho now vested building tlioro. Ho In
temporarily disabled by pnrplyitsot his
right hniul nnd forearm,
Tho stcnnior A renin ia on tho dry dock
In Snn l'mnolncu. Sho will'
salt Sunday for tliln port.
A, Rldootit ia acting ns wnlclnnnti nt
tho R. R. depot during tno nhKotico of
Thoi Coke, who U out nt McKlnley on
a biifliuoBs trip.
Tho Emplro arrived yesterday nllor
an nseurtod cargo of coal, matchwood
nnd hogs. Sho wlll-mukn nt least ono
more trip now nnd will probably run'
regularly, no tho cord market ii getting,
straightened out.
Hcnryllolm received n cartload ot fttt
hogs and mutton Iroin tho CcxitiMlo yos
tordny, tho mutton coming from It.
F. (Inrrott, ot Myrtle Point, nnd tho
hogs from tho Schroedor Bros., ot Arago.
Tons that nro Tens : Hem of Oolcoudn,
pure India; Pridoof Calitnuro, cholcoat
Ceylon; Prido ot the North, ilnent Eug
llih breakfast; alto Suhlllliiga Boat nud
nil ot tho highest grades hi package or
in bulk. At F. A. Bacchl'a,
Tliero wilt bo a good t lino nt North
Bend tomorrow for ovory ono who at
tends. Tho pcoplo ot that llttlo burg
aro not celebrating aa n commercial
speculation, hut nro out (or n good timo
and will havo It.
United Stales am Oflire, Koulxirg Orr;on,
April a6tli, los.
Notice U lirtehy clcn Out In coctnlUnci
vlili the prorlilomui ilie act nt C'ongicu of
tine 3, 1H7U, riiimcti "Ail rut lor tiw mIo ol
limber Limit In the Mnir ol taltfornl i, Oicj;oii,
Nerail.i, nnd Waihnn-lon Trtilior)'," n ev
trnded ta all ihe Public Lintl Si.tto by net of
Aigutta. i8o'.
of loU, county of Wjitjuot, itnio of Wltton
ton, hni thli day fitett lit llili ofttif lik iMom
t.tlnirnt No. a 8 86. (or the imrclhuc o( tint
30tillir.ttt quartrr ol Nxtion No. so, Tounihlp
35 Souili, of '.Inge W., io W. M nnd will
oiler proof lo lio Hutt ihi Unt MMiglit It more
viiluaUIe for 1 1 timber or ttonr ilmn (ur .igrlcul
ttiritl iurxMM, anil to rtuililuli hit rlMtn to kiIiI
linl tirfoK" iIib Irtitrr iinil Kccvrr of thit
oillce ot KotebtirK. Orrcon, on Tueatl.ty, tilt
(ill dty of Novrintirr, 'i
Up in mIiiim: I) 1, . Mnrlln,
fotepti Wenllierhy. of Kowlwrg, Orgon, Mnr
lin A Nortlc, John S. 'Itiylor, of loki, Wlieon.
Any nnd nit rwru cUlnilni' nilvnrMly the
ntwvo'tloiorllieil IjiuUiwh rf(iiclcl lo Tile llieir
clalim In thli ollicoon or Iwlore i.til alii il.ty of
NoveifiUr, va., V, lluiDm:',, i:cUter.7i5
A dcllciitc point of protiunclntlon It
Itivulvcd In HiIh moiy. A country conn.
In ouco went to ppoud Stiiiduy with nu
Edinburgh friend. After it long tiny
spout In iilirlitNeuluc they round them
uelviu a Ioiik iy rrom home.
"Nod, iiioii," miM tho tuwiiamnn,
"wo'vo n Ion, wny to gnng. Slmll .wo
tnj;' n tratiiV
"Till:' n trutnl" cried tho other In aur
prlH. "Yu iltnun menu to tell mo that
In J'dlubro' thu public housua nro open
ou thu Suwbuth!"
A Slitililoiilnir l.Ptrucj-.
A youurr iiinn at St. Mondo wits drlv.J
en mud, by n legncy of 4,000. From j
tho moment tho money enmo Into hlsj
poHHcaHlon ho wnn oppretsaod by tho'
fear of IouIiik It and nlwayn carried it
about with him. Ho ilnully mndo m
honflro of It in tho form of notca nm!(
then attempted to blow, out hia bralna. J
London Ohronlclo.
Ono of Our I'ei) I'liritC. '
"Did nny of tho inhnbltaiitu eocnpo
with his llfo?" inquired tho man .who
.wnntH hnrrowlufr dotnllu.
"I didn't atop to naccrtnin," answered
tho muii .who ia hnrrowlngly exnet. ''It
struck mo that If anybody escaped
without Ids llfo thero wnen't much use
in his escaping iinyhQ,." VuBiliiart'oi
ir rrrinr'rii H'.iitiftf?rntf. ' V'fii'v