ifrff . 1mmkk land.mot junk ii. lb7, notice for publication. United Stuioa i.ittul OIUrn, Komi'juu' Or. , , May 10, IUMJ, iSotlco Ih horoby given Hint In compll hu'eo willi tliu provislona of tlict net of Congress of Juno .'I, IH7H, entitled "An nut for tliu unlti of tlmlirr Innda In tho Htotoi of California, Orounu, Nuvniln nml Wnshliigtou Territory," nn extended to all tlio l'ulillo Lund Mutes by Ret of Augual I, IWtj. KDWAKDO. 1'LANAUAN, of Mitroiilluld, county of Coon, Ktntuof Oregon, has tMi day fllod In UiIh olllco 1 1 In mvorn sUiiouicui No. "115, foi tliu pnrchaso of tlio BW1-4 of hvclion No, 12 In TownMiip No. 20 H. Knntio No. 11 W unit will ollur proof to allow Hint tho lnnd rough t Ih moro vnlunlilu for II h tlmburnr sjono tlinn for ngrlcojturnl tiurpoei, nud lifiMnblifh lilu clnlm to ciild Imiil bulon) W. U. Doughts, U. t!, Coitiniiunlonur for Drcgon nt .Mnrtliflcld, Ongon. on I'rl Jv, tliu Ht ilny of August, IMrJ. Ho iiniiifft'nn wlttiL'fiauri: Ocoriro W, llralo, W. 1'. Mtimllv, Amilo II. Klaim pnn mid Bluuchu K. Iiort, ullof Marsh Hold, Oregon. Any nnd nil porsons claiming ndvorre ly tlio nhovc-deicrlhwl lands nro request ed to lllo tholr ;litliiN in thin olllro on or before said let day or August, 1002. 0-21 J. T. BKIDCJKS, Register. TIMBEK LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878,- NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. United Stntea Land Officii Kosoburg, Or, May If), HHi2. Notico la horoby given that in compll nnca wllli tho provisions of tlio net of Coiigrrsii of Juno .t, 1378, untitle! "An net for tlio rnh of timber lands In tliu Htntnx of California, Oregon, Nevndn, nuil Washington TerritAry," ns oxtend cd to nil tliu Public lunl Stntea by net of AtiKtict I, 1M2, WILLIAM l. SI ritPHY, of Mnrshllold, county of Coos, statu of Oregon, bus this day filed in thin olllco Ills sworn stiitemont No, 2IM. for tlio jiutclinro of tlio Northeast qunrlnr of Section No. 1 lie, Township No. 20 8. Kango No, 11 Wont, nnd will off or proof to show that tlm lnud sought in moro vahmhtu for its timber or Mono ilinti for Nurlculinuil purposes, nnd to establish liU clnlui to mid land beforo W, U. Douglnn, U. H. Commissioner for Oro eon at Marshflold, Unison, on Wednes day, tliu 30th dny ol July, 1J02. Ho names ns wituoHseH: Alvln Hinltb, Jcsao Smith, Gooruo Benlo, 12, (I. Him ii(;an of Mnrthllehl, Oregon. Any nnd nil jiortous claiming adverse y tliu abovu-dcKcrlbvd Undi nro request ed to tliu thnlr claims In Ibis olllco on or beforo cnld With dny of July, 11)02. fi.2l J,T. BKIDUK8, Keglster. TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNK .'J, 1870- NOTIOE POK PUBLICATION. United Btatua Land Olllco, Korobtirg, Or. Juno 1, 1002 Notico ii hereby given, tlmt in corn pllnncu with tlio provision of tlio net of Congress of Juno II, 1878, entitled "An Aet for tliu cnlo of Timber Lnmlf in tliu HtntOH of California, Oreaon, Nevada, nnd Wn'hinjMon Territory," nicstt'iidcd to nil tlio l'ulillo Lnnila btntua by net of Auuiifit 4, 1 hl J. OIIAltl.KS W. GUSTAVEON of Pulutb, county of St Loulu, iitnto of Minn., htiH this day IIIihI In this olllco Ills hworu Blnti'inmit No. 2H8 for tlio ptircliRto of tbn NWl-lof bcetlon No. tt, in Townuhlp NoJOKoutliof KniiKO No. 10 V., ntrJ will offor proof toehow tlmt tlio Innd rouirht innoro vnluablufar Ha limber or etono than for npirulturnl uirpofeH, nnd to uNtnblirh hlu claim to tii Id laud beforo tlio ilelntcr and He ceivorof thia olllro nt Koreburt;, Ori'Kon, on Tuetdny tliu III) day of September, 1102. Ho names nn witnesaea: (SeorKO A. liurna, Kihvnrd K.Mnrlol, Mra. MnryA. llorlnud, mid Mnrgnrut B, Hatliburn, nil of Dulutli, .Minn. Any nnd nil persona clpiminx adverse ly the nbovo dereribed lntuia nro re (iiested to lllo their olnlma in thia olllco on or beforo en id t'O day of Sept., 1002. ll-l l- J. T. Uuukiuh, lfelator. I'lMUKH LAND, ACT JUNK , 1878 xoTici; I'Oit i'uulication. United Stutcs Land OHice, KoxburR, (JIckoii. June 9, not. Notice Is hereby fjtven that In compllanco with tlic provision of the net of CoiiRress of iuie .. 1878, entitled "An net lor the s.ile of limber LiihIs hi die riintes of Ciillfotnla, Orej;on, Nc n 'n, nml Wnshlngton Territory," ns efiuled ,to nil the I'ubllc Uind Stnles by net of August ''' '3'J7'mHS, MARY. A. IIOKMND -of Dulutli, County of St Louis, Hinle of Minn, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. 3655, for thu purcli.isa of tho SI', J of Section No. 34, In Town 'ship No. 26 South, Range No 10 West, nnd 'will offer proof to show that the land sought Is ilioro valuable for Its timber or stone than for jigrlctiliurnl purposes, nnd to establish his claim o said land before the Register nnd Receiver of this office at Rojeburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, 'the a day of Sept., 1003, Shu names as wlttieurs: Margaret S. Rath burn, Kdwnril U. siurlel, fJeorgo A. Hums, Charles W. (luitavson, of Diiliuh, Minn. : Any. nnd nil persons claiming adversely tho nbovWlcscrlbcd lands are reiplcsted to file their claims In this oflku on or beforo said 30 day of Sept, 1903. J. T, Ukioous, Register, 6-i4p TIMDUU LANIUOT, JUNK 3, 18f8.- NOT10K roll I'tHLIOATIUN. United Slntea Lnii;I OJIlco, Uopobnrff, Or. Mny Ifi, 11)02, Notico la hereby ulvon that In coitipli nnco with tho provlfdOii of tho net of Con jmuanf Juno U. 187H oulitleil "An net for tho onlo of timber Innda In tlio Htntcaof California, Ortnon, Novnda nnd Wnsli Inton Territory," nn extended lo nil tho I'ublio Land Htutoa by net of Animal 4, 1B'J' ANNIH IJ. I'LANAflAN, of Slarahlleld, countv ol Coon, Htntoof Ori'eo)i,haftlhlduvlllcdlnihlNolIlcuhor Hworu Miitoniont No, 2111, for tho ptir cIiiiko of tlm NWJ-1 of Heel Ion No. IJi In Townnblp No, 20 H, IfaiiRoNo. 11 W, nnd will nffur proof to chow tlmt tho land Rotiuht Ih moro vulunblo for Itn timbcror ntono than for tytrlculturnl pn rpoiioa, nnd toofttahlleh her clnlui to raid Innd beforo W. U.-JJouulns, U. K, Cuuiinliainrior for Oro;oii,:nt Mawpfleld Orncou.on I'rldny. tho Jut dny of AiiKimt, 1002. 8I10 iininoH nn wltiiuaniA: GeorRO W. Uenlu, W. I'. Murphy, K. O. i'luniinn, nnd lllnneho K, Short nil of Mnrahfluld. OrcKon. Any nnd nil porsona nlnlmliiK ndvereo ly thunbovo'ijiticrlbvd Linda nro rcqueat ed (o fllo their clnlmn in this olllco on or beforo raid lit day of Auuust, 1002. .V21 J.T.llHllXIKHltcKlBter. TIMUKiiLAKI), ACT JUNK .'I, 1878.- iionoi: von i'Uiilioatiun. United Htatea Ijtnd Office, Itotobunr, Or. Mny M, 1002, Notico ii hereby given that in compli ant) with the provlnlons of tho act of Conuroea of Juno II, 1878, entitled "Ait net for tlio rnlu of timber lands in thu Htutin of California, Oreaon, Nevndn nnd WnshlnRton Territory," ua extended to nil thu I'ubllc Land Htntea by net of AugUbl4, 1SK2, WILLIAM H. NOKMAN, of ltosobitrif, county of Douxlna. Btato of Ort'pou, hua thla day filed in thla olllco litfi Aworn Htotemont No. 2129, for tho purchnro of thu NU'1-1 of Section No. " in Townat lp No. 25, HanRO No. 10 W. nnd will orfer proof to show tlmt thu Innd Bought Ih moro valuable for Its timber or mono than for agricultural pnritofcs, nnd to establish lua claim to cnld land beforo tho KrWter nnd llereiver of thla olllco nt Koeoburic, On, on Tuocdny, thu 'Hi dny of Atiititht, 1002. Ho named ua wUiicmcb: William L. DyeliiKor, Jonipli N. Weatberby, Klljah II. Otey, nnd Jullua Johnson, nil of Hojo burK. Oroson. Any and nil poreona clamltiR adversely tho nbove-dtecrlbod Innda nro requcstod to fllo tholr clnlrne in thla olllco 011 or beforo eald 20 day of Aucuit. 1002. G-2 bp J. T. JUKI DGEB, IteKlatcr. TIMDKK LAND, ACT JUNE a, 1878. NOTICE rOI"l'UBLlCATION. Uhltcd 6tnteaLand Office. Kosoburir. Or. May II, 1002. Notico ia hereby (riven that In compli ance with tho previsions of thu net of CuiiKretJ of Juno 3, 187b, entitled "An net for tho snlo of timber lands in thu States of California, Oregon, Nevado, nnd Washington Territory," ns extend ed tf nil thu I'ubllc Laud States by nut of Aujnitt -I. 1802, WILLIAM L. J1Y8INGKK, of ltocubitrg, county of Douclaa, Stnto of Oregon, hns thla dny filed in this olllco hU ftworn statement No. 2127, for tho iiurehuso of tho NE1-4 of Section No. 28 inTownehipNo. 20, Itiuigo No. 10, W nnd will offer proof to ehow that tho land sought ia moro valuablofor its timbor or atouo than for 11grfcultur.il purposoa.nud toi'utnblieh his ulnlm to enid land be fore tho Keglater nnd Kccuivor cf this olllco nt Korolmrp, Oreson. ou Tuesday, tho 20 dny of AuKiiat, 1002. Ho names' na witnesaea: Joseph N, Weathorbv. William 8. Norman, Elijah H.Otoy, Julius Johnspu nil of ItosoburK, Oregon, Any nnd nil poreona claiming ndvorac ly tho nbovo-duacribed hinds nro re quested to fllo their clniina in this oflku on or bororo said HO day of August, 1002. 5-21 v J. T. BlllDGES, Hc-ietor. TIMI1EB LAND, ACT JUNE a 1878 NOTICE POK PUBLICATION. United States Land Offico Kosobtugt Or., Mny 0th, 1002. ' Notico is horoby given tlmt in compli nnco with tho provisions of tho net of CongroBS of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho enlo of timbor Innilo in tlio Stntea of California, Orogon, Novnda, nnd Washington Territory," ns extonded to nil tho Publ'o Lund, Stntea by nut of AugUBt 4, 1002. EUGENF It. JONE8, of Mnralilieid. county of Coosi Stnto of Oregon, baa tills duy filed in this offico his sworn statement No, 2380, for tho nnrouRBO of tho 81-2MI N Wl-I, 8W1-1 of NEl-1 nndNWMOf 8W 1-1 of Section No. 22 inTownshlp No. 208 KnngoNo. 11 W. and will otl'or proof to show tlmt tho jand Bought is moro vnluablo for its timbor or etono than for ngriculturnl purposes, nnd to ostablieh hia claim to eald land before W, U, Douglas, U. 8. Comniia fiionor for Oregon nt Maraliflold, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 20 dny of July, 1002. He iiamga ae witnesses: W. A, FII1111, of Fnirviow, Oregon; F. It. Taylor, of Cf'ftlrvlow, Oroson j M, J, Wilson, of Fair- view, Oregon Vf, 11. Anderson, t.of Murahfleld, Oregon. Any and it 1 1 pursonH clnlmini; ndvorto ly the nboTc-doHcrlbed Innda nm request ed to fllo their claims In this olllco on or bcforanald 11) dny of July, 1002. fi-17 p J. T. imiDGKH, Keglslor. TIMIJKICLAND, ACT JUNE 8, 187K.- NOTICK F OK I'UIJLIOATION. United States Lnud Ofllce, llorchnra, Or, Mny Dili, 1002. Notico Ib hereby lven ihntiucompli' nnco with too provmona ol tlio net 01 I Concrciaa of JuuoiJ, L"78, untitled "'An net for thu alu of timber lands in tho 1 Htrtlei of Cnllfornlu, Oregon, Nevada. 1 mid VnhlnKtouTorritory,"uai!Xtvtided to nil tho l'liblie Land Ktntoa by act of AuU9t fl, 1802. I IHI'.AUL LANDO, ' of Mnrahfleld, county of Coor, Btato of Orison, hnu thjs dny filed In thii office his sworn alnumcnt o 23C for Ihepur- olinro of tlm 81-2 HWl-1 & NKM HW1-4 of feetlon No 22 in Township No 20 8 1 Jlnnijo No. 11 W, nnd will offr pioof to 1 rhow thul tho Innd sought is moro-Vftlua bio for itn timber or btonu than for ncri- I cultural purposes, nnd to eMnbliMi his claim to tild Innd beforo W. U. Doii;lnx, . U.H. CammiHGiotiorforOteKonatMnrah llulM, Oregon, on .Monday, tuu2 day ol July, 11)02. lib tmmeo na witncircB: Jninf3 Ilttt chcaon, J. J. Knnholm, Jr., Emcreon Kerry, Alvln Smith, ull of Marahfleld, j Ori'son. I Any nnd nil porsone claiming ndversc- ly tlio nbovonl escribed lands oro request ed to fllo their ulnluia In this office on or before said 28 dny of July, ItnTJ, ,5-17p J.T. ItKI DUES, Krister. 1IMBKK LAND, ACT JUNK D, 1878 NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. United Stntus Lnnd Offico, Koicburp;, Or. May 0, 1002. Notico la hereby civon that in cotnnll mice with thu provislona of thu net of CouL-rces of Juno 3, 187h, untitled 1 "m " J In tlio , net for thu bain of timber landa Stntea of California, Onon, Nevada, 1 find Washington Territory," na extend od to nil thu Public Land tetntca by net of August -1. 1802. CLAYBOUKN A. MOORE, of Pendleton, county of Umatilla, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed in this of fice hia sworn etptc ment No.Mi'l, for tho purchneo of tho SE1-1 of Section No. 20 in Township No. 20 S, Kango No. II W. nnd will offer proof to.showr that tho land , souglit is more valuable for Ita timber or 1 mono than for ncriculturnl purposes, nud lo establish Ida claim to said land be fore W. U. Douglas, 1 . 8. Commissioner , for Oregon nt Marshtleld, Orecon, on Monday, tho 2S day of July, lu02. Ho names ns witueesrs: John J. . Kronholm. Jr.. James Hutelineon. Alvln 1 Smith, Juaee A. Smith, njl of Mnrehfleld, j uregou. I Any nud all persona claiming adrorso- ly tho nbovo-deecribed lapds aro request 1 od to fllo their claims in this olllco on or bcloro eald 2S day of Jul 100 0-17 J. T. BKIDCJSS, Register. TIMBEK LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187S ; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i United Stntea Land Ofllce, Kosotiurg. Or. MayD, 1002, Notico is hero by given thnt.iu cornpli nnco with tho tho provisions of tho net of Congress oi Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho aalo ol llfnuor Inmia In tlio States ol Cnlifornin, Oregon, Nuvadannd Washington Territory," as expanded to nil tin Public Lnnd Stilton by ct of August 4, 16. BENJAMIN C. ANDERSON, of Yiealia, county of Tulare, Stato of Calllornln, hua this day filed in this olllco hia sworn statement No. 2370, for tho purchase of tho SKI -4 of Sec tion No. 0 in Township No. 24 S, Knngo No. W, nnd will offer proof to rliow that tho land sought ia more valu nblo for Its timbor or etono than for ng riculturnl purposes, and to catablish his claim to eald land be I oro tho Register nnd Kccrlvor ol thla olllco nt uoaeburg, Oregon on WqilnesUay, tho 20 dny of AuiMiat. 1002 Hn nRmosnonitnoESos: Charles Thorn. ' of Roaoburg, Orogon; Hnrry Thomas, of Koseburg, Oregon; Ernest Dlnjjloy ol Vleahn, California; Albort J. Cnmpboll, of Rosoburg, Oregon. Any nnd nil persona clnlmlng vdvorao ly tho nbovc-'deecribed landa nro request ed to lllo their rlulma en thia olllco on or beforo said 20 day of August, 2902. 0-17 p J'..T. BRIDGES, Keglator. , TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, iS78 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stntea Lnnd Office. Ko6fcburg,Or. Mny 0, 11102. Nollco Is hereby given Hint In cornpli nnco with tlio provlHlono of tho uct of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, ontItlod"An net for tho enlo of timber lands in tho Stntea of California, Orogon, Nevada nnd Washington Territory," ns extended to nil tho Public, Lnnd StntOB by net of August 4, 1802. EMMA NOBLE, of Marshflold, county of Coos, Stnto of Oregon, hna this day filed iti this olllco his sworn slntomont No. 2U70, for tho No, 13 W, and will offer proof to show purchnsoof the av M ol NW1-4, Wl-2 of 8W1-4 Soqjtf, BK1-4 of SE4-4of Sec tion No. 2flin Township No23 B.'Raniro that the land sought Is more yaluable for its timber nnd stono than for' egrlcul turlal purporee.RndtoMtablislilnaclnlm to raid Innd teforo W. U. Dotidaa, U. 8, Commieuiionrr for Oregon nt Marshficld, Oregon, on Tneaday, tlio 22 day of July, 11502. lfo names ns witncfl2oa; Frank Bow ron,of Lake, Oregon ; Nellio Bowron, of Jjtlt", Oregon; Nnney Noblo, of Mnrah flcld, Ori'Ron; W. II. Nqblo, of ilarflh Held, Oregon. Any nnd nil poreona claiming adverec ly Iho above-described landa nro request ed to III" their claims in this offico on or bftfnro 22 dara of Julv, 1002. r-!7 J.T. UKIDaES.Jtcgiatcr. T1MI5KU LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 2IOTICK POK PUBLICATION. United GUvlcs Linil Office, Rosoburc, Or I May 8lh 1002, 1 Notico ia horoby Rlron that in cornpli-; nnco vrlth tho provlnioti of tho act of; fOtiKresa of Juno 3, 1873, entitled "An ' net for the sain 6f timber lands in tlio States of California, Oregon. Nevada, lid Washington Territory," as extend ed to nil tho Public Land States by act of August -1, 1892, JOHN WALL. of Murehfleld, county of Coos, stato of' Oregon, baa thiu day filed in this offico I hia nworn statement No. 23G0, for the! purebaeo off huSl-2SWl-4, 8W1-4 SE1-1, Sec 27 nnd N Wl-4 NE1-4 of Section No.1 ,'J1 In TownahlpNo. 20 8 KangoNo. 11 V. nnd will offer proof-to ehow that tbu land 1 souglit ia moro vnlnnblo for ile timber or fitonolhan for agricultural purposes, and' In establish hla claim to said land beforo , W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for ' Oregon nt Mnrahfleld, Oregon on Satur-' day. tho 20th d,iy of July. 1002 Ho names ae witneesoa : Otto Kerouro, of Marahfleld, Oregon; Jamca H. Wnll, , of Marahfleld, Oregon; Jamc Wall, of Mnrahflolil, Oregon; F. R. Taylor of Fnlrviow, Oregon. ; Ativ nml nil norcnna plnlmtn'- ni!vnrrn. ' 'v tu0 abovc-descrlbcd lands nro roiucet-1 Vi to i0 their claims in thin offico on or. before eaid 0 day ol July, 1002. 5-17 J. T. Unmans, Register. TIMBEK LAND, ACT JUNES, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Olllco, Roseburg Or. May 8th, 1002. Notico ia horcby givon that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho enlo of limber lands In the States cf California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd WaabingtonTorritory," as extended to nil thu Public Laud States, by act of August 4, 1802. ROML'ALDO. CORDES, of Marshflold, county of Cooa, Stnto of Oregon, has this day filed in thia office hia eworii statement No. 2402, fortbo purchneo of tho SE1-I of Section No. 7 in Township No 20 S Rango No. 11 W. nnd will offer proof to show that thul land sought ia moro valuable for its tim ber or etono than for agricultural pur poses, nnd to establish hia claim to said land beforo W. U. Douglas, U. S. Com missioner for Oregon nt Mnrahfleld Ore gon, on Friday, 23 day of July, 1002. Ho names aa witnc?aea: John Plerco, Ben Schuyler, Emmnt Pierce and O. E, Smith nil ol Marshflold, Oregon.. - Any nud nil persona claiming adverse ly thu nbovo described Inuds nro request ed to file their claims in till olllco on or beforo said 20 dny of July. 1002. 5-17 J.T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER I,AND ACT JUNE 3, 187S- XOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. RosoborpOr. May 8, 1002 Notico is hereby given tlmt in compll nncu with tho provisions of thu net of Cougrcft of Juno 3, 1878. entitled "An net for tho aalo of timber landB in tho States ofjOalifornia, Oregon, Novnda, and Washington Territory," na extended to nil tho Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802. HARRY SIMONS. .'of Marshflold, coiuily of Coos, stato of uregon,,na8 tuis uay illeu in tuts omco his sworn statement No,2403for tho uur cbp.EO of tho SW1-4 of Section No. 20 in TownBhip No. 20 8 Range No. 11 W, and will offer proof to show that tho land Eought is moro valunblo for its timbor or o,fm tlinn lM. n,tni,ll., nl MinBnu nnd to establish his claim to said laud beforo W. U. Douglas, U. 8. Commis sioner for Oregon at Marahfleld, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 20 day of July, 1002. Of Fairviow, Oregon, W. A. Flinn of Fnirviow, Oregon, W. II. -Morgan of Marshflold, Oregon, F. A, Baker, of Marahfleld, Oregon, Any nnd nil persona claiming adverse ly tlio aoove-ueecroeu mints aro request ed to fllo tholr claims in this olllco on or boforo said 20 day of July, 1002. 5-17 J. T, BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUfJE 3, 1878, NOTIOE FOR PUBLIOAT, JON. United States Land Offico, Rosoburg.Or. Mny 8 1002, Notico is hereby given that in cornpli- nnco with .the provisions of tho net of Congress of-Juno 3i1878, eutitled "An act for tho"'Bfilo of timber lands in the l-States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington1 Terrilory," ns'extondcd !J all tho Poblld Land States by act of,M August 4, 1802, WILLIAM I. EOHEBKAKK, pf Jfarebflcld, county of Coos; Stafo of Oregon, lias f,his dny filed in this offico his fltrorn HUrementrNo.2405 for tho pur chase of thc 8E1-4 of Section No. 22 In Township No. 2fi, Ranco No, 11 W, and will offer proof to show that thu land Bought Is moro valuable for If 3 tim ber or stdne than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land beforo "W. U. Douglas, U. 8. Com missioner for Oregon at Marshflold Ore gon, en Friday, tho I'D day of Julv. 1002. Ho names na wituessea: William I. Conklin, John J. Kronholm, Jr., F.-ank Smith, J. M. Hutcheean, all of Marslleld, Origou. Any and all perzonB clalmiufj adverse ly tho nbovedcecribed landa nro requeu ed to fllo their claims in this office on or before eald 213 day of July, 1002. 5-17p J.T. BRIDGES, Registers ,;, ' . . ' . y ' ,''' TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offico Koseburg Or. May 8, 1002. Notico Is hereby given that in cornpli-.' nnco with the previsions cf tho act of Oingrnss of Jnno 3, 1878, entitled "An uct of for tho Bale of timber lands In tho Stated of California, Oregon, Nevada. -a.nd Washington Territory," as extend- . cd to all tho Public Land States by ac: of August. 1C02. JOHN J. KRONHOLM, Jr., of Marshficld, countv of Coos, stato of - Oregon, has tills day filed In this olllco hi sworn stilemontNo, 2104 for tho pur- chase of tho 8W1-4 of Section No. 23 id Township-No. 2(JS Range No. 11 W, nnd will offer proof to show that tho laud' eought is moro valuable for ita'tirnberor atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim to said land bo-' foro W. U. Douglas, U.S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marahfleld Oregon, on Friday, tho 25 day of July, 1002. Ho names as witnesses': W. I Conk lin, J. M. HulciicsoD, Frank Smith, William Bonebrnko, all nf Mnrehfleld, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adverse-; ly tho nbovo-deecribed lands are rcqucstV ed to fllo their claims in this offico on or beforo Bald 25 day nf Julv. 1802. 6-17 J. T. BRIDGES, Register. . TIMBFR LAND ACT jpNE 3, 1678. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Roobursr, Or. May 0,1002. '. Notlcois hen by given that in complP anco with the piovisions of tho act ofCon gross of Juno 3, 1578, entitled ''An act for tho jaio ol timLor lands in tho States' of California, Oregou.Nevada, andWash-' ington Territory," as extended to all th$ Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802, ERNEST L. DINGLEY. :I of ViBfllia, County or Tulare, Stato of California, has this day filed In tbis office hiB sworn statement No. 2374, for tho purchase nf tho Lots No. 3; 4, 5, being SWl-l NEW of Section No. 0. in Town-; ship No. W, Range No. 10 W and wll offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or Btonu' than for agricultural purposes, and to cs- tabllsh his claim to snid land beforo tho Resistor and Receiver of this office nf Roaoburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 20 day of August, 1002. He natnea as witqpssee: ChariesTJiom.' Harrv Thomas, Albort J. Campbell of Rosoburg, Oregon, B. O. Anderson, oL Yiealia, California. , ; Any and all persons claiming adverse- ly tho abovo descr'bed lands aro request ed to file their claims in. this officu on or beforo aaid 20 day of Afcgust, 1002. G-17 p J, T. BRIDGES, Keglator TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3.MS78. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION,. United States Land Offico.Roseburg, Or. May 9, 1002. Notice Is hereby given that- in com- plianco with tho provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3. 1S78, ertitleik "AA. ue- iur wiu (iiio 01 wmuer lanus in, tlic cust'4. 1802. states of uaiitornln, Oregon, Kevada'.nnd Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of 'Au- WINFIELD 0. BIOKFORD, of Mnrshfield, couuty of Coos, Btato of' Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn Btatoment No. 2300, for thy purchaso of tho Northeast 1-4 of Section' No. 27, in Townehip No. 2d S,i Range No. 11 West, and will offer proof toshovr that tho land sought is moro valuable for its timber pr stono than for ngricul tural purposes, nnd to establish hir claim to eaid.lnnd beforo W. U. Doug las, U. 8. Commlesionor for Oregon At Marahfleld, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 22d day of July, 1002. " He names as witnesses: F, R. Tay lor, M.J. Wilson, of Fairviow, Oregon, W. II. Morgan, M. D. Outlip, of Marsh field, Oregon. , Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands aio request' ed to fllo their claims. in this office on or before Bald 22d dnv of July, 1002, " ' 6-17 J. T. BRIDGES; Register; ' dCf