..0i I 1 T- ((.', pp liW ( ;p;',f -;r .'. . - rwi iti : r nm-aNy A4lV & wnhspwi mwr S'SM'W iinfiiSr almMIHFCTE w: . i r--- ..-- gcr-K ,.-: .wny. usrajtf K- ANegctablc PrcparationforAs slmilailrig the Food arutRctfuIa Uni llic Stocachs and Bowvis of m Promotes DiCcslion.Checriul ncss and Iksf Contains nelllicr Ophim.Morpliinc iiorMiwcraL Xoxt.vrcotic. &rvfr(MJ-&wzimcwi v-ti rw :& SJtt- fit ferimttbSaZd liemStfil - VHJUjH- tttrer. Apcrfccl Remedy forConsb'rvv Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea nnd Loss of Sleei. TacSlnulc Signature or 2CEW YORK. S XACTCCPy or WRAPPER. I Coast. Hail. MARSHFIELD OREGON' ' Additional LGoal En'ciprise Miss Edith Thorn came over from Coos rf ver 'Wodnes Jay and will visit with relatives at this placo for a few days. P. J, Masiersoa'e store in Port Orford Tiras destroyed by flro with part of it? contents on the morning of July 1st, entailing a loss of nbout 3000, on which Insurance of ?2!00 was carried. Cnt this out and tako it to Red Croiq Druit Ptoro and pet a bor of Chamlier. ialn'e Stomach fc I.iver TabletP. The beet phycic. Thev nlf o correct disorders of tho stomach. Price 5 cents. usu Mrs. Kate I.ando, clerk of Coos Bay ' Circle, Woman of woodcraft, on Satur .' Jay received from the Grand circle a . aheck for $1000 In favor of John Grimes, i rwnoflclary of the late AHco Grimes. '-t .PUTMAN FADELESS DYES do not tr.ln the handi or pwt thn kettle (ex- ropt. green and purple). Sold by John ' Preufis lOets per package. Since tho chant-e In tl.o mail Rfii.rxlu'o '.the mall leaves Empire for Itoecburg at 3 a. m. instead.of 6, and lottors dropped In tho office here tin to 8:M a m will an .out on the morning mail. r-omo ono has stolen tho reach out of Capt. Mateon's wagon and he would like to know where it le. H a. otn o l.n- f PI,mnloln'a ' Stomach ct Liver Tablets and find them waterfront on tho Fourth mado a miss tho best thing for my stomach I ever fltepnna fell Into tho bay faetnoen tho 1 nsod." says T. V. Itobinson, Juetice of , ' , , ' tho Peace. Ioomls. Mich. Theso Tablota not only correct disorders of tho atom ' acli but regulate tho liver and bowels. 'Ihey are easy to take, andeaeant in ;eH6ct. l'dco25 cents per 'box. Jor laltfby JohnPreuBs; " ,v JBHPJ8ESBc8SSfftWisWHBLPiJKsSjii Tor Infants and Children. Tta HM You Have Always Boogiii Bears tlia Sisnature of Jr m r m ever Thirty Years THC CtxTlUH CO'MMr, HCW 0 CITT. i F. P. Dow chartered tho Gsego on tho ; evening of the Fourth and took a party ! of friends out on tha bay, wbcro they ' had a good view of tho fircvorlia and a t pleasant littlo erctmion, besklea. Carl Mynatt Is employed nights at tho electric light works. Tlio uasco was taken oil tlio wayd Thuriday night, after having hor hull painted and her machinery overhauled. Tho lumber has bten orderoi! by F. M. Friedberg for tho new building for the electric light plant. Tho now build ing will bo alwut 50 by SO fet when completed. "Tha war to ealn a cood ronutatinn i is to endeavor to bu what you deeiro to 'appear." That is mecfwly tho mannor in which Chamherlain'H ( uh'li Krmwly I has gainod its ntptKntion ni a euro (or coughs, colds, croup ur.d whoopin;; ' cougn, J-. very uottio mat una over tm-u put out by the manufacturers has been fully up to tho hljvh standard of excol- , lenco claimed for it. Pfonls hnva fuiintl , that it can always bo doptmdul upon for me renei imacureoi iikm-o ailments and I hat it in ploasant and cafe to take. For clo by John i'routa. Thos. Jioono and family, returned to Sumner Wednesday, aftor an nbsonco ol anoui two years speni m oiner parte. !Tom !a OD0 of tho mMW wbo 8ro K,ad lo J et back to Cooa By aflcr oInK WW I in earch of something better. A driving horeo bolonging to W. E, Kardell ran a nail In his foot Friday and io laid up with eevero lameness. Vic!or Carlson'o littlo son, about 8 irnfi i a nf a rift tulill a ntoitln filniw. a!.. '""'" ""MI iB u,vK uiu wharf and tho steamer Alert, and would have benn drowned but for tho timely aseistance of Wm" Vircamp, who pulled him out. A ttIB Af WW ilfv (n 'Presbytorlnit uliurch cornor A and 4th ntreotr. tiabbnth school nt'tQn in. Uliot Communion BOriiioii'nt It am, followul by tho Communion. O.K. moollntt nt 7 p in, Too "Dli'Minga of Patriotism" will bo tho tubjoct of tho evening ter- inon. mim iaiiu aim .ur, caccm m sing a limit At tho evening utvko, en titled "Led by tho Voloo of Josho." A hr&u icow belonging to B. C. Rogeia got looso from her mooring buluv tho ohipynrd, Friday. and woa jilckotl np nt Iho Day City mill. .. . ! P Rev. Wm. Horefalj etnrtod Monday m rnlug on n trip down tho coast as for tvs Gold Reach. Frank Smith wont up Coos river Mon day, to soloct a location for tho ruridvnee which ho contemplated building nenr tho hatchery. Tho Y. 1'. S.C. E. of tho Frothy Ur Ian church held Its rejjulnrmonthly business moating nt tbo residence of Mrs. L. Pitcher Monday evening. 1 lorry Jr.mo will movo lib family and household effects to D.inlnU ciiwk, nhcruhotiM employment in 111 Kings losiu; camp. MIh LUtie Trice, , of 0tilllo, cninti ever on yetttnbt'j train to tp'iid ler 3calion an tho ifay. Iho many f rit.di of Mrs.lt. II, Hut rcti, who has been sirionaly ill for the pott month, will bo glad to learn thnt thu Is Improving steadily under thu treat ment of Dr. Straw, nnd was able to bo out of dcors Sunday. o.xss'X'osrz.x.a., IWiiks y) !' K'J Vm Uw Ui)t Et ; Va Kid Yftl IHTf JUJC UigMUlO cf In our account of tho Fourth of July exorckcii wo inadvertently neglected to Etato that in tho ttreot spirts Dr. E. K. Straw and Archie Krueo wero tho Judges and C. F. McKnlht nctcd m starter. It 13 ncedlois to say that thero was' no cliargo of unfairness brought against those gentlemen. Friday ' San Francisco ' Chrouklo brings an account of tho euicldo of Wil liam F. Rogers, cashier of tho Slmpion Lumber Co., which oocurcd tho day be fore Ilia fr!t"!a aro nt a logo to undor stand tho roasou for tho rash net. Rogers was married to a nolco o! A. M. Slmpion, and had been in tho Wont nbout two years, lloboro an cxcollunt reputation nnd was well thought of by his employers. a X. IB rXf QZ 3T2. X JX. . 2tk y?l"SKdYilawJllAapBv' cf AAi'' yV.vy Sheriff Galller commenced Monday to cell tho property which tho county has herotoforo bid In at dolinqucnt tax sale?. Several Mcrshflold peoplo wero present and Invested Eomn of their oparo cash. Sorno good land for rnlblng damn paeacd into tho proud ownership of Marshilold parties. The Same Old Story. J, A, Kelly relates an experlnuno sim ilar to (hot vhk'h hns hupitencd in al most ovcry neighborhood in tho United States and has been told and rotold by thousands of othorH. Ho Hays: "Lant summer I had an nttack of dycuntcry and purchased abottluof ChamborlainH1 Colic, Cholera and Dlarru-u Romedy, whiuh I used according to directions and with entire Bath factory results. Tho trouble was controlled much quicker than former nttackn when I used other remedies." Mr., Kelly In a well known citizen of Henderson, N, O. For ealo by -.John Preues. aonnr wait. If you Knew how SCOTT'S EMULSION would build you up, Increase your weight, strengthen your wenk thront and hinds and put you In con dltlon for next whiter, you would bcUln to take It now. V ii'l t iir Mttitttc ntut trv II SCOTT ti UOWNIJ. CHoniluto, 4ii'i.' l blfi.l, New Nt'ik ua iii.l. nil iltvlilvl.tn. EKCTssamsaiMrtujjw) o Uihi. W. Kemp, rpcolal traveler 'or the Wheeler and Wilson eowlny mr.- chtneo Ih In th'oclty. W. II. Short linn taken tho iiRenoy for Ihooo machltio, and Mr, Kemp is hero to neout him In getting started. Mr, Short hnu oiw.'nml an ofllceon A. fltroot wlmru ln will tutr r.v n stock of thu machlmn. He lini had Bomocxpurleiiee In this lino nnd will do a uood buulnefii. Brfelifs Disease ilio lar'ou sum over tcrlntion, changed ban r jmyed for n iiro id nt Kan Krnn olrco, Auk. SO. 1001. Tho trniifr in voivihi in coin nna stock f 1 12 ovo.00 nml was paid by a party of bupimwt men for a flpccillc for Urlght'M Dlremo and Dla beten, hitherto iucurnhlu dliiumm. Tlioy comiiu'iico-l the furlou lnv'l cation of tho tperlllc Nov. 10, ltKXJ I'hey interview toorui of tho rurod and tried it out ou Its moriti by putting over threo doxen cases on tho trmunnunt and U'nli.hllii. llioiti Tlu.v nlin tfit nlitttiMl. nns for Judges. I'p to Auguat Si, Hhty poven pur cent oi tin) iom enen ware cither uc or p toe reusing favornldy, Tliere twlng only thiitinn r crnt of fallurus. tho partiiM wn ,Kiit!.tl nnd closed tho transaction. 1 hu roic.IluM of the luvixtlg-itlug committee and the clinical reports of tho tent cata wurt published nnd will bo until! fr.w on application. Addrers John J, Fulton Cornpiuy, 1 2d Moutnmry St., 8au Francisco, Cal. SALE OF RKAL PROPERTY FOR.! OEMNQUBNT STRliRT ASSESS MENTS. No. I. Citv or MAiiMitncLu. Not'jo Is horohy given that under ami by virtue of a warrant duly issued by tho Recorder or Iho City of Mnrahlleld, by order of tho Common Council of Mid city, On thu 17th day of Muy, IlKVi, (o me, ni Maralml of the City of Marnldluld. directed and delivered, commanding and requiring me, as Marshal aforesaid, to forthwith levy upon thu Int. or part thereof, or tractof laud, upon wh:rh tne aua-'rimeut wai made nu tlinroiu and hrluaftor described, nnd which uwMincnt remains unpaid, and to sell !iu t,ild lot, or part thereof, or tractof land, in tho manner provided by law, nnd which niiesimnnt wai made for Urn improvement of that portion of third treut in said city (Hall's plat for E. II. Dean iV Co.) uiwri thu half of tho Hiiid aireot in front of and abutting upon aaiil lot, and wai duly authorized and made, and Htutomcnt of which was duly en tered In the Dockit of City LIoriH, under and in pursuance of Ordinnnco No. 172 of uaid oltv, and thnt duo notice of Mild nusutsmeut wan given nnd more than Hvodays liavu oxpireil nfter tho expir ation of tlm notice aforesaid before tho isiunucoof wild warrant, and the lot, or part thereof, tho block and tilat in which tho nid lot, or part thereof, is situated. and the amount of unpaid nsahssment thereon, nnd Iho nntno of thu owner of said lot, or part thereof, aro as herein after tot forth. In pursuance) of said warrant. I h'.tvo thlii day duly levied up,.i, ami will, on t hoi I th day of July. IU02, between thn hours of ttitiH o'clock' A. M. and four o'clock P, M. in tho daytime, to-wit: beginning nt tho hour of i) o'clork A, M. of Hald day, nt the Council Chamber door of tho ('oinrnoii Council of Hald city of Maruhtleld, to-wit: nt what la commonly known an tho Recorder 'o olllcoofeaid city, offer for sale nnd uell nt public auction, to thu highest and beat bidder for cash, tho hereinafter do (scribed real property, which unld real property was levied upon by inn and upon which tho lierulubeforo mentioned assessment was made, thoumountof tho assessment thereon nnd thu name of thu owner thereof nro aa follown, to wit: Lot eight (8) (n block alxtoou (1(1) In tho town of Mnrthflold, Coos County, Oregon, according to tho plat thereof prepared by Wm. Hall for E. R, Drau & Co,, which said plat is on flln in tho ofllco of tho County Clerk of uaid Cooa county, and snui lot la owned by .lolin Morklo, nndtho amount of thonseosflment against oaid lot is tho sum of $100,00, WITNESS my hand thle 22d day of May, 11)02, nfllxed at tho city of Mnrsh field aforesaid, J. W. CARTER. Marshal of tho citv of Mnrshlleld. 0-11-Dt linns Night And Day. 1 L. J. Simpson baa niicorcdod, through bin nil in 'the Coaot Mam, of con rip, In ' H'curliig oubugh men to mnko up n rcc ! oud mill ctuw, nnd thn Norjli llotttl mill ciimniuticud Monday ru nn Ins nllll and day, This cpvnki woll not only for tlm lumber market, but for thu buolnuiM cnoruy of IhoHlmpjoii Lumber Co,, nnd lis nuuiiigrr hto, DIIUAIMER GETS WHAT 110 BADLY NEEDED Tho city roccordor's court was tho cen ter of Interest Monday forenoon, when tho chnrgo of disturbing tho peace, lodg ed BfialnBt.N. D, Joiephrou and II. O. Wright, was to have broil heard, Wright una on hand, but Jotophron failed to show up and MauhalCartor re ported that lie had been Informed that thu patty had taken p.mago for Umpire, hnvlng a heavy team rent around to it back street for that purputn. Tho ease was accordingly prlonod. It terms that Josephson, who Ih n drummer of the oft on 1 1 v klml, Iim Iwen in town iovrnl daya nnd hai conduclwl hiirtKlf (li an extremely dlmigrocabht mnnunr, and Suiidn uvmilng ho got what hn stood hftdly in nI of. Ilh no I tlou tint lle won hi lick any man In town viii probsbly inodllkd hy thu litnu Wiil.t got through with him, and it It ULtly that his txptsiwd opinion of tho wormmi of Mnrshttold 'iinderntut a chnngu nt tho tame time. TIMIIKK LAND ACT, JUNK 8, 197H NOTICE FOR PURLICATION United States Laud Ofl1n, l!o. hnrtj.Or, Juun U, IH02 Nntka Is hereby given, that in com pliance with tlio provhinriM of iho net of Congreisof Juno.'l.lsT, ii'iilitlil "An Act for the paIo of 'limber J.tuidn in tho Siatei of rilifnrnla, OrOiron, Nevada, and WiihliliiiMon TiTitorv," an extended (i all tlm I'ublle Land rtatoa by uct of Auguit !, 1Mi2. UIIUKGEA. m'ltNfl, of Duluth, coutiivnf Ht lAinU, Statu of Minn., hai this day tiled in thin ofllco his tiworn Htatemeut No, iCVJ for thu piirchun of thn SW 11 of Kisitlon No. .'(I, in Township No. 20 South o( Rnugo No 10 W, itiid will offer proof lo Miow that thu laud nought Ih more valuabhi for its timber or atoii" than fnragrleul tural purK)i!i, and to ehtabllNli ) claim to mid land before tlm Register nnd Receiver of this olMci at Roieburg, Orrgou, on Tuciday thu :t0 day of Sep turn her, iwi. Ho unmet! as wltnusgcs: Mrs, Mary A. l'orlnud, Margaret S. Rntlihurn, ('harleH W. Gustuvsou, and Edward E, Martel, nil of Duluth, Minn. Any nnd nil purfconti nlidmlng adverse ly tho nbovo described lnndo nro rc cpioiftod to illu thiiir claiuiM in this ofllco or or before entd .Ti day of Septumbur, lli !. 0.. l- J. T. RuutniM, Rtigtirtcr. NOTICE FOR PUIJLK'ATION Hep wlmrio( ili Interior, IjiimI OITim .il KumIwik, Urqun, Jun aj, 190a. N'oticM It Imraby Klvrn llutt lh fnllovNiiitf nmii"l Mitilor hiu Atmt natln of lilt Inlvntion in m.ike filial oimmiiUtion proofln upKM of lin il.ilm, nnd tlml Mitl nrool mil Iw iiimiU iMifurc W l. IKiukLm V. S, ('oiiimluiotier at . cli field, Orrgon, on Aiut 11, loot, vl: joiin it. wiEimit, on II. I'.. No. 0813, fur llw Nlii'.f Sc.a6, I'p a', s, It. 10 Wwi. 1 1 1 imnMM li follow In i! ltnMst to prove lilt iuiiiiiiou ioMtcnc upon unit cultivation nftaid IkJid, tli rtciiln M. Winter, limll Otin'o I.. I), Smilli, Ttionm C'ok, all of Morililiafil. Urgon, 6-ni J. T. nmnoni, IJcfiiitcr. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTI.EA1ENT. Notlun is horeby glvon that tho undor signed lino filed her tluel account, aa E eculrUof thu estntoof Joslah V, Roue bralco deceatied and that MondayA ng imt tho Hit 11)02 nt tho Court house In Cociulllo City. Coos County, Oregon, lutu been net by thn County Court of Cooa County, Oregon as a time mid pluco for hearing objectinua to said final account mid tho uuttlement thereof, All perHonu- having objeetionq to said final accouutu aro hereby required to file thorn with tho County Clerk of Cooa County, Oregon, ou or before tho-lth day of AugiiHt 11)02. Dated Juuo 25th 1002. Saiiau R, IIokj'.iiiiakk. Executrix of tho etitntu of Josiah V, Rouobruke, deceased, 0-28-fit