w f ' B "JM r j-ir 1 Mi J'" II BRING ON YOUR Y.0UR HANDKERCHIEFS Wlillu MhiuIIhk in tho crowd on Din ruumi "i juivi n yuiiMK mini ornppnu litn allk liruiilkarclilof ntnl boforo ho could mnko recovery it wna Kouuoetral.-il liy it M oninii who stood boblnd lilin. Jlr- lti(, it linn broil fniil, yottnir, nnd nIo Imditul, Im didn't, I m vii tlio norvn to iltt- iimnil lln rolurii mi tlio opot. Itmlimil ho placed tlio following notlco in this paper: ( tlio woman who rnuio into poMoailon of n whllo mlk hnnukurchlef. In tlio crowd nt tlio foot of A atrnot on tlin l'ourtli. clnlinul it nnd took it liomu, III Iimyo It nt lliln nlllcu, tlio will nvold oxposuro n u tlilof, Tlio nrt nioniliiK lio hoard tlio front unto click, ntnl koIiiu to tlin door lio raw his linndkarchlff lying on Iho porch nnd n imnll liny fmt fndlint nwrtv In tlio dla Inuct. Hint ewnird loaotilo tlio Coamt -i aii na tin nuvttrtlMtiu medium nut tnoro ovidunco wan to ik forthcoming. ' In ycalerdny iiiomiIiik'u mail wna mi rn volopo nddroeaml to tlio "Const .Mall Olllco"nnd annuly cntroticml thorolu wna allll nuothiir silk linndkorchlof. Hurcly nn ad that can prodnco two illk liandk crclilufa whom only aim silk handkor clilnf cxloti-d bnforo In alaoif bviiufnctor ol Iho racct. Wo rnllier think tlila on earned lncrumcm folia lo tlio editor of thn papor. nnd wo look hopefully for n continuation of (ho nhouroro! misplaced alll: liuiidkorclilcfii. e OBITUARY 1 Miaa Mi mi In Stophons was horn nit ICwititek rlniH'li, Cooi county, Ort'ifon, iiiiio '.o, IH7II, anil iji1 nt KanP7anoIrco, ninornia, JtuiL'Uo, i'JU- Docaied IimiI mou moat of lior llfo on Coot liny, nnd hy hur ntnlnhjo trnltM of mind nnd rlinrartrr had wnlrnr.'d lior rolf to it wldo circlo of Morula nnd nc (llinlntunrvH. Tlio fnnural mtvIco tool: plact' Bnturdnv, July rjth, frotn tlio M. E. church, Rev l(. V. I. oi', OlllointiiiK. lln flor.nl olfitriiici wuro nmnurous nnd licatililul nnd tlio nttundiiticu o( friend nnd nclKhliorn nry law. , Dccenrt'd loowinn wldoMod inolliur, bObltli'B pciv. ctnl brolhero and clatcra to mourn her lots. TVd LITTLE CHILDREN PAINFULLY MED. . Llttlo Mary, danchtur cf Mr. nnd Mrs. John Knife, need nltoitt four nnd a half yvara. was ijnlto rovuridy hitrnrd Sunday and hud n mtrro.v cscapo from n fright fnl dntl. Itaefina thot In ciiirmny with rorm otliir clilldri'ii rlto had recti plating nlx'tit the yard nt Iho homo of hur nnr cut- In Went Mnrrhfirld. Tlio little filri $ down on tl o hack rtcpa nnd it ia Mtp)iOaid that tloHiioiiltlcritiK rt'iuiinnt of a rtrcr.tokHr cot lire to hur clothing. The othrr hildrn ci.vu thn nlario, nnd Jlra. Arrinaton, who wan tlio Hut to nmeh Iho h'uib, coined thu little u rl nnd ttllli metl pn-roini r f mind imolluioil th hlaap in In r c'otiiin? and h.tir by dtwlutliH woo! hi kirt np and nhoui llr head. Mr. Arrini('oii'a Intuda wore quite. Kvoroly htirnni.- A Dut nhont tlittiliwnln lined nn the liltlo jilrl'e Iwck wan burned, nnd her hair wai ilne ch! hut no turioita rceoltaaro nntlclpat od. Tho lltt!t ur' of Mr. nnd jrra Gcnrgo Woodward, of South Mnrahllold, wap painfully f-enlilod S.iitidny nltcruooii. Slut . lijul Iicmiii led fitting on tlm llnor In tho l.itrhun, nnd fur tho (liat tlmo In her oxtilunco umi.'o n rfUceeHi of creeping F.ho crept to tho titoxo and juit then tho toftk(itth) hvcait to hot) over through the PKiul. Thn hot water fell on tluiqlilld'a nrm.ehfliildor and hu.td, mid mndoeomo voiy (i(iru, hur to. Mr, Woodwnrd nleo retwlved n bad fecnidoit ono of hie in ins in reiriiliiK Hut little ono, The New Mall Contractor- .1.(1. I.uird, of Ihowfter valley, who hati tho fiil-e' titinct for cntryini tlio mail horn .tkini lo Empire, wan in town Tudiiy, nrtlKok ncroun tho bay niuuplucf new hukbotmU or mo on thu louto, Ho ronorto that ho lint vohicloa ritnnloK all tho way throiiuh nnd will coon ho In n jiosttion to handlo till tho pnatonuora that procent tliein aelvoB nnd put (hum through to Uoac liuiK' in nbottt oiehtcen houra from Mnthtl(ld. lie rontomplntoH changing hia'roulo in n w . I; or iin, nnd coniinu viu Coot City into Mnrahllold Instead of to KtiitM urate field, To thlu end, lio unntu to ceo it good ferry rhtnbllthod nt Coos City, nnd puti tlona will ho circulated naklnic thu coun ty court to irrunt n franchise, for such furry. ood ferry ftuilltiob at that point would not only bo n reat cottvunionto to peoplo livlno! In that direction, hut wonlotond to bring travol nnd trndo to MnrehDold whlult now" hnu dilllculty Ketlinir huro, Mr. Laird roporta that tho teU mine jvtudo lota of mud but it la fast drying Op nitflu, Some Reasons Why Vou Should IiuIjI on Having Emm swpss oil Uni'Mt.atcd by atiy other. rVeiKlem hard leather iioft. EMpfclally jiit'iKircd. Keupn nut water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent jircacryntive. Bedticeii cotl of your Itiirueat,? ever hurnnlho leather; ita Elllclcncv la Increased. eccireit f)Qt aervlce. titclied kept from lircnkiu Oil .. a raid in nil Localltiea - M.n.ifur.dla ' (llnnitunl Oil Ciimpnnr, Travel by Sea. Arrivals hy Alllnnco from Porllond, July (li John Illncklock, II B Kenton, Mra M Vnuuhn, II II NelHon, 0 W Arm ntroiiK. M Hloel ( I' McKeryie, Miaa M l'nielt, L. Jt. Itli(hton, Mnlml Cyrna, A I.analeca, I) Mcltoburta, U Thomjuon, Geo Mawaloy, John Topp. popitttnrea Hotith by Alllnnco July 0: Mri. Anderron, Mra.LowiB, Mla I.ano, G Curtia Jr , Mra K 1'ollcxron, Mra Potta, MraM (Inrnvent, MrnrJtump, HCHuck r, J Hazolton, V. Moomnw, J 0 Gale, M ra Corn Cowan, Kd Wall, 2 In Steerage. Cods Bay wlolcsafB iiior m v 1 IIKADQUAIITBIIH V 0ij HIGH I GUADK LIQUOItH . oiioiok yfinv.fi and runir llltAMDIKS. . ,.- ll UMBER 4 LEADING BRANDS OP BOTTLED BEER pamily Ordorj; Solicited. - sinwrrBicaiaKwiaaKiiatai GEE FEE. E U pKALKU IN GKOCKKIKS. J 1 Ki:.SIl I'ltUITS.VKGKTA- p ii i i: h i no visions, 1'i.ouk ki:ki), kto., or H Till: IJKST QUALITY. H I'KICKS HKASONAIILH. THOZKN QY8TKK8 U KVKUY DAY. a A Street, Marslifie'ld, Ore g M a ansHKHEcaaEifciyzEiuRiP-' xt. soli: agiint kou the cel'r. UUATED , Ranier Beer. V t, I ... FamUy ordcra for I'ops, pfnls arjd quitrti,dclivcrod by tlio coco. Robert Marsden. The Old Roliablo Firm, E.B.Dean6tCo. ,JCar s car H H S si &s- i ' Be rn h!W7 si csr Fastntijl Cotnuiodious Steatnslii)) HABDWIOK, ' Master Mata irjjuliir irlpa tx-ivtccn hau Kmnciwo iml I'ortl.ind U IliiH)lolit aiulfCoo Hay, c.illlnc c. ii. hmcm,msm& Is constant))' adding to its stock of Gnncrnl Miorclmn Jiec, already tho largest in Mnrahflcld. Wlien you buy at tho Mill Store you know tlio p.ooda arc first class and tbo pneo isall rig'it. All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. nt above rortj ancli way. Tho ALLIAXOi: i ,t drat fi.? clna pithSQiiKor bout, nod has nil tho inoiliiniconvonienccrt &CF nnd ta "ono of tho fttatoat Stuaiuord of Iter class. SXSr EST 3- ;HX For t Freight nnd Passenger Rates gv Sailing Dates, " Apply to . SSJV GSTA CKEN, Agents AI XRSIIb'IELD, Oregon H S H S i l inxKvuMrjuiHnx74n;xwmr&&rxrrTtvix7TrH9 Flanagan & Bennett -BANK, HI HECTORS' T. K.Shori dnti.J. W.llennctt; 1UES'5 nnd. II. I'liinnsiin, VICE 1KES.: It. F. wmiams, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. .xflACN3Bs--tE-:j.a - . Jc::on mmm mmmewm n mm w iaai i i i n pi ii aw aaaf mm CENTRAL BOTE Corner of Front nildA streets, MAllBHFIKLU,' OIIEGON, JONH SNVDIIK. : : : : : jProprietcr mms yKLL-KNOWN ArmFAVoicri: J, IIUICI, 11.13 IUJI I'CVII ciuucjjr rcniicuiiiiii rcfiirnlslied throughout nntl lsin;nlnopon to tlio public for imlron jje. , Newlmls nnd spring taatia'ss?! have b?en placed In nlniost every sleeping room of this lionso and neither trouble nor cxnrns'i hac bi;n pared to put everything in first-claw order. -TKUris,-. ' Hoard nnd I,odr,Injj , psr v.'csk,, , , , . , , .,j5.co t nonru, pcrwccK,.,, ,,,.,.:.. 4,00 hinsto Meals , ,.. ,ii; '. 05 THE STEAMER &RCATA. Will ttSnUu iXotfulnr Xi-ln T " " BETWEEN "COOS BA.Y That is what we have to sell, and we can All all orders for any "' ' ' '' Hill II ; IF and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guaranteed and the price, is' , 7 '" ' "ll"" I- 'V right. - ' sanamaawaaatiHHa m ' OVR 3T0OE: INQLTJDEg m .in , !, .., .11 11 it m 1 anything reqiiired in Fir Spruce '" 'aiaBBjaiFsaaHBiAriaMaBTWMMawMSMaMMBMSBiiaBMi Red and White Cedar. l . SIMPSON LUMBER 06. lrii 1 a "ain anrw si. 'mtim tmt mimt iiniM i MwtMhn i mm waawwif m mtiriirrTrii-ri North Bend, M Plionc Main 151, B3t sand Comfort. Tbso substantial mattresses arc sleep in iters They arc couifortablo ami v. ill retain itheir -J'spt tipl" nee" for years. Mado In tvo pieces or a. iiri one piece. These. husk matresses, with, cotton fate arcjequal to all-hnir and cost a gred ileal less money. QtiRISTENSEN fJOBWSOK BOiTa MnBl MlktifoMB THAT wc ,uc r0 ,nrl0M c,,e,n,:al1 "ntl h , W L. ikyUl l lit. CLOTHES. Lauqdry w.ork can;lw re-fJ rcct'iju. I!cmrnocr c employ while labor only. Follow-jt GrorcIrtnr K ndon, N. Lorcnr, Coquilte; U, A. Uodcc , Nori'i Ik ' J Morten, liaipuc. Q I0S9S 8AV STEAM LAUNDRY 1 Ctiti iclunrrv ami wc I JUS I Ut. lt ol gtumed in 13 hours nfif r S ne are tome o( our nerntt gMynlc Point ILnion n. a ivrarpTTTivr if mmzmiasimtmaimi&im AND- SAN fFBANCISCO -0AltUYIf?- PASSENGERS ANll FREIGHT AT - LOWEST RATES, Oregon Coal & Navigation Co , TropriotoBS. .V.8.DOW;'A(?ont, Jlarehfield, Oregon. ri.O, COi Afeout, Einpiro City, Oicgon. m Lj First arrival in San Vranchco. I j . I'aist v-i-ragrant pure; m m v&J a T'10 nowost tcndoro8t loavea from H Tw u the ilrj tcrop. I 3 n !& m A (loliclous sweet beverage. V J K NEW SPI PER LEG Ix ED Tho highest grndo imported, B 1 "e Only 70c. lb. 1 , Pf NO- 2C MABItCT STRCCT, G. F. I & IX Cau y e pnce-U.t ywtjf j&SL V " - .' H. . r F- . -W a .WT....I IflllWIFF IIIIW.WM I, II. W..r. .5BICYGLES BELBW COST CJTTfe BBfi i mw art wmhi a ronaoia person in cacn iowniouauiourocra.uoTuej.imwsu: Mi k mw snebanso for . Wojte. 'Write today tor f 100 vatalciruo nwX ocr fpu?Hi ca, f 6000s MtfriBFadatjiiarmztond 1SOS HiOOElrS t ersti--.:oro 'on' tuUpstlon irn C'if by us at o'.e-b-'f cvst. rou: Mo Jala, :iio$ss 190U and 1901 Models ?S;&1 to Sit Catalwu s vltli la-vo whole grcr.h.a tngrffiws uc; full ilvta. oil cpv.'Cli.'cjtico.. snt Tre to n cddiMcu. Wo SSSP (Mf Apf'RBKIJL to naono" in V Ft or CanrJ". vi(himt c o.ri, in cdi-cnc3 wd utk. 8 BUYS FREZ Tl, SS-Ss' estr i's" la c?rdetln frvu vs, r.3 youOo o nocd to pay a cent If tho hU yoW doca uotttutt, yo'j. tnl"H in r l-cur Chtcico 'floras, t Art Q btjiiilMMin i iV., ivtnymrK.uret . , , tyft CU ' rlr, aqiviilji)t(BVXi(riciii,i.u H)jrtiaotofo!IVtiutl3'.TjU price. Mci5ru,lriv unci n.llo, J v,x. laor.ifoniutli.il WrlMlw il, Rideii nmn wwb tesr. Jiwj inodol blnyclo. In your bmai tlavo you c hi inak . ru ' 'SSO a vroeJc Jjcajdca bavin? c wbael to ildo for your! rswi i iitfaruMfi 'iriTitamn Y' "-""" iMimemmmmm