- r- T ; .- St I; fci J : i: V'. H Bm B H B M B B r3 Tfio Kind You Hnvo Always lu uso for over 30 years, 7 ' " - nthl jfy7yjfaA i sonnl All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-ns-Kood" nro but; Experiments that triilocwith and cudnnger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What isTCASTORIA Cnstoruv is a harmless fcnhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare yrorlc, Drops and SootlUnpr Syrups. It is. Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Mornhlno nor other Xnrcotio substance. Its ago is -its guarantee. It destroys "SVorms .and allays Fcvcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Tccthlntr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It frssluiilntcs tho Food, regulates tho Stonitteh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. feENUBNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1HC CCftTftUR COMPANY, TT MURAAT THItT. NIW VOHH CrTV. Coast nali !AKSFIELD OREGON' Aclclitional L oc al i John Horron'd new house is looming sp out on Broadway. Mrs, Geo. Itosa, of Catching slough raB doing some Fourth of July chopping 3Ionday. ' Tho Alliance sailed from San Fran cisco at ") p in Monday. f Jsck IJooce, who ii employed In Shjfsr'a IoIdk camp Jabovo Allegany, .VAS in tovn Monday night. Mies Mary iilavk of Kumr.or was in town Monday, and extended her trip to ieit friends at North Bend. Quito a number of the men from T'rwl Noah's lodging camp wero in town Monday making preparations 'lor tho fourth. Guy Andrues, of Tenmlie, was in town Monday night, bringing in some catcrara bark, which he sold to II. fcong stacker . v Tibbetts Ice Cream and Soda Water parlors arc the popular resort these warm days and pleasant evenlngB. Mis Oarrio Johnson, of Rosa slough, 16 visiting with Mrs. J. D. Sunderland in South Marshfield, and expects to fctoy in town until after tho Fourth. Bulletin. Sheriff Gallier, JaHt ' Mon day, sold at. public 'auction, under fore closure of mottgageo by the State Land Board, the 'Alex Urquhart place at Itiv "srton for f:i!K)T.05; "and tho Thomas ;Mil 'or place, below Bandon, for f 1321.2:-. , Bought, and vrhlch has hccn lias boruo tho slgnntnro of 1in liorm mrtiln miilor IiIm nor- supervision slnco Its infancy. Signature of Tho funeral of Richard Ayrts, tho un- fortanato victim of a drowning accident Friday, was held Sunday afternoon at the residence of Geo. Ayrus in S'otith MarshQeld, Hov. Thoa. tryinooiilciatinc The attendance was quite large and the offering wero very plentiful, especially from the lougehoremen, the fellow work men of tho deceased. Every advertiser must determine the one thing about his goads or bin btui' methoda that will interest the public. If ho selects the right thing, talkd it in the right way and poreitte Ion's enough he will get the benefit in a financial way for he will have the features in hie ad vortieement which will create thu bui nees for him. KnternrUe.-M&ster Fish Warden Van I f Duson was in Myrtle Foint the first of tho week for tho purpoeo Of examining the river above here to learn whether it will be advisablo to put hi nfldlnnck this fall. If a good situ 'should bo found a hatchery will be erected on the Co- qitllle next season. Ctijnilie Bulliten. Tho Fourth of July celebration in Marshfield is under the management ot tho rninlstrel company ono ol the fetures being their stupen dous street parade Which was given at this 'place. It goes without Haying that an affair of thU kind mauaged by this company will be a grand success. a Some Qweet-voiced femalo called our marlno rcperter to tho phone yesterday and tried lo make love to him, and sug gested that 'ho, bring up soma ico cream. But lie was jlrooi against such blandish mente'and'sternly bade her hurry up if sho haa anything to bay as he couldn't aland there all day. Then ho hung up the tphono and went bade to hla caso. This is a very proper epirij in tho rna rino reporter. Ho Ixows tlint t li'd editor is paid for handling all such casoe. jfccicA4U i Hnndnu llt'cordcr Ihero Is nnolhor p ('feci hitler way to prrmptct tho old I I.) i hi ininc, back o! Itniulolpli, ('. H. 1 JI Ku who nt lived hero tome ueki'u I in ni ortn'oiullinj tho wink titul Is bin lug tiio b uMi.ti inoxed from tho place whore I' M. Ilowatd was pros pec 1 1 tig up to tlio mine proper. Ho litis forte of 8 or 10 men nt work, mid ho company (which has hold of tin woil, itcamll jr 'to report, will glvu thu mine n thorough proep'ccttn duinu tho no.tt Unco o I (our n 011th. Piofi'ioar F. 8. Itjncli, ot thoOrnwd Foul college, bai been elected liy tint conference ol thu 8. I). A. church as flip ciintt-udcnt of nil thu iclio 1b of that dcnomlna Ion liiOcgiiuantHVaiihiiiglo i. Ilel now In Marthtlcld, on lila wny to lletldsburg C.tl , whom iiu will meet in coufcrcnco v i 1 1 1 tho teacher. of liU ck lotninntion. l'.of. Hunch ii considered oco of Cook County's lent tdtumtore. tj-. Birthday Pally A pleasant family gntharing was lii'lil nt tho home of 0. A. Mown in Smt'i .Mutr-hllcld, Sunday. 'Iho ncni'nu wot !tho rSlh blrtlnluy of Mrr. MctliuV i inolhir. Mrs. Mary M KtU'lit, nnd wni colcbraud by a dinner, tlio joint piolnr. tion o( tho rulinary ikill of Mm Mtltn land Mitrt Vega Andcrfon. Tlio ilttiltiu room Mat tastefully decorated with 'sweet pen and rofei, nml thu dini.cr i wn greatly enjoyed by tho littlo jmrty w no nil juineo in umiint .urr. .n.imui many huppy rcturno of t'.iu day. IIioh priyfnt ero Mri. McKnight, Mn. S. II. Hn?.inl, Mr. (.'. A Mulin. Mis Vcun Anil'Tfoii, Mcm. !'.. W. Duan nml V. ' V. M Knk'ht, Ivlton nml llttio Mury ' Mollin. Mr. Motliu una utiavobhtbh nb'ont on n bnainuss trip. When vou have decided1 to advcrtliu don't do it in n half hearted way which would indicnto a half hearted conviction that tho right method was being pur sued. Bo sttro of tho ponllion nml then keep pushing along tho right liuu until success or failuro li realized. If tho mistake has been niadu don't, be ditcour nged but rectify tho error and then rail in for eucc6!R oloni; tho now line. Tho advortltor mutt first convinco hltntolf 0 j and then ho will ho more likely to con vinco other. Died in San Francisco Word ho9 been received by'FTimmor man, announcing the dcatlt fn Snn Fran cincoof Ml9 Minnie Stevuns, n former Coos Uay girl, daughtor of tholato Wji. Btcvens al Kontuck slough, whero her mother still icsides. No particulars were given. 'Ibu body will br brought hereon the first steamer for burial. Tho yun' Int,y wa n,,01,t 2fJ 'oara "f np' n,ul tW" !r widdowud mothor lias tcvernl '"oil ore and sUters retiding lierc' - - - SLEOTRCOITY i Aro you fiiifforing from HIi'.uiiiiatlHin, Vtafe wick, Ni-rvniH trouble nt fli'iii'iully rtirt-ti wu syHteuiV I w Klcctric lleltn nml Latteries. I'or iiicu and women. Klecti'lr liiHolc-; keen tlic fort warm ami prcM'iit catching cold. For Jiooklct mid circular, aildic, Ki.Kcr'tic Ai'i'i iancj: Co., Mellaril, Ort'fjon, Tho strong wind Moi.dty wnt loo much for sho cativan nwriiru on thu front of George A 'libbettH1 Hor, and Bomoof the castings gave away, letting uie wnoiu uusiueBs come uown. inu uwnltig is nearly forty feotloriL'. witli'n hoavv iron rod at the outer edgo, ami it Is fortunate that no one was underneath when it came down. A New Home Enterprise It. C. Lyons is in town gathering up .empty barrels in which to euro cucum- 'bers in hta picltlo factory at Coijulllu fjity. This is a new enterprise which Mr. Lyons is'Btabllshlng, 'and it win ho a cclnblc cddltlou to tho minor in-. (hUlrloo of Coos County. Mnny him. tlroil of (lollnm nro ont nwny tvt'ry yrr.r for plckler, nml (hit dumnml cnu jtut no will bo tupjdicil with tho product of Cooo niunty fnrmi fiitnlsliliij; tMiiploy munt for Cih)b county pcoplo, nml kcoi Inu tho inonoy in vlrcuhitlon hurt. Mr. l.yonu In nn undo ol (ho l.yonn brothoro, ol tho Coipillla Oily nnwiitll. lIociMiiiihoto lant Di'cmnbor from .bukii wlivru hti ftlll hm oxt:mlvp lutftottr. Ho wa nufforluK nt (hut tlmo (mm u broken lo. Tih eIII r.uircs I. tin coino trouble, but Mr. hyotiL' Activity le ttui to bosuppriUBuil by stmtll luconvcnluucr Ukothnt, nml hold h voting bin cticr pioo to tho t'Stnbllshimmt of tho homo imliiatry ii.ontloncd, which should tc ccivo tho pnlrounn'i of thu pcoplo nml murcliitnts of thu county, no Hoounntho pto-lttct in pl.ictd on the unrkut. SAO CASE or . MENTAL ABERRATION A lady whoso nnmu li (ilvcn n Mr. Itlnnchu Flower, and who catim from Snn Frnticliico to tho Coitlllo on the Mnndnlny, and then ciunu ovtr to Mnrrhflcld has since tlnvolojK!il n cano ol itiianity and has been placed in chnrge of Mrs. Kdword Flitcroft. Tliu cn Is n sad ono at tho young woman, who ii rvidtutly n lady of some lulturonud reflnoment, hns three child ren ith her, thu oldest about It yuan of ngi nnd tho youngest n luhy in ntms. Shu regltteretl at tho ltl.u-.co on hor arrival hero nnd nothing wrong wns noticed at tlrst. On Stturd.ty she went out with bur childrun mid, went to n homo on -ith strcot, where thu peoplu wero entire stranger. Word was sent down town and Marshal Cap ter went out nud persuaded tho woman to coma down lb Dr. .McC'oi nine's olllco. As it happened, Cnpt. Andcreou of the cchooacr Joecph Ilusi knew tho lady, and from him wns learned bur name, which .1,. wa, unable or unw..- ling to give, und nlto tho nddresnnf her relatives in Sari FraucUco. Telegrams wero sent to those, nnd the mean timu Mrs. Flitcroft is caring for tho unfortunate lady and hor chll drcn. NEW MIL CONTRACTORS Tll'IVr: nnccncClilM ""' stutument of which wns duly en lAMiMJ lUSiLMIUn. ,,rc,i in tho Dorknt of City I.lerip, under .r . i i , , ,i ii . . land in pursunncuof Ordinnncu No. I "J Todny. July 1st. the now mallcontrnctH of Mll J.llV( ,, mt ,, ()tico of'(-J go Into effect, nnd thuru will bu nttito nsBciHinont wnn Riven and moro than , , , , ., . live days have oxp red nfter thu exnlr- exsteniivochangeson wm ol the routes. )n Jt t(u, ,l0 tttotvmM ,,fom ',; J.D. Inlrd, of Brewster Valley has i l",'n'o of said warrant, and thu lot. r . , part thereof, tltb block and tilat in which taken tho tub-contract for carrying tho' the aid lot, or part thereof, ts situated, mail from Hitkuin to K nniro Citv on , 'V"1 ,l10 nmol ' mipnld assessment 1 . thuiron, nud the namo of the owner of the Uoieburg- I'mplro route, and was in , naid lot, or part thoreof, aro m heroin. town over Htinday to mako arrangements in'l,"r.H!!1 "'L'1' , .. . ,, ' In tmrsnanuo of said warrant. I have for stations, etc. lie will establish nta-( thin day duly levied upon, and will, on lions at Kail Mnrshllold, Fulrvlcw and ' ,,",'tl' ''ft' ? ljnK 1002. between the 1 , hours of nlnn o'clock A. M. nn! four SItkum. ' .o'clock I M. In tho ditytlmn, to-wltt .. ..... , beginning at tho hour of tl o'clock A. lie expect to got stages to running I jj. 0f mfi day. at the Council Chnml.,,; all tho way through in about n weuk. 0. I Barnard, tho original contractor will carry the eastern end of U.ro,,te. j G. Swan, Jr. of I.ookingglaso who I too): the subcontract for carrying tho mall on tho Murshfleld-Unrdiucr routo. waH in town Saturday. Iio brought horf-'es nud paraphernalia for commenc ing his contract, but tho brocso happened to to drawlmr up the hay nnd rulllirig tho eurfaco of the water, and when ho found that his route crossed that snmo water, which looked ultu friglitful to I im, ho1' threw up tho job nnd started buck ,iiomo. , Andrew Oho.., tho pro.ent earrlor. W ( dopillist'd by Pditrriautor Curtis to sup-t ,.ly the route for tho 'present. ) Notriblc Gcorntit Wedding Ditlton, On., Juno SoTwo ilurceiiiN itnUof Vlrgtnla'M most llhi'.rhmi roton ill I governors wpmi uuitud in innrrligo today when Mbs Amio r.uilliui ('trtcr ht'cnmo the hrido of Mr, .I, (Jaiupticll .Mnlicn, Jr., of New Voik O.ty. Tlu weiijlng took placo nt the lilotoilc iiotii.t ot thu lirldii'n fnnilly, nt Carter's, npr this city. Aftur tln-lr weihllng lour .lr. nud Mrs, Mahon wlil ti.lio up their rcil deuce nt nirmtughnm, Ala. Travel by Sen . Airlvnl by A renin, Jiiiih "JSj A U'llllm,,,., Mm IhMrluk, Mini Itilhty, MrnHtongell, HGun.lldlngur, U Ooik'v, V O'Coniifll, .Mm Krurn nnd iiIiIIiI.MIm Krtins Mir., A KrtiAit, Mm Knegrpu, (' Knegren, Mr !., ,1 K I'oturnun. MtH I.ntt.t'ii nml l' chlldnii. M I.itlten, 0 I.nt ten, It I.nlteit. Vitilu il.titteii. Vnleutlno l.ntten, Mrw I'lmifv, Mim Witlllu, Mm Diliin nud cjillil, Norma Dolnn, !: I'm. m y, N Jocephl, 0 !; I'liher, I. Iteml, J llaeh, A Amluln. Iirllii's Disease 'Hut Uiuwt Mini c Mr jiaycil for n pu roriptiiKi, changnl i hii-Ih nt H.iu Fran, clrco, Aug Ml. l'lOI. Tho trnnnfnr in vulvwl In twin mid to-lt $1 i 500.00 nml was paid jy n party of Imihiiiiiin mull for n spoiitle for Ilrlgiit'n )m).ini) nml Din. Imti'1, luthurto lii'-iirat)!() dlienres. Tlii-y cniiiini-iictHl tho iwrlonh Invi;stl L'atmit of tlio tperille Nov. Ifi, I'lJO. Tliitf lutervlowh icot of tho cured nml tried it out on its innrllH by juittlng over thrnu doz-n ennux on tin trntninent nml wntrhlng thrm. Tlity nlro gnl pliyslci mis (or Judges. Tp to Aligunl 'Jt, elglilM even pr rent of the tet imii wero eilhur we or progn-iung favorably, Ttiurn being only thlttcen per ct'tit of fnilureu, tho par tic wero iHtistlcd nml florrd tbutmiinetlni, 'Hie proredim;i of thu iuvestlgnting commit leu nud Dm clinical roorts of tho tnnt cnivs went published nnd will bo mailed freo on application. Adilroa Joint J. Fulton Comp.iny, 12) Montgomery St.,S.iu Franuitco, Cat. SAI.I-: OF UKAI. IMtOI'HUrV' FOR iHUKQL'KNT hTKKKT ASSIiSS MIJN'IS. No. I. Cnv or Maiihihiiim). e Nolle ti in hereby given thnt mulcr'niiil by virtue of n wnrraut duly Unued'iiy tlio Kecorder or thu ( My of Mnrthticld, oy orucr ot inu I'oiiminii L'ouncll ot inlil ; city, on the hth tiny if May. 1003, lo Ko I rfipilrlng me, ns Mnrtlnil nforctAiil, to I lortnwiiu ii-vy upon tliu lot, or part I thereof, or trnclof Innd, upon which thu it nNHenriinnnt wnn tmtdu ns therein and f.i .( . ( ,MMinI,i remains unpaid, and to sell . tho Naid lot, or jiart thereof, or tract of I mini, in inu innnner proviumi nv law, and which naiusomunt wah mmlu for thu improvement of that portion of third (Mreet in said city (ilnll's pint for I). It. iH'iuiivt o.) uKin inu linn ol Hie sniil lit not in front of und abutting upon nniil lot. nml was duly Htithorizod nnJ mniii-. door of tho Common Council of said citv of Marshflold. to-wlti at wlnii commonly known ns tliu itecorder'n "''"A hhldor for cash, tlio, hereinafter do. l ri.nui.1,1 .urn jii if hti uj,-, wiiii-ji khiii real projerty wns levied upon by mo and upon which uiu uereinuuioro mentioned aHBu?fliiiont wbh miide, thu mnoiintof tho asfcessment thereon and the namo (.( tliu owner thereof nro ns follow a, to wit Lot eight (8) In block sixteen HO) In tho town of Mnrelifluldt Coob County, Oregon, according to tlio plat thoreof prepared by Win. I lull for K. B, Demi & Co., which naid plat in on fltu in the olllco of tho Cmmty Clerk of said Cooa County, and said lot lu owned by John Morklo, niidthonmoiintaf thuansojsinont ngntiiHi said lot Is tlio sum. of f 00,00, WirNK8S my hand this 22d da WirNKSStny hand this 22d day of ffiWSgalS. l" Uy ' " - i J. W..OARTKH, Mftrfllml of tll cltv oI ""llat