i HHI$K LAND, A0TJUNE3, 188. V NOTiTE FOR PUBLICATION." Unitbu Status Land Omen, Roseburg, Oregon, May 7th, 1002. Notico is horoby given that lu com pliance with tho provisions of the net ot Congress ol Juno 3. ISIS, entitled "An Act lor tho salo ot timber lnntls in tho Htatoa ol California, Oreaon, Nevada and Washington Torrltory," ns extended to all tho Public Land States by act ot August 4, 1S02, FREDERICK II. TAYLOR, of Falrviow, county ot Coos, stalo ot Oregon, has this day Mod In this olilco hia sworn statement No. 2350, for tho purchase of tho south half northeast quarter Sec. 28, south halt northwest if Of Section No. 27, in Township No. 20 S, Range No. 11 W, nnd will offer pi oof to show that tho land sought la inoro val uablo for its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, nnd to wtaullsh his claim to said land butoio . U. Douglas. U. S. Commissioner tor Oregon nt Marshtield, Orecon, on Saturday, tho ll)th day of July, 1002. He names a9 witnesses: William II. Morgan, of MarshGeld, Oregon; M. J. Wilson, W. A. Flinn, K. O. Whitley, cf Falrviow, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho nbovo-described lands are re quested to filo their claims in this ofllco on or before said 10th day of July. 1002. i 10 p J. T. BnitxiEs, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNK 3, 187S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land OrncE, Roeoburg, Oregon, May 7th. 1'.02, Notice is hereby given t.iat in com pliance with the provisions of tho net ot Pongress of Juno 3, 1S7S, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the States o! California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to nil the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1602. .MARVEL J. WILSON, of Fatrvlew, county of Coos, stato ot Oregon, has this day filed in this ofiice hia sworn statement No.23Sm, for tho purchase of the north hall northeast rptarterSec. 2S, north halt northwest quarter'of section No. 27 in township -No. 20 S, range No. 11 W, and will offer prool to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or atoue than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before "W, U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marahfield, Oregon, on Satur day, the 10th day of July. 1902. lie names as witnesses: William H Morgan, of Marshfield, Orecon; F. R. Taylor, W. A. Flinn, E. C. Whitney, of Fairviow, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho abovedetcribod lands are ro quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 10th of July, 1002. 5 10 J.T. Bbidoes, Register. timber land act, junk 3, 1s78. Notice bor publication. United States La.vd OrncE. Roeeburg, Oregon. May 8. 1102 Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 187b, entitled "An pet for the sale of timber lands in the Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land btates by . act of August 4. ISO?. JOHN W. CHAPMAN of Marshfitsld, county ofCoOs, State of Or egon, has this day filed in this olilco his enorn statement No. 2.102, for thn pur-, cbaioof theSEMof NW. NE1-4 of1 feWl-1 of Section No. 10 in Township No , 2d S.Range No 11 W.and will offer proof . to show that the land sought it) more valuable for its timber or stone than for PKiituimim iJuijJuecn, uuu lu eniuuiieii , nia claim 10 saiu tanu oeioro w.u.uoug las, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marahfield, Oregon, on Monday, tho 21 day of July, 1002. He names as witnesses J. W. Tibbetts, J. D. Clinkenbeard, Alvin Smith, Ernest bmith, of Marshtield Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversly tbt above described lands are requested to file their claims in thin office on or be foro said 21 day of July, 11K)2. 5-10 J. T. Biiiijoes, Register. TILBER LAND, ACT JUNE 8, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.vjtkd States Land Orrict:, Roteburg, Oregon, May 8, 1002. Notico is hereby jlven that in com pi 1 Bnce with tho provisions of tho act of Congress of June 3, JHT8, entitled "An bet for the sale of timber lands in the frtatoB of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waflllugton Territory." ns extend ed to all tho Public Land States by net of August 4. 1892, NELLIE E. BOWRON, of Temploton, county of Coos, Stale of Oregon, lias this day filed in thin office her iworn statement No. 2303, for the mtrchaso of the NE'i of SV. KW of SEJ.t aud BH of Sl-:K of Section No. 21 in Township No. 23 South, Range No. ! ,13 West, ana will oiler prool to show that tho land eought is more valuable for Its timber or stono than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land boforo U. Douglas, U. o. Commissioner (or Oregon nt Mnrshfiold, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 10 Jay ol July, urns. lie names ns witnesses: Frank Row rou, of Temploton. Oregon, W. II. Noblo, Nnnoy Noblo, L. M. Noblo, ot Mmeh field, Orogon Any and all porcona claiming adverse ly tho abovo-doscrlbed lands tiro re quested to filo their claims in this edict) ou or belore said 10 day of July, 1002. 3-10 J. T. Bkimiks, Register. TIMBEU LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1873, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Untied Sulci Land Office, Roscburg, Oregon. June, ;. iooj. Notice it hereby clven lint In compliance with the provisions of ihcact of Congrrss ot lime 1. 1878. enlltletl "An net for Hie sale of timticr lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' us u.v tended to all tho l'ulilic l.nnd Statesby net of Augusi 4, 1S93, KUGKNK.i. WOOD, of Cleveland, county o( Douglas. State of Ore gen, has this day filed in this oilier his sworn statement No. 3746, for the purchase of I'm SLK, of Section No. 8 In 'township No. ad south, Range No 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more nlualile for us timber or stone than fur agricul tural purposes, nnd to cslnbtlsn his claim In slid land before the Register and Receiver of this ollicc nt Rocbitrg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of October, 1903. lie names ns w itnrsses: Roval I'. Cittnptton. Hiram A. Sheldon, Wilbur F. Hatch, of ClevcS bind, Oregon, Charles Thoin, of Roscburg, Urrgon. Any and all person claiming adversely the abovc-Ucscubcd lands are requested to Die thtir claims in this office on or before said 15111 dn of Oct., 1903. . T. HKitx;t:$, Register. 6-a- TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S78, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States 1-and Office, Roseburg. Oregon. JAiy 3, 1904. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the pros islons of ihe net of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An net for the salt- of timber Units in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as extend ed to nil ihe Public Land States by act of Au gust 4. 1B93, CARL IIKCKKR. of Rosebtirg, county of Douglas, state ol Ore gon, has this day fifed in this office hts sworn statement No. 3328, for the purchase of the lot 3, of Sli 1.4 NW1-4; Sl-3 NU1-4 of iwi. lion No. 18. In Township No, 36 South. Range No, 10 West and w ill offer proof to shoir that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Mid lind before the Register and Receiver of this office at Rote- burg, Oregon, on Friday, the 131I1 day of August, 1903. He names as witnesses: John Pecker, John Thorn, Frank I.ong, Frank Sherman, of Cleve land, t regon. Any nnd nil persons claiming niliorsely the above-described lands are requested to file tlnar claims In this ofhee on or lforu sukl 13th day of August, 1903. J. T. Dkiucks, Register. 5 10 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land OrncE. Roseburg, Oregon, May 5th, B02. Notice Ib hereby given that hi com pliance with the provisions ot the act ot Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevwln, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Public Land Stales by net of August 4. 1B02, CHARLEY CHURCHILL, of Cleveland, county of Douglas, rdato of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollku his sworn statement No. 2332, for the purchase of tho east half east half of Section No. 31 in Township No. 2."j, Range 10 West, and will offer proof to show that the Innd sought is more val uable (or its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to raid land before tho Regie ter and Receiver of this office at Koto burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the Kith duy of August, 1002. Ho names as witnesses: Charn Thorn, John Thorn, Ed. Von Petti, George Churchill, of Cleveland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands nro re quested to filo their claims in this office on or before said 10th day of August, 1002. J. T. Bmnaus, Register. Si 10 p TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1h7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statkh Land Oi tick, Roeeburg, Oregon, Muy lith, l'.02. Notico is hereby glvnn that In com pliance with the provisions of the net of CongrcsHof Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States hy act of August 4, 1602, LOUIS J. SIMPSON, of North Bend, county of Coob, state of Oregon, has this day filed In thin office his sworn statement No. 2310, for the purchase of tho west half northwest quartor, and nest half of pnuthwest quarter of Section No. 8, in Township No. 23 S, Range No 12 W, and will olfor proof to show that tho land tought Ib more valuable for its timber or tone than for agricultural hurpoaee, and to 5T ft Am. '- establish hts claim to said laud lioforo W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon, nt Mnrnhfiold, Oregon. 011 Satur day, tho 10th day of July, 1002. lie nnmua ns witnesses: Carl Al brecht, L. A. Whorent, of Marshlluld, Oregon; J. M, Cjuick, Jntncs lllbbitrd, of Lake, Oregon. Any and nll.purona claiming ndvorfu ly thp iibo-Ju-durictlbed Inmln nro re quested to filo their claims In tide olilco on or beforo said lOlh day of July, 1002. G 10 J. T. hiumiiih, liegisior. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stflles bind oftlcc. Rosebtirg, Oregon, June , tguj. Notice Is herrby given thai fit Mnplknnc lth the provilon of ihe net ol OmgreiM gl uu ;i, 8?B, cniilkil "An net for Iho sale ol llinWr .inds In iheMiitas of California, Oregon, Ne xaila. nnd Washington Twitur,' as i-xtendeit lo nil the Public Lind Mates by ael of August 4, iloa. UDWARD K .1ARTKL of Duliith, county ot St l.eiils, State of Minn, has this day filed in this office hts worn statcnicnl No a6j6, lor e piULhate ol the NL1-4. "f -Sec, NJ. 31. Tp 3N of R 10 west, and wltlotFer woof to show that the Mud sought Is more valuable for its timber or Mm than for agriijliuial purposes, ami to estabtMi hts I'Ulm to t.Vj Innd befoie Ihe Kegliter and Receiver or this olhce nl Roselmrc, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 30 il.iy-of i-ept, tyw She imniM as witnesses lieorge A Hums, .tr. Mary A. Iterlaud. Margaret x Rathbiirn, CI1.11 ! W. OmtavMu, ol Duluth. .Iinn. Any mid nil perso s claiming adienely the nUav-tl;itibHt Units ate rttpietMtl to fil ilwir claims In lhlsolhc on or irfotx mkI 30 day. of cpt, icoa. 0-14 p . T. IlKiixir.i. RejUtr. Tl.MBKlt LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION United States IjimI Jltiee. Row-I utg.Orrjion. Mmv 15. iyJ. Notice Is hereby gUm thai in eomplMnce with Ihe pros isiuiis ol Ihr Hit 01 LoogrrM 01 June 3, J&7I, entitled "AntHt far Ihe sale ol timber lands in the States of California. Ore gun. .N Simla, ami Washinetwn lefilioi). a extended to all the Public I .a ml Stau by act of August 4 1 801. (.KOROK W. IWAI.IJ. of .larthfold, count) of I cos. slate of Ore gon, has thHilay Med in thn oltaf hss saom statement No. 343s, lor ihe tsirtlas of thr HCi-iof Nation No. is. 'township No. 4 south. Range So. 1 1 Wt-it, ami v,ill offer prool to show that th KindVni-M Is more valuable for 1 s limber or stone than for agricultural fair pow, and to establish his tlum to said land before W, V. Douglas, t'. h. Com mis toner for Oregon, at Marshtield, Orrgon, on Wedne.U). the 30th day of uly, looa. ' lie names ns witnesses W. P Murphy, I'. G. Flanasan.J. W. libbctu, Alice A. Iibbetts ot Marshtield, Oregon, Any and nil petions claiming adversely the abote (UscrilMMl kmls are rrtiiete I to fill their claims Iti this office on or Ik lore siid 30 day ol July, 1903. J.T. IIriiiokx, Register. $-i TIMBER LAnTj. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICI. FOB PUBLICATION. United States I And Olhcv, Koseburg. Oregon, April rtih. uyj. Notice It lief-b) given that in compliance Aith the pio-kior. of th- act of Coogrms of June 3, i7, nntilM "An act for Ihe sale of liinUr l-aixls 111 iheStitrs of Califotnla, Qir, gon. Nevtxla. and Washington 'lemtoiy," ns eUm'Wd to all live I'ublK l.ind butes bv act of August a, Vj:. AVON !:. IR(.ST. of Kossburg. county of Douglas, sttte of Oro goit, has lh tay lilwi in tins office his suooi st.itenii.nt No . for li jMiri.h.U'- ef the North'vst ipMrter of NeciKtn No. at, '1 own ship 1 South, of Range 8 West, and will offer pr o-i to.si.oM that Ihe land sought is more val uable for it tin.' wr or stoae than for iigrtailtiir al purpoM 4. ami Ui rslablisli his claim to said land lirfofe ll.- Kstisler and Keciwjr of this uttic- at KotWairg, Ofegon, on Satunlsy, ihu 9th dy of Aunit. tyoa lb- namrs as vninesssj Charles Thorn. John rtiuni. ( Ckveland, Oregon, M. M. Woicoti, 01 Miiux-iiMilis, Minn.; Harry P. rf-omnt. of Hoteburg, OrrgMi Any and all rons cl niulig adversely the above-describrl lands are requested to file th-ir damn 111 tlrh'olttc on or befont said ijik day of Auut. 1901. . 5-3 p J.T. isi:kk, RegUler. TIMBKB LANI) ACT, JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slab's lawdjOfhce, Romberg, Qrugon. April 30, If13. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of J niui 3, 1873, untitled "An act for tho sub- ol ilinlier lamls in the states of California, Oregon Ni-sada. and Wathingtoii Territory," in extended in all the Public I-inU Statta by act of August 4. 180, Ciiaki.i.s Cakuos, of Eugene, county of I-iti. Stale of Oregon, has this day filed In this ollitc his Sttom ti le nient No 331 1, for the purchase of the Wy, of WK of section No. 10 in 'township No a6. Rnngc No. 10W., ami will offer proof lo show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stem- than for 11grlc11ltur.il purposes, and to cstabhoh his claim lo said Innd U'lorr ih: Register and Recciicr of this olliu- nt Koseburg Oregon, on Wodtmsdny, the 13 day of August, 190a. He names ns ultnessos' Mnrtin l!naginv)it, Ne!s Carlson, JAinin Oplius, of JCugene, (Oreg on, Marliri olsfjti, of Hlue River, Oregon. Any and nil iwsons claiming iidwmly the nlove described Limit nrc reipivstcd to file their clams tit thu office n or la-fore said 13 day of August, 1002. JiT. IlKliXihs, Register. 5 3p TLMBEIf LANI), ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Koiclmrg Oregon, April aOth, 1903, Notice Is lutrcby given that In tompllatic wllh die pro Mom of tha net of fiingirss of June 3. iflrll, entlllcil "An net for lh sab of limber lands In tho Suites of f.ullfotnl 1, Oiitgon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," 11 ex tended lu nil Iho Public Unil Status by net of AVguu 4i 1H9. IlM' RRY P. THOMAS. of Roscburir. countv of Dotiubs, stain of Ore gon, has litis d.ty (lied In this oilier his. saorn statement No, aaotl, for Iho ima'hiisn of Hid Southwest ipinttrr of Section No, aB, Township 35 South, of Raugu U W W. M nnd will utl't-r proof to show that llm laud sought Is mine valuable for Its timber or stone than lor ngilcul tuml pttroes, nnd In cstAtulth Ills claim to said land lirfoie thn Register nnd Receiver of this olilco at Roithurg, Oregol), on Saturil.iy, the 9th day of August, U101 lie tiiiii.es ns wlinuMes) flinrles 'llioiit, John 'Ilium, of Cleveland. Oregon, M. M. Votcott, of MlnueiiH)lis, Minn,; Avon IC l-rost, of Reselling, Oregon. Any nml all peiwns claiming mlversrly the atiove-describiil I mils ntr nipicstrd lo file their cblmi in ihlsoillienn or lielorc slid 9th tU ol August, 1903. J, 1'. Ukiihiks, llegliter. J-3P Tl.MBEK LANI), ACT JUNE 3. 187M. NOTICE FOB PUMLICATION. United States ! nnd Oflkc, Roscburg. Oregon. Apr. 'JO, liyOJ. Notice it hereby elicit lh.it In comiilUuve with the iiroilslmit tif the act of Congress of Jmin 3 ifl;. eutltlril "An net for Ihe ak of tlnlier lands In Ihe Mates of Califurnli, Otegon, Nr snda, and Waslnugtoii Territory," as extended to all the Public l-tnd Slates by act of Angus! I, itsu. HakuI t C St 1 M.sv of ClovrLiml, nHinty nl Douglas, Stale of Oregon, lias tin duy filed in this olheohis sworn ttatcmriit No, wsvi for the jMiri-haseof the South h.ilf of llie North hull of Sec. No. J 1, townhli 3, miih, Range No. 10 West, and will offer tttuof to show that the land sought Is moir valnable lur its timber or stone llwn fur hkiIciiIiiimI pur tiose, and In establish his claim to sakl land lc we lh Register and Receiver of llihs nflto al RoMtairg, Oregon, on Saturday, the oili il.iy of August. 190. Ha names as witncttas. Charh-s Thorn. olm 'I horn, of I levnland. Oregon, II. P. Chonus, A. V. 1'rtxt, of Rixetmrg, Oregon. Anv ami all roiif claiming adiersrlv Ihe nhove-iletcritwd Kmds ntr rnUesteil to file tl.eir claims m this otlictr on or Inline said 9th day of Augisat, 1903. y p J. 1. llxtlM.l., Krgister. TI.MItEU LAND ACT. JUNE 3, H7S - MITIC'K FOB PUBLICATION. United States lauidOflwe, Roselmrg.Orrgi.in, April a4th. ly. .Notkr is hrttby civrn llul in tmi liaiicr with lh pMm.kms of the act of (in girts u Jnnrj HI7B, entitled "An Act for the salr. Timber I .amis in tlu-Stntes of Califotnin, rr gon, .Nrvnd. and Washington Tetrinav. ,11 estrndeit 10 all Ihe Public 1-anil Mtes l acl l Auutlit 4, tic. PAULS. WAItlt. of .tinnwipotis, county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, has Ibis da) filed in Ihts other his the Ust lull of ilw Ua.t Ihilf of irciiiii No I(), H In'u Johiiron, U . O. Illcltford, 8. B. loatiship 36 south, of Range 10 W . and wiilltiitllp, nil of Mnrrthllelil, Orrgon, offer tiroof to show tint the luxl souchl Is I A tiv nnd nil l.urfotiH i-IivIihIiil' mlenun iiHMe valuable for its iimboror stone Ihan ftr agricultural purposes, ami to rstaWWi Ins wttiifii iu mm 1.1111. iviuiv iirv if;nivi iiiik ii ceivurof this office nt ResWmrg, Oregon, on I'riday, the Ith ttay of August, iooj. lie names as witnesses ohn 'I horn, fliarles Thorn. Hugo (iluck, of CleveUnd, Orestau; oseph Whiliomb, of Minn -a tolls, Minn Any ami all persons claiming adunrsarly lite altovr-ib-scrilad lamls are triuetel to file their claims in this office on or before said Hlh lay ol Augui t.iooa. S-3P J T. IlKllM.r.s, Ret,islR-. Tl.MIIEIt LANI). ACTJUNE 3. 1h7k. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Stales I-ind Oflica, Rosrbttrg. 1 to gn, April 4. nywx Notice is hereby giien '-hat III compliani-r with the rHovisionsof the net of foncu'u if Juur 3, 18711, imlitlcil "An net for the sale u mniici tarsus in lue states 01 i alitor nia, on gon, .Srvaila, and W.isliingtou Territory, nt extended to all lh Public I Jind Slate by U of August 1, 1893, KDWARD PALMKR. of Mlnpranolls, county of Hennepin, Mate rif Minnesota has this d i lilnl in tins bltui- hi swoin stalfiH'-nt No rxfi, for tlw imr I utr cl tint North half of the South half, N-clum No. at. 111 'lowushlp No. 34 S, Range No 10 West, and will office proof I't slww that Ihe land sought is more valuible for its tliiiln-r or stone than for agricultural purpotos, and In is talili-.li his claim to snhl land before the Regis ter nnd Receiver of this office: nt Rott-burg, O'rgon, on Saturday, thu 9th day ol A tgust, 190 J". TI.MKKU LANI). ACT JUNE .'!. 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States l.nnd Office, Rosebtirg, Oiegon, June 17, 1903, Notice It liotcby fjlvon that in compliance with thu provisions I thu net ofCongrcM of Junr 3, U?8, uutillod "An act for thn sale of limber Hinds iu the States of California, Oregon, Neva da, nml Washington Territory," as i-xtuudiil to nil the Public l.nnd StatesbynttofAugiut.i, 11)93, HIRAM A. SIIKI.DON, of Clevelnnd, county of Dmiglas, Stale of Oirgoti, has this day filed m tills otlice his sworn sbiti-iiu-nt No 3740, for Ihe piinhavu of thu Lots ft nnd 7, nml KKnf hwtf of Section No, f, lu Township s0 South, ot Rangu tc Wosi.'iind will oln-r proof to show that thu lauri sought U morii v iluable for its llmU-r or stom than for agricultural iurioscs, ami to i-stabllsl Ins claim lo s-ild land before thu Register una Receiver of litis othru nt Rosebtirg, Oregon, on Welnevday, the 15th day of October, 1903. I It! unities 11s witnesses: Royal F, Ctiinps ton, Kugenc A, Wood, Wilbur F. Hatch, of Cleveland, Oregon, Charles TI10111, of Rosc lmrg, Oregon, Any mid all persons claiming ndursely thu nboiiMlusL-rlhcd lands nru requested lo filo their claims In this office on or beforu said 15th day of Orlol cr, 1903 0-at) J, T, DiiilxJES, Register, , , , . ..-,., . . 1 Ho tt.iinos ns wltm-ites; Hurry Tlmnmi, Avuit i I'rosl. of Rovolmtg, Oicgon; Clmrlen Thorn, ohn 'I horn, of Cleveliml, Oirgun, Anv and nil pemons il.ilmlng ndveriely iho uhoio-ilttkirlhed lamls nre it)iiirttcd to Din llielr nlnlmti In this ollicc on or Iwfoic said Qtli day of Angtisl, 190a. ,V3 P I. T. lllnitn, Ucgltlpr, TI.MBEH LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187H.- NO.TICE I'OK PUI1LI0ATION. I'nltml Statn laiml OIIW, Rosclmrg, Oregon, Aptll a6th, 1913, Nolkc Is luiteliy given thai lit loinpll.iiice with the priivMoni jf thu art of Congtuss nf Juno 3. i8;H. etililled "All net for tho sale of limbei I inls In tho States of Ciillfiirnl.i, Ore gun, Nevada, nml Washington I'eriltoiy," 11 1 miinlcil to all Ihe I'ubllu iaind Stntci by net of August 1, 1894, MARK M. WOI.cn IT, of .MIiniMpolts, umiity of lleiinpln, slain of .Minnesota, has this day (lleil lit tills ollicc his sworn sliilmucnt No 339;, fur thn purchase ot the South half of ihe Smnh Jwlf of section No. t In 'lowushlp so aOS, Range No. 10 West, nnd will ollrr pioof In shun th.it ll t lind souglit It more valuable for lis rfmbcr 01 stone Pmn for ngrlitiliural iuiois and In eslnbllsli hit claim to Mil I nut In-fOrc th Reeistcr nnd Re ceiver ol this ollko 111 Roirbiiig, Orrgon, on Situnlar, the 9th dny of Ampul, 190a. lie names 111 witnessrs; 1. harlrs Thorn, ot ('!- tln ml, Oiegon, Kdward Palmer, Ilug6 tiluik, tJ MimieaKill, .tlntirsota. Avon K. l-rost, 01 KiMi-lturg, Oiegon Any nml nil pirvins il.ilmlng ndiersi'lv Iho filo .ilKve-li-v:iilMi lands me impiost,! to tlieir elamis In this iifrkv on or Uloiu 4lil day nf August, iooj. 5M P J. T. IlKltxiM, Rrglslt't, Tl.MIIEIt LANI), ACTJUNE 3 1878 NOTICE I'OIi. PUBLICATION United Slates Lund Olilco. ltoohiirir, Or. , , Mny 15, HK)'., Nollco In hereby given that lu coiiipll nncu with Iho prnvirlunH ot thn act of Congreaa ol Jitiin 3 JH7H, I'titltlrd "An net for thu rnln of timber hinds in the Slate of Cnllfirnln, Oiegon, Nuvniln and Wushingtiui'li-rrritory," mtextund. oil to nil thu Public Land Stales by act Ul AUIIAl -I, IBUi', WILLH.HPOOIt, ot Marttlnld, County ol C001, Rlntn of Oregon, linn thlndiiy filed In this ofllco his bisoni stnltinient No 2117, for tho iiurchnno of tho Sl-2 nf KI-2 of Sepllon No. .HI in tounhlt No. 2tl 8. Mango No. 11 W, nnd mil olfor proof In nhow tliul thn hind nought Is morn valuable for its timber or Mono thiin for ngrlculttiial puriMirer, nud to establish liU claim to Mthl liinil lMilorn W. U. Dotiulns, U. S. Cominid'ioner for Oregon fit Mnrthfleld, Oregon, 011 Friday, the 1st day of August, 1002. Ho names a wltnispei- Judd MIIIh. ly ihoahov-iilererdiiMJ LtudHiiru rrnuoit ,., U) file (heir flithim In this olllce on or Imforotnid 1st dny of Auutt't, 1002. C-21 J, T. BRIUUE8, Register. TIMBEIt LANI) ACT, JUNE 3, 1878,- NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Officii, Bornhurg, Or. May 20, MY. Notico is hereby given, Dint in com pliaiiru with tint provfr-IoriH of thn tint of CongrenH of Juno 3, IH7K, entitled ,n Act for the ruin of Timber Liiuds In the Sliitos ot Cnlllornln, Oregon, Nevnda, nud Washington Territory, " m extended to nil tint Public Land Slates hy net ot August I, 1802, HUBBEBT (iEI)DES. nt Mnrshfifld. county of Coon, Statu of Oregon has thli day filed lu this olllcu his Hworn statement No. 'JHVi tor tho purchtiHii of thnNI-2 HV I, HWl-l SUM I, Ntti I HEI-I of Fcollon No 0 In Touiirihip Nt. 2 South ol Range No. II Wont and will olfur proof to show thnt the Innd fought in 111010 vultiahlu lor its timberor hIoiiii Uihii (ornuiicultural pur ikmi'H, nnd to estnblihh hlHi'lnlm to said land before Iho BeglNteraud Beceivur of thlRolllcoiit Bofehtirg, Oregon, 011 Satur day Iho III dny of AtigiiHt, 1002. Ho iiaineH nn ivltntHHis: Ebon II oil son, JomMo Hinitli, Robert II ay ton, Ed ward Doyhuillof .Mnrtliliolil, Oregon. Any nml nil pitraonHcliiiiiilng ml vi-rrely tint above dtiMTihed IiuiiIh are requettod to file llicir ehtims in this olilco 011 or before tald 1(1 dny of Augtiht, 1002. l M- J. T. BmiHiKH, Begister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dcpnilmenl of iho Interior, Land O'licu n Roseburg, Oiegon, iiiin 9, 1903. Notlw Is hun-by ghi-u that thn following mimid Mttlrr hns fllixl notliu of Ins intinilon to nuku limil proof lu ttinpori of his claim, and lll.lt said pioof will (m made befnrii W. U Douglas, U, S, Couinilssloner nt Mntshflcld, vieun, on 1 my 33, i(yj, viz m; ARIA D. CARPKNI IF.R, widow of Wllliiim W, Ciirx-:itcr, iIicp.isiiI, on II. K, N0B035. fortheW SICJ.SWK Mijf. :. . - U . sw 30. Tp. 35 S., R. 1 1 West. Shu iiamu the following witnesses to provu her continuous tislilcnce tiioii nnd cultivation nf wld lantl, vU. Frank Rogers, S. C. Kngcu, K. R, Jones, Hcilicii Rogers, nil of Marshficld, Oregon, J.T, Hlni)(3liS, Register. xiL