The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 05, 1902, Image 10

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l a TcrT-i T rf" A T.
Pino Stationery at Norton'.
Shoea ft specialty at rotor Clausen's.
Tho Alliance arrived from San Fran
cisco and Eureka Thursday afternoon
and went down tho bay again tho sanu
Any ono wanting pnro A No. 1 Leaf
lard aUicllyeorn'fed hogs can find it
on salo at tho Marshfield Cash Meat
A McCulloch was Bworn In as a sped
. al policeman Thursday ovcning.
Misses Agnes and Elsie Matsou, of
Sumner were in town Thursday.
A. P. Owen is crippled up with a bilo,
Tho Areata left San Francisco Thurs
day, and will leave Marshfield Sunday,
July Gth.
True Oregonians will not bavo their
ardor for celebrating quinched by an
Oicgon mist. It will take a shower of
pitchforks and hoebandles, at best.
II. L. Underwood of tho North Fork
of the Coqoille was in ton Wednesday.
Mrs, McCiudy, of Prosper, camo over
.Wednesday to catch the Alliance for
Portland. She will join her sos, Frank
McCurdy, in Oregon City, their future
lie me.
,A. It, Tenbroox, who has been at
Skykomieh, Wash., for several months,
returned Thursday coming in by the
Drain route.
An overwhelming mojority was givon
the proposition of a county high school
, in Crook county. In Linn county the
proposition was voted down. Tho bunch
grasses are a progressive people but
laoss grows in the Willamette valley.
i ...
t Mrs. Masters makes a specialty ol
tailored suits at very reasonable
prices. tf.
And now comes a report from a passen
ger on the Alliance of some ono resid
ing on tho Coquille who tried half an
hour to blow out onoof theelcctric lights
in his state room.
.- If Portland wanta a big appropriation
-for the fair why doesn't 6ho work tho
initiative and referendum. No doubt
lie would set itin tho neck.
Dr. Pienlia will be out of terra from
July 7th to Aug. 1st. Have your dental
yrtfrk attended to before he leaves.
t The Marshfield shipyard crow knock
ed off work Thursday noon until after
the Fourth,
Teachers Institute.
The Annual Teachers Institute for
Cooa county will convene all p. ra. Aug,
4th, K02 at Myrtle Point and continue
till tho.evening of tho 7th.
All teachers and friends of public edu
cation aro cordially envited to attend
' and assist in both tho daily and tho
evening exorcises. I would especially
request tho toad-era to remember tho
evening entertainments and prepare to
make this feature of tho instituto as
successful as it has been in tho past.
W. II. Bdncu, Co. Supt.
iyg)Tr'.jR;gQ'Nr -A.-T ' '
Nothing bottor than RcdCross Expoc-
toront tor troublesome cough; try si.
MUs Kdith Carter la seriously Hi with
scarlot fever. Dr. lloasfal la attomllng
tho patient.
Tho atreota woro crowdod Thursday
with people coming in to Bpoml tho
Fomth, and tho stores wero doll g a
rushing business.
Androw Storgard, an old resident of
Marshfield, who has beon in Finland for
about 10 years, has roturned to tho bay,
briugins his wito and two chlldred.
Cut this out nnd tako it to IUhI Cross
Drug Store and got a box o( Chamber
Iain's Stomnch & Llvor Tablets. Tho
best physic. Thev also correct disorders
of the stomach. Price 25 cents.
stain the hand or snot thn kottlo (cz
rept green and purple). Sold by John
Preuss lOcts por package.
Manager Robertson of tho telephone
company 1ms received a lot of ."3 foot
cedar poles which will bo erected on
P.roadwoy, A and Front streets, replac
ing tptno lighter one. They woro bein.
taken from tho slough Thursday and dis
tributed oi the streets, and thero was
some complaint that tho newly made
streets were being torn up in tho process.
"I am using a box of Chamberlain's
Stomach v Liver Tablets and find them
thn tt thine for inv stomach I over
used." says T. W. Robinson, Justice of
ttic resce, I.oomi", .Mini, 'lueso lawnis
not only correct disorders of the stom
ach bnt rcjsulato tho liver nnd bowels.
They aro easy to tako and plpnsant in
effect. Price 2o cents por box. For
salo by John Preuss.
Walter Lawhorn, who has been acting
asnight watchman at tho railroad round
house, has rcslgnod his position and
gone to his homo at McKlnley where he
will drlvo a team in his father's loggiug
A. C. Peck, who lias a mining posi
tion on tho Sixes, camo into town Wed
nesday on businoa?, and will return to
day. He reports that they had a wrestle
with tho smallpox in IiIb camp recently.
1 hero wero five casts but nono very
Mrs. Major Tower and Mrfl. Morton
Tower, of Empire City, wero Marshfield
Tie.'tors Tuesdaj.
The Etoamcr Alert resumed her run
up North Coos river Tuesday.
Tho Daily Albany Deuiocmthas grown
from a small 1 column folio to a six,
The Mail will bo larger ono of theto
Judgo Bean received 17,11ft plurality.
Ua tho boan family ho is not very largo
but runs-like a scared wolf.
Mrs, C. D. McFarlin, who has been
visiting in town, went homo Tuesday,
Wesley Nwealand hav'ng2como over to
tako her home.
Chamberlain's election for governor
was not so closo a shave as when Thayer
and Uuckman ran, Thayers majority
was only 00 votes.
Mies Leila Cox of Rosa slough and
Mies Esther Mutton, of Catching ulouglt,
wero visitors in town Tuesday.
A' scow load of railroad ties went up
Coos river Tuesday for tho Daniels creek
PHONE, 436, 1,0.0. P. Bid;.
The success of n shoo
Department depends up
on wear of the goods.
Mens' Shoes comprises
all urfldoa for the,
the Struct, theOlllce, tho
Just loce 1
Vic KM. l'lf nrli
Mux C air, liiill
Ku iigiino, Daiic
lii g anil Howe
Slipper. Al1
kiwis of Useful
Children's Shoes
FOR IfAni)
Infants' BhiGAiid Pat
ent Leather Shoos-
' I. O. O. J Building
Samples by icguoat.
( o ff v
( Mil '
M ft yCg.
V., I
The llnMnn Ono AVomnii Itrjulee
. 'VV, ''V" ,
A Vhl adolphla woman moving lu
powl noddy Iiiih been cured of n nm
Mia for attending riimuuigo Kitten, but
It took u heroic treatment to effect tlifl
cure. Tho other day nhu went to it
salcof tho dcnciiptlou named In aid of
n worthy charity In which alio U Inter
ested mill camo nway minus n twenty
tlvo dollar hat. It happened this way:
A feature of tho nnlo was a counter
lilted with iliitrlmmcd hats, udvcrtlned
"Your cholcu for CO contH." Now, tho
North Thirty-third ntrcot wouiiiu didn't
M-iiut an untrlmmed hat at W centH,
but thero wnH ono that cnught her
fuiiey ly i-ciikoii of Km odd nlmp", ami
Hhe nlmply couldn't reHlnt the toiuptii-
Htn lik lit It mi Mil tilni liint itT llirt
ImndHomu lint 8ho wiin wcnrlnir. nlneed
It on tho cotiiitei'iind picked up tho tin- ( town Weduciday, ami said ho woo Just
trimmed one. Then hIio looked around loadm,
for n mirror. Thero wiin only one, and ' '
that waa nway at tho other end of tho
long room. Tim Molici Thnl NnltOit.
.She puHhed her wny through tho "It would ho helpful to you," said
crowd, and lu the meantime a fat col-, tho prison vhdtor, "If you could tako
ored woinan'H eyea wero glued to tho bomo motto mid try to live tip to It."
hat nhe had left liehtnd on tho pllo "That's right," replied the convict,
marked, "Your choice for M coiiIh," "I'd lllto to olecl, for liiHttnicc, Wo
It wiih a golden opportunity not to ho nro hero today and nono tomorrow.'"
iiiImnihI. Counting out no cents Indlinen, t
nlckclN mid petinle. hIio hhoved tliein I t10 anrVoyora for the Bait Lako'Coos
nt the Innocent young iittondniit mid',, ,. , . ., . ,
mnde u.mmI hmm witii the fi.. ) railroad now have tho stake tut
lounhlo wwuiitu'M hut. Exchange.
Tint 4ur'ii Ili'i'.
Kho powMMtnes tlw power of choosing
Which of lier olTiipiiiig Hhnll ho drouei ' . , ,
mid which worker. Some hnvo !,,, -. , , , , , .
thoiifflit thnt this wan Htitoumtlc and' T' Steamer Signal was taking oonlnt
that the narrower worker cell teuehod tl'o Uoavor Hill hunkers U'odnejJay.
tho huttott, ho to npvnk, that lrotight ' , .
tovlh ii fertilised ecK- Rut tho ipieeit
will lay worker o'tgn in drono cells If
lio thlukn tit, no tliat-Hottlen that.
If tho drone In inttle nnd the 'jtiuen
frmale, wimt In tho worker? Tho now
woman of Kecdom. .She Ipn jclven up
her motherhood for n liunlnoM career.
h'ometlmen, though, nho Inyn og(-n, hut
thoy ahvajH hatch out drone, of which I
It is atiictly true to nny they hnvo u
mother, hut no father. If tho i'uoou'h
wings uro crippled no that nho cannot
iiuiIjo her marrlago lllght, her children
are nil drones. An Italian queen In
a hlvo of Mac); hoes -will hdgot work
em of mixed blood, hut her noun nro
puro ItalliiiiH. Drones nro tfeful ns
fathers of workers, hut they cannot col.
lect the honey they eat. Their tongues
lire too nhort. Alnsleo's.
Clnililnuli IltnKi.
Tho old "iHeny rings" aro a much
nweeter noiivoulr than moro modern
ones. A friend hns one which had he
longed to her grent-gmndmother, midi
a narrow gold circlet. Tho motto, en
graved inside lu old lettering, wan ns
follows; "God nhovo Incroaso our
love." Tho "CindthiKh" rlugH of Ire
land nro now very dlillcult to procure
thnt Is, tho (,'ciiulno specimens, of
course. Tiiero nro many imitaiious,
These rings wero heirlooms with tho
nooiilo of tho CladdiiKh. n dlst net uyn. .
nyllku race of fishermen, and wero
handed down from mother to daugh
ter ns a wedding ring, n mnningo be
ing scarcely considered legal if tin or
dinary ring wero substituted. Tlyy
wero made of iuunhIvo gold, decorated
with n heart, heurlhg a crown nup
ported hy tfo chinped handii, signify
ing loyalty, lovo, frloiidshlp.
'I'liu I'linltnllirit.
Tho rjulckeHt wny to iiiuko nny man
weary of his life Is to give him nil his
heart's desire. 'Tho struggle for tho
umittiilned Is tho secret of Joy. Hero
Is a man who has been giving his years
to a reckless rbund of pleasure. Now
you seo him waking up to find that tho
deopest needs of his soul nro still un
touched. Or thero Is another man who
hns given twonty-llvo years to tho no
cumulation of knowledge, and nt Inst
wo soahJm, llko Dr. Casiiubon lu "Mid
dleiiinrch," dying with tho stores of
knowledge nil around him, which ho
docs not know how to uso. ,
i i'niniiy coiiililnc.
Deacon Jones I know of thrco broth
ers In n neighboring town that would
nfTord excellent matciinl for n bennon
on tho thomo of brotherly love,
Deacon Brown I'll inako n noto ot
It. Tell mo moro nbout them, deacon.
Dcncon Jones Well, John, tho old-
.ost; Is a pjiyslclnn; Thomas, tho second
brother, Js nn underuiKcr, anil wuuniii,
tho youngest, is u mnrblo cutler, Chi
caco News.
j i
. I "l'l.n NorloiiM .Mlmlcil ,1nv,
A JnpanoHo review recently Invited
I 11m renders to imiiio thoiiu European
UtltOIH WllOMO Workll they llloro OSpO-l
! chilly appreciated. Tho following hn.i,
,,P(, tll0 ww,u r t,u ,.crcreinlum, tluti
authors coming cut of thn voting In
tho following onler: Darwin, Herbert
Hpelicor, Hchopouhniior, Qoutho and'
Victor Hlnufl'a gatolluo launch which
ho has been building In tho old mill,
was placed in the water Wednesday.
Wm.Shorrard, of b'umuor, )vm down
Wednesday aftor hay and feed for J. O.
Laird, the now mall sub-contractor, who
will establish n relay station at Kumiior,
I 8t(,ck ' OntchliiK slough, wai lo
and t noli s driven from Empire City
nearly Into MiushfUld. They hnvo alio
run a trial survey Into North ilond.
'riiciuiilit II Win .liitnri,
Wife Do you menu to limtaiiHto tbr.t
your JudKitieiit In Ntiiwrlor to mint?
llunlmnd Ceilalnly not, my ilour.
Our choice of life imrtuern proven It
Mr. and Mm. Albert Armliold, of tho
, iionh fork of (ioon river woro shopping
i . ., . .
m l0WM -'n","y-
Mrs. Gcialdino Morris, who went to
Healtlo about a month ago for a vaca
tion, writes to n friend hero that alio will
bo bark lu about two weeks.
The Same Old Story.
J, A, IC elly relates nu experlauco nlm
ilar to that which haw him'Mjneil lu ill
niont every ueighbnrhrod in the I'nltfd
Stated and hni beon told nnd retold by
tliotisniiils of others. lIoH.iyn: "Last
Hummer I had nu attack of dysentery
and pnichnMid a bottle of Chnmhiirhilnn'
Colic, Chnlora nnd Dinrnen Itoiucdy.
which I lived according to direction ami
with ontlro tathfnntory results. Thn
troub'o was controlled much iilrkor
than former attacks whnu I lined other
remedies." Mr. Kelly ion well known
citi.tmof Henderson, N. O. For snlo by
Jomi rrouss.
Tho hiisliHrSi man who clutters up bin
hraln with Nome other fellow's "auc
cess maxim" Ih pretty certnln to ncoio
n quick failure-Denver Republican.
I will on thn first Monday in July 7ih
day sell nil property which' thn con nty
has bought at tax na'os heretofore, on
which lime for redemption Iihh expire d,
at the (tout door ol tho ooiirthoueo, at
('oqullloClty, at 10 a. in. dntudCoquil U
City Oregon, Juno II. I0l)"
mwirm mill .iiomiiritoeii.
Ill Formosa recently a battalion of)
soldiers, completely protected trow.i
mosquitoes for 101 days dining tho,
mnlaiial season, enenped tlio disoasoi
entirely, whereas thero woro 2.W oases
of nialaiia lu an unprotected battalion i
In tho nnmo plnco nnd durltif; tho same
length of time.
"Tho way to gain a good reputation
is to endeavor to bo what yoju doMro to
appear." That in precisely tiho manner
in which Chamborlain'n Cough Remedy
ImB gained its reputation n a euro for
coughs, colds, croup and! whooping
cough, Every bottle that Iiu'h over been
pul oiu oy tho maniifacturnif ia been
fully ill) to tho high Hjndnrl ol okcol
loiico claimed lor it, i'uoplo IVave found
tljat it can always bo depended! hjn for
tho relief and euro of those ulhincntuiiud
that It Is pleasant and safe to (tal:o. Fcr
sale by John Pronto.
' X