The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, June 21, 1902, Image 7

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. - i '
jgmF w
. riHsl'' Tin. Mn m Vr. "I
rnn nnnnniin
Otfari u ft?
lami Slickers
W'trrnHlfJ Wut.rpro.r.
Ult In .taint (jiril wotk nmt
Hiikli w-nllxf lk t.rir....
ti. It iinir dmlrr i1ii'l
jn llniiigM-iiit for rMnli'ifw.
. . tllllt4 -ihl.((..,
ill.., f)j fr. !
tot l.MtrUf, tuu.
M(Uihfltld tfnils lo l'ut.stmtlc the
Siller Town to Give up Its
Own Blowout
It HMmi Utt -v?orth Horn! will hnvo a
pokbftUyi of it own on Hit J'jnrtli.
TJiorn hM bu nttinu bojw thu the
Xorlh Hand people might ujiieont In drop
thulr puprltotu for nn
Miabrttfun nnd Join w IUi thU pUw In
making tit dey nlorloniJ, bat thay me
not tMClhvd to do thl.
TJtc Mtmlifleld ooinmlllN o( curiiiic
ifUittN went down to North ItunJ on Uw
Union Tuittdny night to talk nrur thu
ihhiW, nnd mtt with qulto n uuroborof
the North ItatuUtw. Thu Utter, how
ever, voted to rjo on with thulr own cele
bration. Tlmy treated tho Mnridtiield hoy
with the utirioul cordiality ntul tho lnt
turnro unthtiHinstiQOwr thu lari'ptlon
nccordod thorn, so thnt thuro will Iw no
hard (oollnuH ungondnrod hy tho' failure
of thu m-KOtliitloits.
Ilia hopud thnt Mr. L. .1. Simpson
will tiMltt tho Mandilleld celebration hy
thu dullvury of nn nddrew, if tho tiwu
can ho nrrtiiiKoil tlmt It would not
intutfutu with hia nttendrttico nnd as
tUlAUo nt tho exorcises in Mi homo
TUo uiiIIUm of It. Coko nml Tutor
Joltnron, epiint Thursday nt Klagauiff
Mcunwjuiua "miw
Willi- of ("'uditl I tln puardl m
of h Mni.r- Ji'-dth mi I huppl
lirn ..llli t o ii' It
help h i' (cla iio Mtini'inliiHtil,
It .itictuiim ln'i during lie ttiil
nf iio)'ouut'i oldldbirth mid
. niotliL'iliood, nmkiiit; labor o.i
land i..'fiiiiii,r lloodhi); .mi! niN-
tuui.ip. U gently U-uiH nrr
t'nouli th' d uigc'toiid ju'iloil
Know it ! th on hi : of 11 If,
cuuvH lunooriiitoii. falling d tlio
womb, tuitl muiistniul inv&v itlty
In ovcrv foun. It NvdutWoin
i!iTy-tvlii,' ptilod of ti woman's
llfo. It ifliiforoes Iho ncnom
Hyntom, iti-ti (llii'itly on tho geni
tal orfans imd U tho lln(-.t tonlo
for women Known. .Ahk yuv
tlnigfllit fuv .n $1.00 bottle of
Wlno of C.udul.
Ilutcavllln, Alrt.'.Iuly ll, 1WO.
I fdrit'H Illnck Drauriit nml 1 furl II to U
i iIIuh bvro kocii tho nioiIlcliicH lit tliHr
hoinrNoll tho time. I ,liio tlirco glrlo
I unit they nro iwluir If t hwo. .
2llf wi4 iv imu n ""
Tor tdvlra ami lUnrnluri. mWtrM, tlVltitf
I i ... 'I t.j I Jti1tt' 4illMiirv lli'lUll
inmii". 'I Ao n.Miuiiuoa Mcilidiio I'unit'ttiljrjNil
CliAttniiuiiuit) J run,
i . r ii
Nearly Ilnlf the Required Tlircc
Thotisiuul Dollarn Alrenily
In Sight.
Ilcv. JMw, Donnelly is mccllii with
l?ood flticciiiB In hln cnnvius for mihftcrlp
tionii to tlio luiflpltal fund, nnd tlioro
In lltllo doubt thnt tho tXIXJO which in nut
bo rnltcd litre will ho obtalnod.
C. II. Moruhnnl ho In now in Ban
Krnuultco waa huaid from yotilcrdny in v.
riibfdontlnl iiiftitncr, rtihecribltiKflOO .'or
hhiiiulf r.nd mo for J'., il. Donu & Co.
Anolbur (50 tuUeriiliuii raiwa tho
amount .lwlnxl to $ 1 100, nearly l.nlf t!m
tiMtilrcil tin:).
Thuro lannliiipreulonln K)moi:iarl(!f6
thnt thli hoipitnl will bu luiilt v.botlmr
tlie ikojiIu hurt raiiso 0W) or not, hut
Irr.' Donnelly twyi that thli is a mlttako.
It will catUinly ) worth to title com
munity, directly and indirectly many
tlmen thu emu iibiuo.1, to Iihvo a lurea
and well crjuljipod hospital tnbllhwi
huru on a btiai'i thitHlll Insaro Its tr
loniicneo nml In thu hands of peopl
who are thoroughly eompur.t to cotnluut
tin liihtitutlon in a flmt class utantior.
TIib lUt now otniido ns follows:
L. .1. 6initaou,
15. O'Coimoll,
Dmui & Co,,
SM 00
160 00
jro oo
loo eo
100 oo
100 00
100 00
100 00
50 10
W) 00
DO 00
ro oo
J. T. MeCormac,
J. II. Wall,
John Trout,
K, (i. Flanagan,
C. II, Murchant,
W. l. Murphy,
John Uonr,
1'. I.. 1'hclnn,
C. A. Mooro,
V. A. Woollovor,
flu v ,im Tour ILIiluay r
Mr HoW-r4
lludwg. AOJ. et
BKntbu ltiujr Ou.A'nmuij vt U. V-
I'll Mir.BII klritlt'r IIK. tifitt
Kcv. Udw. Donnelly rccolvod Thuri
day morning n sot of plans nnd draw
ing! of thu proiHiaed hoapitnl bnlUHntt
from Architect D.wid Ileuj. Kmerson,
of Newport, ll. I.
Thlu (,'ontlomnu ha)penod to be in n
church in Xowport whon Kr. Donnelly
wna telltiiR of this onterprho, nnd lntar
ho eamo to I'r, Donnelly nnd Btntwl thnt
hu would like to l.olp thu project and '
wou'd draw, freo ot rhnrcc, nil tho plane, i
working plniiH, tmrciflcntlong, otu. (or
thu buildini;, doluv: this ns n memorial
to n ton who dlod abnul n year ngo,
Ho lufi now tent n akutch of tho build
in;; and plana for the three rtorlca nnd
bnsument, drawn on tho i;tmornl dlinou
alona p;ven him by I'r. Donnolly. Tlio
plana contemplate a building with ic
cominodaUona for about fifty patlontu,
some in wards nml tome in private
rooms, with nil uccceenry operating
looms, dining rooms, kitchen, ntoro
room, mufioa' nnd fervants' quarters,
fitnlrways, olovator, etc. If these plana
aru approved thu nruhltect will proceed
to make tho working drawing and
Tlilo offer ia cijulvnlout to n contribu
tion of nt least ff00, nnd ia a moat gen
eroua and graceful donation on tho part
ot Mr. Kmerson, which will bo highly
appreciated by n)l InturcEted in tho now
hospital. -
Wn tho ? No KM Vou HV3 Wwjs Botytf
Ml Annlo Kirnhcr avo V bonflro
party Vcdnctdny cvonlnir totltoinom
horn of tho Chrlatla Unilcnvor iocioty
of tho l'rcabytcrin chorch. Ilofronh
mentfl wcro curved, nnd, after the bon
fire oxcrclsoB, adjournment wan taken lo
Iho npacloun retlJunco of Dr. J. T. Mc
Cormnc, whom munic and o yood toclu'
tlmo won enjoyed.
Another Arngo Fire.
Tho Cwjulllc Herald brIr.Ki tho iicwb
that W. II. Hchroodor'ii (lilnlcmlll nt
Arno lino boon doatroyed by a flro, ovi
den ly Incendiary. Tho mill liua jttct
beou rebuilt nflor burning dov.n, the
two ihm nnd tho bim.irtK of Eclirowk-r'a
itoro htvinc nil orntinod within n yc&r,
till evidently tho work of u flrubug.
Xw YoiJc, Juno IB: For the first
(lm 1 1 m liisa rotireinent from Hit pica!
dancy Orovar CSevrlaod tonight dcllvera
n tpoeh In n political ntidieuce. Ihe
occasion thnt draw theormor 1'reiiJetit
from hii homo nt Princeton to Now York
ia the opening of tho new homo of the
Tilden Club, Uroadwty niwr Seventy
fourth ktrcot. That the athetiiiK i of
grant jwlitlcal ulgnlticnnou Koot without
SiyIiK. for it ia well known that Mr. (
Cleveland could not bo iuductd to de-'
liver n political cddreEH unlcta hu weru
convinced that it would have nn import
ant beating on tho futuro wolfnro of his
party. This fust la univoreally recogniz
ed nnd na n eoitecijucnce thoeq v. ho tnko
nn intermln national poliltcssromanl
(cfclii)K inteiitu intcrcet In tho meeting.
Tho Knthi'tlny, nccordlnj; to tho maua
i;ers of thu club, ia not for tlio purpose
of launching c new Djtnocrr.ey, but to
wolcomo nil loadora of Democratic
thought who may havo been oppoied to
each other in thu peat nnd to ruako "thu
occasion of tho opening of thu club n
direct effort to linrmonizo various dia
cordaut elements of tho party. To this
ond Democrnto from every eectiou cf tho
country havo been invited to bo present,
nnd no ecction or faction has been Ig
nored. Former Senator David 11. Hill hai ac
cepted njt invitation and It id believed
thnt a complotu reconciliation between ,
him and Mr. Cleveland may bo brought reciprocity tanglo, provided tho Senate
ftbout. AmonR others who aioespcctedl's It without ninondment at the
to bo proteut nra Senator llacon of (.Itor-,
U'la, Mayor Putiick Collins of notion, ex-
i Secretary of SJnto Hlclmrd Olnoy, Dr.
Felix Adler, John D.JMUburaof Huffalo,
William Everett tf Mafenchusottf, (lov-
ornor Aycocl: of North Carolina, "W,
r.outke Ocknui, Atkinson of ISoFton,
i and many Democratic mimbura of the
UnitoJ StatM Sonato, tho Uongoof hop
rcientativus rjitd tho Statu Legislature
Tracy "mid Merrill Hold -up An
other Farmer for Breakfast
raid Ketp Going
Portland Juno 10 Tho convicts ?oro
again coon this morning apparently
headed up Balniou creek.
Sheriff Martin and posso immcJiuto
ly took tho trail.
Farmer Torgcisou roports tfyat ho waB
compelled to giyo them breakrast this
morning' v
A eon of tho farmer went on n wheel
lo anccuvor and reported tho fascia.
Tho bloddhouuda vlll bo tried again,
None but the
I constantly furnish tlio beat nnd
priniCHt of nicatH, -which nivei mo tlio
confidence of my patrorn.
hut it in iiPcesHary Hint they be pure
and wIioImmiip. 1 do not promise n
discount, but I will give you hoitpt
nml C'-urlooiw treatinmit, nnd vuluo
received for your money. ,SntIfnc
lion K'Uirnntivd or cash ref muled.
tiiLiir.i nuiui, riuji, -
itnMntr tintM n
v BNnS3NKNsars
B have a handy dark room that all am
ateur photographers are welcome to use; we
want you to use it, it was built largely for your
. accommodation. Any advice, help or sugges
tions we can ofler arc also yours for the asking.
TtTrt . tx nnmi ..tvirtf 1 ll 1 1 1 1 1 ftt'Af ncl-n1 Cnr .n erin1ie
5 )IU 11 KJ .illijr ws. uiiti
and we see to it that all supplies arc fresh and reliable.
The ionjiei you take photos tue better yo u will api- Jt
rrfintf rlptvuiflnbli tuntcrmls
. ,. ... j..
a more certain you will become
f ie 1ior
Spooiier Amendment
Senate Pavors Panama Routt
Reciprocity May Come to
'..'.w Cuba by Treaty
Waehlneton, .Tuno 10 Tho Spoouor
amendment to tho Isthmian canal bill
providing for purchftjo and completion
of Iho Panama canal was adopted by tho
Sennto this afternoon by n voto of 12 to
It la nuthoritivoly elated that tho ad
ministration atnnda ready to make c
treaty with Cuba as n solution of tho
weemuer eeion
Itome, Juno 19. After conaidering
tho rottort of committeo ot cardinale,
I appointed to treat with Taft, tho Pope
accepted the eutiro American proposi
tion in regard to tho Thlllpplnou, only
dceiriug minor changes in form.
' 'Portlaud' Juno 10. Tho etrlklus plan
ing mill employees havo doeided to make
tho boycott asnluat Unfair mills moro
Tho union has occordlugly called off,
all carpoutera from tho now builui
whero unfair material is usod. TJ
. ,
nlion is verydopresaing. ( 'mlfr
Church' Celebrates Ceuteunial
East Llvarpool 4no 19 : Tho Long'a
ltun Presbyterian church, tho oldest
church of its denomination in this patt
t'6.tlio etato-, tolebrated its coutonnial
touay witn a programme oi exorcises
lastlnf; all day and Including nddre6EC3
Best of Meats
Y .l..f. Til r. A
- rrcutii'iivrry. rtoite lot
kuauKiLji MKtntsrrTtiKBcsa
... ujni.u IUi .u dUyj.iw
to work with, rmrl the
- .- ....... ,
that the place to get them
appropriate to the occasion. Tho church
is located at Calcutta three miles north
of this city. Tho present brick cdiQco
waa creeled in 1886,, replacing tho lec
elructuro in which regular eelrWceawliadi
been held elnce 1S02, '""'
Preparing For Educators
Minneapolis Juno 10: Applications
for a cmnmodationa indicato that tho
convention of tho National Educational
Association, to be held in this city net
month, will bo tho largest as well as.tlfo
molt representative gathering of itc
kind ever held in this country. The
South noticeably will bo better repre
sented than ov cr before, while Canada
will send ecvornl of ucr distinguished men
to lako part in tho proceedings. Tho pro
gramme ot the general eeesious aud th
numerous departmental conferences Is
r npidly ncoring completion. It include
tho'names of moro than 150 ot leading
educators of America, among them bou
priden ts ol universities state super
Intendonts ot public instruction, and,
teachers in the public schools.
' The recent death of President John
Henry Harrows ol Cberliu College r--rftovos
n prominent workor,of thenis
ociation and n fcaturo of theopeninrj
session of tho convention will bo thoadop
tion of appropriate resolutions in honor
of his memory.
Good Crop Prospects ' '
St, Paul Juno 20: Roports of ptopl
of all kinds that havo beou coming hi
from nl! sources during tho present week
never havo been moro favorable nt this
time of year. ISvory part of thp-North.-
evpt tho wet region in tho Red
fFftSmv . whprn bppiUiii- i.-ns i1p.
'.lyedi,-T8'jJBfcin the bright prospect?,
tfuVljpkf eouthwest-
ernMlnncVfttal'a' $ccr&taally bright.
ReportB Uom overy placow Uiojino9f
the Miuueapolie i St. J-ouis'raudpd show
a prospect thatcould hardly bo'lmprovcd
upon, Corn, of which thero iannincreaeji
ncroago, is growing fast, Alanypolnta
also report an exceptionally good pros
pect for n heavy Lay nnd potato cror