hi 1 h) I It 10 fl Wlllli OBSHMVANCIJ OF FLAG DAY flic Ceremonies Due to the American Flag Association Form ed in 1897 W-nliliiKton Jutw M All over tint t-ntwitry this iikimiIiik's suiiilin was iiiA'kril Ityn rslsliiK of llui in un-attir uiiiiilirrs wiitl wit It iiiuro cnrimioiiy llinti on any othrr ily of thi-jeiir, czenpt pitrlmpn .1 til v -I Today nnx I'Ihu l)uy the mil' lionornl of iwi-iitt-lKili annlvureary ol tlin ttuaulint'iit hy (J mitri'in thni the IlilK should I Ollf-Kt Oil ttlillH'll strip', alti-matn nil utiil white, mil n union of thirteen hIiIim slur In h hluu llulil. Thliiy t)vi )nrr Ihkt C'iiiut nnlnrml l Imi it ni'M star should li mMnl for fitcli now stun h.IiiiIUmI to tlm Union. I hrr ar tMriy.lwii iiion stars In the tii-lil now tl nn mIicii (lit llau mil II rut isl-tl. The uhsennmn ol tlm iIh In iluo to tin American Fl Atsodutioi , which r fouiifil In 1W7 of IImk coimultttes fiotii fleian, mlliliiry mill historical mclt-tli S. Hlllt'K till) IllllVl'lllfllt H1 In- ttiiUitraUd the ohstirvancuof tint day lint itroHii rapidly in puliUc Uvor. 'llil)Mtr nn ilmimlloim riiiitliiK the ieti.le to iiWmd tho ! i iv lamed ly iIiokov rimns of iMHrly hII the tUtfii mill Wir riltirisv, h) itie ln-Mtliof ihuGrand Army himI oilier iMtrotic urtnMiU.itioiis mid liy ii innjofhol ell In- hotmht il, country. I'liilmlelili a Jtiiitt Us Tim burn hiiiI Mrl4'i wtre io U simmi on every hand in die QjnLer City Unlay. I' was the llrfg't InilliiUy. Coiiu'em, HM-iuhlod nt In ileieme HhII l'J5 yrais nuo. rrtolvetl, ' llmt the lUif ol tlm I hit teen Unlteit Mmex he thirteen ftripvn. nlternnte reil ami white; that the union he thirteen miiir, while In a blue tleM, rireieitliiiK ihf' new constellation." Kxeiu m-ii n'ioir.aio io lite occlon were helil In lieleiteuro llnll Ihl hImt Why enn't vc come over to your house mid play niiy more? It-c.itic piijw Rets so mud when we niukc a little hit of nolnc. What makes him Mint way ? Mimiiiiii anya it's ly- A Kpsi.i makes him net Th.it'a nlioiit the way it xttikes the mmll loy. The dviijK'ptlc lias no idea of hitt own iinrea soiiablene.H.'i or liitrMt ncsH. Little things are magnified and seem to jiiMify his quid: ntiKcr. There's health for the dyspeptic and happiness for tjic fumlly oy the ise of Doctor I'ieroe'a Goltleu Medical Discov ery. It cure diseases of the stout itch and other organs of digestion and nutrition; anil rcntorci jxsrfeot health and strength, hy eitnhllm; the pel feet digestion and assimila tion of food. "I tmve trtken one lollleof Ilr. I'lcrcc's OoMcti Mcdli-it DIeovcry fortnillgi'iillon niul liver co. ipt ilnt," wrllci Mr C M Wllcoii, o' Yvll.ln Colli rc, I)nlilnii Co,. N. C, Mime liail no liiwl sjwlls lnre t commenc-t) tnl.inu your medicine In fact. Imve ipt Ml llUellic fame mail. Ho foru I UmU the '('olilcn. Medical Dlncov. i v' I tould ti"t eit iinythin; without nw ful illctrim but now I ean cut iiuvilitii't I with witliout hinlnt: uiijiIiumiiiI liilliit.1," Dr. Tierce's rieiisaut IVllets cleniibe and rejptlate the bow eta. wSTfr 'riJhl ' :: . r ; Wll.tl- I . .1 ... ..-..! lll..1.l.,.l.,i noon miner me nuFPiie ui mo uuiumni Dmiiiih of Anierlta. Tlm day wai coin' brated nlo by tb DutiKhtcri of l" Amitrlrnn Kevoliitinn and other patrio tic ioc 1 1! 1 1 on At thn Ilet-y Hob houru, li-'IO Afclmtiect, where the llrnt Ainerlcnn llK wa nmdc, thn riHtlonal anthoin wat Riinu bytbn VoiuiKer .MMiiiiorcliorBocliitv and putrlmle HildreBfes deluorcd by Hpeakuraof iroinnence. I'ltliihiif i: Junu 1 1 : Tin nt whb a iten- nral oliMirvnncn of FIsk Day In I'ittnhuru toi'ay. Thn principal eeromonles worn, bull! In Kchonley I'ark, wlmre 6,009 bcIkmiI children nuMimbled, BnnK nation al alrt miiiI llBteneiliojmtrlotlc peenhei by public men. Public buildlnK" arid btiilnH bottres tlirnuttbotit the city dtapUyed the Btars ami Slrlpea. - Celebration at Niternbnrn fieri n Juno II: Ktnperor Willlmn, accompanied by a niimerotiB crowd went to NiiremberK today to take part In the, Bembeetiteiiulal c-luorttlo i of the (itr- i manic .Miceiim. While In NurcBiherg the KmMror will inspect thecaetsbninK made ot the reat altar pieco and the faiuoiiB founder' Btatuen In ihe Church of Ht Sebaldiit, w hit h are to tie prenentod to the Uermmiie Munetim at ilavard Utilwreity. ISTHMIAN CANAL VOTE NEXT THURSDAY WYi Intorduces Resolution for An nexation of Cuba on Ccr- i tain Conditions ! Wanhinglon, June 14 IrthmiHn canal legtidalioti will be the ffaltini of the sen ate proceeding next weik, and thn final vole will b taken Thurrtility There will be lomn question as to whether the seuule favors the I'auama or thn Nlcaraguar. canal. Elklusof West Virginia, leader of the Wei siiuar iiiurgenis ititnxluced a ieo liltion providing for aiiucxntiou of Cuba as a new state, mi loutlition that the legirbttlon of Mich utate be transm tied ti congreea for approval nut laler than January I, W,i More Wedding Bells. One ol the prettiest weddings of the season took pltck at Kut Marshiield, June 11th 1102 at the n-Blilenco of the bride's pareutv.Mr and Mrs Kobt. Mc Caim, when Mr.Kvan Hoss Ilodson and Miss l'earl Amelia McCann, wer mndu man nudwift, Hnv. F. G Btraugu ollkiating. There were only the members of the family ami a lew intimate Iriendi) owing to the ill health of the bridu'a mother. The parlor was beautifully decorate! with cream white roto, suilbtx and ever greens. Thecouplri stood under a beautiful arch covered-wMi trailing vines and white curantttioim while the ceremuuy was Htr formed Frank Dil ion a nephew of the groom was beat man. Miss Huttio Benty was bride's inaid. 'I hey were followed by the bride who entered the room on the arm of hor lather who gave her away. After the ceremony n aumprJous break fast was Borvinl, which was Ifutrtily oil joyed by those present. Miss Susie Klckworth furnished uitisio for tho oc casion on the piano. Tho bride looked lovely in a long train gown ol bilk ci cam crope-de-chiua, trnnned in umbroderod chiffon and silk applique, made over white ti,ffettanlik wearing the tulle veil which was he Spend your Fourth in .Marehlleld, and you will hiivo a Kood tlrno. II. N. Itlack, of Catchlnu bIoukIi tent down two icowloadii of hay to II. tienx Htackon Tliurrday. L. II. Helnner Is bnvlni; lita new llvory barn riitbed to completion as fast as possible and when finished, will have a rommoJIouH barn. Mr.il exrxctsthen to itive bin especial attention to livery bnslneBS. In plsco 'tllh a cream rose bud, carry ing a ibnwer bwpiet of cream bridal rosea. The bride's maid looked charm Iiik drcBoed in yellow lawn trimmed in yellow taffetta ribbon carrying a beau' I fill boqnetof William Allen KicTi atdfon Hores. Durintr the afternoon quite number of friends came in to offer congratula tions; and quite a display of costly pres ents Hern uiyen to the newly married couple. Mr. and Mrs. Ilodson contemplate going to housekeeping on their farm up Gkis river And tiny left in the midst of a shower of r cm and old hoes. And it is hoped that they can stretch out tholr honeymoon to an itidefinate length of time in the future. CASTOHIA. nM tb I Kin M Haw Alnars Beta ligaiitert of Presbyterian Reception One ol the most enjoyable event) in church cirrles was the reception dven the 'Rev. F, (.5. Strnnge on Friday even ing at tbeFresbyterlan church. A large number of people, were present, and a miBt enjiyahleartd social time time was hail Mr. Frank Bmith made a few rtv marKs, in which bo gave a short history of the Presbyterian church of Marshfleld, and on behalf of the members extended a hearty welcomo to tho new pastor. Mrs. Dr. Tower art! Miss Su.ie Eick wortb followed with a solo, which was well rendered. The address of welcome was delivered by Beilnett Rwanton and was responded to 'by Mr. Strange. A solo by Frank eacchi and MUaEickworth was next on the programme, and was rendered to the sal if faction of all pres ent. Refreshments were then served and from the manner in which the good thiiwn disappeared went far to prove that the ladies of the Presbyterian Church understood the art of cooking. Mr. Micklewrigbt was called upon for a recitation, wh ich be gave In a manne that show ed his ability as an elooutionl 1st. Mr. Str ng) was formerly pastor ol tho Presbyterian church at Ashland, having lately resigned to take charge of the church here, and is a ve.y pleasant gentleman We wish him success. A. root looklnc hotw unit poor lixik. f,i nil iiurnaan n ini btuution. ij3?s Eureka w .m -C..t Harness un v nn. Hnla. Binl&M H.A ImHIta. .Mil lh. I ,,,'. 1,(1,1 1IIW.1 l,,IIVll(l,.MIl,.." I. honw (: ltu r. tint luukra thn I ItntliorsuRaiul i.lUblc. niilillln ron- I . . uuinn to iBit twin' in ibai ;... i. .'.. . .... i ' . in ii cniinsruv nounu i 1. 1, r,M tnirak.re lu ll ,',n.. n... uta.tr ii K,f 4TANDARJ jlv OIL CO. tJ mr4 miiixAdLwt't vA;X ym'M&MM Horse a m MSli Lnancei Coos Bay Wholesale Llpr IIKADQU.JtTEH F Oil II I G II GKADK LIQUORS CIIUICK WINEH AND I'UHE IIKAaDIKH. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER "potnily OrcJorj rSoiicHcd. KOI.B AGENT FOR THE UELF KUATBD Ranier Beer. Family oiilera for Pons", pints nnt qtiiirtit, delivered by tho case. Robert Marsden. The Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCIIANTSSSEEE Is constantly lidding to its stocK uf General Merchan dise, already the hrgest in Marelitlold. When you buy nt the Mill Store you know the Hoods are ilrst class and the prion is all right . All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. 'visit DR.'JORDAN'S-cvM MUSEUM OF ANAT0HY lUllUtTST.,llirtlI(UC,ClL. Tkt Lcst AmimIoI Mnita la Ut . fiMld. nAkA.... t AAV Cuklrmcad ' du..,i rUIljrarlrjrUtlni kituliu a ik Cmu ku. yt tuit. OR. J0R0AN-DISIASESOF MEN KTFHILI U,Mklr rt4lrat4 hm .jr.i.N witkMit tfc b .IMww y. TrMtt lti-4 u K(ut. BiU tidiest tun (M BTlUa. fluar- tad llM U. CtxMulUllotl ll lid tlrt.Ur Slim. TrMlmaal nr taulli . kr teller. A rilt (W III cai uaoiijtia Win. (o tkni rmn.mnovmie mi d ' aaiHi.sai. alius SKkA. I A. lUUUl ka-k . lex . I VUI M Mt JORDAN k CO, 1011 tSurat St, , F. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE I IN NEWSPAPERS ANYWHERB AT ANYT1MI Call sa ar WrlU E.C.DAKE'S ADVERTISING AGENCY? 64 A 63 McrchaatV Exckaag SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. THE STEAMER ARCATA. JL C. XELhOX, Mnk'tci. Will .ItHke HeKalstr Trli. BETWEEN COOS BAY' -AND- SAN FBANCISCO CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT -LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Proprietor. F.8.DOW, Agent. Marehflold, Oregon. 8. 0. CO. Agent, Empire City, Oregon. CENTRAL HOTEL Cornrr of Front and A streets, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, JONH SNYDER. : : : : : :Proprletor rphlS WELL-KNOWN ANDPAVORIIE J HOTEL hoi just bees entirely refitted at d rcfumlihcft throughool and Is again open to tl e public for patronage. New beds and spring mattressek ruve btei placed in almost every sleeping room of th:s lioiue ind neither trouble nor expsns'i hor beer I surd to pat everything in firat-cUss order. TXSMS. Poaid and Lodging, per week SS.o Hoard, per week 4.0 Single M rail ,. 35 Fast and Commodious Steamship ALLIANCE oooooooooooooo HARDWIOK, Master Makes regular trips between &tn Francisco and Portland via Humbolpt and'Coos Day, calling at above ports each way. Tho ALLIANCE in a rst olutirf piusonger liout, and hits all tho motion) ennveniences and is ono of tho fastest Stcnmcrs of her class. For Freight and Passenger Rates or Sailing Dates, ' Apply to . SENGSTACKENy Agents , AI VRSHFIELD, Oregon !! GEE FEE. DEALER IN GROCERIES, FRESH FROITS.VEGETA RLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST Q UAUTY. TRICES REASONABLE. "FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. ; : : A Street, Murshfield, Ore ,.