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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
V If b It - . W i litem If toil with Moral trilmtrs. Four Young People GRADUATE FROM MARSH FIELD HIGH SCHOOL Fine Program of Commencement Ex ercises Carried Out Fri day Evening The commencement i-xt-rcin" ol the .Marshfield high school took plat Friday live nine before a late mul appreciative amiiance. The entire program wa car rled out without a hitch lo mar the evenine'e pleasure and every thing seem-1 on ,m., ,.( co0rs, tanlinal and wMto tl to harmouiie and and blend to make ,0 pji,,,, nr Unniier day ounbine.l witli the Stli urade gradna inc exercises look place at the school house Frhlav afternoon, In assembally hall. The ihinner day pro gram was pren-nted by tne tirst prad pupils, who were carefully trained by Mrs. P. M. WMbor. the teacher of that Krade. All thcllttlc lots acquitted them selves in a most crnlitable manner, which reflect grtat credit upon their teacher. Tne lommencement ercles ol tho Kiauimer school were of a high order. All the vo.niK lady laduatrs were dicrst-d in spotless wliile, which showed FOR SALE run bred Mammoth Hronze Turkeys from the fniuoim WihhI nrd and Minimis strain Toum rAK) each. Trliw I0.U Kkkm for Imtvlilnir :t.&0 for it Ht'ttliijr. of U. Ihirred Plviuoiith Hock CitckerelH i.riii ti narreti riyiiiimin Itock and S. (' llrovvii l.t'tfluirn ckkh $IM per eottliiK. of CI SettliiL'H from the famntia In dian lUtuiicr Duck 1.M for l. llntchlnuH from three ltuportcd Ihirred Hock liens with reconlM of MMot-lu? cgKH in Mil days i-i.W Hr wllinc. iimpcciinn iiiviicii. Adilrww FIUNK HiMlKHS, tyiii''',v'''Hi,j. " - v. .MAHSHFIKU) OHF.UON the event what it was, a ttrnnd succesc The tai;e dtcorr lions were beautiiul and stiiflciftit to give a complete air to The "Macs proph cy" by Myrtle, IVn nock, was ably written and well delivered Tne Valedictory was written by Stella (iolden in bebaii ol the leathers pre tented Mis Susit- Kickwortb with it, beautiful nivenier in recognition ol her ever willing services in Hesitiug the. i the participants and all surroundings. yuovnu and was very well del v red Ptolesror Uolden. the corps ol teach ,mbowed much painstaking stn-'y. ers, the school board and mlnisteree of Tjwe Biduating ! Myrtle IVn-' the various churche were seated ou thet nDC(, Eva Coke, Delia Chapman, Stella! stage forming a sem'clrcle, the grdu- QdIovsou, Samuel Marsden, HayTibbetis atea and representative of the 1W3 class Lmj Thomas Nielson. beidg a part thereof, the whole, embel-( The receipts ai the dir were tt.4U . ished with the decorations, lurking a I At the close of the exerci-es i'lofessor pleasing effect. The musical portion of the eveuing'a entertainment waa probably tbe finest ever rendered, in Marshfield on any oc casiou and was thoroughly appreciated j , efforts of the school. I by the larve audience and tbe highest j The banner awarde to the tlrst grade' praise is due to each and every one ol j-mj 7t, nd 8th grade, those who took part. ' ... The salutatory. Pieteuatiou of Cla.s Sciatic Rheuuiatisui Cnretf After Mantle, acceptance fur cltus llJ3 an J the valedictory aud other papers, all i Fourlceu Years of Sufienu", show a high standard of work and the, "1 have ben atll ctel with Kiaii citizens ol Marahfield are and ought to iJiiuui-tlVni lor loo'."i )".'! "A Jurh .dgur, ol Ueruiuutowu, Lai. i be justly proud of their school. Col- was able in be around tint oiiirUntl) might be written in laudation of 1 Jh fjft' KimbE the various parte of the piogram. I'o1 Iain's I'mn Ualui, which I did and was s.y that one and all did honor to them ZtlZ'Jfuy , tt selves, and their effort apeak highly not a nee leiurned." Why dot us ilii forouriustitution of learning. hn.meut and get well? Il i. formic ti Johul'ieiMs Miss Davis in the salutatory did very nicely. Although her themo whs jme- what lengthy, the audiauce showed in tercet throughout and we predict a bright future (or tbe young lady. "Public Opmiou" wastheuexltLeme, by 'Fred M. Hofer and was delivered ' tairly wed considering he waihuoniy one of the sterner sex among tms bevy of "Sweet Girl Graduates." Following this waa one of the finest numbers of the evening the presentation and acceptance of the "Clau Mantle" by Mnw Alice McCormauaud Tom lieu , uett 01 tbe claes of 11K)3. Mies Alice's Theme "tsilent Influences" showed a great deal of thought and study and 'delivered in a masterly manner. The passing of the Mantle from the Senior to the Junior claes is always a more or less impressive ceremony and this occaseion was no exception to-tbe ruie. Mr. Uennett, who is noted for al ways being equal to the occasion, did himtell proud. His delivery waa with that ease and grace which is the gift of every true orator. And last but by no means least the valedictory, by Miaas Johnson deserves special mention. She handled her subject, "Things to think about" in a very entertaining and interesting man ner and the parting words to the school board, teachers and class mates were expressive of love, gratitude and sincerity. Prof. Golden, who has brought most ol these young people through the larger portion of their school life can justly feel proud at having retained the full re spect uud confidence of bis class to the end and it must have been a pleasure to him 'in handing them their well earned diplomas. The graduates were bountifully re- F.Hnaim A Hen not I HANK, IMHKCI'OHs5 T U.Sht'M ilan.J W lli'iiMHi. IMtKS ; mul . II FhiiiHi'Hii. VI K I'HKS . It. F. WiIIimiii. CXSHIKH Capital, $50,000. II llll'lt-.l.l itS..-. We promptly obulo U, a and fortlin iM4im Hcnl model, I ketch or pboto ol tnvrntlcn (or irvereponoa jAicnUMUtr. ror fre took, i-u-riHUDE-ilUBKS "" MlUillfJ M'WAlklll If tm m m Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. BICYCLES BELOW COST 1 MODEL thn $9$I5 tffm mm ml mi Him i m iwaiiai' ua 01 3 i L.krwlarv! tnallHl. mallV flrCVMl H I1PW.. Tlrrt, ultinint.iiiniTrle.portlniroorUklDdf M rruuUf nrWMaojrtiU(rtiunilrTCUlotf. A KwldorinfornUoo WIUforll. knd tnhlMl ahamolo iuimn(iil hievcln. In your sDre time you can rnakcvfOlo BinED IftCUTC UflllTCn In each town to rlflo niucn nui.n vi naniw iuio wmlnl i1.vr1n In vmip iin&rii limit m .! lxilrliw fi&Tlnir m wIkm;! In rliln tor vourwlf. W WAHTi reliable person In each town to uuirltrate catalogues rorujin ei5niofor ablcyolo. WHte Utdmy tor f r-e catalotrueaml ourp-ln;jr. J. L. HEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III. ULnl i iTSaw'-w' UNY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING! ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERNTAN, OF BALTIMORE, EAYSt ' IUi.timokk, Mil.) March jo, GtntUwun . DeiaK entirely cured of deafneu, thanks lo your treatment,,! will now Kite you rnu aiMory or my ctir. to ne ua t your aiKreiiun, awui nvi my hearing ir I underwent a treatment lor catarrh, for three montha. without any tuoccsa,conmicu a limn lurnl nhvklciam imnni ntlmi Ih. mn.t rmllirtil rar .tvrlallit of Ihll cilVi WfllO loll lilt that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head nolaes wouJ4 About five years ago my right ear began to slog, and this kept on Kttlln8 WOrK. until 1 !xt hearing in this ear entirely. , . I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three montha. -without any tuoccsa,conultcd a nutn of phynidana, among othera, themot eminent eur special Ut of this city, who told me that ouly an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that tne neati noiaec woujh then cease, but the hearing In the affected ear would lx lout forever. . , , I then mw ypur advcrtUenent acddenUlly in a New York paper, and orilcrcjl your treaJ. went. After I had ukiI It only a few days according to yMr dlrectiona." the froleceoed. and to-day. after five week, my hearing In the dlseated ear hanrecu eutlre.lyre4(orod. I th faeartily and beg to remaiu Vry truly your. -'' r. A. v;i.ilrt.l, 7JWO, liuauvr7, Ji"ii, thask you Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation ujm.n.ionsand YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT HOME "aXZ.191" WllMKWHkl AURAL CUNIC. 596 U 3AI LE AVE CHICAGO. Hi . . lm T 'rtjL V." t, in V ft ft ft ft MJilM. XKWH 1KAIKK AND AtlKNT 1. n t i kT Wnu Frn iu Ih o ImTiPI1 'iTr'Ti Tf iTTI irnj'nTE All tli'ti" I mi ill iik M it k nx I II tM. cUTTi.inrv an i) v u a y i n v aji vr S it h m c r I i t I n n h fur it I i n ii r h a n il i i r I o il I c it I h . Kim1 clKurn mul tnlmrrn. i Stiitloiury, Jcvvi'lry, imtiniiH M a 1' I ev ft m ' I IMlllS T 4tt (Il t'.'b Qnartn ' " 7 07 m Hi (InU " ' ,W In Iih iIimm jrimn iia si 1 1 1 .. M 'l-r,l, .. oV.iWc.lrfK' M II A C A lll,,,",",lrl,,,,,'"ll, 'M I VI V II W I JUx Imm,2 ilor. Mill, al 111 ri aJ If lM.v 'J lo anil lo UI Jl V vf i 1 Op.'iiJ.lly nimlilrr. '.M iloa lihU L'.'hi'JHc. IKK: M m Car ! 1 arrival Apr 21. Factory V liali oi irlu. Kuktiuii uinhIm. m r I I hv( whllf glai. Tops tit to puifff- . wv - ' H"t Mtson jars in Han I A II L Francia . Onlnr !'. ii'iiptly anil M I K 'hirUNf.Yfrom M I n J ISMITHS'l ' CASH STOKE Va . I No. a market stucct, a, r. aflB Mt Caa ptlo-lltt ry I SK 11 UMBER EEfffElY fUfA tMJMMAlMVflEflMMllaMEtflllEftt tftaWltYl C ftrtA armdm 9umrmnmtl 1BQ2 MODELS thn Uyii ovt riitx'K or ono or tne u-ai Known wwwwiicioflm 0( n,0 cotiniry. MurfU hv n atono-half cosL Four Modmla 1900 and 1V01 Models 3. $7 fO $11 ' Cutalotjuea with lari;o photrxjrapfiic cngravimis una t full dctuilod ppccilicatlons sunt free to any uddrcsa. ' Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL to nnyonc In U S ' or Cuuuda vnthwit a cent t'n adcancc aiid ullow 10 BAYS FREE TRIAL Yffoffi? no rlBtt in ordcrint,' from ub, na you do not need to pay a cent If tho bicyclo docs not Biilt you. SOO SECOND-HAND WHEELS takon in trado byonr Chlfaco rttalttl ores. Sja fn tSB rrllklrxlf atMrruuUr i That is what we have to sell, and we nan fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guarantee and the price is right. OUR STOCK INCLUDES anything required in Fir, Spruce, -, Red and White Cedar. '' SIMPSON LUMBER CO. phone Mam i5i, North Bend, Ore Rest and Comfort. Them) riiihHtuiitlul tuuttrcHHCH nru HlCOp lllVltlTH Tluty uro comforJahlnyid will ntnlii their Hiirlnf.'l riPHH"for yourn. .Mmlu In two jiIccch or nil In ono nioco. ThcHo hunk niutreHHdH, with cotton face itnO'litnl to nll-halr ami cont a Kreat deal li'HH liionoy. Qhristensen 5g Johnson imMiim.11..mMH,.MaB..T1fnBnl)ti I IIA'I wo use no Injurious chemicals and only the very best of soap and we guamn'l ,m nit. tj .tau luvfiuilMil mrAflwrn CLOTH ES. Launtlrv work can be re. turned in 12 hours after receipt. Remember we employ white labor only. Follow- ij li, A. uooge, iKflnery an! weTjjff'T wl'irjffl1" TlU jmg nrc some of our agents: George Lorcnr, IlanJon; N. Lotcnr, Coqullle Myrtle Point: Slj; Hanson, North Bend; J. Morgan, Umpire, COOS RAY STFAM I AIINnRY il5 AVrflTWM umimiimMMtmmmmiam&m m