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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1902)
V i . TT TIMIIKIl LAND. ACT JUNK H, 1B7B,--' NOTIOKI'ORI'PIJLICATION. United Slates Land Oflico, Knsubtirit Or. My m, luw. Nollco In hereby given Hint in compll. nnco with tliii provisions of tlio nut of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, ontlllctl Am net for tlio unto of timber hinds in tlio Btati'H of Cnllfornln, Oregon, Nnvndn nml Washington Territory," tin extended to nil tlio Puhlta Lnnd States by nut of August I. 18112, KDWAK1K1. ILANAHAN, of Alnrsliflulil, county of Ooo, Htnto of Oregon, ban this dny film! In (IiIh olllco IiIh sworn Muttuni'iit .No. 2115, foj tlio purchase of tlio 8W1-4 of Section No. 12 In Tovwtshlp No. 20H, Itnnun No. 1 1 W nml Mill offer proof to show t lint thu land nought In moro valunblo for ltd timber or mono thnn for ngrlultnrnrpurpoffH,nnd to iliililinh IiIh clnlm to null laud beforo W. U, Douglas, U. H. Commissioner for Uri'Kon nt Mnrrtifklil, Orison, on Frl dov, tlio 1st dny of August, 1002. Ho iinnif . iih wltni'MUB! (loorgo W. lfc-nle, W. 1. Murphy, Aniiln II. Finn a. tun nml Ulnuchu K. Hhort, nil of Marsh fluid, Oregon. Any nml nil ponons claiming ndvorse ly thu nlmvo-di'scrlhrd lands nru reitioet (il to II I n tliulr claims In thin olllro on or before tnld Htduvor August. 1002.. g-gl J.T. Hit! 1)0 KH, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3, IH78,- NOTJCK FOIt PUBLICATION. United Stales Lam! Olllco Roioburg, Or, May I.", W, Nollco In buroby given tbat in compli nnco with tbu provMoni of tlio net of Congresiiof Juno II. 1H78, untitled "An net for tbu salo of tlmbor lumU In, tbu Hfntetof Cnlllornl.1, Oregon, Novmln, nnd WnthluutonTuirltory," as extend od to nil tlio I'ubllc Luiil States by nut of August I, 1892, WILLIAM P. MURPHY, of Marohllold, county of Coos, Main of Oregon, l.tiu thin dny (lied in tbln olllco bin nwurn MutiMiifiit No. 2139. for tbu ptirt'lianitof tbu NorthcnM quarter of r-Vcllon No. 11 in Township No. 20 S, Range No. U Weit, nnd will offer proof to show (bat tbn lnml sought is inoru valuable for its timber or stouo tbnu for agricultural purport?, and 'tb.eMoblMi bis clrtlm to mill bind Iwforo V. U. Douglas, U. H. Comiiiifduiii'r for Oro con nt Mnriblluld, Oregon, iu W mines dny, tho 30th dny of July, 1C02. He names ns wituom': Alvln Kinltb, J two Hinltb, George llenlo, K, (J, Flan agan of Mnrtbllulil, Oregon. Any nml nil perron nininilns; adverse y lliuiihovu-Moicrlhcd Inudsnnt request ud to lllo their clnitun In tills nlllco'on or ' before rnld 3llth dny of July. 1002, VM J,T. BRIDGl'S, Register. wwwmnmoi i ipwwmwMii-Mi Opening of Tciiucsscr Central Nrfebvlllu Tenn., May 27: Thu entry of tho II r&t train over the now Tennessee Central rnllrond was rnndo tho occasion for thu gala celebration ir Nashville to day. Thu trnin wns mot at Lebanon by Governor McMIIIInu, Mayor Iicml and a untnblu delegation of buaincpa men. Its nrrivnl in tbu eity wns signalized by tho blowing oi ulilntlcH, tho ringing of bells nml thu booming of cannons. A big pnrado of military, civil nnd fratcr mil ordurtJ followed Kb nrrivnl, Seattle Terminal for Asiatic Line Heattlu, May 27 Tlio Great Northern Railway company line decided to mako thin city thu chief eastern terminal of its Kreut lino of Asiatic steamships. It iu eniil, uuofllclally but on relinblu au thority, that tlio .IIill interests Intend building up n largo transcontinental, transpacific, coaitwieo and local trade. Hevornl Hinnll stenmubipa already luwe bcon ptirchneed to uiiKncn in thu local and l'UKot Sound trade. Tho two great ocean freighters, now under conruo of construction, iu n Bhort tlino will be renify to pluco on the run botweou thin city nnd Asiatic porta, , Salvation Army Celebrates Now York, May 28: Cnrneglo Hall la to bo tlio ECimoof great timeH tonight when tho Salvation Army lada nnd las lIou nHBomblea to colebrato thu twenty cecond anniversary of tho organization. Tho mooting will bo conducted by Com tnundor Booth Tuclcor nnd his wlfo, tbu Tho Commandor will give nn nddrosB on tho "Retrospect nnd pros pectfl of tho Balvntlon Ariny," nipl tho 'coneul w'llVBp'olf'bn 'Womnn'a I'laco and Work in the World." Tljtoiill LAND, ACT JUNJ4 3, 1878.- NOTIOK KOlt I'UIiLIOATION. United Htntes Lnnd Ofllre, Itosblmrir, Or. m,, ir ion.. if iimi it. in of Vim Jii of -o ?x W. .??L. Y, I Notlco Is hereby Riven nnou with tho provision o viiiinui uiiiiii ii. iniii iiiuiLii'ii ii ii ni'L iiii Kromof Juno ;), 1U7H entitled tbonnloof iltiilior lands In tho HtalMol.TIMHKK LAND, ACT J UNH 3, Cnllfornln, OreKon, Noviuln nnd Wni-h- knvinw vnu ninir thatk Inglon Territory," fts extended to nil tho ' ,N?!,,0K 0U.1'Ui S , I'ubllo Li nil Slates by net of August 1, ANNIB II. KLANAUAN, of Mnrsbfield, county oi Cooe, Htnto of Oregon, lino tlilJ dnv filed In thlHollico her sworn ntnlemi'iit No, 2111, for the pur chnto of Hi" NWI-i oi Seellou No. 12 In Townchlp No. 2(1 8, Kongo No. II Y, nnd u 111 offnr proof to show Unit tho land sought is morn vnliinbh for its timber or Btouitthnn for agricultural pu rpoces, nnd to estnbllrb her elnliu tilcnlil hind beforo W, U. DoukIiib, U. 8. Comml'sioner for Mnrhfltld Oregon, on Friday, tho 1st day of August, 1002. Hho names nn uitnoeces: Onorgo W. llente, AV, P. Muriby, H. O. 'lnuaunn, nml Hlnncho K, Short all of Mnrshfleld. Oregon. Any and nil perrons claiming ndvorto ly thoiibovo'drdcribi'd lauds nrfc request ed to fllo their clnims in this ofllcu on or beforo tnld let tiny of August, 1002. r2l J.T.HItllJflKHKoxlittor. TIMBKIl LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878.- pry Alvlu Smith, ! uU'of Mnrihilold N0T10K VOJl PUBLICATION. j Oregon. United States Land Olllco. Uoroburir, Or. Any nnd n',1 poreom: claiming ndverse Mny 14, 1002, ly tho nbovo-descrlbed Innds ore rcquett Noltco is hereby given tbnt In complf- ed to file their elnlme iu this office on or nnco with tho provisions of tint net of beforo said 28 dny of July, 1002. Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An T-17p J.T. ItltlDOES.ltugister. net lor tho snlu of timber Unds In tho Htntes of Cnllfornln, Oregon, Nevada nnd Wnihlngtnn Territory," usextonded to nil the Public Land Stales by net of August . IMI2, WILLIAMS. NORMAN, of Kntohurg, county of Dutiglnt. fitnto of Oregon, linn this dny filed in this olllcn his sworn stntemeut Np. 2120, for thu rmrclinm of tbo NW1-1 of Section No. 28 in TownMip No. 25, Ilnngu No. iniv ....i ff..r Lrnni m .Uu, Hmt the land souebt is moro vnlnablc for ltd timber or htono thnn for agricultural .,m.,...,- n..,i , ,.i,i.iui, i... ni.i... in' cald Uiiil boforo tbo Register nnd p,.,.i... ni ii. i. niii.... ... tfL..!.,.... n. ....,...;... ..... . ... ..wr,.,,.,h, y.. . on tuehlny, tlio uo oay oi August, iiw-. lie nnrnes as wltneseci: William L. Dysluger, Jompb N. Weatborbv, Klljsb II. Otev, nnd Julius Johnson, nil of Kino. burr Oregon Any ami till pnrioua claming adversely tlics aboviMloserllml lands ardrenuestod to lllo their clnims In this .0 flint nn or lHforo said 20 dny of Auuiist. 1002. 5-21-p J. T. IIKIUOUS, Itegiater. TIMRKH LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTION FOR PUBLICATION. .Oregon. t!litt,.,l fimt.wi ljim Olllro llntiiburir Or A,,y nd " perrons clnlmlng advoree Uliltcd btatos Itna OIIIlo. icoii nurfc. ur. . . ' above-described lands aro reonest- .Mil) II, inu. auco Jonsrff m of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Con net for thesnlo of timber Innds In tho States of Cnllfornln, Oregon, Nevada, nml Washington Territory," ns extend ed tf nil thu Public Laud States by net of August I. 1802, WILLIAM li. intiitfUI'.U, of Roteburg, county of Douglas, Stnto of uregon, nns iuih uay ihwi hi una uihcq hi sworn statement No. 2127, for tho purchano of tho NK1-I of Si-etlon No. 28 In Township No. 25, Range No. 10,V and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is moru vnluablo for its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and tfuntahlich IiIh claim to paid lnml be fore tho Register nnd Receiver ef this olllco at Roreburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, tlio 20 day 01 August, iwi, llu names as witiieeses: JoBoph N, Wciitlierliv. William 8. Normnn, Klijab II. Otey, Julius Jobiuou all of RoEuburg, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming ndvorse Iv tbo nbove-detcribed Inudu nru ro quested to fllo their elnimB iu this olllco on or beioro snld 20 day of August, 1002 5:2 t,p J. T. BRIDGKS, Register. TIMIIKIl LAND, ACT .'UNK3 1878- NOTK'K FOR PURUCATION. United Status Land Olllco Roaoburg. Or., May (Itli, 1002. Notlco Is lioroby given that in compli ance with tho provielonB of thu act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for thu salu of timber lamlo iu tho Stntea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extonded to all th'u Public Land States by act of August -1. 1002, KUflKNK R. JONK3. of Mnrohfleld, county of Coo. Stnto of Oregon, has this day filed in this olllco Ills HW'orn fliaiemeni xno, acov, ior uio pureliaso of tlio Sl-2 of N Wl-I, 8W1-1 of NK1..1 nmlNWL4of 8W1 -lot Section No. 22 inTowiiBblp No. SOS Range No. 11 V, and will olTur proof to ehow tbnt tho land sought iH moru vnluablo for ito tlmbor or stono than for agricultural purposes. nnd to e&tnbllah tits claim to Hunt innu boforo W. U. Douglas, u. b. comnus clnnnr for Orocon at MnrBliflold, Oregon, on 'Saturday, tho 20 day jof July, 1002. 'JHp,nnmCB bb WHU08sos;,ww. a, umn. of Fnlrvlow, Oregon; F. J J. Toy lor. of Falrvlow, Oregon; M, J. Wilson, of Fnlr vlow, 6rrgoi; W. 13. Andorson, of Manthfleld, Orfgon. ' Any mm all per none rlnlmlui; niivcrco I ly Hi" nbove-denerlbed latid arrcriiiU " 0I tlieir claims In this ofllcu on or ' ,,0'oro "M iy f Jly. mi' 5-17 i J. T. 1JHI tJCl J5H, HcKlslor. 1878.- IOATION, United Htntes Land OfDco, Hotebura, Or, May utn, vii t'otlco Is hereby kIvcii tlint In compll no co with tbu provisions of tho net of Uoncrofo of Juno 3. JH7H. entitled "An act lor tlio m I j of timber latidfi In tho Htntes of Onlifornlii, Oregon, Novndo, nnd WatliliiKton Territory," nn'-xtended to nil tho Public Lund titates by net of August 3, 18112. ISRAEL LANDO, of Mnrtblleid, county of Coos, Btafn of Oregon, has this dny filed in this oilko bis sworn ntnuoiont No 2302, for tbepur ehnuo of tho Bl-2 8W1-I & NK1-1 8W1 4 of tfecllou No 22 in Towuthip No 2(1 8 Jtatigo No. 11 W, and will offer pipo( to Miow that tbu land (ought U moro valua ble for its timber or htotio tbnu for nuri- culturnl purposes, nnd to estnblfsh his clnlm to said land beforo W. U. Douglas, U. 8. CoinmfsMoneror Oregon nt Wn,sb , field, Oregon, on Monday, tbu 28 day of Ilo mimes akwitnenres: James Hut- TIMUKK LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878- NOTIOIi I'OK PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofllcc. Koaobnrg, Or. Jay 0, 1602. Notlco is hereby given that iu compli ance with tho provisions of thu net of Cou-rresa of Juno 3. 1878. entitled "An net for tbo rnlu of llmbur Unds In tho StnUit of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Wnsincton lorritorv." as extonu l Ut all tbu Public I-and htatos by act Au",'t .UH'Wt.v a unnvv CLAYHOUKN A. MOOIth. of Pendleton, county of Umatllln.Slato of OrcL-oii. bns this dny llleu In tins oi ,..."',..,., u. qn(l, f--,! "tu "" """"""""'r,"l7 ' 5 .5n purennso oi uio anii oi occuua . n l0"'"' ho- 2, 8, Uonw No. II W. "d will oner proof to chow tbat tho Innd sought is moru vnluablo for its timber or "tonu than for agricultural purnoiea. and Jo estnblleb bis claim to enld land be- fore W. U. Douulns. U. 8. ConjtnlsBloner for Oregon nt Marsbllelu, Oreuon, on Mondny. tbo2S day of July, llK)2, Ilo nnmes ns witnesses: John J. Kroubolm. Jr.. JnmcB llutchceon. Alvln Smith, Jesse A. Smith, nil of Marshflold, , ... ,i..Ilr -Inl,,,- In tliln nfllr nn nr t fcy ttiu iivii fj -... w w c"17 J. T. BKIIJbLS, IU Register. TIMIIKIl LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTICK FOR. PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Ofiko, Roeeburg, Or. MayO, 1002, Vnlli-A tp horn liv plvcn tbnt in couitili- nc0 wjn, tho tho provisions of tho act 0( Congrcsaot Jtino;i, ia7,oniiuen-'An act for tho eslo of tlmbor lands in the States of California, Oregon, Novadaand Washington Territory," ns oxjouded to all tho Public Land States by Act of August -1, 13112. BKN'JAMIN Q. ANDKRjjON, of VlfBlla, county of Tulnro. Stnto of Culifornin, has this dny filed in this olllco IiIh sworn stntomont No. 2370, for tbo nurclinsH of tho SKI 4 of Sec tion No. 0 in Township No. 2d S, Range No. W, and will offor proof to show that tho land sought Ih moro valu ablu for Ub tlmbor or stono than for ng riculturnl purposes, nnd to cstnblleh his clnlm to raid Innd beioro tho Register nnd Rccrlvor of this olllco at Roseburg, Oregon on Wednesday, tbo 20 day of August, 1002 HonamesnBwltneseoe: ChnrleH Thorn, of Roseburg, Orogon; Harry Thomas, of Roseburg. Oregon; Krnost Dlnglev of Visnlin, Cnllfornln; Albert J. Campbell, of Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming cdverEe ly tbo above-doccrlbcd lands nro request ed to fllo their claims en tbiB olllco on or beforo Biiid20 day of August, 29v2. 5-17 p J. T. BRIDGKS, Roglator. TIMBKR LAKD, ACT JUNK 3, 1878- NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. United Stntoa Lnml Oilko, Rose burg. Or. May 0, 1002. Notlco ia hereby given tbnt incompli ance with tho provisions of tho net of CongroBB of June 3, 1678, ontltlod "An not for tho pulo of tnnuor Innds in tho Stntea of California, Oregon, Nevada nnd Washington Territory," na extended to nil tho Publlo Lnml Stntoa by not of August 4, 1802, KMMANOBLK, of Mnrshfleld. county of Coos, Stato of Oregon, has tills day filed in this olllco his sworn statement No. 2H70, for the purohaeoot the SWl-lot NWt-4, Wl-2 pi eWHSeq25,.8Elr4.of SK1-A of Sec tion No; 20 In .Township No 23 .8, Range No, 13 W, and will offor prool to show , i tbat tho land sought'lfl'moro'yaliiablo for, ltn Umbo and clone tjimi fo'r ngrlcul (iirial (iiirpoecs, nnd tijotablisb hisdnim to said bind leloro W. U. DouglnH, U. 8. Cotiinilesiont1 r for Oregon At Marsfjflold, Oregon, on Taccday, tbo 22 day of July, 1002. Ho names as witnesses; Frank Bow ron, of Lake, Oregon; Nellie Rowron, of Lake, Oregon ; Nancy Noble, of Marsh flold, Oregon ; W. II. Noble, of March field, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands itni wjnert ed to file tholr nlaimn Ju this oflico on or before 22 days of Julv, I0n2. 5-17 J. T. DRI1JUK8, Register. TIMBKR LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. , United States Land Office, Roeeburg, Or May 8tli 1002, Notlco in hereby givon tbat in compli ance with tho provision of tbo act of Congress of Juno 3. 1878. entitled "An act for tbo halo of limber landa in tbo States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wnihiticton Territory," as extend ed to nil tbo Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802, JOHN WALL, of Muribficld, county of Coos, stato of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofllcc bis Bworn statement No. 2309, for the purchase of thoSl-2SWl-4, 8W1-1 SKM Sec 27 and NW1-4 NK1-1 of Section No. 31 In Township No 20 8 RangoNo. 11 W, and will offer proof-to tlio w tbat tbo land sought is moro valuable for its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his niaitn to said land beforo W. U. Douglas, U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon at Marehfleld, Oregon on Satur day, the 20th dny of July. 1902 lio nnmei as n itnmes : Otto Kcrnurc. of Marshfleld, Oregon; James II. Wall, of Marshfleld, Oregon; James Wall, of MArshfield, Oregon; F. R. Taylor of Falrvlow, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tbo nbovc-deccribed lands nro request ed to fllo their claims in this olllco ou or beforo said 20 day of July, 1002. 5-17 J.T. Bninous, Register. TIMBKR LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878- NOTipK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oflico, Roseburg Or. May 8th, 1002. Notice ia hereby given that In compli ance with t)iu provisions of tbo act of Congross of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho talo of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' na extended to nil tbu Ttiblic Land Stntos, by act of August 4, 1502, ROMUALD C. CORDES. of Marshfleld, county of Coos, Stnto of Oregon, lias this day filed in this oflico nls sworn statement fio. zwz, ;or too purchato of tho SKM of Section No. 7 in Township No 20 S Rnngo No. 11 W, ami will offer proof to ehow that tho land sought is moro valuublo for its tim ber or stono thnn for agricultural pur poses, nnd to establish his claim to said land' beforo W. U. Douglas, U. S. Cora mlBbioner for Oregon nt Murehflpld Oro gon s "on Friday, 23 day of July, 1002. He names as witnesses: JohnPJorce, Ben Schuyler, Kmmot PiercoandO. K, Smith all of Marehfleld, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly tho abovu-do8cribod lands aru request ed to file their claims hi thin oflico on or before said 20 day of July. 1002. 5-17 J.T. BRIDGKS, Register. TIMBKR LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878- NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. United Statca Land Oflico, liosoburg, Or. May 8, 1002 Notico la hereby given tbat in compll- ancu with tlio provisions of tho act of Congress of Juno 3. 1S7S. entitled "An act for tho salo of timber lands in thu Stntea ofiCalifornio, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," ns extonded to all tho Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802, HARRY SIMONS. of Marshflold. county of Coos, stato of Oregon, haa this day filed in this oflico ins Bworn statoment tfo.:Hu:j lormo pur- clituo of tho SW1-1 of Section No. 20 iu Township No. 20 S Range No. 11 W, nnd will ottor nroot to snow mat tnu innu sought 19 moro vnluablo for its timber or Btono tuan for agricultural purposes. nnd to establish hla claim to eaid land boforo W. U. Douglas, U. 8. Commie Blonor for Oregon m Marshfleld, Oregou, on Katuntny, tno i'o uny 01 jmy, iuus. Ho unmoa na vituosees : F. R. Taylor. of Fnlrvlow, Oregon, W. A. Flinn of Fnlrvlow, Oregon, W. II. Morgan of iMiualuiolii, uregon, v. A. iJauer, ot Mnrshfleld, Oregou. Auy nml all poreona claiming nuvoreo- ly tno nlovo-uescrncu lanua nro requost e'd to fllo their clnima in this olllco on or boforo eald 20 dny of July, 1002, 5-17 J. T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stntoa Lnnd Oflico, Roeeburg. Or, Mny 8 1002, Notlco la horoby given tbut in compli ance with 4110 provisions of tho act of Congress qf, Juno, 3, 1878, entitled "An not for- tho,' snloof timber lands in tho Stntea of California, Oregon, Novada, and .r. tei. mtmim" WaMngton TwlloryfttkienStStfSQ all tbo Public Land States by act o! August 4, lf02, - ' ' WILLIAM I. BONEBRAKE, of fllarshfleld, county of Coo, Stalo of Ortgon. lias this day filed in thin office his sworn ntaf ement No,2105 for tbo pur cbaso of tlio 8E1 4 of Section No. 22 iri Township No. 20 8, Range No, 11 W; and will offer Jproof to show that . I ho laud sought is more valuahlo forifs tim ber or Btono than for agricultural pur poses, and to ostablleh his claim o said land beforo W. U. Douglas, U.' 8. Com-' mis&loner for Oregon nt Marshfleld Ore gon, i n Friday, tho 26 day of Julv, 1002 Ho names as wttuceeo: William F. Conkliu, John J. Kronholm, Jr., P'nnk Smith, J.M. Hutcboson, all of Martfleld, Oregou. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly the atove-deecribe3TandB"aro rpouesti bd to fllo their claims in this oflico on or beioro said 25 day of July, 1002. D-17p J.T. BRIDGES, Register. timber land, act june 3, 1878 Notice for publication. - United States Land Oflico Roeeburg Or. May 8, 1002. - Notico ia hereby given tbat in com pi i nnco with tho previsions of tho act of Ojngress of Jonu 3, 1878, entitled "An act of for tbo sale of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon,". and Washington Tctrltory," as extend ed to all tlio Public Land States by net of August. 1002. t JOHN J. KlfONHOLM, Jr., nf Marshfleld, county of Coos, Htato of Oregou, has tnis dav filed in this ofllcu hiasworn statement No. 24Q1 for tho pur chase of tho 8W1-4 of Section No. 23 ih Township No. 208 Range No. 11 W, and will offor proof to (how that tho land sought Is moro valuablo for its timber or stouo than for agricultural purposes, and. to establish his claim to said land bo foro W. U. Douglns, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marshfleld Oregon, on Friday, tho 25 day of July, 1902. Ho names' an witnesses: W. I Conk lln, J. M. Hutcheson, Frank Smiln, William Boncbrakc, all of Marehfleld, Oregon. Any and nil persona claiming adverse ly tbo abovc-defcrlbed lands am request-' ed to file their claims in tbis office on or beforo eald 25 day of July. 1002. 5-17 J. T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Oflico, Rosebnrg, Or. May 9, 1002. Notico is hereby given tbat in compli ance with tbo provisions of tho act ofCou grcsn of Juno 3, 1S78, entitled "An ndt for thn sale ot timber lards in the States of California, Orcgon,Nevada, andWaeh incton Territory," ns extended to all tho Public Land Statca by act of August 4, 1892, ERNEST L. DINGLEY. of Visalla, County of Tulnro, Stajo 61 Callforna, has thisday filed in this cilice hla sworn statoment No. 2374, for tbo Surchase of tho Lots No. 3, 4, 5, beine Wl-4 NE1-4 of Section No. 0, in Town? ship No. 20, Rango No. 10 W and viU offor proof to ehow that tbo lnnd sought in mote valuable for ita timber or Btono thnn for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land beforo tfjo Rcviater ana Receiver of this oflico nt Rosuburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 20 dav of August, 1002. Ho names as witnesses: Chnr.'esThom, Harry Thomas, Albert J. Campbell 6f Roseburg, Orogon, B. O. Anderton, cf YlBiiiiu, unmurniu. Any and all persons claiming adverse" r ly tbo above described lands nro request ed to file their claims in this office on or beforo eald 20 day of August, 10D2. 5-17 p J, T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE3, 1878. NOTIOE FOI PUBLICATION. Uuitod States Land Oflkejloaoburg, Or. Mny 0. 1002. - Notico ia hereby glvqn tbnt in com." plinnco with tho provisions of the cct ot CongrcB r jhk-3. 1S78, entitled "An net for tho salo of timber lands in Ufa etatoa of California, Oregon, Ncvndn,nn. Washington Territory," aa extended to nil the Public Land Stntoa by net of Au gust 4, 1802, WINFIELD 0. BIOKFORD, of Mnrehflold, county of Coos, stnto pf Oregon, baa tula day filed in this ofllptj hia aworn statoment No. 23G9, for the purchaeo of tho Northeast 1-1 of Section No. 27, in Township No. 20 S, Ranga No. 11 West, anuVwill offor proof to ehow tbnt tho land sought ia more vnluablo for ita timber or Btono than for agricul tural purposes, nnd to establish his claim to said lnml before W. U, Doug las, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marshflold, Oregon, on Tueeday, tbo 22x1 day of July, 1002. Ilo names aa witnesses: F. R. Tay lor, M.J. Wilson, of Falrvlow, Orogon, W. II. Morgan, M. D. Cutlip, of Mar3h field, Oregon. n Any nnd nil porEona claiming adverse ly tho nbovo-described landa nro request ed to fllo their claimp in this olllco on or boforo eald 22d day 0! July, lOOSf 6-17 J. T. BRIDGES, Register.