?T3Jj? V Jl i ir. ) c K DITORIA'L -? k. r t.w , f Wlillc I linvo no objiictlon'to.thu as pirations of lil opponent, yet It tuums to mo tlio wlier plan to loavo lilin to FOR; SALE Uitt ANNI) CIIAMUKKLAIN. Tho Coon Hay Now nyi of J. I), Leo's . nddreiut horn: "Ho (otuiil fault with rimuiburlnln, rt'KnrtllriK hl Hilary us tltntrlct nttonwv of Miiltnoinnli county, hut forgot to i cotnplolo hid torm as niftooeor, boforo, surrondcrlnu tlin adieu. To roiliai whan , yourn assessment In hut linlf com-! plotod would unti.ll lorn to tho county I mill mlifht can so serious trouhto, n con- tlnoiicy rnilly avoided hy re-election ' l'nm hrM Mntnmoth llrnilZfl Turkey itoui tliiffnmoUfl Wood nnl und MiiiigtHi .Klniln Toms, fOAW enclK'J'riyH iu.w,Jvkk ior iniiviiinff f.y ,(,r " ""' Mt ' llnrred rljinotith Hock Cockerels 41 JO to O.fXV Itorred I'lyinoulli Itock nmi H. u iirown j,cgiiorn letting from, tho fninoiw In-, per nettlii 'MAHHIIFIKM) muntlon that ho (tan) la nt prewjnt yt"v H"1"" '' Bllor,ff' ilriiwIiiK his fnlrtry n superintendent ol J Without any attempt to urgo any tho ptinllontlnry whllo ho Is out stump. (:n(nR of n candidates I can not hut hiK lti into for tliv KopiiblltMins." I ..... .., i,,l(,ri..l8 of ,il0 countv .1. 1). Uhi draw a Hilary from thontato : w, ,MJ t.M,H.cluiy ,,jived hy tho obctlon ! of floOO a year. Mo Is absent an his c, , T UtlM fQr ,,,..,, i0 wl bo' tripo hat a fow days at a tlnm. "'"'..itl,!,,! the performance of his duties ! ahxmcu tniiknn n llttlo moro work for hi" d wm WfV0 oul ,,)h . ot ol.C(. , warden and rlark, who aro authorlwd ,fu nm'icath ,,ormt,. Ho will not to employ any extra help needed at hln ...nvo ,,, C0lity t0 patl.,, U,,R Jenr. j.pNMd. When ho returns to lilt post" WOfk whI(.h 0 onu j)Ut ,)l0 ono wno flw.atlinrl Interval ho denim up all ,r(ljnB tl ,, nllHviit yt hut will J nutters rr.iiirlfiK hit per,onl attention. Me., tlfc,y 0bulufaml servo out ! Chamberlain draws a ralary from tho ( ,,,. ,,... Mrj 0U8r j ,,nrtlcularlj statu of flOOO a year. Ho I devotlmr ,orlu,mto , jmvnK tho mpport uwl, all of hln tliur, from ilm Mart to Hi- fln- ,ir0,n.t.(j ,iport of hiti ontlro prty, in Uh of thocampnlKn, to nivocatliiK hln' aU(J f(jmo w0 ,,, ,umcMl In thu tl A HNlll'li:i.l own olrcllon, and If ho han mado any 0.K,BmK i,rty. . provUlona to havo hla olllclal dutlt-ij Tlml Iiu will ba elected nnd orvo tho adr.uately atttudfd to tho lct docn IM.0,,0 faUhiully UHfn-mor tliwru Is bnt not appear. j littlu doubt. It. K I'oiitkk. ' In Juttlco to Mr. Lit, tho implied lur ; i to Imi reoentiMl. Ho i ono ot the clean i " nt men In thu atato. Tho editor ot the ( Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Mail happen, to Imvn perMinal know-. Molrli:cll Ycnrs of Suncrinn lr.lK.i that In tho oiiiUu hat mixed ro-j 11cm1 wh fcJHt, Utlonn arhioK from tho fact that tho, rlit-uihrttiMii lor fourteen Jtart-." mv I Joeh Kiluwr, of GerniHiitowii. Cnl. "I Htulii fnrnlfliet" residence nml nii'pllt'i" WM u,)e jo li.. around hut roiiMianily , tho .uperlntendent of tho penitent!- -;; .JSIirJo'iTy1 SSlU" ary.Mr. l,.ed,,inot follow ,h u.n.1 !m;;;fey,t;;,:!d,C,n,iU,!n Hu,l..:"t exumplo of HvInK IiIkIi at nlato expenre, , unit) cured, and I am happy to my it hiia . not mnco lottmied." Why not lie thin hut it couicienciouily careful to pay O'ltl ,Ml,,(,i Htul uui well? It in for tale hy ol hmown pocket any exponeeii which ' Johnl'ioum, mlKht proH-rly lm termed exlraH. Tho iuilmatiou that ho In notdoliiK thorltht tiling now Is an Injuftlctt. i i'Krf l'T'f' Io'r, ttlilK. t 13 Hett liliri illiui Hilmii'C Duck IM tor S llatcliincrt fr,om tlirco Imported Uiirred Itock Iioji'h with rocordri of I5l-irf-ir7 i'krh iu WJ duyH 2ft) Iter fcuiiiu. iiiHpcciion inviico. Addrttw FHANK ItOdKltH. ORKOON Fhuiiigan A: Bennetl BANK, lilllKCTOKS: T. It. 8li.-ri-I,hi, J. V. Hrtiiiicit; l'RES : mid. II. KlniWKrtii. VICE I'KBB. : K. F. WilliHina. "AHIFIt. Capital, $50,000. . OKKIJOr Wo pmmi4lr obtain U. H. and Foreign kHUHti l""-'" w Hand moiiel.ikctcti or ntioto of InrenUoa tor fa-orotort on tatenUUIlty. For frte took, HowU)8ccuroTQnC IllPlfC write i-Btenu.nd InAUc-MMnrxo to rNu.inj ICVlLlk III I f n.iiUMii Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. Kn. Maii.: In iHilectinu Hon. H. I). Hum.) (or Joint Itepretuutulivn from Coon and Curry Couiitiea tho lopuhli-, emmhave dono a wiio think. Tothoroj nj who know tho two, a rompuritou of Mr. Hume, with hla opponent in llkocoiu parln Klltht hy doylltht with darkuerR. Mr. Hutno Km'm'H every iiiallflcatlon needed to tmtko mi Intelliuent nnd in lliienlinl repreroutativo. Hln (ervicoin tbu taut Ifgirlaliiiti wnH hiuli no to put him to tho fionl iu iulluuiice, and reul ervlce. Than r-'chiller U. Hormann, Coob eounty, ponrerrea no moro actlvo and loyal Republican. Ann worker ho Ih a l chip from tho old block, and thoeu who know hln father know what this hh'iuip. IUb hole lifo Iibm heen rpent in Bou.h ern OreKon and his inter bis aro each im to inuko him tin oopeulnlly ueoded momher of our lenielaturo jimt now. Htevo, our Stovo, who does not know him? An nherlff ho han mudo ono of tho heat tho county over hud, Ho has hoon faithful nnd truo. omtrtjotlo and careful. No duty han heou loft uufullllled. To rooloct him Ih hut juvtlui to a faithful oorviiiit. Ho will not liuvo to lenvo an other ofllcinl ponltloii and doBurt dutioH half fulfilled to accept tho olllco, hut will and can continue, in tho olllco to whioli ho has no fuithfully served, for tho past two yeaie, vri m nTA Cffl'ft!lJ lv f 1?fA flffAlKO him Mm MXIilll 7l ,H .' iSH BICYCLES BELOW COST 5000 .jr ,ty. && high tti-mOm guaranteed 10O2 MODELS tho iSWtnJh by tinatono'liairccnu Four Model; ..... " 1900 and 1901 ftlodels & $7 fo S Catalogues with Inrjfo photographic engravimts cut , full u.Kilieu piKJCiiJeutiono acnijrco 10 nny imureb Wo SHIP OiY AFPHOVAS. to anyone in U 3 ot Canada nlln.ut a ctnt in odrunco aiid allov m SOTS FREE TRIAL TSX5 x)o rSsi: ia ordcrlnir from us, ta you do uc nood to imy n cent if tho bleyclo (I003 not suit yoi VilMvji uu tj -" bw wws . ", tnkon n trtclo by our CliiraBO tmowu ore, cj o asnR:s5.w , i.i.. nu iin.itv raiAifiir. jl norm oi iuiui hwmwm si T prtc. Hi our RIDER AQEHTS WANTED teSi: J.L. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III YOU tbK HEAD DEAF? tWmiPr NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. 'Only thoso bom deaf aro incurable, HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. B . UiKBUAU .'OK BALTIMORE. SAYSl ' ' ...... ..nam Vt.l f.M.t.A 11.1 UlUltBt ., l.M J, Httr; DeltiK entirely etircti ot deAlntu. tnnnu ia j our ii iryof tuycAtr, lobeucil ntyoiir.lcrcllou. .... . tVmtm. ... m,n m 1 .lt, Jn t tk.ini It t n .1 II l (.till .lllfi llftlt my henrini,' In tiili car entirely. ..... ' 1 underwent a treatment for catnrrti, fpr three month, without any iiicccm, con n, nnioiiu oilier, incmojuncieoriiie?m..iui iiiiud, , w,ij Gtntltmt a run liiRiot AlKMlt I underwent n ireaimeui .or cawrrii, ipr mv niuiiiiin, wi V'?,.""-?-. terof i)lilclnn, oiiioiib other, the motJUmilnciit earecinlit o( Uiiicil inly an oiierntlon could help me, ua evemtliut only temiKirnrlly, tlut tn then ceaie. but the hearlnir In the aflectwt eurwoulil be Ut forever. I then ar ; IZZ . trcAtment, I will now Kte y.v; on Retting wore, until 1 latt nil nt n num- lin tntil me th.ct e head uoii.es wovil J itiienearinirintnciiecjeuT5wouiiiqui iixcvc.. ....M,. vour odvertlemei.t iccldemally In n New Yojk.ratcr. nnd pnterert yourtreil; ment. Alter 1 had ued It only fewllny according to your directtona. tnc uoihcticvn-tej. niv lienrt d. XVnrweek.Vy hea'riVI lenrtily cud licir torciualu Very truly your. . . , y " K WURMAN, 730 8' Uroadvray, Baltimore, Md. Owv tt'ctitmonc uocs not interfere wiui yuur n muii'iiunr, Wic YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME atllr; 7ERATjr:JAL AURAL CUMIC.59Q IA.SAUh' AVE., CHICAGO. W (2 1. ? W 0 RT'O'W NKWB DKAL'EK AND AGENT ii a t 0 h t H n 11 FranclHco nnd I' 0 r 1 1 n 11 tl laf 1 1 0 T All tho loading MngazinoHT OUT T L E Jt Y A HI) l'LA YI N O 0A It IJ H u h h c r 1 p 1 1 0 11 h for nil p n p 0 r 8 nnd p 0 r'i 0 d 1 c n I s . Fine clgnrH nud tohncco. Stationery, jewelry, notions . - 2 . 2 Pints wr rfrosa 0.42 QuarU 757 18 " 0.85 in less than srnas quantities per do. KTrf.lWc. B0e Ml (7 A 1m cPn 'i rubbers, drz 25 ASH rel.".,"M!'.2.':d:f..bs.'; kJ Vf 1 1 Open JHly trfmhler, 24 doz I bbls 25c28c30c Car loal arrival Apr 21. Factory basis ol price. KsMern coods. nt.r- 1 feet white glae. Tops fit to perfec- llnn I ... If. ! I C I A lit Franclsr'. Order P. onnptly and I A K N lrder nly nm iini 1 nv t V CASH STORE T No. 26 Market street, s. r. Ul wcpiltT-UM JOTT LUMBER m That is what we liave to sell, and we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guarantee! and the price is right. OUR ST0OK INCLUDES anything required in Fir, Spnice, Red and White Cedar. . -I . SIMPSON LUMBER CO. Phone Main HI. NOftll Mi, Ofe 'p Rest and Comfort. These substantial inattresjes aro sleep invlterri "They are comforluble niul will retnlu their "springi ness" for yeitrs. ilmlo in two pieces or all in ono , piece. These husk matresses, with cotton face are equal to nil-hair and cost n great deal less money. QllRISTENSEN & JOHNSON I $samHBeA!meHaemsesmns l Urt 1 ye use no injurious cnetmcais nnu only the very belt of soap and we guaran m. mir unrk W, n ,rrHrtpt modern TBimrl un DllN'l WI'AK III! I III1-. L1.UIIIU?. lUnUfV W Of K tail oc re Kturned In labours after receipt. Remember wo employ wiine uoor onnr. 2511111 life SOIIIU Ul Our UVCIIMi UlUILC IUICII. IJ.I11UUI., ,. muh... Myrtle Point: Sis llnnson, North IJend; J. MorRan. tinplic, DO YOU KNOW ff.nncliin.-ry anil i UON'i' WiiAK uU'l1 "I'iit Follow- Coquille? E, A. Dodge, COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY R. C. AMSTF.tN,. Proo. I