tH - - J A minKR LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878.- NOTICE FOR PUBLKUTION. Uxitkii States Land OmcR, Ronobuty. Oregon, May 1th, 1002. Notice is horoby given that In com pliance with the provisions ol tho act of Cougroe ol June 3, 187S, entitled "An Vt lor tho nlo of timbor lands In tho States o' California. Oroeon, Novadrt and Washington Territory," as extended to nil tho t ublic Land States by act of Am-iist -1. 1SJ2. FREDERICK K. TAYLOR, ofFnlivtow, county of Coo?, state of flreson, 1ms thia day Mod In this olllco Lit saom stfttmnent No. 2350, for tho nnrchaxo of tho south half northeast quarter Soo. IS. south half northwest' Vt Section No, 27, In Township No.'-Yi S. Ktutfo No. II W, and will oner piooi to nt MaiehuVld. Orccon, on Saturday, tho 39th day ol July, 1U02 Any ard all person" flalmlnR ndyorso- ly tl'jj nbove-dofonhed laudi aio ro Quoted to rllo their claimi In this olllco on or beforo said 10th day of July, lfcX)2. 0 10 p "J. T. IlBtuaKB. Hegieter. .T1M1IKU LAND. ACT JUNK 3, 1873. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Umted States Isd Onire, Roebprp, Orcpon, May 7th. 1H)?. NoMco is hereby ptven that In pom- Jlianco with the provifions of tho act of 'oncress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ac: for the rale of Umber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waihinplon Territory," as extend $d to all tho Public Laud State a by act ?l AucuH 4, 1892. MAUYEL J. WILSON, ol Falrviow, county of Coos, ftato of Orepon', has this day filed in th is ollic'e his eorn Biatement No.2.Vj, for tho purchase of tho north hall northeat juartersec. 'J8, north halt northwest , iinarter of tcctlon No. -7 in townsuip, o. SuS, ranee No. 11 u.anu trill tlior, proot to show thnt the html Eou.-hl ii jnore valuable for its timber or stono nore vciuaoie ior us timuer or awno than for aericultnral purporea, and to .utahlinh his claim to Eald land hefore W. U.Douelas, U.S. Commissioner lor 1 Donalnc. U. S. Commissioner for Oregon I IRISH J. IJATRMAN. ' iiai.thasar MRR.. Mo'mu. of MarrhOeld. Orccon; M. J. ,f V. WofhW . , "",;!. sVis of S. No. ia In 'I'mmMti No. a& . J)rci;on at Marshfield, Ore?on. on SaturUi,e RetsatwaBd Keceiierof thuomeeat Rom lev. thu lflih dav of Julv. 1902 Ilo namcBas witnef6es: William II. Moriran. of Marthfleld. Oroeon ; K. It. Taylor, V. A. Flinn, E. 0. Whitney, of Fairview, Oroeon. Any nnd nil persons clalrainK advone Iv tho nbovc-detcrihed lands are re n'ueeted to tlio their claims in this olDce on or belore eald 10th of July. 110:2. C 10 J. T. BniDflES, I.egister. TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE f!, 157s. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ojtice. RoeehurK, OreKon. May 8. 1102 Notico (s hereby Riven that in compli ance wlUi tho provisions of tho act of Congreee ol Juno 3. 187. entitled "An nfi fnr ihn (mm ni timtx'r laruifl in me 1 etateB of California, Orc"Bon, Nevada, j and WaHhineton Territorv." as extend- d to all tho Public Land States by act jol August 4, 1892. JOHN W. CHAPMAN ,of Ma'shfteld, county ofCoos, StatoofOr oonn. hAR this dav filed in this oflice hit Mworn -.tfttemftrjtNo. 2382. for tho our ftincnnf thnKKl4oI KW"i. Mil-4 OI ' . . . ....!.. .-.. W1 4 of Section No. 10 in fownthlp No . .20 S.Baneo No 11 W.anU will oiler prooi ; to show that tho laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes , and to establish his claim to eald land before W.U.Douk las, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt Iarshfleld, Oregon, on Monday, the 21 .day of July, 1902. H names as witnesses ; J. W. Tibbftte, J. D. Clinlcenbeard, AlvinStnllh, Ernett Smith, of MarshQeld Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversly the above described lauds are requested to file their claims in thirj office on or bo fore said 21 day of July, 1IK)2. G-10 J. T. Biiidoeh, Register. TILBEB LAND, ACT JUNE Ii. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statbh Land Ornci:. Boteburg, Oregon, May 8, 1902. Notice is hereby giveri thnt in compli ance with tho provisions of tho act of Congraes of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho Bale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land Statca by act ,ol AugUBt 4, 1S92, NELLIE E. ROWBON, of Templeton, county of Coos, Slate of Oregon, has this day filed in this oflice Tier Hworn statement No. 2303. for tho purchase ol tho NE.f of Btt NWK .of HEX and BJ of SEJ of Section No. 24 in TownBhlp No. 2.1 South, Rango No. '. 18 West, and will offer proof to show - that the lanu eougut 18 moro vaiuamo . nr ita timber or stone than for aericui iura1!, JpiirpoeeS) and to establish her claim to eald land bforo W. II. Douglas, U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marshfleld, Oregon, on Saturday; tho U day of July, IWS. Ho names ix8 wltnomn: Frank Bow- of Temploton, Oroeon', W. 11. Noblo, ! bv Noblo, L. M. Noblo, ol .Manic' ron. Nunc fluid. Otoeon Any nnd nil rorsons claiming ndverso I, l1JU,.e( in tlio tholr clniiun In this (ifllco on or hoioro said It) tiny of July, IDOU. iv tlio tUHvu tiwcriiicu iMiuiri ru re- 5 10 J. T. l'munia, i.-giaior. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK J. 178 NOTIl K FOB PUBLICATION UnltwlNnUsHUum. TT.." C' OullvC II neTe1 "jiira inn. in nmwnn with the wmvrtloii of the act of C'oagreat of .. .1 . -,.-- ,. .I.S. t MbdKll.U.' ?T2ll?rltrTl 1 UI9 1MIS U1 lV l 1IB9 VIV IM1 .'m i lic.-.l'trr-. ami to c Ublbn "J'ljT .? L .1.. i Mid Umi ltom ibr Kitrr m thiiortivtat HuebaK. Owfoa. en ThurxUy. the s.jili ttr of Ny. i9x. aiutlniMn: John Thoen, FwiK II. Iiip. of OvUnJ. HfiffoB. CtMrlct KU. of Metro. (Vrgofl. U. C. Mc'iniiiM. ol . KoUirs. OreKon. Anv and all nenont ckUmnr Mtrcrvlir th i loMkctHi Umt air iittrtrf to fil th r I claimt in thto oftie om m IWocr tkl 3t I of July. iv. . T. Bkidcb. Hester, .36p TIMIIEK LAND, ACT JUNE 3, U78, NOTICE FOH PUKLICATION. Called Uies land Oflt . KoMtmnt. Oregon. Mj 3. im. j ith the prolk)i!t of the act o( Coogrnt of June 3. 1878. imlltW "An act for the jU of Undt In the Stale ol t'aiilurob, (.Hegon. .Nevila. nnd Wntblitgtcrn Twrtiory." a rsleml- I ed tu all 1 he PubHc Land Swtol by act of Au- I gut 4. IBya, . t(NKI. KW.Nr.K, of Kowburf. amnxy of DongU. tiMte of (re -o. U thidy AM in thi office hi rn .iitmimi w.n, wukpuicmh-oiwkki, of M- -1 .l-.t. M-8 .1I.I-4 01 sec. !-. ''" N ('' Town,h,f, a,.Sc?,h , tlut the Mmt MtMttit it more T4lMbla lor it . . th f ,,t ,. , lo nUbUttl ,H cU-m to mid km I l-rfore1 bun, regn on Friday, the 15th day of tuut, 1902. Hennmesat uiineMes: John Uedcer. John Thorn. Frank Ijoag, Frank bbernun. of Clcve Lind. ( 'reeon. Any and all pqrtont etaimlng advertety the alto.cV escribed land are requetted to file their . '"ll''rr -..! lniUIU'lc VI 111 IIMtlH' wi .-vww n - w-m-" " I i.. j -. .- - ii.--. i.K dV Jtl11ltail IUII. rLiiint in tm oukc on or tw.ore tara 15m av -- rTvi" . .ii lT of AUfct. 1902. J.T. IlaiWiat. Reguter.j to'TIMlJEIt LAM) ACT, JL'.NK , 1876. j .NOTICE FOi: PUBLICATION. TlilBEU LAND, ACT JUNE a, 1S73. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Lv.vti Orncn, 1'oieburtr, Oroeon, .My fith, 1V02. Notice is hereby eivou that in com pnurco Willi 1110 proviMQiia 01 1 10 nui 01 Coneressof Junolf, 1S"S, ontitUd "An" act for the sale of timber lands In thu I States of California, Oregon, Novadn, ! I .. . . A, - , . . - . and Washington Territory," ns cxtonded ; to b)I tho Public Laud Slates by act of::: liv nnt r . uy ul. 01 , . .... , ICft I K PMiirov PirMi-nuri r . ,. ''AHLI LIILKOIIILL, ! of Cleveland, county of Pouglm, etato of I Oregon, has this day filed in thiu olllco I hid sworn statement No. 2332, for tho mwchasu of tho ei ;set half onht half of '. . e i n t . Section i0. .H in MOWnHMM) O. .'it or. Bant-o 10 West, nnd will offnr proof to kijow inai too lami bohijiii id more vai uahlo for its tlinb-T or stono than for I agricultural ptirpoeen, ami to oitnhheh his claim to raid land i oloro tho Hegii ter ami Receiver ol this olllco nt Roto, bnrg, Oregon, on Saturday, tho Kitli day ol August, 1902. He names ns witnnefes: Chnrlr Thom, John Thotn. Ed. Von Petal, fitorge Cliurcliill, of Clevoland, Oregon. Any end all pfraonu i-laimini,' advorto ly thu ubovb-dfjrcrilod landa nru re (iuohUm) to fllo their cluiu.n in this oflluo on or before catd 10th day of August, 1902. J.T. Biiiiioiw, RolBter. T 10 p TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE .). 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitkij States Land Ojtick, RoHuburg, Oiugnn, May Hth, 1102. Notlco is hereby given that In com pliance with tlio provisions of the act ol Congrois of Juno II, 1S78, entitled "Au act tor tho hale of timbur hinds in tho State of California, Ore-ton. Nevada, and Waahiiigton Torritory," no extend ed to ul! the Public Land .States by act of August 4, 1892, LOUIS J. SIMPSON, of North Bond, county of L'ooh, fitato of Oregon, bus this day tiled in this olllco hlr pworn Hifttomont No. 2310, for tho nurcharo of tho -eit half northwest quarter, and west half of southwest ijuartor of Section No. 8, in Township No. 23 S, Rango No 12 W, ami wllloffor proof to show that tlio land nought is more valuablo for its timbor or Htono than for agricultural purposes, and to cutnhllch hid claim to salt) land, hcforo V. U,' Uouchto, II. 8. Ooinmls'slonor for OriT,nn, nt Marehtlold, Orison, on Satur day, tho lUtli dn of July. 11KV.L llt names in vitnuHt)i4 1 v;nn ai hrccht, 1. A. Wlieronl, ol MnrHhllold, Oniinii ? J M. ti'ilck, Jnuica lllblmrd, i nf l.nku. Orreori. I Any nrd all portoim claiming ndvorsu- lv tho nbvo ilercrllicd latida uro ro quested to fllo tludr clnluiR In title otllro mi or brforo raid ltttli tiny of July, 1002. fj 10 J. T, ItiiiDiiiw, Register. TIMRURLAND, ACT JUNE !1, 187S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United stole I .and Ufac, RosetHirg. Ciegon. ' Nolle b hreby compliance of CWvWnd. ,y of I . "f "" dV llllllttl poM. nt lo olbJhh hta i Ulm tr wkl hmt tw wi lh Kbi mt Kim f thh om ul I'oMtavw. Oifoa. ua MmUy, tlic stilli iky ol JutM, tm. lie mutm a uitneMe-.. rtinttrt 'IIkmii. !! waul lle)uii. Juhn Ihom. tW CleeUnl. ( pen. I'hBil-s cf HoiwlMirj:. Oichihi. Any d All ncrtont tUlmiM Mt.ettely "rrJrSu J?Zl. ,V1 J"-j bnvltcrtt'H Utnli nre rrflurtued lo hie ihetr om.t on or ifjr Mtn aetn ur 1. 1 , Rkln.M. ReMer 4 W TIMnKn LAND. AjCT Jl'NE a, I87K. NDriCK FUK IH'HUCATIoN. Called State 1 AndvUhve, Rotebwx. Otegoo. . ' Ajrll aotb, loon. Notice If aaeeby (Irea that la cOMptMnce ih the pruej-ioo.oi i'.e act of Coagro ttl J tine j. i8- emttl d "An art for lb tab of I imbrf UtOdt. io fe S! Hot of C -Morula. (Jr lon, Nrtagk. ana WaOtmgion Temtory. at rttrrwlnl toll Hie I'oblic Land trtle by iKt of ! AVON Is. I ROT. of Rotebart. eounir of Douglas, tute nf Oie- j goM, hat this duv Alcd Mi office hit iwn 1 tialemcnt N a99. for the pwrlute of llir ! N'otthaetl qfearter of Section No. . Tonn j Oilp a$ Soulti. of King SVett. nnd Mitt olTcr pr of lo ho.r tl l the bind totight H raote vil uable lor its amber or Mane than for ngrtoMliHr- al ptirpote, an1 lo rtMbtih U claim lo ml! lend before lite Kcj-Nler nd Kireivor uf tbi oflice at RoMBMirg, Oregon, en Saltinkty, the Iotlidof Aucuit. 100a. He iwm m wttaeuet: cturlr 'I'honi , John 'Hhmb. 6( OeeUn.1. Oieeon; M. M Wobou, wf yalkJ.liwi( Hairy l i mrrnajf, m iwvnmut ivvfi. Any and aft ftartom claiming advectely the above-deacrilwo lands are reqiiettetl 10 die their etaiou la thlt office un or before mhI otli day of AngiMl, ioo. 5 3 p J. T. IUidck. RK-It4er. United Stain I-andJOflice, Rc-tebHfg, Oregon. 4 April jo, 1903. Notice It liereby given thai In cttnplMitce vtiih the proiMont of the .ilI of Congret of June 3, 1878. entitled "An art for the Ml- oi llmbtr land m the tUtr of I altfornu. (Jtiyn, anil VL'alaif AM fMaii.u ' AMlMruliral .all j mm !- i(tt tjllltvij, IV airiTjfH at nil ,u j.uWic i.,nd suict.y act of August .1. iBv?, Cn.tki.i:t Cakij.o:., of Kiirne. cunty of lne. h.aie uf Oregon. hat tha day tied m thit omcelii wrn i,ur- nvnt No aii 1. for the piirch.ite of ihe VU of Wofkectiwi No. 10 In Towniblp No a 6. I. .- ..!, . ...11. ..M - ... t' !' mi win oner rn.wi .u imm ., .. ,,. ,., ...... t. 1. .- .t....l.L. r-. 1.. .'. . N.HI UHn. I. IIIVtD T.II1M.C IW1 !! timlier or stone Hmm purpoten. and 10 e.uWWi hi claim to said knii t-frwe the Rrgister and Uacc.-r ofibit ortice at UowUiric Oregon, on Wadentday, the 13 day uf August VAT. lie names at lt net tet: Martin llaaglnton. Nclt Carlton, ,1itin Ophui, of Kugene, (JiK' on, Marlin Otvn, of I Hue Kivrr. Oregon. Any and all pervMt rUlmln- udvetly llw lliove lati'it are requrtle.1 10 li'e ttn-ir clams In olfKe on or Itolurr aaul 13 day of Auguti, ioo. J: T. I Ut 1 o;.t, Remitter. 5 jp riMBER LAND, ACT JUNE .'I, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stat'$Iand OIBce, lioteburg, Orogoii. .lar. a8, luoa. Notice It hereby given thai In compliance Midi the provltlon of llie act of C'oiijit- uf une 3, 187s, untitled "Am .icl .or the tale nf iIhiIxt Undt in llx Swtet i,f C alif.nw, Uiegon, .Ne vad.i, and VVathlngion 'IVn iiory," as ejit"ndl to all lite Public Ijiud htulet ly act of Augutt 1. iBot. RUNES rw. SMITH of MnrtlifiuM, County of foot, Sutft of Orison, htu this d.iy filed In tltit offiu- hit toni tiatixnant No 156, for the purchase ol the NV.'K of Sc--,on No. 13, in Town tlmi No. 6 South, No 11 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought it niort- valuable for it limber or ttune iImii for agriculural pwpihe, and 10 ntitlli)i hi i.-l.iiiu to rwil Ifiml Iwlorc the Kegltter ami Receiver of IhUotTitat Uosehtirg, ".urgon, on Mondjy, the 33 iky of June, 190a. He namutat wllne.: Walter K. Cttrionx, IC1111I A. KricKson, of North litnil, Oregon. Frank YV, Smith, Carl Albrecht, of MaithlielU, Orrgon. Any and nil prton clalinlng nilvarsely the abovu.descrilied lamli are ri'uetted to file tin Ir cl.ilmj in (lib office on or l-ofore ruiitl aj l.i) of (tine, ir,oa. J. T, IlKiiMiKfe, Kucister. ,-, p TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE .'I, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Uoseburj,' Orct'on, , , , April 361I1, 1903, is hereby given that In compliance. given Umi . lu ..ti.L. ,i. ... f. .... .. .. .. ..r ri.1....... ni t . . 1 fcllli the provlilom of llm net of f.on(jrrw of Time jf, 187O, entltlecl "An net for 1I14 Mle of llmliei t.iiil in thr'Stntrt ul '.hlifprnl.i, Otrjoii, Nnvailn, nml WnllihiKluu IVrtltoty," nt ex luntlcit lo all Ilia I'lihlia ltiiil Stutot tiy not ul HAItltV l, THOMAS, of Itoirburi:, cdiiiiIv of, itttto of Ore. ton. hut Oil il.iy died In tint uftlee Inn tuoru Stnlriiirnt Nn. jan'l. fur llm Dliroliiwi n( tlii I SouiliwctKiuntlcr of Nation No. , Townlili at, Niuth. nf unei H w,. w m,, umi miii olfer prool to ihow tltitt thu l.tml mhibIiI 11 inon vnlii.tlile for lu ilinberor sIimio iImii fur )ileul putiOKi, nnd to rsltilillili hit ul.tlin to suiri land hrfote tho Itr-ltlnr nnd Mevtmer of this ullUrt nl Uotchur,, Oir-Ron, on S uiirday, the cjth tiny of August, hxxj. ' He n.iiiitii nt wltnrstei: Chntlet 'I horn, John 'Ilium, of Clr'tcl.iitil, Oregon, M, M. ilMuii r t n.... ...... .11 li Au. I i.wivvii, ill i,iuiiiiinj.if , tiiinii.i 'iiwi .. Irott, of Kotrhtue. Oregon. Any nnd nil peront L-Ulmlng nivrly tlio nliovtMletcrihrd hnili nro iripiettint lu file Ihfir eliiint In thit oflice on or brloie eth dr of Auc-ntl, iuoj J, I'. l)Klloi;t, I'r.t-itter. g-jp TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE .!, 1870 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United SMtej Iiml ofnev, KosrlHtrj;. iktenoti, Mm 94. tpoe. Notice It hrrtby filven thnt In wmiplwtiee nidi the provlilom of the net ol tougret., of une 3, 187H, entlllrd "Au net for the Mle ol II111W Aindt In theSl.Uct of CiHfiHtilA, oiegon, Ne vud.A, nnd WAthlirgton Teirito-)," tit eaUraleit (oallihe Publlq l.ind tntt by .ictufAugutl, FRANK W S.IITII of town ol Mnrahnrhl, 'reunty ol (toot, Slala uf Oregon, Im thit tby f)M in this office bit tMtirn tl.itrinrnt No J 137, fur the nt IheSWi-j, ul Sec, No 13, Tp aoS, of It 11 urtt, nnd vkitloftrr proof to thotv thnt the land toughi it mote vnhhilile for Itt timber or Hone lor agrkulluml tjufrous. ami lo etwMttM hut el tint tot.ikJ Mml before the irr and Ki-ceitrr of thit (Mice ai KotelnwK. Oregon, on .tonday, the 33 tiny of June, tyoe witueuet. C'afl Atbrechl, of .t.uthfMhl, Orntrm, HmiA. Unckton. Walter S C'urtont, of North ilend, Oregon, IjmsI W. Smith, of Marthliekl. Oregon. Any nml nil prrto t ctnlming mherte'y the .ibove-ileH-iihrd l.indt are ru-lil 10 Ale their 1.U11111 in 00 or before tstltl j day o'jMne, 11ji. I-VP J.T. IlKltK.M, Krgtstof. TjMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S7R NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Sutet I jihI Oflice, Roteburg. Or-gon. Apdl 14th, Ufa. .N'ntlcc it hereby given llwt in iiMttoltance Uh Hie protliloiit of ihti Acl ol ( ongtrs ul June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of umber Lmdi in the Stnte of ( Elliot nU, Orrgon. Nevad.1 nr.d Wathlngton Tenilwy," a etumd eil to nil the I'ublic I .(ml Suites ly act uf Au gntt 4, iEqi. WII.I.IA.1. U. MDUI.TON. of Two Ibubort, County of l-iik. Sute nf .M.iinrto'n, hat thit d.iy filed In this office- lib hom uHemrnt No. P.19 for the pufehHte of the SW( or Section 31, I o nthlp 35 oulli. Ringe in Weti Wilkimelte MciMltan, awl will offer proof to tho Ihe land Mtiighl Ii more vtiluiblc for IU Umber or tlone lhan fur ncricutttiMl purVitand In etubbth hit claim 10 taVit hind before the RegltUr and Keinmr of ttitt office it Uovburg. Oiegoii, 011 I uetaUy Ihe vail day nf July, kj. Henametat wilnrttet owli Wrlh"ily, I) I. Miirtin, John flivrnt. of Kotelnirg, Oie gon. II M Smilh, Vyille I'oln', Oiegon. Anynndnllprrtont ctnlruitiK udvortety the Aliovr detcrilieil Inndl nre rnpie let to file their cUimt In thit rftice on or before tak 1 Ay Of JlllV, ICjOl. .) 19 p . T, lllillxil'.t, Krgltltr. TIMRER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I.ind Office, I'o-4mre, Orrgon. April 31, to.. Notice It lirreby given 1h.1t In compliaiiM with tin- proiiiiontrif the net ofCongret of June 3. i8;3, cnliilcd "An net for Ihe tale of iimlwr Hindi 111 the Slairt of t'nllfortila, Ore -on, Neva da, nnd Washington Territory. ' 11s cxlenill lo HlllliePuhllcL-indSlntetbynctofAiigusl.', i3;j, JOHN KRIK.SAIII-SIUOM. of lov.11 of West hiperlor, county of Datiglat, St.iteofWiuonsin, lint ihltd.iy fitrdin thltolnte lift aitorn ttitcmcn.t No. 3j..t,((irihe.micli.iveof Ihe .l of NWJf. WK of Nl'.Jf of Sec tion No. 10, Township 36 South, ol Unnge ic Wet), and will oflrr proof 10 show- thai the land sought it more valuable for Itt limber or Mom than for .igriciilitirnl purpose!, nnd In rtiablitl. hit claim to talil land before ihe Iti-elsier mm Keceiirrofihis oihco at Uotebttrg, Orrgon, 011 Sillinl.iy, the 36th day of 'uty, 1903, He tinmus in wilnettct: hdward .tonton, of Witt SiiiK-rior, Wit., Martin Ilnneenson, Si nion Klovdahl. ol l'uicne, Oregon, .l.utm Olt ton, cf lllue River, Oregon. Any nnd nil persons claiming ndvertely the .tljokiMlrtcrihed IjiiuIj nre rriiiicjtci. 10 filn thlr claimt in tills office on or before said a'nli day of July, 1903. 4 36 p J. T. llKIDOKS, Register, TIMBER LAND, ACT 'JUNG 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United .States I-anil Ofiicc, Rotcburg, Oregon, Apr, 36, 1903, Notice It hereby given tint In compliance with tho provisions of I he act of Congress of Juno 3 i!!?8, eiitltleil "An ail for the s.ile of limU-r I in-.t in the Slates ol ('nlifornl.1, Orccon, Ne vaiia, unit Wasliinglon lerrliory, ns exlcnilril lo .ill in. Public lilnd Slate by act of. August .1, iHo-.. iiakoi.ii C 8TRVBN8, of Cleveland, louni) of Douglas, Stale of Oregon, has ihlt day vada, and Washington Territory," ns i-xlcndrd led 111 ihl.s officii his sworn statement No, 3201 or lit- purchase of the South half of Ihe North half of Sei, No. 3.1, township 36, South, Range No. 10 West, and will offer proof lo thuw the land sought Is mora valuable for its itnilirr or Mono than for agricultural pur notes, nnd lo establish his claim to said land be fore 1 1 it- Regliii r and Receiver of Ihlt office al Roseburg, On-gou, on Saturday, the 9th' day of August, 1903. .. 'l'i 4 frr " ffT. "' ' 110 nninc nifwinrtKCBi uhniiet inom, I0I111 Ttlom, of CMcbii.l, Ornioif! II, P. lliuiiiiv, n hum, . i..twiii, v..',uiii Any umlnll (H'ltoilt cl.tlmlni: nilintely tho ilH)n-ilctetllml l.onU uuir.UMlwl In DM tlilr olilmi In Hilt dllk't' un or Iraluro Mid v" d.ty of AiiKHti, '. . s,t p J, T, UttiiKittt, H'ntrr. TI.Mltl'.U I. A Ml AIT, .lliM.ll, IK7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stale. I ml I HnCtrltoitHirg. Oregon, April Both, tyw Noll.e it herfliy given III it In eonijlUuee with the piovl.lontol the art of Cui-i'tet uf limit 3, 187.1. vMilitled "An Acl lor th mI of ;l liuber l.aiyU in the Sin let of Cnllfornln, On gon, Nevada, and Washington Tertiior,'"ai atu-Hileit lu all the I'uMk Mini Him lea by net ol AugiHl .), iBos, PAUL S. WAR It. uf .Minneapolis, county of ll-mmpVi, tint of XlintMaoU. ha IhltduY filnll-i Ihlt office hit twofii tiaiemrnt No.saoo. fur Ihe ihikIi.ii of ihe lyist iirU ol list itaai nail of iwtioti no, 10, I a.whhip 6 South, nf Range 10 W and will oJIer tiroef U show tlfit ihe land toughl it stone I hull for motti vauiame for lit iimijeeur agttonllHMl ptwiipita. ami lu mtuWtili lilt ilnliu lo tttM t.iml before lite Regltter and Uo" r-iir of lhl irtlii-o al KoM-lmrg, Orrgon, oil Fn lay. ihe 3th day of Augiul. IQOS),' llr n,uiira MitnetMH' John rhum, Cliulet Thorn, 1 u;e niiK-h. of L'lev -l-ind, Oin-oii) lesepli Wliiiremb, of Minnwpolit. Minn. Any and all paraoivi claiming adversely tin) above d.-tc-ibed land are rrqueitod lo file Itieir iiaimt In ihia orlke oti or before said 8tli day nl Augitt t, 190a. 5-3 p J T. ItatnuM. itagtstrr, TIMItEU IVND, ACT JUNE X. 1878- NoTItM FOR PUBLICATION. Culled Stale I-bd (hea, Rotrtwrg, Oiegon, April A. lyne. Notice it hereby given 'hat In iomplUm.e with the urmi.lotttoV Umi acl uf migtatt of June 3. 1878 rnlrtlod "An Act fit the tali- uf lintnei Willi in inoittatat w s. aiiiurnM, Jt goo. Nevada and WasltinghM 'ItrrlKHV, at tleoded to all lb Public Land SUIci by net of Augutt 4. 189a. KHWARD PALMF.R. of Minnraitolis. roumyof llrnnerln, tin) of Mtnnex.ta hat lb It day hle-l In ihta olfWe lit tttotu tidiemani Na air6, for ihe U'lichaic ol the Norib half of lite ftvulh hnlf, MectlurrNb, 4. in iownslilp No. tb , Rahga No 10 Wett, and will ottcapnuf lo thow that the land toat;hi it More valuable for lit ilmlxir or si .fie than fur agricultural purpttet, and In tt lablih hit irlnm to said land Iwloie lint Rtglt lit and Kf-elrer- of Ihlt ufttee at Ratelm, Oregon, on Saturtlay, lite titi day ol AJ;uit, loot. He aainet as wittteates. Harry '11nnui, Avon K hrost. of Kosetatrg, Oregon, Char'ct Thorn, lohn I bom, uf (TeveUml, Ojetfon, Aav and all iMrsont iJalwIag adierMfly the abotrtMletcr'oed lartds air ran tail to flei iheii claims ia IM otftce on or Ufcie tnhl ?tli day of Aaguti, ios. 5-3 p J, T. Hkiikmu, Krgltter. TlilBKR LAXD, ACT JUNK 8, 187K. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Called Jtuies lind OrIW, Kotelnirg. Ofngfln, Aptil 36ih. 1 00 j. Kolicn It hereby given that lu compliance with Dm i.knt uf the act nf ( oiigreit of June 3. 1B7B, entitled "Ah act for the sale of iintber Ian-It in the . Stales of (Jillfornn, Oio gn. Nevada, and Washington Teriitnry," at rtirndeil 10 all the I'ublic Land Slatat by at of AuguM a, ifM, mark m. wobcorr, of Minneapolis, county of llrnneplu, itatr ol ,1innesou, hat ihit ii,iy fihxl in thit olhce lilt sworn statement Nu 197, fur the Hirilisir of tho South half of the South htlf of section No, a I in .inhli no 3S, Range No. 10 Wm, and will cif(.-r proof lo thow thai lie hud toughl It more valuatde for itt timber 01 ttone f ,111 for agricultural tiutpotes, and to establish hit rfaliii to saul ,iil Ufore Ihe It-glitrr and Uo letter ol tint office ni Rottliurg, Oirgon, ot SiluriUy, the ylh day of Augtlit, 1903 lie unmet a. wuuestet; l h.iilet Thorn, of f'leirUii'l, Oiegon; llward Palmer, Hugo (ilurk, of MinneaMilMt, .tlnr.rtota; Avon It, ri.(t. 01 Kuwimrg, uregon. Any and all -leraont clilmfng ndvcrtoly llm abose dcserilird landt uro nvuosto.l 10 filn their e burnt In ihlt oflice on or liclofr Mltl 9th day of Augutt, vt:.- 5-.I p J. T. flmiKji'.s, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3 1878- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Staliii I, Olllco, Rohubtirg, Or. Muy 10, 1002, Notlco ii linrohy given that in coin-ili-nuco with tho prnvlHlonu uf tho uct of Congrexs nl Juno 3 1878, entitled "An act lor tii tMlnof timbur lands In tho rSlntoa of California, Oregon. Nevada nod WHuhingioiiTorrrllory," ns oxtonil od tu ull thu Public Laud States by net ol rtugiMt -1, urn, WILLS. SPOOR, of Marnllolil, County of Coos, Btnto of Oregon, has this day filed lu this ofllco his sworn statuniuut No 2117, for tho iiiichiiM of the Hl.'J of Sl-2 of Hectl.iu No, 31 In township No. 20 S. Rango No. 11 W, find ulll olfor proof to hIiow thut tho laud '.ought Ih moro valuablo for itH timbur or mono than for agricultural purjuiHoa, nml to (iHtabllsh hh claim to Hnt,i i,i liiifnni W II Dninln.. It H . J?J J. '',, " rf" Lm. ? x,1"', J'., ,' I Jr . ' ", " , f. ,f "i01 ' l M?fh11' ll, 1 0r i "' i-'rldtty, tho 1st day of August, 1UD2. lloniunofl ns witnesses: Judd Mills, William Johnson, W. O. Blckford, H. B. Outllp, till ul Murshllold, Oregon. Any nnd nil pursons clalmlni; adverse. lythoabov-edufcrlbcd Inndsainretiuost. ed to fllo their olalms lu this oiIii:o on or boforo Enid 1st dnv nf Anunai. mn- C-24 J, T, BRIDGES, RoBlBtor. . - -------., VWM