MAKING A NEW KING Alfonso Now Monarch of Spain BRILLIANT SPECTACLE OF ROYAL TIM MIDDLE Hiiukrupt Exchequer Drained to Make a Grand Dirplay of Magnificence Madrid, May 17. Ilia Majesty, Al fouioXlll.Kliigof Spain, Bolomnly took thu oath to tint Constitution In the Hall o( Assembly of the Chamber of Poputlea today, with tlm utmost ceremony mid In accordance with nil tlm religious forma and undent rite. Shortly after tlm break of day tlio cer emonies began with a inline of twenty ono cannon uliotw, marking thu opening of thu dny, nnd at thn same hour thu church belli throughout Mndrid btKani ringing. At 10 o'clock tho court dlgnl iarlea and distinguished prrrons who u n lain la tllA rittl1 (tnriitft I ' , . , , ,, , ., Iwgan to assembly in tho halls of the' . , , , , ,. . Itoyal palacu. T' w ladlra wore court . , , ,, dress and the dlgnltnrlen were In full i ,, uniform. Thu Envoys Extraordinary,! , . , , .,.,,,. ... i I the Ambassador, the Ministers Flenl! . . . ,,, , I poieniiary, nun inn ViinrKrr u nimiiL'i, with their wivea.nsfumbled at the palace nt II o'clock and went invited by I hoi Master of Ceremoniea to repair to the , , . ,,., . .. aultes, whose brilliant uniforms, ropre- Chamborof Deputlesand takotheplacea . i.i..i sentiug thn rourt and armies of the civ reserveil for them. ' ... , , . . . ., i Ilixeil world, addvii greatlv to thu splon- Tho llrlng of cannon announced to the . (Jor of hp OCt.,on Conspicuous among exclani ,opulac that the tune had, ,hp(ifl ,,tnKn,Bhrd foreKn visitors were arrived for thu deqarture of the royal Dr j. L M. Ctirry, thoolllclal repreren procession for fhe rcenu of theday'a ,,,, 10 UnUvi Ftftt(,,. ,,e Duke ceremonies UavlnC behind tlm rung- flf Connnullhti .,,ro.0nting Great Ilrlt .Itlcent pile of granite anh mnrhlo wllh ' ,lt Prnco Mmt of pnW8. (;rnd Its aiiiNirb viuw of thu Valley of Mauxau .)(lko a,m- of j,,,,,,, Arcii,lku Freil. ar..s, the royal corleKe movwl slowly (,rIr)( of Auatrln, thn Dtiku of Aneta, ro southward toward thu capital. The en- ,irr.Bn,nKUy.Omwn Prince Oustnvua tlie route, which lay through the Cnlle ,,, fiH,Moni irnCu Christian of Denmark In Alcaht, tho I'uertodel Sol and other ( famous thoroughfares and public "i""'" , was nblaxi. with color. Hie innate love of the Spaniard for i-t.lor and il'ly hsd found vent In n wealth of decora. I liona that waa as bewildering as it nas')0WH .t, kn,.0 i,foro t, Senators tMrg,-oiis and altraelhu. Entire honsu' B, D(,pul,M nm, bUo t0 the tribune fronts were hidden beneath masses of. occn,)p(, bv Ulll forelgn representatives, retl oud yellow hunthiK and from every, JB MHj,.B,y hllv,nK romoVed tho robu porsihli) M)lnt lluttfied Hags and stream- j wJd ,0 W0M, n t,)0 cnrr,fl,,0 now ap. ra hearing thu royal coat of arms. Thu n Ulft briUinnl unforro 0f u cap streets ieru marked by doublerowa oj lH,ll.,Bnerill of ti,0 Hpanlsh army. The Venetian masta from which floated ban- qm.un )oUlur wJrB n wh0 Iow.neckcd nera of gorgeous hue. tJroM( wh H ont trfti( wh,ch WB- lorno Pluvious to tills an immense body of ,,y (onr c0rt ehimborlains. As their troops had Iwen gnthured around thu ( MsJHsties passed up thu alslu thn mem palace, and from one end of thu routu to bor 0f the nobility and others ranged the other, followed by the royal party selves In two lines leading from tho en iu j awing from the palacu to tho Cham- fanre to the throno. Thn dignitaries her ol Deputlea and from there to tlie C(,rry the royal inantleB etationed th-m. Church of San FrancUco El Grande, J selvofl on thu Jlrst atop to the throne, troops formed double lines on both sides a dlguitiiry holding tho sword ol thu those immediatejy protecting hit Majesty monarchy stood on tho second step of being tho royal halberdier mid ilutach-1 thu throne, while tho bearor of tho Btuml ineuts from tlio varioiu cavalry regi- nl occupied thu third step. Other aux. iiieute. ' lliarles to thu pageant wero grouped Two facta worthy of nolo in re about in suitable order. Upon the alter nurd to thu pronresaof thu royal coi lego beneath tho crucifix wero placed the through thu crowded streeta. In tho 0pen hooka oi tlio Evangelists and of pageant itself, with tho gilded carriages t tll0 SpaulHh constitution, of mate nnd all the gala uniforms, there Tho coremony of taking the oath nnd waH nothing to suggOBt tlio povorty of u, nnnolntinont occupied scarcely a thu fipaniali monarchy, while in tho en- qimter of an hour and was as followa. thiiHiastio domonatratlons of tho popu- Tlio Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo lace tliero was no outward indication of mounted tho steps of tho throne, placed that spirit ol tllicoUnfnd revolution which la Ruppoicd to exlflt among tho Spanish people. For tho lime hiring 'everyone nppear absorbed in tho enjoy, merit of the gorgeous spectacle, For tho flrrt tlmo in nearly a acoro of ycara Spain waa to havn a klflg and tho contompla lion ol that fact nlono waa aufllciout cauio for satisfaction Bo the poonlo gavo tholr hoarty cheer to tho young monnrch, not forgetting tho queen mother, now about to relinquish tho nrina of government In favor of him to whom aho haa given all hor caro and affections alncu hln birth under auch pathntlc circuinatancoa sixteen years ago today. Upon nrrlval at tho Chamber of Dep uties thu King waa received at tho foot of tho exterior stairway by the Praii dont of the Chamber, who conducted his Majesty to tho Hall of Assembly, wlinro the throne nnd nltnr had been ," tl' Pfci"' cnvovof tho PoP' w,, on a raised plal.orm, above tho prayer prescribed by tho rfl which hung n rich canopy of purple and T'10 yu"K Mn ro" od on,orcd . 1. .l... ...... I ..! .-I.I. (! fnlt.i.i gold. Them was little room to spare In the great hall, apacintia though it is Ki-natorn and Deputies wore (trooped about thu foo) of tho throne. Nearby wore thn prolatna and cleray of tho Ro man Catholic church. Tho body of tho hall, except that portion reserved for ro Intlves of tho king and high ofllclnla of I state, was given over to thu hereditary nobility and others whoso rank and posl. ' , Hon entitled them to admittance. Tho womon wore court gowns, while thn men .. . .. . ,, . appeared in brilliant uniform or in even ' l"g dress. Ono of tho most gorgeous ... ... ,. hits of colorlnu in tho great plcturo was furnished by the foreign repreruntativea occupying the trlhune. These for the milil nart Am arcvimnflnlil t)V larue ., t,.i.,iu, .n,, , iiui,.illin ti. Hllll 1 IIMVU aiirvik il iii.'IBiiimii aaw ppo wni ri.,,rn,cntpd by a delegation of emn,.Ilt prt)nto, hMdwl by Cardinal Vanutelll, former nuncio of Madrid. The Klnir. upon entering thu hall, Mmmm Th M W Wr ' e A1ICTD90 ' EMCEUIIORBJRAND Oiled SuHm and Slickers lVnrral4 Wtrre U1toUmj r1wotk rw1 iMiyliwmtlirr. ukrrir4 . If i our eWlrr oww't tmiltrm,ivtoriWuitw. , T. Italll.c. r.ll U., I,., Hi rrtmitM. H. .IUW HOI, M Ml n., fca.l ImWWk, M.m. himself In front of tho king and invited Ilia Majesty to rnaku, before his faith ful atibjecta and in a loud volco. his pro fesalon of faith, and presented him with tho opon bcok, Tho annolntmont and tho administration of tho oath followed, hath ceremonies being conducted with ! great solemnity and impreaslvenesa. His Majesty received tho benediction " "' " . of tho Order of tho Goldm Fleece bo t presented to him. Thoy were pieecn ted on cushions richly ornamented with gold. Ono of tho Assistants of his Maj esty adjusted tho royal mantle. In n similar manner his Majesty caused to be presentetl to hlra the aceptor and sword, and having takon tho scepter in one hand and tho sword in tho other hu seated himself on the throne. In a few mom ents hu arose nnd placed the sword and scepter on cushions beside him, where reposed also tho crown of Spain. This terminated tho actual ceremoniea of the occasion. The foreign representatives, tho clergy, tho ttrandeea and all the persona present presentetl their felicitations upon the conclusion of tho ceremonies of annolnt ment and the administration of the oath. The procession then moved to the Church of Han Franclaco El Grandoln the same order ami witli the same cere mony that it hnd left thn palace. All along tho way there were enthusiastic shouts from the crowds that filled tho j atrcotannd public square, AlfonsoXUI., now a king In fact ns well as in name, uraciously acknowledging thesalutions. The ceremonies at thu church were almnle but Impressive. Here the cletgy i - . wor0 tho active participants, thi actors I of the day being little more than pasbiVe listener. Upon entering the aacied ed itlce his Majesty proceeded down the long aialelinod by thegrandeea and their ladles and thu foreign representatives nnd amba.ssdors. Arrivincat the alter tho young monarch handed the Insignn of ofllce to Ilia attendant and knelt in prayer, while tlie Archbishop read tho lltaoie. Tho service concluded with, the To Ueum. Oreo outslila the church and on tho return jnmiey to tho Royal Palace thn kin waa greeted with fan fires of trumpets, thu booming of can nons, thu ringing of bells and cheers from tens of thousands of throats. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks DKwarta CofvmaHTa Ao sent freo. tllilo.t alienor for lecurliitf Mtenu. II T I l'utont takon iBrouub Muim A wclalnotltt. without chrue. In tun luruuuH JUUIIU A w. reoalTI SCrcnlific flmcricaii. A handsomelr Hlntrle4 weeklr. iJireest clr. culatlou of any icIentlOo Journal, Tortui, W a roan four month, II. Doiabyalt newadoalen. r lr. f f wKr flKMvh J Mf ll 1lyy Goos Bay WtiolGsalG Lifinor .tmLl HEADQUARTERS P 0 It 111 (i II GRADE LIQUORS CHOICE WINES AND 1'URK BRANDIES. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER family Order? Solicited. HOLE AGENT FOR TIIK CELK MIATEI) Ranier Beer. Family order for Pop", pinta inn qiiiirm, delivered by the case. Robert Marsden. The Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCIIANTT3SE35 lit constantly adding to its atnoK nf General Merchan dise, already the largest in Mil ih Held When you buy at tho Mill Store yoti know thu goodti nro timl chins mid tho prico in nil rig'it . All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wlioale andreail. DR. JORDAN'S qatI MUSEUM OF ANATOMY mipamT.,itiriKeilciL i Tkt U't.l Auiooliil Motiua la U , Wotitt ffukw,4, m My cuatf.a.4 ' dl. r-KIl7r4i.cold.l DR. JORDAN-DISfASflW MEN I avrail.1 ihMullr ftJIt.i.d, flotM.awukvllkituIMraair7. ' aJ jar " AiiUud ,.dlttl cut. for lfll. riaaMvA .ml lut aifiKodv CotumlMtloa Ik d urktlrpriTXc TrMtmut Hn . oullf m r Imi.i. A ftM (W. ta ttcr ui I . wm. i nook rHii.auriiT r . UIi HAILtO nu. I A. uiuu, uk I kii vriif JWOAN & Ca, I0BI kwcMM.,8. P. J IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS) ANYWHERB AT ANYTIMB Call oa r WrIU E.CDAKE'S ADVERTISING AGEHCY 64 & 6s Merchants' Exchaage KAN FRANCISCO. CAL. fatHu toimrn. f BR f ARCATA Jl.O NELnON, Mantei. Will Halts ItctCHlar 'Irlp BETWEEN COOS 33.A.Y . AND SAN FRANCISCO, CARRYING ?A88ENGER8 AND FREIGHT AT - LOWEST RATES. i Oregon Coal 5c Navigation Co , Proprietoae. F.8.DOW, Agent. Marshfleid, Oregon. 8. 0. CO. 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DEALER IN GROCERIES, FRESH FRfJITS.VEGETA IILKS FRO VISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST Q UALIT.Y. TRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. : : : 1 1 1 A Street, Marsh field, Ore THE STEAMER ;