. vV-.kv w 1V. ,.riNiy.iM'1 i"' N- A " - ' -' JJk"-W.4- ' -r- r. -A-33 XjOOA.ILi. Imuc stationery nt Norton's. Buy your shoes nt Peter Clnueen'a S. It. Crawford, of Sumner, was In lown Tuesday. V. II. Morgan, nt Daniels creok, was (Joins business in town Tuerday. Tho schooner Joseph Knss was towed up the bay Tuesday and dockedvut Dean & Co's whnrf. Fnihor Donnelly will hold scrvico nt tl.o Catholic church hero nt 10:80 n. m. nest Sunday, nnd nt Bamlou thu Sun day following. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES nte fast to funlic t, washing nud rubbing. Sold by John Prcnss 10c. per package. John Meisrs, of Brook Hill dairy on Catching slough isdolugtho blncketnlth tag nt the Xorth Bend ship ynrd. Nothing better than Red Cross Expectorant for that troublesome cough; try it, Row Carl Thompson, a Socialist speak er from EUtin, III. is exacted to bu hero alx.ut May 20th to expound the doc trin of that party. Vaccine for sale at the Red Cross drug store. Mail orders I'iomptly filled. Ber. Tho3. Irvine will go to Gardiner Jnday, where he will remain over two Mn J sir? and hold service, going tliunct? to attend the Baptist convention at Kid dies the last throe days in this mouth. L ll.Hciener epraind b"n loft ankle lUJte everelyTuedny by jumping down f i in his truck nnd stepping on n round ttake. He is likely to be laid up for Fcrno time. J. K. Weatherford, Democratic candi date for congress arrived Tuesday over the Drain route, nnd after speaking lier lat evening will proceed toCoqullle today. Oa Tuotdny II. Sengetackeu, agent 'or tho steamer AlliancY inuusuratod iree deliver? of freight coating by tit boat. L. II. lleisner has tho contract for handling it. LI. Xoah tolls the Mail that it was misinformed nnd ,that Miss Ida Gamble le employed to tench tho present term of school at Myrtlo Grove. R. J. Coko went to Coquillo City Wednesday to nssist Capt II. E Wtl roT to make final proof on his homo stead nt McKiulcy. E, G, Flanagan u having tod Ui. on the lots At his reeidoiico on A street In ij.e icnooners Jessie .umer ana Jen t . ...... t..,.1.Wf 1 j me unnunrrneu itouueeuay. Mr. snd 31 re. T. M. Collver, of Catch ing slough, came down in their sail boat i InoMlsy and visited North Bend nod thU p'aie. Mr. E. II. Beyers and JIlsi Alice Be era of Sumner, nie in town for n abort thapping tour and visit with friends. C. L. Bonobrake, of Roes slough, wae In town Wednesday, after liniment for one of hie heavy work lioraea, who bad Etrciued himself running down hill.. Mti. L. J. Simpson is still seriously 1 1 nt her home in Nortbe Bend, tnt last evening wee improving t lowly and cu her way to recovery. Remember the date? of J. D. Let' - "-tint! in Coot county: Marahfleld, Ay lth, Myrtle Point tne 17th, Ban don the l'Jth, Coqullle City the 2Mth. A. D. Walcctt. who baa been visit n, relatives r.t Bandon for the patt wcrk, roturned homo on Wednesday's tra.n. Anv one wanting pure A No.i Leaf Lard ironi strictly corn-fed hogs can find it on sale at the Marsh field Cash Meat Market. The Coob Bay Iron works bad quite n n number of vfsitora Monday afternoon to witnoaa the interesting operation of laMing. About one nnd one-half tone of alnga wero innde, tho largest being a ryhnder for one of theCoquillo Htonmorfl. wishing about COO poundB. Tho bal laate consisted raaiuly of railroad work. ELECTRCOITY Are you HiiiTeriiij,' from Rheumatism, VU-uk back, Nervous trouble orGeiierulJy run-down BjMtemV l'o Electric Belt and fintteriorf. i'or uieii mid women. KleetrJo Insolod lce.'j) the foot warm nud prevent catching cold. For booklet and "Irvulare, nddrejw, liimmic Appliance Co., Bedford, Oregou, The Happy Family. Mcliintv, Bnldy, nnd CASTLE WOO nt tho OWL OD Mis. O. K. Smith ha been sufforlnc from n very severo cold, but Is improv ing F. P. Norton commenced Frid.ty put tine n rooting of ballast ruck on li rtrcet, South Marehrleld, Chas. Jackson is going to Klondike, Monday, to keep loakn in .lohn Von knm'ri ioKgiug camp this summer. CUTUItUU ill-P"l, ui I"";"" """l camo in last ovcuIuk to ntteuu tuo m publican rally. Adolph ?andqniat movtd hij family from tlw Bay City mill to South Mntsh tleld yeaturday. Quito n numlwr of ladies took part in n yt'rv plensnnt social function yester day afternoon, the gueits of Mr. J. A. Mutton. Thos.vCoko i -ery much plenl with a new ritle which hehat juet nurenied. .. .i ... i ..i it'i...iiii it 1 tne imue impiovw i luvimwi SO J. Wl.iUIMv'nttfl. nne of tho work- moM1!!! the shlpvanl, was usiwB a jack- tenw in clatniitnitooeoi tne pini fwi the new veet'l. the rl slipped nd tL hanulto( the jackeciew came around .-.I .i..W klin in ilia fnrwliiil. PUtUtlff an ugly fasti winch roqulrwl twottitchee. Mua Grill rocviTjd ww-l today itt in' that her broUi-, John Oril., Jr., of N wnrt. Ore., ifada vty serious M oidont bv faMirg through an old rrhrrf, and breaking one rib, nnd seriously in- jn nng one log. Inadvertently tho nameof A. E. Sea man wai used, in the report of tho ceio of J II. Hibbard vs A Bridge, tried be fore JuMice llytle Thursday, tuetead of thenameot A.M. J5vacs. -lu thecaso in which thehoreewae attached, Evana wae plaintiff, not Sontnau. Tt.nra will lia n srKwinl bxeurfl!on train run from Marstield to Cojuillr. on Jjitn- dav. Moy 16h, for the beneUt of tliose rfihin- in ntinnl the came of ball w- twien the Ikimlon and Coqnillc tccrr.a Train leaves ut U a. m. V.'m. Gall was arraigned before. I uat'ce Hyde yosterday on a charge of nMiialt with n daneroua weapon, ajltv-l to hare been romruittM upon the prtraou of .r L Feriv. Jr. Hii txammativn will take place at 1 p. ni, Monday. A l ostal card was rc ivtd yeflcnl.ty hv Sn iitiri ('huidIm-11 from the lit- tli eon of J. Grimes, at ValUjo. On tho card waa a postscript from Lloyd Lor, saj'injr that the remain ol Mrs. mimes .i,i I,., hmnirbt tn Marehrleld on the i;wct eteam'T for lurial. A letter M the Nin.iflecthMben rtrefvid by Mr. Urim' relative? nt Myrtle Point. Th marriage of J"hn Sandill and Mist Hilmu Fririrkon AlUtHki plato this evening In Ddd tVllowe bull in the ljre-noe ol a large number of invito KuetU. After the cerornony therB will be a yrand ball. Th roow J Moi'Iair ed at the Bay City mill, and is LhjLly rnid!iitof Cxhi lorannmbor of joara. Tieee worthy youou j-.ple will hare th bdt wtthee of a ho:t 1 v lends. J, D Ip, superintendent of the Mftto, penitenUary at Saleir., who delivered an , addraae br Uat iiihti arrlttd In the aftemoou via Gardiner, where he ! Tiiuraday fcveninK lo a WW audience Jn dvM:acy of Hepuli'iican princlpUs. J i jrtunately the tujr Hunter -iB'U a run , Hn )! ba-. vebterdav, and Mr. o eami on her avoiding the unpieatant .;.!-.. tdM liuih. From Krnwro iio oatne up by team and epent the after-1 noon greeting old acnuainiancei, of whom lie has a nninher her, and nialc inUMron3f. Ilexes to the UuiH ifiav, epenkiBK at Baudon tonight, nt Myrtle Point Monday tiht, nmi Co .mlllrt Tueaday nUht. alter which he will return to the interior over tho Drain route. ,Ijra aro two pointer ; for thor who hav their oara strained to catch tho I whlMe of thi loromonvd on tho Coos i Bay-Salt Lalto rai'roa- : A conmifument of tente, axes, wnrf-, and other Mmilar goods was roivtd on tho Allianc ulnr a W Empire Construction Co., cam of V. il'i'LJ; n. i.'in.of:onslructioil tin- ro- t;c A. Co, y'l""' ..'.:. .VVnriri.ul for tllO Work of lmildin tho nov mil road, nnd It a rid that tho outfit mentioned ie . .i . r rnvtiuviiitr nurtiUB. Mr. I or I ins ii bo w bij"m i . Ciolden doe! net respond to pumping on th;S,""K;,i 6rw is that two nlmllar outfltH 1 mvq been received by Chlldif, ?h RohobuHf merchant, ono to Ko cm and ono weit. ,JLot 'orgoualiaBiior. O o OS a k SBSsaae taf koto J Wi4 tostl'lJI w 5 Z$ t? d d i t ml 0) H terto Q J3 VO iili 3 3 X X. J x? isSS"' I t- &EKTj 0 2s -. (C J slS H S. pv- P p2 -v o & - - ren 2.. 03 5 s p M VO " JHta jasKf fff Jfi t-j WL to kip1 ttftfo i-'iMa '3W rat. a Jg-l MO c e O to eh m 85 i w rn O vj pi pus?, to Z2 w ras LJLJ tcr w 3 b Tho echoonnr Ivy brought 100 tons of Hour nnd feed for tho 8porry Flour Co. Quite n numbot of Mimliflold II h nrmou wont up Coon river Hun ilny but mot with only modrrnto success. Mm. P. A, Polumon of llaynos nlniiBh received noiuo vory linn Hcotnu colllo pups on thu Alliance from Port land. Win. S.tundern of K.nplri, was In town Monthly and reported nu epldumle ii bad colds in that town. Mrs. Bouiley who has limn citnvnts ta tho county with roup, has ruttiruid to hur hotnu nt Klktou. - II. 1 1 on p. ell nnd Win. 1 cckslrom left on tho Aillnnro (or HniiFrntu'iri'o whurn they intended to woik nt their Undo, as aliid carpenters. Thu idcamcr Ktnplro has been laid up (or the Hummer nu ncoouut of slack demand fur coal. J. J. Htnnlov, rdltor of thu Corinllln llulletlu nud Democratic candidate for ciunty Juduo. is in thu city to attend thu lhuio.ir.ttiu rally this uvcnlnu'. Mrs. J. T. Collver i a nnon(i.or nn thu Alltnncii for Han Frnurifco. to virit her sister, Miw llatl'u Ariulivid, who it teriuutly ill. Cliaa. Wordon, who is omployeil on K, ('. ll'njfrs farm on Coo river, wus In town Monday, nnd had Dr. MeCormnr tlx up his left hand, which hu had cut with a lull nxe. R. T. Twombty, whu haa lieen nc'.lne ai city reporter on thU lwper, ttlatled MomUv mornlnv forth Salmon mnuii tiu miiiM, nhere hu will enter thu em ploy of lio. Hall. J. i:. h'n$v, of Ka.t Marsh'fleld, I- a ini"enr on tho Alliance to rtunka I'ruui ther hu will go to mute of lh" Noitheru Cidiforuln mines in which hr is intereatiHl. Mra. I). M. Gorman ruturned Monday from a few day' vicit nt tho homo n (r. and Mr. M. N. Bluek, on Ciitchinic sluutth, whetu Mr. Gorman ii dgiiu some paiulir.K. A dispatch from Indupfiuilenco, Or., brius thu nuwR that A. II. Collver, win r.cently wont there for tientment of n ranc -, has nuffon-il n stroko of (ornlr ih. His Kin, A. M. Col Ivor, has started ,ut eluru thu news wus received. Kmombor wh"n twtdinu nhnut th t P.erre dieai-tir in this pupcr thnt ii is iS hours InUr news than yon will fluil in thu Onxonlan which you rocutw ihli inornin Ui would lika tin CotHT Mam. biibeoribtr lo niiprnciat' the fact that thy are xettlnu thoncMf two days t-oouer thnu they would with out the little daily. A. P. Owen was circulating n sub criptlon papr ycsUirday to raiao mo-j-fy to cuMt the furviota of thu Nort) lU-nd Itaud to liven thiupi up ut tin mevtinK this' evening, when J. K WYathfrfonl, Doiiumrnth caudidato fu CoriKrrti', will aihlrein thu citiena. Mr. Vi'entht rlord H nu nutf rtalnitiK Hieukur ur.d willdotibtlu.a draw n crowd, K. V. Km e rocelveil on the Area; a bnndcijw, cuuiue nud other etippllee for hu nu Inp yard nl thn dtavu mill With other htiildiuu nmriitiouu thitf U being i eld back by thu diillcitlty of ol tniuinij lumber. In tho meantimu Mr Kmae ia doiiiKcout'lihirabledraUKht'n work In preiKiratlon for active a- ra tion i. T. MiiklewriKht, n Jaweler, recently fro.-. i Loudon, haa 0K;iied up for hull mln one corner of thu Itd Croa Dntit Mtorn, Mr. MiiklewriKht hur Mori ' d ill Homo of thu hhihoat rims ca ihihinente In hia lino and has hml ex cllnnt Irttlniriik. Hu is n yo.injr man ol iiLnaaut nddrWi ami Iikh mndo many friond since his nrrlvul. A B Camplxill lint Just reclovod n new Nickel Mint ItouettT and popper, kMpitble of handlliiK punnutH and jiop corn till further orders. It ii nu auto mat io, iloiibli) iioiiiu proportion ami tttenis to huniiii!M in Ifjth tho roust i'U uirl popping ileparlmeutH at the -uiiio time, and llmhi timo to whittle wliil'J doin' It. Alex will ovldontly onrrwl thu uiikloA' when ho goto Ihlr tnachiuu iu to operation. SliOriff fifnvo fi:i)li(ir r.imn rwinr nn hortchni'l; from the county beat yeuter uy. no rejiortH iiuii inn rontt la In orxl shape, thu road supervisors hnviii(; been nuttin in fcomu ood work. Hhor- iff Gilllicr llrtH liliubt mi nlllflniif nlllpnr. thalhlun minlttratlon Iuih beun clean, lionoHt nnd economical 'd to bo testified to DV tllO COUntV court. Iln Imn lMviiii entire satisfaction to nil tho uttnrmwii of tho county, and in fact to ovury peroon nuvine: unu uusinoss nt tne niiorlll'e ol flcu. During hiu term of olico ho has made many fiionds. It was conceded that Mr. Gullilin'n -llOliilimllnn una equivalent to election. Ho certainly win uu uiuuiuu; mu umy ijuesiIOU IS, UY what majority, A ( The Alllrnco la advortlnod to Icavo Ban Frnnolncn Hnturdny, and will sail for Portland Tuesday. P. O. Potewon, gf ifnynes nlo iifjli, wn doltiK bnslticiti In bwu Thursdiiy, I'M Cole, lineman fur thn tclophono coinnnuy ha moved Into thn houso r,u rontly.vac.xtad by F, H. Dow In fjouth Mnrshllold. Olo Jnhuton, Flauaau'ssniisneo milk er, Informs thu Mail that wo will hnvo Kline I'.ood weathur from now on. J. M. Dolntt I liiilhliuK n now trlmiuii lur curnper for ue on thu rou lo. The point lNiiUlppcd .with n j)loy I'luvrn and It Ih iilanned miu-clally for worklui: out thu (litohes nt t lit allien ol tho loml. Thn ni1 vesael In thn shlpyurd I no bilus plnuked, anil thu platform has boon, built on which to iiMiuiublo thn fraiii'u of hur duplicate, which Is to bu built under tho hhod, Thomas llblno was In town Thtiraday on his wiv to (.'.itnhlnu' hIoiiuIi wher4 hu will vIkII hii old Irleuds Mr. nud Mrs, II. Si. Itlnck. ' ' Fred LlllnnUial retiirnoir ThuraJay from AlleKAiiy, whore hu ha I been IomW- Ini; over larmiiiK laud. Amonn thoi who take ex.iinintilMu hofote tlm Orint'Ui Slate Ih'iital Uoarl buiiiu held at thu North P.icitle Dental t!tlli);o In Portland till week are it. 11. Walter of this place and when Harry re turn 1 1 Muri-iitteld hu will hu n full ilodc.ed dentin. F. A HaarUi 'inn ruivnd lumber for u new foundation for hie Imuee am R. Htrout, whluh he will more to Uie Uk end of the lot where it wus raited to the level of the afreet. The Jeaalo Minor is lylnjc nt lan 4 Co's drn-k wa tin;; hrn uerROof iHinbtr from JoIiiiwiii'h milt. Rho will haal np '. the railroad dock the first of th week. Mr, and Mrs. Fiank IMie lerrn tide morn I ii for Portland, nmlaud, where Mr. l'ao hat eioiitliln iu view in the vay of emplomiit. Win. Baikal' hiu on BriMilway i nearly completion under ,thu akfllfui uiltmtriUionH of Mr. Ilnrkau, aaetsted by A. K. and Win. Klckworth. Mine Vieiiut Mntera, of 0itahln doiiuli, cumu down Wcxltuwlay to aii Mrs. K. .1. M inter iu hur drestmakin ustnbliuhment. G"i. Wulff la now llrlu;; nt Ferndiile iml ltht. Mirmliiu luu moved into the Wulff residem-e. Tho McGinn! recently purrhaeod hu Norman rceideuau on luu hilt and will tfiro iti liioroiili over-huulliiy, he fore tff Tiiiic it fur rent. Henry Holm has laid a rower pip eonuK-tlnx hii leddeuei to the eeer Kiron the Htntut, thus makliiK ) iuweriiKo for Ids rutiihuicu. Oastlcwood. Rogistor Quick. Voto as you ploaso. Aftov voting:" try Oastlcwood. Meet and Klccl Oftlcern The ladluH of thu A. K. W. uietThnre dty aftemoou with Mra. Ilochou and niter thu usual routine bualueei! ha I Imau attondod to oflluerH wore oleeted fur thu utiriiiiii; term. The offl pr oho 'ii were n follow-: Ptwdilunt, Mra. I", l I'nnlb'irKj Vicj-PrMld-iot. Mra. L. M. Noble; S.Hroliuy, MrH. 8. If. Ilaaatd ; irnanuror, .MIhh Su-jo I'.lcltworUi. me riot) meet next week with Mr. Albert Mnlboii. , , south coos nivra M y II Tho prosnoct for n jjunarnl frit It urnp uuvor wna linttor nt tlda timo of thu year, hut It Ih too early In call it Hire, GnrdeiiH, nud uriii. aio urnwiiiK ally, and the dalrioo are Incrwuiliu; every ywr as our Creamery reconhi i-how. hldor Stuart arrived on thu river to day from Philomath nnd will hold ser viced at Moshur Chapel, next Saturday and Holiday. M!hh Helena Wo'noln who lino Juiit arrived (mm tlioKluto University whuru ehu has been n Hludont for n nuiuber ol years nud nluo tuachur of Germnn, nnd French for two yearn hail hi'iui enuand to tineli t lorm olHchool nt Myrtle Bank. Mhi9 WoHHela luck a few months to.ich Iiik In the publlu rcIiooIh to perfect liur Mfu Diploma fo tho people coiiBidur thoy aro fori unu to iu wjcurluK lu-r ity i teanhur. Cu ' I' T'-omna a loelallnt plutkar from ICL'in HI will upeak r.t Manlier Chnpel May lUtli, hu Ih nn eloquent Speaker and fully, competent to oxphilu. w,iat uoclaliBin roaly .Ih, and boiuitn injjij , istor for a uuuibor of youru nhould know somo tlilnu of tho' Brotherhood of Mnu, 1 ? A i ti m M 14 . 7 v 4jm