r ', : YOUR KIND OP JfWELRY ' K 'O ONE wnnta unworthy, Inferior, Jowolry. It la ptiro' wnsto to buy It. Pcoplo wnnt good goods, nml they wloli to pay only n fnlr prlco for them. Tlioy cot hero tho (iullty nml prlcos that cotifltltnto real chonpnon-. : Thu mado-to-Bull kind of goods wo linvo not nnd never will huvo, hut wo will nlwnya carry nn otnplo assortment of tho nindo-to-pleaso kind. Our prices nro low, hat you needn't bo nfrnld of low prlass when wo make thorn. :: :: POSTACKEN'S PHARMACY, Marslificld, Oregon LUM SKq 4 m fX&MRHB That is what we have to sell, and NMMHMMMHMNHMMHMiMMIMMiMMMMMMIMMMMMIMIM we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guarantees and the price is right. OUR STOCK INCLUDES anything required i Red and White Cedar. SIMPS ON LUMB E R CO. i ..... -i. i pnonc mam i5i, North Bend, Ore i MLT" 'my 1i." 0. D. c .GROCERY-' A full Imonf elioico Unicodes, food, Hour, hum ami bacon nlwnyt on bund, froli fruits anl voctiiblftf received on every simmer HQHG3T PRIOR PAID FOR PRODUCE, BUTTER AND BQQS Tree Delivery ,9t Vctdict for Uridgcs Tho enso of Jne. II. Milliard va A. Bridges, wna tried before Juetlco llydo Thursday afternoon, before n Jury con. fitting ol Is. Londo, John Snyder, E. W, Lew If, S. 0. Brown ami K. A. Elck. worth, 'iho yerdlot wna for defendant. Thlfl wna ft eult brought to recover poeeeilon of n borfo, In longing tho plain HIT, which wna levied upon by defendnnt acting nfl special deputy for Sheriff Gal Jler, Inn tuit in which A. M. Kvana wdh plninllff nnd J. II. lllbbnrd wna do. ondnnt. lllbbnrd claimed tho horeo an exempt from execution, na It wna one- of bin teum with which ho mukua n living, 'iho point Hindu by dofoiidnnt'H counsel, A. 15. Seuniun wna that na Hrldgna had nctod tie tho deputy of tho sheriff, tho milt aliould hnvo boon brought against the t horlff. Tbla wno tho vlow taken by 'JHoinnttor will probably cocao up ogniu, I I E DB B& O l El bhz MB Wu. Kc mm li L'Air Kf;i'w:wfrrwi7vm.fl mMUanUOiBSXELl in Fir. Spruce, "jfcj ' Telephone. lMii'M. . TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3 1878 NOTUK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lnml Ofllco Rosoburg. Or,, May Oth. IDOU. VnltiA to linntlii irivnn llmt in oninnlt- nnce with thn provisions of tho ne.t of uongrora oi .nine ;, jea, cniiucu - ah net lor thu rnlo of limner Inmla in tho Mates of Cnllfornia, Oregon, Novadn, nnd U'nuli niilnn 'l'ir r llnM' " nn oylonili'il tn nil tho l'ull o I .mul Stnteo by net of AUgUEl -J. IVUi. KHKHKK li. JONKB. nt M'tirclillulil rnnnlv nf Cnt?. Ptntn of Oregon, Iirh litis day filed Jn this ollico IiIh Bworn Btntement No. 23SD, for tho ptirchaeo of thu Bl2 of N Wl-4, BAVM of NE1-4 nndNWl 4ofKVl-l of Portion No 22 InTowiishlp No. '-MS Knm:e No. 11 W. and will olVor proof to hIiow that tho land fought la more valuable for ita timbor or Btono than for agricultural purposes, and to oitablieh his olnlm to enld land boforo W. U. DoughiP, U. 8. CommU ilonor for Oregon nt Mnrshfiold, Oregon, on Saturday, thn 20 dny of July, 1002. Ho namca an witnesses: W. A. Fllnn, nf Falrvlow, Oregon; F. H.-, Taylor, ot Falrvlow, Oreiod j M. J. Wilson, ot Fnlr- v; r vlow, Orogon; W. 13. Anderto:, of Mornlifleld, Oregon. Any nnd all perronn claiming advorse ly tho nbovo-dutcribed lands nro request ed to flic I heir claims hi tl;lr ofllco on or beforo Mid 10 day of July, 1D02. 6-17 J.T. JJlllDOKB, Iteglstor. TIMItKIt LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. KOTICK FOR 1'UJILIOATION, United SlnlCR Lnud Ofllco, Korcburg, Or, May Oth, 11)02. Notlcn la hereby given that In compll nnco vrlth Iho prcvieinns of tho act of ConurcM of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho inlu of timber landn in tho Htntco of Cnlifarnln, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Wnthlrigtou Territory," naoxUndeu to nil the I'libllc I.nud Btntca by net of August 3, If 01!. lhKAKL LANDO, of Mnrsb field, county of Coos, Rtnto of Oregon, has this day filed in this olllce Ills sworn stuoincnt No. . for tbopur- ebnne of tho M-2 BW1-4 h N15W BW1-4 of Hectlon No 22 In Townchlp No 20 8 llnnge No. 11 W, nnd will offer pioof to nIiow thai ton Ikiiu tougul is more valua ble for Its timber or 6tono than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to suid Und beforo W. U. Douglas, U. H. Camtnlesionor for Oregon nt Marsh field, Oregon, on Monday, the S8 day of July, ioo: lie names as witncscoi: James Ilat eheson, J, J. Kranholm, Jr., Krncrfon I'Vrry, Alviu Bmith, all of Manbfield, Oregon. Any nnd nil perrons rlnhnlnc adverse ly tho above-described Innda are request ed to filu their elaima in this ollico on or beforo raid 28 day of July, 1002. 13-17 J.T. KIUDtiES.ItOKUtcr. '1I.MIIKU LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878- NOTICK FOIt I'UHLIOATION. United StateB Land Ofllco, Uoseburg, Or. May 0, 1002. Notica la hereby ivcn thnt in compli ance with the provisions of tho net of Conuren of Juno 3. 187H. entitled "An ! net for tho ralu of timber lands in tho Ktntei of California, Oregon, Nevada, end Washington Territory," na extend ed to all tho Public Land btotes by act of August t, lb'.l-'. CLAY HOI' UN A.MOORE, of remlleton, county of Umatlllu, State of Oregon, bits this day filed in this of llco his Bworn etntetnent No, , for tho purclmro of tbu SKI 4 of Srctlon No. 20 in Towneblp No. 20 B, Itnnpo No. II W, and will offer proof lo show thnt thu land Houulil la moru vnlonblo for its timber or Mono tbnu for nuriculturnl purnoees, nnd to ertnblirb his clnim to Fold land bo fore W. U. Douclns, U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon at Maribllold, Orecon, on ..Ionday, tlic2H iloy ot July, IWi. He names na wltntwa: John J. i Kronbolm, Jr., Jnmea llulcbceon, Alvln Smith, Jesse A. Biuilli, all of Mnrtbfleld, Oregon. Any nnd nil persons claiming adverse ly tho nbovo decerlbi.1 Innds nroretpiest ed to Hie their claims in tills cilice on or before en!d 28 day of Julv. 1002. 6-17 J. T. 1JHIDGKS, lUglstcr. TI M HEIM. AN pTaCTJ UNK 3, 1K7S- NOTICK FOR I'UBLIOATIOK. United Etntee Land Office, Roecbursr, Or. MnyO, 1002, Notice is hero by given that in compli ance with tho tho provisions of thn net of CoiiKrcsaof Junu3, 1878, entitled "An !.. rn. ln onln n( lntlir Inniln in thn (IV IUI ill" ru.vi tt " ..-..- - Htnti'sof Callfornlft, Oregon, Novadn and Wabhlugton Territory," as exjendod to all tin I'u bl ic Land Btntca by Act of AugtifL 4. 1602. UKNJAMIN C. ASDEReJON, ot Visalla, county of Tulare, Btnto of Calilornla, has this day filed In this ollico bis sworn etntoment No. 2370, for tho purchnso of tho BEl 4 of Sec tion No. 0 In Township No. 20 S, Rnngo No. W, and will offer proof to nlnti. Mm. tlm lnml nnimlit in morn Vflltl- nblu for Its timber or etono than for g irlrnltiirAl iinrnoBoti. and to establish hia claim to mitl land boloro tho Register and Rccrlvor of thin ollico nt Rosoburg. Oregon on Wednesday, tho 20 day of Auuust, 1002 ,,,, Ho nnmoins witnessos: Chnrles Tbom, of Roeeburg. Orocon; Hurry Thomas, of Roreburg. Oregon; Krneat Dingley of Vlsnlin, Cnlifornln; Albert J. Cnmpboll, of Roeeburg. Oregon. Any nnd nil persona clnlming cdverso ly tho nbove-described landa nro request ed to lllo their clnlma en llila ollico on or beforo antd 20 dny of Ancuat, 2002. , f. 17 J. T. UUIDGKS, Reglstor. TIMUEU LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- NOTIOK FOR l'URLlOATlON. United Stntea Lnml Ollico, Rosbburg.Or. Mny 0, 1002. Nollco Ishoreby given thnt in compll nnco with tho provisions of tho net of Concroso of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "Au net for tho snlo of Umber lnnds In tho Statea of California, Oregon, Novadn ami Washington Territory," na extended to nil the Public Lnml Etntoa by net of August 4, 1802. EMMA NOBLE, of Marahfield, county of Coos, Btno of Oregon, haa this day filed In thla ofllco his Bworn atatement No. 2370, for tho purchneoof tbo 8W1-4 of NWl-4, Wl-2 of BW1.4 8eo 25, SE1-4 of BE1-4 of Sec tion No. 20 lu Towneblp No 23 B, Rango No. lSWt'and Will offer proof to' Bhow that tho land Bought la moro valuable for Ita timber and atone than for agricnl turlal purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land beforo W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marshfiold, Orctton, on Tuesday, tho 22 day of July, 1002. Ho nnmoHOB witneeees; Frank Bow ron, of Lako, OrcROii ; Nellie JJowron, of Lnko, Oregon ; Nancy Noblo, of Marsh field, Oregon ; W. II. Noble, of Marsh. field, Oregon. Any nnd nil perrons claiming adverse ly tho nbove-deocrlbed lands are request' ed to file thoir clnlma in thla ofllco on or beforo 22 daya of Julv. 1002. 5-17 J. T. imiDGK8,J.egietcr. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United BtatcB Land Ofllco, ItOBoburg, Or May 8th 1002, Notico is hereby given that in compli ance with tho provision of tho act of Contrrcea of Junu 3. 1878. entitled "An act for tho a!o of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," oaoxlcnd ed to nil tbo Public Land Statea by act ol August 4, 1892, JOHN WALL, of Marehfield, county of Coos, Btato of Oregon, baa thla day filed In this office lila fcworn statement No. , for tho purchBBOof tho81-2SVl-l,8V1.4 SEM Hec 27 and NWl-4 NK1-4 of fiecllon No. 43 In Township No 20 8 RanuoNr. 11 W. and will offer proofto show that tlio land sought la moro valuable for its timber or Btono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before V. U. Douglas, U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon at Marehfield, Oret'ou on Satur day, tho 20th day of July. 1002 Ho names ns witnesses: OttoKcrouso, mi l.n.l.i i. .. . f. II Tt'-ll of Murlifleltl, Oregon; Jnmep Wall, of Jlarsiifleid, Oregon; F. it. Tnylor oi Falrvlow, Oretton. Any nnd all persons clalmipg ndverrc ly thonbovc-dcBcrlbed lands aro request ed to file their elaima in tbla olllce on or before said 0 dny of July, 1002. 5-17 J. T. Bridoch, RcgiBter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United B'atea Land Ofllco, Roeeburg Or. May 8th, 1102. Nollco Is horeby given that In compli ance with the provifiona of tho act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tbo ralo of timber landa in tbo Statea of California, Orecon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," aaextended to nil tbo Public Land Statea, by net of August 4, 1892, ROMUALD O. CORDE8, of Mnrfhtleld, county nf Coos, Btato of Oregon, hna this dny filed in thla ofllco bis Bworn Btntement No. , for tbo purchase of the SEM of Section No. 7 in lownehlp No 20 S Range No. 11 W, und will offer proof to et ow Unit tho land roucbt U moro valuublo for ita tim bor or etono than for agricultural pur potcs, nml to establish his clnim to said Innd beforo W. U. Dong'na, U. S. Com missioner for Orecon nt Marshfiold Ore Kon, on Friday, 23 day of July, 1002. Ho names i(s witnesses: Job u Pierce, Ben Schuyler. Emmet Pierconnd O. E, Smith nil of Mnrshfiold, Oregon. Any nnd all persons claiming adverso ly tho nbovo described lands are request ed to file their claims in thin office ou or boforo tatd 20 day of July. 1002. 61-7 J. Tt BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNK .3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statea Land Ofllco. Rosoburi;, Or. May 8, 1002. Notico ia hereby given that in compli ance with tho provisions of tho act of Concresa of Juno 3, 1878. entitled "An act for tho sale ot timber landa in the Btntca oflCalifornia. Orecon. Novada.and Washington Torritory," na extended to all tbo Public Land States by uct of August 4, 1802, HARRY SIMMONS, of Marshfield, county of Coos, stato of Oregon, has thla dny filed in thia ofllco bia sworn statement No, for tho pur- chnso of tho BW1-I of Section No. 20 in Township No. 20 B Range No. ll W, and will offer proof to fhr.w fiiat tho laud souuht is moro vnluablo for ita timber or etono tnnn lor agricultural purposes, nml to estnblibh his claim to tnid land beforo W. U. Dongln", U. S. Commis sioner for Orepon nt .unrBlmelil, Orecon, on Saturday, tne uo day oi Julv, 1UU2. Ilonnuicsns witnesses: F. It. Tnylor. of Fnirviow. Oregon. W. A. Flinu ol Fnlrviow, Oregon, W. II, Morgan of Mnrshfiold, Oregon, F. A. Baker, of Marsuuold, Oregon. Anv and all persona claiming adverse ly tho nbove-descrbed lnnda nro request ed to filo thoir claims in this ofllco on or boforo said 20 day of July, 1002, 7-17 J. T. BRIDGES, Registor. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTIOE FOIt PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Uoseburg. Or. Mny 8 1002, Notico la horoby given tlutt in compli nnce with tho provisions of tbo act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho sale of timber lands in tho Statea bi California, Oregon, Novadn, and Washington Territory," as extended to nil tho Public Land Btatcs by act of August 4, 1892, WILLIAM I. BONEBRAKE, of MarBhfiold, county of Coos, Stato of Oregon, haa thia day filed in this ofllco his aworn statement No, for tho li'ur- chnsn of tho 8K1 4 of Section No. 22 in Township No. 20 8, Rango No. 11 W, and will offer 'proof to show that tho land sought in moro valunblo for ita tim bor or stono than for Agricultural pur poses, and to establish hla claim to said land before W. V. Douglae) U. 8. Com missioner for Oregon at Marahfield Ore gon, en Friday, tho 25 day of Julv, 1002. Ho names aa witnesses: William I. Conklin, John J. Kronbolm. Jr., If-aiik Smith, J.M. IIulchceon,nllof Marsfield, Oregon. Any nnd all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands aro request ed to filo their elaima in thia olllce on or before said 25 day of July, 1002. 3-17 J. T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LA2JD, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- NOriCE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofllco Rosoburg Or. May 8, 1002. Notico is hcroby given that In compli ance with tho previsions of tbo act of Oangrepa of Jnno 3, 1878, entillod "An act of for tho salo of timber landa in tho Stntea of California, Oregon, NovaJn. nnd Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all tho Public Land States by act of August. 1G02. JOHN J. KRONHOLM, Jr., of Marahfield, county of Coos, stato of Oregon, has this day filed in thia ofllco his o-orn statement No. forthopur- chaso of the 8W1-4 of Section No. 23 In Township No. 20 8 Range No. 11 W, and will offer proof to show that tho land Bought Is moro valuable for its timbor or Btone tbnn for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land bo fore W. U. Douglas, U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon at Marehfield Oregon, on Friday, the 25 day of July, 1002. Ho names na witnesses: W. I Conk lin, J. M. HutchcEon, Frank Smitti, William Bonebrako, all nf Marshfiold, Oregon. Any nnd all persona claiming adverse ly the above-described landa ans request ed to file thoir claim, tn. thia ofllco on o: beforo aatd 25 day of July. 1002. 6-17 J.T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Rpsoburg, Or. May 0, 1002. Notice ia hereby given that in oompU-'-anco with tho provisions of the actotCon greaa of Jano 3, 1878, entitled "An act for thn rale ot timber landa in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, andWaeh Ington Territory," aa extended to all tho Public Land Statea by net of August 4, 1692, ERNEST L. DINGLEY. of Visalia, County of Tulare, State of California, haa this day filed in thla office his aworn etatoment No. 2374, for the Surchase of tbo Lota No. 3., 4, 5, being Wl-4 NEW of Section No. 0, in Town ship No. 20, Range No. 10 W and will offer proof to show that tho land, souglit ia moro valunblo for ita timber or atone than for ugricultural purposes, nnd to op tabllsh hla claim to said land beforo tho Register nnc. Receiver ot tbia office nt Roeeburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 2C dav of August, 100:2. lie npmea en witnesses: ChariesTltom, Harry Thomas, Albert J. Campbell ol Roeeburg. Oregon, B. O. Anderson, of Visalia, California. Any nnd all persons claiming adverse ly the abovo described landa aro request ed to file their claims in this ofllco ou or beforo said 20 day of August, 1002. 3-17 J, T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND, AOT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitedlptntea Land Offico.Roaeburg, Or, May 0, 1002. Notico is hereby given tbnt in com plinnco with the provisiona of the act of Congress of Juno 3,1878, entitled "An net for the snlo of timber landa in tho states of California, Oregon, Nevudn.and Wnohingtou Territory," U8 extended to nil ItiO Public Land Statea by act of An gnat 4. 1692, WINFIELDO. BIOKFORD, of Marahfield. county of Coos, Btato ol Oregon, haa this day filed in tlile ollico hla Bworu atatomout No. 2860, for tho purchneo of tbo Northeast 1-4 of Section No. 27, in Town'ahip No. 20 8, llanga No, 11 West, and will offer proof toBhow thnt tho land eought is moro valunblo for ita timber or Btono than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish hia claim to aaid land beforo W. U. Doug Ins, U. 8. CommisBioner for Oregon nt Marshfiold, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 22d dnvof July. 1002. Ho names na witnesses : F. R. Tay lor, M. J. Wilson, of Falrvlow, Oregon, W. H. Morgou, M. D. Cutlip, of Marsh Held. Orecon. Any nnd all persons claiming adverse ly the.nbovo-described lands aro request ed to file their claims in thia office on or before Bald 22d day of July, 1002. 6-17 ' J T. BRIDGES j Register,' " v .-