.,r ssecrr-; : :r: - U'UIHKll LAND, ACT JUNKS, 1873. ' NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. United Status Land Om;cr, Rosnburg. Oregon, May 7th', W?. Notice U hereby given th:t In com vllauco with tho provisions ot tho act of Congress ot Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An art lor th eitlo ol timber hunts in tho State ot California, Oreaon, Nevada .ml Washington Tirrlorv." as extended (o nil tho I nblic Laud States by net of j Augtt.U -t. IN"-'. FREDERICK K. TAYLOR, . .f r . .. . -.., of nf hnlrvlHtr. po r Ol uooc. eunu k 1 '.li. .i.. .n...i !..!.!. ill,v. urvgoti, iwt ""? "' rtVit fnr ili hi nixoru statement No. -JW, lor tlio , put chart) of tho south tialf nortuoaat jtKiirter Sec. 23. routh hnlf northwest l4 , t Section No 2', in Townahip No.2i S. j Range No. 11 W, nnd will offer piool to tliow that the land sought is tnoro vnl-; tinblo for it limber or atoms than for I nurieulttinil Ptirpoics, nnd to cmullMi hie claim to futd land beforo ). I iynirln. l S. CommWMoncr for Oregon at Mnrehtleld, Oregon, on Satutday, tlto 10th dav oUuty-HML He names ng wilncetes: William II. Morgan, of Mnridiileld, Oregon ; M. J. Wilon, W. A. Flinu, K. C. Whitley, cf Fairvww, Oregon. Any nnd nil per?oni claiming; adverse ly the above-itoffribed lands aro re nitpjted to file their claims in this olllco an or before said lWth day of July, 1002. i 10 J. T. Bridous, Register. TIMBER LAND. AIT JUNK 3, 1?73. NOTICK FOR I'UHLICATION. United States Land Oitice, Roieburg, Oregon, May 7lh. 1102. Notice is hereby given that in com rdiaiico with tho provisions of tho act of rcngreia of Juno 3, 1S7S, entitled "An net for the alo of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wnshincton Territory," as extend rd to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. ISO'.'. MARVKL J. WILSON, j.f Falrvlew, county of Ccos, Mate of Oregon, has thia day filed in tbia office bis aworn atatcmeut No Etoo, for the purchaeo of tho north hilt northeast minrtMr See. 23. north Iinl' northwest nnartcr of section No. 27 in township ro. 20 S, rango No. 11 W, and will otter prool to show that tho land sought ie inoro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to rstablish his claim to said lnnd before W. U. Donalaa, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marsbfield, Oregon, on Satur day, the 19th day of July, IWnJ Ho namea hs witnesses: William H. Morgan, of MarMifield, Orecon; F. It. Taylor, W. A. Fliun, E. 0". Whitney, of Fflirvicw. Orecon. Any and all pereons claiming adverse ly the noove-tieecr.oeu tanus aro re nucsted to file their claims in this ofllco on or btflore said 10th of July. 11K2. fi, 10 J. T. BniDOES, Register. TIM11ERLAND ACT, JUNE 3, 187a. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". United Statzh Land Orncn. Roieburg, Oregon. May 8. 1102. Notice is hereby Riven that in compli ance with tho provisions of tho net of Congress of June a. 187b. entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lauds in tho states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land Statea by act of August 4. 180?. JOHN W. CHAPMAN of Maahlleld,connty of Coos, State of Or egon, has this dav filed in this ofllco his eworn statement No. 2d2, for tho pur rhanaof thoSEMof SWli. NE1-4 of BWl-t of Section No. 10 in Township No 20 S.Rango No 11 W.and will offer proof to show that tlie land eougm is more valuable for its timber or stone than for Agricultural purposes, and to establieh his claim to eaid land before W.U.Doug. 1", U. S. Commissioner for Oregon at Marshlleld, OrPijon, on Monday, tho 21 day of July, 1002. Henatneflua witnesses: J. W.TibbettH, J. D. Cliukcnbeard, Alvin Smith, KrneBt Smith, of Marshncld Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adverely tho abovodocribed lands are requested to file their claims in thii office on or be foro said 21 day of July, P.02. 5-10 J. T. Biudokh, Register. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Debicnb Copyrights etc. sent free. (lAamt r,ni.r fnr Bocmintf Dateiltl, I'itonU taken tbrousb Munn u). receire tlteUU rwtlct, without charge, in tne Scientific American. Ahsndsomely Illustrated weekly, srsest elr. Sn.tinn of any scientific lournal. Terroi, M A iearr rour months, L Bold ly all Tiewioeaiera, mm 3BIBfOdr,HflWTn (ttYBU TJJjlbsvD.-C. ijmijra Anyone sending a sketch and dcscrlritlon may Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au InVeiitloii Is probably patenUble. Communlea Ifoifs strictly eontldeutlal. Handbook on 'ateuU TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Und OfthcRbscburg, Oregon. April, 18, 1901. Notice li hereby qben that In compliance with ihe virt)Uloi of the net of Cougiest of une v 1873. entitled "An hct for tho sale of tttnlicr kinds In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and VrtjhiiiKton Trrrltoty," as ex. tended to all the Public Und Suics by net of Angus! 4. 5i. FRED I. HATKMAN. of lelroe, vonniy of Doughs, Sintc of Oregon, I has this day filed in this ollicv his aw orn state I mentNo. stj7, for tho purchase of theI.ol .. SW ( 01 .vxx f , wioi?wxoife, .Mi.aiti iowii 'l N- agouti., Kange No to West, and will rt0 tl0(,. w, 1C hml Mlu., , ,oro aiinble for ft timlwr or tviono iImii lor nj;riciiK ,UM purpose, nnd to estnbllsn In cktiui to Miu land before the Register nnd Receiver of this oilier at Rosebuig, Oregon, on Thursday, the 34th day of July. iooj. lie nxntcsiit witnesses: John Thorn, r-runfc ' , !""u,,v"u"s." 'J ,...?":.; of Melrose. Oregon, I). C. Mcwilltatus, of Koieburg, Hn-gon, Any mid .ill tetn cUIming advenely tin; alKm-oVKribed kinds arc reiiursted to file th-lr clmmt in this ofliee on or trforc said jth day of Julv, i9j. . T. llmtx.KS, liefiister. 436-p TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK a, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'nited Stales Uind Ofli-r, Roseburg, Oregon, .Uy 3. 190a. Notice U hereby Riven that In compliance slth the ivowkiontof the net of CtmerrM of June 3, ilr. enlitled "An mi ; for the le of tmiLcr wnn in tne nwie 01 diiNKtiM, vregon, Nevada, and W.tsbmgton Teirtloy." hi extend, ed to all the Public Land States by act of Au gust 4. 1893. CARL HKCKKR, of Roseburf;, entv of DoiirU. Mate ol Ore gon, this tlit day filrd in this ottkv Ids suom . sutftnent .no stiS. tor tne puttfmww menu . 1 of MC -4 NW1.4, Sto NI-.I-4 ol lec. J tion No. 18, In lownhin No. a4 Smth. i Kanc No, xo West ami ill otter pruof to show I that the land Khifiht Is ntoie valunbte for us I timber or stone than for agrkultut.il purposes. and to etUblMi hit claim to MM land iH-tof the Reenter nnd Recrher of tins ottiew at Hof- bure. Oregon, on Friday, tne 15th day of Aucust, 1902. ll namr 111 ullnrus: tohn IWcker. loJin Thorn. Krunk Long, Frank Sherman, of Cwie- land. Orecon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovc-drscribed kinds arr requested to rite thetr cLilms in this oflice on or betore vihI 15th dav cf Aueuit, lui, I. I. IIKIDCKS, Keeitter. s 10 TIMBER LAND, ACTJUNE i, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land OrricE, Roteburg, Oregon, May 6th, 1102, ottco ta hereby given tnat in com pliance with the provisions of tho net of Congress ol Junou, 101H, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lauds in the State's of California, Oregon, Nevadu, and Washington Territory," as extended to nit tho Public Land Statea by act of August !. 1S'J2, CHARLEY CHURCHILL, of Cleveland, county of Dougliif. statu of Oregon, has this day Hied in thia office bis bworn statement No. 2332, for thu pu rebate of tho east half east half of Section No. 04 in Township No. 23, Rinijo 1( West, md-wlll offer proof to show that the laud sought is rnoru val uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural ptiriioser, and to establish Disclaim to Mild laud reloro tlio Regis ter and Receiver of this olllco nt Roto burg, Oregon, on Saturday, thu Pith dav of August, 1002. lie names as witnesses: Chnrlos Thorn, John Tlioni. Ed. Yon Peul, I ueorgo unurcnlll, 01 Ulevuland, Urcgou. Any and all persons claiming adverso ly thu nbovo-describod lands nto re quested to file their elaiu a in tlm olllco on or beforo said tilth day of Auxind, 1002. J. T. Bhiijokh, Register, ft 10 TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofi-ick, Rosebnrg, Oregon, May llth, 11)02. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with tho provisions of tho aet of Congress of Juno U, 1S78, entitled An r.ct for tho sale of timber htnde in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," bh extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of Auguet4, lb!)2, LOUIS J. SIMPSON, of North Bond, county of Cooe, state of Oregon, has this day filed in thin office his sworn H'atement Nt. 2310, for the purchase of the went half uorthwunt quarter, und wett half of HouthwcHt quarter of Section No, 8, in Townslilp No 23 S, Range No 12 W, and will ol'for proof to show that thu lund sought is more valuable for its timber or mono thau for agricultural purposes, and to ehtablinh his cluirn to said land before V. U. Douglas, U. S. Commisbioimr for Oregon, at Marsbfield, Oregon, on Satur day, the l'Jtli day of July, P.MI2. Ho names us witnesses: Carl AN brecht, L. A. Whereat, of Marnhfleld, Oregon; J. M. Quick, James Hibbard, of Lake, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above described lands uro re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said lUtb day of July, P.1O2. 5 10 -J. T. limhauH, Register, . TIMBER LAN,U,AOT JUNK !t, 1878; NOTICE l'OK PUBLtOATlON. t United s'tates land Ofnee, RowbutH. Otegon. - .Ifltol) i. tyoJ. Notice Is hereby dien that In eempll.tnre with the brovtototu vrd'e nvl of Conguss ol I line 3, 187S. ontitlrd "An act for llm side tlmlier l.'tiufs lnho Slates of CahfornM, Oiexon, Nevada, nnd Washington Ten limy." exlrnd ed to all tho Public Lind Slatw by net ol Au gut J. 80 a. s IkM.TIlASAR Ml'.RZ. of Cleveland, iwini of Douglas, Hate of Ore gon, hat Hilt ilnv lihtl in this oitkH his sworn sliidiuent No. tti's'lur the Hitelue ol the SWi.4ofSec No la In Township No. 6 S, Range No. 10 West, and will oilar prooi to show that the kind sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for ngriciiltuml pur. poios, mid to rtubliili his 1MI111 lo nM Utul lie lore the Register add Receiver ol this olhee at Posebmg, Oregon, on Monday, the aelli ikiy of June, 1904. He names as witnesses: Clmilri 'I bom. I'd. wnid llr) don. Jolin llioui, of Cleveland. Ote gon. Charles Stlmaufer, of Rowbutg, Oiegon- Any and nil perns ckilmlng .ulvrtsly tlie alKivr-descntied lands are reoursletl lo Ide their oWms In this oflice on or tietorc said alh da oflune, ipoj. J1, llmiirtM, Register. . 5P TIMBER LND. ACT JUNE :t, IS7S. NOTICE t'OR PUBLICATION. Unltwl Slates tnd OMce, Rose burg. Oregon, April :6di. ivm. Nolle U hereby ttven that In complMnc ulthtrwHOvitionvo7ihe act of ConVts d lunej, i7i, nnlitled "An aet fe tbi vile of Timber 1-nmW In the Stairs ol California. Ore gon. NVvntla. and Wadiwicton IViittoty," as evtniitetl to alt tlw Public Uml Mitea by aet ol August 4. 1904. of Roschurx. i-oonly of OougU. State of Ore gon, Imm this day Mrd In this omce bis sworn suteiuent N11. . rw ef the N'Mthwetl quarter of ectlon No. 8. Town ship a J Smth. ol Range West, awl Mill ofjrr pr of to show tlsat the lar.d sought Is rnore vnl twlrfe lor its muber of t--" Hmi for KRiicultitr al psirpoMS. and lo rstublit'i his claim to said land before the Kegler and leeeler ol Ihls olfice at Rnwburg, Oregon, un Saturday, Ihe yth ikiy of August, 1904 He naniea as witnesses: Chatlea 'litem. lohn'lhom, in ( Hreland, Ofeiron; M. M WoWott, of MinneaMhs. Minn.; Hairy 'Ibonuu. of Rotetmrg, Oiegon. Any and alt persons claiming adtersely above-descubrd lands ai rtqtieslrst to their claims In this oflice n or before said dav of Augutt, looe. P. I lie file 9ih 53 J. T. IlanM, Regbtor, TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Skilr I-andjOfTKe, Ribrrr, Oregon . Apnlji, 1003. Notice it hereby given that In omplktnce wiih tin provisions of the net of Congresa of J line 3, 187D, entitled "An aet for the sal ol timber lands in the slate of California, Orrgon Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public I .and States by act of August 4. ilys. CiiAHM.t Caw m,n. of Kugene, county of laine. state of Oregon, has this day filed in this offc-e Ins sworn state ment No aji . for the puri.li.ise of the '4 of WJ" of etKn No. 10 in 'lovvnshln No e. Range No. 10W.. nnd willoffrr pril to show that the land sought is more v.lual4 for its timtier or tne than for niriculiurnl turnos, and lo rttabhdi his cl.nni lo said land tiefnu- the Register ami Receiver of this ntiicv at Rosebnrg ( Irrgon, 011 Wedenvlay, the 1 j day of August, 1903. He nimes as witnesses. Mar'in lUngltxon, N'rls Cailvon, .lartln Oiihiis. of ICuieiw, (.HfK- on, Martin Otn, of I Hue River. Oregon. Any and all imrsons cluimiiii? adimly Hie above described litnds are rerpiestnl to file their (lams In Uil olllieon of Iwiore sum! 13 tlay ol August, uyn J:1. Hwix.M, Regltter. 5 jp TIMBER LAND.ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United SlntatLind J (flee. Rotel.utg.Oregon. March id, 1903. Notice U hereby ttfren that in oompliance with lh royikn df the aet of Congieu of June 3, 178, unliiled '"An act for th wile of liuilrar lands In the MiU of t'allfouiia, Ore gon. Nevada, ami W'.i.liiiiKton Territory," n eniend d to all the Public Lind States by net of August t, i', ClfARLKSSCHNAUFHR of Roseburg. count) of Douglas, state of Ore gon, has this day lilrd In this ollke Ids swoin UtelUe(U No 3103 -h the iMircbaie of the W , of NKi-1 and l.i 1 of Nl'.i 1 the Nlw-4 of slii-aof .v-ction No 13, 'lounslilp No. 36 oiilh, Range No. 10 Nust, and will offi-r prooi to show that iliu land -flight is more valunblu for 1 s timber or stone 1I1.111 for agricultural pur. ixtwt, and to ejulill h l.i chjin K said laud Mfo the RegiMer and Ki'csiikwr of this Ifice at lo-eburx. Ureffon, mi Tfiurxlay, tin; 5th day of une, ic3. im nnnmi as wlinWr- Frank II. Ing, ol Cleveland, Oregon. Rn u O, (iolf, of Clover Valley, Oreiiou, John 'I liuui, I'rafik .Sherman ol Cleveland, Oregon. Any ami nil ix-rsons rlniinlnir mhursnly the ahovu ili!M.ribi'd lands u.- inpiusled to lilt tllelrl ci.ums 111 mis 011 ico on or tx-iorn saiii 5111 il.iy ol luiiv, ifw. J, T. linnx.la,; Regluur. 3-15P 1TMBER LAND, ACTJUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office, Rosebtirg, Oregon, ,1ar, s8, 1903. Notice Is hereby glvivi that in compliance with thu provision of thu net of Congress of June 3," 1 878, entitled "An net for the tale of timber kinds In the Slates of California, 'Oregon, Ne vada, nnd Washington Territory, "as extended iu uniiic i-uuiic ianu sin !...... .... II tt . . ' I States by act of August 4i K7i t tS rAjfsJ in RKNUST W. SMITH u of Manbfteld. County of Coos, Stnto jf Oregon, has this day filed In this oniee till iwoin statement No. utjO, for the piinlmw "I tho NWW "f Seetlon No. i.t. hi lowif ship No. 6 South, Range No 11 N est, nnd will offer proof tojliow that the land smighl Is mow valuable for lis limber or stuiie than for ilgrleulniral inirposes, nnd lo rviiiblMi his elalm to said land liefore the Register nnd Receiver of this ollke at Rosebnrg, 1 irgon, on Monday, thr -jj d.iy of June. toi3. I In names as w lliieaviw alter S. C urst, KmllA. liileaMti, id North I lend. Orenmi. Frank W. Smith, Carl Abicchl, ol Mai.lmeld. Oregon. Any and all ersons elalmlng ndverwly the abe-deKniail kinds nie n iputtted to tile their Utliui In this olhee un or llne said tj ilay of line, 19VJ. J. T. IIMIImjk. Iteglater. .-j p TIMBER LAND. AfT.ll'Ni: , 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. t t'nited States Und Omce, Rcaelaifg Oregon, Aull 6lh, ivoa Notlee U hereby given tbnt In cwipilinee with the provisions of lit net of ('angle ol I line 3, jS7B,'eiilud "An aet for Ihe sale of timber kinds in the Stale f nhlnrnLi. Oiegon, Nevud.i, nnd Washmglon TmiiiiU)," m ex tended to all the Public I -and Maioahy nit of August 4. Ilfoli HARRV P. THOMAS, of Roieburg, county of IKwgUs, ltate of Or gon, lias tint ikiy fiiel In Ihia ulRv.-- 1st tin statement No. asott, for Hm psmhas Ot die Southwest qtMiier of Section No. fl, Townstnp a South, of Range II W., W. M.. nnd will utter 11100I to show that the kind snlit H more VHlu.iUe for Its timber or stone than for agricul tural puiHe, nnd to esiabltah hU elalm In said Undliefore the Register and Receiver bf this oOtce at Roseburg, Oirgon, on iMturday, the vih ikiy of August, uw. He n.viHus as wltnesaes Otarlei 'llwm. John '1 horn, of Cbtvs4tnd. OiegtM, M. M. Wotcotl, of MlnnnHpolls, Minn., Avon K. )- lint, of RoMburx. ( irf n Any and vll tetons ckilmlng adversely the .diove decribl lands are ir.piesled lo Ale their claims In this nlflce on or U-lure said vh day of August, 190a, J, I'. Hailair.s, Register, j-j TIMBER LaND. ACT JUNK It, l71 NOTICE FOR PL' PLICATION. I'nlted Slate, Und ufner, Roseburg. 'wegoa, Mm. svS. 190a Nulie k twrrby clvsm thai in coinpliMK with ihe provttso uf Ihaaet of (oagresaof June 3, ii7. entltlesi "An act for the sale m UmUfY and In ihe Statea of CXifMnla, fwegnn. Ne vada, and Washington 'leinlo)." a 1 itvntied lo all the I'abl Und state try act of August 4. ' ' PRANK W. SaVITH of to-sn of MatublteM. eountr of Coot, State of Oregon, has (his tlay filed In this ottue his aiHn Malement No iijt. lor Ihe pn'vhase ol tha SWi-1, id See. No 13. I p 6 b, ol R 11 west, and will offer proof to show that lb ksnd sought 11 more valiwule for iu Umber or stone than lor agricultural purposed anu to eslabiisli his rl-iim taaaul kind befntw the Register and Receiver ol litis office at KoMDunti Oregon, on ,lo nda;. the 11 itay of June, iuoa Ilr names as witnesses (art Albrethl, cf .1arshReld, Oricon, ItnnA. IttssihXiM. Walter S t arsons, ol .nw in iieixi, Oregon, iwsittt W. Smith, of MarshfteM. Oregon. Any ami all perw-t ckunslng adver''y the above.cWwrlbed lands are requested lo file iheir iljl.ns in this otActt on or belr sakl ij day of June, nj. 4.VP .T. llRIPCrt, Register. TJ.MBER LAND, ACT.IUNU II, 1S7H NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V nitml Sutei Uml Olfice. Rotetmrg, OiegoN, Aprd 1 th. lyo. Notice It hereby given that in compllanee with tlie iK-ovtefons of tlie Act of lotirrcs nl Jirir 3, 187a, entitled. "An net fur tlw sale of ttmlvr kind j in tlie St .e (if (.'ulifornki, Oregon, ,S'rt.idaar,d Washington 'lerrilory," 11s i-xteiid d to all Ihe Public l.ind Slates by act of Au. VrUSl 4. lErj. WILLIA.l, N. MOULTON. f Tin Hailirt, County of Ukn, Stale of Minnesota, hut this day filed in this ollke his swor statement No, 3319 for the purclt.tur oftlic SW'f of Section 33, loanthlp 35 South, Range 10 West Will.imrltc Meridian, and will offer proof to show 1h.1t the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purrwf and to cslahtith his claim 10 said land liefore the Register nnd Receiver of this olfice nt Rovcburg, Oirgon, on Tuesday ihe aid day of July, oi. lie names nt witnesses' Joseph WVnilierby, 1). I.. Martin, John Oivens, of Roteburg, Ore gon, L. M. Smith, Myrtle Point, Orrgon, Any nnd nil persons claiming adversely the above dmcrllx.tl lands are rcpie ted to file their claims In this office on or bcfoic suit. 33d 1! of July, 1903. .pio J, T. llniiMiiUi, Hogiiter. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, J87H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. United Slatei Lnnd Office, Kotchurg, Oregon, Airll at, 1003. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with thu provitlnus of the art ofCongretsof Juiit 3. 187, enlitled "An net for the sale of limber iiinds In the Slaint of C.difortil.i, Oregon, Neva. da, nnd Washington 'I wlltiry," ns extuntled to nil thu Public Land Slatetbynct of August 4, 1893, JOHN I'.RIKSAIIUSIROM, of town of West Superior, comity of Douglas, Slate of Wisconsin, lint jhjj day. ftlwlm this olfice hlsiiworn statement No ss.for thu purchase of Ihe V.y, of NWjf. WM of NKjf- of Sec ti." No. to, Township 36 South, ot Rnugu ic W'Xt, and will olter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stout than fpr agricultural purposes, nnd to cslablhf, bis claim to said land befoie Ihe Register mm P "culver of thlt olhcnnl Rosi-burg, Oregon, on . ttiiril.iy, tha s6tli day of July, 1903. He names nt wltnesset: hdaaid lonson, nf West Superior, Wit., Mnrlln llaiigensiin, Si mon Klovdahl, of Kuncnc, Oregon, t.irtlu Ole son, of lllue River, Oregon ' Anv and nil persons claimlne ndrcrsely tho nbove-descrlbed lands are rrqiiested to file lliir claims in thlt oOici on or before said 361I1 tiny of July, 1903. 4 30 p J, 1. URIDGES, KCglttcr. .A.. TIMBER LAfNIVACT JUNE 3, 1H7B, NOTICE FOUPUBLIOATION. United Stntot I nnd Office, Rottlnliy. Oiegon, Apr. s6, ioc3. N'ollra Is liendiv tflven that In iMiiiiiillniiee Willi e provisions of llionet of CnnginM of June 3 197U, eiitiiit "An net inr ine saie 01 iinuxr lands In the Stales nl California, ftOn'gttii, Ne xitiki, mid WiitKliigton leirllory, as csternkd to nil the Public Und Stales by act id Augu.l ., iBfli, llAW.llll C itIKVKNt, of Cli'Vrkilld, ewnnty of Diiik'hi. S'te of Oiegon, Imsililsiliiy flhtl III thlt olfke hit sworn ttiMrim nt No. iv lor the iiiialiaseof ibr 'iwiih h.dl nf the Nutili Imll of S't No, 04, tuwiidilii n. Vuulli. Itnngo No. 10 Wast, ard Hill clfor txiad to show that the kiml sought Is muie valuable for lit llmlier or slime thait for agrfculltirnl tutr iHMa, and to nstablisli hit elalm l said hud he lute the Regltter and Iteeeher of this ollke nt lttvbiiig. Oregon, on Salutilay, the 0,1 ti day ol August, tiou. He names at wllivetaet: Charles Thorn, lohn Tlrom, of t levelnml, Oiegtn: II. P. 1 1wnmt, A. V. I'roat, of Hosrhurg, (.iregoii. Any and all iiersons ctalmlng adversely lli Ihii trs rlbe4l lands nr iiietll lo file Iheir claims In Ihls oilldr oh or before laid $ili iUy of August, 1904. $i J. T. llWW.lt, Register, TIMBER UND ACT, JUNK 3, 1873 - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Sut-Xaml omee, M osrtmrg. ( vregnn, " Aall 6tli. h-j. Noll e I hereby given that in t-iniuame with Ihe jHovMwns nl tlw act of (uigiets of June j. il;, i-nliltoil "Art Aet for I lie sale of l'lHibr Undt Hi the hlnlea of Callfoinia, Oir gon, Nevada, and Wasliingion IVimuhi,' n extended Iu all lb Public Uml u.te by act ol August 4 IV. PAUL J. WARK. ofitinoaapolN, comity of llenne)ln, stale ol Xlinm-nila, has ibis day filed in (hit i.irtce his swoin stair nir nl No. moo. for ihe tiui.tuse i,( the Pail hnH of the IUl half of HevtM.n u to, lownthip 6 South, of Range 10 V and will orTrr ii'JO to show thu the Und sought is nioie taloatde foe IU timber or alone than for agrVrulluut uriwie, and lo estl,lsli hit claim lo mhI Uml before le Rcgtster ami Re. orlvor of ihlt oflice at Koarlairg, t.Hegon. on I'rulay. Ihe Blh day of August, loot. He names as wltnesaes 1oha IImjoi. C liilrtet llsom, Hugo (lluch, of I leveland. Oregon, oeih Whttcowili, of Mlnnsapolis, Minn. Any and all persons ilatming ulversely ihe airoevsWoHloesi hsMlt aie lrfjoetre.1 111 file Iheir claims In ink olUce on or before saw Sih day ol August. ion. S-3 J- T. IlKtuaiia, rtrgtsi.r. TIMBKR LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878.- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Called Stlt Und tjfnce; Koaehutr, Oirgnu, Aptli a4, ifttt. Notice is hereby grn but In ownplUnee with the pfovl'iotikol Ihe Ml of f-ontileat of Jwnej. 1B78. eniiiled "An act for the sale of liMtbet lants in the Mtaiaa iff California, Ore gon, Nevads. and Wathlngiott Terrlloiy," as extendol load the Public Und Stales by art of August 4. 1 My j, HOWARD PAI.MKR. of Mlooeoohs. eossniy of llenmuln, slate of Minnesota, bat Hits da tiled in this othoe lit swom Malement No. , for ihe ourchaw id the North half of the SomUi lialf, Set lion No. . in Township No ao S, Mange No in West, ami will ofllre proof In show lU.il tlie land sought more valuable for lis timber or Homr Ihau for agnculinml purpose, and In ot taUUsh hit cUlm to mhJ sand before Ihe Regis lr ami Receiver of thlt who at Itotehorg, Oregon, on Saturday, the yth tkiy ol A.igusi, tXJ. He nainet aa wlmtatet' Harry Thomas, Avon V. Hrutt. of Rrsaeburg, Oiegm; Charts Ihom, lohn lion, of CleveUn.l, (jargon, Anv and ail pettims claiming udteriHy I lie alxiVf-di stnbed landl me requeslail to file Wr claims In ibis olliceon or Uttsf wlil Qth day of August, 1903. S-.1 J. T. IlKitMlk. Regltter. TIMBER LAND, ACTJUNE 3. 1878 - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stale 1 Land Olfur, Rosaburg, Orrgon, April soth, ions. Notice It hrrcbv eivrn that in ciiniiikmr.. twltli Iho piovl.fonsof the net of Congriut of 1 Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An nit for thr sale of limber lauds In the States of California, I rc- gon, Nevada, and Washington Teiritory," nt ! cxtrndiKl 10 nil the Publiu Unit Status by net of iukuh ., iwya, MARK M. WOLCfVir, of .Mlnnrvipobt, oiiniy of Hennepin, state of Jlnnosota, hat (hit ikiy filed in thlt olfo-c bis tworn il.iteinent No 3397, for the purchase of the South half of the Sott.li bilf of scaiion No. c. In Township so aOS, Rnnge No. 10 Wosi, mid will offer proof In show that tl e land sought It more valuable for its limber 01 stone Hum (or agricultural imijMt nod to ottablish hit claim losnid hud belorn iIh Ri'gliti-r nnd Ro eelver ol thlt ollice 111 Rotfbiirg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9U1 day of Aiiguil, 190a. Hi-name as wltnestot! t. lurlet Thorn, of Clevtkinil, Oregon; Kdwird Palmer, Hugo flluck, of Mmneapolli, ,1iniiesoi.i; Avon li. I'rotl.of Rosebnrg, Oregon, Any and nil pvrsiiiit ti.iiiiilng ndversnlv the nbovo-deacribed lands me requested lo file their claims In thlt ollico 011 or In lore laid oifi tlay of August, 1903. 53 J- T. IIkiiwuk, lleglsicr. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Lind OQicc nl Hosuburj;, Oregon, April 3, 1904, Nolico it hereby given that the following, nnincil settler liab filed noilcoof his liituiiiloii to make final proof In support of lilt claim, nnd Ih.tt said proof will be nmdu befoiu W. U. Douglas, U. S, Commissioner nt Marshncld, Oregon, on May 17. 1903, vli: CHARLICS N. NORItlS, on li. K, No. 1)700, for tho KJ$ NWjf WK NP.y, See. ao, 'Ij). 93 S., R. 13 Wost, He names th following witm-asos lo prove lilt continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, v. Peter Robertson, of May, Ore. gon, Aimiut Licksoneii, John Quick, Jacob IHboard, of Luke, Oregon, ,T, Bridges, Register. 4.5