.X 'K. 1 ry I - Prices $5 to $150. AWARDED THE fJRMFJ PRIZE at mE pa ems EpsmoHm i Typ All. ux.'na uorn Lmrt and Omul I lieaurd. Entertains7. ASB Everybody, h sjjs. j. v wj. y vv juviy i&SsM ;rructv w Tin.. tt. I, .y iTAW IHK! 1V A " WIHITA X.7.. C. f A:i.fM"' i'"!' mvwULLlBJJT "-Sf.-dw. U C2H;t n $ LATEST MEW PRO ESS IftEGOStDSl Ciand Itc,r)n!i, , ttU., Kr-jM !"-o.:, 50c. cf.ch. J5 per dozen. Keoil t-i wllii Jour c- !r m i i-d w i'.I be ihipprl C.O.D. for tho balance. fOLUMDIA PNQI'IQtmAFti Q&MPANY 125 Conry Street, SAN FftWCISCO, CAl. ::;t "JUs P? tv f3."V -WB PS jCStf?! fi5;flt M J.T. v cr " . r-V.Ki . ICOi 'T43 WJvLWmWWtf 1&1&28&US& V , BY GS&RGE mWA93 VMimM. E&SS2SSg&amBS 7.UUM 'mustfir rn T,! '( llw i!i!.'nri r r-mr'pciui'nt.wlio ' vu W ll I H. !. 1'iixikijn Uuriiib ') tnliro n iKontlii if Ii. ' f tnlcu. )ilu.ir1r-t vltli .!iul'jifrh UIK.1l; lit -...w J9rl.Jl.r,3!.. Tft2 Mu&ti&snGatiisanall vf?jr of tffee i!0.'3$r. 'Hj trv tUrr tt. f w rm'M f (tie Fljlntr I .. II lli..frl,1.NU'.lW IMflrWuUfCtlltT, iik-iuii. ntf II I.,.. I J. m. J iW.irj. on ef llio .laniili Itfol, IULJ IUJI III I. HUM 11.11.. f. iiln mi iwl.-i-firl' rittowimr.t nj pcmiul 1 m. .1.1 vt liM Lit )' ''( AUu.lld Hcitifjr "Tin lirtn nf Put nfory of tlio movement n'til ! rMtliiMoI lli 1 "1- J ntc Htniu.lniii it tlin 1111H.uk 1 utu litem lu tUt-t IioiiK ui'o t'orrt'cl." m jpwiwtt- i v . 4 y i vV tVtoriESfi csznuBoeaaufdi; vzscu I'SMICnr KOOSrVCI T. nlj Oowstr ol Nt VcrL, 11IJ: -"Mr. Or iftna mi l IbobcH nucai I hie Imrii or rd t, Ire vil ll(b,n( ilurlns Ui wnf. Ii rcfJjJ Icl numliitM.;(o 19 J1 tboul UVIm fbuto triflii 11 1 i!U 19 wrk lb J juiis." meanKtvucxxsc -n.s.som.i:v. i 'it'ipiilu rtrr!l",rf fucit. i:irI.li lh o-1 I ..I I .' .!' vil.H.iti" CU' UH'P," lloCDllni I I I tri" 1. . n".. riKluUtS (Vwry kJtrr'a inline I ( lb (,. tr c; 111,11:7. v 1 u;vaccrrc Tim NEW YORK HriHLD ti:-"Jilr. Orthifti, la li (iUlo( it Ucli, Imci 111 J r;f imj It maVc Ibt !!v(tloa Uil mrcrtl tiirtlollU'citnieJ a Court ol la ntiry l r-cJuiiu u.tir npuift tat, 11 (ii(ctd'j rt-utikllibctf." ' wnssnraiia.TcrcK; V. Nimulijivtlt itivirii n U i.-o tl-o tmbllo ttirvt lijisliitirofcwacurylxxly a t.iuiiiuniii'rlii' li! Ii Ad'turnKilili'V liiiniiron tri'iti.rnil tjio American uooplu I i"iu,id thu fvll reaowiHtcti nt tha itaro of SubU&'titt. ThU Uvmj tolls I 1 Viryt.'ltlR JllsL 11 II irtlit I mill lut tlui uycflt!U'S'tb5 tiw IU. lioou l hciIIiik 1 IlLn wll Hin. l.llwml 1 uti l .'line. (ItilllL ti: .1 l.wil:'l l..iv rfl.lilv. I (11(1 Hvt'll iilbiiitipi hircanviii.li iri'. MU. ACTQIICX. Vvvt t Ui- tln.0 toAUlfi MONEY. I'rJccil.r.O, 5 l.'tt 2.2!J, $2.75, o.conJInn Jo tllc of OJndlnij desired. v. ir r" ! i coo m nm'ft!r?v.iiov .rTttnciiiirvfivt'itr Wi IMCtit&Wtt JI i VVm Cbp VjWlMZi. U KjrWUVUil-jfiUV B lWAAM J teas &Wq PuMiSharSj G&I8SUSU YOU- ifeifm Hi r tl lf H '-.'i, i. i ' J rubT. J'Ji.'' ' j nciip trpf .v RFSrfa-r BSSBBJitt. ' a mi l,V' ' BaWSUEaWfK ALL CASES OF OR HARD HEARSitf? ARE WOW (DURABLE by .our new invention. Only those born deaf nrc incuisblc. MMEDATELY. k Tk soo 0 QWlVi UDVClialVLOS li U luluS V. A. WERPJ1AH. OF BALTIMORE. SAYG: JIM rMCv::, Md., Mfirrti yr, htntUvitn i - T.tnr. entirely cnrnl of !ent"ne w. tlirnkn to your rwumeat, I wt tir.' .s fih;il hlmmvof mv ca.c, to liciifcil fit o.irilltcrcli mi. , '. AU 'it 6n y cur "n,;o my rllit tar begati lp m:iSi ami tlilf l- (.t on r'ttltiR wmm. v. ruy liearwiR in tnw cur niircnr. . It.l l..rrli fncllirK. itvirllix tilllir. t fMlVK'IC'Cli.. C'.lir.dH!: A ' I unuiinriiiiiiini'niui " ""; " Vi .i.i. -.. ,. . .1 . iliT. Iiprof plijlii!iim. onions oilicrs, tluino t ciiiI'k-iiu.h .,.ti... I . . .'Ur n. v. .. ii ( only on op-rntion conlrt help me, mid even tlmt only nmn tiy, net tin lr ! ik.m . 11 eiircaM. luttlio!u.ii till! Ill tic ndectnltfar would t)-let foiywi writ. After I find .d It onlynfew OwnccorillniM-Mour .1 i-f" '"-''"V ? . ' ioiliy, nfttriivrccU. mv Itcarinn In HiCiH:flrilcr lu-- ut.il :tn.'U. i m . 1..-JI..1J . .. .1 I,... a . .nf.. IPMrvr . iilu rMII M ' -,u "v,i . "" if. a. wiiBMAW. ;is uih7. r.:v- 0r tiwttmani (low not inievfavo with iuui'imuui qwtjxiU THE STEAMER ARCATA. U. O. NJiLhOX, MuHlct . , Will MiilM StcKiilnr 'IVlpM -DETWBBK OOOS B.A.Y SAN FEMCISCO, -OAIMlYIKG-r PASSENGERS. AMD. FREIGHT St -LOWEST' RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Proprietor. P. 8. DOW, Agont, Morehliold, Orcon. 8.0. CO. Asont, Kppiro City, 'Oregon. I'C'oos Bay "Wftolesala linr- vsr Z'JT jtr 8 8 8 8 8 S H 1 V 8 8 8 K 1 iy" N 8 8 8 8 8 Hi 4r S vr 8 vexr I?ast and Commodious Stcnmship ALLIANCE, g'scccopcoooooo t9" HAKDW10K, iviaster Make rrgutar trip ixtwern San. PMncltoo and I'orthnd vb Hun)boljtand'Coo;ll.iy, cnlllnc nt above ports each way. Tho ALLIANCE in a first cIiibw pnimciigor boat, and lin all tho modern conveniences nml la ono' of tho fastest Btcamcrfi of her clatm. IDT . X V, X X X X X X. V.'AKV. V. Vox, jFreigltt and Passenger Rates or Sailing: Dates, Apply to . SENGSTACh'EN, Agent, AIARSIIFIHLD,. Oregon IIEADQUAItT KUS V 0 It HIGH GKADE LIQU0K8 CHOICE WINES AND ' PUKE IJUANDIES. LRADING BRANDS OF DOTTLED BEER pamily Orderj fSoltcUcd. Bright's Disease Tlio largest man, ovor payed for n prescription, changed hand nt San Prnnoisco. Auk. HO . 1001. The trnim- for involved in coin and stork $112,500.00 ntUi was paid bv a parlyof. Iiiiginctia turn for n specific for lincht's. DiEcaseandDinbctchithortoiucurablo (I IHt'lir-CtJ. Thoy commenced tho eoriotiR invcR iKitionof tlio flpccifii'Xov. 15. 1000 Tluty interviewed scores of th cured tuuf tried it out omts mcritH by puttinc over three doscn cases oil tl o treat ment and wntchintr them. They also Kit physicians to unino oliroi.'.o, in- curaulo ciioos, ana ntiminuierca u with tlio physicians for jtulgns . Up to Aug. 25, eighty eoven per cont of tho lest fnso.i were cither well or progres Miig fnvoralily. Thore lieing only thirteen por cent of fiiiluri'H. (ho parties wore satistied nnd olosed tint traiifiiotion. The pro 'ccdinga of tho invodtignting coin initi'o and tho olinlonl reports of the toft ca8Psyoro publishml and will be untiled Troo on. tipplieationr Addres .Ioiin.I. Fi'i.TOS Company, 120 Monis i;uinery St., San Fianirisco, Cal. ir'SSk' Of vioit DR. JORDAN'S mzm 0? ANATOMY K5iaiEUTST.,aimiscisw,cn. Th tjr ttt AiuiouImI Muitun la th. , Wodil. t r&kntuct r .y ccatucuU . dlittvt .alllvrlf vro4lyibtoldtt Bixcitiiti en in. ivtti uii.)ri- I lil. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN BVetlll.I" Ihieouchlr udlr.l.J . ftmkjfltfiUMiUtfUllliu,. IMritry, ' Tr...6lltilbirn Hnii. Hsal. 1 ..r. for llMwlHrw. A aulckand I 1 ndlal cur (" ell., fliiar. it l'i.tuiw. hi ut. lotaiat intciti Mm- l.t m.lLodt. Contulltlkut fi u HiltllrrHftl. TmimiM pr i .cnillv'o. b letter. A V.cli uirt in tnr cm ( . . f . u.i. ... it .L ... atamf m ;.liB. ,fll. n. l.. -... w. m . . till t CB. MAILKU flK, f A luW book ) rk 0 S?5Sll SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Ranier Beer. ? ?: fr Tite,, Old Reliable. Firm, E.B.Dean&Co, ft C. !!. MERCIIANTtela Is constantly adding to its v etocic of Gnncral llcrchan- disc, already tho largest in ' - . Alarehfield. When you buy at tho Mill Storo you know tho goods aro first class and tho prico is nil right. Family orders for Tops, pints and quarts, delivered by the case. Robert Marsden. MASO JARS All kind? of lumber andj building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. Pints per KrOea $0.42 Quarts 7.57 JifGala " " U.85 in icps than grots quantities per doz 53c. 05c. 00c rTnnn Mtwl rulihara Ars-r .; Jelly glaescs, 21 doz. bbis.'n't 21c and mo Open Jelly tumbler, 24 dcz bbls 25c2Sc30c Car load arrived Apr 21. Factory basis ot price. Eastern eoods. Ptr- i feet white glass. Tops fit to porfec I tion. Best Mason jars in San FrnnciBco. Order Pr omntlv and order ONLY frntn ISMITHV VkfF CASH STORE W NO. 20 MAHKtT STREET, 8. F. Cn we rrlctllt jrouf ' mm' . . . '4 .a. 0 .V S .O . " t ,m .. . . . j . F. P. N 0 R T 0 N. ; .. NEWS DEALER AND AGENT .; v ' . Lnt out Snu FritnclHCQ nnd Portinnd c' : il nil lies. All tho lending Magazines." 5S" B CTTr T L E H Y A N D PLAYING O A tt 1) ., ! 'X ; H 3 S u b s c r i p t i o n s f o r n.l 1 q .;. " ;i ; p n p e r a a n tl p o r I o d i c n 1 8 . t o'ino cigars nnd tobneco. Stationery, jewelry, notions .. ! - mm , Rest and Comfort. Thcso snbstiintlnl mattresses nro sleep Invitcra,. Thoy aro comfortnblo nnd will rptnin their 'epritigl. ness'Tor yenrs. Mndo in two pieces or nil iij ono piece. Thesa husk mafresscs, with cotton fneo nrdlcqunl to all-ltnir anil cost a grout, deal less money. $ QllRISTENSEN & J2 KS5jrams?5OTErzas3SOTmeKSjjsasOTssse S n m. biaii iBDAili THAT vi ua no inluriouc. chemical mill SI" nil Yny Kwuwsri f uwclnnrryniul ie UunTwICAK uO'l 'nlfc. CLOTHES. Laundry work can be re- s i turned in aa hours after receipt. Kemcniber we employ white labor only. Follow, sa Ing; nre oine of our ngenu; George Iirenr, Itandon: N. Loren, Coquille; fc, pWge M Myrtle Foint: Sl Hanson, North Bend; J. Morgan, Pmphe. , S ' onn DAV cteam lAiiwnRY 1 ttr1 MU CAf! CURE YOURSELF AT HWflK ntv ) ;'' BR. d..AKtBTEIBri . -t v Pr6To;.. ! til ,) Ctll (" , JORDAN ft C9., 101! um Jrt, I. P. av "CBYERSftTlPSiA WtAL 0UaKC636 IA-SALU: AV2TI. CUiCAGO, !iJ ' 1 X M . . f 9M-mmmiw&i i. ..Minwtf.mMBHiw.