I t , 1 j&JETjD XjOO-AXi. Fine stationery nt Norton's. Buy your thoca at Peter Clausen's T.l). Holland ins completed ptanklnp North Front street na farna Campbell' wood yard. J. S. Tucker who has been workliiR for 1J. L. Boaroy Iiab leased tho W. A. Luae plnco lor a term of 3 years. Mr. nnd Mr. Andrew Stnmbuck nnd Mrs. jow9 Stono woro onions: Giitching elouph vteitors to Marshflold Thurtdny. Vaccine for sale at the Red Cross drug store. Mail orders promptly filled. Tho dime social which was to have been held tliia evening by thePrwbyter ian Lat'iea' Aid Society haa been pet ponod until further notice on cccount o! the death of Win. Slooo Thocasolano schoonor Monteray ar rived in Cooi bav from the Siushuv carrvinp n hold full of lnmbor. She - vill'tnko on a deck load from Johnson's mill beloro proceeding to Snn Fraucisco Nothing better than Red Cross 'Expectorant for that troublesome cough; try it, . ' Whoa you waut a Rood enp of coffeo with puto cream or n good dinner ccok tul bv White cooka go to the Contr.il dining room. Fried clams and chin Eoup today at 12 o'clock. E. II. Beyerp, of Sumner, was In town Thursday nnd presented the editor of tho Coast M in. with nn alleged cigar, r.ftor smokim: which tho oditor has been wandcrloR around In a kind of a trance, HJTKASl FADELESS DYES so fast to sunlit t, wnshirs; and robbing hold by John Preu93 10c. per package Mrs. L. J. Simpson ol North Bond, is etill quite ill with typhoid fever, but la gottine better. Mim Newman, a trainod nur. from Pan Francisco, arriv ed overland Thursday, to nsalrt MDa Mary Black In attending Mrs Sunn-son. Auy one wanting mire A No.i Leaf Lard from strictly corn-fed hogs can find it on sale nt the Marshfteld Cash Meat Market: Tho A. N. W. Club met at tho home of Mra. C. Edman Thuraday nftoinoon nnd after the uaual routine work a i.e HetouB lonch wn served. Tho club i meata tho nest time nt tho homo of Mrs. J. It. Ilocl.on, Don't koep.a good newa Rem to your tfAl but get It to i lie vara of tho daily Mjul man and we will be pleawd to $;: It into print. We can't And tbein all hpwerer, much we would like fj. Inst trtcaiitn you know tho item don t inegine everybody elae doea. Coqutlle Herald W. II. Schroedor, of Arago, received a bi t-hlnylo much inn onltaturdav. Ilo baa bis online wmI botUr in position and as soon m the ma chine can ba imt in place, operation will begin at a lively rate, and a fine artelle oTahiesjloa will boom b on the market frotn tbta mill. S. C. Brown baa half a drxen Ann bear ekine tanned for Dr. Horll, .1. II. Flanagan and other. Tony have been nieely taunfd and when thoroughly eionsd from all greaey eubatancee will bo aB fine a lot of pelte bb cau le found anywhwe. Mr. Brown la an ejepert tanner and pridee himeelf in turning out n fine robe. A crowd of young people of Catching Uouidt aseembled at tiio residence of Andrew bumbuck Wednesday eeaulnn tocbaravari a fcewly married couple namely: Albert Armfield and Mtae Bertha Poit, of the Jiixaa, Curry county, where they were married laat Sunday vonlnsf. When Mr. Htmabock came to tho door to enquire tho caueo of the racket, he wae informed that the crowd wifbtd to see the bride. Had it not been for BOtoe nl the ya ying they would etay until morning if they did not get to aee liar tho charavari would have been n failuio but they finally wore rewarded for their trouble. Thursdays Shoot. At the Bod nnd fiun Club practice rap ehootiagThureday the score roault las follow: jfiret 26 target Bhoot: A Farley, 17. W II Miort 17. F I.alse lo. J W Flai.aijan 13. 0 McKnlght 12. Becond' target ahoot: W II Hhort 10. J W Bonnett 19. J W Flanagan 14. A Farloy 13. F-Laleo 12. 'I! Straw 2. - , .'c ' ;Tho tlo between Bonnett and Short wao settled in a 10 bird ehoot which ro united in Short B, Bennett 0, Bird Vowol, a pioneer reMdont of tho Couillo died at his hoiuo'noar CckjuUIo City Wednesday. Mra. J. L. Bounds received word yea- day from Hosoburc that her mother was at tuo point oi uoaiu. iru, nounup la ipiito ill herself nnd will not Lo able to go to Boeeburjf. 1 a. Dow haa feturued from n InnlticM trip to the Coquille. H Im doo'n'l uo linMnr Iniit tutimllia tlmil tilt, onn tin litfi In this otllce, wo don't 800 how lie rcnd tho orders ho haa takon. .'lion lie gou home. Wderday wai Banner day nt the Marahllcld public colnwl nnd tho hannnro were awarded to tho &tb nnd 2d grndup. Tho fib ijradu having taken tho banner to times In Miicceseton. itaitm ook" dietluipiibod himeelf in tho rendition of lr. run Mutt ana irour,ui out srimi npplauac. A. A nut t moved loCoiUdot'iIday wiib hie family nud household offectti where he will upend tho aumtnnr uud ho ia om pkyel ut Beaver Hill mine. Tho Areata lolt Sn Frnnclaco yoRlor tlny and is billed to tail from haru Mon day, Tho Allianco leaves Portland tlili evening ami should nrrlvuMotuby morn ing. Fretl Wilson of fiumner returned Thuraday, from Salem, hero ho had Won na one c IVputy Sheriff GnlUwr'e aitauta in taking priranura to the penitentiary. The fchooncr Polaria flnlyheil loading lnmbor at Bay City, Friday, nud ia ready for sea. Bandon Becorder Baelta!l nffalrg havo taken another turn, and now it if determined that Mi rtl Point it ehut out oi the Itiguo thU aeanou. J. 1). Leo h.n leen bille 1 to apeak at Drain May 13tb, at Elkton 1 4th at 10 a m., utStioitaburt; '4tli at 7:H0 jun, nt Gardlder 15th, atMarahSoId 1. alMyrtlo Point 17th, nt Bandon 10th and Coquille City 20th. Bandon Recorder Activity ha ava!n bt-?un with a view of launching tho Ba rtKla. Bert PatturfoiHiaa kjiw into ser vice thcru nanin, and mrural partitis went down from town yesterday tu belp run a lino, tho tu tiuuter having come over from tbe baj o take n pull when the tido aervof. W. Wall, who is pant &l ytara old and hae been n tiroapeotor for year, and who has n plarcr mlnu In the Salmon mouotain district, arrived here iliia wuek. Ho has put in t nolid day'a work erry lair iw this V intr, and ia very muuj'. i!va-el with hli proanct. Ho walW In from hi- m:no toMyrtle Point, a dlitan of 4o id mili in n emip'o of dmrn, which ii pretty pxil for u man o 'titer thociutury mark. Chvv. IJ!1, naonofK. O. Hall, l.-ft for K,'iie river Tlinraduy, whnr ho will Ukj(.tr8 of the coiiatruclion work and iuenatnent of ti iiawtol.l fnr thn Bwue Biter Navlntatlcn A PacLing Co. E. N. Harry, of Sltkuru, wai in town on ImMni'M 'Ihurfnay. n rpr,"i' larmi iu hi n-lshhortnol widl undiir way anl jro!;ctB gol for a bounteous crop. Mr. Harry report that the IU publicane in hie precinct are vry n.uch pleaa'd with their octire ttckct, and ore not inclined to gi.'e awy to the Demccrat na many good tninga a ia ainetimcA the caw. Bpy City mill was cloeed down yeUr day eftornoon on account of an accident to the baudauw carriage. K. Maraii, o.' the Backot ilore, ia able to be at hif place of builntea again, alter beine laid -p eeveral day with lui bagj. John Flanagan and MiM May Wil liam, of Kiarlw, wer in Marabfleld, Friday. .laci Cdttliau, ol Sumner, M in town Friday, geUiux ome ilentiatry work done He waa ubliced to tend for a di utist to vikit him at hie hoteo the flrat of tblt week, not being able thwH to come lo town. ' Notice the bill ol Ure (or BandJy'a dinno at the Central DmlflK Uooroe. There ia no queetion but Mr. Farriu nnd Mm. Edmunds are tho HtrooKfat team that have rver catered to the want of tho eating public In Mentliiield. They ahould raueive a liberal paroaase. BABRY In Empire, May 7, to the wile ol r. H. barry h daugh'or.- The acbooner I.r:, lound from tho U m mjuh U) inl'MMiweo, lnmbor laden, became beealrnjnVtdiioday niabt a low uitlu.) north ol tho Coou Bay bar ami drifuldiinur.mily ne.i r tho ln-oakore ThoUle-aavingcrov Jrom tiio umpqua river put out to her iulatanco mid man aged to nl her Hafely into deep water again. The hie-aavlng criw look advan tage of tho- trip of.tbti Uuiiqiin tug, Hunter to UiIn port, and vsero towed into- Coos Bay, Tho tug towed Uiam backtoUmitiua on her return trFp Thursday oveniuu 1 H fi! m Q o a n ON O e o e tr a. crj ttrj ml i ; & KCl 5 fcoio ex , rfi Pa S 2 qb S5 G0& rj?rjl t3& tcx' Cit va fzii ei V9 3n S Pel ft I .1 VI ! -,. t. ij 33' s Js- .-I ' r j 5 ... en's 25 s nil & 1,8 O a" z g " emL. 4 ov m pr.-i j J g lk les' Ggntij' Q tes t& PCK,?' ff D. CI, Ileal will coimnonco at oneo uri'Ctinti a now reaidnno for I'rnnk Hcd iton on tho latt.r'a farm on Biutli Coon rlvo. F. M. Fioldbcrg rrcolvod n ftno inllob cow Tucfdny, purehnood from W. A. I.uho, of Cooa ltivor. A. W. N'eal drove the llret plica for the tcuvvoik) Tucadny luorniiii:. Tho crow ol tho ililp yard knockad eff wirkTuewlny inornluit at l o'clock on luvoutit of the bad weather. Caplnln Pendergnat In nctlnitna liead Hrtwvur In the North lletid mill, dtiiiiiK llu'illuaaauf Mr, Piper. Copt. Chan, .lohuaun Is at tho wluel ol thu Flyer in the mean time. Bonnett BwaiiIoii relumed Titoadny from Doia, wliuro ho ban been on t n pliort plcaiiuotrlp. James II Iblmrd moved from .'arvlo liuidmi: to South Mnrrhlluld TueMlny, Ho will nanlit A. J. Savngo In carpenter work thin tuuiuiur. Mr. and Mrs John F. HhII, will no to Portland on thu Alllmiuo for revrral werk' atnv during, which Mr. Hull will uter.d tho Brand lodito 1. U. (). F, which la to bo held at Newport. F. P. Norton wa driving. HonnurO.il: a tout thu Btirot Tuualay. I. M. Noble has hud Iho rrhldence w'ltoh ho Iri llttlna up fur II. M. Mo Pheriou wlrvd for electuc Iihti. Dr. E. K. Straw baa bin new electric battery set up nnd in opuration in hi ntlico. The buttery wna built by 1. M. Fried ben:. I,. M. Noble Iim loeeod I-. M Fried InrK'H Into on Broadway for ontt yrar and will make uao of them for paetur- All will be Kd to know tlr.t C, II. Mcfclmnt (ontmuw on iIih roJ of u i uvetv Iroin hie tevero lllueea. Bay (i old n haa re!?nod Ilia K.titicn in W ill DuuKan' clear ttore. Joe Yonkori, nl thu 0po Arago I.lfo uinx alutlon Isipilte cicU, nnd m phyn- au waa calkd from thla place Wulnea d'i. Albert SIopji nnd Allieit Croib II b .vo Kcct!cvd poitlona a isllnrn In he Mnratith'ld public K-hool lor the ro i.i i. .m of the proteut fdnol ymir. 1 ho Ladle' Aid ol tho PrtMliyterim i hutch will uivt ii Dhno HchsImI at thu ( .iilciict) ol Mrf. John (lammtll lujijutb Marahlluid 1-riday ovenlnc, Father Dotuially la In Portland nnd la f.tpicted t nrrivo hero overlnud Fri .,. or Saturday. S. CuMlpcoii lulnron tl eDauleiacr'ek .ilrod, aci'ompnolwl by lU wife and 'A . C. Illckfurd, t! nulneer ol the remd vro in town WelncaJay lr. E.O'Cnnnell and da-ighti-r EtolU ' ft on tiio' Alliance, Wxltteadoy, for Vi torla, oVi a ploAanre trip. The Voiler wii hobtet a)ard the bull ( the steamer llogtn Itlror, WeUneal.ty )'i miir by moii ol th it, m wuii'i f the Alliance. J he Rogno Kiver will I'll flltcdont with lirr machinery md have he oabin built on her hcloio lenviiK Coo4 Bey. Tii mvlval uiMtlngi at the MjIIio it i',t:icl ntll iuntinuu the belance .f ib nvek. Uev. It. C. I.e ronduot fm thu aorvicu and a ion.fd nud aiu- r.' internet ia taken. An opportunuy iil bo tclian mult eveulng for thoee who wirlwd to Join In the service. Too iu 'lu laat nighb'vvM well attended. 1V. F. 0. Mnmpi who rpcuidml the Prcrbylonan pulpit in thin city lu-it 8ur. ' v hui imired llie iut'iii!ir. of the 'ir Ii vry favorably ti u in Hid lir oiitiun of tho rhuruli ti try to ntvuf hiM irleoe (or the vominK Hir. It V to lm hurteil tl.ey will mnnunl t he mua hlhbly ntsoraineniicd from hli home to n, Aahland, where ho Mirvud he Preabyleriuu uhuroh for 15 year. IiltiEOTRtOITY Aro yon BUlToriiiK WenU biu'lc. Nitvoih IIIII'llOWII rtVHtl'lllV mid lliittcib'H. For Kh'Otrlo liiHolea oe prevent unlrhliiK to clrctilura, iiililrciw, El.KOTtUC from B .oiimntiHii' troiililoordeiu'rally Iho Eli'ctiio UuMn mill ml wniiii'ii. i the Mel wnriii nnd il. Fur booklet mill Al'l'l.U.wv Co., Mudford, Oncm, Kail Road Accident A rnlltnnd Arclitnttt ocrurrad on Cooa river Weduodny morning. ! ' Howioy linn at bin dairy ranch what our inu rlnn reporter ciiIIm "a llttlo alntlmiary rallromi," tociury inllk canv between thu milk limine uud the boat litmliiiK. Ai tho loaded car wan cntnini; ilown thu lu clluo tho cruw loal control nud Ihoenr i.iu away, vcaltoud thu cana, npllliNl tbn milk, torn up tho track, mrrrrnAehTiiR thobiinltof tint river, Juinned Into n rowboat lyliii; there and took hi aplto out on that. ALLEGANY ITEMS Thursday, May 7 Thoro will Imi n colubratton nl AllAgnny July Ith, ovarybody coiuo nud havo a Rood time. Thomaa Blnin returned from n bnab iiom till to Coo til I In City hut Ktitunlay. Mla (';irrln Ibxbiu Id tenchlne a term of acbool on Smith ltivor, Douglas coun ty which bintaii alav blh. Malt Mattrou and wl'o ki to Jordan Hhnfer'dC-tmp May lo, where they both have umjiloymvnt. MiiH Kulo Booku paid Allccany a vlelt Sunday uvo. s Ctir rond HiipRrvlora Mr. Uodeii awl II. T. 'IhomnK havo dnriu om fine work on thu ANt and wet fork roada at Altv eaur, in tliu way f cradtiiK down the hlllnand puttlmc in a culvert to drain tho road. Tluxn Ktitlonieii lire tiio right ;. in tl n rljjlit laei) Tlwt I Kite of AUi-(Anv give one ol their iliuiii-n nt tl.o acbol houw on May Ui A tl. l-t.Ilrn nuvor do thlngi by hftlY", the table wau wwll flllwl with nil the K""'' tblti.'H that could Im had, to which all did Hinpli Jii'ticc. Capt. Kdwitrde hit b'-wn fanning of lute, he liandlot the Una of n we'l broken opn of ttv with aa innnh i;race na he dova the wheol on tbe ateam or Ali-tl, Bt-v. Bunynn nrffaniaad a Sunday tobnol nt thiN plant laat Sunday ivmlnt( with Mtt, Kdw.ird'a ae wipurfnteMdwrU. Wo winlt bur HUcCiM. Mle Franr'tttould la koeoliix houto for bur biothnra IWnt nnd Gtuiunce on Mr. Blalti'n fumi, Robert MeUsuald tvlio waut to (Hk land, Cat. hint November will bu homo on tbe uext AHiaueu, John Blakv ha moved hif hiuilly to AI Kiuutfneruan'a laving camp oa tlu eait fork Matt Matlaon w.lt drive hi small baud ol cot I li t I. nut !.ikti natt we k. iJ. T mnnau of I! y City TtiJI injv.t to Loon Uke next week wbere hj haa put cbaacd n farm. The incmber n( tl. Preeby torian Aid Pointy went to Empire on tbe Flyor Wodncrda.', to tuct vith Mta. C .'uln Dan Roberta. Th y wi r tri-atfd toynl tv Mini kit ru fiuriH-it lliuL Urf ltiiln.it'. !e one o( thu )at iHikH in the hid, AftardoiuK tho wekV buaioe : l iipecding n ronel etijoyable day tin . turned homo on the afternoon utraim r. A. D, Wulcott, tbe Republican eariui dalu lor noiiiity clerk wi-nt to Myrt o Point on thu train Wtnlnwailiiy, u h preMuit nt tbe "Old FoliluirV roii'ilo-i. lie rerl veil n Hiieclnl Invitwtloji to I, i preaent. Having made n mark of tit -milf for four year for hl ooitnlr c r-.l , hu now alnnda befori thu two !u in -ineoud battle, and wo think thy v ' tiliovr tb'ira-ri'ci.vti'Ui of tfeol i"r. ronilered, a they ad know ho ii ML I for tho place. Hciiiy Holm r.'cnjvod n oaiload r.f buaf oattle from Roy (iarrelt, of Myi tlu Point. Mine ol tbo llneat that ever came over tho road. iwyaaeweiiaeieaiwayaiaaaaiigiaauai nfttntmumvmetutj. ISTono btit the Best of Meats. I eonHinully ftirtilnli tint nst nud priioiMtof iiicuiK. which jflvee mo tho (''mil lenoo ot my patrona. . Moats aro a Necessity but it ia neroHnary Hint they lo iiiireiuiil .vlioli'Home, I do not jiroinlnu u illtwotiul, nt I will t'lveyou lioiiiMt ami courteous ii'iiluiont, and value received foi your money. KntUfaction jjimnnitciMl or euuli reluudml. KiriMa-v niwwiirniM Marshfielii Cash Ssat lark:e!f, this HBI11Y HOLM, Prop. FRISK J)KIJVJ3RY PllONJO Ibl '- i- 1 1 i"-aV-A Tr .