u HrniichiiiK Out. W. I'. Murphy, llio hardware man, linn rented n partot tho At nrko ihiilillnu oppoiltu Joint IJear'n llvory filnblo, for uo nx n warehouse In which to nloro pntiolhlBbtjwk f.( htiKKlM nml oxrl cultural Implmnatitn. llhi ntoro and tint tippRrotorlMof tho 'IJlnlng liuliaiitK, which hit bat Uflit tiling nn n wniolioutio worn hill to ovorflowlnj,', and an uxtc-iii-IrultfMof bnirfthM nml njsricnltiirnl Im phuufiit from tho Daero IwplemontCo., which urrlvMl on tho Woatorn Jlomo, havo bran Mortal in (ho now plaee, wharo II, V. Hiulth hit Ixoii rottlHj; tliCtu tip. AltiKln mid dotihln hdxxlo, mowern, dlto harrowa U., fill tha place. A now lot of doom nml wfmlotvn will alto ho ntoaM there, Tho llim ol vohldcii In tlt tlnest over brought hutu mid u surruy and two liiilfKloD have Already been wld to L. JJ. Jlrlxncr, for hh naw llvory etablo Mr. Murphy alio Iim lurp) lluo of nlnglo nnd d io 1)1 v. ha'tiittaca nf nil diaoriptlomi coming on tho Areata, In fnot, Mnr ph 'n trwlo boo bet-ii cotutmntty urowhiK for tha Utt yonr. llhi Mock In nil lino rfUItiiacoiMtani tuplenlthhiK nml ho ottii't net Marl ratupjafaBtunougb. to up ply tho demand. Tho moral In plain. When you want anything In hlo line, ko to Murphy. Siinday't Trap S.iootitif; AUhalUtJ afxi '.ion ClHh prutlcw imp t&ootiBK kut Hmtday the near re Mtttotl ae folia At: 1'lrai SB turoi bUooU W II Hbort If. 1' I.tils 14. J W IMmi. Iff. A Mataoti 13. Vfjsoml 85 targai stoat: vr n siwu io. 1' Litim 19. J W Fluoagnn II. AMntMn tl. The tli lniwaH UIbb "and R-nnrgah vii nUUd lit a 10 Wnl ilMtot vltlet ro ullotl lit Ptattaaan 8, Ufa ft. Copper Queen Arrives Tha Ooppar Quoau arrirad from tho OolambU rlrtr THoaday, havlns In tuw tha ball of Um atMWer, Hot" Uivor, wbkb hni btfon bnllt tu l'ortlaad to run 011 tho ltotne rlvvr, Tboy tlockod at Donn A Uo.'i wharf, wham (bay will j taka on board tha Iwilur and joacbloary j fortholioat, wbkh maa hrougbtdownj by tho AlliancH. A lot of p.roceria and ; other frolght for K'xtjo ftlvar will bo 1 takun on board, whon tha hots will ro ; itfd to tliaif lU'i'tnaliun' It irt not a ARE tflk ' if! ANY ' YOU dSPOP H0 deaf? Fwl mum m:;5?' ALL CASE? OF DEAFNESS 8 HARD HEARING ARE 880W CURABLE !i by our lU'wi'ivonti"!!. Only Urna-j b m dcif mo incurobUi. mm NOISES OEASE EMMEOiATELV. P, A. WURMAN, OP BAUTIWOKK, 8AYtU (tfittlmti t rtriitjr rntlrrly ctirnt of itrafneM lli.kiiki tvi.ui lrk ..cut, i vl aov. ,.' .;' l iii Hlatory of iny ca."!', ! Ii Kit nl o 11 ili i p " . . v Ano'it Ave vrara no ntv tltitcai Unutoiuu, aui lUio. Ucp: 011 ceulnwonc u.t. I.x. l"'yy jno?noarMtViciit Hiir catarrh, for three wo i'l. witlio.it atiywavraa, wj.iJ nv; t-rof rjyiciiiii. miionif ollirr. tin-xti-t cmi'KMit rm h.hiiIU of lhUclty,ywltfWcinu '.. NU iiperattuu cuulillirlii im, .nut mn tmt ont u ujxnacjly, thai t.ie hra.l tvuiatin.w... I u'cvve, huttl"" ttemlua lit Iheiiliivt ! irxvi.nUr' 1 forevr Urn Miwyoiir inUcitUcmciii nd Menially tun J.-w nk Mrr ami ir.lcl jmitrtrcu; vJi 1 icr Imvl we It only a few dnyani'MiK t.v 1 r uiieii on-i. tin uofctr-u.-ki, or i,?.l auci flw l. inylicuiifttnthtMllnea-i Uu 1 . l)e.ii cntticl ic to;cU. UiLuSytii b,n ily a.t.1 beg tu 1CU..1.. cry trulr jr .m ; v ?p fi ,)ro uhvnyi Our treat mont does not intovfera with your usual occupation wjtbrnami yny CAH CURE YOURSELE.AT HOMEj"1"-!!;1 ." d7ERW,TI(WrU AURU CUNIC596 LA SALLE AVttCHICAI04 III vory taju lookln outfit to 'go tq una with but wo impposo tho in'on u'mliir Mar.d their hunlncen. Ollvor Landruth of Tonmllo wno In town Tuesday. Ho roportw times flotirlihlriK l his country, nnd myn Iboy will JinvoS Mortis, 4 public oehoola and 1 utlooa runiilnij full blait on tho lakoa this uminor; nod with a railroad oomriiliii', ho thlnkii if llio puople there nro not ilvllhud th!u yuar thoy rts be yond redemption, NOTICK I'OH PUIJUtJATION Department of ih latnlor, liiatl Offico al Rotrtmrg, Oregon, April j, tarn. Nirtlw it lwr-by uln (Ut tb fotltmlHj Mwl rlilT 1m fill notlw of hi intention lit rtike ftnui i,wUm MipjMirl nf hit tUirn, unit Km! mu piwif vT'rff iRtl xfaia W, V !)-rtiii,, V. H, CofflmiMlotMr nt ManlifW, (pjoii( on Ntfiv 17. 190a, vU: CIIAHI.KHN. NORItm, m II. K. Nu, 1706, for the Hit NW'K W M'.jr. H. . I'll, aj S . 13 Wwt. I ruwitm Km fellwwinK viiiire to prnrc hu cotalfiuout rtlrtt-m tipwt Htid eulliHt(on n( wnl Un.l. vl IVirr Itodmkoti, of May, (f. Kofi, AmkuU UcluHMin. Jui.11 guick, Jacob IllttUoril, of l.kf, Oikoi. J. T, IIHIOOM, l(ttw. 4 5 TIMIIKH LAKIJ.ACr JUNK .!. J873, NOTICU I'OK IMPLICATION United hwte l-nnil Orlkc, Rorb4irt.Ofsfon. April. 1. 1903. Nolle li Draiy qlven lliat In wmpUnMc vith the (imirMowi of lhei of ConRtru of ltw J. 187a, nttlOeii "Ah net lor tha hIi of ttmliar ItiMt In Km Muim of 'lifof nta, Orxon, Nevada, nd Wuhlegum 't'mtimy. ' nt it icnilut to nil in Cubltc IjuhI Hutet Uy act fit Attfttkl flM. TREUJ IIA'IKMAM. . Of irlrow, cenmr of Houla, Mi of Orrfon. ha thit day Mnl In tint oincr lilt mora Ule montVo M17. for tl- iHtn-hairof ihelot .1. SV M of NW)f. U'Sof .sWKofc .VoslntoHii hip No. a xoNth. Kanao No 10 Wnl, and will oflar proof ti hi that th lanl toiiihl It mor valunnlf Uh lit liuibrr or iim than for agrk.nl tontt aairpote, and 10 mubitwi hu cUIni to aid land bvfor Ihr Rafkur ami Rcvrlvar of thtl oRlof at kowtmrx. Otvfan. op I'liuinUy, Ik ajih day of u1y. 190a. If nattvrt a wlineaMt. John Thorn, I'muk B. Lout, of ikwUmi. Cna;n, Chariot ICU, of MelroM, (irrxoo. D. C McWilUamt, ol Koartarf . Utftffon, Any and all nrttont LUIrainx advvly th ahov-dterlhd landt are rtntad to.ftlc th Ir rtalm in thtt ofttcn on or More takl th day o( joljr, too. . T. Diiugu, Kegitter. 46-p TlitBKIt IX), ACT JUNK 8, 1078. ilOTICi: POKl'UIIUCATION. lUnhnl Wt.itM'lJnMTilJf'rTtw'lwrJreirOa. Mureli to, iom. Notit la Iwwliy xVfn that In oonidlnnw with in protbiont of th act of f'oagtt of um j. ilyl. rnUritd "An net fur th ub of tiwtwr UmJt In the Mate of Califo.nta. Or goo, Noada, and Waahinaiun Irrrtioiv," at MitHukd to all the Public Land tiutcf ty Ml of Aucntl 4, 189 cHAKI.KSSrilNAUKKR of Kovrbnri, county of loi;xUt. 1141 of Or- Bon, Iim Hilt U4y niru in thi ulhit liii tnorn (jttrtitrut No itov I' the puahate of th V . .. kll. . . .... A'. . ... V'l. . . .!. Vl. . .t Mii-4 6f hrvtion No. if, 'lownthtp No. 6 ouiti, Kanf No. 10 Wct, and will ofhr proof 10 ihow that the land toujfhi it moi valHaulc for 1 llmbof or ttonc Unin lor axricuiutrni ur iom , aud to etiabUth hit cHlm to takt Uml before th RoUler and UootlvKr of ihl. offto al ho-uurx. Oregon, on Thurday, the 5th day of I un, 100a. lienaniatltnettt' Frank II. tang, ol ( lrUml, Oregon. Itoaro O. Cktff, of Clover Vnllr, Oregon, John I'horo, Frank .Sherman of l ! litti.t. Uncoil. , Am . u u!t rrMn i-lalroinx mlrerwly the bImx, ilf.iiibnt Uttdt arc tuvatet to Ak their itm.i - ui iliu offu.' on or lieluic wid jth iy of un- 1 "j. J I. IIkiii., Regltur. j-iji 1 ii TIMIJHIl LAND, ACT JUNK ,'J, 1878. NOTIOK FOIt I'UJIMOATION. Unllcd Klalct lind Office, ftwUtota, Orrgon. itkttUts, " Notify U Iwreliy rIicm lliit In cotnplianc with Hie prmMwit of ihr net of Conenw of J'iti',3 187. untitled "An net (or the l tlitilwr hniU In the Mtalm of Calffortif.i, OirKmi, Ncntdn, nml WmMnglon 'Iwrillorr," n exiend rd to nil ilie Pubhc I .and wt l,y net of Au xntt ., 1X93, , MAI.rilASAU MIJRZ, of Oyelan't. cotimy t, Doujjkit, te of Ore gon, ha llii !riy fiSatl In Ihli ofhet; hit nworn mtrmtnt S,, at 16, for ilw pnrctiae of llw MVi-jofUcc No. ia in Toweihlp No. ao S. IttnjeNn 10 Wett, and ll offer tKOhf to thow Hint 11 r land taught it more vahMh'c for lit iimlwr or ir,f- titan for tRrcoltuml mr pwea. and 10 MUblUli hit claim to at( land be 6rr th Kegutei and Itsoeirer of 'ihlt offloe at l'OM4mrx, Oiegon, on Monday, lh aOih city of J una, irn. He nuiwt nt wltntrt: r.liAtlea 'Ihom, Id ward llcythxi, John 'I boiii. of CJevbitxl, Ore Ijon, Clirl jM;hnaHf:r, cf hoMlnir, Oregon. Any and all ittttum cUittiln mlvettely Die alfovcdatcrlbf-d bindi are iniu-lfil tu fllo ihclr olaluii In 1 III 1 olfle on or briotc Mid 961I1 dny of June, un. J.'l, Umi;i, Kccliur. p TIM IIKIt LAND, ACT JUNK .'J, 1878, K0TIC1S FOR 1'UDI.ICATION. Unltail .Strttta Uml OflTt c, Itotftlmr?, Oregon, Marcii 3. 190s. with the HrWoti of the net of Conqrra of June 3, 1878, tmitled "An nti for the U of umi.tr mihk in thcMatet 01 California, tvic-gon, Nrvmla, anil Wathinxton Territory," nt extend rl tu nil ilia 1'uWtc Land Slatei by act ol Au gutt, iv. JOHN T. LONG of Rotclmrf;, ooti'ity of IiU(jla. tUte of Ore gon. U this ilay 0(tl In thit offWe hit morn tuteiwnt No. 30X5, for the purchAt of the I'.H of sKi-.tan.lSLi-.jol M'1-4 and lot (Joe (1) of Scilion No. a. In Townthip No. tA Sonth, Range No, 10 V.Vt and will offer proof totbovi tlul tlw land toineht h more valutUW for iu limlier or tione than for agnctsltural purpotei, and to niaMiah lite claim to Mid land before Hie Keiiitier nnd Recivar of thit ofnc at Rote- Imfi;. Ofgon, on Saturday, the ?lli day of May, itftn. illenumet Atultnite: F. II. I-onc John 'Inoin of ('Irreland, Uragon. Rotone t. Oofl orcolm Valley. V. C. .IrtWIllUma of Kotc burg. Oregon. Any andalipmoot claiming advertcty the abotM(eterilil landt am rut netted to file tlieir claim In tliU oflwe on or bernr mid 04th day ol 4iy. 1002. J. T. luntHtgt, Kegitter. 3-8 p TIMIIKH LAND. ACT JUNK 21. 1876. NOTICli FOIt I'UIU.ICATION. Unitad SMtat Uml Offlc. RotolHirs. Oregon, Aixttaeth. 100c. Nadog It horaliy rhwi that In compliance with lb nrovWona of th act of Coogr of Innp 3. i8?a. entitled "An act for tha wle of I imhrr IjuhU in the Sutet of California. Ore- Xon, Nevada, awl wathwxlon lerritory, nt Mtienneu to all tiw 1'ublie I-md M.itat by act 01 Augutt j. 190J. avon it. rROfvr. of RoarlHtnr. county of Douglat, tut of Ore gon. hn tins day tilrd in thit office hit twotn tutu-menl No. 3J.Q, lor Ilie purchate ol Ilia N'ottbct (juartM of Nrction No. al. Town vliln it South, of Raiute 8 Wrtt. and will offer pr of to rhow thai the land aotight It more val uable for iu limber or tl'e than for agrieuhur al purpoc, and to rubliii bit claim to -aid land before th- Rrgltier nnd Receiver of thii oftke at Rotrbnrg, Orxon, on Halurdiy, the oth day of Augu(, 100a Me namea a wiinrwea: Chariot Tbow, John Thorn, of OveJand, Oregon; M. M. Wolcott. of Minniolit, Minn.; Marty I1. Thomaa. of Roteburg, (Jrrgou, Any and all partont claiming ndterarly the abor-deacribetl landt art requested to file thi'ir claim In thit office on or before tald 9th day of Augtut, too. 5-j J. T. llatrx-.M, Register. T1MIIKU LAND ACT, JUNK 3, 1378. NOT.ICK FOIt rUm.lGATION. United Statet UndJOmw, Roatbvrg. Oregon . Aprir3i, loot Notice la hereby Riven thit In compliance with the inMkit of the a.! of Coneiest of lune . 187s, er.tuled "An act fi r live Ml" ol t'tnber inmu in tiMtwict w laiiiorota, urrgon .cvaua, and Wnthingtott Territory," ai extended to all the Public bind Swtua by act of Augur. 4, 1893, Ciia.i.ks Cakisok, of IJuBene, county of Une, Suta of OrpRon. hat thit diy filed in thn. ofttcu hu tworu ttaiv iiN-nt No 314, for the pttrcluue of ilia W'yt of W'ii of tecilon No. 10 in Towiuhin No ao, It.uiKii No. ioV.. nnd will offer proof to show' that the total tought it more ntiwble for Its timber or stone than for agricultural Hirpoct, nttd to ottablltlt hit claim to raid Unit before the Kegitter mid Ruceivcr of Hilt office at KoMtmrx Oregon, on Wedentdiiy, the 13 duy of Augtut, 190U. lie n.tutet nt witnetH't: Martin Ilanglnton, Nelt ( itrlton, ,1mtln 0diut. of Lugene, Otcg on, Mitrtln UUon, ol Ulue Kluir, Oregon. Any nnd nil ixrsont cl.tlntlnp navnsly tho jboe itetctibcd Intuit nrv requctted to rile their clrtnu In thit ofltce on or bnfote s.tid 13 day of Augtut, 1903. J.T. l)itioi,i.s, RfjjUter. 5-3P riMl'.KIt LAND, ACT JUNK a, 1878 KOTICK 1'Olt l'UULU'ATlON. United States Latul Ofllce, Rosebttrg, Oregon. jVar.28, 1903. Notice Is hereby given thnt In contpllmjcc with the provision of iho net of Congres of )unc i, 1878, entitled "An net (or the wle of timber landt in the States of California, Oregon, Nu ada. nnd Washington Territory," as1 extended to nil the Public Land SuUf-s by act pf August 4. 180a, KKNItST W. SMITH of MnrthficM, County of Coot, Sf.it" of Orcton, liai thit day filed in this office hit sworn tMlcnient No, 3156, for the ptjrclnw of tlw NWtf of Section rJo. 13, In Town sli'ii No. s9 South, Range No n West, nid will offer proof to show that (he land fought It more vnlunld1 for lit tlmbrr or tione Hun for ttrtcul urnl pirpOtes, nfi:l to nMblith his claim to tald land before (he ltrxterjind Receiver of lrtltoroci.it KotruitOf, vreon, on Monday, the 33 dy of June, 1903, Iknamef at wllncttet: Walter S. (nitons, I'.nul A. tirlckton, nf North Henri, O-enon, Frank W. .Smith. Carl Alhtwht. of Marihocld. Oregon, Any nnd all iortor,t ctAlmintr ndvertcly Ihc abovv-detcrlUN l.indt ntc rorpttled 10 file tlwir ciaimt in tiiti omco on or in-lorc mm 33 day of Jiifmj. 1903. J. T. IrKitKiM, Kecltter. 4-5-p TIMI5KK LAND, ACTJL'NK H, 1878. NOTICE FOIt 1 U HLI CATION. United Slntoi I-ind Offloe, Rotchttr Oregon, April aOth, 1903, Notlee hi liernby glvjn Hut In cci-iptinnce with the provltiont of tho act of fongrest of June 3, 1 878, entitled "An net for Hie tale of timber landt in the States of '.ulifbrnia, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington 'lerritory," as ex tended to all the Public Lind States by act of Avgut4, jBg3, MARRY P. THOMAS, of Roseburg, county of OougUs, state of Ore gon, bM this day filed In this office hit suorn ttatnnent No, 3398, fur (he tJurch.ue of the Njuthweit quarter of Section No. 38, Toundilp CS South, of Range 8 W., W. M nnd will otfer proof to show that thr land toueht 1 more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricul tural purpotet, nnd to wublish hit ckilm to said land brfoir the Register and Receiver of Ibit ofMce nt Roteburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9U1 day of August, 13. Me nm!,rs ns witnette. Clintlet Thoii, John 'llioin, of Cleveland, Oregon, M, M. vV'oicott, of Minm-apolit, Minn.; Avon It. Frott, of Rou-burg, Oregon. Any and nil ierois -cfahning adversely the alxve-detcnbel lands are nrquetted to file their cIhium In thit onVcc on or before takl oth tiny of Augntt, 1903. J, T. Hkiixiks, ltes;Uter. 5-3 TIMItKIt UNI). ACT JUNL 8, 1873 NOTICK FOItrUlJLICATlON. United States Ltml ofnee. Roteburg, Oregon, ,1ar. 38, 1903, Notice it lrereby given that in compliance v.ilh the proviskwt of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for Ihr tale of tinilwr and In theSwtat of California, Oregon, Ne vada, nnd Washington Territory," m uttended to all the Public Und autej by act of August 4, 1893. FRANK W. S.tITM of town of V.nr.bficlI, county - of Coot, State of Oregon, ha this day filed in thit office his sworn tialonwnt No. 3157. for the purchase ot theSWt-j. Of Sec. No. 11. Tn 30 S. of R 11 weat, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Iu limber or stone than for agricultural purpofot, and to establish hit claim to tald land before the Register and Receiver of thit office at Roteburg, Oregon, on .tAinday, the 33 day of June. 1903. Ileuametns witnetaat: Cart Albrccht. nf ..anhfWkJ, Oregon, ltml A. HncJUon, W'alter Cuitont, of North Band, Oregon, Ernest W. Smith, of MnrthtWld. Oregon. Any ami all prtoi cLiiming ndtenely the above-described landt ate requetted to file their clahiii in tbi office on or before takl 23 day of June, 190a. 4-5-P . T. UatDCCS, Register. TIMIilCU LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTU'K FOR PUBLIC ATIOX. United Stiles Land Office, Roteburg, Oregon. Atiril 141b, too. Notice It hereby given thnt in compliance with the pmvitiont of the Act of Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the tale of limber Undt in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public I juw Suites by act of Au gust 4, 1803. WlI.LIA.i. N. MOUl.TON. ofTrto Harbors. Count)' or I-ake. State or Minnesota, hat this day filed in th.t orTice hit sworn Maiemont No. saio for tlie puralmu! of the SWK or Section 33, I'ownihip 35 South, Range 10 West Willamette Meridian, nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought ii more vnluible for its timber or stone thitn for agricultural tHirpoteft and to ettablUh lilt claim to said land In? fore the Kagtttcr nnd Receher of this office at Roteburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the aad day ol July, 1903. Me names us witnesses: Jon-pli Wcuthwby, I). I. Martin, John Oivcns, of Koielmrg, Oic gon. It. At. Snillli. Myrtle Point, Oregon. Auy ami nil M-rons claiming adversely the afove itetcrlbod lauits are requc ted to tile tnx cUiiiit in this office on or bvforc sale 33d da' of July, loos. 4 19 J.T, Dridoks, Register. TIMKHU LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. United States Lnnd Office, Roseburg, Orvgon. Aprft si, 1502. Notice Is liercjby given that iu compliance utlli iIih itrnvUtnti. t( llinnrt nfPAiinrA& nf Tiini i. 1878. entitled "An net for tbo sale of timber "- ,-- -.- ...---,-.......,..... lamb, in the States of California, Oregon, Nrvn - da, nnd Washington Territory," ns extended to all the Pubhc I.atidStatesbyactofAuRmt4, 1893, 10HN FKlMsAm-SIRUM. of town of West Superior, count v of Dottp'as, State ofWisconsin, lias tlilxlay fib din thlsctlice hissworit statement No 9044, for the purchase of . tho liH of NW'K. WK of NEf cf Sec tion No, to, Towturlilp 26 South, ot Range ic Weit, and will oiler proof to show that the lanu ' sought Is more valuable- for Its timber or stotu 1111111 iur ngncuiiurar purposes, arm to csiauusr. his chlm 10 said land bclore the Register una Receiver or this otlicc nt Rosebtirg, Oregon, on Saturday, the s6ih thy or July, 1903". Hu names as witnesses: Ldwnrd .tonson, ol West Superior, Wis., Martin Haagenson, Si mon Kloidalil, of liugene, Oregon, .tartin Olc son, of Rltie Rlcr, Oregon. Any nnd nil persons claiming ndversely the nbote-described lands are requested to file thlr claims In this office on or before said 26th day of July, 1903, $ s$ p J. T. DkidceSj Register. TIMDEH LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. " United State! I and Office, Roteburg, Oregon. Apr. s3, 1903. Notice It hereby given that In compliance wltlt Hie provisions of ilia act of Congress or June 3 i;3, entitled "An.ncTfpr;vihe sain or ilmbyf lanoln tlw States of California, Oregon, No vaib), and Wr.ibltifif-onrcfrlfory," at extended to nil the I'ublfciJiind.Staicilby act of August 4, 1893, HAudurCrS'.KV!S, of Cleveland, county of Douglas, Sjfttc of Oregon, Intsthteday filed In this office hltjvorn statement No, 2,391 for the tmrctiaicnf the South half of the Nor lit half of Sec. 1'o. 1st, township 36, $outh, Range No. id WfatJ nr.il will offer proof to show ..'sit the lantlioiight is more valuable for its tlmlicr or stone fliart for ngrtcu.turat jinr jiotes, and to citibllth hit claim to said Una" be fore the Rrgisttr nntLKeceiver of this office at Roselrtirg, Uregon, oa Saturday, the 9th day of August, 1903. f He names -as wijncucs: Clnrtci 'i'hom, John Thorn, ia( UiVelJnd, Oregon; II. 1'. ,nioma, A. V. FrostAof Koscbtirg, Oregon. Any anil nil rxtMJiis claiming ndversely tho nbovc-detcribed lands are requested to file their claims in unvpmcc on or oeiore said 9111 twy of Auguit, IJ03, S-3 if J T "aitwra. Register. TIMUGKteAKD ACT, JUS E 3, 1878. qTlGE iron publication. United Stales Land O.Tiec, R oscburg, Oregon, ! April aSth, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provision of the net of CorgreJS cf June 3. 1878, .-nlitlstl "An Act for tlw sale cf Timber Lands in the Stales of California,' Ore gon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as exif-ndcd lo nil the Public Land Suites by act of Auj,ut 4, tffoa, PAUL S. WARE. of.twne,ipoti, county of Hennenfn, state of Minnesota, has Ihlt day filed in tfiS office lift sworn statement No. 2390, for the purchase of the Last half of the Knit Iwdf of Section No. to. Township :6 South, of Range 10 W.. and will orTrr proof to show thit the land sought . b mote valuable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural nurpotc, and to establish his claim to said (and before the Register and Re ceiver of this office nt Roteburg, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day of Auguit, icos. He nametas witnesses: John I'hom, Charles Thorn, Hugo Uluck, of Cleveland, Oregon; oeph Whiicomb, of Minneapolis, Minn. Any and nil persons claiming adversely tho above-detenbrd lands arc requested to file their claims In this office on or before said Sth day ol August, 1903. 5-3 J. T. Ruinous, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States 1-and Office, Roteburg, Oregon, A'irll 35, ijo3. Notice is hereby given '.hat It. compliance with thcprovbioIiof the act cf Co,.,"- of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of tlmbei lands in tbo Slates of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Tcrritpry," as extruded to alt the Pubhc Land States by act, of Augut 4, i8o, HOWARD PALMER, of Minneapolis, county of Hennepin, sute of Minnesota. Iu this duy filed tn this ofhee hit swoin statement No. 3396. for the ourcaatc ot the North Ulf of the South Imlf, Section No. 34. in Towmhip No. s6 S, Range No. to West, and will office proof to show tint the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to 'es tablish his claim to sakl land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this office nt Kocburgv Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th clay of Aogust 1901. Me names as witnesses: Harry Thomas, Avon E V rest, of Roteburg, Oregon; Cl..ir ci. Hicm, John Thorn, ol Cleveland, Oregon. Anv and all pertott cUhnlng adwr y tha. nboreMlescrihed kutda are reflnetted to hat their claims in tbia otUccon or before s .1 1 9'h, day of Auguit, 1902. ' 5-3 J. T. BaiDoaa. Register. TlilBEK LAND, ACT JUNK 3. H78 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Und Office, Rosehurg. Oregon, April s6th. toe. Notice Is lj-rcby given that in cqmpitnneo with the provi.tont of the act of Congrats of June 3, 1878, entitled "An a.t for the seU of timber lands in the Mates of California, Ore-, gen, Nevada, and Washington Ttrrit ry," as extended to all the Public Land Staiss by art of August 4. 1893, MAR M. WOLCOTT, of Minneapolis, county of Hennepin, sta oT .tinnesota. lias this day filed In this ofitea lu. sworn statement No. 2397. for ito purchase ot the South half of the South hair of section No. 24 In Towmhip no. 26 S Range No. 10 Wast, and will offer proof to show lliat tho land sought is more alunble for its timber 01 stone than for ..gricultuml purposes, and to establish his claim to snki I ind before the Register and He cciver ol this offfee in Roseburg, Oregon, otv Saturday, the oth dnv of Aueiut. icos. lie names ns witnesses; Charles Thorn, ot Cleveland, Oregon; Edward IVilmcr, Hugo Gluck, of Minneapolis, .1innesou; Aoat It. Frost, of Roseburg, Oregon. . ..... .. .... ,..-...- ..-., 0 Any and all persons lUlunng adversely tno I nbovc-described kinds tiro requested to me gtb , their claims in this ofT.cc on or bctotc said I day of August, 19s 1 5-3 j. T. DttipcBt, Rei;i-:r. Wo promptly obtain U. 8. nnd Forclga Liin ih Bend model, sketch or photo of invention for free report on patentability. For free book, UowtoSecuroTDMnC ilADlQ '"rite lMtentsnnd I nAUC"MAnrd to Opposite U. S. Patent Offlc WASHINGTON. D.C.. -$ r ." dm Wf x-i.