The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 10, 1902, Image 6

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'T j
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, nml uhlcli 1ms hccn
iu uso for over 30 yours, lias borno tho .stjjimturo oC
0 and 1ms been mndo under his ier-
P jC&&yAr soim supervision slneo its inftutcy.
Y&iac7st CCccJUt Allow no ono to dccolvo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd"Just-ns-jood"nro hut
Experiments that trlilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children livperlcnco against Kxncrlmcut
What is CASTOR! A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is IMensnnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic
fiubstnuce. Its n;o is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
ami allays Fcverishncs3. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation
mid Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural alcop.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Genuine CASTORSA always
Bears tho
Tlie Kind You Ha? 6 Always BougM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
7hc ccntuh eon.iHT, rr uumu TKtrr, new ton cm.
Coast nail.
lieu Smith closed down lila lojln
amp SaturJy, having completed thw
ooa;nw. lio bad on hand.
The on B street at, the inter
section of 2d lias been raia-d to conform
with the grade of the stroet.
Thu lumbar is on the ground near tho
corner of Onnd 4th street for tho new
housd to ba built by Mrs. 0. Yf. Towor.
Mra. Thomas Johnson, of Ross slough,
visiting iidr p. reals ilr. and .Mrs.
G.W. Pratt, at Bay City.
In tho Hocorder'o court Saturday af
terncon l.owry Owon was fined W. on u
char,; of Deing drunk end disorderly.
The Florence West reports the arrival
nt thu Siurlaw of tho ichnoner Acme,
which will take out OQO.COO feet of lum
ber on h light draft.
CJ -fU. 53 7Z? O 2RL X A a
Betn tio y? lte r t"d Y.i Hart UnjZ Dtl
Entnro jrff SVj
Vt M
P. M. Friedberc's mnro. Bonnctta, is
report 1 to be in fino condition, nnd her
owner intends to nut her in training on
the trad; hero this Fall.
Eornoof tho Fininsh boya who lmvo
been worl Ints in the shipyard gave a
dance to their f Hondo Saturday evening
in Odd Fellows hall, and a lively good
time was enjoyed.
Oh?.i. Nordstrom, of South Marehfleld,
was made glad Saturday by receiving k
letter written by his wife, who is under
treatment at Salem, saying that fihe wns
nearly well and would soon be ablo to
come home.
O J2u ES 3C O 33L 3! Jd. m
Boars tho KM TJAfrtjg BfligB
Tho funoral of James W. Brown took
place from the Presbyterian church Sat
urday afternoon. Kev. F. Strange of
ilclatfng. Tho burial cervices at tho
cemetery were conducted by Mammoth
Lodge No. 17, A. 0. U. V. The funeral
5'ortago was unusually large and tho
grave was decorated vith a profusion of
beautiful flowers,
Signature) of
) Myrtlo Point F.ntorprito. Pu;h A
Smith recenvi the mac.iineiy fur their
hard wood mill on thu lat trip of thu
i Mandalny. Tho mill will b put up on
, Chas Butler's place about u iiille below
I town, nnd in a short time will bo in op-
; oration,
You can bfcctirHof in; foroj of tobacco niln?.
tiJy, t raaile well. !rury. n'.ienfllo, full ol
new life nj ior rj tatlnz h'0'TO-DAC,
that nakps weak men strong. Many (rale
ten IiouoiU in trn Uari. Ovrr DUO.OQQ
cured. All druxtFutx. Curr ButmnlMl. IKvA.
Ut and a.!nt 1'KKIC AJJccs. hTItRX.IN'C
lUiMJUUVLCO., Chieaso or J."cwr Vott. r
A baby sirl Bwvd l kUI-Im tho
liotnu o! Mr. and .Mr. S. P. IlMrmanu,
FriJny. April 2Tj, 1'jOJ. Mother and
child doing uJ! Mvr'lc I'nint Kntjr.
pfUe. Of coimo Hinder U. will bo -kct.
od, anyhow, but it t'm a if he lufuht
have mor cynwidnratioi for tuturu lt.
p ib'iiv.i) randidntei. Uowuver, woman
feuffrayo is cout'ii;.
"C" With a Tail."
The "C" with a tail is the trade,
mark of Cascarcts Candy Cathartic.
Look for it on the light blue enameled
metal box! Each tablet ktamped '
u. i;. u. is'ever som m uuik. All
druggiita, ioc.
P. P. Norton who ha tho racn track
Krounds leased, is hvln tho Irpck put
in c)iidition for tho training of hortioi
for tho ball racea. Ho will couunonco
working throe as soon ns tho tr?.d. is
ready, rud others are expected.
1ho pHch were on tho urounri for tho
Icoworki Monday und A. W. Nbal will '
be'ln to drive them for tho found a- I
tlon tills Tuesday, morning. Mr. Nlrli
olFon fiayu tho plant will ba running by
July lbt.
Gtaulnc stamped C. C. C. Nmr sold Jn bulk.
Otware of the dealer who hies to sell
"lomethlniujt s good."
Tho Blenrnor Signal arrived in tho bay
Idonday morning and took coal at tho
Heaver Hill hunkorq and returned to
North Jiend for lumbor.
OJt'n Kind.
Gerahl--Iihivc;a soft heart.
' Cornldlnc-iThen 1 don't uco that It
iimkca uuy difference 'whether you flio
ruled by your heart or your head.
New lTork Herald.
t:. vh. iiiV,;nL&.:i'.tzz"
J. P. Tuppor of Ooqulllo was In town
Monday on bttslncrs.
Christonson & Johnson woro hiitldlnt:
n iuhv eldowall; In (tout of thu Pioneer
unburn Monday.
T D Holland recrivM iuintl'r cir
load of litmbor from Ootpuliu Mond.ty
for thu Front tjtrout Improvements.
V. K. Taylor nt th North fork of thu
CnquiUu rivur wax in, town Monday tn
tlloon n tlniler claim before V. I'
f mtn nl llin ritntt ttliiiniU tin.
- .-. r .v l..J.I .! ll... - ..ll..
flelil (hlpvnnt lui week ni-n. to Park
orbiir Monday In tnurcli ot etnplo,.-
Gnui;v Hall lft for Myrtlo Point
Mnmhiy to mtporlutoud thu moving of
tome machinery to the Uulmatt luuun-
tAlll ROia lllltU'B.
Tho kefl limber for thu now choon-
or to bo built In tlteMnri-iillfld hipyunl
havn tHVti dltvoit and will bo put In
pu'itioii In a few days.
8. A. liVinon nnd 0i K. C.uniiuitn.
who liavo bt'eu ouipIoyiHl in the North
Pnnd Bii'nrarU for two or thrw ytttr-.
Ndi on thu tmin Alomlny, for tliCHUlllu
iivr, wbr thry will make tht rparo
tr tho t.uw vtMul buildint; at l'urkcrf-
1'nrtlim'. .l.inrii il TVi lirvit nl.lnu
Uiut J jino- J. Hill ii building in Con
iLvt.oiU, will have dckn of Ofmkou
niuibrr. The K.tHturn Lumbar Co. rf
tli city intuitu out an ord'f of l.oOO,
000 ft to bo n Kd to be uictl in
Captain Norman NeUon and Mr.
Neltfin of thu Uaho A ratio l.ilo-Snlnir
station wru in tlm city yiRtorlay.
Ihy ilroveup iroin i-.mplro ntii nK-nt u
tilnsant day with frhutdii, n'li Cuplniii
.Ntloa prured (hat a n not
tho only kind of a craft he on mn luM
.Tr.l.ii Knnn. tirnmintnr if !! 'nt(li
Pacirii Hrownry, of Avtona, wIiuwh In
tinMi rouii'v idkt wtxK, itilroluciii hiii
nodi in thii saciion, luforuis us that he
uill tirn'valiH' nri'i't n ivilil Hlnrnnx uuru.
hou'e ill MAnJitluld in event of the icn
,il nit lwln r. Hiircffl, ni d will tiiHkv
Mmthft'-M tb hrai'qnarlerr' (ot hUbus-nit-ss:
in tide .ot of Orc,ou.
WKST-At KattMatHhflel, .May 3d. 1092.
Krnost Theodoro Vet, ton of Mr. uml
.Mrs. Uhau. J. West, ajed -I tuonthi
nnd f,i dayo.
The funeral took place Monday from
the Swadtah church in this city.
Mr. Merchant Better.
0. II. Merchant, who has been con
flmxl to tho houeo for fevoral dayn was
roportod coneldurably bi'tter yotrdi y.
His nilmeut was neuralgia iu the rt-yi )i
of tho heart and it cujmlnatod Frldut
evoninn ina very etsvoru attack which
but for prompt relief mhht liftvc had
serious rcbiiits YcHterday the iioraIi
fttcmed to lxi Itvint: the chest and tho
pains had Hourly ceatod, nnd ho wnv
laeiintr inuc'i bettor.
Hut for Friday's attack, .Mr. Mereh -chant
acromjuniod by Mrs. Morchanl
and dauVhUr. Miw Lihie would have
cone to Han Fraucihco with the intn-
tion of tnkiuu' Miiilo an xtoniv
trnir, including u trip to tho Hawaiian
Tills trip will probably h taken latr,
when Mr.. Mo reliant hasuaiued utronsth.
nnd will iindoiibtwlly do him much yowl,
oetiues neini; : piuasaul nml well-earn
od vacation.
The Pending Deal.
M. J. Kinury, an Aotoria cnpHalit,
occompanlfHl byT. V. Ward of .Mich
igan, arrived on Cooh IlayMonday morn
ing and were iu Mnrnhfleld with It, 13.
ShinH, maua(;ftr of the Southern Oregon
Co., Monday aftcitioon. It Is generally
understood that these gonllemeu are nt
tho head of tho corporal in that haJ no
ontion on tho H. 0. Co.'d property iu
this county. They both nxpresa liioin
Folvts uh bolng fuvorably hiipmsi'ed
by Coos JJny but declined to nmko any
itati-mcnWor publication In regard to
thHr buMueda hero.
iIr. Kinney at ono tlmn ownel tbo
M. J. Kinney cannery at Astoria, which
xns, Di:ioro it iiiirucil nljout blx ycarH
ago tho largest talmou cannery in tho
world, iio nico owns the coutrolltig in
terest in tho ClHtson Mill Co' at Autoria.
Ho loft Marshiloldon tho Fiver Mori
on his way bark to Autoria, Mr, Ward
expects to" ionium iu Coos county about
a moutli looking over me mtuation Here,
Tlie cltizena of iCmidro City nro In
n very cheerful frame of nlnd over tho
firospcclQ that the big mill may pass
nto tho hands of people who will oper
ate it. It will bo n good thing, not only
for Einpirq but for the whole llay, if
the S. O. Co, ncllo, out to eotdo ono
who willdofloniething '.vith the prop,
Itonx m
twrlf )tmUy-
M V B K w ft- miitmnli. n i u.mir .1
in we
" inmirv. nml mti" rml villi
free trUI twltlc If you write fur It.
Illlll.Olt A cottnyrirttitii nml wllloite Con.
mimiitlou, t'lituir.iiiiln, llro'ichltU nml nil
I.uiiit TiiiujIc. Will core n couijli or rolil
Inn iliv.nmt limn ficvciit iwrloun tr.itlM.
It linn Iwcu ilnlntT tner tli!tipf"rWyeau.
. t' i I kn. Itakl 'a M.mmt ii.. CI mm m l
Quick Work.
Tha Areata Arrived Monday morn
ing nnd Umlwl for tho llrnt tlmcat the
Ptatul'ird OH (Vi'h. wkcIioiho, Agout
F H Duv and bin insUtantH, Mlrs M t
iniii Ma'iouoy and .1 ty Tjw-r wo'o pro
pared for tho wornt, nnd it In well that
they wuro, for tlio very unumml iiiantl
(votSOtnunol freluht wns piled out of
tlio Hicamor and into the uiuoliouai.
To port this, ohffk it and dollxer It
to the leumstorn was a tak that kept
Mr. How and his forte on tin Jump till
lav, and tho toanutoM uero krpt nil
tho move until tlm last pnilnice was
dtdivorod. Kloven h'ur ork dls
pod of tho Ht) totiM ot mlMTllnnttous
niortihandlii', and this look like n
KhxI rucird for thu new hroiiI. Tho
froo iWlvery foHturu pectus to glviS
Xensrnl uatlifaetiQii,
JiiiAiooiio Arrlirpn.
In JaMii nrrlici-s teat tlMlr itrrnwa by
balnncliiir tin-in on the txilla of the iec
oud and tlilnl llnaunt of the left bum!
and rapidly twirling them by tho faith,
fed oinl with ihr llnpra of the right
li.'.nd. If thv arrow utakex it whlrlltiK
outtd. It In crooked uml mnt bv
Speaker Coming
J. I). I.oo, of Soh'tn, will mhlroif
the ritbons ol Mntsht'.fld in support
of the Itopubllcau th-koton May lUih
Mr. hco li Knperiutendendent of tho
Suut Penitentiary, and his appoint
mint to that ollleo In ono of the acts
of Oovomor t.tMir wliiali nflcct the
vroaiivat credit on his lalmlnlstrntbii,
for Su 'rlntoiideiit lo Is a gentlomitn
of tho iiitchftta character. Ho in niton
plrannt ami Diitcrtaining uwkwr, and
xl.onld l screetiMl by a mr?,o crowd
when he epenk here.
Pied nt tho Moddonce of her ion, lUv.
F. II. K)flld, Dora, Coos Co., Oregon,
April 27, 1002. Mrs. Mary gaoilitld (morn
fan ardy known its llrandma Foolleld),
iuu I S.' yrar. Hi inontliH nml S'l iIavm.
Tt.o ik'cwwii was buried April HU In the
lraccumlery by thu shliof hnr hin
Un i, Wilmn H-olUdd who died Gel. SU,
l-i2, ltev. C. A.Htockwnll, jxutor M.
h. rhiirvh of .MyrtU Point, efMciKling,
lirniidmn Srolli-ld lonvort throe childrmi.
Francis Ji. McoOMd, Dora, Or.; Mr.
It u lb A. lUkar, Melvlduro, HI.; and Mrs.
.'ritta J. KtUHill, i.aoomb, (Junadn; to
mctitru bur low, besldceovontt'n graml
chll rr n, oitih i''ii grent-gratid-childroii
and a hot of friends.
Mitrv Kvjilniil w lorn in W'nrionCo.,
N. Y. May III 1H18. Whun II yenra old
nhe inovwi with her iinrnutH to ClioiiUii
ipin Co., N. V,, Hcttilug near Dowitt
ville. At tho ago of 19 nho was convert'
ed and Joined the.M K. church, of which
church she rtunainod n mmnher till lior
death; her laHt inemburhl)t being at
Forest (Jrovo, Or. On Nov. I, lvs nho
was married in Wilton Scollehl; f.ur
children blewted their iinlr.n. in I ;
thoy moved to unhsttir "o., Iowa; front
there to Lincoln Co,, Kutifan iu IHTO,
Leing onufjf tho pioneers of that cuinty,
nnd remaining thore till after 1H,", the
great graMhopper ynr. Siidng their
crops nml fruit trecv ilentro)ud they bu
catno dlscoiirnged nnd said: "V'o nro
gidting old; wo will go hnro life is ae
ler and fruit l t-lenty." Henco thov
joiirnayed toCr.lifornia,Hiayliig two yearn
in the Kacruinoulo valley, and then.
uilh their only tern nnd his family, mov
ing to Oretron when they finally tettjed
mi hoiucMcadtf in Coos county Hero
Wlleou Hcolloll lived long enough to I
gather apples from trees bin ovwi jiandH
had planted, mid hero Mary Kcollelil
lived on in widowhood, greatly beloved I
nnd respected by her neighbors, for!
nearly twenty yoara nltor thu death of
her hucbaud.
H. Huron, ot North Pond sailed tin In
f ils city Saturday iu his new catamaran, j
'- ho craft attracted considerable atten
tion while it was moved along tho, witter-1
front. Mr. Huron' claims that it twill i
out-sail anything on thu buy, nnd will'
also hold its own !n a rowing race, '
Tim Amtlcr I'Ub.
A Hulling Hiimelt had ialoly n nlnlllgo
rnteh oir the l-Mdyntmio Ihihth niw. It
wiintin eiiotuious NU''lmeii of that nun
uud ourloim bi-ii moimlor the nnglei'
ll'h. It iitciiMiirid ' fret It InclieH long
and H feet i Inehcd broad, Thv '.v;
paelly of tlicnu Hull fop ili'votiiliicj
liiio (HiMiitlllen of food la Homctlilnic1
iniifveluiii. but the peculiar thing Ih
that they change thu tiHiinl order of
thing, fin' lUNtouit of the bird catching
tho tl-tli, In til lii limlnueo tlio Huh
eatcheii tho lilnl uilil iimkr u men I of
him, OiillU'itioln. Hengulls and duckii
lmvo lueii d!MMVrd In th atomnbn
of thvsu gliittoim of thv deep.
Shipyard Notes
A now doukuy ouglno la being put in
thu Marehfleld shipyard, lo replace thu
ono from thu Jnmns Sennet, which linn
been placed upon tho Polaris. A brink
foundation for tho now engluo tins been
laid by J. I,. While.
Iu iplto of the rumors that J. V.
Kruco had atrnck a r.nsg iu carrying
nut his profwt of putting Ih u shipyard,
that getiUcinaii is going alttiol with
his r.ork and It Is not likely that there
will bonny Interruption. Jtood nxp;U to rostituo
oHittlocn In hli yard in tl.a near fn
tum. ThvTttftel partly conttrurMod i
alMJUt to chnugi' (iwuo'th nrd hIII then
be compItd. Thu tug KatU Cook is
also expeetMl to mularifo an overhauling
In this yntd In n few wrvk j,
Ym n mm'M ivanftvii' m
Pure brnl Miiiumoth Ilron'
Turltey from the fnntoiiA W'ikhN
ar.l and .Minigiia n train Toiim
.:..( i-nrli, Irlii aio,i. h'ggn f( .
haw-Mine .:.- for u h tting of t.
Ilarnil I'hiuoiith Idiek CockMrel-
ir,i) to fr,.ii, linrinl i'lyimmtii
(Cork nnd H. (' Hn.wn Jghiri
egifi ..-j ptfr siting,
Hvttiugri from tho famoiH in
dinii lliiniier Diiuk I.M) for U.
JIatcbJnifli (r thre Imported
Ibirrfl Hoel: liflls with rteonbi ot
l&l-!6Mn7 eggn In Intl days i.
lr iwUliijg. JnHptinri linltcd.
Addriiw Fiianx I tun Kits
Flanagnii A, jennoii
UIHKCroK.-J T. H.Shari
dan, J. Y. UotiiiPtl; 1'llKd. :
and. II. Flanagan. VIOK
I'lti;.; It. F. Williatita,
Capital, $50,000.
. o;c2C7o:y
go YHArta'
CopvmuhTo ilC.
Anrnnn rrmlli it n kkrlr u nml ill irriill')ti mny
milrklv n.iorliiiu iiilr mil! Kill fruu ivliirfliftr uri
liiriiiitlnii lupnam) Ir.l
ivnt fruo. Olili'.l iii'imr niT'irmir jhiIihiIi.
Il.t I.Lim .In. .it.. I. ti ,.. ...A..lwn
unt fruc Olilral uri mr fyr ni'CM
lll.ilM tll.nll ..'IIIBI. ...III.). (V V. I.VVIIH
jifcliiliiollcf, lllioulcliiin(j, In tlio
Scientific nmznmi
A ImmUnmclir lllnntrslcl nroklr. I nruMt r)t
uilitlMi at nur ei'lomlilo Juiirnal, 'I'urnio, U a
Timrt four month, f I. DolU tiynll nowwlnnhw
IVIIINN & Co.aoiD'oad- Nev Ynrk
llrioicti Ofilcu. (35 I' HI.. Wnililnuton, li. C.
i ?GfcQor0stt$tio4Gooeo oy
' Coll on r Wrlto 5
64 fc 63 Alcrchnnta' Exrttaiio
WWh TnAoc Marku
r ruiyuv
' rr-