,i 'V ilfc 4 t . - "'. J.,' M jjm.JicvUrr , ,' w " I r'UI'UULIOA'N bTATri5 I'LATFOIiM. Tl.o Itejmldlcan pnrty Onicon, of In ntntooonvuntlon wiiomMwl, proud of Its reeoid an 1 1'iitl hlnlory, itn ilovotlnn in tliu nrinuliilesof )iumii liberty and l.u- iiiitn v,U, Itn Krtmt mid Imiierlhlmtiloj muiiM wliifli loud IttHtwr tinl c.lory to tho Ainurleoii Nnttoii nt liumu unit ninoni tho imtioiis i'f tho oartli, mid m niiitir twee of ttn (tfiiiUmied Ildidlly to tlm ircut principle! fur wlilcli It luoi contended In tlm ant In Bin to and National affair, iIom Inueliy imiko and nltlrni tho follow InK deolitrutlon of Ho pilni'lploi: 'iho oventn of tliu Into war with Hjmln oarrld tut Into tho rlilliplru lalnmln. Wo hold ll to ho coimlituiit with llio prltuilplurt of liberty and of our National life that tho r.ovurltfiity of tlio United HlMtoi should ho inuliitnlned In tho Is land, umlur mieli local rolf.Koveinmoiit an tliu people tnsy Iw. or tuny uecomo, IRUM to jwrtlclpnto In, Wo therefore tite'.itm iignintit nit ph,omI looking to tliu roliremwftt of the Utillwl Hltituo from tho l'lillfptltit Uhmlii. TtinV In tli r nhlcli Provident Roosevelt lmn InntiKiimtiNl nivlnct tho git; in lie oojiiMnHtlnus of InourjtorntM mpiul ii h t)i nriud nnd rmthuidM tle wpport of tho Jtoputillcan rly of Oregon. Wo t!mnnd ml intUt upon tho pnw sig u( tli hill now Kdln In OoiiKroia for tbtt exclusion of Chi now, known na ' the Mltchtdl KhIiii vxc'aalon hill. Ww rfUrm our hIIkImiic to tho prln itthtwtvf ptottction In mtctrtmry caie of liKiutrii Mill In their Infancy or unnblv to compete with foreign productions. Wo rrcoftniwi tlm rtlil of Inbor to or KftnlMand eotuu!nfirmntunl protection under, tlm lv, nnd h recommend Ihnl thu Ltn'nUttire i:cl all nwxunry 1'K HUtion to protect UU.T In nil Its rfulite a ltd privily. In tliu interort of Amur liwn Inbwr and tho upbuilding of tho worklbit twin av tho corner utono of tho trotrily of otircoiintry, wo recommend Hint Conj;rw) create a Dcpartmont of Ijilnir In chiuftonf n tt'crotary, with n teat In the Cabinet. Wo demand that a law bo par-ted by tho next Lualiditttiro placing nil public oflleerj of this et.Mo upon reasonable tol nrlnr, wlilelmlmll not Iw Incrcaieil during tho Irwuinbont'fl t(tm of ollleo. nnd bo yond rttdi tnlary tlioy 'hlmll tecclvo no ootnHinntlon i foun or otherwise. In order to prornoto tho development of tht miner;! lesotirfei of tho ctato, wo' An lit fvor of Urn cnation nnd malntv j iMnovof a mining bureau by thu tnti Wait 'Urumtr approvl nnd support j of lhousctlnof 1'rwll 'tit Kooiuvolt 1 for thtt irrlgiilioii of the arid lands of the country. Thli work ebotild bo un. dortHWii by tho tJnltfd Htntoaaa noon as jK)ibl. and carried forwanl on n con biitout plan, nndur tlliectionof the Gvn uml (Jorri)inunt. We nro our Itftpru'ontatlveo in. Con greM and Beimtora to nw ovnry iffort to rucuro tho upwly oponlncof thuColum Uln Kiwr hotwoon the Dalle nnd Cclllo, nnd for fb-arln thu rivi-r of obstnu-tlona to DRi,;tttlou from Itn mouth to tho hvad of iiaviKntion. ' "HSO l' ronowt'd nnd continued effort for improvomontof DtnCoiut lintboroandbtroaiiiH within tho btnto. nnd tho npcedy coimtruction of uu Nthmlnn canal. Tlmt tho public land aro tho hcrltnco of tho common ponplo und bhould bo bold in truat for tho iiro and IkmiuIU of nil tho nooplomidor tho homcHtond lawo. Uo aro thereforo nnnltcrnbly oppoircd to nil planp, oclioincH or proposition for lesion public donuii.ia, either to corpor ntionaor iudividuidt). Wo favor a policy by tho ntato and tho United Staloa which shnll further foiter nud support our llBhorloB.nnd woreiueBt tho U'tfifclttturo to omict such further inensurea an mny bo found by oxporlouco iiecubmiry to obtain tlilu result. Wo demand and Insiut upon tho Itn modlnto pnBHflKC by Connrcea of tho United Stntou of tliooluonmrgarino bill, known nt tho Grout bill, now pondfnK in tho Hennto. Tlml wo fnvor tho prppoacd nmend mont to tho otnto constitution providing for tho inltiutivo and roforondum, and r recommend Ite ndoption by tho people ' of tho BtfttO. Wo declaro our approval of tho prln- , ,'clplea of the primary law ononted by tho LegleUturo at tho eeeeiou of 1001, nndwbntk tho LonlMiUtiro to' 'ex ton d thin law to that In Hi mnlii' featured it may apply (o primary cloctlom In nil oloctloti proclneto throuchout tho etnto. And wtt furtiior recommend thu election of United Hnlou Houatoru by poixilur vote, FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. A. M. Crawford. Republican Nominee. ttMIMWIlii )lMlMiWi Professional Cards. 0. W Tower, MD. I'llYKICIAM AND HUIUIKON. I'flice In .trr:ilnl.in nr.il tm'tli' DM;, front ttrrrt, M.trthfieM, Orrcon. B. E. Straw, M. D. IMIYHICUN AND HUJCOKON. bHcln! uttf ntlnii to dirtPnuoH of tho Kyi Ktir, Now i.nd 'I linmt. (Jl:i(rt fittol. OHtcc in vSuti(:3tncUcii & Smith lltiihlinji. W. U. Douglas, ATTOKKKY AT LAW AKI) U. H. COMMU4.SIUNK1C. front iin, MarilifWUI, Otton. J. W. Bonnott, ATIOUNKV Aiili UOUKSKLOIl A'i NJ CO law. MKtH uriRj.n OKK John F. Hall, attui:ni:y at law. ODm la I.Momlo block, I'roni itrrrt, t4llifle1l, Orrf C F. MoKniglit. ATTOKNKY AT J.AW Onicc in Ihc Ilcnnett & Waller llttihlitig. MAKHHI-'IKI.!), OltKGON. Dini) fsI.KKr At lila brtne InMolifleM fit ti.."tl p. in. .May 7, 1102, William Viytr Nlirp, n' d M yearc, It muiillis nnd 'J day. DtcraeiHl was born in Cornwall, Kng- land, .In nu ft, 1BI8 Ho en tno from Kn laud to tho UnlttU Htnten at tho age of 10. Unlived first In I'vunKylvnniit, eo ing from thrro to Utah, thence to Call fortiin, and coming to Cooa Bay March 18, 1H7I. Ilo worked In tho mints al Kati3rt. tlii'ti at Newiort. with iho ' I'fptioii of Mx vihtm rpent iu Hritifh I Columb.it nnd California, up to about three iMrn u'o, when htn bealtlt Ikkru to fall and ho it' veil to Marrhfltdd. Hi wan married at Marchllold May fi, 1S77, to Lltrabeth Ann Sleep. l'osldo Ibu widow, three eon a nud ono daiicbter Mtrtivo him; B. J. and Win. 0. bleep, ol I.lbby. Albert nnd Unrthn J., who live at home. All wero at IiIh bcdshlo whim hi pntMd nway. Ho hud been an Odd Follow for twenty yearn, nnd nne rilMin ebarttir niPtnber of Court Coos IUv, Kd inters of America. Ho bad been itilinK for nbout three yearn nnd much worse of lato. On Mon day ho walked down town but tcactud homo iu h MutHof iNbauitioii and bank lApidly until ilfBili tiiMieil. Tiio fuitHral arrnienifiita will bo an nout.red Inter, the burial probably tuk in;; jibiro tomorrow nfterunon. TIMIIUH LAND, ACT JUNK !!, 1S78, NOTICH l'OH 1'UIILICATION. United .Slate I .and OnVc, HonburR, Orcifon, AAiy 3, 1900. Noticp in lunhy eU?n tlmt In oomplinncc with the U.,viioiu of ilie net of Congrt-i of June 3, 1878, uulltlcd "An net for llir Kile of llinl.ir kimU In die Status of CulKumln, Onon, Nn.vl'), nntl Wittlilncton Tcitl!ory,"nextcnil nl to all llio l'utlic I.aiiit States by act of Au j;ut . i8yj, (AKI. HKCKUI5, of HoMlitirg, county of Uoii;U, stnto ot Circ jjon, l.att In day lilixl in 1I1I1 olllcc lilt tworn tt.itcntvnt No. 9 vVi fur tlio purchase of tlirlot a, of hlC t-4 NWi-., Si-3 NKi-i of Koc. tion No iB, In ToMiulilp No. 26 South, liniiKo No, 10 West and w 111 olfcr proof to show that the laud ioiikIiI Is more valuable for Its timber or Mono tlinn for agricultural purpose, nnd to cstablMi hit cl.tim to said I mil before the Itcjilttcr nud Kecchcr of this ofllce nt Rose liurg, OrvRon, on Fililny, the :jlh day of Atmust, iQoa, 1 Uonntniuns'wltiiesscx: John llcckcr, John II10111. l'rank l.onj;, rtanl; hliennnn, of Clce. land, OriKon. Any nnd all persons claiming nihrrscly the nlwve-dcscrlhcd Units nro requested to file their claims in this olltcn on or Ix-lore s.iid 15th day of August, 190a. J. T. nmnoKJ, Register, s to TIMUMl LAND, ACT JUNK !l, 1878. NOTK'K 1'Olt PUULICATION. Unitud Ptatub Ln Ornn:, ltosoburjr, Ort'Ron, May 6th. 1IK)2. Notlco is lioroby plvon that in com- idlnuco with tho piovialona of tho not of Jouuroea of Juno 3. 1879, ontttled "An act for tho Bale of tlmbor laud in tho BttUci of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Wnslifni'ton Torrlfory," rfn extended to all tho ruhllc Laud Utiles by- act of AUKUBt 'I. IBIU, i 01IAHLKY UHtniOIIILL, nt f'liU' Irttid. (iiintv nl l),iii(lnii filitfn e.t Oregon, hnn this day filed In thin ofllco I Miimoni ntniumcnt no, ilii, lor tno purrlmMi of tho caul .half fact half of Mrctlon No. 31 In Tovn.M5p No. L'5, uriii) ji ivuiii. nin win uimr jiiuui iu Nhow that tho laud nought U mora vnl- nnmoior in iimin'r or mono man mr fliulculloral purpOBen, and to eatablUh MNiUlm to raid laud I uforo tho Heri tor and Itcceivor of thla ofllco nt Koto U'lrn, Of (vox, on Hnturdny, tlio 10th day of Aucuftt, 1002. Ho namuH nt witneteos: Chnrloi Thorn, John Thorn, Kd. Von IVenl, (JcorKU Churchill, of Clovoland, OrGon. Any nnd nil persotiH clnirnlni; adverse ly the nbovo-detaribed hindri nro ro mosted totUo their claitiiB In thla ofllco on or bofore raid Hlllt day of Auuet, IfK)'J. J. T. IJmiMir.B, ltt-xiatcr. u 10 TIMIJKIl LAND. APT JUNE 3, 1878. notk;k roil rujiMUA'f ion. UxiTim Btatkh La OrntM. Ito'ebnrK, OreKon, May Oth, ItKL'. Notice ta hereby k1oii tba. In eom pllaucd with tho provhdoiiB of tho net of CotiKiof Juuo.'l, 170, entitled "An net for tho ralo of timber lauda in tho Hiati'M of C.ilifnrnln, On-vmi, Nevada, And Wa'hi-'Kton Territory," nil extoml 4x1 to all the 1'ubiie Lnodritalwi by set of AUKUit i, l"W, I.OUIS J. R1MP?0N, of North l!end, county of Coos, atalo of OreR'iri, lina thia day llled In tblo ofllco blHuworniiiatementNo. 2310, for tho purchato of tho went half northweet quarter, nnd oet half of nouthwoet Muarlfr of Hocllon No. 6, in Township No 2.1 H, Ilunpo No 12 W, nnd will oflor proof u hhow that the laud coiijdit la mnro vahinblo for itn tliuLor or Htono titan for agricultural piiriJOMif, aud to wta'ilifh hie claim to wild land before W. U. DsuKlna, U. 8. CommlMlonnr for OrcKon, nt 3dnrhflold, Oregon, on Satur dav, tl.o IDlli day ol July, 102. flu names no wllneeioa: Carl AL brerht, L. A. Whereat, of Marehfleiil, Oregon; . I. M. (Julck, James llibbard, of Luko, Oregon. Any nnd all neraons clulminK advorso y the above described laudH nro re rucBted to tllo their claims In this olllco o'n or before eald llitli day of July, 1002. 5 10 J. T. UitiiKinH, RKtBter. TIMllLll LAND, ACT JUNK.1, 87d. NOTUK roil 1'UHLICATfON. U.vitko Statkb Lksd Ornci:, Ko'olmrR. Oregon, May 7lb, 1U32. Notico ii hereby given that in com pllnnco with the provisions of the net of bonsroBn of Juno 8. l8tS, . entitled "An net lor tho nalo of timber landa In tho Htntea ol California, Oreuon, Nevada and WiiBlilnirton Territory," ni extended to all tho I ubllc Land Ktatea by net of AURn,illSlCKR.TAYWR. f ff Fairviow, county of Coo?, ctato of Oresen, luto this day filed in thin olllco Ida sworn Btntomeut No. 235(1, for tho pitrehaso of tho south bnlf iiortliefl't iptnrtorS.'c. 23, eoulh half norHiweHt M of Section No 27, in Townfbip No. 2d H, ltniiKe No. II W, nnd will oiTcr pi oof to 1 how that t!'i land cought Ih moro vhl unbhi for its timber or etotto than for nKricultural puriioscB, nnd to enabllslt Ida claim to said land before W. U. Duiilaj, U. 8. Commissioner for Oregon at Mnrelilletd, Oreuon, on Sftturday, the lOJhdayof July, WOi. Uonamc9nntitnes0B: William II. .Moicnn.of Marphlleld. Oreuori; M. J. Wilson, W. A. FHntt, K, O. Whttloy, cf Falrxiew, Oregon. Any nr.d all poreons claimini; adverse ly the Rbove-dererltied lands aro to tliteited to llio their clalm9 In this ofllco on or before said l'Jth day of July. 1002. 5 10 J. T. llntuflKa, lleijiator. TIM11KK LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 1878. NOTU T l'OH PlllLlCATION. Umtkd tatks Lash Okfick. llotobtuc, Oregon, Mny 7th. r.OJ. Notlco la horeby jjlven that in com plianco with tho provisions of tbs net of Conurcea of Juno 3. 1878, entltlod "An ret for the rrb of timber landa in tho Htatoo of California, Orejion, Nevada, r.ml Wnehlnpton Torrltory," aa extend id tonll tho I'ublic Land IStr.tea by not oj August 1, 181)2. MAUVKL J. WILSON. ol Fnlrvlew,- county of Ceo, htnto ol UroKon, inn hub nay itieo in mis omco bia sworn Btntomeut No. , for tlio purchase of tho north Inlf northeast ijututer Fi'O. 28, north half northwest (uatterof eci'tlou No 27 In townabip o. 2(1 S, range Nol 11 , nnd will offer prool to ahow that tho laud nought Is moro valuiibln for ita timber or etotto than for ui IcuHurnl purpoeoa, nnd to notublinb )iia claim to tttid lutul before W, U, Doutdas, U. S. Ooinmlsalonor for Oreiion at Jdnrahflold, Oregon, on Satur day, tho lllth day of July, 1002 Ho nnmoB an wltnesaea: William II. AIori'Ati, ol Mars bfleld, Orerron j F. 11. Tuvlor, W. A. FUnn, 13. 0. Whitney, of 1'alrviow, Oregon. Any nud all porpon8 claiming ndvorao ly tho .abovo-dofcribod lauda aro vo queatod to fllo their clnlma iu thia oillco on or before eald 10th of July, 1002. 5 10 J, T, BniixtKB, ItegUter. SOME COUGH il ' TRUTH. IF you got tho wronz cough Remedy and it falls, you loeo timo, ronder tho couh harder to euro, and are out your money. :::::::: Thcrooro a tjocd many wrong conh IlemedJei, but it io easy -. to avoid them, Oomo here nnd got ffcngBtacktn'a Whito 1'lno Expectorant and you will bo euro ol an effective, eclentlflc preparation, ono that is endoned by hundreds of paopl in this locality and ono that costs you nothing if it ever fails. : : Prlco Sfj and CO cents. , a SBMGSIACKCN'S PHARMACY, Harslificld, Oregon r-y-rr j"f- --'-Mw-t-w''"'--'-l"l-"--i" 11 1 mm ww M That is what we we can fill all lilWIWh and all kinds. immMm trVMMft is gnaranteeii mmmvn right. OUR STOGK iwvmm n utimwuwuwi mi ' anything required dn Fir, Spruce, Red and White SIMPSON LUMBER CO, f Wi w Phone Main 151, .GROCERY- ' A full lino of choieo groceries, feed, flour, ham ami bacon always on hand, fresh fruits ami vegetables received on .M' ovcry sleamer , " " HQHE3T PrliOS PAIO'.FOR PflODUOS. 3UTTER AND EQQS Tree Delivery Tdcpbenci IDninl'I. ci Z3FJSaHSX3U3GSQ2SgtSlBiiraSlB9 m m n S GEE FJSE. n K DEALKlt IN GKOCERIES, FllESIl ritUITd, YF.OETA 11LES 1 It Q VISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE REST Q UALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN O Y'S T E R S EVERYDAY. : : A Street, Marshfielcl, Ore have to sell, and orders for anx THE QUALITY and the price is INCLUDES Cedar. North Bend, Ore ITRAL HOTEL- Corar of Front ami A'strcets, marshfield; Oregon, ONH SNVDER, : 5 : ; : :?ro?rlstcr rHlS WELL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE X I10T1JL lias Itut been entirely refitted and refurnished throughout and U again open to tho public for patronage. New beds and spring mattresses have been placed In almost every sleeping room of . tlls douse nnd neither trouble nor c.xnens'j ha; licen pared to put everything In first-cuss order. TERMS, Board end Lodging, per week,, $sxo Bonrd, per week 4'co Single Meals .. -...-. ............ . w1