The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 10, 1902, Image 4

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MAY 10. im
Published Every Saturday by the
Mail Publishing Co.
Owryfiar, (in ativanta) ...$1.50
SHx Months .... ,
thorouplily umlorslnntta tho necda of
thla section ol Cu'Ron. That his iccord
in U10 Inot cetfiton was good Is buuwii by
thu fnut that thu oppt. t-itton can fliul
notuirg to brirt; ajtati-.r-t if.
TI10 only Son' hem Uncoil man '.
lins Ikch placed on tho Kcpubltrmi tick
ot for n Hate ulnce for n loni; tlino lit
II oil. A. M. Crawford, of RoMMiur,;, can
didate for Attorney (onural. Thla
uiakoa tho nooeraphlcnl iwituimuit par
ticularly Blrotii in his favor in oihor
imrtH ot tho MAto ni wull no in thin.
Coos county 1ms jiooi! ruasonrfor rolllm;
up a tiM.ilanuio vot for Mr. 'Crawford.
llii iotriyluctiou to tho Paci.Io count was
Three menths to
tt .00 wQl be charjed when not Mid in advance I Rl ';" '"V1,1' nd thu people hero hsvu
vjm-.-eu mm coma up py raiurtu nuiiuv
una imMAttgnhlo hntd rork from tho
portion of i yotui? attorney just Btnrt
m!, ton prominent placo nmom: tho
nblu Attorneys of tho ntnto. His Repuh
lir.uiisin hoo uuwr been quettiom.".!, anil
it W not of th "pennnt pcl'.t.ea" vnr
isty, hut of tuol (truer and, iiob'er brand;
tho kind of Republicanism which pro
aile among tho common people, and
which keoM them foynl to tho party for
thmgool thoro in in it principle, fur
tbo'houors it lin.i earned nnd (or tho
honors it i t:!t capr.hlo of earning, with
propor lcadouhip. llo is tho port if
llepttcdicau xhom it is n pleasure to
V.. J.
Fnnsisit, of Umatilla Coutitv.
II. S. Bean, of lane County
F. I. Utr.fs.iu, of Clnteop County.
C. S. Moork, of Klamath Coonty.
J. 11. Ackmmax, of Multnomah County
A. M. Ciuwrottu, of Dousing County
J. E. YVmTsar, of Linn County.
T. T. GtBK. ol Marion County. '
Thomas H. Towmr, of WstUtoctou
K. D. UvHS, of Carry County.
ScnitLBu 15. UEnuAN.v, Myrtle Toint.
L. Hablockkk, Coquille City.
A. 1. Wotcorr, MzrshCeld.
Ccfiuilio City.
Joiim B. DullbY, Coquillc.
J. T. IIowhek, of North Bend.
S. B. Cathcaiit, Marlifkld.
D. McfcTos.'i, Marahtleld.
De. Kijje, of BandoD.
If you haven't recittersJ yet do bo at
nny public speaker bno a 'rlfstit to mnkn ' Ins tnmlileil o.n1ntlon wlllt rorriionib
if irtioiia wlilcli mat tho htnckobt nimr Ins liu-roimo of vaIuh to your property
iluna npan tho churmitor of wotaun uml iprftilliu: prooporlly to oycry corner of
Clrlc wlicsti purity nnd virtuo nro nbovo tlioNtiito. Do you want this polhiy ro-
tho fHintrat lirraili nf laim eurplolmi. TfrsoilT 1 f you 1I0 you liavo only to
Tho quo trLw iletwi Ivh hlmwl f npfit plnwi tho mini iililmilnn of tho dIaUi mill
tothstiiiitrcat'MMnt which would ho county into Uumucuittlu linnda,
Jtwtly tifvtit out to any lilnckuumd who . .
lTiiSWMClnW0,,,l,,l !" UW ItWt tbt Poiillinrn HnMorn caro
1 nXK.h .houfuirr.." Thu I. not lm
lulHifoullUK ;. mindM of tho youn inttkiMi ilnmi m utiHrUniia nlMiiit U111 fii-
with tluiuRliU which could only origin miiIim ol Um 1hHinI Htntim 1 1 tho 1 h l-
nto in thouiM. rtovcIIus nnd ddbnuvii Ipplnc. or od..fiuiiatory liitlmlr -ta -
lrrlur.lion. nuntH nlwiit olllccin niidvoldloi" olh
Tim cum niii nml imrltv nf mir c r "ny, oin pmrmi mrn . iu, , u rim,,,.
.. . ' . . ..... ad. tifrtlS.t.
and women, tlm honor and ninutiood nf
our bovii and men, nro nt to Ihi eo Hk
ly KjMtllctl. Thcra out-lit to bo r-oim
way of Htopplug tho foul toi'Ruo whv'ti
isuor.uicu or uialico tfti it Mninu.
tryinu to nirtko capital for politico anil
putiHiin-hii at linino. w imtuvir cruoi-
tioi may bavo liciu practiced on tiiu
I'llljiiiuw and tlicto In no oxcuriui:
t!iiiu arc noihltiK In com par I no 11 with
1 thofo to which tho norfrotsfol our Bouth-
'orn ttuti's linvo bomi ubi,ct.Ml, "fur
1 inaintcimuco of uliltn tuipromncy."
Thoro in at leant nn tnurh oxcuro (or ouo
n for tho other. On'KOUlnu.
Kojvrt3 from Curry county indicates
thJt Hon. R. D. Ilume, Republican can
ditleto for Joint Representative, will
.il.. a '.I .t. I . . a .
!-tcui.u county wuu n uiojoruy 01 niunnopsn rjnestion wlietliar nnv
irom 1SG to!50. Two year aco ho enr public frnkir bin a rlitht to nddnH
04l Cook by a irjc mr-jority, and thoro a mixod uudionco in ruoli torwj 09 to
is no riaron to upjM)60 mat i:e will not lirinx tho blufih of ombRrraesment to
Tho now! of the incorporation of u
' no'.)N.!iy to builil n inilnxid from S.ilt
Lnka to Coot Buy hn caumm! a etir hrrt ,
and jn'oplohnrdlv know whether to i!.n
sidHr it a lt-iciUnitt propwitin'i or jwrt
( the prviitciuaiiei to uuothcr boom.
Th fact that this harbor iu amply nde-
...... !.. .1... .... 1. .... . f .. .- ....I
nental railway KVHtom tKinirei no oVm
otistrntiou here, but pwpio hio lontii to
bclievtt that ttvcntd are ri-ally inovio'
rapidly that such a dream could bo rv.v
I bod in the neir futuro.
Que thiitKin cjrtniu: that there Mill Th
tomothiu epproachtntr a boiiu here thtf
ouimor. The two vjtntorn that ?..
just dep rtnl and who were Mtntitid
with Ute firmer lvim, vtro widentlv
not hero nltoxulhtr lor tin !r lie. lth. I
is stated on good nuthority ti.nt while
hero L. 0. Garriun bonded a lar;:o part
f the wntor-front acroii tho bay, in the
name of the Till.? (itiaranteo it Trust
Co , of Portland. Wli it this iiii-ane can
only bopietifcd.
Tho conrso of cvont.i will bear closo
watching fur tho nest few months.
So far ni wo hevo heard not ono of
Coos' lcpilatlvn raindiiUtoa litis oviuced
a dftflire or announcod lila candidacy for
speaker of th nonw ol rcpreiientntivcB
iu Ore;ou. Nearly overy county In tho
stnto nns a cxuui'iato.
Mr ChnmWrlalu. D)Ut. IsdUlrlct at
tor nnv for Multnomah county lili salary
is M.OiX) pur numim Ho ha two du-
putied who nT paid fJK'iW a jwir. and
these falarlvaar1 tlxed by law. Would
it tK'f.iir topf.k of tho Hnlnry of Mr.
ClmmhrrUtn and oxpeiuM of his oftio
nniouiitipi! to $7WM, and yet that is what
Mr. ChrttulwrUlu and hit t'eputira Ret,
luily ono-third moto Uinti tho KOVfrnor
Ktntor. Coai.t Mau.s
I have lon n Ropuldlcan over pinrt'
the prty was ntKiudsntl hi IS.VJ, but It
U v!dom I voto tho Rppuhrcuu county
ticket etraiuht, for the riuMiu 1 often
llud on tho nppoelta HcLut mrn whom 1
considur lltar men i-i oin wity fur the
ulli.v, ncd in that JnWAi.cri I rvcratcli my
ticket anil vole lor tn mail.
oftloataUof Oregon and lHylark tv-iymiMrill. ,!, tWo (! IMW in thu
cslvo. Jlytho way Mr. Chamljoraln flr4n and tho l.MilIleai. for nnrn
has not yet roaignl th oillce of district ,,M(, ntl H, , lU.kttl , -V(,ry lK,r,(p.
..J':'"' "'',' '"-"'" .""" ' ' , i.laras tho IVmocrats tlifretofn l
v . per year jwiu nun or wu ijrr... , ,c, q( Um lo Nol, u -.t t . iasl. C
r.WOIIinU m,J ,, (VMU rrwrutn whv nny fimit
of tr.u ptato. Hhllo he is t
around the 'at tolliui: the ikk1c why
they should eltct him Kovernor of the
stHtn nnd pay ltl) (iximiism while ho is
uiakini hia csnvas. If Mr. Chninbvr
l.iiit were so earnestly wedJod to vono-
my In public om. m h wmM Im-' ,.UH,,ltHi w, h
yiu bclievo Ins mijht cet a vrv lorcibto M ,,j-n, Vrhb
example y ittnrnim; hjs iwu 11 j'ir
ortico nutil tho present campantn is over.
Uo'ibtlsw the povtriior would iigicw to
rerr"int him at tho cud of that itiod.
for the Unto woul 1 bo tavcl srTCJr.1
hundred dolhits in the moautiine, and
aud thnl
should do
claim to b n Republican
, otbnrwls.
I Now 1 wUli in speak in patttcular of
our candid te fur ixmtity chirk, Mr.
, Wnlrott. I hava Ixrtii prHiually bp-
m for 2a year". He
it is 11 certain thine that Mr. Chamber
lain will want tho omVo of district at
torney nftnr the campaign Is ovir.
From C. W. Fulton's Ashland rpocch.
Harricon Allen of Astoria h.1.1 been
npiointcd amutent pocretnry of the
Republican Stnto Oommlt'o." Tim work
ban bfu&mn fo ijroat thst C.'iairro-in
lathbw found it UMvsserv to incrc
the clerical fore. Mr. Alion will hnvn
cbRrco of tho itinerary of tho c.tmiHii!n
and will assist iu nieiguiiiK epcakuru to I
tiiulr territonue.
Tho Ropttblican pnrty hni -aid in its ,
plnttorm: "H'o rcconU-j tho riahts ofj
lalwr to organize mid combinu for mi:-l
tual protection under ttio inw, and n
tt'couiuicud that Icciflntum enact all j
necessary legislation to protect labor in '
all it richts nial privilcKCH, in tho in-1
tercm of American labor aud tho uj- V "";' , "i ",,, "" ' ," V,u ",ro
linildloR of tho workman us ti'o u r'K,,,,,,l1,MlT ,n"v ,'"-,,' "r
corner.rtom. of tho projporlty of our $' , i1" l,n 1,,l"k ! louli! now
country. Wo n.oinmcnil Con '. w,ll,n ,or u ' ' nl ' '."- 't'P
Krota create 11 department of labor in1
chnrKO of a 'crctary, with a -eat in tho
baker a chief clerk nl
lUndclph for I.i years. IIm Ik 11 ttmlshl
forward hmlniK man and I chaHonito
r.i v wan nuanlb fif K'ltlri to
ny auttht m;aint I1I1.1. hitci hut
u minalion a friend of l.i, a Democrat,
mvi to ni0 "it is a pity that you I'..
Hibljcann nmulnatrd ' zool n man at
W'aVo'.t for rift I: to lm lauKlltorid."
Now Mmu uifii ruckons without their
I f(. If Mr. Walcott i- tluuttlitorcsl
C011 Bay Republicans will do it for I
auro you ho will at least carry tho full
etrmij'tli of his party on thu Ccxpilllo
where ho in bnit known.
Whllo I hnvu not ono word to nay
nsulnat L-u Hznl, ho ii a prronnl
friend of mine nnd mado n (oihI cleik
ire, nut ;ir. iiasartl liai Held tho olllco
uainnot." iiua 1 most noarttiy on
iIoro in letter and rpirit. llnvin lwu
n inoorf r wyteit lor n.oro man i.ali my
11 10. 1 Know what it H to earn tl.o daily
bread by thosuer.t of tim brow, nrd my
nen r.K3on our in ryiniuiny wiin ue
iioneat toiler in tbo uncual htruciflo for
Iih rinhte. Ae uovcrnor I ehall over he
watoblul of tlioTiitorcstiof tho laborer
,und will iiso my Influoncn in behalf of
nu iiri'mcary ih,ii;iuwii invKlUK l(J WIU
protection 01 lalkir In nil its rilitu mid
1 nrivileuHS. V. .1.
A.hlacil, .May 1st.
Furnish, epuccu ut
ii'iwu ami 0111 nun kivo auotiiur man a
I'liance. eHtieelnllv nnnni wi-ll nnnllflivl
( as liiniK'ff and far moro do'icrvlni'.
.Mr. ViClcott is a pioneer ol Coos couip
tv having rosidtwl in the county for more
than .'10 year?, novor asked fr oilico Ik
fcr in fact did not tbii tune, until b
irnl prevailiHl iiim.ii bin- luno aud ncain
iH'foro ho would allow Ih i.;iiiio io ln
futo tho ctnventi'in. In fact thin in one
of thu few cHNii whore :1m olllco ration
tl o man and not tho man th oloo.
Whllo Mr. Valcott ban ntwayn been n
cookiriniit Republican beta no politician.
In factynu iiilirhlbu with him twirl vo
moiitha if you llil not broach thu fut-
011 Noiilil probably nut know
foi him limy will voto (or
livtiiL brlhtid.
xnn al v;u or lxtt-r hero now. Mr. tho cheek of
J-tima lriain?n i! 'iMty. Ho Las es pretent
Jprhvo busineea mterta iu Curry uiJ IiJsnotnn
ny pure girl or woman
open quostlon
i-ci you uould probably not know what
!! twillttfa veil..
No Re nubile an cannffird to stav 1tv.1v I t ,.. i. in n,.' nMimu v.. ..... i
, ,, . iw, ' " '' ' ' IxrilH.IUUi IU1I ,,ITIj
.rum win pons mm ynar. intiru nro pr.t rxpert lilm tn go over tho county
. ifHiiM nt aukH ! . wliioh nil nro vitally imrsuadlnir men or hltinj-them to voto
inlorosted. lUnrinelploa of lUpuhli- for him as politlolami do; no lr lio
rauisiu aro noinit ureal tninifu lor thu vnui ni f ..nni.i .n.i .ii.i .,n in...
, 1 a a r a --" uviiim ii-- is "
vuoiiior ureopmuiH 01 uroni, n is irt:s-'
hllll Without
Mrt n fm-wi F.rtmi s
TI10 Mail hat liimril niueli nomtnont
on Itti exprosnii of vlnwa hi'
ln-iio, to tho limitations of tho llrenco
which -lio'ibi bo acponlwl 11 publw uprnk
or. 'ibo procomlurauco of opiiilun
nnim.l in 1h that tho iwtlclo ' WitH nut
htvlf HlroiiK Mtimtiilit and that It should
liavo iuentliiticl tinmen etc That una
iiniieccssaty, and tho Mail iIooj not earn
to lio iiiM'iU'fly dlmwrui'uhlo. Neltlipr
la Ihlfl iMper in the hiltlumn of iitcJiiIIi;
ln! other csmiiuiiuUies, If they llhn
to liavo a irofes.lounl talker como In ami
vilely Insult their women-folk nnd po.
toil tha iiilml'i o their yoiinit psoplo
with tho tmblii' i-xprowlon of tlioonhu lit
only for tint brothiil.thnt In their hiisluenri
I'ho Mail In looking out (or Marnhnuld.
This Ik not tho llml llino that this com
iniinlly, wimroiioirly ovory body daticun,
litis -iiliiiiHti'd lo bliin told that no wo
man can dntico mid remain puio aud
chnbte: b it It should ho tho last tlino.
Tho men who hawi 1:0ml aud (uro and
chsrto wiren and mothutt nnd cUt-m
and swcKtbe.Hts, hnvu a rlht to protest
and irotetllcctuallviiu.liistny initia
tory bliiekituntd tel lli) hi hrarvrs ill
efh'Ct that the wouinu who ihun-.s y ut
mural ami unchimto, The assrtiu It
celf In ni mnp-itrousty falsa that it r
ijulrtw no lUrfMiiiHiit. Tha only point I1
whathsr any man, wo runt t r on t. r what
auspices he truvili, aball Iwalloui:! to
vilely inioli siod wonmii by Piling
thtiii to tf.iMr (area that they are, littlu
Iwltor tl an pfi-tltntes. Neither in
private, 'in tho plaifonn nor In the put
jtit about I vuch Htibridled llctmna lm g
10 w eel.
Another jiolnt ujkmi which this com
munity. at lt, is protty well ntrtid
pi that 110 (Hibllo rMaker who has any
prnior eniiH ri murraliiy or deevtury
will NtafiillH'fofHn Milzttl nudlenm n(
IkiHi . xi unl nil aiM, youn ladimi
wild tteutfotimn eiitn, liiucwnt r.iU
and van k chiidren, and twit rtirlea of
ei!tl ib pravlty, of debauchery mid of
mliicti'mi which ato tit only for V- inra
of thrtf who are at least casc-haiJcnteJ,
and thiHi only in privatn.
That wry thinx was donn in Marsh
Held laht rfiniUy evunhiK. and Miuh
storlcw wero t I vdtli a rovoPinK olr
cumtiititlility nf detail which wan
only tiutrllodfor in any ouinpnn
which cIio'.mhI r depravity nf mind
n hcnsMal dlnreepiHt on tin part of
soonki-r f t thetcuilv nnd Innocence 1h
foro him ttat otiitht to dacu hull utilsidu
tho pnlo of decent society.
Ih M ah. lhfii to distinctly ami
forcibly diudnltu nny intention of Ut !
ItiC tho pastor or iiioiuhiirship of tho
chuich uh'jro Ihn nituker n forrul lo
appeared reipontlhlo for thoco fiMttiro'i
of liln nddtesicn which ro rMitmcil nil
sciinu of relluement nnd decency. Whllu
oino of them may comidur it a rell)ionu
duly to ilcfeud him, It Is curtain Hint
they did ml approvo ol thisu thlnitx.
Tlinv were cdihi;rd to tolerate (ho evil
for the ril.ii of tbo tt'"d il Ich they
thought him ti li lining.
Thero ilu-KiPting bnmehca of ileoency
are t-ai 1 to b a featum of the nork of
moeinftliH "" If that in
the experience of Mari-hil'ld iho hai
been iecullarly iiiifortuiint in her
evani'llUi. It i- not true of all. If
Ktich I'xhlbitionH could met' tho mi
Uieaturol coudmtittllon they dwoive,
they v. mi Id lm climiliatod from that
ovaiiselhliu proarafn, and tl.o "work"'
would pro-prr accordingly.
However, tho Mail in not mauaxini
that cunpnlun. It only to mnko
clear tho (net that Markhtluld id not u
trood tldlil for a public speak' r whoso
wrvild, but Im-Huvcs If men want to voto j special)' in i)nli'.c.i-.
w. .J'jk. . .CS - -C -k. -Tw -TSfv ."&.
f&0r '&? rus' -2r vJ5?
-.?-s;;-2 5S'r-B aBJrt'-3r5? a.
-'slv a
ucetior)S of wtyat we Hau
Jr)e largest assortmt of best" Sailord golir; for Tw arjd Boys
The 3. P. Reed and Cross shoes for ladies,
The Centemeri glove,
The Royal Worcester and Gf. D. corsets.
Tho swellcst display of shirts and ties,
Tho Stetson and Hawes hats,
Tho Unparalollod Florsheim shoo.
5t?e ro5t superb lirft of. parley 5umm?r Dress Qoods aijd irt "Waists"
The neatest collection of Trimmings
fa : r--
' ' L Wm . . . 1N(1)1B U 1 , . The Up-to-date Ladies' and dents' Pnrnishor