ANOTHER RAIL ROAD To Terminate at Coos Bay INCORPORATED FOR TON MILLIONS Goulds Thought to be lkhhul ' x it and Looking for Outlet to the Sea-bonrti Portland, May 3 Articles ot Incor poration have been tiled (or n railroad connevting Salt Lake, Coos Bay mid 'tevctnl Important points in Oregon, Ida ho aud Utah, to bo culled tho (Ireat Central Kailrotd. Tho capital stock is "torn millions. - No definite statement lias been glvo out as to what road it behind it. It is thought to ho tho Cioulda work ing lor a Missouri Pacific outlet. LAUNDRY WORKERS . GAIN THEIR POINT Portland Strikes Endorsed by '" Federated Trades and Boy cott to be Started Portland, Mav 3 Tho Federated Trade have endorsed nil tho Btrikes now on, nud a boycott will be Instituted, Tb union laundry started t:p today, orrned bv union men. The laundry workers, pinning mill and ww mill employe!) still hold out. Tho laundry etrtke will bo settled this afternoon. The proprietors are signing the increased wage scale. V MOROS FIRE UPON AMERICAN OUTPOSTS Pur Troops Capture otic Fort After Spirited Resistance and Attack Another Manila, May 3-Goreral D.wis in command of the American foteoa in Mindanao reports that Hunting with tho Moios began this motning, tho Ameri can out-poste being tired upon. After n meeieneer, who did not return, had ben sent to tho Moro camp withiin American ultimatum, tho troops ebolied the Moros' fort. . . Ijiter tlwy captured it. Tho fott was Ptroog and well delmdod by about 3BO Tho fort of Pando Padto was next at takl, and heavr firing was coatiauiug whn 1 1- dispatch was sent. wotberhood." ars the dorter. Son-e-tiraea he qua'-Iaea the auteinent, r..d 6y: " Impossible without an opii. tion." Yet both these 'tmIca(BbU', have be-u made poteiblea by the use of iff. iienx s l'avonic i tensbon. Many times Uie 1itndranee to mother- Uood are to be iouud womanly diieaecs or weaknt Mss, wnicii re jenwtly and permanently cared uy "i' xwite Prc- seriptiou." Thia creat lnedi- W&fi'tvfiWSV&7 tor women etirus ir nrjfularitv nnd dries rlebilitaiiuu ilrsttiui. It he- j nfUmnuitioii ami iilcerut ion . Lid cure female w-k- ticw It ma.Va vcuh women strons and Bjck women well. N I ,a f.iim4.Aj1tf r.f ctMrvL AM li thf vji . (. - III. WIIH-I m,. . f V t frwa n.Mt'liw jm- i.lH.. Kiia.MiiMfiMMl rtn a f.rit HlAtiv nbytidan tome sjxrci:Ji-u; lisvt twice l..i in a liusniul for treatment. Jlvut Uit leu TKHri)ea i hopclew on? . bimj Ujey knew not what the trouWc wm. Hvart wm. law! : rtomarb all oat of order, tired out ; cevi-re paiu ic all porw of the lxxly : sinlclbi; M1U. una n arW l-rtry nilment a woman could huve. I i .k wtny liottle of 'rteut luvdicii.e w.i:i-t cHeet I began tattn Ur lserfe Huvonte 1're icriplion. and toi month nftcrward I fr'jive oirtli to a ten-pound U-y. All phweism had itaUit at a fad thai I nrjir (mild Veer a child. lth the baby and mytelfwrrc rtiwijr t'fid I ,BOt atoaj; ?lendldly tUankito your juwdiciuc.' The'Common Sense Medical Adviser, jooS larye pa;c3, in pafr covers, is ent 'free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamp to pay expense of tuailim; only. Address wSr'.U. V. Pierce, Uuflalo, N.y... .. in stAnm My2t JsVl ftA4 xwt -vw a j'mHaJms&i-- Jr ,iT 'fpJST Zkivl? TKJir. MmSBy iwsmt'Jr-jsm yw Hrww&7& , fes5 W4rflsw.-JK ?m$w&m&' ii rm cifjLmsk fmSJmWl TVVAr' WO.V J WLY W" 9 T W Q 1 T fl I' ADMISSION IllLLS ""' TO 1113 KILLED Fear That Territories Might go Democratic if Admitted . to Statehood Washington, May 3 Ono of thn nrt niMMinu lo lit considered bv comtrt m ia tho bill admlttim; Nuw Mexico, Oklaho ma and Ariiona. to stati-inxHt, mere is much opposition to tho hill from the Uo miHiiiiii all in ivtiitii of thn ffiir that two o( thet J territories, it ndmltt! to statehood, would eond litfinocraliu tuna tor. Itlsuxpoled that tho bill w'lt nail tliu IlKMul llllt lllH MMtlltM i I'THfl'l. od to hold it up, quietly but otiectlvely. Whooping Cough A woman whobashad experience with this Ukuo. tolls how lo prevent nny dangerous consequences from it. She says: our tnroe cntiuren iook wnuup Inn cough last rummer, our baby lxy being only three months old, nnd owing to our uivim them ChntnberlBin'tGough Kemodv, thtv lo.t none ol their plump ne3i and coiiio out in much batter health than other childron whoso parents did not tuu this romedv. Our oldest little girl woulJ call lustily for much syrup between whoipa. JaasiK I'iskhy 11 am., Sprintjvllle, Ala. This Kemedy lu ior sale by John 1'retSM. ITALIAN KING OF FICIALLY THANKED Rome, May 5 Ambassador .Mevor had an nudienw with the king todnv nnd thanked him for pnrdoninte the of ficers of the cruiser Chicago, whow dis graceful conduct earned their recent in carceration in a VenltUu Jail, Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Fourteen Years of Suffering "I havo boeti aillictol with rciatio rhotimatism lor fourteen yearn." bob Jhj1i Kdijnr, of Germnntown, Cal. "I was able to bo around hut nonsUiiitly suffered. I triad everything I rould hoar of and at last was told to try Ohutnber laln's Pain Balm, which 1 did and was (nr.iialia4.dv rliMV.'d and ill II short ! time cured, and i am happy to say it has I not tict jottimed." Why not use thi- liniment and eel well? u is ior taio dj John Preutf. TTarv sro Your Xltlnr.j T Dr. (- ffirfn 11tUerll HWuw Ul. S& ANTHRACITE STRIKE MAY YET BE CALLED New York, May 6 Mitchell, proat dent o( the miuere fwleration, tald to day that the vltQAtion in the anthracite flld depended ontirely upon tlio MH'wt in ol tin miners exocutive committee. Aeketl if this was a favorable limn lor a rtrlke, he Baid any time was favorable when riytit nud luetic wero on the men's side. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY FINANCES &bonetfidy, N Y., May 5 At a sprc ial mPHtini! of tho tcck!ildwM of the Uc:iral Klectrio Company litdd here to day it wan voted to increnea th rptUl Bto-k of the ompany from (111,767,800 -to J,,OO0.(Hty. Oat ot the ucw t-eue OJ etock it is proposed to pay what will nraptifHliV aiJlOtillt to H Krlp divido&d of iW?j per cent. BUILDING OPERA TIONS THREATENED Union Must be Recoyni'.cd or all Men Called outLaundry Owners Yield Po:lland. Ma"y6 Tho sawmill strike is (irowlntf more svriou3 and threatens build.HK operations, t union carpenters refuso to hamlfa tho matoiial. Tho union Mill call out tho men from all the mills unio-g it in recognized by tho ownora. TJ.o jilanints mill employed ellll hold out. hut tho laiindriuH ononed business today, all propn'etcra Imvii'tf ela'iud a hiliher wnyutvaio. Auotbor complication of llio ' mill ntTiko baa been added to tho uiluation by tho refusal of all union engineers to go to work because non-union men wore employed, .the .uon-runlon .men .also .quitting. Soft Harness Yrti ta rrmk ytrnr tir Iwm at uoft M rtlon nllil At ioUtt HI lrl I'V vi, ilillllilU Slnr- MflHW Oil. YOU lA'l Iviucttirn linl (V-nmVuit Uirt lM-n M loutf Al II VltlUiurUjr ttoulj. eureka ''205Q :ibuw rut M a poor looking bnr. lw Ilka new, Miuln uf putt liMYr tx11il oil, r. cUlly trpafd to Vflllv tuai ib tiitr. Bol.t prytlitq lu ta-ttll iUc. Mida tj STANDARD OIL CO. QUEEN'S CONDITION VERY SERIOUS Hetloo, Mayo At 7 this morning the Queen was still ullvo but hor coiitlltion had beuii so j-orlotn thut none of the physicians left the pnluco in the night, An oillclal bulletin conlhiiin the ntte mont of a tnitcarriavo, but declares that tho situation In ratttfartory. An afternoon bulletin reports tho Queens couditiou Mtilt anUaUctory, but dooa not deny thnt sho is very weak, Won't Follow Advice After Pay ing For it. In n meant nrtlclo n prominent physi cian esyn, "It in next to imp yM for tho phyniciaii to Ket hid peuonte to cur ry out any premsnoeu eoure i nymini or diet U the smallest nxtent; he Iuih hut one reeort tIt. namely, the driiit trntiMMnt." When medicines ate liaed for ohronioroRStipalion, tho moat mild and tutitlu oMainahto, wicli aoOhsmber- Iatn'H HUimaen v. i.ivir inmeu, Mianiu be oniploved. TliHlr uo is not followed by eonst.'pttMOn as thny loare the Intwele in a natural wmI he.ilhy condi-loa. For sale by John Jt'rvuae. CASTOR! A 3for I iuxt3 aad Children. Ilia Kind oalhrs Always Bought JJaara tho !f2E nature WAStllNGTON LANDS OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT Spokeni. May 6 Parte ol four town shipe. HinliraiitiK l,7fla,7o aoren of aut veyed lands in oistum Steven eonnlr Mere thrown open for aeltlemont today. The Haw laiul lMrder on the I 'end d'Oreilh) rlvr and are about 00 niiloe fit ih uf the town of Nowpurt. The trae can 1 reached by wvernl routee, ihe . "n-i of which 1 via the Ciral Nor! -n lr nn this city to Newort and t!.' 1 y Kti-amer. TFJB f AVm. arTstf&&wB2pt& id!m Wc live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, a our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing cUc to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich Wood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor; therJs little nutri ment in it. Hack of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again man woman and child. If you have not tiled It. w1 for free awplc, UK ngtcGaulc will mriiriw; yon. SCOTT & 110WMK, ChcwUU M??--'5 l'rl Street, New York; j9C. auu fi,w, ou unnj'i l POUTAL NOTRS FROM VARIOUS SOURCliS Not many moro dayn lolt to rPBlstor. Dont noifluot tlilo nmttor too long. Mr. Finnish ppoko In HosobnrK lant iiitshl. Klato tenntor, Fnltou tho principal rpoccli of thotvenliiK. V. J. Furnlth, 0. W. Fulton, J. II. Ack-irnmn and A. M. Crawford woro lu Southorn Ook lst wool: lo open tho UepubUcaii canipalKti. Xli liwiiiii n ' ttmitm-m Tho ItopuhJlcnii cnnipitlmi was opened Rt Astoria Friday night iy u speech ol John P. CavnnaiiRh of Portland to tho Yomix Mon'a Uepubllcan Olnb. J.'.;. Williamson, the Uepubllcan can didato for Compose from tbn Second dis trict mart! hlo oampalvn from Hupp norMay 3. llonttd Judvjo CsUi will tour the dintrlct. civiMOM'tacwuiwivau.iuM The ncaeptaneo of Ohae P. I!tithetfod of Hums, candtdnto for supreme Jnde on the Social lit ticket has not been filed with the IsVerotary of state. Tho time for this has at pi red, nud Mr. Huther fnrd'a name will not be on the clllclal ballot. In Nnrembor, IWM.old llenton rottnty endorsed tho policies advocated by William McKluley by n majority of 168 voton. Those came policies advoonted ly William Fiirnlsb-will bo as lronly ouJonod ou the Sod of June. Cot vallli Gasettc. . . . , The spirit of Hryanlstn and Blmoulstn have bean made one by Oregon Uomo crati and hU aatanic majeely has flinK wide open tho gatee oflladea and calmly nwiU the oomtni; of June 21. HCUTTLK lie worst tblnft that ever happened to the Dernocrate of Oroon tias the rulop tion of this policy (of Mottle) by their pary with respect to tho Philippine. It may be posiible that in eomo oititern otnluja thoro is eupport for this- Demo cratlo party, bnt in the weet, and par ticularly amoiiK those people v. bote states nro unshed by tho wave oi the PaciAc ocean, thuro i.i no toleration for the prolamine marked out by tho Uetuccrats lu ooimrofa nut! followod by '.he couvontlou oi tho iarty lu onr nulifli boring statu. When tho vote uhall bo taken in Oregon in Juno it will bufiliown what tho people think of thn flax-farllng policy of tho Demooratlo party. IJoteo Statoatniiii, iosm- wg rttmm mm unwjmmM WHAT C0UB8K IS BUST On Juno I'd tho volar will n(;ain be called on to decido whothur I)einoor.itlc prlnuip'ofl or Hepublican principles nre in hie Judgment the better for tho coun try. If ho votes tho itopulienti ticket it will uhow that ho if in favor of things continuing about aa thoy have in tho Inst eix years. If ho votes tho demo cratic, It wM.lp Juet becaiiBol3,wunta a BAD B R B.AXH i I tinvn limn tianiir 'i".,i .,,....... ainUilaii'liiiliMiirn Kifciliutlitfr ",'' f.'1'1'' T "'.'!',. inlnii n law il'V ' un-ofiiU tM &' lliil-mm Vi'Svtiuir &' .;' K'tae!" l" ' """"r lit; Itiikiinuutc m .tiutiiiuaii.ubio. i CANOV iW tZJy CATHARTIC SM Wm) t ' a &P$ V i I 5sm- IMini I'tUi.ti- I'otrin T4't (liwl iv (HwO,Niitr b.ikoii ttfnkvti ui (.Mi'V lOv.M'.Wtf ... OURU CONUTIPATION. ... rilill- ll.u.4, trM, (Vt..R.ll.l. li, til tin Tf Urtfi H"Ml)it ruarnnj.1 .f lMnu- yMsKPeji BH"injsnnsjsisssasaeaswessws mmrvmrn chance. Just what the chauno will bo In not coilnlii. It may result in open ItiK M thu silver iiiiostlon, It certainly will if thu Hryan theories prevail, and itrynu In still tho ntrnnxoat man In tho Democratic aity. It may brliu; frco trado lfltlution turh as led to tho dis usterous yeare from Ditto M It eurely will If the Drmocrale havo the nerve to onset their own pUtforni into law. It probably Mould lefMl to tho with drawal of our (lag from the riiilippines It certainly ould if Uiey do what tiitir platform favors. It Is now fur the voters to eay what they want. In one ooee there is likely to hu little L'hunue in biifelneta coiull tions or jiolllicnl principals. In tho other ouie tliern will probably 1 a ohnntto nndn radical one at thnt winch will ad tifiual affect nvery avenjio of trado and commerce aa well as all of the great Industries mid inanulaclurlni; institti llona throui'hottt the state. This Uus Uen is now up to you. Whhh course will you oheoee? lteinembur you must decide one rvay or another 011 Juno "J. rttluaniitTfwr Uvrnt V.'llh t'nimrati. Caadr ClaUtmilc. ft' coiotlrwcon 1, n-er nntmnMnuwwfnni W J I' uriilsh , lUpublcaii cm tl or tiovornor Is lu Southern 0'.,Mt enmpaittninx this week. BeertUry Herbert 0. Smith ' f tl. ' l'" ptibliouu Btute Ountrnl Committee, 1 furnlshiMl todifferoutimrtsof tl.e nl'o 25,000 FurnUh bntloae. Tho order n tinue to come in. wnvaiawfrinvnwi W. K, Yates, a Corvalilu lawyer ar.o Itepublicau pnlitlclan.aayHthat Ih j 1 dldaeyof Mr. I'ltriilah lewoll iocdvcl m llenton county. He clalmn that Mr. Conmberlain will not voiy few Hepa' -can voton In that county. 'i'ha Itopublcitns of C001 eounly cl. mid undortn thu .and ond elllciunt tenlco rondorod tho etabiby Dunbar.Ackerinn'i nnd Mooro by lolllnc upn full P.epnhli can volo.1 Such fiervlco ihould reclvo tho voter'ri llrat ooimi.loration, The lcndini: ItepubllcaiiH in tho stata j,,..r in-.t-red lliolr EorviccB to tho Ifc publlcati fctato Commltteo and will apeak at whatever places nnd timea that the commltteo will arrange. Tho pros ram liaa pot yet bucu,,ou.t, y '