-r (J i-iT . r 4f w n A Spy M-"w-f - -.. ".' ' r HOI lilirW' T W)"rk -wtl... , . :$ J 4; nrrxM pilVmVlillMWWjB'B rjm iwr i wjrwnxmuwtumv&wa 'UfK ttm mwwwm I utfi ujrnamwg ia ui j uTttvi jwaaawiaynaim imba a .-Afy ma vjmju. jw jicatam a WLWK.'Xie; VOL XXI' MARSHFIELD, 000S OOIJOT'Y, OREGON, MA.Y i'G, 1002. NO' 19 S 4 i A Ji.A V . Jt M AIL. : . COA-S J 'c&v 'V Cream of the Week's New, Oc Published Every Day ill llic Daily Coast Mall. w SHIPS TOJE SOLD GOVERNMENT WILL DISPOSE OF THANSPORTS Movement lo Leave Oklahoma oul of the Hill Adroit ting Tcrtilories Wmdilnglnn, Mny 8 Tho Wnr Deparl niuut Into divided to toll thu Irnnsporti' Hancock, Hull!, I.;ulon, ltomcmns, Mcadu, Htidgwlok, Humnur, Kgbert nrtl McCMInu. 'JJio fuw luiDHininu vesicle In tlio trnuHporl Hrrvlett ullor thio uro rold will contlnuo for tint prekct lo maku wlpa between M'ttco ittul tho Philippine. I'ltuiMtolyHocrolnry Itoot 111 abolish theoutlm transport wrvlco. A imivfintinl lion boon Mnrt(d nmonp tlio UtipubtliratiM to uhanite II u territory lull ml intuitu; AriftoitK, New Muxlco mid Oklahoma, by making states ot Arl nonu mid New Mexico niniltlng Okla homa. Tim movement i opposed by thu iJomoernts. Washington, MnyM It la aul horn lively ihiiilwl nl the Wliltu House that i'.oowi ilt u-fu ml KrinU9iou (or thti Frouch voveriiiiuMit ti bestow Hit) crow of tlio legion ot Ilnuor upon Uuar-Admirul Ihivuty unit I.iMtt-Oi'iirtiil Mllua upon thu 'cension of tlio tinvplling of tlio Itochnuihr.a st lie. Tim l'roa'.dont tins nopierog-uilvo n the mutter, such mi thority rubtui" toluly h ith c-mroea. Admiral Sampson died at 6 this afternoon. N'(j WRITTEN RECORD' "KILL AND IJUKN" . WAS VKRUALORDKR United Stales Attorney for Wash ington Chaffee Goes to Con fer With Moroa Wnhinstton, Mny 7 Hecrctnry Root toiluy oulimlttfd to tlio r.tiKto coplry of lh" corroHponilenco hatuoen (Jaiiar! Ulinffu'Mind Uciii'rnt Huillli riilntivu to tlio btlcr'u famuua "Kill nr.il burn" or dnr. Tint iwcrolnry lays Im hi no know loduo of llm iBMinuco of eucli nn order, hinlth hnvltiK Kitm thu ItiBtrtu-tlotiH, m wni toitlllcd to on Wnller court nmrtin), in a purconnl converiHtion with Wnllur. 1'ruftidi'nl Kooccvolt han nnt to the wiinto tlin DumhiAtlun of Jewro Kryo ai Unlk'd litntflB Attornay for tlio dutrlct of Vnsliiutoii. Mnniht, Mny 7 (liiinrnl 01ifIo snllod for Mindmiao todny to connlt wlUi the Moro oliinft. Ho thltika tlint a rrurmnal uinfofciiuo with tlio .Moroi, furthtr trouulu may bo nvurtod, j ! Ztiietvllln, O.. Mny ) -Cougtina II, (J. Ybii VooriiiH wan iioiuUkvImI for bil Aixth turin by ncohmntlou toJny ut tlio Itopohllciii coiicrrftionul convention of thu i'llU'Ciitli dlKtrict. Vienna, Mny 7 UvIccb from- fit. in nifitrMltfirtirttMirL n PjiAmaiiL. riiVnl wf1K35t ".Tr.:,: .V..nBMr? Thu robuld lloitrorfd a lmnlltrd fnrmn nuil throw un million poumU of tiuar Into thu Dtudpur river. Tlio IroojtH uiKai;ist tlio Iniurjjonti auil Rovmity-eix pomma wuru kllliil nnd two huiiirwl woniidwl. Hulm(iienlly tlio loadoru worn nrretcd Had ulvon thriK luinilrwl itrultutf witli thu Knout. Thirty-nix diwi from thu lloj:j;in6'. Slunltf-nvtllo. 0., Maj fl -The lUptih lican oonxro6lotml uonvoiitlon of tho Hixtinnth district luro totiuy rt-MtltiHl in tho rcitiotrilnntion of ()U(;rcMimiiu J, J (Jill without oppofll'ion. UJJarilni:lony.tr,lRrrQlliW5' uiu j((!piiuucnii- iiwig commiueo nru gntliorwl hero for h invotinu to bo lioid thin ovrnioc, whon Ihn tlmu nnd pi no will ha tuk'ctiHl for liolduiR tho llrimlili ctn ntnlo coiivontioii. It it) prohbl that thu convontion will bu hold in lUir linitlon and not later than thu middle ot i June. h'ernnfon, l'n., Mny 8 Tho Uxecutivo Oonitiilttfw of thu Unllwl Mine wotiiore liotd n rhort mmioii thlt inoriiltitf to con iihlor th ndvitMhility of milling uut lot), UOU miUirMlto miuuro unl( orwiator6 inmlo n WftKU uinuowilon. l,ntur I'rDshlunt Mitchill leBUod r. eUtumrnt in which ho iid thu coininit tiMi ptoiMMud that nil iUOtiooa nt iatuu bu hHhmlttml to mi impAritnl board of arbitration eluctwl by thu tmtioim civlo ffdtnUloii. Portland, Mny 8 Tho employes of thu Botithurn l'cirtc l'.nilroud nro orcan slnu' i union witli tht objtsct ot mining WH(tw ko tnt lh etnii'Urd for Uu'jjon bhull Kjtnl ihitt fur L'lifrn.ii. Tburu i nt moio tlum ono Itioiitnud inninbrn alrcriy. Thu union tukoa nil omployuri of th .S'iiitlirn l'nuillo huttn in Oiogon. Thwu in no cluiiiuo today in etnv mill . null plAiiliiK '"I" htrihu oxcupi tlint fiinlth ltio. mill litia hut it tOid to Jolin- bun A Ituwull of Oiiwogn, who will union- ixu it. Tendon, Mcy 7 I-orI Fa1 b.r ipshk iiiK on thu Pouth AlrJonu nr mi u niowt Injt of thu I'rliuroio loflKiio mid. ''Drop tin our HMililru hu buuu duruiK tho wnr, our grunt ompiro i now morn poluui nnd Vwrfil thnu whon tho wnr bwiu. Vu btifferod ; wo won." ltu unnl tho oUlma ( tho Kovormmmt nt tlio bogiu nltiH of Uiu ir Hlumlil li curried out. Tlio oountry could not Rrd, altar Bitch itnoillluutiof Iri'imuio nnd jiibii, to allow tttlnjfu to rltdo buck into 'it poi.iUon whero it would bo In tho powor of thu pucmv when tho opportmuty uuitod to mjaln int'v thu Ihuiio whloli llioy havu fuut-ht for tho ptiPl thruo yoaru. PortUnd. May (J Tho Oroitt Ctiutrl itallrond Company, ptojeotinu r linr from halt Iko lo Con l;.ty, today olect od ihu follouiiiKLfricfir. .1. Tbornburu ltot9, proibhuit; A. A Liulay,'flritvlow president; John W. Ur-ik, tuuond icu irHiili)iit ; .lobn K. Pollock, tccrotnry; T. T. Jliirkhmd, treAnuior, Tim fuudfl rled for thu Low! nnd OIrk uxKitlnn amount to $D6l,0Wi Thu wiwuiill Hlriko oontluiiM. Tie boittw whioh hud hwn clmrtrred to carry non-union men up thu rivor to thu 1kv rottwl inillu were withdrawn whon tho naturu of thu buslnu&H btcr.mo known. Wiial i.)lon,Miy 0 Genaral Poareoii, n Hour o(flur who is oudanvorim; to per tundu thu nduilniktratiou to taku eotnu ortl'in tit pruvont tho further ehipuiKiit of mulfH from thli country to South Af rica, ia in WnthitiKton. Ilo la impotiwnt nt thudehn. nnd yc "If tho Pr.fident will not fnlorfuro, I want to :rnr it InuniHlitey J( he does not atop tho f-hipmont oupnliua for tho Hrllii-li I will. Colonol Crnwdor inndu un olllclnl report to Prusidunt Ituoiun!t, which in known to bu In con firmation of my original ciinrKep." What Ponraon will do poraoimlly is uot utnid. Awfis! Pisa ster oi Island of Martinique Pcrhi, 111., Mny fl-Tho Uopubllcnn conn -.ional ('0"vontton of thu now Sku-'iulh dialrli!( i in susuiou huro to day With un uttonduueo ol liil duluuntoa njitl "ly vinltorn. A imlloationu polut'to tho runomlnntion of .Conureso mm Jouopli V. Graft of this city. London, Mny 0 Prolorlft ofllciul di patohos Unto tlint (luring thu past weuk tho Iloern huvo lost ten killed, one hun dred nud twonty two takuu prisouurs nnd fourteen turreudoiod. Colonul Coolicr hau drivuu tho lloora from e Htronu position at Stin Kop, Gun oral Hamilton capturud oighty-oovun near lioflhrniin. It ii nndcretaod in political tluU the proniH-'H for poaco In Afrii-ii continuo bright. Thia idAndiuu is clvou etronuth bv n curront to tho effect that reassuring nowu rr.U(iin tno poucn ettuntlun baa hpon rocuivod by tho wnr ofllco from Kitchunur. elides South undor- rumor IIuIod, May 7 Annthor oncouragliiK bulletin wntfisBtiod this uftomoon nnd thu oxcitomunt luculont to tho' Quoon'd recent rclaphu 1b over. Sf Pierre Overwhelmed by Eruptions of ik Famous Volcano jrf Soiiffriere ! immense Mass of Fire Falls on the Tcwh-B2li3V8il tlial M a Single- Per son Escaped Heaps of tlic Dead Lie on tiie Wharves 4Nelgiiboring Parishes Laid Waste. i Parlj, Mny 0TIio Minittar of M'nrlno is in receipt of thfollowin: oablogrcix from Port Do liwoto, Ijlend of Martin qua lact nfclit from, tho commander of tho Krench wer (bin Suchet: i "I have juit rsturnt-d from St. Plerro which was oomploftlj dottroyed by nn immonto ran!! of flrd which fell on tho town ijbout 8 o'cJocltjthls mornintr. Tho cutiro population of pbout 2o,000 is nup lwied tp havo poriebed. I brought back n few Bttrvlvcrp, ft'Kut thirty. All tho shlpping'in tho harbor will bo dotitroved if tha orantion continues. wRt. Vinrcnt!sj9JSc&tjglAnd bnt ono sotttti or Marlfnlquo. Bouffrlcrc in a famous volcano and lias had Foveral torriflc oruptiono. Tlio vol cano is threo Uioujrtnd fcot nltovo tho oa lovel nod hm a cn.ter threo ruilea ,in circumiurenco nnd flvo bundled fcot deep QUEEN'S'IMBROVISMENT T1I.UER LAND. AOT JUNE 3, iS78. NOTJUi: FOR l'UULIOATIOK. Wmtki) Ktatkm Land Oi-hck, llOfebure, Orifon, Mny 8, 11)02. '. Notice ia hereby jiron that in complf-f atico wit!' tho proviiiona of tho set of Cont?reesof Juno 3. 1878, entitled "Aif nit for tho f aloof timber lands in the HtatC'8 of Cfllifornin, Oregon, Novfldal and W'nilitogton Territory," ns extend ed to nil tho Public LacdSlaten by net of Auguct -1, 1892, NKLLIK R. BOWRON. of Temploton. county of Coos, Stale ot Oregon, hag Una ilay filed in this ofllco her iivorn statement No. 2SC3, for tho purchoto of the NKJf ot BVt, UV of SEK and SJ of BtiK of Section l(u. 2 In Township No. 2.'! Konth, Itango No. 13 West, nnd ill ofTcr proof to ahow1 that tho land toUght la more valuable for ita timber or etotiu than for ngricul tural purposta, and to cstnbliah her c'aim to eaid laud before "W. U. Douglas, U. H. CoiDinhtioner for Oregon nt Mnrtlifield, Orecon, on Saturday, tho 18 day of July, 102. fo natnea an wltnccara: Frank .Bow rou, of Temploton. Oregon, W II. Noble', Nancy Noblo, L. 51. Noblo, ol Slarah ilekl, Oregon. Any end all pcreona claiming cdverta- ly the nbove-dcicribed lsuda nro c qucetcd to filo their clnima in thia oflico ' on or trtlcre ea'd l'J dny of July, K02. u 10 J. T. liit'tuuui, lisulfctcr. STILL CANDIDATES !TlMBEBrAND A0T, JUNE 3i 18w NOTIOK FOB PUBLICATION. UstTun Statis Land Oftick. Rfliebnrg, Oregon. 5Iny 8, 1102 Hctloo. May 0 Queon VHhclminn oontinueato improve, nnd alio aigned ecvoral decrees this afternoon. EXPECTED SHORTAGE IN OREGON VOTE Failure to Register is General Claim That This Favors Chamberlain Portland, May 0 Itoporto from tho vorioua countin ebow that tlio voto nt the coming atr.to election will bo short 2,00i) na com irc:l with tho vot. two years ngo. No renpon can ho pivon for tho f.iilnro to rosiator. It iu natimated thn. thcio ' liui bon nn influx ot nvrr 1000 during Notlco ia heficby given that in com pit anca v.ith tho provieiona ol tho net of Congrewof Juno 3. 187d, entitled "Ail act for the rain of timber lauda in tlid ptatrs of California, Oregon, Kevada, nud Washington lerritory," n3 extend ed to r.ll tho Public Land States by act of Augut 1. lfcW. JOHN W. CUAPMAN of Mo'ahfltld, county ofCooy, StatcofO egon, haa thia day tiled in thia effico )r fiivorn Etalcnient No. 2;62. for tho pu. chapeof tho5EI-4of NW,'.,. NK1-4 nt SW1 4 of Fee I ion No. 10 in Township N 2(5 f,Haug No 11 ST,anll will offer prooj to show that thu lotd eought i moro . valuable for its timber or titone than tor I agrlcnltursl purposes, nr.il to otVbUtlw'' litaclnlm to anid lutd beforo W.UTDoug Ins, U. F. 0ammi6ilocer for Oregon 6 MarehllnKI, Or.oD, on Monday, .tho i'L da of Julv. 100?. the last two yoarp, do that thu vote ought Ho namfsa witnesses; J.W. Tibbett-, to Im Inrgo. J. D. Ciinkorbenrd, Alvin Smith, Ernest ilio J-Uinecrata claim that tlio cnort- Smitli. ot .vartntield Oreuon. ngo in the voto ia Uvorablo to tho elec-1 Auy and nil perrons claiming ndversly tion of Chamborlsin for governor. Onlyj thn above do'cribod lauds nro requested iwu couiuii's oi xiiu ttaio enow kd in-, io mo ineir ciuiuiB in ui.m uiiicBun or te- ' crcnen in votors registering : Morrow nnd fore eaid 21 day ot J uly, 1W2. ' Lincoln. I 5-10 J. T. Bkidgcs, Bcielcr. St. Thomas, Island of Murtiniqu, ilay .--, ...., r B Jrhu Frunoli orulscc Suekot nrrlvod at Point Aihtrc, It-laud of Gaudelouno, Frunch Weat Indies.from Fort DeFrnnco, 4i i Islnnd of .Mattlr.iquo this morning. , bringing sovural roIuReas who conllrmod ' S the report that St. Piorro has boon on-! R tiroly doatroyotl by a volcanic eruption. 1 2 It is oupposcd that most of tho inhabit- i K ants of St. Plerro wcro killed. Tho' noighburinK parishes wore laid waste ' and tho residue of thu population of St. I Piorro nro without food or elioltor. Tho ' jfj eommandcr of tlio Sucliet ropoita tliat'ij nt noon Tluutday tho eatiro tonn of St. J 3 Pierro was wntpid in flames. Ilia of-' 9 fleers wont aihoro in small boat3 seek- log for Eurvorn butunablo to jHinulrato ! thutOTMi. Thoy eaw lieaps of bod(eiMr uiHjti tho whhrvoa ami It ia boliorod thftfc ' U not a elnglu parsoji or roddont in St. j j !13IKE19MttSK&ZR 25 S HI B IS SB 5H S Bfl E3 Si S3 S3 SSS JS t Oress pod t.nwn-.t,.Mv?.HU.lirr-rfini TtW.l eawMSfc i fc immtm othing Piorro nt thu moment of the cdtastropliu ! ewapod. Thu govornov of tho colony and tho s'nff colonel nnd hiu wifo havo probably parlahod. Tho extent of-tho cntastrop.ho cannot bo imnginoil. Tho BrltlHh oloamer Iskn pi tSB&d St. Piorro last night nnd arrived tSt. Lucln today. Hor offlcera saw llnmea but no )in of n living human being, ft si S rJ (S R y si n Pi SPRING IS HERE And the accompanjiug domand for rorviwnblo gooda haa been met at this store. : : : : In our ohowing thia spring wo havo completely outdono nil provioua ef forts to ploaso our trado nnd unhesi tatingly ray that our stock ia nt pres ent thn only roprcrentativo slock of up-tO'ditte gooda in every lino. Our Dress Goods, iiavoniihndpec- iat attention. : : Our Ladies' Fur- 0ur KOoJfl a,e on iiersonnl iuspec tlou ia ohcorfully nsked. Should yotl llvo out of town, samples will bu chcotfully tent nnd nny informa tion aa cheerfully givon. Si & n u it E? uishins, Gur Clollilnj, Gents' Furnish- ing. Blvon. huTfTTrrrirTfrrN -M VtJ? Mnrohlleld'a Loading Outfitters and i'limcner. r M III. '"J Shoss'j 3 LI a .2! mtjtaiViasLttavxmanrKmvvtn..mm Hong Kong, May 1 A letter ret lelved hero today states that thu robola viotn burdou Natining, in lu Kwnng bt Jro-"i Inco threo lioura'April '27th, using 'inod-1, orn ruiib; .Botweon threo nnd fouc Jj.un- vt drod pooplo' woro killod,1 ats ifr- ;BiEaaiwraiiuoKknEiK)aMMCiiB . '-- V IV tei