The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 03, 1902, Image 6

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, vtfl-wtsjMtj
Cream of the
Published Every Day ill
Will Pay 25 ccuts an Hour
Strike Expected to be De
clared off Last Night
San Francisco, April 2i-Tho direc
tors 01 tliu United i.auroatis aro now
closeted with the strikers' commltteo
ItconcainfT iioiri Inrmn. No nuwa of tilt)
result will bo made public until tho
terms nave tccn luny ncrecu upon. 11
is expected that tho strike will bo de
clared off tonight.
The cdfnpany has offered tho follow
in? concessions to tho men : A rate
of 25 cts an hour without bonti'os or
Zihj cts with bonusoj; reinjtatoinout of
ditoharged union ti en. The offor is
made on tho part of tho company that
when any grievances arise it will receive
a committee from the union or one from
tho employeos.
These concessions will be submitted
to the car men this afternoon.
Complete Deadlock Between
Anthracite Coal Miners
aud Operators
Xaw York, April 80 All s5,-ns this
afternoon point to a great strike of the
anthracite coal miners. After a three
hourB conference between the represen
tatives of the miners and operators aud
the concilatioa committee of tho nation
al civic federation, it wa9 announced by
Dishop Potter, who is a member of tho
committee, that a completo deadlock
Schley Goes to Tennessee
Washi ngton .April 2i3 Admiral Schley
ift Washington today for a wck's visit
to Tennessee. In response to invita
tions ho will visit Memphis. Nashville.
Chattanooga und several other cities, 1
J-..- .ilnVknrnti. Tirana rat tnntt lmVH hwn I
made to receive him.
IJ &i5 fljrUieqution of health'
Bin VI.U ftE:L becomes mainly a
question of nutrition. If the stomach
and other organs ot digestion and nutri
tion ore kept in a healthful condition
latere will be a well-nourished body, and
little liability to disorders of the liver, ,
hovrtls or audi ether disorder aa may t
result J ran in
nutrition and
lack of exer
cise. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Med
ical Discover'
cures diswjs
of the stomach
mid other or
pins of dirje
fion and nutri
tion, and rlso
disease of oth
er organs which
are caused 1
the diseased
condition of the
stomach. Ily
enabling the
perfect nutri
tion of the
ody it increases the vital power and
promotes a vigorous old age.
"I nil a sufferer from chronic diarrhea for Cve
ver, writes MrJ Wory A. Aaron, of Rolls,,. Co Mo l tried different rctneilles.
which would give rce relief for a short time
ouly. My trouble would return ut tsd nscver.
consulted you in July, 1900, nnd by your advice
namnceil usinij In Pierce's reraeilits, I Uok
two toitlcs of the Golden Medical Discovery,'
three vials of the ' relicts,' nnd some of the
lUtrsct of timart-Y.'eed.' n you advised. I
luive not had any return of my trouble liuce
using vour medicines. Am now seventy-onej
ytsr. old nnd I never had anything to relieve
m so ijuick. I think Dr, Tierce's medicines the
greatest on wrtli. Should I ever have nuy re
Turn of my trouble shall U3c your mtdiciue.
My tliauki to you for your advice and thati
lo AlBiighty God for restorinc me to health
through )our hands "
Aecupt no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as txnl" fr dlccasea of the stomach,
blocd and luu3.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the lxst
laxative for old people. They cure con
tmiteu r,nd biliousness.
Week's News.
the pally Coast Mail.
bosses of Our Army in Action
by Wounds and by
' Disease
Wnshlncton, April 29 With tho sur
render of (luexnrra to Ueneral Urant in
Simnr, tho war department olllolals be
lieve that the moat teriona portion ot
the nrmv'a work in tho Philippines is
over, unless tho trouble with the Mores
should increase.
In subduing tbo Tagal inrurrection,
according to tho latest oillcial figures,
the United .States army employed 'M77
ellicers and 108,800 enlisted men. 01
thesui'JI men aud r0 olllcers were kill
ed ic action. I- nllluers and 70 men
died of wounds and uOi officers and -'III)
men died of disease.
T.iv.irnwtl- Anrll ''i. Tliu Mnnnptnt
Director Issmay, of the White Star line,
today emphatically denied that the line
had been sold to Morgan or any other
Automobile Kudurauce Test
Now York, April 20 Fourteen Raw
Uue carriages, r. dozen bteam vchiclos
and a numbr of electric machines iuhiIo
the start from Jamaica today on the one
hundred-mile endtiranco run under the
auspices of the I.un,: Hand Automobile
Club. Kvery one intereatM in nutomc
bilifiu is di'cussinK thu probable result
of thu coutert as it is certain to demon
strato tho reliability of the nutomobiit
in Keneral and furuirdi valuabln iiiforinu
tlon rcirarduiK the wotth of thu varioui
types of power-driven vehicle
Delegates Start for Los Angeles
Chicago, April 21 A larco delegation
of club women from various parti of
Michicnu. Indiana. Wisconsin aud Hit
noirf left Chicago by special train today
for Los Angles to attend thu conven
tion of the (iencial Federation of Wc
mi'n'd Cliilw. Thu tourist) havo plan
ned to Mop at the Grand Canyon nnd
other placj of inlorost Ixith on the
journey to and from bouthorn Califor
nin. Another lare party is scheduled
to leave Chicago tomorrow.
Grant IJtrthdny IJnuquet
Now York, April 2G Tlie Grand
Monument Ast-ocintion lias completed
irntmv merits for its aiiuiinl hauqiD't at
the Wuldorf-Atton.t tonight in celebra
tion of Grant's birthday. General (J.
31. I)odi( will preside nnd tho rpfakeri"
will i'nebdt! Senator liurrnws of Michi
can. Ileproienttitivo J. K. Watson of
lm.i&nu, ItepreeentHtive (Jlmrup Clerk
of Missouri nnd General Thoiuaa 11.
Hubbard of Now York.
San Francis.'o, April 20 Tho fitrcot
car Htrike wan fettlel Saturday ni-ht,
every demand of the union Ijeliij con
I Krowniville, Or., April 2!i Tlin hank
1 liHTft waa robbed this noon of ?HiQ0 to
I J1K00 while the eathter was fit dinner.
A bur;dai entered breaking the bolt of
I tlio rear door, and inude uood lila ttcapo
, lirownsville is greatly excited.
Portland, April 12!) Harm and K?st
orn packsd meats advanced here today
one-half cent per pound, and lard one
fourth cent. liuttor is the lowest price
it haq rcachrd this ooiuon, tlio I cat
creamery sellirB t 17K cpnts.
General Lockout Feared -Laundries
Also Closed by Em
ployees VValking Out
Portland, April JO Tho Ban-mills
Union has called out tho employees of
thu Junes mill hartt because Jonei ro
fines to recognise tho unlon'rt demand
and to rnlfo wages. It is feared that
this may roriilt in a general lockout, in
which cajo 111,000 111011 will he itffeoted.
All laundries hero havo been elopd hv
n strike of union employees. Tlueo
liuudroil nru out, !SO of whom nro wo.
men and irl. Thu strikers demand
rccoKiiitilon of thu union and better
prices for their work.
Geer's Name to u
to be Voted for in
June Election
Portland, April 2t -(.!. Hrownnll
stfltu eruntor Itom (Jlaekamai county
i nnnouncivl u candidate for United
States tenator. (iovernor Getr is nlro
clearlv n c.indidato. Tho governor'.!
name' trill so on tho ballots to be otcd
for for renator at tho June idrctlon ex
pecting un election by the leglilaluro if
the people give him a majority over O.
li. S. Wood thu Democratic nomlueo.
Tccoma, April 20 Options havo boon
secured on ten nl the largest kaIiiioii
canneries ol I'uwtet Sound and Ala-ka
now outside thu trust with thu obji-ot of
lloa'.lng in Now York n new wjino 11 com
bination cnpiulixod nt li million dollar).
San Francico, April 211 In tho case
of Walter N. Dimmick, accured of ein
htuzling MU.0J) from tho mint, thu jury
di.itgrbfd aud Dimniiuk will bis retrted
at the July term of court.
Win. Jluokley was today entoncd to
b hanged for the murder of Win. Ilico.
The crimo was committed labt October.
Odd Fellows Meet
Hardwoll, Ky.. Anril L't.-Thn Soutli
west Kentucky Association of thu Inde
piniKMit Order of OJd 1V1I r.Vi held ii
lirtt amnul iiuetlug hcio tulay in cote
b'rtt'inoftbe S31 mnuivurwry of th
fcui.ilmg of the order. I.. 11. Oaon of
.' rlii 'ton presidi-l over the meeting.
!)' ' 1 wvre iin sen, from Wirkhffe,
'.iiiugton, ItitLi'aiia nnd Lovtlacevillu
name for
Emulsion. Chilchvn
arc like young plants. Sotn
will grow in ordinary so.
Others need fertilizers.
The nature of some children
prevents them from thrivi'i;:
on ordinary food Such chil
dren grow right if treated right.
All they need is a little fer
tilizer a little extra richness.
Scott's Emulsion is the righ-;
Fertilizers make thingsgrow.
That's just what Scott's Emul
sion docs. It makes children
grow in flesh, grow in strength,
grow rich blood, grow in mind,
grow happy. That's what we
make it for.
Send for free sample
scott & "f mJ2J s,' Y'ftblo U all at high price.
State Fish Warden Appealed to
aud Samples Sent For His
Considerable complaint li.ta l)onn inndo
lately among the lUhortmm Al Coos
bay nhout tho catchlnR ol "ShltierH" In
thu bay and tributaries, which they claim
nro young salmon from thu hatchery.
Complaint ol tltp numo kind wai made
to II. U. Van Uuton. Mntttur Fish War
den of Oregon, while he was In Coos
county last year, but ho wan doubtful an
to tliu ttili being caugltt lining amnion.
J. W, Ileum tt ol this city received a
iuur 1111111 i.i. v Mil iiidiiii, &'iiiin.i-
i)uestlug him to secure and imd to him
at Astoria, speclmlna of the thh, and ac
cordliik'ly Mr. Hnunelt eut two speci-
mitii', lue-orveil m Alroliot, to mm nat
urilny, which ho had trcurcd In Co-
lliw rtlmol oxporia 01 10111 nay seem
to hu about equally dlvldrd in their opin
ion, us to whether thn llsh being
caught In such large qiuntlllei are or at u
not voting minion.
Inquiry among thu tlhr:nou brines
out the (not that theve llsh nun lioso,
ien on Cons H.ty until last year, soon
nfter the vomit- salmon weiu turned out
of the hatchery, nnd although thay will
rue to tliu ily in very clear waif r, mo
usual method used in (latching them
Is by tho mmj of rarth worms. They
ic-ciii to bo n't abnit tho sunte sUo. be
tween r and 7 iuehei in length.
Kveii If theco lUh am vuuug stlinnn
from tho hatchery, as elniiued. It li
not likely Hint all the hook and-lfuo
flihinn will cut much llguro. It will be
.pretty hard to convince people that
tliey mustn't go llolilng lor (ear 01
cttching n young HAlmmi who ruigh t
grow up to fill eevoral cans.
All Staple Eoods Inctcasinj; in
Price Highest Level Sine:
the Civil War
Chicago, April INt Pork nnd mutton
rdiowod another advance today. Heef i
unchanged. Thu npeetal attention ot
thu public has been directed to the. ad
vance in thu price nf all meats. Prices
ol other necetsarieo of life have Ik-oji
jumping. Flour, beans, potatoes und
till the Htaplorannud tiooili show nil I11
criiii'ii of from lo to SO per cent, Deal
nrs Hay prices wuro never eo high since
tho civil war.
Contest for Dispcnsaty
Wanentou, Vn., April 20 One of tho
mom exciting ekctinn con tee tH in thu
history nf Witt ronton in in progrer to-
iiny, li 11 Mine unuig tuuiiisieiitiiry cjuus
lion, i.versiuco leulatnru gave
the tiwii pKriiiiK-lon to oto on thoi'iidii
tion lx;tli eidfs luiiu l-'i'it mnrshnlling
tlie'r lured with the rcsttltjlhatnu unuiu
nlly li.'.;vy vote in being polled. If the
dispunmry bseoniAN operative April .'to
will mark the closing day of thu retail
whUky luteiuem heru.
Eulogies for Dead Cotitcsstnen
Wthltiittou, April IS This afternoon
wa set ni U in congnwH for rnnmonil
servieoi of tho Ute It'prpfuiilalivu
KtokHt, nlhfiiitli Carolina, and the late
KepriMiurttativH Crimp, of Michieau.
After si'Vernl inihuiMtic oddieMHHi thu
rtus-lon was adj xirued as a furtlur mark
of rnopect to tbe meiiiury of thu decerned
O.iklaml, April 20 Tim Trannlt Cum
pany tfMlay voluntarily rrtinnd tho wagea
of tht ntmet carmen f ruin 21 rents an
hour to 2i cents. '1 hu dmngu nffocto SCO
employ vos.
Chicago, A pril 29 Ueccint rtimoia to
tho effect that tliu packers wonld at
tempt to corner c'ga wero eubofantlatod
today when buyers alleged to ho noting
for tlio beef truet went inlo tho market
ami bought cvory thing in pfght, also
placing ordern for future delivery.
DeolurH fiiiy tho intention of thu pack'
orn is to put tho eggo into cold otorago
until next tvintor when thoy will bo
will t-ons
troiig ss
ours l( you trysr-rgrrrw ;
sO .t -v and mirs is so stronjr wc
V W V inoHey, nmt we cni. TV"
free tr I n I twllle U you write ior 11.
J... .. A..W. ....... I. ..... - M.I .will l.l,f l(lll.
eiiii.wu n iwhwuiii. --.
sunititloii, I'ncuniniiU, Iltoiichltl ami IJ
I.iiiiK TrouWes Witt cure n coiikIi ir ejitit
tun day, nmt thus nrrvclit scllmis irtnlln.
It has been ttolnir iWellilnijiiortoyeMS.
" c J!l ''3 -' -1' ' - v'- '
Kro Clove rkuorTcncorreclatht Sloasch
(Puget Hound Lumberman)
TJbo.iirowliiK dutnand for llr tnven from
tho uftst can bo accounted for In two
wnynt It Is thn Iwat wood In inn for
that pnrpow and It can hu obtained in
good lcngthn. making fii'itieut splicing
uiineceiraiy, In tho eatom woodri the
lengtlm aro thort and thereforo object
louablo. A party n! Illlnolm capltallftB, cnnslit
lug of A. ti. Van Patten, Kdgar Womls
land K. Hell, in connection with somo
local men atAilorl,h nvu loer.ttd u large
tract of roal laud near Tillamook, and
will soon begin developing It . Thry ex
pect to bo able to (hip eon! by barges
to Portland by September 1.
If any lumberman felt that tho merg
ing of railroad interest) meant lower
rates hu should bu pretty well rat lulled
by this lltno that this bollel wai errone
ous, itallrond magnates aro htimuti;
they work for their roads and rubrics,
not for tho public. Tho Coast has had
a few unhappy practical hints recontly
of how the tide runs.
A raft of cedar loga has recently boon
sold in Kveertt, Wn-.hlngton, by a log
ger, at f'15, This price hounds ciceed
itigly tlctltiotis, but when r-alcuaro made
at till, these lignum do not rcem ro far
out ol reach. l.ognt such prices on
Puget Sound indicate an exceedingly
heavy if not an ubnoimal demand
A really healthy woman hrw Ht-
tle pain or ilhcoinforl ut I ho
menstrual jierlod. No wonmu 1!
liioodrt to Jmvo nuy. Wlno ofli
ICnrdul will qniokly i-olluvo
HiimrtiiiL' miiustitiitl tinlnu n,.,i U
' a
the draln heud, back nndW
Hide ncho.1 einiiied y fiillliif of
tho womb and Irregular iuoiikw.
Iiilh brouirht iicriiiiinniif i.ll,.f i,.V
1.000.000 women ulm Mnff,.iv,.i M
overy month. It inulctw tho mint-J
atnuil oryum iiroiiL-nnd liouitjiy.
it Ij tho provision miidu hv Nu
turo to ffjvo woman roliof from
the tunlblu iioIioh und jialnrt wiijch
uliglit bo many liomm.
Onsen rt-ooi), l, Oct. 1 1, 1'joa.
...MWirvvil .v,. r rIV (Uf HIIU HQ. rmnl. ....I ..... a. .1 . . .1
'' ' Tiid ,f v1.10 i.rourdul, i;o
ore 1 nan r ,sc.i ril or it I vmi r.i ovo.1
I tool Jt my duty Jo nay that you Uv j p.
Mnu. M. A. Yot'trr.
f nrmlvfftAnttil iiitsitiiv. n.i,i.A.. ..!.
CiislUiiooui. JltfUlclixi Co., CJ.ailuiivOtfj,'riw. H
. i'
. . Mf-
i r