wwwM'uwyfl . t k w','?rT''' "'""' ' y t ' ,!'' - -mqn fr ..-. ." vTrVTjr''7l V ,,. ., W , V v "-Kmmm" "-'fp 7r Shooting Score, . At tlin prnctlro nhnnt ht nlay plgoonn by tho Hod ntiil aim Olhb, Friday nfter nooit thoeooro rontiltud r.ii follows: At J!6 tni-Kutii J I Short '.'0. A I'nrloy 18, J W lJnruttt 10. W A Toyo 111. F Lnliu 1 1. Urtl Wrljtl.t 11. At 10 tiUKOtu .1 V llunnolt 8, A Knrloy 7. ' Cnl Wrluht 7. !' A ltlso 7. II Short, W A Toyii II. Schley at Meridian Mnilillmi, MIni., May 2 Amid tho hootnlntf ot cannon ntiil tlm eheiira n( thousand of wMcifnt'rrn Admiral arid Mm Hfldny arrived iii.Murldiiui tudny. I.Jittt nMit nnd imrly thin morning Imn ilrcdnof vUltnrn nrrlved from all direc tions and oflilnin In Iih history linn ..Mer idian (Mitnrtnliii'd t larger crowd. Tim ndiulrnl twin oOlciully wolcomitd by rop-rt-M'Uta'.lvesnl tint city, tint board of trade mid tlm cut ton tixt'hnnito. TIiu day's iiroitrninmo provided lor a puhlio reception, it luiii'limm tied n drlvo to places ol liitimst In nnd nbout tlm city. W,URRY IN RAIl, ROAD MJIMMNT. Hall I. a k.t, May 'i Addition to n ruco Into- Southern California, tlm Qrpxon Short line will ondcitvor to reach Thun dor mountain ithiuid ol tlm Northern l'n clfk. HUl'ri mrvnyorrt under unulucor Mills, woiklnv. In iliu C'lmmOrlnln l.'nmn conn try, hnvu nrourod the iiliort Him an J Its MirvinorN luivtt ordcra to punh nliond from (Jlinlliif, Hnlmou rivur branch to tho gold iloldtt v, Ithout delay. Dc Mores' Murderers on Ttinl l'nrl. May "Tlm I'omallonal career of tlm ,Muriuldo Morui 1m r trailed by illnpntrln'it Irom Tunis utittlntc thnt hli ullvwd murderers nro to io pluicd on trlii I today, Few iiatnui wuro mom fa mlllur to tlm public drrmlu it go than that ol tint Mivnjuii do Mont. On both Nldi'M of tlm Atlantic lilt crcfiitrlc vnit. Hirer) attracted widespread r.ttuntlon. I Id In probably beet roimtinlM-rci! In Ameri ca for hi dlMiMemun attempt to cslab Huh n mammoih packing indiiHtry on tlm Dakota rniiKi's. Do More wait murdered hy niombort nl n hiuul of Toinirni In IBt0, whllo on n nillltnry expedition Into tlm interior ol Africa Kiiu'o IiIh death hhi relative)?, purtiniiirly hii widow, who wan a dntiKh lur ol tlm mlllionalro Now York hanker, I., von Hoffman, Intvo huon oiidfivvorln toohtiiln tho iirri'Ht and piitiUtimcnt of liU murilt'rurit with tho rouult thnt i-uv oral of tho bund luvo Imuu urronted lliinl ly and ljrou(,'ht to trial. oi;;icisrs rkiacased lROM VENUTIAN J All, Clapped in Irons hy Cruiser Captain as Soon as They Came Aboard Vonlci', May 2 Tlm onlcore of tho cruli-or CIiIcmko, rt'coutly ImpriiiontHl on it clinrno of ruiiHtiiii tlm pollen, wuro ro lciiscd from priron todav, Tlmy wont uhoitrd tlm Clilont'o which luft imniedl ittoly lor TrliMtn. Captain Duyton of thu Cliloao orilirtd tho mnn plucod In IrotiH nopoon an tlmy bourdod tliocrultcr. Chouski and Weiniy to Meet l.ouinvillo, Mny i Tho prcqonco ot hunUreilH of vlHltow br tho American Dorhy iMtunH lliu Kinplro Athlutlo club to expect n lurio nttonditnro tonight when Jon Choynl.i and Al Woiniif como tojiuthor boforo tho club for it twonty louitd bout. Tho two luivo nover mut .in tho rin before, bnt from tholr rccorda upninet vnrloin oppommtn thoy tiro ox peclod to put up n rnttlliiK coutertt. Wclulg rectmtly addod to IiIm Imircla by KlvliiK "Kid" Carter it torrillii battle In GhicuKO. ChoyiiDkl, tboimh one ol thu votonuiB of tlm rlns. In httll regitrdeil iih n tonli pronosltloii for tho btifat muu of 'bin cIiihs. lloth Htiputtr to bo in KOQd flhapo for thu Rattle. TIMHKU LAND, ACTJUNK it, 187S. NOTICE FOlt PUIIMUATION. United Sulci Land OiTicc, Uojebiirj; Oregon, Anrll 361I1, iqo'j. Notice Is hereby bWuii tli.tt lit compliance ttitliilioptovlslonsoftliu net of Congress of iuiioa, 1O78, cntltlo.1 "Anact for tho wla of timber Limit In the Slt of California, Oregon, loadcil 10 all thu I'libllo Und Sl.ilej by net of AW' l8RjiRRY P. THOMAS, of Itonsbiifjf, county of DourIm, tte of Ore. r.on, lint thi ilny filed In lhl ofilcchlt 11 worn klnleincrit No. aijS, for llic iiunlinu.' of Ihe HouthWAit iimricr of Section So, afl, Townthlp a H0111I1, of Hnnua 8 W V. M and will oltcr proof lo nhoiv that tlm (.mil noucht 1 more vniunoic lor 111 iimocror 11011a inrri lor nrjricni 1 11 nit piirpovi, and to citnbllih hit clnlia 10 mid l.ind In'lorr din Kri'liter nnd Kccclver of 1I1U olllco nt ItotcbniK, Oregon, on .Saturday, the Vin iwy 01 yxuguti, 100a, Ha rmrnrs nt wltricnei Clmtlci llioni, lohn Thorn, of ClevcLinJ, Oregon, M. M. Wolcolt, of Mlnncapolli, Miriii.i Avon K. Kroit, of Kotrburg, Oregon, Any and nil cront cl.ilrnlng ndvcriely the olovd-(li,icrllK,il Linilnrorepictleil to file their cl.ilnu In tlm olllceoii or Imlom Mild 9th ihiy of Augntt, v)t, J, I, lIuitKJi.i, Itrnliirr, 53 TIMHBIl LAND, ACT JUNK a, JH78. NOTICK I'OIt I'UHI.ICATION. United Sinicj I j ml Olhce, Kou-btirg, Oregon, April 36ih, 1007. Notice h hereby i;lvcu lh.it In compliance ullh the piovltlon of Ihe net of Congreu of June 3, 1U7H, entitled "An act for Iho i.ilc of riinlxr tawlt in the Stttes of California, Ore gon, Nevada, ami Wnthliiglon 'I'rrrltory," a extended lo nil the Public l,ind Stale by act of Allglltt I, 1003, AVON K. I'ltOST, of Howlmrg, county of I)ouBt,t.iie of Ore con, lu thK day filed In thU office hit worn ilitroicnt No. a', for the purch.ite of Ihe Noithuril ipurler of .Section No, sU, Trn vhlp a', South, of kango tt Wed, nnd will olfer pr of In thotv that tho land loughl li more val uable fur III tlinter or ttone than for ngricultur at porpoici, nnd to nt.ililltli hit claim to Mid land More ihr Kcglttrr and f eclver of Ihit oilier ot Koicburg, Oiegon, on SAturday, the oth da of Augutt, 1 90 j He nainet nt uitncMti: Charles 'llioni, (ohn 'I bum, of Ch-veland, Oregon; M M. Volcott. of Mlnnrnnolif. Minn,: Harry P. 'Ihomm. of Kofburg, Orrgon. Any urn) all pertont claiming adversely ihe atnive-deterilKHl lamli are rcoiicitcd lo file ill, ir lUInu In tint oflico on or before said oth dayof Augutt, I'ia. 5-3 J. T. llKinoKV KegittT. TIMIUCK LAND APT, Jl'NE 3, lH7d.- NOTIU1-; Vim I'UIH.ICATION. t nited htatet Uind Oflke, Uoielmrg, Orrgon, April 361I1. 1003 Notkr u Imrrby i;lvin that 111 cim(lDtnce with lit pro Mont of Oms act of Corbet of lunr 3, HI78, entitled "An Act for tin- sale of I Imlier 1 jnd in ihe St.Mt of UduornM, I 're gon, Nevada, and Wnthtngton Tcrrliorv," at etirnded lo nil the I'ublki lind Sutrs by act ol Augutt a, 1 So. PAULS. WARE, of.linr.eap-)lli,.ountyof Hcnnenln, tute of Minnesota, hat Ihlt day filed in tills oilier lilt tworn stalrintnt No 3390, for the iiuicImk of ihe I-rtt htll of the lUut half of Sectiou No 10, 'lovintliip aO South, ot Range 10 V.. and Milt olfer proof to show lint the land sought It inoic valuatda for itttnnlwror stone than for agricullural purpotot, and to rttnblitli hit claim to said land bforr the Ktgltter and Re ceiver of this olllie nt Roteburi;. Orrgon, on Friday, the 8lh day of Augutt, IWJ,, Hcnnmctas witnesses- lohn'lhom, Clmrles Thorn, Hugo OlucV, of L'lcveknd. Oregon, Jowplj Whilooiiiti, of MlniiMiHll, Minn. Any and all ertoat clalaiing adtrrtely llic ntoe-descritrd l.tnilt are rerpHMtcd to file their cLilint in thlt ollice on or before said 8th day of Augutt, ufii. S3 J. T. IIRIIK-.M, Register. TIMi.r.U I..VNI), ACT JUNK II, 1F78.- NOTICK FOlt I'Uni.ICATlON. UnltcJ States Und OIncc, Roseburk", ()rgon, April so. looa, Notice Is hereby citcn that In compliance v. lilt the proMontor the net of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An net for the sale pf llnibei lands In the Slatr of California, Ore gon. Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," at c'xicmled to all the Public Und States by net of Augu't 4. 1 "03. HOWARD PAI.MHR. of Minneapolis, county of Hcnnenln, stite of .llntiesnta. hat this day filed in tills ollice hit nwom statement No. sso6. for the nurchatc of Ihe North half of the South half. Section No. at, in Township No. a6 S, Itnpga No to West, and will oliice proof In show ihtt the land sought It more vahnble far it) timtier or stone than for aKilcultiir.il purpotot, nnd to es tablish lilt claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this ollice nt Roscburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th day of Aagust, 190a. He names as witnesses: Harry Thomas, Avon IJ. I'roti, of Rosrburg, Oregon ! Charles '1 horn, ohn 'I horn, of t Irtchnd, Oregon. Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the nboe-drscrilcd lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or before said 9th day of August, 190a. 5.3 J, T. DRincia,, Register. TI.MNKK LAND. ACT JUNK , 1878.- NOTICK FOlt l'UIH.ICATION. United States I .and Office, Kojehutg, Oregon, April aCtli, 1003. Notice Is hereby given that in: compliance tilth the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands In he States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as cMcndcd to nil (he Public I-and States by act of Atigutt a, 1893, MARK M. WOLCOTT. of Mlnncapolli, county of Hennepin, stale of mnesota, Ims this day filed In this ollice his sworn statement No 3197, for the purchnso of the South half of the Sou li half of section No. 94inTatnshipNn 36 S, R.tnge No 10 West, and will offer proof to show 1l1.it the land sought is mora valuable for its limber ot stone t'au for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to said I mil before the Register nnd Re chrr ol litis oflico at Roscburg, Qrcgon, on Saturday, the 9U1 dny of August, igos. Hp names as witnesses; Charles Thorn, of Cleveland, Oregon! Hdward Palm.sr, Hugo Uluck, of Minne.ipolb, .1innesota; Avon K. Frost, of Roscburg, Oregon. . Any and all persons clilmlng ndtcnely tho above-described lands are requested to lite tlielfclnlhts in this )fTicc on orbcloro said 9th day of August, J903, . 5.3 J, T. Pkiwjes, Register, SHORT TKRM OF . CIRCUIT COURT Two Added to the Population of an Institution nt balcni Docket Kjitrics Tim buelncBU before tlm Circuit cour) wad llnlnliod up and adjournment taken Wmlnofldny, Jlosidns tlm criminal cneen OKAlnot Ioul Norton nnd Charles Johnson, each of whom got two yearn- In tho penilon htry, thuro wan oho other Jury trial. Joueph M. M. Young chnrgod with rnpo witrt napiilted by tho Jury. Tho cario ngaltiHt J. T. Hncod, chnrged with tres pntn wad ilIemisRcd. Other catcH on tho docket wuro din poced of ns IoIIowh: x;:t. D L Wnteon vs 31 L Floyd, ot nl. fiult for partition: D L Watcou for pI't'L Continued. 1211. Uosn Gruy vs Cooa Day Land Co. Action nt law. J B Coko Jr, for pl't'L Continued. 1 121. David Moreo Jr. to Jnainh Hack er. Atolgnindnt. A K Seaman for at tilKnee. Continuod. M7l. W II 8 llyilo vaa P.Mcrton ot ol. Huit for partition. D L Wntoon for pl't'L Continued. l.'2J. Kntherino Wet to A D Mono. AHMiuurnont. J M Upton for neolnco. Continued. 1CI7. t. B Dean vb J 8 Coke, ndrn. cut. David Wilcox, dee'd. Huit for dioeolu- tion. Crnwford A Wntcon pl't'L for Honnntt & Coko for dol'd. Continued. 1708. Tonllrook Droa. to Jamce T Hall. AeBlgnmont. Jntnca T iiall for ntrdenrm. Continued. 17,y. J It Hunt to Geo 1 Topping. Asniunment, (ieo P Topping for nssigDeo, Continued. 17S7. Lawronco Johnson vb W F Kl- rod et nl. eorocloguro. Hall x fccamnn for pl't'L D I. WAtaon or dei'te. Con timed. 17oS. T J Htlllwell to A D Mon-o. Aa dkMiment. J M Upton for notlgnce. Contiiiuel. 187"). Ilertlia Caldwell vb S M Cald well. Suit for divorce. A J Ehcrwocd for pl't'L Continuod. H'SI. Chas F Doe vb A D Morno nt nl. ForccloEtiro. For conflrnmtlnn. A J Sherwood for pl't'L Upton & GIiaio for dot tn. UaloconllrmLHl, IPS'.'. John Hnyder vs Lucinn Gignoc. Action At Law. A K Soamnit for pl't'L Continued. IWo. J W Mael vs Minnie Mnol. Suit for divorce. W.OOhaau for pl't'L Continued. lintS. Klljith Smith va Harriott Nfch olo ut nl. Forcclortire, Hall & Hall for pl't'L S.ilu coullrinod. 2005. State Land Hoard vb Alex Urqti hurt et al. Foreclosure. L A Holxirte for pl't'L Decieo of foreclosure. 20011. Anthony A Worley vb Cooa Hay Lnnd Co. Forecloeure. For confirma tion. W U Douglas for pl't'L b'alo contlrmeu. 20IJ. Notllo Whipple vb 8 I) Whip plo. Suit for divorce. A J Sherwood for pl't'L Diuinlsjed. 2012. N I.orens va Andrew Johnron et ul. Foreclosure. For confirmation A J Sherwood for pl't'L Sale con firmed. 2013. 0 S Elliott va ClsiA Winkler, ot nl. Foreclosure. For confirmation. (ieo 1' ToppltiK for pl't'L Sale con- tinned. 2018. S A Mooro vn II W Dunham. Action nt Low. A 15 Seaman for pl't'L Judgmont for plaintiff. 2011) JoaophLAndo va W II Noble. Action nt Law. J 8 Coko Jr. for pl't'L I) L Wntson for deft. Sottlcd and dig miied, 2020 Fann!oI5IIouf;artlvaAI, John pod ot nl. Suit for accountim;. Honnett A Stvnnton for pl't'L Hall & Hall nnd A J Sherwood for del't. Iteforred to Frances EIrod to tako end report testimony nt next torm. 2031. StuIoDinKhnrnvsO FDIncliaro Action at Law. 8 D Pulford for pl't'L A J Sherwood for deft. Sottled. 2022 Susio ningh'am vn S 15 Johnson Suit (or injunction. Pulford, Spcrry A CliaHu for pl't'L A J ShorwooJ for deft. Sottled. 2025 William F ICoimody va Elka J Kennedy. Suit for divorce. Hall & Hull for pl't'L Decroo. 2027 Lou L Knrlo.va Sylvester Z Enrlo Suit for divorce Hall & Hall for pl't'L Petition for divorco denied. 2023 StAto Land Hoard va Thos Millor ot nl, Foreclosure h A Hoborts for pl't't. Decrco. 2030. Lou Millor va Nolron Millor. Sutt for divorce, IU11 kt Hall for pl't'L Decree 2032. Margaret aardoll va 13 W Kar- c4 nl. Foreclosure J.W Bennett for pl't'L Continuod. j , 2031 John Hear, vs A Markiovitch, Suit for injunction J V Bonnott for pl't'L Koforrod to Francos lilrod to tako ami report tostlmony nt next torm. 2035. Ol.otu; VftAlvin Munck et nt. Foreolosuro. G00P Topping (oi pl't'L Contluuod. '. '. ' -JOSii. Bank otMvrdo Point va I4 J Simpson) Action' nV law. LA Uoberta lor pl't'L,, Sgttlod. and dlsruiasod, uoit ci nt. suit tor partition Hall & Hall for pl't'L Decroo of snlo, And John oakam appointed reforeo to moke snlo. 2033. F Timmormnn va W O Wnhatnp PHWJItfJI L UMBER That is what we have to sell, and we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guaranteed and the price is' right. OUR STOCK anything required in Fir. Spruce, Red and White Cedar. PSON LUMBER COl riionc Main 151, CO. D. .GROCERY A full lino of chotuo groceries, focd, flour, ham ami bacon always on hand; fresh fruits uiul vegetables reocived oti uvery steamer HQHESr PRICS PAIDTOR PRODUOB!. BUTTER. AND EGGS Tree Delivery T!epbonci I))aln1'l. NHllCsHGlBllKlsltaBEll GlEE FEE. S DEALEH IN GKOOEUIES, J FHESHFKDITS.YEGETA- M ni.Es r jt 0 vis ions, M FLOUll Fr.ED, ETC., OF SB mTT.tt ntinm rirrtmx ma ntlOES REASONABLE. J FKOHEN OYSTERS li n EVERYDAY. : ; : 1 & 3 A' Street, MarShfield Ore . K wfaKBHllHlsslsVWslslKi Pints tier arosa sfl.42 Qunrte ' " 7,67 Uala " " 0,85 Jn Icea than gross qnantittoo nerdoz.f B5c. llSc. 00c Cflnfl and rubharir. 1I07. 23 Jolly glasses, 21 doz bbln. rtt .. ... "4o and 28c Open Jolly tumbler," 24 do. bhls M2c30e Car load nrrfvod Anr 21. Factory basis Ol price. Kantnrn cnodrr. m.r- fect whito glass. Tops flt to porfec- I tion. Beit Maaon jara in San Francisco. Ordor Promnllv nnd order ONLY frpm SMITHS' CASH STORE J No. 2S Market nrnttr, B. f. wn wc-dticoiih you r INCLUDES. 1 North Bend, Ore ' milUl HOTEL Corner of Front ami A'strcets, MARSnFIELD,', OREGON, JONH SNYDER. : : : : : :Propritor TlslS WELL-KNOWN AND FA VORITIi HOTEL las lust been entirely refitted and " refumlslied throughout and is again open to the public for patronage, x New beds and spring mattresses have been filaccd in almost every sleeping room of this louse and neither trouble nor expsnsi ha: bocn Ai pared to put everything in first-clas3 order. '.7 TERMS,- Hoard and Lodging, per week $5.co Hoard, per week, .(& Single Meals,,,,,. ,-. ?r t ' , .I i $. 3 ' ft i. '- ! 'A ,.