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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1902)
. i- - r"?ar V. A tO AST MAIL APR. o. iwa Published Every Saturday by the Mail Publishing- Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATHi. QcMr, fin miwnc) Jt.ja Three month y r.oo wQt U'Chargrd when rot ad in ad-cimc jusiiuk to ii u. to:u;uk 1 Wo print toilaj a communication from Hon. Tho3. 11, Tongue, nut we rccoui-int-ml its careful perur-nl. It will go far So fihow tltnt tiro feeling which hs lw-n mote or loea prevalent hero, that Mr Tons tut was nut iloinc n much for uu se might nwonabu bo oxpfvted, was uti injustice to that gentleman. . As he cleiirlr joiuto ur.t. In has Lnd the rfjMrti ao"l rro imniindaiioui of the wiptneoM ruMnst mm. ft ml the (net trisit the prjctel dsptli on the inu bion r.ttaineil nnd mnintnncd for n nuuthir of year has itlfo boon In hi wayiu Ills of 'orti to g't an npprop'iatiou, evon to pre serve th work, especially wben tho on iintcr instated fo positively that the Uv needed no repair. Wo propoie to prinb in our next lime fonio of thu correspondenco nnd rexrtf Irom tho engineer' department, for which it ulmpcvM Ic to tlnd loom today. ' THr) Mail has hid no de lire or Intett lion of doing Mr. Tnnguo an itijoiicu. Tho utterances to whk-li hu takes ot.jec Hon but voicwl n etiUuiijnt whljh Imp been t'uito Btroni here, and as the Mail is fur Oooi Bay drat, list and alt the tune, perhaps" due consideration wu- not jjiveu to the ether rddtf o! the question. Wo tako tiro Greatest pleasure in prt Mr. Tongue's statement of tin) r.ate,nua hope that it will do much to dueipato fcrroatjous ideas u-i to Mr. Tongue's service. POPULAR VOTK OS SENATORS Tho Salem correspondent of i 0: cnitin, writing of (tuvHrnrr li-er'ii eiu dWtcyfor tho U. S. Senate, jugt after tho .t Atu convention. Mid : ' To onu looking at the present rituation from the outside ii would H-em thai the tfme if now favorable, for tlio launching of ilia Ueer boom. Thu only avoweu candidate for .Senator is 0. W. 'Fulton It hue bean Fulton's ida that the. people fcnould espreEK their choice for a Senitor, and to tlut end ho believed tho Senator nl candidate thouhl bo voted for in. I line. IS'ow it happens tht Geor omits ids Mrength in .the ruuk'of theernimou penp'o, far removed from the influences of po'itici.riff. It ivqnito in the cnnltf, therefare, that (.- and Fulion will lie oppoiin;: bunatoritil cin Uidai") before the pen pie at tins venoral election in June, liy an ret of thu lant Legislature it i provided tliat names of candidxte. for United S:a-stmtnr may bo placwd niton the otriciul ballot tlio same j tho narno! of candidate1 for state ollke, and that the rcult of t'io irotetliall h certifi.ti to tho Legislature lor it tniormntiou. the namei bd ilacd njwn tho billot? either by noinin atioti in a convention or by petition. ' If Governor Ueur'-i friend placo liii narneon Hie RepuMican ticket in that manner Fulton's friends wiil almost be compelled to take n Mmilav course, in or der to prevent t i'or from mdni: tho unnnl mausclio cu ol the Rnpuh)icKi. And iin thrv would bootio of tl' ptotiiest political llchtK Orecn over . lloth Ucerand Fulton are send campaigner', and they would cteato tv tnnrh iutrel in their own content that tho people would lufo elcht of thu (inbemnSnriAl luttle, TJio one who won wmM claim tho rlcht to nn election at tli baud) of tho LettiflAtuto. should tho e.-uitor-t not tko p!i' M.uo the people in June, ivoth (leer ud Fulton would ntilt lie iu the Senatorial rains when tho Legislatuto meet? in January. It now jio!r. that petition sre already in circulation m reve'il couolie of the state (or the placing ot Ooer'o nauio on the hillol!. Tltld is pcKxl. No oan thiol will so further tow anl clarify lug tho dirty pool ot Orecou nohlic than to carry tliin new law into effect, slve tho pi ople n chance to oili'irtlly declare ttieir ch'iicj ior Uuitwl States senator and leavo tho hv ittatme to eunidv ratify that choice by olectinc the tcceifal cn itdatu acconi in to tlm form of the law. lfthe Unite i State foiiaio U to in delinntely clieekirate tho overwhelming demand for election of 'enntorx by dir ect vote, thon thi people will bo uiie to set at the tame point in eomo other wiv. This new law will nccnmplih the pome result, and will leave thu lestolatmo to perform iu the election of veuatnr, rim ply the duty now pet formed by thueVc toral college In tho election of President The iiamtltonian idea, that the people "haven't teimo enough to vote intelli gently," id out of date. liio them n chance to csprei thenielvea and they will fettle this qncMion nnd clear tlio O.egon pjllttcal atmosphure at the sauie tin c. AcyficriioxgJ.wy-riuci Judgo S. A. Lowell, of Umatilla county, 'nucce5ful raudid to for nomi nation on. the Republican ticke'.'ms l jIi od thu ticket, to fiu na covernor i con cerned, nnd ha atinounciil hit intention of Mipportini Chamberlain the ctatic catididdte. lie claims to Ik? a pood Republ.can and to eudore tiie lit publican platform, but iuliiiiatei Hint Mr. huruithlioiiKhttlie nomination, and that tlio Issue is whither tlu cilice o( Koxernor is an nrticio of iiHTchuiulI'e. It remains to ho teen how much intlu enco he will have. He if (aid to have Hcted the tore head on former occasion. I A I.nwbrenkcr Oar marine npi'ter Is up ne.iliit It lie went oel to a flnull rrek latrl Mon day tnortmiK and caught three unnll tniut with hi hand, alter rniihtni! thotn down Uo placinl th'iu in Ihoinill pond which ndoin the window il the Owl Itdllaiil Jiitlor!. Now ho lemma that It Is unlawful to catch trout bv any other iiiiiiuii wl.atevrr than bin k and Hue. tind the iciiileutiary loonm lelote Jiitn. llohtuu new lohenie lor the trout, however. Uuws'l take thteefirall hooks and fattn iliein iether back io back, wth the h tnti fotniliu; a ttuncle, nnd he thmUt thai hi cinluvnine wilt ho i;iHd for nae laip-ti trout or tlutenuall one, every jop. I. 0. O. F. Attntvetsnry The Odd Felkiw-A and IteU'fcahs hilt evenlnc ohyeiv.d the Md aiinlxermry ol Odd Fellowship iu tlio L'ntt-d 8iati wlih a hvouiI time in the lodge uiuju An enjoyable puurKtn nud a nunptloiu feat wero included iu tho exorclre, nnd evciy ono hnd a good tune. Vacancies I:illvtl. The I'rpiihliiim t'ounty centiul com mittee, which met at C'oquUlo City yet tenlay, tilled tt e two Vtuaucle by phu' iag on the ticket the names of J. T. liotner oi Norlli Itend, for A'fefNir, in pl.u-e of (iiorv'e Itealu reicmsl, and Dr. Kline, of ilAiidon, for Coroner, in tnce of Or. Mingus, who alto drolluid to run. Julius I.arten bnmuht Hd snrks ol notntoe from South ktuugh to MiuhIi- tlehl t-riday, on ins gmoh'tie launch The cargo "wciehed over 7 toim and the little Ixxit wni down iu the witter even with her decki. Professional Cards. r jfiv u A-other Vessel to be Built C II. Merchant rtceivtd n telegram Thursday rnoruing, oide rini; a duplicate ol the K'tmoner now on the way. Tlio keel will be gotten out at unru and work rnmmencpd an toon ni pocsible. 'litis will heu'ood new for the chip carpenlera who have b'cn laid off since thu com pletion of thu Pohiriu. iev Pastor Rev. K, C. Strr.nge, of Arhlnnd, lian been aijilgnwl to supply the nulpit of the Prtjshyturi.iu church in Marhiic)d and may bo permanently located bore, lie has been located at Ashland for lo yearn nnd W a regent of tho Paclii Pres byterian Theological Sonilnary. lie will arrive on tlio return trip of the Areata. E. E. Straw, M. D. PHYMl IAN AM) M'Rt.KON. i-peciul attention ! di-e.ifi of the F.yo Knr, Niwe i.iul ilimat. tilacH lilted. Oflice in Seuj-stnckeu cc Smith liuildiug. IUr Pltvuk. (in her Hip north tho Allliuico I. ml ni.wi),.i ln.f (nliiht ii clear redvmo:! pletik Itichen thh kl feet w lilu mel 1 1 1 Icet long. It wan bidiut fhippid lirtut . bv ci.ootthe Humboldt iddnele limn I uiiietuierti In niheitUo Idr. hnaineoa and , had an iinmuiuo sign painted ukiii II fer thntpuMMe. ; Tonchcr Wauteil. . -Tr TIMIIKU UNO. AX .IWKli'ifi 178. t;nlliMl 8Uilr laimt OllUe. U- "K. Ot.en. Ani -", itoti. N'ettee It l-ely (l.mi thi ioiiijlaHe wiititlMi ptovto'oMioT iieit ofCiirinKj'jnfl 1 il. eiulitrtl "An .i for Om-Ml of ilintmr l.imU in tlm .suit, ul ( nlllttf nl i t'tn, Neva, dn. ami VhliiKitin lifiltof, n ".ternled to nil the I'iil4l UliUSUtl'l'ylefAiiJilt,, ity', JOHN HUlKhAIIIMHttK. . I im.1, ..I U'rtl Miinribll. tdlllilv ef UOMHln. Maif otWlReiiiln. ium thKilni hhttm thUomee hl.Mkil kt.llmitoill No tM4.iorllWMMNf Scloal Irnrlirr'i wanted in thnithm icttj f NWK, VM "f NKIT f flr-t Mondav In Mav and ll iii r i f h V((i) (U m if liotitliH. Adilietf Mir. A. J- 1','11 ' ln4 ur ,,-ricultuni iP'H'.'n1 lo --liliUA ichool eleik, or licorgo Wilton, tlltrotor, ltt vuio i vl Um1 I! irif !;' ait Ktnplro City. I Kcttrr of It ofl.rr i Ke-Hmrir. Oinon, en .... ' !Mtfdy. ttr 24XI d)ruf 1'illf. i'J Kmpitc tlmitets Hug llcnr I iu mwm "'; , IJSTm 1 I Wwl Nue Hr, Vi. .MmiHi I iHimriiMm, W- evon Kl.iUhl. ol Kn)i Uttj;o. iins wi mm, i.l IUu KIBf. Ofefjon A)' Mtvt all iwtMtiM rUimiuf nd Jy llm Um r -deter it mi) lmt Kir leipwalrt Io M iMf Mnrrlirtehl and Sumner have no mon opoly of the In'iir biintetn. Tldr WMved liy the iiinuuled reinahnj oi a rlin i'ar and two cubs whluh wero on ex hibition In Ktnplre City ThttiMlnv,' vir tlnis cl the combined prowern of ban. Magee, Henry Wiekiiinn, Andrew Peter ron, CaptJns.Mngee, two limber ciiilrera (nauio unknown) and roveial dugs. Tho threw gentleniiin litrt untiitd did tlio greater part of the rhrotlng which laid the old bear low. The itoun kdhd one olthecubH In tho wiied and dlrabhil theniher mi that it win. kllli'd allot Ixdug broticht to Ktuplie. The timber cnili- rrn help.-d the party to II nd Its way out of the woods ami Capt. Mnge lent nautical llavor to the whole nihiir Tin-tnr was raid to have hern Im meiife before fhe wnri dead, hut shrunk iiiiite a lot before 'lie wan brought In, ami tho cubs wero very rmall. i Mint la I Id offlv ul July ivoj. wn or brfwc til 4tti day J. T. llMinott, Kt1ler. 0. W Tower, M D. PHYSICIAN AN!) SlIlUF.ON. Offce in Srri;plii ril Sip.iIi'i t Mg. l-'ront trMl, Murthftvlil, Otrxon. Tli4 itoitn-ir K npira arrival Friday t morning from S in Franc c ), and wont , direct to tho IvinUori whnro nhn loidu 1 with coil. Lator alio droppul do vn to th6depil rii-h.u.u freight and take on about li)),().) fuut of lumbur from Joliuaon'ri in. 11. W. U. Douglas, ATTOitNICY AT LAW AND U. S. COMMISSION i: It. Front otrrct, Mur ,ii .1, Offfjon. Johu FTFall" ATTORNHY AT LAW. Office in FMor.vIo h'-ok, Front iut, alartltfWkl, Oiefjon. O F. McKnight. ATTORN KY AT LAW Office in the lientielt & Walter Building. MAHSIIFIF.LJ), Oltl J. W. Bennett, ATIOliNKY ,:iii COUNSELOR A'l LAW. t ItsiIfJM.l) OKI! FOU S'LE. Hmltllo Ilorno. A pair of hori'OH nultahk for farm Inj: work. A pair of heavy team lior. Drlvlnj; lioriH'ri, HlliKle or double. F. P. Norton. TIMIIKU LAND, At T JUNK 3. I7H, NOTIt'i: I'D It PUIILK'ATION fiillrU Hutes Land Ollitr. ttrk'(Ori, AM)i. ll. 199c N'otl k rtnlr rIh ili In rompUiMM with lit tvllim a) die act of (onftetr. of une i. il;4. eniliird "An met lor lit ! 'f imilir'i UimHiii iIwMmi of riMat)U. Uorfofi. Nitnito. nt Vliiirl0M IViiiUH)." M e kmtril to M lb PuMK UnrJ Stat Mr nd of TrtCnj. UAIRMAN. nf .IMttMo. coueiy l OtMiriUt. it ef Oculo". Ii4 il lilnl in IhM otticr hit a tUI nirniN'o ttij. lot the tNirrhMo(lhl a. 1W H i4 Nwv.W H of W Noilw'iWr tlni No. Nauih. Hncr No io Vft. nd will a4lrr i-rtw1 to thow UmI h Woi'l ttiOjjhl It I"' aluiti-M fur it uwImtt or tou Hmi 1 1 trul IM..d pMlpotrt. and io rtUMltu br rttlw In Mkl Un4 M ihr Hrrltlrr nl Kt4rr f tin ifn at KoMrtrtii'. Ortgon. on t bumta?. Ill lh tdi) oi Inly, lit He luwe a win John lltom. FriMik I) I oi, cl C'lcvclaml. rr;on. ( harkt Klf. (rf Mrlrow, (Hefon. I). ( MiWltUamt, ' Kttr! Ulf, I V- HUB, i n 1 1'. (Mituht lUuiim ilpfit ! ..m ll -ki.UiI I itu!'. Jir l. ),. .Iril lii J th f, 1 1 ii. I in tl.i . ' lln r . 'i ( i -..,'- uil I fh dV fjln I ,i I Mhll- I V Krifitur. I .J V i IRE "' f5fcLB SKY YOU mgAtt HEAD i 7A ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARENG ARE NOW .CURABLE by our new iiivciithn. Only those liorti deaf arc iii'-urabiw. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAH, OK UALTIMORG, 8AY0: IlilTiM'iKK. l'l , Metli jo. tai. CtUmtn Ileitis entltrly curr.J of ilf f nr, tltanUt to our tituncnt. I will now jfic yvt nfuJIWMotyoJmycotr. lotiiwdali.irilitii"ii. ,.,.,. ... . fU.. Al-oul five vriirt fiRii my ilKhl tar U;au toIHK. and UiU kept on Rttthlrf itorwr. miUI 1 1. -v Kfarlnf In llun nr I'lltlfrlv. I uieltrwnii a treatment fiircatnrrti, for threr ni't'iln. wlllimit Miymicce, rrjHwil'tlii4i r- ,rnl t.hiftij-lait nnir.1111 l.lllrla lllrtlir..! rllllllPlll 1MriJll( III 111'. CUT. wn'i I'll IIM ' irt.y nn niwrntloii cniiiit help r. ' rvr" '" "":" tmimnly, I ' l Hie li.M i.imk. vtwttl J funcfix, Imt the-hraruiK In tlienflelftear wmiM ! I ..l f.f'vn fiinv I Uicn mi. your mlverineiiieni irknieniai y in n .icw ins i-niirr. nn i-i- ". -; "'"'' Hi., idn.l i.-.l li i.iitvi'cw .livt m.nrilitiir l.t .it iIii rclmn. Ihr u i- rrl. uMl 1 t.-iinv. nlitr livr m k i'iy licuritnt In tli;ilUeneileirlwUtn entirely itiuul liliukyj nnd Leg to rcnuiu Very Iru yvn ,.. ,,,,,,,. .,.,. f i,iit t yti ! "- 1 - "-. ---.- Otr treatmont docs not Interera with your itmuil ocruimttutt XfffiVttrl YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOWE')nln-;;''Ml1 v TERA7i02iAL AUBAL CUIC 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAQO, i nrrny;;TU-j-iryTijrtT-jTVT.--r rrrwre .. iu T---rMrigr-jwnTTwnjT--nirrrjTTriT-j-rimr.- -rm-A mxvi.n-iuiM.ummuji!mfcgOTMm .. nife K K x V ,n V. '-X 'K v .. .K . '" ,,V 'v i2-v ,,-x V assD.;a5 c B.-U, 3 , k of ? ' 'f -jr '? ? &' 't? J.& as !Vs v ou f)ad better b out of tre Uorld trap out of .stvl? In theselection of our new spring stock wo not only procured the vory latest styles but wovo particular to have the most durable quality as well. : : :'":"": : ; ; Summer Goods. . ' '.liimmings. It will surprise you when you see what a Iatge collection of beattli- t$J Our Trimming Department is just bubbling over with rich anil ful summer dress goods we have. & elcgaut desigus. Shoe Department If you ueed anything in bhoes all we ask is an opportunity of showing you mr line, (we know the result). Spring Suits. gNew, Nobby Spring suits lor men aud boys. - (Us fk itS a KT M L-fel rl 1 fH SR- rnhoTT. rxi, ,4.. t7i.4i,. I v'n v hk t i J ipjLJ J IT VL n -JUAAOAt-rjfj'uu'ULauoxjttUJLua uuu wdihu jc uiiubuui n a,t i&.i4:&l&.l&lV f ;