. H H H H H H K H H K M H H It h k! rl 8 8 8 8 Coos If ffiioloio junior JIKADQUAHTKItH V 0 ilKADK LIQUOBH CjlOICK WINKH AND HUANDIKH. II JO II rums LISADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED DECK Family Order? Solicited. H'U.b .fnt fob tub cki.k- BBATKIl Ranie I'mnlly orders for Pojm, pint lltnrtii, tlcltrowl by tint cuito. mid Robert Marsdeii. THE STEAMER. ARCATA. . C.XIiLSOX, .Mattel. Will 31hU It-Kiilnr Trlpn -UOTWKKN COOS B.A.1T -AND SAN FBANdSCO, -CAItKYING- PA88EH6ER3 AND FREIGHT . XT- LOWEST RATES. Oregon Cent etc h'vl(:ntlon Co,, l'rojirietom. II. G. I'linrtgnn, Apcnt, Mnuhficld ii O. Company, Accat, Umpire City. Fast nnd C01 inn od ions Steamship ""alliance, Ltsr 1)66) HABDW10K, Master M,Ui ieRulr trl Inlwefa Suit I'ntiicbcound I'ortluid via Ihmdiolpl ndJ(.'on'IUy, oulllnf nt mIiovo otU wich uiiy. Tlio ALUAXOK In a flrel (lllSH lltHLMI,'Qt- liout, mill lm nil tlio iiioiloriiC'iiivonloiuioH ntul IK 0110 of tho fiutus; SlOiiinoiH of licrclitHH. y. y. v. x v. 'A v, MX vt Vor Freight nnd Passenger Rales or Sailing Dates, Apply to . SENQSTAQKEN, AIARSintlJJJp, Oreg9u si MftGT H wfior itxsr &" ffr tier TIMIU5U lX'N'D, AC'IVJ (JNK nyMH78; NOTICE 1'0UPU,I)LI0ATI0N. United Stales Inml Office, Rotcbiirr;, Orrgon. ,1nrcli 15, iooj, Notice U hereby given th.it In compllinc Willi tin tirnvliiini or ilm tin or r , ,. ,.,,r June J, ill;!), rntliliil "An net for ("liu 'wle of iinnw i.tmit in the States of California, Oirgori, Nevada, nnil Washington Tetilimy," nt extend ud to all the Public I,niid Stairs by net of Ait- gun ., 1093. IIAMUASAU WAV., of ("letclaiid, eouniy oCDotigLn, Hate of Ore Ron, hat this ilnv filed In thl office Mi iworn tlsleritenl No, eufi, for Hid pweli.iMj of the SW1.411f.Sce, No. lain Towndilp No, aft S, Range No. to Wen, nnd wlllt offer jnoof (o bow ilmt the luml sought It more- vnluab c for ill tlmltcr or stone than for ncr,ciilinnil imr. noi, mill lo establish hit claim 10 mIi tariff lie. fore lit ItrgHtrrnni! Itetelrcrof this ofliM nt I'oaeburg, Otrgrui, on Monday, Ilia iJlh ituy of jnnc, if. He tuinirsni wltripsws Charles 'I bom. I'd. ward I le)don, John 'I hum. of Cletclarid, Ore Hon, ChrirlisSthnaufcr, of Rosrburjt, Or'ioii. Any and nil iiersons claiming adversely the nljote-tlcfctllnl land itv miiiptted lo file I Mr cUlm in llili oftVe on or IwLire said 30th day of June. 190. J 'I, IIUmjii, Kc't;ltr. 4 Jf smm l&aMBW8& m eV GEtit7& EDWARD QRANARn my--rfQ&T?,-. ... -. I !KJiP3BKe W5;-TaBa(ia!i2HaiH fjj - .iinij Tii" ""'ll'lllll. 1 .-.'.ti . or i' ci uVtnl.yili .. 1 a r "N fe r '? ' ,vivt VI.. ' . I J 1 r .!' 4'- Tli.' ;ft.v: 111" ui lit pmvxvrjctismuxtuuam' fl .Si .. .iT'tO&JHX'.LT.VUrOOTWMr li- trh,fK "t. i'-iai'i'.Hr!j IhUt' vi' I kri htrnt tt iu4tf lie i-ii.ll r'M.ic' 4Mjr is . UnttitHvA IH0M n . to fi fcti! UVI( f'X'.t irfu . 11 via 1. u ini ;n. i-i vv yw Vaarws'tsvKKsvasrccrctiTtariir fSl i-1"" "TVS i . -lil nsf ri vi , I ri hl . v . . I ' M L -Ma If "1 - -'t T ' "YT . T r m ." ,, , - if'.' 9 . n. I' Jf HA 11 v if) 'jL I ' i !' s,fr--p'i x'opr-vnt rj jrH.iit HI ' Vi.;.. l'.' .i IM !. bUlUjr II f.AU.I'O JVll'rr. lin ' 'is'X'"' . t-' "Tttp rirM.'iif ' r n"irr .f t'm r.owonritii JG ik' ' t ' ' ft, ' 1 ' ,V : Hfl fjiM-J.MUir I. !! . K. H u''.. 1 n, tlm fii JJ v4 , '.'' - " li'A'i 3t! ttuiUor n.iU iituut tn t..i i.ij. m t.jrrcct," ll IlL'il K, Ji.ui.ji. t li .ii r Imi n I .uoiij I'm iiu&k iIi.m 1..11.I. ten 'til rvi rybocly ns 1 i.wiiiin r In trlii. ii A'inilml Vti)oy ljVi-i ti ivik). aii.l tltc Ar.icrlci.ii iivjplo il 1 . tin gull eaog.iUftm oetftv ffiv oi ifr.i.Vaio. TliH XuvU t iu i'V rjHi'11 ,i-l . li ivt.uir-l no I .u tl i' 1 yi'toliiiem. 1 r. .w It. Jlool. U sllllijt Hi,"' )iii.r. . l-U-ril cut Tuiisi 'in.. iiii"i( iiiul lr 11U iio nuuCy. t-'ri'l ivoii 1 m . I'l uit,,Iu'c i.v.uiit.,,1 i.int. fJ.lJVll. t-iflmVtO tl'uft to .MAJ.U Ka.icv. Price S 1.50, 5l.iC, $2.2.'i, 2.75, rccfrjlnrj to Ayc cf Wrtdliifj tlcstrcd. ifflrSfti-'y" ! W- ffi.. &&!BSsEl 62rrMPA!!SY WANTEB9 j Sate Pu&fteLcrs? GHWJ180, imiMBS' rr Grm 7Rr Prices $'5 AWttJttB&ft wji? AT T$E PASM Entertains Everybody : . jHi'r.ai--v.N v3RSabB 4Xk? - gsy.,2 rMTK Lzrps tuui SoittJ! Mf M 'i r,t. LATE&T .MEW F&8QE8S RE&QEtDS. ji "; Graiul KNord j: wfch. D?i'l Rceonln, ,rc. t!i. 55 per dozen. ... ; Utnc lor l'(nlap:'j. J, Send 5 with your ordr and sHii vilt bo aWpped O.O.IJ. for the balance m 11 r Kit? 'b P .1 Mi fll M an t .1 A r n.r) n iil u u tfl SJW A?. WTJ U ."J tt 'i, ' 12.5 GcaiylS.lreo T1MIIKR IjANI), ACT ivifafifi J&78, NOTION FOB PUBLICATION.' ' Upllcd States, fitijJ Office, KoieLitrg.Oregon. 1 March 10, 1903, Notice In hereby given Ilmt In compliance with llio royllo!ii of the net of Congress of Iimip 3, 107!!, entitled "An net for the Mile of tlriilier limit In tho Slates of California, Ore Con, Nevada, nnd Washington Tcrrltoiy," n extended to nil the Public I .a ml Slates by net df Ai'gust ., 160a chakli'.ssctinauit:r or Koir-Inirt', county of Dounl.is, slate of Or con, Imi thitdity filed in ibis ofTice lid iworn statement No, 3101, lir the puichnie of the W H or NK1.4 nnd Slii 4 of Nl'.ii the NICi-j of MliiMorNtttUm No, is, Township No, aft South, Range No, 10 Voil, nnd Mill ofTrr prool to show ilmt ihf hml sought It more valuable for 1 1 Umber or slon thin for agricultural pur iwHft, nnd loeslabh h hlschlm to said bind bifoie the Refltterntld Receiver of thli ntfiM lit Ko eburif, Oregon, on Thursday, the ithdny of J tin?, 190a. lie names as witnesses: I'rniik U, IjnK, ol ( leiclnnd, Oregon, Huru 0. Ooff, of (.lover V(ilp', Oregon, John 'I bom, 1'ninU Hlierman ol IVttdAtid, 0j;on. Auy nnd M pwom ctnlinlnj; mlenoly the nltovr doKribcd land nrc rcquuted to flit their clfllin In thli office on or IWor' 1.1I1I 5th d,y of unr, low, J. I'. IIkiim;i:i,; Ho;licr, 3-isp J.,l.-l ,rI- I11 it 1 1 1 1 IS'r (!' I 11 t: p 1 . I x'th ,hjv I oho rvt r ! ti. .1. I Mtr.Mi; I . rt. TJ ial wmsm TTiiwp Wast 2mw&M$ma8 &tvk ef thfs fflsw tnw itftty r l" 1 fM, .1 'r Iw if l',i M-.nr; ' M r.J ' '. I'j-ii' l,.ui II it. A UtrMlnjr r!lr of I. tn I I n ttm r 'l ! i.nt..r. i'ii.-i'm " li' wi !',( n-'luif j I 1 ...'in." iu.1 .."l. t .Hribalftl ifrr kUricv l illnirl inpi tHtHii-j-. . KawwJKsasasrsrrCTrarisrs; i? . no! cr.y vo ck rtr.PA'.n tj:-"r. ((UMlC. hi ttj ItlllHI 11 iKtl, ItlUJ Itl riiir tn t iict i.k i)j;tlin tbit rtvwl cT4UI(l't (ti.it sCt.Brtel in if.jr m rtrouti'is iiv r;iUtltr.t, It JlKMnUrciWitti." AtxitrszmznvTzxxrzss:! &&$S rwtwcirKn'jfuwg naagrrn crrmK ; .to $150. te&m prize EXPOSITION. Hrvervwnere j -- - &: 1 i fi 'f SLfty w rtv (jjv t iii ...I vCS. Ui 2JT VSJB ii;fmWi .V?f5 .-...... s "f ,r !rx yr1 iJtYA r CUftTj i fc' Mmfi If JTH (BJIW rRrNC!StiOi CAL; i, m &"K? .- KT 'T v?U .' ;i ,y "r-y EK '-:7 &sJ 1W.IP.VlEy m.,..... .-..- . -'- ... .A'M ii.il unu i.ahj;, ai;t juj-; 3, 1878, NOTICK J.OU L'DHLTUATIOK. United State! Und OOI- c, Koscburjj, Oregon, .... . Mnren 3. 190a, Notice If hereby clven that In comiillnnce Willi ihe provlilom of the net of Coni-reii of June 3, 187a, entitled "An net for the wis of timber LitiiU In the Statei of Cnllfornli, C.e;:on. Ncvniln, nnd Wnihluloo Terrliory,"n extend ed to nil the Public Lnnd 8talej by net of An fjuit 4, 1092, JOHNT. LONG of Koieburff, county of Duin;lns, jitnte of Ore. K011, nns tins u,iy nied in (Ills oiilcu HH I'Aorn it itemtnl No, 3085, for the purch.ite of the HU or .SI5.. nnd bl'A-. of NK1.4 nnd Jot One (i) ui oivihjii .yy.fi, in loivntnip io. 30 houin, Itnnae No, ro Weit and will ofTcr proof tonhow Ilmt the f.iuJ oulit Is ii.ore viilimble for its timber or none ilwn for nprlculliirnl purpow, and to t-ttfulhli bis cLilm to said Lind fjefore the Ucgliternnd ItcctKcr of thU offke nt Kojc bur, Orefjon, on ftaturday, the 84U1 day of May, rooa. IJeiinnipsaswilnefi: F. II. Ijodk, John Thorn of Cleveland, Oregon. Itoscae l, Golt of Cole Volley. D. C, tcWHILtnu of Kose bur. Oregon. Any nndall rxTJonj claiming ndtcrsclv the dixit e-ilfvcrlbtd la Ads are rvanciti-d to file tWr clulmi In this office on or li-iore said tih day of Any, 190a. J. T. Ukiixiks, KegUter. 3-0 TIMIiKU LAND. ACT JUKI-: a. 1B78. NOTICii VUil J'UJJLICATION. United States Lnnd Office. Kotcburi; Orecnn, I'ttirtmrv aitt. 1902. Not co It hereby clvmi tnat in txrtflnnco w,ih the prut islimsnf the net of CanjficsA of June 3, 1878. tntitled "An act for the tale of u-iilier land In th Mates of Ckiliforni, Oregon, Nevada, and Vb!rH:tin 'IVrrltoiy," ns ox tendrd to ell the Public !.aml CHnWt Ly act of Atgust.), ilea, VV.TIUl NKIJIOM ofiltyof .Minnenpolh. fbiiiiiy cf Hennepin, I ute of Minn., bat this day filed in ' this offloe 11 t morn siatcitient No. aooo. for tlf purchMe .filirSH Ntttf, NVi-4 JiUi-4 and Mil 4 sVi-4 of Section No. 14, Townriiipjrj Month, of k;me 10 V., W. M ami will ofler proof iu mw irui me wtw souriii H inorw valuable I or it llmlmror stone than for agricultural mir- W. ami to csubhsh his claim to said lane! bo : ice the Kejjiiier and Receiver of ihw office at Kotciiiig, Oiegon, on luetday, th sotb day of .!) 1 Boa. He names as ultncMct: II. G. NtelAiltev, of .Ifnnpapwin, Minn , Martin il.-iajranson, hlnion Kiotduhl, of Hunr, Oregon, Ui.irlos OUon, i,I Collage Giote, Urrgou. Any and all ieroM claiming adversely the alio edcerilcd lands tire requested to file thtir tUmn in this ofTice on or Injlore said aoth day of May 1903. J, I. lHltXJ, ltet;itrr. 3-1 p NOTICK Toil PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, l.ind Office at Kouburg, Oregon, Match 15, 1903. Notice is hneby given that the following, named settler hat tiled notiee of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, nnd that wld proof will Us maSc before V. U. Douglas U. S. Commlsslonrr nt MunhSeld, Oregon, on April 6, 191, vi: ' ANDKKW MAJTSON. on II. K. No. ois8. foriheKi-4 NWt-4. SK NI"i-4 cc. 16. hWi-4 NW1.4 Sec. 15, Tp jj N, It. 11 West. Ho names the following trltnrMos to prove Ms continuous residtnee upon and cultivation of laid Urn), ttz: Henry Michelbrfnk, lotin Itrcmer, Dan Mattton, Mat Mattson, all ol Marshfirld, Oiegop. 3-s J, T. IiKiDcns, Register. NOTICK roil PUBLICATION Dopitrtincnt of the Interior, I-ind OTue at Rofetmrg, Orrsjon, April s, :90a. Notke is hereby git on that tho following. nntnetl Hitler lin,s filed notice of hi inwntion ts make final proof in kuppoit of bis il-dm. r.nd that vihl piovf will if mi)de befoic V. U Douglas, V, S, Commissioner nt Mnrshtirld, ijiegon, on .May 17. 190a, vu: CHARl.IiS N. NORRIS. on H. V.. No. 8706. for ihc Efc NWJt W'U NKJ( , Sec jo. Tp. 53 a, K. 13 West. Hi names the following wlturste to prove his eontinuotis residence upon and oiiltivntlon of Mid land, vie: Peter Robertson, of May, Ore gon, Aiimist !.rHkonen, John Qukk, Jacob Hibliatd, of Luke, Oregon. J. T. Iiuiuaus, Register. 4-5 rniBKK LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1378 N0TIGB FOB PUBLICATION. United Si.itcs Tsind Ollice, Rojrturg, Oregon. JAtr. s3, 1903. Nptlce is hereby given that in compliance with the provliian of tho net of Congress of unu 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sil'e of timber lands Itithe States of California, Orecon. Nc- vaila, nud Washington Territory." as rxtrbjlriL 10 nil itiu ttiuiic l.niul bintts vy ait or August 4. 189a. KRNIJST V. SMITH of MarshfieU, County of Coos, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofUro his sworn statement No. 3156, for the purchase of the XU'Jl of action No. 13, In Town lilp No, sO South, Range No 11 West, and willofTor proof to show that the land sought I more vnhublo for Iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to eitnbhsh hit claim to said land before the Regliter nnd Receiver of thlsolilccnt Rotrbmg, -uri'gon, on Mond.iy, tho 33 day tf Juno, lyoa. He n.imui us witneuits: Walter S. Cursons, Uinil A. iiricuson, of North IWnd, Oregon, l-'runk W. Smith, Carl Albiccht, of MarsUield, Oregon. Any nnd nil persons claiming adversely the abote-dcscrlbcd lamU are requested to file their claims in this otlice on or before said 33 day of June, 1903.. J. T, U!Uk.k&1 Register. 4-5-p EUncutoYour Sotvott Willi CuscnreU. 'Candy Cutlinrtle, euro conatlpatlon forever 10o,53. 1(0,0 O.idlitdruccUtsretupd money. Jul. TIMRKU LAND, ACT JUNK 3. W7S.' NOTlOli JOlt l'UJiniCATllflfi " ..., United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. rcoruary jo, loca, Notfcs It bcrcby plvcn that In compliance with the" provisions of the net of Ccngresn of June. 3. 1D7B, entitled "An act for the sale of thnbcY Ia,nds In the Sliics of dllfbrrifa. Orrjon, Nrvai' da, nnd Washlngjon 'J rrrliory," ns extended to all the Public I .and Matesby act of Ausiitt 4, 1E0 a,' f IIAKI.FS1). HRADIIUHY, of town of (JAirshfield, County of I'coj, State of Oiegon, has this day filed in this office hli Morn ttatcmpnt No soil, for the purchaic of tlietxiua, MVJf ofNIiJf. Wli Iv SKW ,K Sec. No. .1, Township 37 Sotuh, ol Range t Weil, and will olrer proof to show that the land" sought is more valuable for Its timber or itor.e than lor Agricultural purposes, and lo establish hi! claim to said land before the IUgfster anr Reoeltcrof this ofr cent Rouburg, Oregon, cA ifcilurday, the 5th day of ,l.iy, 190a. lie names its witnesses: Ihoitias Coke, Ottc, Schetter, Hnrry Noble, of Marshfield, Oregon, , Will Hunter, of Rotrburg, Oregon. Any and all nersont rLtlmini' ntlvcruW ilic. nlxwr-dcstribcd lands are nrjuested to file thefr nt ... -n mrt oiiiee on or ociore s.iiu 5m tSfiy of May, 1903. a 15 P J. T. DfciDor., Regliter. TtSIBBK LAND, AOT JUNK 3, 1&73. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United States I,indOlTice, Roicburg;, Oregon. Tebruar 3, looa.- Notice it hereby jivtn that in compHarrVe with the provisions of the Act or Corgrmt ot June 3, 167), entitled. "An act for the Mile of timber la ltd 1 in thn Sutcs of Csdifornlo, Oi-jjon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as attend ed to nil the Public I.wd States by act of- Au gust 4, iJfoa. JOH.N KDWARD NOAH of MnrsliAehl, County of Coot. State pf Om gon, has tMs day fild in this oftiee his tuor-t stateiiK-nt No. 623 for. the prckif of t'.e SWV of lite NISJi ; N WK of tfc SiJtf and S H of St of Section 35. Tomlrlp 34 South, Range 1 Wrtt WdlHmxtte Meridian. In Oie gon. nwl will offtr . riof t how ilint the lan sought It more tamable for its timber or stone limn for agricMliural porpote and to csubh.h hi claim 10 sa land before the Retr nml Kecclier of this ofriee nt Koseburg, Oregon, on Mond.iv the 14th day of April, vn. He names as ttiiitettcs: Wilkam Viammp. I'ranlc Virlcamp, S. V. Noah, L. D. Noali, nil of Marshfield, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the abow described lands are rcquc ted to file their olalras In this oftkc oil or before aide. 14th da of April, jcos. ' . T. DKirxitu, Regbtcr. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given tlrn't we the undersigr -ed Kxcctitor nixi Kxectrix of the Kitate of Maiy P. Jiutler, decrovjrl, ,ave fded cur final afccunl in the County Court of the State of rrcgon for the County of Coos and that Hon. J.. Har. locker. J udgc of said Cotnt. has ret Mor.daJ thc7ili day of April, 190c. nt the County Judge's office iu the Court House nt CoquRlei City. Coos County. Oregon, a the' t!r.e end place of hearing nld final account nhd 'the set dement thereof. Now jlierefore nil perions In tcreited in said Estate are hereby notifhrxl 10 appear at said tlr.ie nnd olnec and make suck' objections as thev may Imvc to jakl final account'' If any there lie. Datedit Marshfield, Oregon, this iSth dny of February, 1903 Ions W. nuTi.EK Executor and liUw T. IifTLKK Executrix rtf the 33-5t liitate of Makv P. IlUTl.ER.D&co:ud. TI3IBI5B LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878,.' NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Untied State! I nnd Office, Roseburg, Orcjon. Feb. pi, 1903. Notice is hereby git en that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress cf June 1 1878, entitled "An net for the ile of iliubc?. lands in tlie State of CallfurnU, Oregon. No vttdu. and Washlngtoo Teriltor)," as extended to all the Public I-and Sutct by net of August 4. l8n:. HrUUCKT Gl-DDKA. of ,t.iri!it.Wr1 county of Coos. State of Oregon, lias this day n:I tn tills otlicchi! sworn statement No. ttocS forthspurehateoftlic N SWjf, SWjf bfy ( and NWjj SEi of Sec. No. 6. township so. South, Ring Na tt West, and will effer pre 1 to show that the hml sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than fur agricultural pur noses, nnd to establish his claim to said lind be fore the Register and Receiver of this office- nV Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th da) ol May, 1503. He names ns witnesses: Eben Hodson. Jes sie Smith. Robert lliijtcr, Edtird Dovle or Mnrshtleld, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advcVsely il abote-doscribetl lands are requested to file tlwjf clalmi fn this pfticc or. or before said 14th dn) of May, loos. 3- P J. T. RnnxsES, Register. TIMBBB LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187i", NOTICE FUK PUBLICATION. United Statci Itnd office, Roseburg, Oregon, .1ar. 38, 1903. Notice Is heaby given that in compliance with the iroiions of the act of Congress of um 3,' 1873. ettbiL-d "Au act for thn sale of thiilj .tnds in t'lu Sums or Clilifornia, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as oxtenitrd to all the Public l.ind M.us by act of August 1.' 1893. FRANK W. S.11TH of town of Miiriilirleld, county of Coos, Sfjue of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office bU sworn statement No. 3157, for the purchase pi the SVi4, of Sec, No. 13, TpsSS, of It il west, and willorTor proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or rttue than for agricultural purpotej, andMoestr.bh-h his claim tp s.i id land before the Register and Receiver of this office nt Roseburg, Oregon, 011 ,1onday, the 33 day of June, 1503. Honaincsas witnesses; Carl Alhrecht. of. larshlield, Orison, limlA. Enckson, Walter S. Cursons. cf North Itepd, Oregon, Ernen V. Smith, of Marshfield. Oregon. Ahv and nil persons claiming adversely tltc abate-deseiilxd lands are requested to file their cltimi in this office on or ibvforo snjid 23 Ua of June, JS03. ... 4'3-p j. . uKiuub,, rxegmer.