The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, April 19, 1902, Image 4

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V -t
Tlio professional duelist who Is nn
expert 'Vltli the rstiler iu I-'ratvce, tlio
!hort a word In Germany or tho pistol
hi bath, who picks quarrels with strnn.
rrs for tho purpose, of milling ono
mora to his list of killed, still cxlsta
tuul will o.lht ns lotic ns dueling Is In
fashion. liurlvR h recent trip nhrond
one of these nfsos cattic niulor my no.
ties?. Indeed'! took mi active pirYt Iu
It. i
I was (lining ono ovcnln;: nt n Tnrla
cttfe with my old' friend, Ned Urner of
tSt. Louts, when n dapper rronehnian
Rt a neighboring tabic anddenly seized
"a wine glnFsnnd threw the contents
In ."eds face. Ned Jumped for tho
Itimi :i:ul Unochcd him down, but when
jw artwo, Insleall of nttr.eklng Ned In
turn. l:e pulled out a card mid throv
it on tho table. When asked what
was tho cattle of his throwing the
wine, he said that JJed had looked at
him Insultingly at:d had then turned
jo mo ami made &omo rcmarl: about
Jiha. Of eourso thl3 was a mere pre
text. He was a duelist mul had select
ed Ned for one of his victims.
' "Suppose, M. Itlehot." I sald-tbat
was the name on the card "iuy friend
declines to meet you, what thou?"
! i" 1..1 licMftn.i I,.,. I
down wherever I can tlnd him."
'Then you will bo guillotined for
aurdcr." '
' He shrugged his shoulders ns only a '
Frenchman can. The shruc and his I
expression clearly said. "The courts of '
fiuiicu wuuiu never uuu uie guilty in
Such a case." .
r nnnin.t..i -v.. it .. i..i i . '
. i.uuvmuiu iii.ii 11 nua uvsi iu lln: i
to a meeting, hoping to And some way I
out of It before It could take plnce. I ' ln walking costume entcreil the room,
iold M. DIchot that I would act for my Casting my eyes over tho assembly, I
friend, and he introduced mo to a com- rc8teU ihcm on M Blchot.
panlon who acted for him. In order to "What does this mean?" I naked
palti time I nppolntcd tho meeting for eljarply. "Is this a plan to murder
tho second instead of tho next day "' Principal by taking him un
and insisted on pistols for weapons, nwarcs'"
Ned could not fence nt nil and was a Tucro was n commotion on the part
very poor shot. After arranging ev-' of tbo spectators, which was not less
rythlng Ned and I went to our hotel, cncJ when It enmo out that n duel
icd to sleep, for he wa3 a happy go was to come off the next morning be
lucky sort of fellow that nothing trou- tweeu "o of their number and the
bled; I to spend the rilghf thinking out American cowboy. On tlio contrary.
a nlan to head off tho Frenchman. . all were wild to seo tho encounter. I
' Tn i. .nn. ....... t ... . 41. t -11-
quarter, where I found an American
art student. Mark Wlutcr, whom I
conched to help me. Ho was to seek
but IJIchot, secure nn Introduction, in-
Vlte him to drink with him and tell
him stories of the cowboys of America
nud their wonderful proficiency with
tho revolver. Ho was to mention his
acquaintance with an American gen
tleman, then ln Paris, who had lived
a cowboy's life, inviting Blchot to a 1
filcplny of his xkllL 1
All this Winter nVconipllshcd very
happily and adroitly. A cowboy soiree.
Wis arranged for tho same afternoon
in Winter's studio. When the guests
find assembled, Ned walked Iu, was
ftreaented to tho company, bowed
to them and, pretending not to koo
TMchot, proceeded to select 11 revolver
rem several on a table. I taw It all ,
- - - -
Ik r
Iu the selection of our new spring stock we
have the most durable quality as well.
Summer Goods.
It will surprise you when you see what a IaiKc collection
ful slimmer dress goods we have.
Shoe Department
If you need anything in shoes all we ask is an opportunity of
showing you 'i line, (we know the result).
Wm . 1
W 'P r r r P
through n pinholo liVVncroen In Jhe
Renter of which J jia'd arranged a tar
get, borrowed frtfw n shooting gallery.
I had my eyo tm'tytcliot, who the mo-
mem no saw iseu enter me room turn
cd ns whlto as n 'sheet. I afterward
HIV IVOIK tlllll"
learned that tho rapier
was tho duel-
Ifit'fl strong point,- ihul ho never used
tho plstul when he could help It. Ned
was well .calculated to play tho part
of n cb,wboy. I ;ivai only nfruld ho
would overdo It.
'Gentlemen," ho said In bad French,
"this room'lH n very chiinped placo to
display n proficiency ncqulrvd on tho
boundless plains of western North
America, but my fflcn'd Mr. Winter
has douo hla best, and I will Iu turn
do my best."
As he spoke, revolver In hand, ho
took a few steps toward hltv audience,
with his back to tho target, then sud
denly turned and with tho rapidity of
lightning emptied It of Its six shots.
Indeed he llred so rapidly that I was
barely ablo to keep up with him Iu
rtnglug tho bell. I had not been so
reckless us to permit him to flro ball
cartridges, well knowing that If I did
I would bo a dead man. llesldes, ho
would havo riddled tho target and thusj
r. :s swav tho whole Fvhciae.
u. no next feature was tossing the re
volver up, catching It nud ringing the
bell without apparently taking aim. 1
had kept Ned practicing this feat all
tho morning, but he was not prollclent
nt catching and when doing tho feat
for Iilchot's lnviollt vrrv tnmrlv rnlml
tll whole gatua by dropping tho ro-
volvcr, which exploded on tho tloor.
Tho audience Jumped, then began to
,ook for the bullet. With proper pros-
cu f mind I took n lead pencil from
y pocket and Jabbed n hole iu tho
.. - .... ..,;. o.a.i.u ..
repeated tlio performance, nfter
xvlitoli I mni!n tuv wi v tlirnnt'li 11 ilrvnn
- - ....-.... .. ...
tua untl bccn imrposely left open and
r.eiziHl Ned bv tho arm ntid tnarcliod
u,n tho l,oicl wllcro r waited hope-
rull' tno buccosb or my stratagem, in
tI)0 evening M. Dlchofs second camo
to y that there had been a njlutake.
H0 lal been told that Ned had In-
suited bltn. whereas It was a man nt
nnother table. Ho hoped tho American
would pardon tho error.
JnilRlm; Ilnttcr.
A really good Judge of butter seldom
tastes It, but depends rather upon tho
senses of tmell and sight. The dealer
who really knows and deals In good
butter can nt any tlmo when he Is test
ing a crock or roil of butter bo been
to very carefully pass It in review be
fore I1I3 olfactory nerve and to break
It and note the ;tppearuncu of tho bro-
Iron Kiirfiicos.
- --
had better b?
d) Ut,
J0 rt
rqathof tv. Luilusl'. ul:asoii,
Tho MAtu'Va reiiuoBtcd lo publish tho
following olIppluR from a Cold water,
i . . It f
3uch., paper, tho lauy io wnoui 11 roiom
having boon n sUler o( Mru. K. M. Lock
hart qf tit's pi .u :
Tho nbovo named estimable lady died
of paralysis Inst Tuesday nljsht ..t hor
homq on l'erkln i 'trout, t Iter several
month illno.s, Her .unoinl wa at
tended nt tho homo ot hur itephou, Mr.
Homer Wiclcor, veelurdrty morning, llov.
I, I), Hnll oulcUliiig, nud tlm icmivlnB
taken to Union Uity (er Interment by
tho &Ulo of her husband.
Misa llelon A. Helovor wnj bom Nov,
:i,.lS3S, iu TruuiMiiburj, Tumpkina Co.,
N. Y. and wns tho youngost ol sivurt
daughters, only thmi of whom nro now
living. Hlto,tKHiarriolvor tllty-llvo
.ear a ago to Mr. I.ueiua II. lUcason, who
lied In 1S7.'1. They emtio to Uiani'h
ounly In 1H."3, rjUling;n Union town
hip, four nillfiwu-hunt of Union City,
king up government Imd, vnd thure
fliu rogidod uutil ISaJ, when h'iio wont to
, , ..,.., .,,,. ,MV,t ,
" '
KausaH with her family, renminbi,: there
.....ll tuur. . I..... ,..tH..Mut in ttrmnrl.
fc , ,.
' fons Tlteron K., olyron b
Warren A. anil Alvuli. mi vivo her, nil
..,..... ... ,,.,. ..,.,.,. .. .,. .;.. I
""7 '"" ,v" 7 '",r , , , ,
. - ---,,
Porter nud Mra. Icekhatt.
llv " Oregon.
Mrs. (I'etaon madu a piofearion of
fuiti. in Chriat nt tho ago ol IS vm, in
S'ortli F.ilrfirl.1, 0., and in 18h2 unite 1
ilih tho IbptUtt-hurih in lliii city )y
ettor. May 151, lt00. al.o had a atrok
f paralyla nntl wat rendered hulplutf
During nil the lon tnoutht of rnin ntid
uttering that cubtied khe boru nil with
i-hrietian faith itt.d fortitude ntid was
eady and props red to go. Hr eons,
iv ho were devotedly ntlached to her,
will miss her tender, motherly rare, and
will receive the pyrnpflthy of nil iu their
gret rllllction.
.h tumt',:i, t cr i .j i u i nti n f.t
:lr4ircior;ui .i ou y rr JrceU V.
ii .rtssuroTDnnr saarjio wrtn
; I atenu nt l I nMIJC-fOHniVO to
asumarjcmviu reraicn.'ni7irnwc
Vt iimt"lr obm.n I' H. (iml IVrvlcn f
rwajsrenmrflra $
?; &P1 w. & i R n r ? v P JZi
jOppooKe 0. S. Patent Office
cut of jle Uorld tfyai? out of
not only procurod tho vory latest styles but wovo particular to
: : ' : : ;
& ' Trimmings.
of beauli- Our Triiiiniing Deparlmcut is just bubbling over with lich nud
(P elegant designs.
The Up-to-date
1 jio approprlnlloiiB lor river Mul lmr
horlijtprovomenta In tl:o l'orllnud ilia
trlot na reported by tho Bonnto commit,
too on eommorco varies mntorlnlly from
ho approved eallnmtca of tho unKlnuora,
Tito following tnblo ahown tlm more
Important dlffurencea:
Uy 11
committeo on,lnn'rn
Mouth ol Columbia $ .100,000 fliOO.OOO
Mouth of Columbia,
continuing con
truot 1,000,000
Hot worn Portland
nud tin. .. 211,000 ;i:'
I)nllusColilo cnnnl
itmllorkx 011,000
Upper Columbia ami
Snako -10 Q I0.0CO
Columbl.i nt tlio
iMiradoa 0,C0O IK),000
WillntiiuJto nbovo
1'tiiUnntl 08,000 30,000
Columbia bctneen
Vancouver anil Wll-
Oquille ltvtr
Cji M.iy
Cooa Illver
Siutlaw Hlvor
TnAoc f.UnKn
CopvniCHTO Ac.
Anrnnn " t. tf h ilrtrl. k't 1 .IrtrrlMI'm mi
n klr Mcrr's 11 i'.r . ; in fioj wliMli.r u I l I '' r r .' ' n ii.qhL.
I .r.. . It I II It. 11 11 ! I'lMPikiml'alroU
it rr. I nt centr f r ntw jrjwtMili.
l'Vi ' lr i lir u. i lu .n I j. rclT
U " iwtl, wiUi ml it.ruo, m tto
Scientific jfniierlcaii.
A tintiwnrlr I wMklf tit rtr.
r.illloi nt nr rifiiilSA I unil 'Irtmt.M
jti f"iir iii'"tli, t. f.iM trH ncw,ll.t.
lliancli Uflw, CM Y SU Wkthlituu. I). C
You Could Look
' ill l.rliiK yiMi, y-u vrr.i
ill l'tlliir yi, y-.i vrr.utiT rrV. irllrf nl
icr-4H'l that naturally ttuuM I ttiruugh
Karl's Clot crljoot Tea purifies Ibe HlooJ
Spring Suits.
New, Nobby Spring suits lor men
10,000 CS.COO
IW.COd 10.1-W
70,1" O
'J.HD .,
.Vi.t0 3.V('K)
TilUtnooK liny '-'TtMl .i.Uil
m w p v. J td a h J vJ
3 wfl-kil nkBIJ
B 4 4 4r (.unrantccu lo cure Con.
Lll tj '""I'liJii. Iiroiuhltlii,
77. Ailima . nn.t all i.un
fr.m-tn. Cnrcit. !,'. inlCol(llim,lny.
! , cc'it . Wf.'e I f. C W X.XM U Co.,
I"l .:f. Y.I-rfi.ctr.alU.tllc.
Ladies' and Gonts' Furnishor
B. K Straw, M. D.
Sitccliil attention to iIImi'iuch of (lie Kyo,
Km-, .Nufto i.nil Throat. (IIiumiii lUlml,
Oflicc iu ScunMnchcii cc Smith
""d." W Tovvor7Ml5r
(il)'t la SrKiiailtt rrtl Jii ' li Pig,
I'miil Uteri. Mfihl. UifM'-".
W. q. Douslas,
John F.Hall,
((Tlc In ICl.lwlo U!eJ,
tliimiificid, Uirun.
1111 hi.
C F. McKniglit,
0(l)ce in the llctiiiult &. Wnjtcr
" .I.W. Bennett,
vi.'ilKin.t OH It
Impoitnut Timber I.nutl KuHiik
The Itml olDea at IS imbtir Imi rre. Iv
it u.itrti. Ii.h to noeept nil limber
bin w Mud llnul tiroil Inttsru
t'liinty t:irk nud l.'ullwl HtntoJ Com-
inl!oiir-. This w ill Iw a tff roil win
leno l' tho public. An hrtiU.(uro It
via ur-itry in t.t!t wllutvireii nud W
to Untcburc to t mi he proof nud tllluiou
t'i.iir.1 Sum- Uml OUier. KMtMrs. OffO.
April ilh, t(fnt. ,t i.rivtty even tUl in MMnplUMe
mIi'i ii,--tiMwint(Hth Act of l o.i;ii'm l
)un i I');, rt.ttilcil. "An net fix llt aW f
Urt ; i Int. ii. llf Hlllrt ut t:.illlunt.i. (AtN,
Nr.,,,1,, m.,1 WuhlMUMI I'rnlU.').' at ntttd
ft I.. H l'i luWie l-indSuiMby l ( An
KV U i
of lo UtiU, OntHtr of Mir. SMte of
M nr,c.-,i.i. I..., tlat dftf AM In tb'i eflir I.N
.. i tirnM-ni No wtti tot e iw.hnW
i.l xhr s'H ( Seiliort JJ. rooMhip t SoMtR,
kjn i, V.i WillaitMita MviliUn. Mit
II i f-f m ..)( to bu ilut ilw Umi
w.U(lil i. u.ntr tnl.ltUlc lot IU IHMlrf M tl9M
Hmii lur i , ailli.isl iurKM ami lo pliW.h
lilt .Uuu i.. umI Uik) Uh Im Ht't mI
Knrn i u( tin offirv nt KMctMit(. Oion. cm
I u iy III.- tui '.)f ol Jttlv. IW. '
UrMmrt.i. Hilrvrt nKh WtMttMtlry,
I) I. Met n. thn li.tvM, of Itetrlnirji. Otf
g'jn. I. .1 vital.. Mjriik rntat, Uiwii
A i, i 'i : U mttn t-lslmlnK mUr-fly tltc
uU.w .'. .m'--I l.twli jiir inHn ll to A'o Ihrtr
! m hi ti i fi,Mn or U;(utt' tan tl tiny
of July. t.
.' iv , T. IKUIK-.M, H'jJMw,
Jl.t.v ,ir Xntir Itl.lnryt T
Ir II .t. . HlfbV.i,.ciui.ilUilt.rllU.Hin.
M.f,r-7 ii.i ...I i j ,!...(. r t fc Ri.vp.uriii
and boys.
I .&
.r ,P J0t j&t F J&t ,P r r s.Jm'JUlP