m r- .w. . ia-i0i"' .- W v--- ' 1 " jimtf- w ,""i ,i .. . ' ::A"9K- ,r ii aMUTH: : W.-r'ff '' '' AiU "1 '.! L t 4 VI' I if ' MO llUITiSII HOAT ' NOW A WRKCli London, Aj.rll IU-TIio lWltbli Hcntni or Klufiuiuu I'lndle, from Capo Town, in fiMiorititt Jlrlghliilono, Mo of Wight. 'J lino htmdri'tl it tut tlilrty pitHfongors ami llio 11111II1 limn brim landed Bftfely. bON'T EIWK ia-.,-. . YourlJfcnwnyl V011 cmi ha cured of ntijf form 1 Ilnlxiivo tmlnu CAiMly Im iuk.lv urll. fiiif, tn.ntilMic, fi.ll of new life- ftx vlix ir by lakliifj IIO.rO-UAO, tlirtl mkk wt-uk men mioiiB, Many '"' Icit imhiiiiU In Irii ilara. Urer ntJU.HUO luied. All itniKMlM. Cum uiiaraiiirril. IhmV- !? ..'JW .n.Jr,c" m. AJ.11KM1 nTi!iti,iNU l'KAClv NOT YIvT ASSURKD l.omloit, April 11 Jtii roporlod that - tin ronuiiniilrntloii iiuulo by tho Poor li'iulom to I,ynl IvlU'honur wr.H llttlo more tluiii 11 rC(Uiiht lor purniliirioii to lion tlm cabin to ronrult with Krtlgur nnd tiio Hour iIcliKiitif) in liuropo in regard to n bariri of letltnmcut, 3?smsimsn 10,. qim jrarj. , , , wr-rtrxTSP iii. tef.-ujaiuwiiuuu " iiiwtni Genuine sl-irnp. ii C. C C. Ncvc t mid In bulk. Utvatt of' the dc.ltr vho Irlti to sell "lO'vHiitij utt t jjuod." lv.rcwell 1'atly A fnrewoll party wt tflvin lo MUs Puiinlit (tatty, Tliiirni.iv HVunlnt; nt tliu liomoof liar pnrrititu, Mr. nnil Mm. Olin (Ivtly tit Uwky Point. Miih Ontly imw I'fHn uncuu'd to tuiwli wlicol ul Ih fin tlio (mjII!h rlvur. Tito ov miltiK 'vtn iii)iin j:iinin krtil iIbiipIiik until uii-hiiglit mIicii nii cflliitMip)ir v Mtrvitil, nftor HMrh, th Jmury tnnklnit -.vai kpt up until u latu hour ii tliu uioiiiltiK . T1iim praiKint u'wik MtHiiHoit Uonallo ami drily: MUhm ltrll.. Tyrnl. .S'ollln Morunn, Ivln.i Mitu'(, llildn Wiukimui, Alpliu Wiekliiml. iUy ICmllo. Knnuiu Guttii: Mora C Tyrrl. Il'iuy Wirk inati. Win Mnrii Clint Msn.!, IS Rtnuff Ulan IUmttlln, Hoy ltoall, fi-orSo U'il roil, Murk Uotty. l'rl (imty Ulim Gut ty. (fill I A fffllf tiril lIlaM IkAltlaVI ftf (AA Uroiit nt t ho tuomill juuly for Uov. S. it t 1 ImILiiuI Hiwi it ifn iiitU ni tilt I'H V'WIUHIM "HM . IM XV --" riMiJ'n! 01 ,mim Aiinm MHiirr: i'pm lCunlint;. Altnrt CAinplwll. lUlpur Cnnip boll. Mr. mid .Mr. 1'iunn. Mlai lioninle, lion luul KnUt H wiiu ton, lima niul Tiah llownnl, (.'Inrn mid Miilio .lolinron. Ail din Anilorcon, Mr. Hint Mrc Hall, Mr. niul Mr. Dow, KIoiu ltvtinutt, Albert Sluup, . BOSSY ON A TEAR tt.'y a ur r .. Momlny mnrninj; n cow holonginK to Win. liiukna, foil ovcrbonrd front tho etentnor Alert and wno with dllllculty roecuod from a wntory aravo. Sho wno tOMPd behind u Hl;(ff to llio ehipynrd rjnd aa' coon na sho felt torrnfirnin undor lior foot fdiontartcil Jit to tnnko tliluyo lively, churKlng cvorbody and nnythinj? that cnufjht horoyo. A'flor ritrininjjdown Firot street ECuttorlnR 'bynlnridu'fa right r.ml left nliu uavon fcliort pol'frtt'jbnnco on tho (trounda nfar thfe'ennnery ,vhorovi06po isneEUccuBaf'ullyKotteu around her head ANOTHER WILDCAT PROPOSITION1 J'oillmul Wntits to Know How Much wc Will Give l;or n Rnilroml. MnyorCokn linn rcuolvod n oonunun irntion from llio 1'ortUnil Cliambur of ('oinini'rcit, iiHkiriK wlmt llio ieo;I -f Vmii It ly would (to in wny oi riiUly f r it r.tll:o.vl from Iortlatiil to Uoji I'ny. Hot 11 In nnolliir illintration of llio nt tltmlu wliluli Portland anHtiniH toward t It It K'ctlon and whtuli will Imvo to bo tt.nl orlully rlninRcd boforu -cry cloo litiMmiMi rolntiona can bo oitablieliod, 1'iirtlnixl kociiih to liiif,' tlio dtdoHloti tlmt llio piioplo of tlili reel Ion nro or otiiilil to 1 ery nr.ioin to bo nltowcd toilenl uitli tlmt city inclrad of Fan Krr.iiuUco. Blio itoinci at in with mi'li nroponitioiiH iti tlio aliovo, or fotido inun iliiwn laro to tako enbicriptlonn for Mod. to build r. htehmur for tlio trniio, u lilch In t imply niUiiK for 11 donation to itidttco I'ortlniid piirtiita to i;lvo up tlio favor of tlibir ntti'iition. 'Iliofnct Ii tlinl C001 Hay in akln DitliutKof l'orllatnl. I'orthrid luib nov crdonunnytl'Iiii; foruii csci-it to oppose itpproprutionpfor ourlmrbor. Hliu of (imh mi iioOiIiik low fxrt'pt an oroailonal vliaucnto pay forllic pnsilooof patron izini: I'ir. If Portland wnnta nylliitiuof Cco Hay let lu-r co too off from !jr Iili-li liorrti anil m.V no. Portlnnd wnnUCooa liny trNiio. I.ot lior nay mi and of r tomo itiduro tnont, Inttotd of Intitttntin tliat elio would rordotonil to tnko our ruouf-y if it worn off.' rod in n itillltluntly iiumblij rl''it. . . fc Sijuli n ptopoiHlon na tlio nno lint inulillotKil klmvu in rllliriK uluil. Till' part lea who intulo tho inquiry ovWmitly nail to roit nii iiuiuxn-. or ainurtau. nnu tx-Uiro Ibey ixeritd thrtnachea to i-ven liiinltnriouiiy of t, tliev ptoj ound tbe Id iiiiohIon: "How inncli will on b l"t tlio prlvilii;o of Iwinu conni'ctod Mitlt i'orilatid by ihIIY" U'n mlvl.n I'oriUml in I'lmrc'it Iipr nt- tituda if tlio wants anytlitat; of Coco iir.y. Directors of Ncw Company. Tin- tflt'lliolrioro in tlio Ico A Cold Storage Co . which 0. K. N chooii lini bean oruanlziin;, held n inontniK 1 tho ollu of John fi. Cokr, Kdlnrtlny nftor- nriiiii unit norfi-ftiwl lliolr ori! l.'.llllOIl. Tlio follow iiiK bourd of l.r.-torH was olooiod: L J. HInipfAii, C. I:. Nidio'. aon.Ciiaa Ilr.idbury. Thoman lt-ioke ntid .Tiilm Mori-linnt. It 1m tiniloiMood that tlio i-'-rnpnny will nt onto prcrcod tothnj nrt'Uiion anu iiiniunu.iou ui u iuuin plant to hnndlo tho biieiuotu which aualton nroncrlv conducttd Institution of tlnit Kind. lOX r.- .W V2v v,iR; nnd eho wne led with diiUculty up Front street nu Tar 113 Flntinjjntt'H mnrkct. Tliuro eIiq ncnin entertained n crowd oi onlookers for it ppaco of about thirty minutes or until alio nnnngod to break iter rope nnd charged nromid tlio P. K corner like n funnwny express train nnd enmo into 'collision with n gontleninn n block up thnstrcot whom oho rolled in two or throo aomorsaulta "nnd then continued nor wild caroef aa;fnr na tho laundry,, whom elio waafrwurod by n 8tron(j ropu ton wntor tank nnd there left to meditate on tho evil of her ways. FATAL ACCIDENT ' 1 OCCURS-AT TJI3BV. Uy thonccldcntal dltdlmrgo of n nhot nun In bin own hnndo, John fl. Jumper wnn lurttanlly killed nt Ilbby, fiaturday afternoon. Ah thnnlory 1h told, Mr. Jumper wn (olriK to Coos City nnd hr.d with him n iloublo barnded hnniniorleni nhnf((uii II? ntoprird to rpt'itko to Mr. Oldland Ho Mood tnppln( tlio butt of the K'Ui on tlio lr(. tin 1, nnd in corn tiiontiortlic ir caui'd l!io iliicttaro of tlio t.ler-o. Too ontlro ctiHro Hirmic him In tliu head killlrtu htm Inttnutly. Tin uufnrtunato nmn was n imtlvoof lCnnni", tiiid had bivti in tbla metlon fotnt fivoor nix tars, having worked nt I.lbby for iibotit throo yeara paat. Ifownanbdut 50 yearn of ogo, nnd lcavei it uifo nnd nix children, They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and body rest Cas carcts Candy Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, xoc. FOB SALE Turn brod Miniimnlh Irronw Turkcy-i from the fiiinnim Wool aril mid Miiiikuh Htrnlu Tom afS.crt i-ai-h. Trhw f 1.(W. Kjffc'H for liutchiiik' :l'H for it M'ttlti' of '.'. Hiirrl Plyini.iitli Ituck" Cockcreh 1.50 to i.ixi. llnrriMl Plymouth Ibii'k Mini ri. (' Iirowii ..Leghorn ox i,') per nottiuK. "I ':! tWtlliijjH from the fmnoim In if it ti fitniiior Dni'k $l.rxi rr si IlutcliiiiKM front throe Imported Hnrn-d hock Ihmw with loeordn of Ioi-irI-ir7 i'XK In 15U itays $'J.'i Imt Hottlujr. Iiiapoctitui invltwl. Aililrcfit FltANK H'h. Liu-, MAIitflKlKT.I) OHKG'A 'a-cv''SaK"'Ju--5a?$Q c55 vibit DR. JORDAN'S anrAT eausEUfis of mmim i::BiKtTST.,auaiu::,riL 11. t irrcil Amtic ttl Jf m,n Ii iv , V "' ' " if t imt u.l I dlvtuc r.llllrrr.4.f Ikt rM.al . ttull,taulklCMH. bl llriiit. ( OH. J3R0AII-0ISCASES OF MEI! MTI-IIII.IH ikMfvkl, f,!l,.lc4 lii .r.liiu l'!i wllkf tiSl.nnrr Trw.i.llll.alyliil ,.,!, Ka. I ivi M..in. A i)(lt ir I 1'ImIm. . )f, juU&' tJMCut rtJ till Ul .'dk CMjliiti.-fi lict tti nit ilfrilri!. Ti.i't-mtrir. I, r m Ir Irtitr A .. M CV U tftr cji u i.n.v,. Vi it far It. -ck I'ttii.nvoi-iiv ..t nmniiUKi unso rxiuu rAiuiUUak fdiicrrk.) CiIImviik ' ' OR. JORDAN U CO.. 1051 MtrrR oL. 8. F. JB bw tvjri'kvk-ik j Briglil's Disease , Tlio lnrfjcsl hum over pnyod for n proscription, changed hauiN nt San I-'rnnolnco, Any. ,'10, 15)01. Tho trann. for involved in com nnd htnek $112.500.lK)nnil wns paid hv a pttrtynf. IntsinciH men for n aprciflc for Knltl'i. l)iscu?L'anill)inbcte?,liitlierto incurable dinnascs. They commenced tit? aerious inves liqiUion of tlio FpcciflrXov. 15. 1T(X) Tliuy interviewed tcoroi of tlm cured nnd tried it nut oiuts moritn by putting over lliroo dor.cn cases on tho treat ment and watching them. They nU6 got physiciand to nnmo chroi.:c, in cutablo etnes, nnd iidminiitoroil it with tho physicians for judges . Up to AtiR. ifi, oigltty t-oven por cent of tho .teat iwori jvoro either well or projjres Aing fnvornbly . Thore beiup; only thirteen per eont of fiiilurea, tho parties wo to aatisiied itntl closed Hi Iransaotlon. Tho pro ceodlngs of tho invodtignting coni nutoo nnd tho I'hnioitl report of tho tot onsi! wimo pitblishod nnd will bo mtiilod froo pn upplioiulon. Adilrois .JounJ. Plj.ton Uompanv, l'-'O Monts gontery 81., Si Fmnuibco, Cat. If P k ' i ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " " lam an aaiiWiiWHiii I ann tMAVM riarvx-iar Flanagan & Bennett BANK, mUKCTORS! T. lt.ahori liitn, J. V. llfiiiiott s PltKS : ttiid, 11. Flanagan, VICE PKKS. : it.fcvP. Witliums, C'ASlllKlt. f Capital, $50,000.. i oniE'.faorfl tt You Could LoolcN JL JL liilollie ( utureand ace the condition to which your coiikIi, II ticjjlectcd, will lirltilr you, you would aeek teller at oncc-ond that naturally would K throush Shiloh's Consumption &jjas Ounranteeil to cure Con 9 A IrP aumptloti, BronchlUa, Vl Ailnma, nnd nil I.unR Trouble. Cure CouRha nnd Colds In a day. Zi centa. Write to H. C. WtstU & Co., Je lloy, H. V., for Irec trial bottle. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies tie Blood THE DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET Tho following wero the nominations made by th.i Democratic Btato conven Mori so far a) learned: For Governor,Orortfl IJ. Chamberlain, Juatico of tho fe'oprcme Court, 15. 1'. Houhnm.. Secretary of Stnto, I). W. Seara. Suporlnteudout of Public Instruction, W. A. Warm. Btnto Printer, J E. Godfrey. Representative: 1st district; J. K. Weaiherford, Sddietrict; W. F. Bnlcher. - ELECTRICITY Aro you auffering from Itlinumntimn, Wouk Imek, XervoiH trmiblo or floiicrnlly ruiHlown aystem? I'm Electric Ht'lts niul Hattoiliw. For men and women. Fleet rle Insolei koi-n tlio feet warm nnd prevent catching cold. For booklet nutl circular.", nddrei, V LKCTUIC Al'I'MANCH CO., Medford, Oregon, HI 'osaitio "OS flOAO MM "1 T u jiki irpxtii ano tiuu otUJoicitD ojij aqi Aipi mu .v fujn 'i oaanrpxa iitknjoju.)it30tiiojomipi.mojujiioj ijy. ui it.vunoi jo; opi oj j.-vum v .tuAii wpiwui Jia u oaw oi ntoxQui una noi ouiti ruticiirji ui "mxUvi lorxJiuroal sKS'sjs.'sura 03iyM sisssov mm aiaM(t tvin ll joioaV!uiod4i.jliittua MJuiiluOa HOJIX nVi n oV ' -iiia imp wiucufs sm tJpufln Ov vrt Op swo OT. ore ;tij aaoAii oi)" uj u.ji , KVZrZHA INfI3aBMZ23 OB SI no.C in8 -joa eoop opojq otn if Wz " joa op no.t era 'sn moaj iajaopao uj fl?i"l5 1VIII!I S51SJU i uu uA bbhiu, DiiU ri3riil Aono pirc wttn.ip tu jtoa t inoinvr. S n a aao.Cau oj "HTAGUddV NO SHS ojt ssouppn Xttn O) outturn suo;i:orjicol8 poni"p nJ pnu vbuxnmfiuo oi7iJt)j5o;o)(f oiJjnj t G'-nGov,r"3 m W .S Yem8 SIOPOW Tfi6I nins5s '.fa i no on oqi jo Mx-rvii cS'swt rfA uuoum lcmom jo oho jo v isj.ao ribiJhsSdS k'O S13COIV Znai poo;wrc:y.-i3vJvty5;cJ fli flifflafflsBraffl&raJ. 3 Wholesale and JnL O Glials uojGJi0Ilc DEALEK IN DRUGS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE Marsh Gold , Oregon, Prescription skillfully Contpoimdeil nt 1U mllrr Fir.). Lit) These KKiiWtaWraZBfiSSSmSBSSeQa ti Slfffl W UK i M MS5MH MKlB W KllUri K ttTCttKlflW pi "y " -bm '"f lB'L" II nwclimery niul wo UOM'T WlvVR oU'l1 'iTTt. CO liirnml It n ! n ,- ....!.. k TI .. t. kijihh mwHBin biahiiibiiciiwtih j nun u uu.m i wmuuui iticvi.utniA . iijinqry worn can oereg' iu is hoars nftcr receipt t . RemcmlrV wo emrtloy white labor only. FolJoR soiueofourngents: George Lorenr, lUniton: Ny.Uorvnr. CoquilM; li, ji'DoU?,6 N l'olnt: Sl Hanson, North IknU:T. Morsnti. Hmniie.' , ! '. wr1f Myrtle InmnrK t a Awnaia liUuii.tsAX sfcAM mmvm B-R. G. AMSTEIN btZfS.tStt8K8SSmHZsSsZS '!5mfSBZra8i8S2SEKSSm.8SaS2: ' Tho Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Deasi&Cb:. C. II. MERCHANT sMMJMa 1& conetflrilly Rdding to its' atoei; of Gnncral SIcrchan- Jtro, already tlio largest in ' Mnrahfield. When you buy ' ril tho Mill Store you. ktiov tho goods nro first class and the prico is all right. All kirds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. uiwju umiiiw vj.mva j.a cil o; pvioa( xjsjj ou nisnno jo PUn 0061 UtftSLt3:vSrliti Retail Druggist- i ' nil hours. Agent for Wolls, Fargo & C L.ta V mil Accident Companies. P4 t i llf B &mmWm ' -i'l iJ V Ifll IMbK.- mmmmjA fVL'J TS1 1 1WI Wl-W .1 3-? 0?l 3&fcraiffl.mjjfi vtc&sa3Ewir& r& , mIbTOrI illlvl"' Bfost and Comfort. , i . ' ft subst'nntlal mattresses aro Bleep hwitot They arc comfortable and will rotaln their "fiprlngl ess"for years. Mnde in two pieces or all ti ono piece. These husk matre&jce, wltlc. cotton face nre'cqmil to all-hair and cost u grotiftf.' deal less money. '-jV ft; Q.HR1STENSEN Su JOHNSON . '. THAT.wo uso no Injurious chenileab And mi only the vorv bt of soan nnd wo ciminiu&lf? --. toe our work. Wc use ix-rfccted mode'n C LOTI I lis. , Ufindrv work can be re- . S ..... 1 I.. I.l t. t.ir. . .41 ..R.r. - m.: m- -13 J u i n i