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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1902)
n P'iiMnjciwCTTwwwtrJKrrawg3CT.i3affMa!XMgtgnw VOL XXIV. MAKSHFIEI.D, OOPS COUNTY, OREGON, APR. 19, 1908. KOTIi' 00 AST Cream of the Week's News, Published livery Day in llic Daily Coast foift BEET SUGAR WINS Reciprocity Defeated DOMESTIC SUGAR INTIiRliSIS TOO STRONG Dill May be Restored to OiiRinnl Reciprocity Shape in the Senate ATTACKS THE SPEAKER' AND HOUSE RULES Says a Representative Can't Business Until lie Makes TcruisWitli the Speaker do STREET CAft MEN TIIBETEN TO STRIKE IN SAN faANCISCO Employer.) Must Come 'lo Time Mayor Schmitz Blames Companies ; Washington, April isAn hour 1 fort tlm voting on tliu Cuban reciprocity liil began thin afternoon curtnin Ways and Mcunn loadura ml mittvtl tt iwlr defeat. It !n iicktiowli'tlutl that In nil uy nbillly tlio 1 1" t augnr men will marshall i Hnn Frnnchrco, April 17 Unlcsa the United railtv&va controlling tlm street llnus in 'Frirco cenm sumrr.nrllly ills rli.irlnvr union employees and accede to Dm doinutidi of tint Amalgamated nBo elation of inployf""i by Friday evening, tin latter will ftnktt, Tlilrtv.flvit liiifiilrntl rnrn arn rfntlnv- Wntliiiistnn, April 17 CiiMhman, Ho- ml nn t. iivntfin. publican iiiuuihar of Congrosa from Mayor Bchmltz. through whose of tt adimgton, created iinensatlon in thn flcoa. n strike wau ntcrtnl two weeks nous.iiliiriniMlitiilehatoon tlm tUtmn ;,u.. blainoi tliu comp.iny for branch of ri-clprocity bill today by making on ul- faith. turn on speaker l'ixlurtou. In tin) con r mi of hit rntnurka ho nilil : "To do huslnesM in this limine a mwn imiHt tlrnt rnnke tnrniB with tin speaker. All glories tint cluttered wound tip Holy of HnlU'1 in Koloman'a tumtilo look Ilka thirty cunt, whim compared to tlio jobbing department of tin) government mid when compared to thu apeakor of thli lioueu they look liks twonty-nlno cent. "Wluin I mil o ii it.tuit In tilt i lfttor In QUEEN Ol HOLLAND DANGEROUSLY SICK Amdcrdem, April 17 Quoin Wil r.oliiilnn pasted n ImI nnifit, n favor ii still raging mid ohor.a no sign of aiming and complications threaten to nut in. iirave anxiety h It'll. It Ii uUl-.i nuiior to from burnin "Why am .1 ho thin? Ilecauro (ho tuinti'ii nf ml' u'ntii flui liuklfi'f tun Iti liri rullldoiit force (o adopt tlm nmeiidinunt ,. fur trtir laudation ; that' w but m ... i.m ...i..t i... .iiff .n..t ,. ,... PaliK mi fioin th.i ro.iri tliun I gt n urn i j-'i'i an oppuiiiiiuiy lawr in ,, ..i S i VtV tbo ftfarlon. I'll uiakH .iiiotliir ap.iH.-li on I ,,,n' ,,,,, ,l'1,,,,.n ! r8V" ,5(a,nr kJJ' ruler, nl tbli, IIiiifv whicli will Im no hot "7 'npMiwn l-nrina at In. itwlllhavotu bit printed on nbbuinl. 1'uWte prnfura rB Wn oOc:e.J for I bur icoovory. Wheal Conditions in Oicgon ro- lltn.-d aiiK'nr. Tlu-rn tru h number of coiifuKiiu'oa ol thn Itful innr inon today. On tlm ((tiuMlan of abollidiitii: thu diffor I'titial, ovi'ii to (lit) limit of overrtillnn thu duidmon of tliu chair that rtioh nn nmundtnunt waa not Kurmnno, Uiny clalinud a majority of at leant throw vouh. No oiio fi'cina to doubt that thu bill in itbiuni'iulrd shapo will lin pAHod by thu lloiifc. Thu only hopu of ttiv Ways and Mt-ana men In that it enn rcttotvd to ita original ihapu in HciHtto. fid', tl ortly nftor tho DO-.n hour Tuph day, whilo carrying out thu diollngiiizii. cil function of convey in t; William f-iinp. on of Jufioii'ij cIoiikIi, townrde hia ilea P rf tlilft plnro would highly npprficistcr t!- benrfit which would How from th en ctriju ion of the voifid l.t'r!, and liiat J.iih would bring remits Irl tho vav of ficibt nnd pHftcruur bueincm. Thl-pi-ppr ri'fri in lint frli.mliu f..i.tlr, nin.,.i.i tirmtion i- Tcnmilf. TenorHrlckon I fxittim: here toward tlm c'nti.ft.ri,. ,. , i t.i i. ...-...-:-".- " and dlahcartciicd, fHmpion ritmmoncd tho imtucdiato friends of dticc.ioed in tho vicinity, Crouch Iiros,, I'etcrfon Uroj r.nd Chester Lawrenco, who consoled him in hie cricf and recommended that tho remains Ho in etato till Thursday evening. Wednesday morning two dia p.itchca conlnininK tho sad tidings were forwarded to tbo homo of "Kiltie" at Templeton, in response to which Wil liam Coleman linstenrxl to the bier, bringing a heavy load of potatoes, ar riving at 5:00 p. m. Thursday. Hero gentlemen from tho neighborhood up prif ed of hia comliiK wor.) nsiernbled in ovoning dreia (Kculiar to theaa cla?iic almde, and at thia writing it ia not known whether an nulopjy was mnde or whether Hov. J. IJ. Ci cocks conducted the obsequies when vlewirg tho re mains on hia return from Mar&hflold. "Kittio" nrrivat! in Toninilo four years a?ofrom tho bur.chgrasa regions whore her nncestora have dwelled for nn- told gnn:r.lion9, awlfily curving sm rctl men ovar hi!! end dale iu and peace. tho vr.r bo thn HOUR COMMANDERS WIUvNOTOiyi-CT Amsterdam, April IB l'iraonn iu dose, touch with the Iteor delngatoa pay thern iriiioquoation but tho. I'.oer com tnandera will sanction any projioeala of penco niado by thu dulegatev, whatever their nature, up cgalnK tnu speiu:ur unn ttio com mitten on rulis, ii ntonu wnll; that'll irlin! iiiihtii.M tun frfitu Irnul mill llifit'ia vvhv I iw.u- Innk Hit liLn . .ntipfln.l cultural ilUtririM iii Orecon ccitiuuo to poxtaue atamp." I Indiciito that tlio condition of .wheat in Cimhmau was f rnpiontly Inlorrnptcd I ' 'V'"1 ls 't M Ponjing i ex liy uptcmrloiia and tninpluoiit lotwl. Ilm r.cont contioiirrl cold und thn ' u limiiii' iiiiiitii liirm nuik aim ninin 11 .! I . . -tl tt l . f t i (irunnu, A prn i , ii'iurn recoivcu i bv ihnlocnl l)rat.r!,0f tin; Department SAKING SPRKCKELS of Agrinultiirn from tlm different a-ri-, TO IJUILD HERE iipplaiitu tiiatcamn notnlnnn from IJumocrnUc uid'j ol tlio House. FORTY EIGHT TO THIRTY THREE New Jiilt Continues Present Ex clusion Law Dining Life of Chinese Tieaty the wheat is generally healthy and well rooted there. Keemn to be lit t lo upward growth. Thia appliei niotly to the low lamN nnd pwrly drained rectionn. tho crop in thu high lands of the Wit liunctte valley nml In tbo routliern por tion of the MntK being reported as gen erally in fplendid condition. SOCIALISTS' DEMANDS R1CKUSED IN BELGIUM Chamber ol Deputies Turns Down the Measute for Universal Stiff, urc llruaaela, April 1H Tlio raviblon of the couulittttiou to provido for univtireal suf. Irnge wan negatived In tho Ctinmber of Doputk'H tliia nfturnoon. Whuu thu reuult was announced thu Hodalist ilnptilioa nromi nnd ' shouted "Hurrah for n atriko." A callieion butwoiin troops nnd otrlkora ncctirrod at Uegu this nftornoon, Many wen Injured. 'U t. cjavr3J,ce,cs:-R.iK:urn t Tin Knit Vnu linn Atrtnvs HjwM K'1 J ..jl1. Utiti tlio JJjcaturo cf yJST .Wnshingtn, April 10 The 1'Utt aub- stituto for thn Mltchull-Kahu Chinesu oxclusiou bill wan adnptud bv the Ken- atu today by n vote of IS to IM, 1 lult'H Hiibatituto for tbo pending bill extend tint existing exclusion law hhI long ao thtitirnfent treaty with China rumaitiH in force, or until a now ouu taken I(h plnro. Cockerel'a amendment to I'latt'a aul) utituto. allowing thu entriiiu'o of Chi iifin who eomu to exhibit or iubtall ex hibits at u fair or exposition was adopted. Honors McICinley's Memory Parta, April 1ft Ono of tho inoit ilia tingtiinhed audiences evor aasombleil in I'aria llllt'd thuTheatru Comiqun today on tho occasion of tliu huni'tit perform hnco for thu MeKinloy memorial fund. Although organised by tho Amoriean colony of Parle thu French pooplo ami tho French government aided thn Mfair with their function apd Premier Wal-deck-ltoiiHheau und other eminent rep resontativoa of tho iiovernmuut shared thu boxes with General l'ortor and oth ore from the American .embassy. Moio than a scoro of the most prominent play era and Hingura of l'aria contributed their anrvlceaand It ia believed that fully 1100,000 for tho memorial fund will bo realized by tho performance. - i4)- BELGIAN SITUjyriOfc STILL CRITICAL DruBsols, April 10 Tlio attltudo of tlio peoplo throughout tbo city continues threatening nnd tho ellgjiteat spark may pteolpltato n catastrophe. Gendarmes and cavalry aro patroling thu atreota. Tho strlko ia spreading throuuhout tlio country. Btrlkiu-atmlay. not llro to nnd niestroy. ed tlio'GuurcillHH glass worka. Tliu loss will amount tohilf u million frnnus. TE.NMILE ITEMS II. I. Ad.unx, Gus Carlion ond Uric". Krickson havu tnch thippud a coutlgn ment of oliitco! to San Franchco. ToBtmastpr K. A. Taylor has sold hia place to Jack lV-rcon, of Coos City, and I reeipied from olllce in favor of lien ltob- erta, who has just visited town to have liirt bonds lijuctl and forwarded toWneh iiiton. j Kd. llnskell iif'c; a thojt sojourn in title uoighliorhood returned to his home on Smith river. Thursday, heavily la den with boar skins. J. IC. Johnson, of North slough, has transported hia bolongiuga from Scho lleld'tqthu estnta of Harry Wilksne, wlicrs ho intende to lemain over rummer. Ilodily nilmenla arc now visiting the families of Win. Dowron and Jacob Tucstrotn. Step en Johneon started overland Wednesday for tho Capital of Oregon. Lots of fur has been mailed hero dur ing tho winter nnd early Bpriug by trap ped Jordan, Monson, Itoborte, Miller, Reaves nnd Uachus. Wlint constituted tho "onrthly tnber. unclo" ot that moid; and subsorviont spirited "Kittio," faithful nnd beloved friend of 0. 1. nnd Aibinn Colcmnn, of Templeton, succumbed on tho imperial highway ilrtront of tlio ro'sldouco owned nnd occupied by Chntio'e Crouch, one sdventh of a inilo north of J lay poptof Hi""". John I). Kpreckela Uros. A Co. This feeling of friondlinere ia quit strong and if the projected vevtel bo built her-lt will help to crnnt it, and tbo jieoplt will feel a yreater peraonr.l Intornt iu n steamer built hero than one constructed olrx'w liere. The building of tho steamer horo would mean n great deal for this place not only Jn tho expenditure of a large turn for labor, but in bringing Cooa IJay still farther to the front as a hip-build-ini point. A lirst-clasa boat of thu Mz" nropo'cd, built oa rho would bo built here, will bo an honor to tho yard from which die i turned out. South Coos River F. M. Underwcod paeeed down Coo rivor Thursday from hia houieatejiP chim, whero he had been doing romc iuiprovcmeuta. t School etartcd in tlm Klk Rock school hot! at Monday of last week. . - I'.cv.'Bunyan held services in tho Nl avora school liou.'o thu second Hundav Instead of tho third.that day being quar terly meeting at Caching dough. Mrs. K. i. Uesiey andsouB, Ma'terif Warren and Alden aro vidting nt Km pire. Mrp. KJith Hall and daughter Norma greeted frienda on Cooa river tho lnttor part of tho week prior to their jourLcy trt Washington wheio they go iu search ct niolomeiit. The gar line, Rosebud, camo up to E; L. UeErey'a to Into paajongfra to tho" V. if tV Itiilci. mi thn n' rtt rli..T L.t' ! ""tV ! ...U .IV VI ...V.. ..- meeting, onu of tho Coos river bye nelng a e;n lidu'c for membership. Mita. Smith of ilnnmouUir will tench VnnrlnilintiinMn( nniiitAn u'.ao moit lit' term of schocl iii tho UIaI A paper In tho nMnro of a pctltlio la diitrfeft corurncadng tho firat Mop'. fc - " ling circulated by E. IIcui kendorff and duy in May. p "- "J ' ' bo! ib recolving numoroua dgnaturea. It is nddroEsed to W. S. Chandler, Manager IJeavor Hill Coal Cj. an I 0. 1). Ii. & E It. A S'. Co., and points out somo of the reasons why the stoauier which Mr. Chandler's principals, John 1). Sprcckela Dros. A Co. contemplate buildinu' should ' bo constructed here. Among the rea sons ii von nru that wo '-ave tho white cedar and other matorial hero for build- iiiL' n more substantial vessel any other place nn tbn coast for tho same or leas money, and that tho pco Tho ehildion of SI.' D. Cutllri visit ed relatives on the lower river tlio lat ter part of thu week naaoaiEatasHEBGJta 2 II H a 3 I 1 Educate Your Bowels. . f ;; . Your bowels can be trained ag'tyiell as your muscles or your brain: Ga carets Candy Cathartic train your th.a ' stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, xoc :: mm'mmi. m I E3BGB9DIGaaDKSCBBlSUai I OWn a 3 a bj a a ia W ress goods 'III IIIMIMl WI1 II SPRING IS HERE And tho accompanying demand for aerviceablu gocxla h:n been met ntthisetore. : : : : In our allowing this spring wo barn completely nutdono all previous ef forts to please our trado nndunhesl ttitinely say that our stock ik at preB eut tlio only representative stock of up-to date goods in every line. Olir DrCSS Goods, Havo nil bed spec ial attention. : : Our Ladies' Fnr- Our goods nro on display and your pereoual inspec tion is cheerfully asked. Should you live out of town, samples will bo cheerfully tout and any informa tion us cheerfully given. OTaTsTn Marelillsld's Loading Outiltters and Fur" idler. J-"rrMTTiT'nrnniiinifcHfnmirTfTn.MiTfrlv-T-w"Trffc nlshiiigs, Our Clolliino, Gents' Furnishing. M A G N E S X SSio f i I I esg 1 1 ii i :T T ". m n v A I A A Hat i i .i.'to.lij:. .- ' l'i m