COAST MAI I. !iZIu,MY,J :1 : A!lu,'r'' "mi Published Kvety Snltirdny by tlio Mail PunusuiNo Co. uar:wpTioN katiu UnofMr, (Inadvunw),, ji.y, ! month , i.eo Thrte months , Vt toowll tthmnH fthrtt iH (mitt In tl4n-it STATfi AND COUNT V REPUBLICAN TICKIiT. (UiVKItNOU. J, I'tWNimi, nf liiiHtlllii Coiiutv, v. KIM'KBMI-: JUIieJK. It. H. I.k!..s, of I.HHU Comity BUnitKTAItV Ol' STATU. K. 1. Dvsiuk, f Clalioji Uouuty. HTATi: TltJ'.-XHlUlKlt. C. 9. Mourns, o! IvIuiiiRtli County. SVPKUlNTKNDKNTdK IT HI.! (J IN- HNlUUIIuN. J. U. At'XKKHAN, i( .Miilinamuh County ATTDUNKV (IKNKItAL A. M. Ctuwraitu, n( IMil.m County KTA'IK I"l-lSTI-:it. J. Id WinifcXi, pi I.lmi County. ItKPKhSI'.NTATIVK ScHllMM II, IIi;rxasn, Jlyrth, l'ulttt. COUNTY .HMKIK. I.. IIaki.' ckkk, (.'(wiilllf City. CI.KISK. A. H. W.u.iorr, MwMhilold, HIIKItllT. &f WflNN (..M.i.itiu, Coijulllo City. AFSKSSOU. Guoitnu lli:.i.t:, Mnrrhflcld. John li., Cog til lie. M'KVKYOlt, H. 11. (; vtiic nr, MurnhflfM. COMMISSIONER. 1). MtLsrunii, Mnmhllold. CORONER. Dr. K. MiMit'rt, Matnliflold. AN AIII.K MAN FOIt ATIOHNKY CKNKHAI. A. M. Cinuford,of Hosvbttrp, Is nil nbloinnu for the olllco of Attornuyon oral. HoBtniidN unit In tho lonlpro fcifion, andhnf, beilde. tho roptitatlon otlMiliiKiin honot man. Tho Jonriuil docs not bulievo thoof llcoof atlorney.Keiiornl Ih neecBjnry In our Htatn Kovornment. It nliould bo nbolljlusd na moaHiiru of economy, and in the intercut of tho atnte. Hut tho election of a umu liko Mr. Crawford would put character nnd eta billty into the olllco, and perhapn muko It worth whnt it coutn to tho pocplo. Mr. Crawford la tho Hopublicnn iioui' luce, but is tho kind of lawyer who would know nothiiiK about politics nfter ho Ih elected, nnd entered upon tho die-1 ..I........ -.t ilntl.iu Pmiilnl .Tnurniil. ...a .i..w w....... w.- . MUST WO UK It in already ceon that thoro nro rooks nhend for tho Hopublicuu pnrly of Oreg on nan result of tho turning down of (Jovornordtor, There la not tho alightcst doubt Hint, had (leor been renoinlnntod, ho would hnvo boon triumphantly nnd enslly reelected. To elect W.J. Furnish is n difforont proposition. Whllo it undoubtedly cnn nnd will bo Accomplished, yot It will In volve n gitnt deal njgro work than woul1' h(f uecoeanry with (loot nt tho bend 'of tlio ticket. Thoijtrongth oftlio Itopu blicnn will Ho In tin wenknefia of !tn upponcntn. Tho Democratic party In Oiegon linn ho llltlolo rocoiniriond It Hint lliuroiimy ho iidiiiii exeuio (or iivHrconfliloiicoon Uio part of Ropubllmui hitdrn. At tlui iwiiio UiiiMOVftrCMiitttluiicB Ih n ilnuger. ant Ihlng In polilloj, niKliMiiiiilurinu tho wldtwprd ditiiitiufncltou which In bound In exlit Initio rnnk i of Upuhll (inn volorj, Itulllnotdoto fwul too fiu of lha insult. a CAHKOPixniiATirmiti I Inn It occurred to lliu I'fohlbltlonlHtii mill fc'oclullot'i tlint tlioy nro displaying raul: Undo In putting uptiekota in Oreon thht )onr'.' InMimd of doing Unit, they nil ought to volo tlio Repub lican tlrkdt. Tim Republican party liAaofUrod Ilium nmutnodby which thoir put measured cnn lw plnewl lioforo tlio pooplufor ennct - mmt into Inwololy on their merits and! not complicated with imrliwn politlcior )nrty prcjodiniH. Tho Prohibition!!! theuuulvMnndor aland that ir.any puoplo who hcliuvo in prohibition volo tho old party tickets for vnnoiin rontons, nnti umu uia iinpoisiuio , ... ... , .... , ... .. to lino up tho prohibition ttrunslli in tho ,.. ..... ii prohibition party. The h'oclaliita nlao tinJeratand that many reforms which are undoubtedly locinlietlc hi nature nro favored by very many voters In tho old parties, who would support tho uicanuros If they could do so rrithout KohK back on their parties und supporting n lotofothor mensuroa which they do not believe In. Tho constitutional nmendenont for direct legislation, which hns t wlco passed a Republican legislature, nnd to be submitted to tho voters In June solely by rjrnco of tho Republican party, offers n practical method of bringing, suiy pro posed reform directly boforo tho people, to lie adopted or rejected on Its merits. With this ineasuro in force, if tho Pro hibitionists can onco convinco thomai jority of tho voters that prohibtion is tho proper caper they will liavo nop1111. ma&3SE3S$85SZS&& Sf$M3fSmmMBg$$8 BY GEOfSGE EDWARD GRAHAM,. rt322K)5aiiSisa w.i ' muiitlm ULiiii:, fry b!' ,, 'flip I't vi 1',. S .w VA ' ' ( I'm i... i ntM Jft U", nrrDiuit lltlliiiir ffS An i - illril' - I'luliHii mmm ul mo i & nnnTnn'.T DnnsrVPIT. Kheuflaitrner f ii f.JwVoik1M:-,,Mr.Urliaw'iioivs W H ike U1 n4iU I liawlirarJiirrctuol lh '.11 R J4 UMIns tl":i"8 1! " nctJcJ Iut ' tl ' HV I t out JsMne plolo. m ft ornin in it JiJ In nurk the ci'M. ' I BSl VlnwzST&UXITXmKlZX&gUiP t v. NoMJ.;th,.iurKu.lcfo:oinop i,vv, .. . k.V mwrnm OTWtt? I W.'B.GOWJkW.QONIBSANY A tu; WtttiB PiihssshQi; fttii trottblo in obtaining tlio onnctrnunt of n proliibilory law, without first cxponding llwir energy in overcoming tlio roltd nlmcliiroof pnrlieaii prcjndieo and the conviction that there nro other lltiiif,of importanco hoiidu) prohibition. Tlio hiiiiio In truool tho reform on whiuh the hunrtnof tho BocinlilM nru Ret. Tlioniiot'i it not cm llk tnrntlLudo for lliorj ruopl to uliowwo littlo nppro clnlioii ol whnt tho Hopiiblicnn pnrly la du Irj; for them? UlIICAiiO FOJi MC.SMCM'AL OWN ISUSIUl' One of tho most tlnlflcnnt olcctions that lmi tul.on plauuin tho United Htntco for nnumbur of years win held in Chi racoon tho flret day of April. Tho Imlloteheld thooo projxjiitioin: "For owncrililp by Chicago of nil I Mlrtcla rBllrotul9 ;vi,lli" Ul "POt 1 ""M. "For ownership by Chicago of rub ,,,wl c,iclr!i: Siting lInli, to furnish liht, boat, and pownr for public and nrlvntu tm. ' For lint nomination of nil rnndidatuB fnr city olIicBM hv diroct voto of the vnlrrt nt tlio pnmnrv olociionp." All thttto propositions wftroenrriod by u henv v vfitc. It N iinw Wiino vcare ' h:hco tho American people ahowed plain. ' ly their determination to InveetfKati' tliorcBiitclily tho iUuation of municipal . .. .. ownerMilp ol puollc uillllie', eoiiiu uinnller eith'H have already acted ne nlnni'orf. ow tho lnrcor ones nro (ailing in. 'J ho experiment Ih an in- turesttnironc. It remains to uoproveu whetlier it will bo n Micceseful ono. Tho mint important part of the foregoing Imllot wus tho proposition of nominat ing candidate!! for municipal offices by direct voto of tho citizuua nt tho pri mnry electlona. If municipal oilkero nro elected by tho old, bnd methods, ono in I'd not bo H prophet to predict that municipal ownership will fall. It may fail in any evont, but under thojo cir cumstnncefi it inevitably will fall. The nominees of thoordinary municipal con vention, made up of delegates elected by tho stuffed votes of corrupt primary elections, do not rcpretint tho honest citiziius. Kvou when there nro honest mou among tho delegates, as there often are, they nro ruled by tho iron-ctnd progrntiimn of tho political bostea. Theroforo.if it ba poislblo for thociti r.iua of a municipality to nominate can didates by direct voto, without tho in torveution of tho corrupt uiachinory of primary election manipulators municipal government In American will becomo n really roproaoutntlvo governmont, Tho workings of tho proportion thus earrlad by tho voters of Chicago will ho watchod with keen interest by good citi zens nil over tho United States. Arijon- Tlinliilru 1,1 Arorla rJI'u-1 v ir cirwm it 'i"l. w!-3 aril I' 'I H. H l.iv U II iKirlnu l!o (.nlilo lUo cf l'ir rii.ital, u, lil'-l n,l villi li,.ti;ra,lu tl Mif, i u .ujtl.u' .'lit. Tss M&stiSens&Sii&aa&lli Bonk of J?Ao EDsw I t.' rv of 1'ia fifiwd ciul -i of l!i PjIh' s lJllU uic.O'l innrio lull' HI. II. I I..-II 'I'll , Ilir.iM. lilit (III- III .'kli III) I ' '.ltd MM II I III) tiiUlmtl lU-ut, . TUMI rOK Till. 1 IUSTTIMK. Cciiialn mi nii'i'n'li niilarrrint'iit Mi'l pcrtoual ' "I Uio Kitllo ii.v KcavAHiinnn iiciiigy. 'TIm I .( i'T C' iifory r tlii innvoiiU'ii( mill iiit'riilliiiiK.l I tin I'hliiHr hi)iui(lroii u-i Uio ii'iin inriii in kim. i.tuiiv i.rn t riui'i:. -V.H. KOIU.KV. Intirci'iiii - nirtii'-c 'C fKU. t. mi tin ri IMi - i'irii - i i'uim lit," Uio' l.oo,i " I t . 'luj' " ninl m-.I'iii iniKlii-lrily crti) mini m inir jmnu ni'i'iir. ,v 'aasjirftisaaaaiasszyv' VK NEW VOUK ItEKALl) ay:-''.Mr. W (?ICIim, In llic Ivliini ii ucu, li'Oici tho rtai'cr li8 lo ntktilie (Sat oiuial uavjUlfl.: iu.'J aCourlo! lit. qulry u re-ttiUb,liJi liclr, lb()(sat)e tc-cl3tl.'i!.cJ." rj'AKttiTJtcnKnT'csiirnsa'B uljlle that li.rtliiui'i'bU'il everybody ns , 4 K. P. if :?: .VKWH DKAUV.K AND AMKXT J. H tew t H u ii V r u urine o n n d V o r 1 1 a n d il a I'l f oh. A i I t h e I o n d I ii k M K n ' 1 no . "TOr u inrvrnr"!' i "rhra tj a jttj 2 a- S ii b w e r I p t i p a p c r h a n d Fiiio cigar and tobacco. o Q. That is what we have to sell, and we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY MtMMMMMaiMMAHMMaMMHWMPHIIHMNiaiBBaillMIMiMawr is giiaranteea and the price is right. OUR STOCK INCLUDES . anything reciuired in Fir, Spruoe, Red and White Oedar. SIMPSON LUMBER CO., Phone Main 151, CO. D .GROCERY A full lino of choioo crocorie?, food, flour, 1mm and bacon always (in hand, fresh fruita mul vegotnbled received on every steamer HQHSSr PRIOE PAID'.FOR PR6DUOB. BUTTER AND EQQS "'TTcc Delivery ,ftiu - "- -ft- riTI m aifwcBtaiEaaEscaEatsiEsani B H a B GIB FEE. B.Na.10 is a H DEAIF.U IN GKOCUUIES, g FHKS11 FltUITS.YEGETA- M 1ILKS PH0VIS10KS, g F1.0U.n FKKl), ETC., OF THE BEST QUALITY. IH rU10.ES ltKASONADLK. S V It 0 . E N 0 Y S T 15 It 8 tl EYEUY DAY. : XJStreetrMarshfieia; Ore f 0 R T 0 IV. ft '. o n h for nil o4 pit r i oil i r u I m . Stiitlonery, Jewelry, notion .a- V North Bend, Ore Telephones Dlflinl'l. -- ''- - -- vwmhi mm mm u v ii h en Ha uiiw u uic Corner of Front and A streets, MARSIIFJELD,; OREGON, JONH SNYDER, : : : : j -Proprietor This well-known andfAvorhu HOTEL bas lust been entirely refitted anjl rofurnUlied throughout and is again open to the public for patronage. New beds nnd spring mattresses have been placed in almost every sleeping room of tills house and neither troublo nor cxnenso has been pared to put everything in first-class order, TERMS, V f ft .V' Board and Lodging, per week $ Hoard, per week.... in, 4.00 Single Meals,, , 1 : .... 35 J1 1 "a '