The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, April 12, 1902, Image 3

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'"Tfg f1
I,i;lU Ashed Vor
A iitlllli)ii for mi I'lrctrlulllil iniJonlli
Murriillcld on llio 1'nriivr of iltli nud 1
MM'iln will (in pm-outcd tn tin- oily
council tliln cvtmliiu. Tho pnllllnir hi
mIhiiiiI liy u IfitL'i) niiiiilinr of tlm hoaVl
ctt tux piynrH In Ihiri city. A Utilit In
luilly nciilcil til I he ji'iltil miked fir.iit It
In h.-voiul llni fnliMMill. oio iiml tint
iciiiiliMilfi in Hie vicinity inn nmv com
pulled In uiillnw tliroimli tlm mud In
tlm dink. A llcht would cnnhln llioin
to ji'cl, tliclr way. Sniilli .Murnhllulil
Iihh not itHl;ui iii.uiy fnvorn from tlm city
mill tin inuoy rit..i'im who would ho
liriiclltii-d liy thu liKlit, (col (lint tlicynro
tiilltltd to it,
Sluifjtitif. nt l.ibby
A hlmotiiiK fcnipi) occurred Mondiiy
nfti'rncoii ut l.lhhy In W Icli Chnrlus
Jolini'in toil: it itliot ut Audrow (lluuu
ll'irrn) Joliiicon, tint hull Krnr.lriK tliu
left nhoiildur. Itoth moo nroeoloroi
mid tlm row (motim to Imvo hut-it thn ro
ult of nn old kmiiIco. .lohnion eiiino to
MarrlillcM mid hwoio out it compliilnt,
I'lmrtilutt JohiiMitt with iinrimilt with a
iliuik'cniiiN wcnpoii, Mitrihull ('.trior
went up to l.ihhy mi I hroueht tlm ue
ciifimI mnii lo tovvit Uit tivoiiln mid ho
will pro.Mhly ho tirntfuuil Una fore
Urged the Protection of Ameri
can J.abotct.s Krotn Coinpc
ti t ion of the Asiatics.
Wnnlilnctoiii April I Tlm Hon' in
ciiiiiinlttccof the whole today hpcitu
cniHirHtli'ii of the ChllH'iH' exclusion
CiiiiKrcKNiiian KiiIiii, of Cullforiilii
inndc the llt'Mt liiipiittiitit nddtcw on thn
CllMMI.V. Ilf dlMl-IClt Ml I'lltll th
ili 'Irniiilrj of tin I'hlniv-c ti" it'idi-:it
of ihU cm ii try nud coittcudcd Unit as n
nice they ' known fur duplicity,
which cliitrnctrlilK' leudered nioiw.iiry
the tluhtoillUC of '.lie lixipliotHH Wherehy
the I'lillli- e h.ll lifi .1 ctielilltf tf CM III
i lull law.
Coiicliiilinc. h" wild: "Our exclusion
lawn lmc been it u'rent nod to the hi
here of thl ciiiiitry and they ink in
to riMitlntie IhH law.' I feel that there
In not a patriotic, III.erty-lovliiK Auicii
can who iI'hh if t df Ire to coo the work
Inguii'ii of Mili country protected
liKiillUt lllicipi'il couipetioil.
The Senate tliln aftrrniMtn a I ho took
up the exclusion hill. Mitchell, of Ore
gon, milking the opening Hpeich, Htat
ilig thilt exclli-lmi hud heeii one id the
cxtithll-hed pnllcleH of thU country.
'I here Is no oireiife to China, the nn as
tiiehelnc Hltlrly cnititutii'liul. The
ilk'lit to eMdude furcli'iicrs is one of the
hlnhi-Ht mutinies of American mver
rhe speaker warned the llepuhlicaiis
that a failure to pass (lie measure would
result In the oei throw of the itepuhli
can party in the I'acillc coast statw.
a JT. E3 TZ' C3 XC X JA. m
Pwni tib x? v- ' 'I H Haw Ato.n Bwt
Pure bred Mimiliiutll IhoiiZe
Tin keys from the famous Wood
nrd and Minikin strain Toms
sfo.iKi each. Tries $KMK.Kks for
Initi'liinu' $:i.nn Tor u wUIiik of '.'.
Haired i'lyiuoiitli Hock Cockerels
.r.O to ..(Ki. Marred Plymouth
Hock iiml S. C lliowii Leghorn
('KKs I ,r- per Hcltlll, of :t
Settinus from the ftitnoim In
dlmi Kuiuicr Duck fl.nn for !'.
lliituhiiiiis fioui three liupoited
Hiirred Hock hens with records of
im-iri-ir-T in iwi tiays .fim
per n'tlliiL'. lusiectiou inited.
Address l-'ittNK HoiiKI'.H.
00 YEAnS'
TnADE MAnito
CnpvniaiiTa &a.
niileVlT uneroilii mir cililloii froo wfiullir mi
liivniillmi l ernlinlily .iili'iililltf. ruiuiiiiiiilrif
liiiiimlrKllrroiilMt'iilliil. Ilnililhiiokcm ul;-nt
out (ri'u. OMiwt nimiiry forBuniriiiiri'itteiilii.
luiuui Inkcil irunurli Mium Cu. rccc(o
irl.iliillcc, fllliiiiitlliurya, lutlii)
.... a.i. 11 !. n klAll. Mini ttimrrlfil Iml Hint
$mmm nmmm
K hMiUnniolr IIHimmiwi w0Kir,
l.nrcot rlr.
Toriiit, ? s a
MUNN &Co,30,B""dNew York
I low the Omuivcrots Goat Hc-I
fiieiid.s the Knneher. f
In one of II. BonK'dnckcii'n wimlnun
imty hu eeeu an ohject Idhmiii for tho
farnioni who have land to clunr up.
e'oiir iiiyrtln rproutfl ore nhown, ubout
4 inch In dlnmetor at tho. larger cuilii,
with thu tliii all clipped finally off down
to about 'i Inch in dlmnntiir. Tho work
tMindoim hy Anuoru noiitn 011 Thos,
niitine's plncooti North Coon rlvor.
An all ratichern know, when myrtle,
(ddcr mid Miinu other trenN mid thrithn
urn cut down the fituioiM will uproot
nud keep on crowing nud II l extreinely
dllllrult to kill thimi. A Hiilittlou ol tho
ililll 'iilty ruein.1 to lie offured hy that
propennlly of tlm ifoiit which furnliliun 1
ao much malorlitl for thn funny innu.j
Turn tho uoat looroun u nlnohltiK. wliorc
thoro nro no tomato catiH, hrlckri,
liMiiiiiklrtn or circm poitern for him to
feed 011, Mini ho will tiiultlo myrtle lunvcn j
miilnproutii, which nro thuinont puunnt
things tiiaturow in tnii country, mid
whon thortu uivii out hu will rmhit thu
unroll U off uny olhar htiniip- thut xhow
el;jiB of life. Onu hcuduii of llilii trcat
meut klllfi the Muiiipi and rootn nnd
they will then rut out.
It. N. lilnck, who lino hoeti vinltini;
Mr. Mluine, InforiDH tho Mail thut lio
lixitmlmrl revoral acrcu u! Hlunliin, nud 1
found that the (pnln lnd ipmwcd ofi '
every nprout in flight in auuh u way an
to kill it. Ho cut off and brought down
tlioi'! now di'pUyiMl m n np'.'uimou cf
tho work Mono hy tho oiils.
Iirij;lifs Disease
Tlm lament mum over myod for a
tlrcfluiipliou, ultniiK't'il hands at Kan
I miicikco, An. .'10, ItMJI. 'J'ho trans
fur nividvod in coin hikI htock
ll'J..VK).(Mlnnil was piihl lv a pnrtyif.
Inuiiies men for a sped tie for linxht's.
1 )nieii.eaiiil Pinholes, hitherto iiicurablo
Tlioy coinmeo ceil in Hcrioiu hm-n
ij; tli n of tho pecihVNi.v. f.
'I lioy iiilcrriewcd M'ores of the piircil
and li nit it nut otiiU nvrits by putting
over tlirrc doen canes mi tho treat
ment and watching tlit-m. They h)mi
Cut pliyii i.ini to until' chroi.;i , in
itiritlde ciices, mid uduiinitleretl it
with the phvniL'iaiin for jiuIkdh . l.'p to
Aujj. "T, eighty mvoh per cent of the
test cioh wero cithur woll or prorcii
eliiK favorably .
'I'herc heinj; on'y thhtcon per oeiit
of f.nltires. tho partioH wore utli!i'-d
ami cloied the lianiaotioii. The pro
ccodtiiKs of tho invurftliiliii comi
nutce and tho cliniral reports of thu
lo.t cases wero puhlUliiid and will hu
ninilod free oil npidicntlon. Addic.i
.lntlS.I. I'Yl.TON I.ijMPA.VY, -IJO; MuilU
Koniory St., .San, Cal.
Mai.shficld Hoys are Innocent of
Charges Reported by D.uuc
Tho entire city of Mnridiilcld has liren
txcttvtl during the put I lino (lays
about a rumor Unit linn been in ciictilH
lion hero to tho effect that three Marh
lliilil ltmfl linil t.ntti.n mln anmi. Irfiiililn
in lower California. Ah these young
men me well known in this community,
thoCo.tsr M.ui. him Fern Hit to sift the
matter to thu bottom and tho roault of
our nivc'livatioiia up to Sattmlny night
went ttiihllthed In Kmtdnv nuirnlivj'n
leiie. Hut to ninko more euro of tho
nnUter wolelOKrnphcd to tho "I.os An-'
pjloa Tinier" rtnucetiuu' I'hmii to 10 ml ,
the partiuiil.trH, if there wero any, of tlm
ci"". nnd wo received the following
rcnlv: I
l.'ii Andea, Marvh B 'Cowl MaII;
No reronl cf conviction huruof pnrtior.
nnnied.-'J'imo8." I
Thin cecum to ho hut an instance, whore. '
I'omo 0110 wi'hcd to gain a little cheap
notoriety nt tlio vxpenro of others and
Ptartod this cowardly report and it litis j
been rulili il to by the gostip loving elo
uieiit until i rc'r.chcd tho point where
tho Inya uimit nmuh tho penitentiary
to Htumy iniu inoinni taeto.
Fiauntian & Itonnott!
1)1 IlKCTOliS : T. R. Shorl
ilnu.J. W. Honuoit; IMIKS ;
and. II. I'Tanaxan, N'ICB
IMtKS.: It. F. Williuins,
Capital, '$50,000,
- )t:x:i
W-A TTTM "111
ir. a 1
. It H l
.ttonii ni
otiralf you try
ff tl4 4r uwl r'',r,, u '' stl
free trlnl toUlc If you wilte
tunny we
ii j on
vou wilte Inr 11.
lUIII.fill H C"tiiaScrnt nnd vlll tutc Con
(iilmpllon, I'nriiei'.fila, Ilronclillls n'i'l nil
I.u'iK TfjiiM-ii, -urn n col;)i or coM
In n 'iy, ami llitei picvtnl wrf nn rMt:lm.
It inn Urn Mni t! c fi'rtfrn J -rMyci'M.
8 C U'n.m . tn. I.t llov S. V.
Vnrl'v CAn rr Untrf Tm cur rrttr. Ih Klnmnfh
iiiiiiiri ajtjuifuiijiwwimii imwiiiuiiwi
Aiuatc'tic Performers Give Great
Show lo a Crowded
Tho MirifilrcM wero grcutivl Hiiturilny
night by otiv of tho Inrgoat nmliencei
over Reun in Mfirohfielil nt un ntnuteur
theatrical iiorformuuce.
Tho opening clionu, n incdly, wna
nurig in a mitnmir thntwai h truo foro-
runnur 01 tho rent of tho performance.
Vincn Pratt in n nolo, "Tho fjrip
mnn'flfirp," hud tho nudienco with hitn
tieforohu hndcomo to thn necond note.
Mr. I'rntt bhould have been n roon.
Nichols' tolo, "In thn Deep Coldfina"
wnsnung in n manner Hint would bo n
credit to an operatic rlnr.
Willie Duugnti couldn't bo bent in
"If I Only ha 1 a Dollar of my Own." It
ii n iiong that ho can ting with deep ex
pression. Hilii'i Smilh looktl evory inch a cooa
hut hli voice guvo him nwar. No coon
ever hml a vt-ico nn woll t ruined na hie
Mr. Smith, ni well nn tiioeo boforo
him riwpcinde.l to enrorn.
Ilatfite, well wo htrdly nenl to inon
tinu lljguc, fttrtlier that: to ray, ho acl-
0'i a coon to puriectton nnu into a
I". C LiihtfiK' folo wan excellent nnd
then cRiim Hanr.i'nn who nung no well
Hut ho wnii rew.irle I with enough vg
otnbleii to Init bin: a week.
The juvenile quartet, consisting of
Musters Tom Mlnott.Tom l'.rown, Ktldlu
Wleilor and (ins 1'rontN, next ranii
"(liKidllyoto My Old L'aWti Homo."
They woronntteteil in thechorud by the
entiro company nud clotml tho first part
of tho program.
Watt Short and Jack Flanagan opened
the second prtrtof tho program with n
ninno duet nnd wore followed by Frank
Hnguo with n solo entitled "Tell Me."
Prof. Chai. Knher.of North iiond, wmi
next en lie prou'rom with nbnrltenoKiO
'Tlio Mocking Hird." Ho nnflwered '.onn
cnthupiiiEticeiicorowilh another foIcc
ton, then camo tho "Tlirco Old SnortH
fromOkl.thoinn", Chan. Htftuff, Vinco
Pratt and Will Diingnn. No tlrcita clown
over brought forth tnoro laughter from
tho attdienco than these gentlemen in
their threo cornered quartet.
Jncli FlunncAii ngmn took tho etngo
nnd delivered nflidcsplitting Monolopuo,
gpnrkllngwllh brillinncy ntul wit, hut
nothing noro than wo expected from
Jack. As nn nrtillcitl coon Jnck auroly
takrs tliocnku.
"Way Down nntho Fuwnnco River"
ung by Smith, Hague, Toyo nnd Nich
ols brought a round of npplauso which
waa responded to with another woll sung
A tkctchfrom "Undo Tom'a Cabin,"
"Visions of Simon I.ngreo" wna nctcd by
Nicholantul Flnuagnu. Thcjegentlcmon
would Imvo inmlo n euccoea on
the otuce, had they selected tho hoards
asn profo-siou. Tho tableau, in this
part of the procrnin, rupropeiitlng "Lit
tle Kva'-nml "Undo Tom' was ono of
tho molt boautiful acinic effects over
seen in Mimhflold. Mio Hattiu Feirv
look tho part of "I.Ktlo Kvn" ami
Ralph Mateon that of "Undo Tom."
Tho entertainment was clojed with n
ononctduco, "fiaston and Alnhoneo,
All thoso who took part in this gcnoral
wind up conducted themsclvca like vetor
ub at tho liUBinosa, nud closed ono of
tho most fiiiccoasful ontortaimnuntaovor
hold in thia city.
I'.Hpeeial priaso ii duo tlio orchostra
for tlio excellent music furnished
throughout tho program,
And wo muatnot forgot Songatnckon,
who took tho part of waiter in tho fnrco.
Whun ItcomcB to Hhootim; hlicuita nnd
epilliiMthoroupoutho guests dresa suit
Alton iHhtrieiiy in it.
Attor tho program tho floor was clear
ctl for dancing nnd everybody took n
turn, from "South Slough Willi" down
to "liippy Hooligan,"
Health for 10 Cents.
A lively liver, pure blood, clean
skin, bright eyes, perfect health
Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob
tain and secure themfor yon.- Genu
ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never
told in bulk. All druggists, ioc.
Pretoria, April 4. Cotnniiinlcutloim
linvo pasHed between President Slyn and
tho TratiKval mission ut Kronnfltadt but
nothing Is as yet known as to tlm result.
Tho majority or military men and
Chilians expect ntorirroin tho continued
presence of thu troops than from tho
present iieuotliitions.
It is pointed out that once before when
linril pnMed tlio TransvalerH whowed
a desire for peace, but were promptly
overridden by PrcHlilent Steyn.
Nothing in the present situation sh
far im known Indicates that Steyn Is uny
Mm loss Irresponsible than previously.
Indeed tho known facts worn to point to
a renter determination to continue the
Von can becurclof anjr form of tobacco ihIiik, ba m&fla well, trotiir, tiiatrnrllc, full ol
new life piiJ vii;or ly lakitiK tlO-TO'OAO,
that makco weak men Krone. Many k1c
ten pomulii in Ira ilayn. over BOO .OOO
cuicd. All ilrii;nlirt. Cure eunrnntctHl. Hook.
Irt nml .-ntvlci! J'KI'.l!. AddreM 8TJtKi,!NQ
k&dUOY CO., Cbicauo or New York, 437
Are you s
on sufTerlni; from
Weak lack. Nervous trouble orfienerally
run-down syitem? I'e Klectric llelt.s
and H.'tterieq. Tor mwi mil women.
Klectrlc Insoles keep tlie foot warm nnd
prevcnl catchinn cold. Kor hwjlilet uml
clrcul rs, !idilre-,
KLKCritlC Ari'LlaNOE Co.,
.Medford, Oregon.
For 100 lbs. California
or Spreckel's Fine,
Dry Gro.nuleLted.
.Wholesale and Retail Druggist-J
MorshGold .Oregon,
l'r escriptlon Skillfully Compounded nt
d tit) h tllug Khv, Lift)
few. '
P 5Bn rtHn HMtf&fll THAT two use no injurious ctwnilcaU nmt H
smShfJ WBhbh SlfivlHn Wl on the be3t of ia,p n,ul we mnn '
U E- aSf9i BM.VagafV UW teo our work. Wo use perfected modern S?
gjiiuUimuy ,uut n UU.N 'V VK OL' I' TltU CI.OTHKS. Laundry work can bu re-
ntiirnetl in ta hours nfier receipt. Rcnicnibcr we wnploy white labor only. Follow &
U ins are sonus of our ngents: Cleorgo Ij)ren, Utndon; ISVLorenz, Coqullli.; 12, A. Dodge, Sg
Myrtlo Point: Si, North Dend; J. MorRnn, Empiie. a
i 4Ft4tAaaiaiBTA'avBAffafltavsaAAAaMaahasHafaivaT,-aattf TALiiiaLA a i m mmm
Is constantly adding to ita
atocc of Gnu oral Merchant
Jiflc, already tho largest in
Mnr&hficld. When you buy
at tho Mill Storo you know
the goods arc find class and
the price is all right.
All kinds of lumber and ,
building material,
feed and sup
plies at wholesale and retail.
1 Ratiini. SO-lb. tor dtwrt c1nter for . I
Prune, none finer or sweeter 1OT ltn.for 2. 1
Splec. high urn-te. full weiulit. 5-lb, till l.r
Ovilrti rriiL nf 4 ttnfrn lln fnr 4 00
lEotlp. Mb. tint, msottcO. perdocen -, .'- Ay
Cr. eker. exttn xxlan. qunter cbmm f&r,- ..' Wil
, Out huperb Cieatu. cnieotdoien for '.N't)
Corn Surch,4lb. box for l,o
Rolled wheat, a tucar rarrel lull tor i.tit
luain. new iitnk, 130 lli. for Io I
I Macaroni, JO-ll. c for ..... 2.3S
oUtc. J-Killon keir. fancy, for .... 2.T5 i
IMackeiel. new. Irli!ht. lancy. kit lor !;
' Salmon, ner half barrel ..... 4 2J
iCodfiih.0-lb.boxlboneleu) for - - - l-H
House Candle, per box ...... t I
Green I'eoa. dried, new. 100 lbi. for . . 1
50-1 r bundle (or ...... lis i
Tabic l'rutt. cstc ct 2 dozen of either
prache. peara, plums or apricots for 2.50
Tomatoes, onedoieu eallon tlna for 2.UJ
iVInrcar. canon keir (or ...... .w
No. 25 Market strcct; S. F.
unr pricc-iii reu '
nil hours. Agent for Wells, Fnrgo & Co., ."
nu I Accident Companies.
Eost and Comfort.
Thoso substantial mattresses nro sloop Invlter:.
Tlioy nro comfortnblo nnd will retain their 'springi
ness" for years. Made In two pieces or nil in
ono plooo. These husk mntrosses, with
cotton face moloqual to nll-halr nnd cost n great
deal loss money.
Qpjstensen Su Johnson,
kProt). 8
h. '
liniUOU UIUVV. VM I BH i,...v... -.