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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1902)
rHj'jwi i wmm'Sw'tSm. "Ht 'WrtH 4 WUllHll LKIBOl o jji . M . 5 , HKADQUAHTKUH FOR riTCl'M (IRADK I.IQUOKH ClfOICK WINKH AND PUHK JIIIANDIKH. LHADING IIRANDS Or BOTTLED BHGR family Qrdorj Solicited. Ron: aoint for tiii-: cklk bkatkd Ranier Beer. Family order for Pow, jilnu tux ltniru, delivered liy iIiocum!. Robert Marsden. THE STEAMER ARCATA. U. r XJ:i.O.Y,Matvt. tVill..lIuUn H-iilnr Trip BETWEEN COOS B.A.Y AND- SAN FRANCISCO, -UAItltYINO- PA88ENISEH8 0ND FREIGHT -at- - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coil & Navigation Co., rropritttom. C. G. I'lnnagnn, Agent, Mnrjhficld ii U. Company, Aceut, Umpire City Knst (ltid Cotiinioilioii.s Steamship ALLIANCE, tor HARDW1CK, Master Makes regular trips between Sw rranutro mil Portland vi.i 1 lumliolpt nnd'Coos I toy, calling; nt Above polls call way. Tlio ALLIANCE in . II ml Hntw piiKHotij'i'r lioat, mill Iiiin till till) IIIOdm'lltillllVL'llluiUlljH 1111(1 IH (IIIO Of till) fllHtCrtl HtonmurH of her oIiihh. tw B.W ftsr X X tt X X X V, X H 1 H X X X. For. Freight mid Ptuiscngcr Rates or Sailiny Dates, Apply to . SKNGSTACA'EN AIARSIIFI1CI4D, Oregon Hgr SVG" gffr bjot 'gr Oitlgoi, Tliji'r nml illnniMrok, Ono dnyI wnn Jrivlted (oMtancr Willi tlib Count of i;iictiljpr nt tlio resi dence of Prltico von JIlMiiinrck In Ber lln. Tlio count, it former clmro tl'nf filrc lit 1'nrlH, wiih n jrent colldcinr f)f HfitojcrnifliM. 'Arjir a rcpn?t th'o count (xhlhltvil 11 nliu't of pniipt on wlilclj ClulKot mill Tlilern lind hlllxed tlielr filBiiittiirw.' "It In very Intercut Iiir," Hriltl J'rlnvu von HlMiinrck. "Al low 1110 tojilunv llitii to my wife." (HI10 wnn weic in lien nt Hint time.) in few inlniKcH the clmnci'llor returned, and, rcituriilnjf tlio uliect of paper ti tlio diplomat from Wurtteiiilicrtf, li milled, "I liopu Hint I did not (-poll I. liy wilting riomcildiiK on it." Here followii what wan written on tlie paper: Mr lne U't ) tsuelit ino Out It U ntcoury to fbtclto 1 goJ dra I unJ ferctt iiotlilfij. (JCIIOT, A llllh forfttfulnrM does net illmlnhh the ila ttittj lit (orKlftnru. Tllltu. liy 1111 I Ho litt liuelit me tint I Livr 1 crest ImI to Isrjift tml i'trt clul t.t wlilcli to U loi;(uil. V. IlliUiUCt. Ilerlln I'rclo rre.13. CASTOR I A For I fanlB fid CJiiltlron, Fha Kind ou "Uye Always Bought SUMMONS III llir Circuit (,'OMtt of llw Htnir of Orrgon, I;, inn) fur die Courtly of C'yos. Clmrlrt Snuff, PUIntlff. vs. Action nt i-tw to C. II AcUtnnr.n, I Krcover Money l)lmlAnl J To(" II. Ackoinunn. tlie ntoe nnnird id-. icml.mi: In idr nime of llir Slalr of OrrRon: Y Jli .Itr llflrllV nnllfll llml mi nn irinlrivl to .leponr .ni'l murtpr lli'-coiiipUliil iilrilnKiilnti iimi in llir ntc rnllilnl ncilon In hkli I'lwtlptStnuiris tihinlKfnnil V II Ackrrnnnn Is ilefrmt.'iHl, within lv HrcU from llic il.llf of llif liml tHiWictillonofilm luiiiiiiniit. lo-v It .w liti In lv urkt from lltn iclll illv nf Mnnli mn. III".- iwinr Ik.' Inn tin1 it.ilr of llir first pulillbiiton nf this Miiimioni, nm! It oi Mil 10 to uppmr nii'wcr on or In-fore llie 94tlnl.iy of April, i'7, ttip vuiir tiring ilie Inst il.iy of llic time ptccrilM-il In the oriler for piitillcrtilon, Jiul. mrnt will l t.ikrn n(;inst )oii for tlicrrol for llir relief ilrnmnilnl In the oonipl.ilnt of itMiniiii iirrnn, n uccinri im lenient ol wlikh is us follows, to Mil for jiiilRinrnt n,Mlnt )ou fnr tin turn nf SllvJO. Willi llitrti-il nt ili im. of six prr ten', per iinnum on J0-(o from tlir 37lli (Uv of Novenilirr. 1901, anil liccrrst nt mm ruir on J75 iroiu ir jin iuy 01 .u.wcii, i', nnu Kir inniiiuii tutu iiiin uiklinrse inrntslii this ncuon. Von nrr fiirtlnr nodfieil In this nctlcn (rrt.iin trrs4in,s1 tropriiy lirloiujInK Id oii Ins Ixrn duly nil (clieil iiiulrr nml Tiy lituc of 11 writ ol ntt(.1nnent duly Issunl In lliis ncilon, ns Mcurity mr tne miim.kikjh hi mo jiiiiqnicnl tlwt tn.ty lir trcorrrl lirtein liy pMltiliff, llir Hid iTiwinal irnprty so iilt.iclrd en.K de willed ns follows, to. wit 30 hunches of sipinn loout trrrnnlls IjS''"1'1)' 33 hunches of round loviiw trrrnnlU (i5cli), nml 1 Imiuh of Imwo Irerimils, nbiuit ia Ions ol 1-1us.l1. 1 1 .8-Inch nmli 1-4. Inch round iron toils, a c ties of sheet roper, nlMiut 150 pounds copper nails, nliout ifm pounds composition splLes, 13 Irt Iron spikes, 1 kei: clinch lines, 50 xuiids slieel lend, 4 10 five unllon enns oil, , cans copjx:r iMlnl, 1 can ilnc wlnt, nboul 30,(00 feet of lirftvy shlphiiildinK tlniliers ntut luiutxr, 3 3o"s9" keelsons, 3 18' 2 ' IIiuUts. 'I his summons Is imhlishcd in pursuance of nn older nude liy I. Ilnrlocker, ns County JwlKrof s.ild Coos county, Slate of Oregon, dated tlir 1 jth ilny of Mnrch, 1903, directing ihm service "thereof he made liy publication of thesmirln the Coast MAIL, pulilishcd nt Marslilield, Coos county, Oregon, once a week for n pci I oil of six tuccessivr u-eks, I S. Cokk, u., !:. 1 c. fa Kit 1, v, Attoinrsfor PlMlntilT. TIM1IKK LAND, ACT JUNK a, 1878. NOTION FOR lTllMCATION. United States Uind OlTicn, Kosetmrir, OreROn, .Ifaicli 15, 1903. Notice Is heiehy given that In compliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3. 1B78. entitled "An net for the sale of liuilxr lands in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevnda, nml Washingion Tenilnry," ns extend ed to nil the I'uhlic IjiiuI Stales by net of Au gust ., 1B93. HAI.TUASAR MKRZ, of t?lreland, eotiniy of Douglan. slntc of Ore goii, has this day filed in this oftku his sworn Hi lenient No, si 16. for the puichaso of the SVi'. of See, No. is In Township No, a6 S, Knnge No. to Vei, and will offer proof to show Hint the land bought Is more vnlunb'e for its timber or stone limn for ngnculiunil pur- noses, nml to establish Ills ii.iiui 10 will land lo fore the Ueglster and Keceher of this oflico nt Poselmrg, Oiegon, on Monday, Hie a6lh day of Juno, 1903, Me names ns witnesses; Clin ties Thoni, I'd ward lleydon, John 'I honi, of Cleveland, Ore gon, Charles Sehnnufer, of Jlasehurg, Oregon. Any nndiill pei-sons cl.ilininjr ndveiselv thu nhuve-dekcriU'd lands me reqiiited to file their claims In this oll'icu on or liefnru said s6th (lay of June, vjo3, ,T, Umlicus, KegUter. 45P mwrnturc of C&fiff&c&t; riMIJKIt 1MNI), ACT JUNK f, 187.H NOTrOKJ'pill'UIIMCATION. ' Unlled Suite Liml Oflice, Koseburir, Oregon. Jnntiary 37, 1903. Notice Is lietrhy given lint In compliance with the pioviilou ol ihenci of Congress of June j, --.., - ..,, ..,, ,ib (Ul IIIB Mill' VI 1MIIIVI Minis In Jlie.Hmie of Cnllfornl.i, Oregon, Ne- snd.1, nnd Wnshlngion Territory," Wn t.lASt I . Noin.l. of Mnrshfield, County of Coos, Slntc nf Ornifoii, has this ,Uy filed In llils ofTics his sworn Mnlcmriit No aoo, for the piutlmse of the NX of the NM of Sxmkwi No, 35, In Town- ship No. 33 South, Kangc No 13 West, mid III offer pioof 10 show that llic land sought Is lore v.ilu.ilile fur Its UiiiIkt or Mone, th in for ifrkulliirid imrpoiet, nml loosinhlh his claim 1 Mfil llnnd hefor'- llic Kegun-r and Iteu-iver of nls office nt Itoielltug, legon, on Snurd.iy, ir ich diy of April, 1903. Ilr tunics ns witnesses: (Jmrl, II. I lliiincs, Tmiik I!irf.n, K. II, Noble, ol lurslifield, Oiegon. Any and all persons chliiilng ndveisely the 'ion ileMnUil hinds me rcuuittcd1 to file their Minis In this office on or I eforc uid 19th 'da) ' April. 1903. J.'l. IlkliKiKi,, Register. IMIIKIt LAND. ACT JUNK a, 187H NOTJCK FOIt 1'UIILICATION i'nltcd .Stales bind Jfhce, Kosel.urg.Oregon. .Match 10, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance ilh llic proWtlonsof ihe net of Congress l une 3 1878, trunkal "An uit for the wlc ol inihcr lands In the Males ol California. Ore ;on, NrtAiJa, nne, Wdnhinjjtijn Terrlloiy," ns xlemlcil to nil thr PuIiIk, Und States by act 0. egmt.. iltos ' ClfAKI.KSSCHNAUrKK if HoulHirg, count! of Douglas, ue of Ore gori. has tin day hied In ihis olhcc Ms sworn trtltuienl No 3io.i. lor iheiiurclmse of the W H ! of M-.I-4 and Mil a ol NK1.4 the NK1.4 01 M:i.of hciion No. 13, lowiulnp No, a& ouih, Kiinge No. 10 West, mid will offer prool 10 show tint the Lind nought moic valuable lor 1 s inuher or stone than for ngriculittrnl pur- ixrtl. unit 10, I. ,lii. ,n ..i.l i..i iieforr ihr Keglitrr and Krcviverof this ofilcr nt o c-lHirs, Oregon, on Thund.iy, the 5th day of lime, I0-J3 I le nninrb nt ul(nct ImmI II I ... .t Cleveland, Oregon. ItWo O. (iolf. of Clover ...iivj, wieci.n, jouu inoin, rranK Mieruian ol ( l veland, Uirgon. ny nnu nil iM-rsons claiming adversely the nUive ilesc'lljrd lands nre rcoucsioi to fill their ilalms in this olfice on or Iwldrc s.dd jth diy ol une, 1903. J. T. IlKllKil,); Register. 3.15P SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in nnd for the County of Coos: A. O. Aiken, 1 Plaintiff, , vs. J. Action at I-iw to C. H.Ackertiisnn, Recover Money. Defendant. J ToC. II. Ackermann, the above named de fendant,; In the name of the State of Oregon You arc hereby notified that you me requlrrd tonppeir nnd answer the complaint filed ngainst )ou in the alovc entitled action in which A. G. Aiken Is pl.iir.lilf a ml C. H Ackermann is de fendant, within six weeks from the date of the lirst publication of this summons, to-wlt: with in six vvrc-ks from the 15th day of March, 1903, the same lelng ihe (lair ol the first publication of this summons, and II von fail so to appear and answer on or before the 36th day of April, loos, the same licing the List day of the time pri'ioilied in the order lor publication, Judg nient will Ik- taken ngainst vou for want there of for the tc-l cf demanded 111 the comnlalnt o' plaintiff herein, 11 succinct statement of which is as follows, to-wlt; for Judgment ngainst you lor the sum of JsOi.oS, lojelher with Inter est therein nt tle ratu of six per cent per an num from the isih day of Mnrch, 1003, nnd for plaintiff's costs and disbursements," in this action. You nre further notified that In this nction certain personal property belonging to you has been duly nti.ulieil un ii-r and by virtue of n writ of attachment duly Usual in this nction, ns security for the satisfaction of the judgment that nny be recovered herein by plaintiff, the said personal property so attached tielng des-crllK-dns lollows to-wu: 30 bunches of square locust ireeuails (35 cich), 33 lunches of round locust trrcnalls (45 each), and 1 bunch of loose treenails, about 33 tons of .-Inch, 1 i-8-lnch and 1 1 -j-incli round Iron rods, a cases of sheet copper, nlwut 130 twunds copper nails, ttbout 100 pounds composition spikes, 13 kegs lion spikes. 1 keg clinch tings, 50 pound sheet lead, 4 t-a five-gallon cms oil, 4 cms copper paint, 1 can zinc paint, nbout 30,000 feet of heavy shipbuilding timbers nnd lumber, 3 3o".J4 keelsons, 3 18 xsa' tlmbern. 1 Tlu summons is in pursuance o nn order mada by l Harloeker, ns County Judge of said Coos county, State of Oregon, t nted the 15U1 day of March, 1903, directing that service thereof Ix; made by publication of thr same in the Coast MAIL, published nt Mnrsl field, C 00s county, Oregon, once a week for a period of six successive weeks. . s. Cokk. Jk., Attorney for PlaJntift. DR. JORDAN'S qhcat Uri)k OF ANATOMY lBBlBIETlT.,iarKl!ClSC,Clt TSt Llri til Aiuioalctl Sliurun tb , -.... "1WII MV OAIKCNJ ' dl.rti.UI.lT,,4,yl1,0d, Oil. JORDAU-OISEASES OF MN tti.a k.. s-i- 11 ffOfflitioss-IUiUtmtorM.rcnry. M wwM.mmmm nira.i via ait !. aaa -,. ..,, iiKk SWSSS mtlcfl cm for Kll. sVUur ami -1. -, uj Uflt joru- ipccutpuu Comultltlon Iit and inUtly pitutt. Trutrarnl nr Idlllllw n t.t lllr A IUhMu i,m n . r m. Writ for Hoyk lUlL.ON01uv of . JQMOAN & CO., I OB I Mint ot, g. P. f violT fftsUS W 1 A uihIiii r Miun TIMKBU 1.ANIJ, ACT JUNK 3, 1878, N0T1CK TOJt J'UJUJCATION. United Stales Innd Office, Roschuto, Oregon, Mnreli 3, 1903, Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the nfct of Coni'rtss of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of Umber Units In the States of Cnllfornla, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Tcrriiofy'as extend ed to nil the Public Lind .States by act of Au gust 4, 1693, JOHN T. LOSC, of Roseburg, county of Douglas, state of Ore gon, has this day filed In this office his sworn st dement No. 3085, for the purchase of the IiH of SIC1.4 mid Slii.4 of NIir-4 and lot One (1) of section No, a, in Township No. a6 South, Rnngc No, 10 West nnd will offer proof to show that the land jwught Is more valuable for lis limber or stone than for ngrlcullural purposes, nnd to establish Ida claim to said Lind before Ihe Register nnd Receiver of this office nt Rose burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the a jth day of May, 1903, He mimes ns witnesses. K. II., John I'lioni of Clrvcland, Oregon. Roscne (. Goff of Coles Volley. D. C. ,1cWilli.ims of Rose burg, Oregon. Any nnd nil persons claiming adversely the alovc-described lands are requested to file their ctalius In this office on or Itcforc Mid 34th day of .Iay, 1903. J. T. l)i!llx.KS, Register. 3-8 TI.MI.KIt LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NUTICK KOU I'UULIOATION. United States Lind Office, Rc-eburg Oregon, February aist, toos Notice Ishcrcby given lhat In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress 01 I line 3, 1878, entitled An net for the sale ol Umber l.w.ds In the Sl.iUs of '.aliforma, Oregon Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as ex tended to alt the Public Lind Slates by act o Ai-gust., 1893. 1'171'KR NULSON of illy of Minneapolis, County if Hennepin Mate of Minn., has this day filed In this offlcr hs sworn statement No. 3060, lor the purchase ..fiheSM Nlijf; NW1.4 Mii-4 nnd NDi 4 !sVi-4 ol Section No. 14, Township 33 South ol Range 10 V W. M nnd will oiler proo to show that the land sought is more yalualili lor lis tlmU-r or stone than for agricultural pur Kes. and to establish his claim to said land br lore the Register and Receiver of Ihis office ai Roieburg, Oregon, on 'I ucsday, the aoth day uf.t fay 1803, He names ns witnesses: II. G. McLiskcv, 01 .lnncapolls, Minn , Mattin Haagcnson, Simon Klovduhl, ol liugeuc, Oregon, Charles Olson, of Cottage Grove, Oregon. Any and all jrtr-ons ckiiming adversely thi above-describc-d lands nre requested to file the! claims in this office on or bclore said 20th dav of May J903. J, P. ll!ltGi:s, Register. 3-1 p SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. in nnd for the County of Coos. A. Rideout. Plainer. T vs. " I Action at Liw o C H. Ackermann, f Recover Money. Defendant. I ToC. II. Ackermann, the above-named de fendant: III the namr of thr Stnlr nfrirnnn vn. .. hereby notified that )ou nre required to appeal and answer ihe complaint filed ngainst sou in the nbovc entitled nction in which A. Rideout I- DlaintlfTnnd C II. Aekrim.inn l rl.r.nHtm within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 8th day of March, 1903, thr sninr Ix-ini- the d.tlr nf tli Gm nnhluiinn i this summons, nnd if you fail so to appeal nnd nniwc-r 011 or ueiorc we 19m (lay 01 April, loos, Ihe same heme? llns bit Hjv nt tlm ilm- ... scribed In the order for publi ation, judgment will be taken against ou for want tlureof for me icuci uciiuinueu in inc complaint 01 piaintill herein, a succinct statement of hiih u n fni. lows, to-wit. for judgment ngainst you for the sum of $805 71, with Interest nt the rate of six ercent per annum on $33.50 fiom the 19th day ui ivi-cciiiucr, 1901, nnu iniercsi at Mia rate from the 371I1 day of November, 1901, on $1787. 55, less the Interest on Jtcoj 34, from Decembci 30th, 1501, nnd for plalntitls covts and tils huisements in this action. You are further notified that In this action certain personal picpertv belonging to vou has been duly nttiched, under nnd by virtue of 11 writ of attachment duly Issued in this acli n, ns security for the satisfaction of the judgment that nihy tie recovered herein by plaintiff, the said personal property so attached being d"cribed as follows, to-wu 30 bunches of square locust trenails (35 each), 3 bunches of round locust trenails (45 each), and 1 bunch of Icose trenails, about 33 tons of 1 inch, 1 1-8 inch and 1 1-4 liich round iron rnri n rac. rr cli.r rnnn.. about 130 lbs copper nails, about 100 lbs com- njuiuii a in vs. 3 Kegs null spikes, 1 Krgciincu rings, 50 lbs sheet lead. '1 his suinmont k nulilltlinl In n.irii-in nl nn order ni.irlr hv I. ll.irln.Lp ., iVn.1,1 Judge of said Coos County, Oiegon, dated the nil. .A.. nf I ...!. .11 .!.. !l - . in 11.11 vi t11.111.11, iyuj, uuctiiiig 111.11 service thereof tie made by publication of the same in the Coast Mail, nublithnl m M.irthfiM.i Cnn. 6'ountv. Orreon. once n week for n nrln.1 nf )i aucvvsaivi: vvcens. J.S.Coke. Jr. li. L C. Parkin. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICK FOlt PUHLIOATION Ucrurtmcnt of the Interior, Lind Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Match 15, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the follow inr. named settler has filed notice of his Intention to nuke final proof in support of his claim, and that said Proof will be 111 Vc before W. U Douglas U. S. Commissioner nt M irslifiekl, Oregon, on April s6, rooa, vz: ANDREW MAT! SON. on II. IS. No. 9158. fortheSEi-4 NW1.4, SJ-J NP.1-4 Sec. 16, SWi-4 NWi-4 See, 15, Tp at S., R 11 West. Hu names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Mild land, viz: Henry Michelbrink, lolm Hremer, Dan Mnttson, Mat Mattson, nil ol Mnrshfield, Oregon. 3-J3 J. T. Bmuges, Resisted TlytKIt LAND, ACT JUJfK 3, !Qt27 NOTICK J-OK l'UIJLI0ATI(3,N; M; United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. February io, 190s Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the provisions of IheactDfCongressof June 3. 1O7D, entitled "An net for thr. sale of thnlicf Fands in the SLMes of California, Oregon, Neva' da, nnd Washington Territory," ns cxiended to all Ihe Public Lind Statesbynct of August 4, iSoa,' CHARLKS II. I1RADIIURY, of town of lflrfthficld, County of l oos, Suite of, Orrgoii, has this diy filed in this office hW sworn statement So soil, for the purchase of thelitsa, HW ofNKf, WK of b2& cf See. No. a, Township 37 South, ol Range ri West, nnd will oiler proof to show that the land' sought is more valuable for lis timber or itonc than for agricultural purposes, and to esublisf;' his claim to .iid land before the Register and' Receiver of this olhcc at Roselnirg, Oregon, ot. Saturday, the 26th day of April, 1903. lie names ns witnesses: Thomas Coke, Otto Schettcr, Harry Noble, of Mnrshfield, Oregon, Will Hunter, of Rosiburg, Oregon - Any nnd nil pr'rsoiis 'claiming adversely the abovr-described lands are requcstci to file then" claims in this office on or before sild a6ih day of April, 1903. a 'S P ' J. T. Bridges, Register. riMllKlt LAND, ACT JUNK 3 18(8. NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION. United States Lind Office, Roscbug, Or-gon, ebruary 3, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of loogrcss cf lune 3. 1878, entitled "An net for the iAc of timber lands in the Stiles of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all ihe Public I and Sutjs by act of Au gust 4, 1893 . JOH.N EDWARD NOAH it Mnrshfield, County of Coos, Slate of Ore gon, has tins day filed In this office his sworn vtatemrnt No 3035 for the purchase of the iWjf of rte NE , NWtf of the SEtf and SK ofSEj; of Section 35. Township 34 South, Range it West Willamette Mi rldtan. In Ore gon nnd will offer proof to show that the land s-night I, more vuluiblj for Ps timber or. stone' ban for agricultural purpose and to establish his claim to said Innd before ttje" Register and1 Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oiegon. on' Monday the 14th drfy of April. 1903. He names ns witnesses: Wilham Vlncamp, Frank Vlncamu. S. W. Noah, L D. Noah, all uf Marshfield, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the nliove described lands are reque ted to file their claims In this office on or before salt 14th Jay of April, 1503. t J, T. Bridges, Register. NOTICK OF FINAL SKTTLEMKNT. Nodcr is hereby given that we the undersign--d Executor nnd Esectrix of the Kstatr of Marv" P. Butler, deceased, have filed our fipal account in the County Court of the State of 1 Oregon for the County of Coos and that Hon. L Har-' locker. Judge of said Court, has set Monday, ihe 71b dav of April, 1902, at the County ludge's office in the Court House at Coquillc lerestcd In said Estate nre hereby notified to ippearnt said lime nnd place and make such objections as they may have to said final account 11 any mere oe. Dated al Marshfield, Oregon, this 18th day. of Februr.ry, 1903. ToiiN W. Butleu Executor and Ella T. Butler Executrix' of the, 33-6t Estate of MAkV P. BOTLEK,accoasod, TIMBER LAND, ACT JVNE 3K 180,." NOTICE FOU TUBLICATION.. United Sutcs Land Office, Rqseburg, Oregoq, Feb. 31, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with, the provisions of the act of Congress of Uine j. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of Mimbe? lands In the States of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Lind Slates by act cf August 4. 1893. Hkriilkt Giddes, of jtarshfrcld, county of Coos, S-ntc of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No, ao8 tor the purchase of the N S.Wj'", SWjf SW U and NWf SE ofSecNo. 6. township S6. s)ulh, Range Na 11 West, nnd will olTer prok to show that thr t.inH tniiirhf ic mnr -.l..i.r. . its timber or sione lhan for agricultural pur-" puses, una 10 csiauuso ms ciaim to said Lind be fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Kosebur?. Ureeon. on WrdnnH.iv th. r.,V, -.u- ol May, 1903. lie names as witnesses: Ebcu Hodson, Jes sfe Smith. Robert Havtcr, Edvyard Dovle ot Marshfield, Oregon ' ' our unu mi penous claiming nuverseiy ihe, above-described lands nre requested to file their claims in this pflice on or before said 14th day. of May, 1903. 3-' P J. T. Bridges, Regnter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office, Roseburg, Oregon, Jar. 38, 1903, Notice is hen by given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for thn sale of timber amis in the States of California oregool Nc vada. nnd Washington Terntotyv" as extended, to all the Public Land States by ci of August i. 1893. FRANK W. S.WITH of town of Mar hfield, county of Coos, Stat of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his swom statemert N0..3157, for the pmcliit o die SWt-4, of Sec, No. 13, Tp 36 S, of R 11 UfSt. fnii Will ntTttr nmnftA trvAio ihnt ilid lKJ ,,., ...v,tw. UUi u iiwn isiut sic au 14 0,,. .. ...v, ,.,t .is.w tw ti tstissfvt vi nunc than for agrlculmral purposes, and tocstatilisU his claim to mM land before the Hegister and Receiver Oflhk nnir9 At Rnohliro Clr-arxn nn londay the 33 day of June, 1-503. 11. unci ii micici; -11n iureciu, o -""-"-"I Vl.hw( UMVJWUII, TSll7V b Curson, of North Bend, Oregon, KrnesV V, Smith, of Marshfield. Oregon. Anv nml nil mrtnn rl.ilmtnrv nHuNulo t.m. , ... ...... 1-.ivw- vi mvidvi tag above-described lands are requested to flip their claims in this office on or before said 93 day of June, 1903, '4-5-P ! T. Bridges, Register. cnjr, v.001 count, urrgon, ns tne lime nnjl. ol.icc of hearing said final account and the sc( dement thereof. Now therefore all nersons In "